[PYTHON-CRYPTO] Near-term projects for pycrypto

Andrew Kuchling akuchlin at mems-exchange.org
Wed Nov 21 21:39:39 CET 2001

On Wed, Nov 21, 2001 at 05:52:38PM -0000, Paul Rubin wrote:
>3) Supporting the OpenSSL stuff is IMO only worthwhile if the intention
>is to support actual SSL.

That's a good question; should we concentrate on wrapping OpenSSL or
some other library?  If we wrap OpenSSL, , for example, then the
mxCrypto code can be used.  Advantages of using a library are:

* No need to implement the algorithms.
* Someone else can write platform-specific assembly for better performance.


* the library is one more thing to install.
* the modules may get more complicated in order to present a consistent
  interface (if the underlying library doesn't support a feedback mode we
  do, for example).


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