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Georg Brandl g.brandl at gmx.net
Fri Feb 4 17:14:24 CET 2011

Am 04.02.2011 17:03, schrieb Barry Warsaw:

>>> The worse possibility is that fixes may be applied to maintenance
>>> branches and not to the main line of development, leading to
>>> regressions after upgrades (since the associated tests wouldn't be
>>> forward ported either).
>>That is not going to happen, because the mercurial merging between
>>maintenance and development. This is the up-porting side, and merging
>>should be automatic, you don't need to track anything, it is
>>automagically done by mercurial.
> Given that this workflow is a social one, encouraged but not imposed by the
> technology, how will we respond when things are done The Wrong Way?  What are
> the effects if someone forgets and commits a patch to trunk first?  Have we
> hosed the branches or is it just a PITA to recover?

The patch will be committed to maintenance separately and thus occur twice
in the changeset history.

At the next merging of maintenance into trunk, Mercurial will notice that both
changesets have in the same result and it's fine.  If the maintenance commit is
different to the trunk commit, there will be a merge conflict to be resolved
by ignoring the changes from maintenance.


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