[python-committers] do we still believe explicit relative imports are bad as PEP 8 claims?

Antoine Pitrou solipsis at pitrou.net
Fri Feb 18 21:59:27 CET 2011

Le vendredi 18 février 2011 à 12:36 -0800, Brett Cannon a écrit :
> It says they are "highly discouraged" because "absolute imports are
> more portable and usually more readable", but now that people have had
> a chance to use explicit relative imports, do people still believe
> this? I mean if we truly believed this then why did we add the syntax?
> I know I have used it and love it, let alone that I don't buy the
> portability argument.

I personally find it confusing and unreadable, and I much prefer when I
don't have to decipher it (especially non-trivial variants such as
"from ..foo import bar").

Just my 2 cents


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