[python-committers] Github reviews are cannibalizing BPO

M.-A. Lemburg mal at egenix.com
Tue May 2 03:34:10 EDT 2017

On 02.05.2017 00:32, Christian Heimes wrote:
> This brings me to my questions
> 1) Should we try to move discussion back to BPO or are we fine with
> having major decisions just in Github PRs?

We've had that discussion before: discussions always should
happen on BPO, not Github PRs. PRs are just for code review,
nothing more.

AFAIK, there's no good way to enforce this except core devs
pointing people to BPO instead of commenting on PRs.

> 2) How can we retain enough information on BPO to keep it useful as
> research database for past decisions?

See above.

> 3) How can we keep module maintainers and experts in the loop? For
> example I don't have the resources to read all Github PRs, but I still
> like to keep an eye on the ssl and hashlib module.

See above :-)

I have muted all Github notifications since it became impossible
to follow them.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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