[python-committers] OK to back-fill "awaiting" labels on open issues?

Terry Reedy tjreedy at udel.edu
Fri Oct 6 18:50:00 EDT 2017

On 10/6/2017 5:29 PM, Brett Cannon wrote:
> I noticed today that out of about 19 pages of issues, only the first 5 
> have "awaiting" labels. Would people object if I back-filled those open 
> issues lacking an "awaiting" label? For those that have a "changes 
> requested" review a comment that said roughly "we noticed there's a 
> review asking for changes; if you already did that then let us know by 
> saying 'I didn't expect the Spanish Inquisition' and we will update this 
> pull request accordingly" (the other stages don't have potential 
> false-positives).
> The reason I'm asking before coding this up and running it is there will 
> be some churn in notifications for those issues that get a comment about 
> "awaiting changes".

Could you do, for instance, a page a day, so people are less likely to 
be overwhelmed by (and ignore) a big batch?

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