[python-committers] EuroPython 2012 Language Summit Is In JEOPARDY *gasp*

Antoine Pitrou solipsis at pitrou.net
Wed Jul 4 18:51:41 CEST 2012

Le mercredi 04 juillet 2012 à 18:46 +0200, Larry Hastings a écrit :
> Also, honestly I have next-to-nothing on the docket.  At this point
> we've just hit feature freeze for Python 3.3--or at least that's what
> people tell me. In general, anyone who wanted to get a language change
> in have already either just succeeded or just failed.

Then just make it a stdlib summit and discuss post-3.3 improvements?

> Please send all these emails directly to me, *off-list*, tonight or
> Thursday.

Come on, Larry, we're a community, not a secret society :-)
(ok, I'm cc'ing you just to be nice)

> p.s. I'm assured the room we'd have for the Language Summit has
> excellent air conditioning.

Bad memories of last year's meeting?



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