[python-committers] A plea to stop last-minute changes to governance PEPs

Paul Moore p.f.moore at gmail.com
Mon Nov 19 11:38:36 EST 2018

On Mon, 19 Nov 2018 at 16:32, Steve Dower <steve.dower at python.org> wrote:
> FWIW, I'm thinking about withdrawing it because PEP 8016 captures my
> highest priorities (specifically, core developers don't have a monopoly
> on decision-making skills, and don't apply unnecessary constraints on
> whoever leads in this PEP). The rest of my proposal is just enough
> detail to be functional, but I'm not really wedded to it, so if there's
> an alternative that mirrors the core values then I'll tell people to go
> vote for that instead of mine.

Interesting. I considered the distinguishing feature of your proposal
to be that it explicitly *excludes* core devs from the council (to the
extent that you call out that feature as what distinguishes it from
8011). I wasn't keen on that, so I never really got much beyond that
aspect of your proposal to be honest - so it's weird to me that you
don't think it's particularly significant.

But thanks for the clarification.

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