[python-committers] Revert changes which break too many buildbots

Serhiy Storchaka storchaka at gmail.com
Wed Jun 14 12:38:32 EDT 2017

2017-06-14 17:40 GMT+03:00 Victor Stinner <victor.stinner at gmail.com>:
> So I would like to set a new rule: if I'm unable to fix buildbots
> failures caused by a recent change quickly (say, in less than 2
> hours), I propose to revert the change.
> It doesn't mean that the commit is bad and must not be merged ever.
> No. It would just mean that we need time to work on fixing the issue,
> and it shouldn't impact other pending changes, to keep a sane master
> branch.
> What do you think? Would you be ok with such rule?

I think we first should make buildbots notifying the author of a
commit that broke tests or building, so his can either quickly fix the
failure or revert his commit.

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