[python-committers] Survey about DVCSs compared to svn

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Thu Feb 26 17:55:02 CET 2009

Hash: SHA1

On Feb 26, 2009, at 10:10 AM, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:

> On 2009-02-26 15:50, Antoine Pitrou wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm no trying to advocate switching to a DVCS, but really:
>>> I think that's a much better approach and one that reduces the
>>> load on the python.org repo sys-admins.
>> How does having 4 more-or-less supported VCSes, rather than 1,  
>> lighten
>> the load on the sysadmins? Even though the DVCSes are theoretically
>> handled by separate people, they have needs which must be fulfilled  
>> by
>> the sysadmins (e.g. for Mercurial, mod_wsgi had to be installed for  
>> the
>> Web front-end; and we see how much cooperation Bazaar support seems  
>> to
>> require from the sysadmins).
> I didn't know that and was under the impression that those other
> systems simply hook up to the svn repo via the standard Subversion
> interfaces.

Well, for Bazaar, there's a plugin that speaks svn.  I really don't  
think there's much ongoing maintenance other than setting up a cronjob  
to sync the mirror to the svn master every minute or so.  From then  
on, it should just work.  Most of the churn in the bzr branches hosted  
on code.python.org is because it was an experiment we hacked together  
at Pycon, so I'm mostly trying to consolidate, update and bring parts  
of that in house.

> I don't understand that comment. Of course, you can commit whatever
> changes you make to the branch. It's not done locally and then  
> forwarded,
> but that's not really a technical disadvantage, it's merely a  
> different
> way to work.

It is when you're on an 18 hour train ride and not on the net.


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