[python-committers] Github reviews are cannibalizing BPO

M.-A. Lemburg mal at egenix.com
Tue May 2 15:09:33 EDT 2017

On 02.05.2017 20:44, Donald Stufft wrote:
> I suspect part of it may simply be that mucking around with b.p.o is far less streamlined then GitHub issues or PRs. One thing we might want to look at is making it possible to login with GitHub to b.p.o, as that is one possible hurdle for someone to cross when looking at making a comment on a PR/issue.
> The flip side of that is even prior to using GitHub it wasn’t like all of the discussion was happening on b.p.o either, some of it happened in Reitveld (though less of it than is happening on GitHub because using Reitveld is/was more frustrating than a GitHub comment) and a lot of it happened in random back channels between individuals.

I don't think that's a good characterization of what we used
to have. We had discussions on bpo and when we felt that things
were of a more general nature, we actively moved those discussions
to the MLs.

This resulted in a healthy approach to OSS software development,
since we had many different people take part in those discussions.

We're losing this if we move away from bpo and towards having
PR discussions. Github's notification system is simply not
geared up for the high volume Python generates.

This doesn't have much to do with UX/UI. It's mainly a questions
of culture. Github is more geared up for a culture of quick chat
style comments, whereas bpo has traditionally seen a more elaborate
in-depth discussions style.

Personally, I prefer the latter, since chats are great for getting
quick feedback or notifications, but much less so for discussions
that go into more detail.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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