[Python-Dev] zipfile.py

M.-A. Lemburg mal@lemburg.com
Sat, 18 Dec 1999 16:16:44 +0100

"James C. Ahlstrom" wrote:
> "M.-A. Lemburg" wrote:
> > Unfortunately, I always get the following traceback when trying
> > to print the directory:
> OK, I changed the decompress code (10:23 AM), please re-try.

Everything is fine now... it's really impressive how easy
you can manipulate ZIP files with it.

One thing I'd suugest is to include some way to delete and
update contents, e.g. the write() method should overwrite
any existing entry in the archive (if it not already does --
I haven't tested it, just read the code and it seems to raise
an exception), plus maybe a .remove() method which deletes
an entry.
> > with compression defaulting to 8 rather than 0 (most zip files
> > will be deflated since this is the ZIP default).
> The compress mode only applies to writing.  On read, the
> method recorded in the file controls.

True. How about making the compression argument mandatory
for file opened in 'wb' mode only ?

Marc-Andre Lemburg
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