[python-committers] cherry picking, miss islington, and generated files

Mariatta Wijaya mariatta.wijaya at gmail.com
Tue Feb 6 15:30:12 EST 2018

I compared the output from the auto backport PR, and Barry's PR where he
regenerated the files:

Basically comparing the two results from [1] (miss-islington) and [2]

[1] https://api.github.com/repos/python/cpython/pulls/5503/files
[2] https://api.github.com/repos/python/cpython/pulls/5498/files

All these values are identical: "sha", "filename", "status", "additions",
"deletions", "changes", "patch"

The differences are in "blob_url", "raw_url", and "contents_url" but those
are expected to be different for each PR.

So, maybe we trust the CI a little bit more now when it comes to checking
if regenerated files are needed :)

Mariatta Wijaya
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