[python-committers] Contributor agreements for Montreal packaging sprinters

Pat Campbell patcam at python.org
Tue May 22 13:37:38 CEST 2012

Hi Eric:

Thank-you for submitting the contributor agreement forms below:

Is it possible to have each contributor create a profile on the online
tracker (in order for me to give them credit for providing a signed form
to the PSF).

I can hold their contributor agreement forms (below) until a profile is
created. However, I should be able to process Julien Courteau's form,
since, he has a tracker account.

And, I will check into Mathieu Leduc-Hamel, however, if his ID does not
match and he is unable to access his account, then he may want to
create a new one.


On Mon, May 21, 2012 at 2:19 PM, Éric Araujo <merwok at netwok.org> wrote:

> Dear Pam,
> Please find attached contributor agreements from the recent packaging
> sprinters, including the one that was sent to you but not received.
> Only one of them has a tracker account yet: Julien Courteau,
> http://bugs.python.org/user15969.
> On a related note, Mathieu Leduc-Hamel should have sent a contributor
> agreement two years ago but his profile (can’t find the ID, the name is
> mlhamel) does not reflect that.  Please tell him or me if the agreement
> can’t be found and a new one is needed.
> FYI I used the PDF-Shuffler program to split the scan file into
> individual PDFs; it comes in handy!
> Thanks and best regards

Pat Campbell
PSF Administrator/Secretary
patcam at python.org
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