[python-committers] Survey about DVCSs compared to svn

Georg Brandl g.brandl at gmx.net
Fri Feb 27 20:56:37 CET 2009

M.-A. Lemburg schrieb:

> IMHO, those are all feel-good factors which can easily be had by
> installing a local Subversion repo copy (sync'ed using svnsync (*)),
> except perhaps regarding merging - but I don't know anything about
> in what way the DVCSes are better than Subversion.
> (*) This provides fast reads. Writes will still have to to the
> main repo site. See
> http://subversion.tigris.org/svn_1.5_releasenotes.html#webdav-proxy

So for merging we use svnmerge, for having a local repo we use svnsync.
If we continue that way, perhaps there is a svnlocalcommit for on-the-fly
committing, and so on.

But once you have to install, learn and maintain Subversion plus a handful
of tools, just to get the same level of convenience you get for free with
a DVCS, you can't tell me the former is easier than the latter.


Thus spake the Lord: Thou shalt indent with four spaces. No more, no less.
Four shall be the number of spaces thou shalt indent, and the number of thy
indenting shall be four. Eight shalt thou not indent, nor either indent thou
two, excepting that thou then proceed to four. Tabs are right out.

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