[python-committers] Promote Mark Sapiro and Abhilash Raj as core developers

Antoine Pitrou antoine at python.org
Mon May 13 05:38:33 EDT 2019

Le 13/05/2019 à 10:14, Victor Stinner a écrit :
> I would prefer to first see them more involved upstream, before
> starting to discuss promoting them. They are other contributors who
> are way more active than them.
> In the meanwhile, they don't have to be core devs to help to maintain
> the email module, no?
> I'm not sure about giving the core dev status as a recognizition for
> their work on a different project. It sounds unfair to contributors
> who are working on Python but are not core dev. There are other ways
> to recognize valuable persons in the Python community, like the PSF
> Community Awards and PSF Fellows.

I'll also point out that giving core dev status to people who are active
on different projects but not CPython didn't lead to any significant
results in the past (I'm thinking about e.g. the Twisted core devs).

This is not a criticism about particular people, simply a reflection on
our own practice.  We should recognize that we don't attract active
contributors by giving them status upfront.



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