[python-committers] Please don't commit to 3.2 branch anymore

Georg Brandl g.brandl at gmx.net
Sun Mar 31 18:42:59 CEST 2013

On 03/31/2013 06:27 PM, Vinay Sajip wrote:
> Georg Brandl <g.brandl <at> gmx.net> writes:
>> with 3.2.4 being the last regular 3.2 maintenance release and the rc out
>> of the door, the 3.2 branch should only be committed to for security
>> releases.  So please don't commit anything there anymore.  To help everyone
>> remember, I've configured the push hook to reject changesets to the 3.2
>> branch.
> I recently committed some changes to the logging cookbook, and as per your wishes
> only applied them to 3.3 and default, even though they would be applicable to 3.2
> as well. Is the position on documentation updates the same as for code? Should
> it be?

Yes, and it should be. We can't maintain old releases indefinitely, having 3
active branches is quite enough.

Updates to the 3.2 docs wouldn't be released in any form anyway.  As you might
have noticed, the online 3.2 docs aren't updated daily, but only on releases
(i.e. the 3.2.4 update will be the last).


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