[python-committers] Merge cleanup reminder

Éric Araujo merwok at netwok.org
Sun May 29 18:38:25 CEST 2011


Le 29/05/2011 12:00, Ned Deily a écrit :
> Just a reminder and an FYI: the repo was left yesterday with an unmerged 
> change leaving the 3.2 branch open.  When you're finished pushing 
> changes, it's always a good head idea to do an "hg branches" and make 
> sure that only the default (py3k) and 2.7 branches are open:

These nifty options will help you see only the relevant heads:

$ hg heads --topo  # will show e.g. an unmerged 3.1 head in the 3.2 repo
$ hg heads .       # shows only heads on this named branch


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