[python-committers] branches and merging

Steve Holden steve at holdenweb.com
Tue Mar 2 17:12:24 CET 2010

Antoine Pitrou wrote:
> Le Tue, 02 Mar 2010 10:29:13 -0500,
> Steve Holden <steve at holdenweb.com> a écrit :
>> IMHO we got in this mess because we didn't have sufficient involvement
>> from Windows platform users during the DVCS evaluation - people saw
>> that there was some accommodation to Windows, and assumed it would be
>> sufficient for our purposes. It wasn't, and a year later we are only
>> just approaching a solution.
> It's still unclear that it's not sufficient, though. To me it seems
> more like a case of striving for perfection while the current situation
> should be good enough. In other words, I'm not willing to spend any of
> my time on what looks to me like a non-issue.
And does it look like a non-issue because you are familiar with the
Windows environment or because your imagination can't conceive of why it
would be a real problem? Does going ahead make development more
difficult for the Windows platform? I'm not fully familiar with the
issues, but if they were significant enough to persuade Brett that Hg
shouldn't go ahead I have to believe they are potential show-stoppers.

I'd rather *know* it was a non-issue than *assume* (as Windows
developers did when Hg was mooted) it was a non-issue and then find out
that it's real.

Ultimately it's up to the core development team. From the outside I see
support for a major platform becoming tenuous, and that concerns me.
Where's Tim Peters when you need him?

Steve Holden           +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
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