[python-committers] [Infrastructure] [Pydotorg] XSS security issue

R. David Murray rdmurray at bitdance.com
Mon Jul 15 14:08:54 CEST 2013

On Mon, 15 Jul 2013 11:09:08 +0300, Michael Foord <michael at voidspace.org.uk> wrote:
> On 15 Jul 2013, at 11:05, "M.-A. Lemburg" <mal at python.org> wrote:
> > Who would be the one to contact for issues like these ?
> > 
> > The case is rather urgent, since the XSS can be used for stealing
> > session cookies on *.python.org.
> > 
> > The sorting by password issue is a more obscure one. Just removing
> > the "feature" to sort by password should be enough to solve it.
> Technically it's an infrastructure issue (cc'd), but fixing the code of roundup is hardly their domain.
> Ezio Melotti (cc'd) did a lot of work on the Python installation of roundup, so he may have a better idea.
> We have a security mailing list but that is mainly intended for security issues in the language:
> 	security at python.org <security at python.org>

The OP also emailed security (which I heard about via IRC, I'm not
on that list).

Ezio is a Roundup developer, so he is indeed the best person to look
at the XSS issue, since it is a Roundup problem and not specific to
the Tracker.  I can take a look too but he is more knowledgeable
than I about roundup itself.

There is another problem which is specific to our tracker and which is the
bigger issue right at the moment.  We have a 'nobody' user with a blank
password and Developer privileges.

I'm about to go out, so I don't want to make a change that might break
something right this moment, but anyone with the Coordinator role
could take this on if they want to do it right now:  remove either the
Developer role, or both roles, from that user and see what happens.
I suspect that user should not exist at all, but I don't know for sure.


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