[python-committers] rc2 freeze due in two days

Victor Stinner victor.stinner at haypocalc.com
Fri Jan 28 21:27:06 CET 2011


Le vendredi 28 janvier 2011 à 12:06 +0100, Georg Brandl a écrit :
> this is just a heads-up that I'll be freezing py3k for the rc2 release
> in a bit less than 48 hours -- Sunday morning in CET.
> Please get all changes that you already know are necessary reviewed and
> committed *before* that: the goal is zero commits between rc2 and final
> (although I know it's unlikely to be reached) -- or rather the necessity
> of an rc3 depends on how stable rc2 proves to be.

What about the mailbox module? R. David Murray, Antoine Pitrou, I (and
others) worked on a patch to fix this module (which is "partially
broken" in Python 3).


It's an huge patch, and it's already the 3rd version. Is it too late for
such change?


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