[python-committers] Anatoly Techtonik's contribution

Brian Curtin brian at python.org
Wed Dec 26 03:20:14 CET 2012

On Tue, Dec 25, 2012 at 4:56 PM, Łukasz Langa <lukasz at langa.pl> wrote:
> Dnia 25 gru 2012 o godz. 13:37 Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at gmail.com> napisał(a):
>> I'm well and truly to the point of caring far more about the feelings
>> of people who get frustrated trying to deal with his obtuseness
>> (whether that arises deliberately or through genuine cluelessness)
>> than I care about his feelings. He has the entire internet to play on,
>> we don't have to allow him access to python.org controlled resources.
> +1
> I opened this thread so I feel somewhat responsible to carry this out to finish. Give me a day or two to contemplate on how to achieve the following:
> 1. Communicate what happened clearly and openly to our community.
> 2. Communicate to Anatoly the decision to cut him off.
> 3. Arrange for feasible technological ways to execute the ban on python.org resources, preparing also for vengeful action (which given the history is unfortunately likely).
> 4. Prepare for rectifying unjust PR by the banned person, etc.
> I'm seriously considering writing all this as a PEP (most likely without any personal details). I hope this won't be useful in the future but it might help having this gathered as written policy, if only for transparency reasons.
> What do you think?
> I feel very bad that it has come to this but I strongly believe this is necessary to protect us as a community.

I think #2 is going to be hard to safely write if you intend to send
it to python-dev addressed to Anatoly (which I got from #1). The
shorter the better is my tip. I'm available to review/bikeshed about
this email if you intend to write it. Also, please only post this to
one list, preferably -dev and not -ideas.

#3 can be handled pretty swiftly since the appropriate people are all
involved in this conversation.

On #4, whatever you do, please don't get involved in some
back-and-forth post war and don't go around Reddit trying to further
justify anything. If people talk, and they will, let them.

Please don't write this up in a PEP. We're getting flak from all
directions for code of conduct things on the PyCon/PSF side of things,
and that's along the lines of what this would be. I actually do have
some ideas in that area, but that's for another list and another time.
This should just be an email.

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