[PYTHON-CRYPTO] Needed: public CVS repository for amkCrypto

Andrew Archibald aarchiba at YAHOO.COM
Mon Apr 2 20:41:51 CEST 2001

On Mon, Apr 02, 2001 at 01:24:25AM -0700, Gregory P. Smith wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 28, 2001 at 04:00:51PM -0500, Andrew Kuchling wrote:
> > I've noted the recent threads about bugs in amkCrypto, and feel bad
> > about not being able to spend time issuing a new release to fix them
> > (lack of time, and partially lack of interest).  An obvious solution
> > would be to set up a publicly accessible CVS tree somewhere, but
> > where?  SourceForge is obviously available, but it's inside the US; is
> > there a SourceForge-like site available in Europe?
> Just go with sourceforge, the US crypto laws are reasonable these days.

So, this seems to be the common wisdom.  But it's not clear to me that the
laws really are OK.  As I understand it, the laws haven't changed, but the
policy has, and it could change back at any moment.

In any case, you should send some mail to exports at crypto.com to announce
the availability of your source code.

Who gets in trouble?  If you're not an American citizen, it seems like it
should be SourceForge, in which case they're already at risk.

It would be good to have an international place to put amkCrypto.


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