[python-crypto] Ciphers in SSL Library

Kacy Night djnight538 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 15 06:37:13 EDT 2017

OS: Windows 7 Home Basic
Python: ver. 3.6.0

Hey, I need to use SSLv3 with RC4-SHA (0x05) (Yes I know those are
unsecured) but my client is using it and I'm writing a server from scratch
in Python. My problem is following, when I try to select cipher
<cipher='RC4-SHA'> it doesn't raise any error, but when client tries to
connect with it the handshake fails because server raises error = No Shared
Cipher and when I skipped handshake and used at client <cipher()> it said
that server had none, but I've selected the RC4-SHA cipher. I've tried to
modify the SSL library but it didn't change anything. I'm searching for
help with this problem for more than a week. Any help will be appreciated

PS. I'm not able to change clients Protocol or Cipher to different.

Kacper Z.
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