Fake threads (was [Python-Dev] ActiveState & fork & Perl)

David Ascher da@ski.org
Wed, 7 Jul 1999 15:37:09 -0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)

> Threads can be very useful purely as a means for algorithm
> structuring, due to independent control flows. 

FWIW, I've been following the coroutine/continuation/generator bit with
'academic' interest -- the CS part of my brain likes to read about them.
Prompted by Tim's latest mention of Demo/threads/Generator.py, I looked at
it (again?) and *immediately* grokked it and realized how it'd fit into a
tool I'm writing.  Nothing to do with concurrency, I/O, etc -- just
compartmentalization of stateful iterative processes (details too baroque
to go over).  More relevantly, that tool would be useful on thread-less
Python's (well, when it reaches usefulness on threaded Pythons =).

Consider me pro-generator, and still agnostic on the co* things.
