[python-committers] bug in svnmerge w.r.t. new files

Georg Brandl g.brandl at gmx.net
Fri Apr 10 09:08:29 CEST 2009

I just wanted to merge a series of commits to py3k where the first
added a new file, and the others changed it.  Output was:

property 'svnmerge-integrated' deleted from '.'.

property 'svnmerge-blocked' deleted from '.'.

--- Merging r71409 into '.':
A    Doc/tools/sphinxext/static/basic.css

svnmerge: command execution failed (exit code: 1)
svn --non-interactive propdel "svnmerge-integrated" "."
svn: Attempting to delete nonexistent property 'svnmerge-integrated'

As the error message indicates, the svnmerge properties are *deleted*
in this case.  Committing will delete them in the repo as well.
Doing an "svn revert -R .", deleting the added file(s) and starting
over, going through the revisions one by one, seems to work.


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