[PYTHON-CRYPTO] Near-term projects for pycrypto

Rich Salz rsalz at ZOLERA.COM
Tue Nov 20 03:27:21 CET 2001

My reactions:  break compatibility, call it 2.0, and for now drop MD5
and SHA.  Later, add a SHA wrapper if there's a significant API style
emerging.  (MD5 is to be avoided.) I totally agree that we should avoid
tricky code for efficiency; let's get it clean and right first and then
speed it up if that's necessary.  We can play games like sharing string
buffers as the first efficiency trick.

All your other ideas are a straight "+1", except keep IDEA for PGP

I'd like to be able to build the Python interfaces on top of SWIG'd
openssl, but I wouldn't hold anything up because of that.
Zolera Systems, Securing web services (XML, SOAP, Signatures,

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