[python-committers] Timeline to vote for a governance PEP

Paul Moore p.f.moore at gmail.com
Sun Nov 4 06:38:53 EST 2018

On Sun, 4 Nov 2018 at 00:21, Steven D'Aprano <steve at pearwood.info> wrote:
> But let's be fair to those who have put in the effort to make this work
> so far. "Disenfranchisement" is not even close to a fair criticism.

Frankly, I'm tired of being picked up on specifics of the wording I
used. I felt that "disenfranchised" described how I feel pretty well.
If you're saying that my understanding of the word is inaccurate, then
fine, I'm happy you know better than me. But I explained my problem in
more detail as well as stating the summary version - I can't find
context or discussions, I don't have the time to become an expert in
all the details[1] but conversely I can't find out what those who
*have* investigated the details think, etc etc.

It's an important decision, and one I care about, but not one that
will massively affect my daily routine, so I want to be involved, but
I don't have the means to do so to a level that matches its direct
impact on me.

If "disenfranchised" isn't the right word for that, then fine, pick
your own word and assume I used it. Or assume I just gave the longer
explanation and didn't bother trying to offer a one word summary of
how I feel.

I've explained my concern, I'm not going to debate whether my
vocabulary is sufficient to summarise my intent accurately any

[1]  My problem! But a common situation in any voting process - do you
expect to understand all the details of international policy before
voting in an election?

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