[Python-cuba] [brython] Re: A-Frame and Brython

Olemis Lang olemis at gmail.com
Sun Oct 1 18:13:23 EDT 2017

On 9/30/17, Pierre Quentel <pierre.quentel at gmail.com> wrote:
> Le mardi 26 septembre 2017 02:53:12 UTC+2, Olemis Lang a écrit :
>> Hello everybody .
>> I'm forwarding a question I got . The sender has no internet access ,
>> that' s why .
>> Has anybody tried to write Brython wrappers for A-frame DOM API's so
>> as to program VR scenes with Python?
>> I know of the three.js demos , but I'm not aware of anything done
>> before regarding A-frame . Any pointers ?
> Salut Olemis !
> I didn't know about A-Frame but I tried to adapt one of the demos, it works
> like the original Javascript : http://brython.info/gallery/aframe/
> Very nice !

Awesome ! I'll take a look right away !

To put things in context , we want to have a talk about A-Frame in the
SciPyLA 2017 [1]_ conference we are organizing in Sancti Spiritus,
Cuba, from November 22nd to the 25th . The conference is about
applications of Python in science, there's where Brython comes to the
rescue .

The other possible use case we are exploring is for building apps for
wearable devices. Maybe we can schedule a sprint for wearable and
mobile apps powered by Brython . I'm trying to see if we can secure a
few devices for that ... still work in progress

Besides , for the same conference I am preparing a hands-on lab about
MicroPython (CircuitPython , to be more precise ;) and, now that I
know this is possible , I will add one exercise consisting in building
a (Python-powered) device that interacts with the VR scene rendered
with A-frame .

Isn't that fun ! \o/
Look forward to meet with some of you, specially in sprints fourth day
of the conference

Merci beaucoup Pierre !

.. [1] http://scipyla.org/conf/2017


Olemis - @olemislc

Apache™ Bloodhound contributor

Brython committer

SciPy Latin America - Cuban Ambassador
Chairman of SciPy LA 2017 - http://scipyla.org/conf/2017

Blog ES: http://simelo-es.blogspot.com/
Blog EN: http://simelo-en.blogspot.com/

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