[Python-Dev] Re: .DLL vs .PYD search order

James C. Ahlstrom jim@interet.com
Wed, 01 Dec 1999 16:26:37 -0500

Fredrik Lundh wrote:

> > you tried "import sys; print sys.path" on Windows?  It is junk.
> not on my machine.

On my Windows machine I get:

['', '.', 'N:/prd/winlease/vest', '.\\DLLs', '.\\lib',
  '.\\lib\\plat-win', '.\\lib\\lib-tk', 'f:\\bin']

PYTHONPATH is N:/prd/winlease/vest.
os.path.dirname(sys.executable) is F:/bin.
The others are junk.  What do you get?  Did
you change sys.path from the default?

> it would help if you stopped assuming that every-
> one have the same problems as you have.  we've
> distributed several python apps on windows, and
> frankly, I don't understand what you're talking
> about.

We distribute our app by freezing all *.py files
into a DLL, and we don't set PYTHONPATH on the
target machine.  The files are located with the
executable file and are found there.  This works
fine and we don't have a problem with it.

It would help me a lot if you could describe how you
distribute your app.  Do you set PYTHONPATH on the
target machine?
