[Python-checkins] gh-104780: Remove 2to3 program and lib2to3 module (#104781)

vstinner webhook-mailer at python.org
Tue May 23 13:40:11 EDT 2023

commit: ae00b810d1d3ad7f1f7e226b02ece37c986330e7
branch: main
author: Victor Stinner <vstinner at python.org>
committer: vstinner <vstinner at python.org>
date: 2023-05-23T19:40:02+02:00

gh-104780: Remove 2to3 program and lib2to3 module (#104781)

* Remove the Tools/scripts/2to3 script.
* Remove the Lib/test/test_lib2to3/ directory.
* Doc/tools/extensions/pyspecific.py: remove the "2to3fixer" object
* Makefile and PC/layout/main.py no longer compile lib2to3 grammar
* Update Makefile for 2to3 removal.

A Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/2023-05-23-03-36-47.gh-issue-104780.P4e3Yf.rst
D Doc/library/2to3.rst
D Lib/lib2to3/Grammar.txt
D Lib/lib2to3/PatternGrammar.txt
D Lib/lib2to3/__init__.py
D Lib/lib2to3/__main__.py
D Lib/lib2to3/btm_matcher.py
D Lib/lib2to3/btm_utils.py
D Lib/lib2to3/fixer_base.py
D Lib/lib2to3/fixer_util.py
D Lib/lib2to3/fixes/__init__.py
D Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_apply.py
D Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_asserts.py
D Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_basestring.py
D Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_buffer.py
D Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_dict.py
D Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_except.py
D Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_exec.py
D Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_execfile.py
D Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_exitfunc.py
D Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_filter.py
D Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_funcattrs.py
D Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_future.py
D Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_getcwdu.py
D Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_has_key.py
D Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_idioms.py
D Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_import.py
D Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_imports.py
D Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_imports2.py
D Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_input.py
D Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_intern.py
D Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_isinstance.py
D Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_itertools.py
D Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_itertools_imports.py
D Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_long.py
D Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_map.py
D Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_metaclass.py
D Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_methodattrs.py
D Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_ne.py
D Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_next.py
D Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_nonzero.py
D Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_numliterals.py
D Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_operator.py
D Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_paren.py
D Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_print.py
D Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_raise.py
D Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_raw_input.py
D Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_reduce.py
D Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_reload.py
D Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_renames.py
D Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_repr.py
D Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_set_literal.py
D Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_standarderror.py
D Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_sys_exc.py
D Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_throw.py
D Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_tuple_params.py
D Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_types.py
D Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_unicode.py
D Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_urllib.py
D Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_ws_comma.py
D Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_xrange.py
D Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_xreadlines.py
D Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_zip.py
D Lib/lib2to3/main.py
D Lib/lib2to3/patcomp.py
D Lib/lib2to3/pgen2/__init__.py
D Lib/lib2to3/pgen2/conv.py
D Lib/lib2to3/pgen2/driver.py
D Lib/lib2to3/pgen2/grammar.py
D Lib/lib2to3/pgen2/literals.py
D Lib/lib2to3/pgen2/parse.py
D Lib/lib2to3/pgen2/pgen.py
D Lib/lib2to3/pgen2/token.py
D Lib/lib2to3/pgen2/tokenize.py
D Lib/lib2to3/pygram.py
D Lib/lib2to3/pytree.py
D Lib/lib2to3/refactor.py
D Lib/test/test_lib2to3/__init__.py
D Lib/test/test_lib2to3/__main__.py
D Lib/test/test_lib2to3/data/README
D Lib/test/test_lib2to3/data/bom.py
D Lib/test/test_lib2to3/data/crlf.py
D Lib/test/test_lib2to3/data/different_encoding.py
D Lib/test/test_lib2to3/data/false_encoding.py
D Lib/test/test_lib2to3/data/fixers/bad_order.py
D Lib/test/test_lib2to3/data/fixers/myfixes/__init__.py
D Lib/test/test_lib2to3/data/fixers/myfixes/fix_explicit.py
D Lib/test/test_lib2to3/data/fixers/myfixes/fix_first.py
D Lib/test/test_lib2to3/data/fixers/myfixes/fix_last.py
D Lib/test/test_lib2to3/data/fixers/myfixes/fix_parrot.py
D Lib/test/test_lib2to3/data/fixers/myfixes/fix_preorder.py
D Lib/test/test_lib2to3/data/fixers/no_fixer_cls.py
D Lib/test/test_lib2to3/data/fixers/parrot_example.py
D Lib/test/test_lib2to3/data/infinite_recursion.py
D Lib/test/test_lib2to3/data/py2_test_grammar.py
D Lib/test/test_lib2to3/data/py3_test_grammar.py
D Lib/test/test_lib2to3/pytree_idempotency.py
D Lib/test/test_lib2to3/support.py
D Lib/test/test_lib2to3/test_all_fixers.py
D Lib/test/test_lib2to3/test_fixers.py
D Lib/test/test_lib2to3/test_main.py
D Lib/test/test_lib2to3/test_parser.py
D Lib/test/test_lib2to3/test_pytree.py
D Lib/test/test_lib2to3/test_refactor.py
D Lib/test/test_lib2to3/test_util.py
D Tools/scripts/2to3
M .gitignore
M Doc/glossary.rst
M Doc/library/development.rst
M Doc/tools/.nitignore
M Doc/tools/extensions/pyspecific.py
M Doc/whatsnew/3.0.rst
M Doc/whatsnew/3.11.rst
M Doc/whatsnew/3.13.rst
M Doc/whatsnew/3.9.rst
M Lib/test/test_tools/test_sundry.py
M Mac/BuildScript/scripts/postflight.framework
M Mac/Makefile.in
M Makefile.pre.in
M Misc/NEWS.d/3.11.0a1.rst
M Misc/NEWS.d/3.8.0a1.rst
M Misc/NEWS.d/3.9.0a3.rst
M Misc/NEWS.d/3.9.0a6.rst
M PC/layout/main.py
M PC/layout/support/props.py
M PC/layout/support/python.props
M Python/stdlib_module_names.h
M Tools/msi/bundle/packagegroups/postinstall.wxs
M Tools/msi/lib/lib_files.wxs
M Tools/msi/msi.props
M Tools/peg_generator/Makefile
M Tools/peg_generator/scripts/benchmark.py
M Tools/scripts/README
M Tools/wasm/wasm_assets.py

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index ef7642b09bc5d..dddf28da01619 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -61,7 +61,6 @@ Doc/.venv/
diff --git a/Doc/glossary.rst b/Doc/glossary.rst
index 53e8cdcae1cd6..8c493f823a6fa 100644
--- a/Doc/glossary.rst
+++ b/Doc/glossary.rst
@@ -22,15 +22,6 @@ Glossary
       * The :const:`Ellipsis` built-in constant.
-   2to3
-      A tool that tries to convert Python 2.x code to Python 3.x code by
-      handling most of the incompatibilities which can be detected by parsing the
-      source and traversing the parse tree.
-      2to3 is available in the standard library as :mod:`lib2to3`; a standalone
-      entry point is provided as :file:`Tools/scripts/2to3`.  See
-      :ref:`2to3-reference`.
    abstract base class
       Abstract base classes complement :term:`duck-typing` by
       providing a way to define interfaces when other techniques like
diff --git a/Doc/library/2to3.rst b/Doc/library/2to3.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index d85ad94e9b7fe..0000000000000
--- a/Doc/library/2to3.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,489 +0,0 @@
-.. _2to3-reference:
-2to3 --- Automated Python 2 to 3 code translation
-.. sectionauthor:: Benjamin Peterson <benjamin at python.org>
-2to3 is a Python program that reads Python 2.x source code and applies a series
-of *fixers* to transform it into valid Python 3.x code.  The standard library
-contains a rich set of fixers that will handle almost all code.  2to3 supporting
-library :mod:`lib2to3` is, however, a flexible and generic library, so it is
-possible to write your own fixers for 2to3.
-.. deprecated-removed:: 3.11 3.13
-   The ``lib2to3`` module was marked pending for deprecation in Python 3.9
-   (raising :exc:`PendingDeprecationWarning` on import) and fully deprecated
-   in Python 3.11 (raising :exc:`DeprecationWarning`).  The ``2to3`` tool is
-   part of that.  It will be removed in Python 3.13.
-.. _2to3-using:
-Using 2to3
-2to3 will usually be installed with the Python interpreter as a script.  It is
-also located in the :file:`Tools/scripts` directory of the Python root.
-2to3's basic arguments are a list of files or directories to transform.  The
-directories are recursively traversed for Python sources.
-Here is a sample Python 2.x source file, :file:`example.py`::
-   def greet(name):
-       print "Hello, {0}!".format(name)
-   print "What's your name?"
-   name = raw_input()
-   greet(name)
-It can be converted to Python 3.x code via 2to3 on the command line:
-.. code-block:: shell-session
-   $ 2to3 example.py
-A diff against the original source file is printed.  2to3 can also write the
-needed modifications right back to the source file.  (A backup of the original
-file is made unless :option:`!-n` is also given.)  Writing the changes back is
-enabled with the :option:`!-w` flag:
-.. code-block:: shell-session
-   $ 2to3 -w example.py
-After transformation, :file:`example.py` looks like this::
-   def greet(name):
-       print("Hello, {0}!".format(name))
-   print("What's your name?")
-   name = input()
-   greet(name)
-Comments and exact indentation are preserved throughout the translation process.
-By default, 2to3 runs a set of :ref:`predefined fixers <2to3-fixers>`.  The
-:option:`!-l` flag lists all available fixers.  An explicit set of fixers to run
-can be given with :option:`!-f`.  Likewise the :option:`!-x` explicitly disables a
-fixer.  The following example runs only the ``imports`` and ``has_key`` fixers:
-.. code-block:: shell-session
-   $ 2to3 -f imports -f has_key example.py
-This command runs every fixer except the ``apply`` fixer:
-.. code-block:: shell-session
-   $ 2to3 -x apply example.py
-Some fixers are *explicit*, meaning they aren't run by default and must be
-listed on the command line to be run.  Here, in addition to the default fixers,
-the ``idioms`` fixer is run:
-.. code-block:: shell-session
-   $ 2to3 -f all -f idioms example.py
-Notice how passing ``all`` enables all default fixers.
-Sometimes 2to3 will find a place in your source code that needs to be changed,
-but 2to3 cannot fix automatically.  In this case, 2to3 will print a warning
-beneath the diff for a file.  You should address the warning in order to have
-compliant 3.x code.
-2to3 can also refactor doctests.  To enable this mode, use the :option:`!-d`
-flag.  Note that *only* doctests will be refactored.  This also doesn't require
-the module to be valid Python.  For example, doctest like examples in a reST
-document could also be refactored with this option.
-The :option:`!-v` option enables output of more information on the translation
-Since some print statements can be parsed as function calls or statements, 2to3
-cannot always read files containing the print function.  When 2to3 detects the
-presence of the ``from __future__ import print_function`` compiler directive, it
-modifies its internal grammar to interpret :func:`print` as a function.  This
-change can also be enabled manually with the :option:`!-p` flag.  Use
-:option:`!-p` to run fixers on code that already has had its print statements
-converted. Also :option:`!-e` can be used to make :func:`exec` a function.
-The :option:`!-o` or :option:`!--output-dir` option allows specification of an
-alternate directory for processed output files to be written to.  The
-:option:`!-n` flag is required when using this as backup files do not make sense
-when not overwriting the input files.
-.. versionadded:: 3.2.3
-   The :option:`!-o` option was added.
-The :option:`!-W` or :option:`!--write-unchanged-files` flag tells 2to3 to always
-write output files even if no changes were required to the file.  This is most
-useful with :option:`!-o` so that an entire Python source tree is copied with
-translation from one directory to another.
-This option implies the :option:`!-w` flag as it would not make sense otherwise.
-.. versionadded:: 3.2.3
-   The :option:`!-W` flag was added.
-The :option:`!--add-suffix` option specifies a string to append to all output
-filenames.  The :option:`!-n` flag is required when specifying this as backups
-are not necessary when writing to different filenames.  Example:
-.. code-block:: shell-session
-   $ 2to3 -n -W --add-suffix=3 example.py
-Will cause a converted file named ``example.py3`` to be written.
-.. versionadded:: 3.2.3
-   The :option:`!--add-suffix` option was added.
-To translate an entire project from one directory tree to another use:
-.. code-block:: shell-session
-   $ 2to3 --output-dir=python3-version/mycode -W -n python2-version/mycode
-.. _2to3-fixers:
-Each step of transforming code is encapsulated in a fixer.  The command ``2to3
--l`` lists them.  As :ref:`documented above <2to3-using>`, each can be turned on
-and off individually.  They are described here in more detail.
-.. 2to3fixer:: apply
-   Removes usage of :func:`apply`.  For example ``apply(function, *args,
-   **kwargs)`` is converted to ``function(*args, **kwargs)``.
-.. 2to3fixer:: asserts
-   Replaces deprecated :mod:`unittest` method names with the correct ones.
-   ================================  ==========================================
-   From                              To
-   ================================  ==========================================
-   ``failUnlessEqual(a, b)``         :meth:`assertEqual(a, b)
-                                     <unittest.TestCase.assertEqual>`
-   ``assertEquals(a, b)``            :meth:`assertEqual(a, b)
-                                     <unittest.TestCase.assertEqual>`
-   ``failIfEqual(a, b)``             :meth:`assertNotEqual(a, b)
-                                     <unittest.TestCase.assertNotEqual>`
-   ``assertNotEquals(a, b)``         :meth:`assertNotEqual(a, b)
-                                     <unittest.TestCase.assertNotEqual>`
-   ``failUnless(a)``                 :meth:`assertTrue(a)
-                                     <unittest.TestCase.assertTrue>`
-   ``assert_(a)``                    :meth:`assertTrue(a)
-                                     <unittest.TestCase.assertTrue>`
-   ``failIf(a)``                     :meth:`assertFalse(a)
-                                     <unittest.TestCase.assertFalse>`
-   ``failUnlessRaises(exc, cal)``    :meth:`assertRaises(exc, cal)
-                                     <unittest.TestCase.assertRaises>`
-   ``failUnlessAlmostEqual(a, b)``   :meth:`assertAlmostEqual(a, b)
-                                     <unittest.TestCase.assertAlmostEqual>`
-   ``assertAlmostEquals(a, b)``      :meth:`assertAlmostEqual(a, b)
-                                     <unittest.TestCase.assertAlmostEqual>`
-   ``failIfAlmostEqual(a, b)``       :meth:`assertNotAlmostEqual(a, b)
-                                     <unittest.TestCase.assertNotAlmostEqual>`
-   ``assertNotAlmostEquals(a, b)``   :meth:`assertNotAlmostEqual(a, b)
-                                     <unittest.TestCase.assertNotAlmostEqual>`
-   ================================  ==========================================
-.. 2to3fixer:: basestring
-   Converts :class:`basestring` to :class:`str`.
-.. 2to3fixer:: buffer
-   Converts :class:`buffer` to :class:`memoryview`.  This fixer is optional
-   because the :class:`memoryview` API is similar but not exactly the same as
-   that of :class:`buffer`.
-.. 2to3fixer:: dict
-   Fixes dictionary iteration methods.  :meth:`dict.iteritems` is converted to
-   :meth:`dict.items`, :meth:`dict.iterkeys` to :meth:`dict.keys`, and
-   :meth:`dict.itervalues` to :meth:`dict.values`.  Similarly,
-   :meth:`dict.viewitems`, :meth:`dict.viewkeys` and :meth:`dict.viewvalues` are
-   converted respectively to :meth:`dict.items`, :meth:`dict.keys` and
-   :meth:`dict.values`.  It also wraps existing usages of :meth:`dict.items`,
-   :meth:`dict.keys`, and :meth:`dict.values` in a call to :class:`list`.
-.. 2to3fixer:: except
-   Converts ``except X, T`` to ``except X as T``.
-.. 2to3fixer:: exec
-   Converts the ``exec`` statement to the :func:`exec` function.
-.. 2to3fixer:: execfile
-   Removes usage of :func:`execfile`.  The argument to :func:`execfile` is
-   wrapped in calls to :func:`open`, :func:`compile`, and :func:`exec`.
-.. 2to3fixer:: exitfunc
-   Changes assignment of :attr:`sys.exitfunc` to use of the :mod:`atexit`
-   module.
-.. 2to3fixer:: filter
-   Wraps :func:`filter` usage in a :class:`list` call.
-.. 2to3fixer:: funcattrs
-   Fixes function attributes that have been renamed.  For example,
-   ``my_function.func_closure`` is converted to ``my_function.__closure__``.
-.. 2to3fixer:: future
-   Removes ``from __future__ import new_feature`` statements.
-.. 2to3fixer:: getcwdu
-   Renames :func:`os.getcwdu` to :func:`os.getcwd`.
-.. 2to3fixer:: has_key
-   Changes ``dict.has_key(key)`` to ``key in dict``.
-.. 2to3fixer:: idioms
-   This optional fixer performs several transformations that make Python code
-   more idiomatic.  Type comparisons like ``type(x) is SomeClass`` and
-   ``type(x) == SomeClass`` are converted to ``isinstance(x, SomeClass)``.
-   ``while 1`` becomes ``while True``.  This fixer also tries to make use of
-   :func:`sorted` in appropriate places.  For example, this block ::
-       L = list(some_iterable)
-       L.sort()
-   is changed to ::
-      L = sorted(some_iterable)
-.. 2to3fixer:: import
-   Detects sibling imports and converts them to relative imports.
-.. 2to3fixer:: imports
-   Handles module renames in the standard library.
-.. 2to3fixer:: imports2
-   Handles other modules renames in the standard library.  It is separate from
-   the :2to3fixer:`imports` fixer only because of technical limitations.
-.. 2to3fixer:: input
-   Converts ``input(prompt)`` to ``eval(input(prompt))``.
-.. 2to3fixer:: intern
-   Converts :func:`intern` to :func:`sys.intern`.
-.. 2to3fixer:: isinstance
-   Fixes duplicate types in the second argument of :func:`isinstance`.  For
-   example, ``isinstance(x, (int, int))`` is converted to ``isinstance(x,
-   int)`` and ``isinstance(x, (int, float, int))`` is converted to
-   ``isinstance(x, (int, float))``.
-.. 2to3fixer:: itertools_imports
-   Removes imports of :func:`itertools.ifilter`, :func:`itertools.izip`, and
-   :func:`itertools.imap`.  Imports of :func:`itertools.ifilterfalse` are also
-   changed to :func:`itertools.filterfalse`.
-.. 2to3fixer:: itertools
-   Changes usage of :func:`itertools.ifilter`, :func:`itertools.izip`, and
-   :func:`itertools.imap` to their built-in equivalents.
-   :func:`itertools.ifilterfalse` is changed to :func:`itertools.filterfalse`.
-.. 2to3fixer:: long
-   Renames :class:`long` to :class:`int`.
-.. 2to3fixer:: map
-   Wraps :func:`map` in a :class:`list` call.  It also changes ``map(None, x)``
-   to ``list(x)``.  Using ``from future_builtins import map`` disables this
-   fixer.
-.. 2to3fixer:: metaclass
-   Converts the old metaclass syntax (``__metaclass__ = Meta`` in the class
-   body) to the new (``class X(metaclass=Meta)``).
-.. 2to3fixer:: methodattrs
-   Fixes old method attribute names.  For example, ``meth.im_func`` is converted
-   to ``meth.__func__``.
-.. 2to3fixer:: ne
-   Converts the old not-equal syntax, ``<>``, to ``!=``.
-.. 2to3fixer:: next
-   Converts the use of iterator's :meth:`~iterator.next` methods to the
-   :func:`next` function.  It also renames :meth:`next` methods to
-   :meth:`~iterator.__next__`.
-.. 2to3fixer:: nonzero
-   Renames definitions of methods called :meth:`__nonzero__`
-   to :meth:`~object.__bool__`.
-.. 2to3fixer:: numliterals
-   Converts octal literals into the new syntax.
-.. 2to3fixer:: operator
-   Converts calls to various functions in the :mod:`operator` module to other,
-   but equivalent, function calls.  When needed, the appropriate ``import``
-   statements are added, e.g. ``import collections.abc``.  The following mapping
-   are made:
-   ==================================  =============================================
-   From                                To
-   ==================================  =============================================
-   ``operator.isCallable(obj)``        ``callable(obj)``
-   ``operator.sequenceIncludes(obj)``  ``operator.contains(obj)``
-   ``operator.isSequenceType(obj)``    ``isinstance(obj, collections.abc.Sequence)``
-   ``operator.isMappingType(obj)``     ``isinstance(obj, collections.abc.Mapping)``
-   ``operator.isNumberType(obj)``      ``isinstance(obj, numbers.Number)``
-   ``operator.repeat(obj, n)``         ``operator.mul(obj, n)``
-   ``operator.irepeat(obj, n)``        ``operator.imul(obj, n)``
-   ==================================  =============================================
-.. 2to3fixer:: paren
-   Add extra parenthesis where they are required in list comprehensions.  For
-   example, ``[x for x in 1, 2]`` becomes ``[x for x in (1, 2)]``.
-.. 2to3fixer:: print
-   Converts the ``print`` statement to the :func:`print` function.
-.. 2to3fixer:: raise
-   Converts ``raise E, V`` to ``raise E(V)``, and ``raise E, V, T`` to ``raise
-   E(V).with_traceback(T)``.  If ``E`` is a tuple, the translation will be
-   incorrect because substituting tuples for exceptions has been removed in 3.0.
-.. 2to3fixer:: raw_input
-   Converts :func:`raw_input` to :func:`input`.
-.. 2to3fixer:: reduce
-   Handles the move of :func:`reduce` to :func:`functools.reduce`.
-.. 2to3fixer:: reload
-   Converts :func:`reload` to :func:`importlib.reload`.
-.. 2to3fixer:: renames
-   Changes :data:`sys.maxint` to :data:`sys.maxsize`.
-.. 2to3fixer:: repr
-   Replaces backtick repr with the :func:`repr` function.
-.. 2to3fixer:: set_literal
-   Replaces use of the :class:`set` constructor with set literals.  This fixer
-   is optional.
-.. 2to3fixer:: standarderror
-   Renames :exc:`StandardError` to :exc:`Exception`.
-.. 2to3fixer:: sys_exc
-   Changes the deprecated :data:`sys.exc_value`, :data:`sys.exc_type`,
-   :data:`sys.exc_traceback` to use :func:`sys.exc_info`.
-.. 2to3fixer:: throw
-   Fixes the API change in generator's :meth:`throw` method.
-.. 2to3fixer:: tuple_params
-   Removes implicit tuple parameter unpacking.  This fixer inserts temporary
-   variables.
-.. 2to3fixer:: types
-   Fixes code broken from the removal of some members in the :mod:`types`
-   module.
-.. 2to3fixer:: unicode
-   Renames :class:`unicode` to :class:`str`.
-.. 2to3fixer:: urllib
-   Handles the rename of :mod:`urllib` and :mod:`urllib2` to the :mod:`urllib`
-   package.
-.. 2to3fixer:: ws_comma
-   Removes excess whitespace from comma separated items.  This fixer is
-   optional.
-.. 2to3fixer:: xrange
-   Renames :func:`xrange` to :func:`range` and wraps existing :func:`range`
-   calls with :class:`list`.
-.. 2to3fixer:: xreadlines
-   Changes ``for x in file.xreadlines()`` to ``for x in file``.
-.. 2to3fixer:: zip
-   Wraps :func:`zip` usage in a :class:`list` call.  This is disabled when
-   ``from future_builtins import zip`` appears.
-:mod:`lib2to3` --- 2to3's library
-.. module:: lib2to3
-   :synopsis: The 2to3 library
-.. moduleauthor:: Guido van Rossum
-.. moduleauthor:: Collin Winter
-.. moduleauthor:: Benjamin Peterson <benjamin at python.org>
-**Source code:** :source:`Lib/lib2to3/`
-.. deprecated-removed:: 3.11 3.13
-   Python 3.9 switched to a PEG parser (see :pep:`617`) while lib2to3 is
-   using a less flexible LL(1) parser.  Python 3.10 includes new language
-   syntax that is not parsable by lib2to3's LL(1) parser (see :pep:`634`).
-   The ``lib2to3`` module was marked pending for deprecation in Python 3.9
-   (raising :exc:`PendingDeprecationWarning` on import) and fully deprecated
-   in Python 3.11 (raising :exc:`DeprecationWarning`).
-   It will be removed from the standard library in Python 3.13.
-   Consider third-party alternatives such as `LibCST`_ or `parso`_.
-.. note::
-   The :mod:`lib2to3` API should be considered unstable and may change
-   drastically in the future.
-.. _LibCST: https://libcst.readthedocs.io/
-.. _parso: https://parso.readthedocs.io/
diff --git a/Doc/library/development.rst b/Doc/library/development.rst
index 9edce758688e2..b1979b921e7d5 100644
--- a/Doc/library/development.rst
+++ b/Doc/library/development.rst
@@ -8,8 +8,7 @@ The modules described in this chapter help you write software.  For example, the
 :mod:`pydoc` module takes a module and generates documentation based on the
 module's contents.  The :mod:`doctest` and :mod:`unittest` modules contains
 frameworks for writing unit tests that automatically exercise code and verify
-that the expected output is produced.  :program:`2to3` can translate Python 2.x
-source code into valid Python 3.x code.
+that the expected output is produced.
 The list of modules described in this chapter is:
@@ -23,5 +22,4 @@ The list of modules described in this chapter is:
-   2to3.rst
diff --git a/Doc/tools/.nitignore b/Doc/tools/.nitignore
index 554e31ff51dd3..7a711031d74e9 100644
--- a/Doc/tools/.nitignore
+++ b/Doc/tools/.nitignore
@@ -72,7 +72,6 @@ Doc/howto/sorting.rst
diff --git a/Doc/tools/extensions/pyspecific.py b/Doc/tools/extensions/pyspecific.py
index 3a5b26f777961..8a2eb07a69a69 100644
--- a/Doc/tools/extensions/pyspecific.py
+++ b/Doc/tools/extensions/pyspecific.py
@@ -710,7 +710,6 @@ def setup(app):
     app.add_object_type('opcode', 'opcode', '%s (opcode)', parse_opcode_signature)
     app.add_object_type('pdbcommand', 'pdbcmd', '%s (pdb command)', parse_pdb_command)
-    app.add_object_type('2to3fixer', '2to3fixer', '%s (2to3 fixer)')
     app.add_directive_to_domain('py', 'decorator', PyDecoratorFunction)
     app.add_directive_to_domain('py', 'decoratormethod', PyDecoratorMethod)
     app.add_directive_to_domain('py', 'coroutinefunction', PyCoroutineFunction)
diff --git a/Doc/whatsnew/3.0.rst b/Doc/whatsnew/3.0.rst
index f9ac13036cbc8..b8cd7c48b359b 100644
--- a/Doc/whatsnew/3.0.rst
+++ b/Doc/whatsnew/3.0.rst
@@ -911,7 +911,7 @@ best strategy is the following:
    tests still pass.
 3. Run the ``2to3`` source-to-source translator over your source code
-   tree.  (See :ref:`2to3-reference` for more on this tool.)  Run the
+   tree.  Run the
    result of the translation under Python 3.0.  Manually fix up any
    remaining issues, fixing problems until all tests pass again.
diff --git a/Doc/whatsnew/3.11.rst b/Doc/whatsnew/3.11.rst
index 1a4a9936aca68..8aadc2a0a581f 100644
--- a/Doc/whatsnew/3.11.rst
+++ b/Doc/whatsnew/3.11.rst
@@ -1748,7 +1748,7 @@ Modules
   warnings have now been updated to note they will be removed in Python 3.12.
   (Contributed by Hugo van Kemenade in :issue:`47022`.)
-* The :mod:`lib2to3` package and :ref:`2to3 <2to3-reference>` tool
+* The :mod:`!lib2to3` package and ``2to3`` tool
   are now deprecated and may not be able to parse Python 3.10 or newer.
   See :pep:`617`, introducing the new PEG parser, for details.
   (Contributed by Victor Stinner in :issue:`40360`.)
diff --git a/Doc/whatsnew/3.13.rst b/Doc/whatsnew/3.13.rst
index 602a865b5930e..e0c3c2a3592ec 100644
--- a/Doc/whatsnew/3.13.rst
+++ b/Doc/whatsnew/3.13.rst
@@ -107,6 +107,10 @@ Removed
   `Exscript <https://pypi.org/project/Exscript/>`_ instead.
   (Contributed by Victor Stinner in :gh:`104773`.)
+* Remove the ``2to3`` program and the :mod:`!lib2to3` module,
+  deprecated in Python 3.11.
+  (Contributed by Victor Stinner in :gh:`104780`.)
 * Namespaces ``typing.io`` and ``typing.re``, deprecated in Python 3.8,
   are now removed. The items in those namespaces can be imported directly
   from :mod:`typing`. (Contributed by Sebastian Rittau in :gh:`92871`.)
diff --git a/Doc/whatsnew/3.9.rst b/Doc/whatsnew/3.9.rst
index fd86db9630235..532cabdd7a75b 100644
--- a/Doc/whatsnew/3.9.rst
+++ b/Doc/whatsnew/3.9.rst
@@ -935,10 +935,10 @@ Deprecated
 * :func:`smtpd.MailmanProxy` is now deprecated as it is unusable without
   an external module, ``mailman``.  (Contributed by Samuel Colvin in :issue:`35800`.)
-* The :mod:`lib2to3` module now emits a :exc:`PendingDeprecationWarning`.
+* The :mod:`!lib2to3` module now emits a :exc:`PendingDeprecationWarning`.
   Python 3.9 switched to a PEG parser (see :pep:`617`), and Python 3.10 may
   include new language syntax that is not parsable by lib2to3's LL(1) parser.
-  The ``lib2to3`` module may be removed from the standard library in a future
+  The :mod:`!lib2to3` module may be removed from the standard library in a future
   Python version. Consider third-party alternatives such as `LibCST`_ or
   (Contributed by Carl Meyer in :issue:`40360`.)
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/Grammar.txt b/Lib/lib2to3/Grammar.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index fa7b15061d941..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/Grammar.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
-# Grammar for 2to3. This grammar supports Python 2.x and 3.x.
-# NOTE WELL: You should also follow all the steps listed at
-# https://devguide.python.org/grammar/
-# Start symbols for the grammar:
-#	file_input is a module or sequence of commands read from an input file;
-#	single_input is a single interactive statement;
-#	eval_input is the input for the eval() and input() functions.
-# NB: compound_stmt in single_input is followed by extra NEWLINE!
-file_input: (NEWLINE | stmt)* ENDMARKER
-single_input: NEWLINE | simple_stmt | compound_stmt NEWLINE
-eval_input: testlist NEWLINE* ENDMARKER
-decorator: '@' dotted_name [ '(' [arglist] ')' ] NEWLINE
-decorators: decorator+
-decorated: decorators (classdef | funcdef | async_funcdef)
-async_funcdef: ASYNC funcdef
-funcdef: 'def' NAME parameters ['->' test] ':' suite
-parameters: '(' [typedargslist] ')'
-# The following definition for typedarglist is equivalent to this set of rules:
-#     arguments = argument (',' argument)*
-#     argument = tfpdef ['=' test]
-#     kwargs = '**' tname [',']
-#     args = '*' [tname]
-#     kwonly_kwargs = (',' argument)* [',' [kwargs]]
-#     args_kwonly_kwargs = args kwonly_kwargs | kwargs
-#     poskeyword_args_kwonly_kwargs = arguments [',' [args_kwonly_kwargs]]
-#     typedargslist_no_posonly  = poskeyword_args_kwonly_kwargs | args_kwonly_kwargs
-#     typedarglist = arguments ',' '/' [',' [typedargslist_no_posonly]])|(typedargslist_no_posonly)"
-# It needs to be fully expanded to allow our LL(1) parser to work on it.
-typedargslist: tfpdef ['=' test] (',' tfpdef ['=' test])* ',' '/' [
-                     ',' [((tfpdef ['=' test] ',')* ('*' [tname] (',' tname ['=' test])*
-                            [',' ['**' tname [',']]] | '**' tname [','])
-                     | tfpdef ['=' test] (',' tfpdef ['=' test])* [','])]
-                ] | ((tfpdef ['=' test] ',')* ('*' [tname] (',' tname ['=' test])*
-                     [',' ['**' tname [',']]] | '**' tname [','])
-                     | tfpdef ['=' test] (',' tfpdef ['=' test])* [','])
-tname: NAME [':' test]
-tfpdef: tname | '(' tfplist ')'
-tfplist: tfpdef (',' tfpdef)* [',']
-# The following definition for varargslist is equivalent to this set of rules:
-#     arguments = argument (',' argument )*
-#     argument = vfpdef ['=' test]
-#     kwargs = '**' vname [',']
-#     args = '*' [vname]
-#     kwonly_kwargs = (',' argument )* [',' [kwargs]]
-#     args_kwonly_kwargs = args kwonly_kwargs | kwargs
-#     poskeyword_args_kwonly_kwargs = arguments [',' [args_kwonly_kwargs]]
-#     vararglist_no_posonly = poskeyword_args_kwonly_kwargs | args_kwonly_kwargs
-#     varargslist = arguments ',' '/' [','[(vararglist_no_posonly)]] | (vararglist_no_posonly)
-# It needs to be fully expanded to allow our LL(1) parser to work on it.
-varargslist: vfpdef ['=' test ](',' vfpdef ['=' test])* ',' '/' [',' [
-                     ((vfpdef ['=' test] ',')* ('*' [vname] (',' vname ['=' test])*
-                            [',' ['**' vname [',']]] | '**' vname [','])
-                            | vfpdef ['=' test] (',' vfpdef ['=' test])* [','])
-                     ]] | ((vfpdef ['=' test] ',')*
-                     ('*' [vname] (',' vname ['=' test])*  [',' ['**' vname [',']]]| '**' vname [','])
-                     | vfpdef ['=' test] (',' vfpdef ['=' test])* [','])
-vname: NAME
-vfpdef: vname | '(' vfplist ')'
-vfplist: vfpdef (',' vfpdef)* [',']
-stmt: simple_stmt | compound_stmt
-simple_stmt: small_stmt (';' small_stmt)* [';'] NEWLINE
-small_stmt: (expr_stmt | print_stmt  | del_stmt | pass_stmt | flow_stmt |
-             import_stmt | global_stmt | exec_stmt | assert_stmt)
-expr_stmt: testlist_star_expr (annassign | augassign (yield_expr|testlist) |
-                     ('=' (yield_expr|testlist_star_expr))*)
-annassign: ':' test ['=' test]
-testlist_star_expr: (test|star_expr) (',' (test|star_expr))* [',']
-augassign: ('+=' | '-=' | '*=' | '@=' | '/=' | '%=' | '&=' | '|=' | '^=' |
-            '<<=' | '>>=' | '**=' | '//=')
-# For normal and annotated assignments, additional restrictions enforced by the interpreter
-print_stmt: 'print' ( [ test (',' test)* [','] ] |
-                      '>>' test [ (',' test)+ [','] ] )
-del_stmt: 'del' exprlist
-pass_stmt: 'pass'
-flow_stmt: break_stmt | continue_stmt | return_stmt | raise_stmt | yield_stmt
-break_stmt: 'break'
-continue_stmt: 'continue'
-return_stmt: 'return' [testlist_star_expr]
-yield_stmt: yield_expr
-raise_stmt: 'raise' [test ['from' test | ',' test [',' test]]]
-import_stmt: import_name | import_from
-import_name: 'import' dotted_as_names
-import_from: ('from' ('.'* dotted_name | '.'+)
-              'import' ('*' | '(' import_as_names ')' | import_as_names))
-import_as_name: NAME ['as' NAME]
-dotted_as_name: dotted_name ['as' NAME]
-import_as_names: import_as_name (',' import_as_name)* [',']
-dotted_as_names: dotted_as_name (',' dotted_as_name)*
-dotted_name: NAME ('.' NAME)*
-global_stmt: ('global' | 'nonlocal') NAME (',' NAME)*
-exec_stmt: 'exec' expr ['in' test [',' test]]
-assert_stmt: 'assert' test [',' test]
-compound_stmt: if_stmt | while_stmt | for_stmt | try_stmt | with_stmt | funcdef | classdef | decorated | async_stmt
-async_stmt: ASYNC (funcdef | with_stmt | for_stmt)
-if_stmt: 'if' namedexpr_test ':' suite ('elif' namedexpr_test ':' suite)* ['else' ':' suite]
-while_stmt: 'while' namedexpr_test ':' suite ['else' ':' suite]
-for_stmt: 'for' exprlist 'in' testlist ':' suite ['else' ':' suite]
-try_stmt: ('try' ':' suite
-           ((except_clause ':' suite)+
-	    ['else' ':' suite]
-	    ['finally' ':' suite] |
-	   'finally' ':' suite))
-with_stmt: 'with' with_item (',' with_item)*  ':' suite
-with_item: test ['as' expr]
-with_var: 'as' expr
-# NB compile.c makes sure that the default except clause is last
-except_clause: 'except' [test [(',' | 'as') test]]
-suite: simple_stmt | NEWLINE INDENT stmt+ DEDENT
-# Backward compatibility cruft to support:
-# [ x for x in lambda: True, lambda: False if x() ]
-# even while also allowing:
-# lambda x: 5 if x else 2
-# (But not a mix of the two)
-testlist_safe: old_test [(',' old_test)+ [',']]
-old_test: or_test | old_lambdef
-old_lambdef: 'lambda' [varargslist] ':' old_test
-namedexpr_test: test [':=' test]
-test: or_test ['if' or_test 'else' test] | lambdef
-or_test: and_test ('or' and_test)*
-and_test: not_test ('and' not_test)*
-not_test: 'not' not_test | comparison
-comparison: expr (comp_op expr)*
-comp_op: '<'|'>'|'=='|'>='|'<='|'<>'|'!='|'in'|'not' 'in'|'is'|'is' 'not'
-star_expr: '*' expr
-expr: xor_expr ('|' xor_expr)*
-xor_expr: and_expr ('^' and_expr)*
-and_expr: shift_expr ('&' shift_expr)*
-shift_expr: arith_expr (('<<'|'>>') arith_expr)*
-arith_expr: term (('+'|'-') term)*
-term: factor (('*'|'@'|'/'|'%'|'//') factor)*
-factor: ('+'|'-'|'~') factor | power
-power: [AWAIT] atom trailer* ['**' factor]
-atom: ('(' [yield_expr|testlist_gexp] ')' |
-       '[' [listmaker] ']' |
-       '{' [dictsetmaker] '}' |
-       '`' testlist1 '`' |
-       NAME | NUMBER | STRING+ | '.' '.' '.')
-listmaker: (namedexpr_test|star_expr) ( comp_for | (',' (namedexpr_test|star_expr))* [','] )
-testlist_gexp: (namedexpr_test|star_expr) ( comp_for | (',' (namedexpr_test|star_expr))* [','] )
-lambdef: 'lambda' [varargslist] ':' test
-trailer: '(' [arglist] ')' | '[' subscriptlist ']' | '.' NAME
-subscriptlist: subscript (',' subscript)* [',']
-subscript: test | [test] ':' [test] [sliceop]
-sliceop: ':' [test]
-exprlist: (expr|star_expr) (',' (expr|star_expr))* [',']
-testlist: test (',' test)* [',']
-dictsetmaker: ( ((test ':' test | '**' expr)
-                 (comp_for | (',' (test ':' test | '**' expr))* [','])) |
-                ((test | star_expr)
-		 (comp_for | (',' (test | star_expr))* [','])) )
-classdef: 'class' NAME ['(' [arglist] ')'] ':' suite
-arglist: argument (',' argument)* [',']
-# "test '=' test" is really "keyword '=' test", but we have no such token.
-# These need to be in a single rule to avoid grammar that is ambiguous
-# to our LL(1) parser. Even though 'test' includes '*expr' in star_expr,
-# we explicitly match '*' here, too, to give it proper precedence.
-# Illegal combinations and orderings are blocked in ast.c:
-# multiple (test comp_for) arguments are blocked; keyword unpackings
-# that precede iterable unpackings are blocked; etc.
-argument: ( test [comp_for] |
-            test ':=' test |
-            test '=' test |
-            '**' test |
-	        '*' test )
-comp_iter: comp_for | comp_if
-comp_for: [ASYNC] 'for' exprlist 'in' testlist_safe [comp_iter]
-comp_if: 'if' old_test [comp_iter]
-testlist1: test (',' test)*
-# not used in grammar, but may appear in "node" passed from Parser to Compiler
-encoding_decl: NAME
-yield_expr: 'yield' [yield_arg]
-yield_arg: 'from' test | testlist_star_expr
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/PatternGrammar.txt b/Lib/lib2to3/PatternGrammar.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 36bf8148273bd..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/PatternGrammar.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2006 Google, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
-# A grammar to describe tree matching patterns.
-# Not shown here:
-# - 'TOKEN' stands for any token (leaf node)
-# - 'any' stands for any node (leaf or interior)
-# With 'any' we can still specify the sub-structure.
-# The start symbol is 'Matcher'.
-Matcher: Alternatives ENDMARKER
-Alternatives: Alternative ('|' Alternative)*
-Alternative: (Unit | NegatedUnit)+
-Unit: [NAME '='] ( STRING [Repeater]
-                 | NAME [Details] [Repeater]
-                 | '(' Alternatives ')' [Repeater]
-                 | '[' Alternatives ']'
-		 )
-NegatedUnit: 'not' (STRING | NAME [Details] | '(' Alternatives ')')
-Repeater: '*' | '+' | '{' NUMBER [',' NUMBER] '}'
-Details: '<' Alternatives '>'
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/__init__.py b/Lib/lib2to3/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 177405c8090d3..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-import warnings
-    "lib2to3 package is deprecated and may not be able to parse Python 3.10+",
-    DeprecationWarning,
-    stacklevel=2,
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/__main__.py b/Lib/lib2to3/__main__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 80688baf27abf..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/__main__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-import sys
-from .main import main
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/btm_matcher.py b/Lib/lib2to3/btm_matcher.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b78868038bda..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/btm_matcher.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
-"""A bottom-up tree matching algorithm implementation meant to speed
-up 2to3's matching process. After the tree patterns are reduced to
-their rarest linear path, a linear Aho-Corasick automaton is
-created. The linear automaton traverses the linear paths from the
-leaves to the root of the AST and returns a set of nodes for further
-matching. This reduces significantly the number of candidate nodes."""
-__author__ = "George Boutsioukis <gboutsioukis at gmail.com>"
-import logging
-import itertools
-from collections import defaultdict
-from . import pytree
-from .btm_utils import reduce_tree
-class BMNode(object):
-    """Class for a node of the Aho-Corasick automaton used in matching"""
-    count = itertools.count()
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.transition_table = {}
-        self.fixers = []
-        self.id = next(BMNode.count)
-        self.content = ''
-class BottomMatcher(object):
-    """The main matcher class. After instantiating the patterns should
-    be added using the add_fixer method"""
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.match = set()
-        self.root = BMNode()
-        self.nodes = [self.root]
-        self.fixers = []
-        self.logger = logging.getLogger("RefactoringTool")
-    def add_fixer(self, fixer):
-        """Reduces a fixer's pattern tree to a linear path and adds it
-        to the matcher(a common Aho-Corasick automaton). The fixer is
-        appended on the matching states and called when they are
-        reached"""
-        self.fixers.append(fixer)
-        tree = reduce_tree(fixer.pattern_tree)
-        linear = tree.get_linear_subpattern()
-        match_nodes = self.add(linear, start=self.root)
-        for match_node in match_nodes:
-            match_node.fixers.append(fixer)
-    def add(self, pattern, start):
-        "Recursively adds a linear pattern to the AC automaton"
-        #print("adding pattern", pattern, "to", start)
-        if not pattern:
-            #print("empty pattern")
-            return [start]
-        if isinstance(pattern[0], tuple):
-            #alternatives
-            #print("alternatives")
-            match_nodes = []
-            for alternative in pattern[0]:
-                #add all alternatives, and add the rest of the pattern
-                #to each end node
-                end_nodes = self.add(alternative, start=start)
-                for end in end_nodes:
-                    match_nodes.extend(self.add(pattern[1:], end))
-            return match_nodes
-        else:
-            #single token
-            #not last
-            if pattern[0] not in start.transition_table:
-                #transition did not exist, create new
-                next_node = BMNode()
-                start.transition_table[pattern[0]] = next_node
-            else:
-                #transition exists already, follow
-                next_node = start.transition_table[pattern[0]]
-            if pattern[1:]:
-                end_nodes = self.add(pattern[1:], start=next_node)
-            else:
-                end_nodes = [next_node]
-            return end_nodes
-    def run(self, leaves):
-        """The main interface with the bottom matcher. The tree is
-        traversed from the bottom using the constructed
-        automaton. Nodes are only checked once as the tree is
-        retraversed. When the automaton fails, we give it one more
-        shot(in case the above tree matches as a whole with the
-        rejected leaf), then we break for the next leaf. There is the
-        special case of multiple arguments(see code comments) where we
-        recheck the nodes
-        Args:
-           The leaves of the AST tree to be matched
-        Returns:
-           A dictionary of node matches with fixers as the keys
-        """
-        current_ac_node = self.root
-        results = defaultdict(list)
-        for leaf in leaves:
-            current_ast_node = leaf
-            while current_ast_node:
-                current_ast_node.was_checked = True
-                for child in current_ast_node.children:
-                    # multiple statements, recheck
-                    if isinstance(child, pytree.Leaf) and child.value == ";":
-                        current_ast_node.was_checked = False
-                        break
-                if current_ast_node.type == 1:
-                    #name
-                    node_token = current_ast_node.value
-                else:
-                    node_token = current_ast_node.type
-                if node_token in current_ac_node.transition_table:
-                    #token matches
-                    current_ac_node = current_ac_node.transition_table[node_token]
-                    for fixer in current_ac_node.fixers:
-                        results[fixer].append(current_ast_node)
-                else:
-                    #matching failed, reset automaton
-                    current_ac_node = self.root
-                    if (current_ast_node.parent is not None
-                        and current_ast_node.parent.was_checked):
-                        #the rest of the tree upwards has been checked, next leaf
-                        break
-                    #recheck the rejected node once from the root
-                    if node_token in current_ac_node.transition_table:
-                        #token matches
-                        current_ac_node = current_ac_node.transition_table[node_token]
-                        for fixer in current_ac_node.fixers:
-                            results[fixer].append(current_ast_node)
-                current_ast_node = current_ast_node.parent
-        return results
-    def print_ac(self):
-        "Prints a graphviz diagram of the BM automaton(for debugging)"
-        print("digraph g{")
-        def print_node(node):
-            for subnode_key in node.transition_table.keys():
-                subnode = node.transition_table[subnode_key]
-                print("%d -> %d [label=%s] //%s" %
-                      (node.id, subnode.id, type_repr(subnode_key), str(subnode.fixers)))
-                if subnode_key == 1:
-                    print(subnode.content)
-                print_node(subnode)
-        print_node(self.root)
-        print("}")
-# taken from pytree.py for debugging; only used by print_ac
-_type_reprs = {}
-def type_repr(type_num):
-    global _type_reprs
-    if not _type_reprs:
-        from .pygram import python_symbols
-        # printing tokens is possible but not as useful
-        # from .pgen2 import token // token.__dict__.items():
-        for name, val in python_symbols.__dict__.items():
-            if type(val) == int: _type_reprs[val] = name
-    return _type_reprs.setdefault(type_num, type_num)
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-"Utility functions used by the btm_matcher module"
-from . import pytree
-from .pgen2 import grammar, token
-from .pygram import pattern_symbols, python_symbols
-syms = pattern_symbols
-pysyms = python_symbols
-tokens = grammar.opmap
-token_labels = token
-TYPE_ANY = -1
-class MinNode(object):
-    """This class serves as an intermediate representation of the
-    pattern tree during the conversion to sets of leaf-to-root
-    subpatterns"""
-    def __init__(self, type=None, name=None):
-        self.type = type
-        self.name = name
-        self.children = []
-        self.leaf = False
-        self.parent = None
-        self.alternatives = []
-        self.group = []
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return str(self.type) + ' ' + str(self.name)
-    def leaf_to_root(self):
-        """Internal method. Returns a characteristic path of the
-        pattern tree. This method must be run for all leaves until the
-        linear subpatterns are merged into a single"""
-        node = self
-        subp = []
-        while node:
-            if node.type == TYPE_ALTERNATIVES:
-                node.alternatives.append(subp)
-                if len(node.alternatives) == len(node.children):
-                    #last alternative
-                    subp = [tuple(node.alternatives)]
-                    node.alternatives = []
-                    node = node.parent
-                    continue
-                else:
-                    node = node.parent
-                    subp = None
-                    break
-            if node.type == TYPE_GROUP:
-                node.group.append(subp)
-                #probably should check the number of leaves
-                if len(node.group) == len(node.children):
-                    subp = get_characteristic_subpattern(node.group)
-                    node.group = []
-                    node = node.parent
-                    continue
-                else:
-                    node = node.parent
-                    subp = None
-                    break
-            if node.type == token_labels.NAME and node.name:
-                #in case of type=name, use the name instead
-                subp.append(node.name)
-            else:
-                subp.append(node.type)
-            node = node.parent
-        return subp
-    def get_linear_subpattern(self):
-        """Drives the leaf_to_root method. The reason that
-        leaf_to_root must be run multiple times is because we need to
-        reject 'group' matches; for example the alternative form
-        (a | b c) creates a group [b c] that needs to be matched. Since
-        matching multiple linear patterns overcomes the automaton's
-        capabilities, leaf_to_root merges each group into a single
-        choice based on 'characteristic'ity,
-        i.e. (a|b c) -> (a|b) if b more characteristic than c
-        Returns: The most 'characteristic'(as defined by
-          get_characteristic_subpattern) path for the compiled pattern
-          tree.
-        """
-        for l in self.leaves():
-            subp = l.leaf_to_root()
-            if subp:
-                return subp
-    def leaves(self):
-        "Generator that returns the leaves of the tree"
-        for child in self.children:
-            yield from child.leaves()
-        if not self.children:
-            yield self
-def reduce_tree(node, parent=None):
-    """
-    Internal function. Reduces a compiled pattern tree to an
-    intermediate representation suitable for feeding the
-    automaton. This also trims off any optional pattern elements(like
-    [a], a*).
-    """
-    new_node = None
-    #switch on the node type
-    if node.type == syms.Matcher:
-        #skip
-        node = node.children[0]
-    if node.type == syms.Alternatives  :
-        #2 cases
-        if len(node.children) <= 2:
-            #just a single 'Alternative', skip this node
-            new_node = reduce_tree(node.children[0], parent)
-        else:
-            #real alternatives
-            new_node = MinNode(type=TYPE_ALTERNATIVES)
-            #skip odd children('|' tokens)
-            for child in node.children:
-                if node.children.index(child)%2:
-                    continue
-                reduced = reduce_tree(child, new_node)
-                if reduced is not None:
-                    new_node.children.append(reduced)
-    elif node.type == syms.Alternative:
-        if len(node.children) > 1:
-            new_node = MinNode(type=TYPE_GROUP)
-            for child in node.children:
-                reduced = reduce_tree(child, new_node)
-                if reduced:
-                    new_node.children.append(reduced)
-            if not new_node.children:
-                # delete the group if all of the children were reduced to None
-                new_node = None
-        else:
-            new_node = reduce_tree(node.children[0], parent)
-    elif node.type == syms.Unit:
-        if (isinstance(node.children[0], pytree.Leaf) and
-            node.children[0].value == '('):
-            #skip parentheses
-            return reduce_tree(node.children[1], parent)
-        if ((isinstance(node.children[0], pytree.Leaf) and
-               node.children[0].value == '[')
-               or
-               (len(node.children)>1 and
-               hasattr(node.children[1], "value") and
-               node.children[1].value == '[')):
-            #skip whole unit if its optional
-            return None
-        leaf = True
-        details_node = None
-        alternatives_node = None
-        has_repeater = False
-        repeater_node = None
-        has_variable_name = False
-        for child in node.children:
-            if child.type == syms.Details:
-                leaf = False
-                details_node = child
-            elif child.type == syms.Repeater:
-                has_repeater = True
-                repeater_node = child
-            elif child.type == syms.Alternatives:
-                alternatives_node = child
-            if hasattr(child, 'value') and child.value == '=': # variable name
-                has_variable_name = True
-        #skip variable name
-        if has_variable_name:
-            #skip variable name, '='
-            name_leaf = node.children[2]
-            if hasattr(name_leaf, 'value') and name_leaf.value == '(':
-                # skip parenthesis
-                name_leaf = node.children[3]
-        else:
-            name_leaf = node.children[0]
-        #set node type
-        if name_leaf.type == token_labels.NAME:
-            #(python) non-name or wildcard
-            if name_leaf.value == 'any':
-                new_node = MinNode(type=TYPE_ANY)
-            else:
-                if hasattr(token_labels, name_leaf.value):
-                    new_node = MinNode(type=getattr(token_labels, name_leaf.value))
-                else:
-                    new_node = MinNode(type=getattr(pysyms, name_leaf.value))
-        elif name_leaf.type == token_labels.STRING:
-            #(python) name or character; remove the apostrophes from
-            #the string value
-            name = name_leaf.value.strip("'")
-            if name in tokens:
-                new_node = MinNode(type=tokens[name])
-            else:
-                new_node = MinNode(type=token_labels.NAME, name=name)
-        elif name_leaf.type == syms.Alternatives:
-            new_node = reduce_tree(alternatives_node, parent)
-        #handle repeaters
-        if has_repeater:
-            if repeater_node.children[0].value == '*':
-                #reduce to None
-                new_node = None
-            elif repeater_node.children[0].value == '+':
-                #reduce to a single occurrence i.e. do nothing
-                pass
-            else:
-                #TODO: handle {min, max} repeaters
-                raise NotImplementedError
-        #add children
-        if details_node and new_node is not None:
-            for child in details_node.children[1:-1]:
-                #skip '<', '>' markers
-                reduced = reduce_tree(child, new_node)
-                if reduced is not None:
-                    new_node.children.append(reduced)
-    if new_node:
-        new_node.parent = parent
-    return new_node
-def get_characteristic_subpattern(subpatterns):
-    """Picks the most characteristic from a list of linear patterns
-    Current order used is:
-    names > common_names > common_chars
-    """
-    if not isinstance(subpatterns, list):
-        return subpatterns
-    if len(subpatterns)==1:
-        return subpatterns[0]
-    # first pick out the ones containing variable names
-    subpatterns_with_names = []
-    subpatterns_with_common_names = []
-    common_names = ['in', 'for', 'if' , 'not', 'None']
-    subpatterns_with_common_chars = []
-    common_chars = "[]().,:"
-    for subpattern in subpatterns:
-        if any(rec_test(subpattern, lambda x: type(x) is str)):
-            if any(rec_test(subpattern,
-                            lambda x: isinstance(x, str) and x in common_chars)):
-                subpatterns_with_common_chars.append(subpattern)
-            elif any(rec_test(subpattern,
-                              lambda x: isinstance(x, str) and x in common_names)):
-                subpatterns_with_common_names.append(subpattern)
-            else:
-                subpatterns_with_names.append(subpattern)
-    if subpatterns_with_names:
-        subpatterns = subpatterns_with_names
-    elif subpatterns_with_common_names:
-        subpatterns = subpatterns_with_common_names
-    elif subpatterns_with_common_chars:
-        subpatterns = subpatterns_with_common_chars
-    # of the remaining subpatterns pick out the longest one
-    return max(subpatterns, key=len)
-def rec_test(sequence, test_func):
-    """Tests test_func on all items of sequence and items of included
-    sub-iterables"""
-    for x in sequence:
-        if isinstance(x, (list, tuple)):
-            yield from rec_test(x, test_func)
-        else:
-            yield test_func(x)
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-# Copyright 2006 Google, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
-"""Base class for fixers (optional, but recommended)."""
-# Python imports
-import itertools
-# Local imports
-from .patcomp import PatternCompiler
-from . import pygram
-from .fixer_util import does_tree_import
-class BaseFix(object):
-    """Optional base class for fixers.
-    The subclass name must be FixFooBar where FooBar is the result of
-    removing underscores and capitalizing the words of the fix name.
-    For example, the class name for a fixer named 'has_key' should be
-    FixHasKey.
-    """
-    PATTERN = None  # Most subclasses should override with a string literal
-    pattern = None  # Compiled pattern, set by compile_pattern()
-    pattern_tree = None # Tree representation of the pattern
-    options = None  # Options object passed to initializer
-    filename = None # The filename (set by set_filename)
-    numbers = itertools.count(1) # For new_name()
-    used_names = set() # A set of all used NAMEs
-    order = "post" # Does the fixer prefer pre- or post-order traversal
-    explicit = False # Is this ignored by refactor.py -f all?
-    run_order = 5   # Fixers will be sorted by run order before execution
-                    # Lower numbers will be run first.
-    _accept_type = None # [Advanced and not public] This tells RefactoringTool
-                        # which node type to accept when there's not a pattern.
-    keep_line_order = False # For the bottom matcher: match with the
-                            # original line order
-    BM_compatible = False # Compatibility with the bottom matching
-                          # module; every fixer should set this
-                          # manually
-    # Shortcut for access to Python grammar symbols
-    syms = pygram.python_symbols
-    def __init__(self, options, log):
-        """Initializer.  Subclass may override.
-        Args:
-            options: a dict containing the options passed to RefactoringTool
-            that could be used to customize the fixer through the command line.
-            log: a list to append warnings and other messages to.
-        """
-        self.options = options
-        self.log = log
-        self.compile_pattern()
-    def compile_pattern(self):
-        """Compiles self.PATTERN into self.pattern.
-        Subclass may override if it doesn't want to use
-        self.{pattern,PATTERN} in .match().
-        """
-        if self.PATTERN is not None:
-            PC = PatternCompiler()
-            self.pattern, self.pattern_tree = PC.compile_pattern(self.PATTERN,
-                                                                 with_tree=True)
-    def set_filename(self, filename):
-        """Set the filename.
-        The main refactoring tool should call this.
-        """
-        self.filename = filename
-    def match(self, node):
-        """Returns match for a given parse tree node.
-        Should return a true or false object (not necessarily a bool).
-        It may return a non-empty dict of matching sub-nodes as
-        returned by a matching pattern.
-        Subclass may override.
-        """
-        results = {"node": node}
-        return self.pattern.match(node, results) and results
-    def transform(self, node, results):
-        """Returns the transformation for a given parse tree node.
-        Args:
-          node: the root of the parse tree that matched the fixer.
-          results: a dict mapping symbolic names to part of the match.
-        Returns:
-          None, or a node that is a modified copy of the
-          argument node.  The node argument may also be modified in-place to
-          effect the same change.
-        Subclass *must* override.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def new_name(self, template="xxx_todo_changeme"):
-        """Return a string suitable for use as an identifier
-        The new name is guaranteed not to conflict with other identifiers.
-        """
-        name = template
-        while name in self.used_names:
-            name = template + str(next(self.numbers))
-        self.used_names.add(name)
-        return name
-    def log_message(self, message):
-        if self.first_log:
-            self.first_log = False
-            self.log.append("### In file %s ###" % self.filename)
-        self.log.append(message)
-    def cannot_convert(self, node, reason=None):
-        """Warn the user that a given chunk of code is not valid Python 3,
-        but that it cannot be converted automatically.
-        First argument is the top-level node for the code in question.
-        Optional second argument is why it can't be converted.
-        """
-        lineno = node.get_lineno()
-        for_output = node.clone()
-        for_output.prefix = ""
-        msg = "Line %d: could not convert: %s"
-        self.log_message(msg % (lineno, for_output))
-        if reason:
-            self.log_message(reason)
-    def warning(self, node, reason):
-        """Used for warning the user about possible uncertainty in the
-        translation.
-        First argument is the top-level node for the code in question.
-        Optional second argument is why it can't be converted.
-        """
-        lineno = node.get_lineno()
-        self.log_message("Line %d: %s" % (lineno, reason))
-    def start_tree(self, tree, filename):
-        """Some fixers need to maintain tree-wide state.
-        This method is called once, at the start of tree fix-up.
-        tree - the root node of the tree to be processed.
-        filename - the name of the file the tree came from.
-        """
-        self.used_names = tree.used_names
-        self.set_filename(filename)
-        self.numbers = itertools.count(1)
-        self.first_log = True
-    def finish_tree(self, tree, filename):
-        """Some fixers need to maintain tree-wide state.
-        This method is called once, at the conclusion of tree fix-up.
-        tree - the root node of the tree to be processed.
-        filename - the name of the file the tree came from.
-        """
-        pass
-class ConditionalFix(BaseFix):
-    """ Base class for fixers which not execute if an import is found. """
-    # This is the name of the import which, if found, will cause the test to be skipped
-    skip_on = None
-    def start_tree(self, *args):
-        super(ConditionalFix, self).start_tree(*args)
-        self._should_skip = None
-    def should_skip(self, node):
-        if self._should_skip is not None:
-            return self._should_skip
-        pkg = self.skip_on.split(".")
-        name = pkg[-1]
-        pkg = ".".join(pkg[:-1])
-        self._should_skip = does_tree_import(pkg, name, node)
-        return self._should_skip
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-"""Utility functions, node construction macros, etc."""
-# Author: Collin Winter
-# Local imports
-from .pgen2 import token
-from .pytree import Leaf, Node
-from .pygram import python_symbols as syms
-from . import patcomp
-### Common node-construction "macros"
-def KeywordArg(keyword, value):
-    return Node(syms.argument,
-                [keyword, Leaf(token.EQUAL, "="), value])
-def LParen():
-    return Leaf(token.LPAR, "(")
-def RParen():
-    return Leaf(token.RPAR, ")")
-def Assign(target, source):
-    """Build an assignment statement"""
-    if not isinstance(target, list):
-        target = [target]
-    if not isinstance(source, list):
-        source.prefix = " "
-        source = [source]
-    return Node(syms.atom,
-                target + [Leaf(token.EQUAL, "=", prefix=" ")] + source)
-def Name(name, prefix=None):
-    """Return a NAME leaf"""
-    return Leaf(token.NAME, name, prefix=prefix)
-def Attr(obj, attr):
-    """A node tuple for obj.attr"""
-    return [obj, Node(syms.trailer, [Dot(), attr])]
-def Comma():
-    """A comma leaf"""
-    return Leaf(token.COMMA, ",")
-def Dot():
-    """A period (.) leaf"""
-    return Leaf(token.DOT, ".")
-def ArgList(args, lparen=LParen(), rparen=RParen()):
-    """A parenthesised argument list, used by Call()"""
-    node = Node(syms.trailer, [lparen.clone(), rparen.clone()])
-    if args:
-        node.insert_child(1, Node(syms.arglist, args))
-    return node
-def Call(func_name, args=None, prefix=None):
-    """A function call"""
-    node = Node(syms.power, [func_name, ArgList(args)])
-    if prefix is not None:
-        node.prefix = prefix
-    return node
-def Newline():
-    """A newline literal"""
-    return Leaf(token.NEWLINE, "\n")
-def BlankLine():
-    """A blank line"""
-    return Leaf(token.NEWLINE, "")
-def Number(n, prefix=None):
-    return Leaf(token.NUMBER, n, prefix=prefix)
-def Subscript(index_node):
-    """A numeric or string subscript"""
-    return Node(syms.trailer, [Leaf(token.LBRACE, "["),
-                               index_node,
-                               Leaf(token.RBRACE, "]")])
-def String(string, prefix=None):
-    """A string leaf"""
-    return Leaf(token.STRING, string, prefix=prefix)
-def ListComp(xp, fp, it, test=None):
-    """A list comprehension of the form [xp for fp in it if test].
-    If test is None, the "if test" part is omitted.
-    """
-    xp.prefix = ""
-    fp.prefix = " "
-    it.prefix = " "
-    for_leaf = Leaf(token.NAME, "for")
-    for_leaf.prefix = " "
-    in_leaf = Leaf(token.NAME, "in")
-    in_leaf.prefix = " "
-    inner_args = [for_leaf, fp, in_leaf, it]
-    if test:
-        test.prefix = " "
-        if_leaf = Leaf(token.NAME, "if")
-        if_leaf.prefix = " "
-        inner_args.append(Node(syms.comp_if, [if_leaf, test]))
-    inner = Node(syms.listmaker, [xp, Node(syms.comp_for, inner_args)])
-    return Node(syms.atom,
-                       [Leaf(token.LBRACE, "["),
-                        inner,
-                        Leaf(token.RBRACE, "]")])
-def FromImport(package_name, name_leafs):
-    """ Return an import statement in the form:
-        from package import name_leafs"""
-    # XXX: May not handle dotted imports properly (eg, package_name='foo.bar')
-    #assert package_name == '.' or '.' not in package_name, "FromImport has "\
-    #       "not been tested with dotted package names -- use at your own "\
-    #       "peril!"
-    for leaf in name_leafs:
-        # Pull the leaves out of their old tree
-        leaf.remove()
-    children = [Leaf(token.NAME, "from"),
-                Leaf(token.NAME, package_name, prefix=" "),
-                Leaf(token.NAME, "import", prefix=" "),
-                Node(syms.import_as_names, name_leafs)]
-    imp = Node(syms.import_from, children)
-    return imp
-def ImportAndCall(node, results, names):
-    """Returns an import statement and calls a method
-    of the module:
-    import module
-    module.name()"""
-    obj = results["obj"].clone()
-    if obj.type == syms.arglist:
-        newarglist = obj.clone()
-    else:
-        newarglist = Node(syms.arglist, [obj.clone()])
-    after = results["after"]
-    if after:
-        after = [n.clone() for n in after]
-    new = Node(syms.power,
-               Attr(Name(names[0]), Name(names[1])) +
-               [Node(syms.trailer,
-                     [results["lpar"].clone(),
-                      newarglist,
-                      results["rpar"].clone()])] + after)
-    new.prefix = node.prefix
-    return new
-### Determine whether a node represents a given literal
-def is_tuple(node):
-    """Does the node represent a tuple literal?"""
-    if isinstance(node, Node) and node.children == [LParen(), RParen()]:
-        return True
-    return (isinstance(node, Node)
-            and len(node.children) == 3
-            and isinstance(node.children[0], Leaf)
-            and isinstance(node.children[1], Node)
-            and isinstance(node.children[2], Leaf)
-            and node.children[0].value == "("
-            and node.children[2].value == ")")
-def is_list(node):
-    """Does the node represent a list literal?"""
-    return (isinstance(node, Node)
-            and len(node.children) > 1
-            and isinstance(node.children[0], Leaf)
-            and isinstance(node.children[-1], Leaf)
-            and node.children[0].value == "["
-            and node.children[-1].value == "]")
-### Misc
-def parenthesize(node):
-    return Node(syms.atom, [LParen(), node, RParen()])
-consuming_calls = {"sorted", "list", "set", "any", "all", "tuple", "sum",
-                   "min", "max", "enumerate"}
-def attr_chain(obj, attr):
-    """Follow an attribute chain.
-    If you have a chain of objects where a.foo -> b, b.foo-> c, etc,
-    use this to iterate over all objects in the chain. Iteration is
-    terminated by getattr(x, attr) is None.
-    Args:
-        obj: the starting object
-        attr: the name of the chaining attribute
-    Yields:
-        Each successive object in the chain.
-    """
-    next = getattr(obj, attr)
-    while next:
-        yield next
-        next = getattr(next, attr)
-p0 = """for_stmt< 'for' any 'in' node=any ':' any* >
-        | comp_for< 'for' any 'in' node=any any* >
-     """
-p1 = """
-    ( 'iter' | 'list' | 'tuple' | 'sorted' | 'set' | 'sum' |
-      'any' | 'all' | 'enumerate' | (any* trailer< '.' 'join' >) )
-    trailer< '(' node=any ')' >
-    any*
-p2 = """
-    ( 'sorted' | 'enumerate' )
-    trailer< '(' arglist<node=any any*> ')' >
-    any*
-pats_built = False
-def in_special_context(node):
-    """ Returns true if node is in an environment where all that is required
-        of it is being iterable (ie, it doesn't matter if it returns a list
-        or an iterator).
-        See test_map_nochange in test_fixers.py for some examples and tests.
-        """
-    global p0, p1, p2, pats_built
-    if not pats_built:
-        p0 = patcomp.compile_pattern(p0)
-        p1 = patcomp.compile_pattern(p1)
-        p2 = patcomp.compile_pattern(p2)
-        pats_built = True
-    patterns = [p0, p1, p2]
-    for pattern, parent in zip(patterns, attr_chain(node, "parent")):
-        results = {}
-        if pattern.match(parent, results) and results["node"] is node:
-            return True
-    return False
-def is_probably_builtin(node):
-    """
-    Check that something isn't an attribute or function name etc.
-    """
-    prev = node.prev_sibling
-    if prev is not None and prev.type == token.DOT:
-        # Attribute lookup.
-        return False
-    parent = node.parent
-    if parent.type in (syms.funcdef, syms.classdef):
-        return False
-    if parent.type == syms.expr_stmt and parent.children[0] is node:
-        # Assignment.
-        return False
-    if parent.type == syms.parameters or \
-            (parent.type == syms.typedargslist and (
-            (prev is not None and prev.type == token.COMMA) or
-            parent.children[0] is node
-            )):
-        # The name of an argument.
-        return False
-    return True
-def find_indentation(node):
-    """Find the indentation of *node*."""
-    while node is not None:
-        if node.type == syms.suite and len(node.children) > 2:
-            indent = node.children[1]
-            if indent.type == token.INDENT:
-                return indent.value
-        node = node.parent
-    return ""
-### The following functions are to find bindings in a suite
-def make_suite(node):
-    if node.type == syms.suite:
-        return node
-    node = node.clone()
-    parent, node.parent = node.parent, None
-    suite = Node(syms.suite, [node])
-    suite.parent = parent
-    return suite
-def find_root(node):
-    """Find the top level namespace."""
-    # Scamper up to the top level namespace
-    while node.type != syms.file_input:
-        node = node.parent
-        if not node:
-            raise ValueError("root found before file_input node was found.")
-    return node
-def does_tree_import(package, name, node):
-    """ Returns true if name is imported from package at the
-        top level of the tree which node belongs to.
-        To cover the case of an import like 'import foo', use
-        None for the package and 'foo' for the name. """
-    binding = find_binding(name, find_root(node), package)
-    return bool(binding)
-def is_import(node):
-    """Returns true if the node is an import statement."""
-    return node.type in (syms.import_name, syms.import_from)
-def touch_import(package, name, node):
-    """ Works like `does_tree_import` but adds an import statement
-        if it was not imported. """
-    def is_import_stmt(node):
-        return (node.type == syms.simple_stmt and node.children and
-                is_import(node.children[0]))
-    root = find_root(node)
-    if does_tree_import(package, name, root):
-        return
-    # figure out where to insert the new import.  First try to find
-    # the first import and then skip to the last one.
-    insert_pos = offset = 0
-    for idx, node in enumerate(root.children):
-        if not is_import_stmt(node):
-            continue
-        for offset, node2 in enumerate(root.children[idx:]):
-            if not is_import_stmt(node2):
-                break
-        insert_pos = idx + offset
-        break
-    # if there are no imports where we can insert, find the docstring.
-    # if that also fails, we stick to the beginning of the file
-    if insert_pos == 0:
-        for idx, node in enumerate(root.children):
-            if (node.type == syms.simple_stmt and node.children and
-               node.children[0].type == token.STRING):
-                insert_pos = idx + 1
-                break
-    if package is None:
-        import_ = Node(syms.import_name, [
-            Leaf(token.NAME, "import"),
-            Leaf(token.NAME, name, prefix=" ")
-        ])
-    else:
-        import_ = FromImport(package, [Leaf(token.NAME, name, prefix=" ")])
-    children = [import_, Newline()]
-    root.insert_child(insert_pos, Node(syms.simple_stmt, children))
-_def_syms = {syms.classdef, syms.funcdef}
-def find_binding(name, node, package=None):
-    """ Returns the node which binds variable name, otherwise None.
-        If optional argument package is supplied, only imports will
-        be returned.
-        See test cases for examples."""
-    for child in node.children:
-        ret = None
-        if child.type == syms.for_stmt:
-            if _find(name, child.children[1]):
-                return child
-            n = find_binding(name, make_suite(child.children[-1]), package)
-            if n: ret = n
-        elif child.type in (syms.if_stmt, syms.while_stmt):
-            n = find_binding(name, make_suite(child.children[-1]), package)
-            if n: ret = n
-        elif child.type == syms.try_stmt:
-            n = find_binding(name, make_suite(child.children[2]), package)
-            if n:
-                ret = n
-            else:
-                for i, kid in enumerate(child.children[3:]):
-                    if kid.type == token.COLON and kid.value == ":":
-                        # i+3 is the colon, i+4 is the suite
-                        n = find_binding(name, make_suite(child.children[i+4]), package)
-                        if n: ret = n
-        elif child.type in _def_syms and child.children[1].value == name:
-            ret = child
-        elif _is_import_binding(child, name, package):
-            ret = child
-        elif child.type == syms.simple_stmt:
-            ret = find_binding(name, child, package)
-        elif child.type == syms.expr_stmt:
-            if _find(name, child.children[0]):
-                ret = child
-        if ret:
-            if not package:
-                return ret
-            if is_import(ret):
-                return ret
-    return None
-_block_syms = {syms.funcdef, syms.classdef, syms.trailer}
-def _find(name, node):
-    nodes = [node]
-    while nodes:
-        node = nodes.pop()
-        if node.type > 256 and node.type not in _block_syms:
-            nodes.extend(node.children)
-        elif node.type == token.NAME and node.value == name:
-            return node
-    return None
-def _is_import_binding(node, name, package=None):
-    """ Will return node if node will import name, or node
-        will import * from package.  None is returned otherwise.
-        See test cases for examples. """
-    if node.type == syms.import_name and not package:
-        imp = node.children[1]
-        if imp.type == syms.dotted_as_names:
-            for child in imp.children:
-                if child.type == syms.dotted_as_name:
-                    if child.children[2].value == name:
-                        return node
-                elif child.type == token.NAME and child.value == name:
-                    return node
-        elif imp.type == syms.dotted_as_name:
-            last = imp.children[-1]
-            if last.type == token.NAME and last.value == name:
-                return node
-        elif imp.type == token.NAME and imp.value == name:
-            return node
-    elif node.type == syms.import_from:
-        # str(...) is used to make life easier here, because
-        # from a.b import parses to ['import', ['a', '.', 'b'], ...]
-        if package and str(node.children[1]).strip() != package:
-            return None
-        n = node.children[3]
-        if package and _find("as", n):
-            # See test_from_import_as for explanation
-            return None
-        elif n.type == syms.import_as_names and _find(name, n):
-            return node
-        elif n.type == syms.import_as_name:
-            child = n.children[2]
-            if child.type == token.NAME and child.value == name:
-                return node
-        elif n.type == token.NAME and n.value == name:
-            return node
-        elif package and n.type == token.STAR:
-            return node
-    return None
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/__init__.py b/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b93054b3ecf3a..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-# Dummy file to make this directory a package.
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_apply.py b/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_apply.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 6408582c42647..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_apply.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2006 Google, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
-"""Fixer for apply().
-This converts apply(func, v, k) into (func)(*v, **k)."""
-# Local imports
-from .. import pytree
-from ..pgen2 import token
-from .. import fixer_base
-from ..fixer_util import Call, Comma, parenthesize
-class FixApply(fixer_base.BaseFix):
-    BM_compatible = True
-    PATTERN = """
-    power< 'apply'
-        trailer<
-            '('
-            arglist<
-                (not argument<NAME '=' any>) func=any ','
-                (not argument<NAME '=' any>) args=any [','
-                (not argument<NAME '=' any>) kwds=any] [',']
-            >
-            ')'
-        >
-    >
-    """
-    def transform(self, node, results):
-        syms = self.syms
-        assert results
-        func = results["func"]
-        args = results["args"]
-        kwds = results.get("kwds")
-        # I feel like we should be able to express this logic in the
-        # PATTERN above but I don't know how to do it so...
-        if args:
-            if (args.type == self.syms.argument and
-                args.children[0].value in {'**', '*'}):
-                return  # Make no change.
-        if kwds and (kwds.type == self.syms.argument and
-                     kwds.children[0].value == '**'):
-            return  # Make no change.
-        prefix = node.prefix
-        func = func.clone()
-        if (func.type not in (token.NAME, syms.atom) and
-            (func.type != syms.power or
-             func.children[-2].type == token.DOUBLESTAR)):
-            # Need to parenthesize
-            func = parenthesize(func)
-        func.prefix = ""
-        args = args.clone()
-        args.prefix = ""
-        if kwds is not None:
-            kwds = kwds.clone()
-            kwds.prefix = ""
-        l_newargs = [pytree.Leaf(token.STAR, "*"), args]
-        if kwds is not None:
-            l_newargs.extend([Comma(),
-                              pytree.Leaf(token.DOUBLESTAR, "**"),
-                              kwds])
-            l_newargs[-2].prefix = " " # that's the ** token
-        # XXX Sometimes we could be cleverer, e.g. apply(f, (x, y) + t)
-        # can be translated into f(x, y, *t) instead of f(*(x, y) + t)
-        #new = pytree.Node(syms.power, (func, ArgList(l_newargs)))
-        return Call(func, l_newargs, prefix=prefix)
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_asserts.py b/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_asserts.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 5bcec885f52cb..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_asserts.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-"""Fixer that replaces deprecated unittest method names."""
-# Author: Ezio Melotti
-from ..fixer_base import BaseFix
-from ..fixer_util import Name
-NAMES = dict(
-    assert_="assertTrue",
-    assertEquals="assertEqual",
-    assertNotEquals="assertNotEqual",
-    assertAlmostEquals="assertAlmostEqual",
-    assertNotAlmostEquals="assertNotAlmostEqual",
-    assertRegexpMatches="assertRegex",
-    assertRaisesRegexp="assertRaisesRegex",
-    failUnlessEqual="assertEqual",
-    failIfEqual="assertNotEqual",
-    failUnlessAlmostEqual="assertAlmostEqual",
-    failIfAlmostEqual="assertNotAlmostEqual",
-    failUnless="assertTrue",
-    failUnlessRaises="assertRaises",
-    failIf="assertFalse",
-class FixAsserts(BaseFix):
-    PATTERN = """
-              power< any+ trailer< '.' meth=(%s)> any* >
-              """ % '|'.join(map(repr, NAMES))
-    def transform(self, node, results):
-        name = results["meth"][0]
-        name.replace(Name(NAMES[str(name)], prefix=name.prefix))
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_basestring.py b/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_basestring.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 5fe69a0f03b1b..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_basestring.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-"""Fixer for basestring -> str."""
-# Author: Christian Heimes
-# Local imports
-from .. import fixer_base
-from ..fixer_util import Name
-class FixBasestring(fixer_base.BaseFix):
-    BM_compatible = True
-    PATTERN = "'basestring'"
-    def transform(self, node, results):
-        return Name("str", prefix=node.prefix)
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_buffer.py b/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_buffer.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f9a1958ad3b93..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_buffer.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2007 Google, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
-"""Fixer that changes buffer(...) into memoryview(...)."""
-# Local imports
-from .. import fixer_base
-from ..fixer_util import Name
-class FixBuffer(fixer_base.BaseFix):
-    BM_compatible = True
-    explicit = True # The user must ask for this fixer
-    PATTERN = """
-              power< name='buffer' trailer< '(' [any] ')' > any* >
-              """
-    def transform(self, node, results):
-        name = results["name"]
-        name.replace(Name("memoryview", prefix=name.prefix))
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_dict.py b/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_dict.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d3655c9f1b2d9..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_dict.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2007 Google, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
-"""Fixer for dict methods.
-d.keys() -> list(d.keys())
-d.items() -> list(d.items())
-d.values() -> list(d.values())
-d.iterkeys() -> iter(d.keys())
-d.iteritems() -> iter(d.items())
-d.itervalues() -> iter(d.values())
-d.viewkeys() -> d.keys()
-d.viewitems() -> d.items()
-d.viewvalues() -> d.values()
-Except in certain very specific contexts: the iter() can be dropped
-when the context is list(), sorted(), iter() or for...in; the list()
-can be dropped when the context is list() or sorted() (but not iter()
-or for...in!). Special contexts that apply to both: list(), sorted(), tuple()
-set(), any(), all(), sum().
-Note: iter(d.keys()) could be written as iter(d) but since the
-original d.iterkeys() was also redundant we don't fix this.  And there
-are (rare) contexts where it makes a difference (e.g. when passing it
-as an argument to a function that introspects the argument).
-# Local imports
-from .. import pytree
-from .. import patcomp
-from .. import fixer_base
-from ..fixer_util import Name, Call, Dot
-from .. import fixer_util
-iter_exempt = fixer_util.consuming_calls | {"iter"}
-class FixDict(fixer_base.BaseFix):
-    BM_compatible = True
-    PATTERN = """
-    power< head=any+
-         trailer< '.' method=('keys'|'items'|'values'|
-                              'iterkeys'|'iteritems'|'itervalues'|
-                              'viewkeys'|'viewitems'|'viewvalues') >
-         parens=trailer< '(' ')' >
-         tail=any*
-    >
-    """
-    def transform(self, node, results):
-        head = results["head"]
-        method = results["method"][0] # Extract node for method name
-        tail = results["tail"]
-        syms = self.syms
-        method_name = method.value
-        isiter = method_name.startswith("iter")
-        isview = method_name.startswith("view")
-        if isiter or isview:
-            method_name = method_name[4:]
-        assert method_name in ("keys", "items", "values"), repr(method)
-        head = [n.clone() for n in head]
-        tail = [n.clone() for n in tail]
-        special = not tail and self.in_special_context(node, isiter)
-        args = head + [pytree.Node(syms.trailer,
-                                   [Dot(),
-                                    Name(method_name,
-                                         prefix=method.prefix)]),
-                       results["parens"].clone()]
-        new = pytree.Node(syms.power, args)
-        if not (special or isview):
-            new.prefix = ""
-            new = Call(Name("iter" if isiter else "list"), [new])
-        if tail:
-            new = pytree.Node(syms.power, [new] + tail)
-        new.prefix = node.prefix
-        return new
-    P1 = "power< func=NAME trailer< '(' node=any ')' > any* >"
-    p1 = patcomp.compile_pattern(P1)
-    P2 = """for_stmt< 'for' any 'in' node=any ':' any* >
-            | comp_for< 'for' any 'in' node=any any* >
-         """
-    p2 = patcomp.compile_pattern(P2)
-    def in_special_context(self, node, isiter):
-        if node.parent is None:
-            return False
-        results = {}
-        if (node.parent.parent is not None and
-               self.p1.match(node.parent.parent, results) and
-               results["node"] is node):
-            if isiter:
-                # iter(d.iterkeys()) -> iter(d.keys()), etc.
-                return results["func"].value in iter_exempt
-            else:
-                # list(d.keys()) -> list(d.keys()), etc.
-                return results["func"].value in fixer_util.consuming_calls
-        if not isiter:
-            return False
-        # for ... in d.iterkeys() -> for ... in d.keys(), etc.
-        return self.p2.match(node.parent, results) and results["node"] is node
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_except.py b/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_except.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 49bd3d5ab7d6c..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_except.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-"""Fixer for except statements with named exceptions.
-The following cases will be converted:
-- "except E, T:" where T is a name:
-    except E as T:
-- "except E, T:" where T is not a name, tuple or list:
-        except E as t:
-            T = t
-    This is done because the target of an "except" clause must be a
-    name.
-- "except E, T:" where T is a tuple or list literal:
-        except E as t:
-            T = t.args
-# Author: Collin Winter
-# Local imports
-from .. import pytree
-from ..pgen2 import token
-from .. import fixer_base
-from ..fixer_util import Assign, Attr, Name, is_tuple, is_list, syms
-def find_excepts(nodes):
-    for i, n in enumerate(nodes):
-        if n.type == syms.except_clause:
-            if n.children[0].value == 'except':
-                yield (n, nodes[i+2])
-class FixExcept(fixer_base.BaseFix):
-    BM_compatible = True
-    PATTERN = """
-    try_stmt< 'try' ':' (simple_stmt | suite)
-                  cleanup=(except_clause ':' (simple_stmt | suite))+
-                  tail=(['except' ':' (simple_stmt | suite)]
-                        ['else' ':' (simple_stmt | suite)]
-                        ['finally' ':' (simple_stmt | suite)]) >
-    """
-    def transform(self, node, results):
-        syms = self.syms
-        tail = [n.clone() for n in results["tail"]]
-        try_cleanup = [ch.clone() for ch in results["cleanup"]]
-        for except_clause, e_suite in find_excepts(try_cleanup):
-            if len(except_clause.children) == 4:
-                (E, comma, N) = except_clause.children[1:4]
-                comma.replace(Name("as", prefix=" "))
-                if N.type != token.NAME:
-                    # Generate a new N for the except clause
-                    new_N = Name(self.new_name(), prefix=" ")
-                    target = N.clone()
-                    target.prefix = ""
-                    N.replace(new_N)
-                    new_N = new_N.clone()
-                    # Insert "old_N = new_N" as the first statement in
-                    #  the except body. This loop skips leading whitespace
-                    #  and indents
-                    #TODO(cwinter) suite-cleanup
-                    suite_stmts = e_suite.children
-                    for i, stmt in enumerate(suite_stmts):
-                        if isinstance(stmt, pytree.Node):
-                            break
-                    # The assignment is different if old_N is a tuple or list
-                    # In that case, the assignment is old_N = new_N.args
-                    if is_tuple(N) or is_list(N):
-                        assign = Assign(target, Attr(new_N, Name('args')))
-                    else:
-                        assign = Assign(target, new_N)
-                    #TODO(cwinter) stopgap until children becomes a smart list
-                    for child in reversed(suite_stmts[:i]):
-                        e_suite.insert_child(0, child)
-                    e_suite.insert_child(i, assign)
-                elif N.prefix == "":
-                    # No space after a comma is legal; no space after "as",
-                    # not so much.
-                    N.prefix = " "
-        #TODO(cwinter) fix this when children becomes a smart list
-        children = [c.clone() for c in node.children[:3]] + try_cleanup + tail
-        return pytree.Node(node.type, children)
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_exec.py b/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_exec.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ab921ee80cdf3..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_exec.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2006 Google, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
-"""Fixer for exec.
-This converts usages of the exec statement into calls to a built-in
-exec() function.
-exec code in ns1, ns2 -> exec(code, ns1, ns2)
-# Local imports
-from .. import fixer_base
-from ..fixer_util import Comma, Name, Call
-class FixExec(fixer_base.BaseFix):
-    BM_compatible = True
-    PATTERN = """
-    exec_stmt< 'exec' a=any 'in' b=any [',' c=any] >
-    |
-    exec_stmt< 'exec' (not atom<'(' [any] ')'>) a=any >
-    """
-    def transform(self, node, results):
-        assert results
-        syms = self.syms
-        a = results["a"]
-        b = results.get("b")
-        c = results.get("c")
-        args = [a.clone()]
-        args[0].prefix = ""
-        if b is not None:
-            args.extend([Comma(), b.clone()])
-        if c is not None:
-            args.extend([Comma(), c.clone()])
-        return Call(Name("exec"), args, prefix=node.prefix)
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_execfile.py b/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_execfile.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b6c786fd4e8b6..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_execfile.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2006 Google, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
-"""Fixer for execfile.
-This converts usages of the execfile function into calls to the built-in
-exec() function.
-from .. import fixer_base
-from ..fixer_util import (Comma, Name, Call, LParen, RParen, Dot, Node,
-                          ArgList, String, syms)
-class FixExecfile(fixer_base.BaseFix):
-    BM_compatible = True
-    PATTERN = """
-    power< 'execfile' trailer< '(' arglist< filename=any [',' globals=any [',' locals=any ] ] > ')' > >
-    |
-    power< 'execfile' trailer< '(' filename=any ')' > >
-    """
-    def transform(self, node, results):
-        assert results
-        filename = results["filename"]
-        globals = results.get("globals")
-        locals = results.get("locals")
-        # Copy over the prefix from the right parentheses end of the execfile
-        # call.
-        execfile_paren = node.children[-1].children[-1].clone()
-        # Construct open().read().
-        open_args = ArgList([filename.clone(), Comma(), String('"rb"', ' ')],
-                            rparen=execfile_paren)
-        open_call = Node(syms.power, [Name("open"), open_args])
-        read = [Node(syms.trailer, [Dot(), Name('read')]),
-                Node(syms.trailer, [LParen(), RParen()])]
-        open_expr = [open_call] + read
-        # Wrap the open call in a compile call. This is so the filename will be
-        # preserved in the execed code.
-        filename_arg = filename.clone()
-        filename_arg.prefix = " "
-        exec_str = String("'exec'", " ")
-        compile_args = open_expr + [Comma(), filename_arg, Comma(), exec_str]
-        compile_call = Call(Name("compile"), compile_args, "")
-        # Finally, replace the execfile call with an exec call.
-        args = [compile_call]
-        if globals is not None:
-            args.extend([Comma(), globals.clone()])
-        if locals is not None:
-            args.extend([Comma(), locals.clone()])
-        return Call(Name("exec"), args, prefix=node.prefix)
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_exitfunc.py b/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_exitfunc.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e47887afead3..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_exitfunc.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-Convert use of sys.exitfunc to use the atexit module.
-# Author: Benjamin Peterson
-from lib2to3 import pytree, fixer_base
-from lib2to3.fixer_util import Name, Attr, Call, Comma, Newline, syms
-class FixExitfunc(fixer_base.BaseFix):
-    keep_line_order = True
-    BM_compatible = True
-    PATTERN = """
-              (
-                  sys_import=import_name<'import'
-                      ('sys'
-                      |
-                      dotted_as_names< (any ',')* 'sys' (',' any)* >
-                      )
-                  >
-              |
-                  expr_stmt<
-                      power< 'sys' trailer< '.' 'exitfunc' > >
-                  '=' func=any >
-              )
-              """
-    def __init__(self, *args):
-        super(FixExitfunc, self).__init__(*args)
-    def start_tree(self, tree, filename):
-        super(FixExitfunc, self).start_tree(tree, filename)
-        self.sys_import = None
-    def transform(self, node, results):
-        # First, find the sys import. We'll just hope it's global scope.
-        if "sys_import" in results:
-            if self.sys_import is None:
-                self.sys_import = results["sys_import"]
-            return
-        func = results["func"].clone()
-        func.prefix = ""
-        register = pytree.Node(syms.power,
-                               Attr(Name("atexit"), Name("register"))
-                               )
-        call = Call(register, [func], node.prefix)
-        node.replace(call)
-        if self.sys_import is None:
-            # That's interesting.
-            self.warning(node, "Can't find sys import; Please add an atexit "
-                             "import at the top of your file.")
-            return
-        # Now add an atexit import after the sys import.
-        names = self.sys_import.children[1]
-        if names.type == syms.dotted_as_names:
-            names.append_child(Comma())
-            names.append_child(Name("atexit", " "))
-        else:
-            containing_stmt = self.sys_import.parent
-            position = containing_stmt.children.index(self.sys_import)
-            stmt_container = containing_stmt.parent
-            new_import = pytree.Node(syms.import_name,
-                              [Name("import"), Name("atexit", " ")]
-                              )
-            new = pytree.Node(syms.simple_stmt, [new_import])
-            containing_stmt.insert_child(position + 1, Newline())
-            containing_stmt.insert_child(position + 2, new)
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_filter.py b/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_filter.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 38e9078f11ac8..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_filter.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2007 Google, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
-"""Fixer that changes filter(F, X) into list(filter(F, X)).
-We avoid the transformation if the filter() call is directly contained
-in iter(<>), list(<>), tuple(<>), sorted(<>), ...join(<>), or
-for V in <>:.
-NOTE: This is still not correct if the original code was depending on
-filter(F, X) to return a string if X is a string and a tuple if X is a
-tuple.  That would require type inference, which we don't do.  Let
-Python 2.6 figure it out.
-# Local imports
-from .. import fixer_base
-from ..pytree import Node
-from ..pygram import python_symbols as syms
-from ..fixer_util import Name, ArgList, ListComp, in_special_context, parenthesize
-class FixFilter(fixer_base.ConditionalFix):
-    BM_compatible = True
-    PATTERN = """
-    filter_lambda=power<
-        'filter'
-        trailer<
-            '('
-            arglist<
-                lambdef< 'lambda'
-                         (fp=NAME | vfpdef< '(' fp=NAME ')'> ) ':' xp=any
-                >
-                ','
-                it=any
-            >
-            ')'
-        >
-        [extra_trailers=trailer*]
-    >
-    |
-    power<
-        'filter'
-        trailer< '(' arglist< none='None' ',' seq=any > ')' >
-        [extra_trailers=trailer*]
-    >
-    |
-    power<
-        'filter'
-        args=trailer< '(' [any] ')' >
-        [extra_trailers=trailer*]
-    >
-    """
-    skip_on = "future_builtins.filter"
-    def transform(self, node, results):
-        if self.should_skip(node):
-            return
-        trailers = []
-        if 'extra_trailers' in results:
-            for t in results['extra_trailers']:
-                trailers.append(t.clone())
-        if "filter_lambda" in results:
-            xp = results.get("xp").clone()
-            if xp.type == syms.test:
-                xp.prefix = ""
-                xp = parenthesize(xp)
-            new = ListComp(results.get("fp").clone(),
-                           results.get("fp").clone(),
-                           results.get("it").clone(), xp)
-            new = Node(syms.power, [new] + trailers, prefix="")
-        elif "none" in results:
-            new = ListComp(Name("_f"),
-                           Name("_f"),
-                           results["seq"].clone(),
-                           Name("_f"))
-            new = Node(syms.power, [new] + trailers, prefix="")
-        else:
-            if in_special_context(node):
-                return None
-            args = results['args'].clone()
-            new = Node(syms.power, [Name("filter"), args], prefix="")
-            new = Node(syms.power, [Name("list"), ArgList([new])] + trailers)
-            new.prefix = ""
-        new.prefix = node.prefix
-        return new
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_funcattrs.py b/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_funcattrs.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 67f3e18e061bd..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_funcattrs.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-"""Fix function attribute names (f.func_x -> f.__x__)."""
-# Author: Collin Winter
-# Local imports
-from .. import fixer_base
-from ..fixer_util import Name
-class FixFuncattrs(fixer_base.BaseFix):
-    BM_compatible = True
-    PATTERN = """
-    power< any+ trailer< '.' attr=('func_closure' | 'func_doc' | 'func_globals'
-                                  | 'func_name' | 'func_defaults' | 'func_code'
-                                  | 'func_dict') > any* >
-    """
-    def transform(self, node, results):
-        attr = results["attr"][0]
-        attr.replace(Name(("__%s__" % attr.value[5:]),
-                          prefix=attr.prefix))
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_future.py b/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_future.py
deleted file mode 100644
index fbcb86af07913..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_future.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-"""Remove __future__ imports
-from __future__ import foo is replaced with an empty line.
-# Author: Christian Heimes
-# Local imports
-from .. import fixer_base
-from ..fixer_util import BlankLine
-class FixFuture(fixer_base.BaseFix):
-    BM_compatible = True
-    PATTERN = """import_from< 'from' module_name="__future__" 'import' any >"""
-    # This should be run last -- some things check for the import
-    run_order = 10
-    def transform(self, node, results):
-        new = BlankLine()
-        new.prefix = node.prefix
-        return new
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_getcwdu.py b/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_getcwdu.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 087eaedcb26f9..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_getcwdu.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-Fixer that changes os.getcwdu() to os.getcwd().
-# Author: Victor Stinner
-# Local imports
-from .. import fixer_base
-from ..fixer_util import Name
-class FixGetcwdu(fixer_base.BaseFix):
-    BM_compatible = True
-    PATTERN = """
-              power< 'os' trailer< dot='.' name='getcwdu' > any* >
-              """
-    def transform(self, node, results):
-        name = results["name"]
-        name.replace(Name("getcwd", prefix=name.prefix))
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_has_key.py b/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_has_key.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 439708c992340..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_has_key.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2006 Google, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
-"""Fixer for has_key().
-Calls to .has_key() methods are expressed in terms of the 'in'
-    d.has_key(k) -> k in d
-1) While the primary target of this fixer is dict.has_key(), the
-   fixer will change any has_key() method call, regardless of its
-   class.
-2) Cases like this will not be converted:
-    m = d.has_key
-    if m(k):
-        ...
-   Only *calls* to has_key() are converted. While it is possible to
-   convert the above to something like
-    m = d.__contains__
-    if m(k):
-        ...
-   this is currently not done.
-# Local imports
-from .. import pytree
-from .. import fixer_base
-from ..fixer_util import Name, parenthesize
-class FixHasKey(fixer_base.BaseFix):
-    BM_compatible = True
-    PATTERN = """
-    anchor=power<
-        before=any+
-        trailer< '.' 'has_key' >
-        trailer<
-            '('
-            ( not(arglist | argument<any '=' any>) arg=any
-            | arglist<(not argument<any '=' any>) arg=any ','>
-            )
-            ')'
-        >
-        after=any*
-    >
-    |
-    negation=not_test<
-        'not'
-        anchor=power<
-            before=any+
-            trailer< '.' 'has_key' >
-            trailer<
-                '('
-                ( not(arglist | argument<any '=' any>) arg=any
-                | arglist<(not argument<any '=' any>) arg=any ','>
-                )
-                ')'
-            >
-        >
-    >
-    """
-    def transform(self, node, results):
-        assert results
-        syms = self.syms
-        if (node.parent.type == syms.not_test and
-            self.pattern.match(node.parent)):
-            # Don't transform a node matching the first alternative of the
-            # pattern when its parent matches the second alternative
-            return None
-        negation = results.get("negation")
-        anchor = results["anchor"]
-        prefix = node.prefix
-        before = [n.clone() for n in results["before"]]
-        arg = results["arg"].clone()
-        after = results.get("after")
-        if after:
-            after = [n.clone() for n in after]
-        if arg.type in (syms.comparison, syms.not_test, syms.and_test,
-                        syms.or_test, syms.test, syms.lambdef, syms.argument):
-            arg = parenthesize(arg)
-        if len(before) == 1:
-            before = before[0]
-        else:
-            before = pytree.Node(syms.power, before)
-        before.prefix = " "
-        n_op = Name("in", prefix=" ")
-        if negation:
-            n_not = Name("not", prefix=" ")
-            n_op = pytree.Node(syms.comp_op, (n_not, n_op))
-        new = pytree.Node(syms.comparison, (arg, n_op, before))
-        if after:
-            new = parenthesize(new)
-            new = pytree.Node(syms.power, (new,) + tuple(after))
-        if node.parent.type in (syms.comparison, syms.expr, syms.xor_expr,
-                                syms.and_expr, syms.shift_expr,
-                                syms.arith_expr, syms.term,
-                                syms.factor, syms.power):
-            new = parenthesize(new)
-        new.prefix = prefix
-        return new
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_idioms.py b/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_idioms.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 6905913d7cb79..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_idioms.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-"""Adjust some old Python 2 idioms to their modern counterparts.
-* Change some type comparisons to isinstance() calls:
-    type(x) == T -> isinstance(x, T)
-    type(x) is T -> isinstance(x, T)
-    type(x) != T -> not isinstance(x, T)
-    type(x) is not T -> not isinstance(x, T)
-* Change "while 1:" into "while True:".
-* Change both
-    v = list(EXPR)
-    v.sort()
-    foo(v)
-and the more general
-    v = EXPR
-    v.sort()
-    foo(v)
-    v = sorted(EXPR)
-    foo(v)
-# Author: Jacques Frechet, Collin Winter
-# Local imports
-from .. import fixer_base
-from ..fixer_util import Call, Comma, Name, Node, BlankLine, syms
-CMP = "(n='!=' | '==' | 'is' | n=comp_op< 'is' 'not' >)"
-TYPE = "power< 'type' trailer< '(' x=any ')' > >"
-class FixIdioms(fixer_base.BaseFix):
-    explicit = True # The user must ask for this fixer
-    PATTERN = r"""
-        isinstance=comparison< %s %s T=any >
-        |
-        isinstance=comparison< T=any %s %s >
-        |
-        while_stmt< 'while' while='1' ':' any+ >
-        |
-        sorted=any<
-            any*
-            simple_stmt<
-              expr_stmt< id1=any '='
-                         power< list='list' trailer< '(' (not arglist<any+>) any ')' > >
-              >
-              '\n'
-            >
-            sort=
-            simple_stmt<
-              power< id2=any
-                     trailer< '.' 'sort' > trailer< '(' ')' >
-              >
-              '\n'
-            >
-            next=any*
-        >
-        |
-        sorted=any<
-            any*
-            simple_stmt< expr_stmt< id1=any '=' expr=any > '\n' >
-            sort=
-            simple_stmt<
-              power< id2=any
-                     trailer< '.' 'sort' > trailer< '(' ')' >
-              >
-              '\n'
-            >
-            next=any*
-        >
-    """ % (TYPE, CMP, CMP, TYPE)
-    def match(self, node):
-        r = super(FixIdioms, self).match(node)
-        # If we've matched one of the sort/sorted subpatterns above, we
-        # want to reject matches where the initial assignment and the
-        # subsequent .sort() call involve different identifiers.
-        if r and "sorted" in r:
-            if r["id1"] == r["id2"]:
-                return r
-            return None
-        return r
-    def transform(self, node, results):
-        if "isinstance" in results:
-            return self.transform_isinstance(node, results)
-        elif "while" in results:
-            return self.transform_while(node, results)
-        elif "sorted" in results:
-            return self.transform_sort(node, results)
-        else:
-            raise RuntimeError("Invalid match")
-    def transform_isinstance(self, node, results):
-        x = results["x"].clone() # The thing inside of type()
-        T = results["T"].clone() # The type being compared against
-        x.prefix = ""
-        T.prefix = " "
-        test = Call(Name("isinstance"), [x, Comma(), T])
-        if "n" in results:
-            test.prefix = " "
-            test = Node(syms.not_test, [Name("not"), test])
-        test.prefix = node.prefix
-        return test
-    def transform_while(self, node, results):
-        one = results["while"]
-        one.replace(Name("True", prefix=one.prefix))
-    def transform_sort(self, node, results):
-        sort_stmt = results["sort"]
-        next_stmt = results["next"]
-        list_call = results.get("list")
-        simple_expr = results.get("expr")
-        if list_call:
-            list_call.replace(Name("sorted", prefix=list_call.prefix))
-        elif simple_expr:
-            new = simple_expr.clone()
-            new.prefix = ""
-            simple_expr.replace(Call(Name("sorted"), [new],
-                                     prefix=simple_expr.prefix))
-        else:
-            raise RuntimeError("should not have reached here")
-        sort_stmt.remove()
-        btwn = sort_stmt.prefix
-        # Keep any prefix lines between the sort_stmt and the list_call and
-        # shove them right after the sorted() call.
-        if "\n" in btwn:
-            if next_stmt:
-                # The new prefix should be everything from the sort_stmt's
-                # prefix up to the last newline, then the old prefix after a new
-                # line.
-                prefix_lines = (btwn.rpartition("\n")[0], next_stmt[0].prefix)
-                next_stmt[0].prefix = "\n".join(prefix_lines)
-            else:
-                assert list_call.parent
-                assert list_call.next_sibling is None
-                # Put a blank line after list_call and set its prefix.
-                end_line = BlankLine()
-                list_call.parent.append_child(end_line)
-                assert list_call.next_sibling is end_line
-                # The new prefix should be everything up to the first new line
-                # of sort_stmt's prefix.
-                end_line.prefix = btwn.rpartition("\n")[0]
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_import.py b/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_import.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 734ca294699c3..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_import.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-"""Fixer for import statements.
-If spam is being imported from the local directory, this import:
-    from spam import eggs
-    from .spam import eggs
-And this import:
-    import spam
-    from . import spam
-# Local imports
-from .. import fixer_base
-from os.path import dirname, join, exists, sep
-from ..fixer_util import FromImport, syms, token
-def traverse_imports(names):
-    """
-    Walks over all the names imported in a dotted_as_names node.
-    """
-    pending = [names]
-    while pending:
-        node = pending.pop()
-        if node.type == token.NAME:
-            yield node.value
-        elif node.type == syms.dotted_name:
-            yield "".join([ch.value for ch in node.children])
-        elif node.type == syms.dotted_as_name:
-            pending.append(node.children[0])
-        elif node.type == syms.dotted_as_names:
-            pending.extend(node.children[::-2])
-        else:
-            raise AssertionError("unknown node type")
-class FixImport(fixer_base.BaseFix):
-    BM_compatible = True
-    PATTERN = """
-    import_from< 'from' imp=any 'import' ['('] any [')'] >
-    |
-    import_name< 'import' imp=any >
-    """
-    def start_tree(self, tree, name):
-        super(FixImport, self).start_tree(tree, name)
-        self.skip = "absolute_import" in tree.future_features
-    def transform(self, node, results):
-        if self.skip:
-            return
-        imp = results['imp']
-        if node.type == syms.import_from:
-            # Some imps are top-level (eg: 'import ham')
-            # some are first level (eg: 'import ham.eggs')
-            # some are third level (eg: 'import ham.eggs as spam')
-            # Hence, the loop
-            while not hasattr(imp, 'value'):
-                imp = imp.children[0]
-            if self.probably_a_local_import(imp.value):
-                imp.value = "." + imp.value
-                imp.changed()
-        else:
-            have_local = False
-            have_absolute = False
-            for mod_name in traverse_imports(imp):
-                if self.probably_a_local_import(mod_name):
-                    have_local = True
-                else:
-                    have_absolute = True
-            if have_absolute:
-                if have_local:
-                    # We won't handle both sibling and absolute imports in the
-                    # same statement at the moment.
-                    self.warning(node, "absolute and local imports together")
-                return
-            new = FromImport(".", [imp])
-            new.prefix = node.prefix
-            return new
-    def probably_a_local_import(self, imp_name):
-        if imp_name.startswith("."):
-            # Relative imports are certainly not local imports.
-            return False
-        imp_name = imp_name.split(".", 1)[0]
-        base_path = dirname(self.filename)
-        base_path = join(base_path, imp_name)
-        # If there is no __init__.py next to the file its not in a package
-        # so can't be a relative import.
-        if not exists(join(dirname(base_path), "__init__.py")):
-            return False
-        for ext in [".py", sep, ".pyc", ".so", ".sl", ".pyd"]:
-            if exists(base_path + ext):
-                return True
-        return False
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_imports.py b/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_imports.py
deleted file mode 100644
index aaf4f2f642efb..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_imports.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-"""Fix incompatible imports and module references."""
-# Authors: Collin Winter, Nick Edds
-# Local imports
-from .. import fixer_base
-from ..fixer_util import Name, attr_chain
-MAPPING = {'StringIO':  'io',
-           'cStringIO': 'io',
-           'cPickle': 'pickle',
-           '__builtin__' : 'builtins',
-           'copy_reg': 'copyreg',
-           'Queue': 'queue',
-           'SocketServer': 'socketserver',
-           'ConfigParser': 'configparser',
-           'repr': 'reprlib',
-           'FileDialog': 'tkinter.filedialog',
-           'tkFileDialog': 'tkinter.filedialog',
-           'SimpleDialog': 'tkinter.simpledialog',
-           'tkSimpleDialog': 'tkinter.simpledialog',
-           'tkColorChooser': 'tkinter.colorchooser',
-           'tkCommonDialog': 'tkinter.commondialog',
-           'Dialog': 'tkinter.dialog',
-           'Tkdnd': 'tkinter.dnd',
-           'tkFont': 'tkinter.font',
-           'tkMessageBox': 'tkinter.messagebox',
-           'ScrolledText': 'tkinter.scrolledtext',
-           'Tkconstants': 'tkinter.constants',
-           'Tix': 'tkinter.tix',
-           'ttk': 'tkinter.ttk',
-           'Tkinter': 'tkinter',
-           'markupbase': '_markupbase',
-           '_winreg': 'winreg',
-           'thread': '_thread',
-           'dummy_thread': '_dummy_thread',
-           # anydbm and whichdb are handled by fix_imports2
-           'dbhash': 'dbm.bsd',
-           'dumbdbm': 'dbm.dumb',
-           'dbm': 'dbm.ndbm',
-           'gdbm': 'dbm.gnu',
-           'xmlrpclib': 'xmlrpc.client',
-           'DocXMLRPCServer': 'xmlrpc.server',
-           'SimpleXMLRPCServer': 'xmlrpc.server',
-           'httplib': 'http.client',
-           'htmlentitydefs' : 'html.entities',
-           'HTMLParser' : 'html.parser',
-           'Cookie': 'http.cookies',
-           'cookielib': 'http.cookiejar',
-           'BaseHTTPServer': 'http.server',
-           'SimpleHTTPServer': 'http.server',
-           'CGIHTTPServer': 'http.server',
-           #'test.test_support': 'test.support',
-           'commands': 'subprocess',
-           'UserString' : 'collections',
-           'UserList' : 'collections',
-           'urlparse' : 'urllib.parse',
-           'robotparser' : 'urllib.robotparser',
-def alternates(members):
-    return "(" + "|".join(map(repr, members)) + ")"
-def build_pattern(mapping=MAPPING):
-    mod_list = ' | '.join(["module_name='%s'" % key for key in mapping])
-    bare_names = alternates(mapping.keys())
-    yield """name_import=import_name< 'import' ((%s) |
-               multiple_imports=dotted_as_names< any* (%s) any* >) >
-          """ % (mod_list, mod_list)
-    yield """import_from< 'from' (%s) 'import' ['(']
-              ( any | import_as_name< any 'as' any > |
-                import_as_names< any* >)  [')'] >
-          """ % mod_list
-    yield """import_name< 'import' (dotted_as_name< (%s) 'as' any > |
-               multiple_imports=dotted_as_names<
-                 any* dotted_as_name< (%s) 'as' any > any* >) >
-          """ % (mod_list, mod_list)
-    # Find usages of module members in code e.g. thread.foo(bar)
-    yield "power< bare_with_attr=(%s) trailer<'.' any > any* >" % bare_names
-class FixImports(fixer_base.BaseFix):
-    BM_compatible = True
-    keep_line_order = True
-    # This is overridden in fix_imports2.
-    mapping = MAPPING
-    # We want to run this fixer late, so fix_import doesn't try to make stdlib
-    # renames into relative imports.
-    run_order = 6
-    def build_pattern(self):
-        return "|".join(build_pattern(self.mapping))
-    def compile_pattern(self):
-        # We override this, so MAPPING can be pragmatically altered and the
-        # changes will be reflected in PATTERN.
-        self.PATTERN = self.build_pattern()
-        super(FixImports, self).compile_pattern()
-    # Don't match the node if it's within another match.
-    def match(self, node):
-        match = super(FixImports, self).match
-        results = match(node)
-        if results:
-            # Module usage could be in the trailer of an attribute lookup, so we
-            # might have nested matches when "bare_with_attr" is present.
-            if "bare_with_attr" not in results and \
-                    any(match(obj) for obj in attr_chain(node, "parent")):
-                return False
-            return results
-        return False
-    def start_tree(self, tree, filename):
-        super(FixImports, self).start_tree(tree, filename)
-        self.replace = {}
-    def transform(self, node, results):
-        import_mod = results.get("module_name")
-        if import_mod:
-            mod_name = import_mod.value
-            new_name = self.mapping[mod_name]
-            import_mod.replace(Name(new_name, prefix=import_mod.prefix))
-            if "name_import" in results:
-                # If it's not a "from x import x, y" or "import x as y" import,
-                # marked its usage to be replaced.
-                self.replace[mod_name] = new_name
-            if "multiple_imports" in results:
-                # This is a nasty hack to fix multiple imports on a line (e.g.,
-                # "import StringIO, urlparse"). The problem is that I can't
-                # figure out an easy way to make a pattern recognize the keys of
-                # MAPPING randomly sprinkled in an import statement.
-                results = self.match(node)
-                if results:
-                    self.transform(node, results)
-        else:
-            # Replace usage of the module.
-            bare_name = results["bare_with_attr"][0]
-            new_name = self.replace.get(bare_name.value)
-            if new_name:
-                bare_name.replace(Name(new_name, prefix=bare_name.prefix))
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_imports2.py b/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_imports2.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a33c67b1dc19..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_imports2.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-"""Fix incompatible imports and module references that must be fixed after
-from . import fix_imports
-            'whichdb': 'dbm',
-            'anydbm': 'dbm',
-          }
-class FixImports2(fix_imports.FixImports):
-    run_order = 7
-    mapping = MAPPING
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_input.py b/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_input.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9cf9a48c471f3..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_input.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-"""Fixer that changes input(...) into eval(input(...))."""
-# Author: Andre Roberge
-# Local imports
-from .. import fixer_base
-from ..fixer_util import Call, Name
-from .. import patcomp
-context = patcomp.compile_pattern("power< 'eval' trailer< '(' any ')' > >")
-class FixInput(fixer_base.BaseFix):
-    BM_compatible = True
-    PATTERN = """
-              power< 'input' args=trailer< '(' [any] ')' > >
-              """
-    def transform(self, node, results):
-        # If we're already wrapped in an eval() call, we're done.
-        if context.match(node.parent.parent):
-            return
-        new = node.clone()
-        new.prefix = ""
-        return Call(Name("eval"), [new], prefix=node.prefix)
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_intern.py b/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_intern.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d752843092aac..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_intern.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2006 Georg Brandl.
-# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
-"""Fixer for intern().
-intern(s) -> sys.intern(s)"""
-# Local imports
-from .. import fixer_base
-from ..fixer_util import ImportAndCall, touch_import
-class FixIntern(fixer_base.BaseFix):
-    BM_compatible = True
-    order = "pre"
-    PATTERN = """
-    power< 'intern'
-           trailer< lpar='('
-                    ( not(arglist | argument<any '=' any>) obj=any
-                      | obj=arglist<(not argument<any '=' any>) any ','> )
-                    rpar=')' >
-           after=any*
-    >
-    """
-    def transform(self, node, results):
-        if results:
-            # I feel like we should be able to express this logic in the
-            # PATTERN above but I don't know how to do it so...
-            obj = results['obj']
-            if obj:
-                if (obj.type == self.syms.argument and
-                    obj.children[0].value in {'**', '*'}):
-                    return  # Make no change.
-        names = ('sys', 'intern')
-        new = ImportAndCall(node, results, names)
-        touch_import(None, 'sys', node)
-        return new
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_isinstance.py b/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_isinstance.py
deleted file mode 100644
index bebb1de120424..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_isinstance.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2008 Armin Ronacher.
-# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
-"""Fixer that cleans up a tuple argument to isinstance after the tokens
-in it were fixed.  This is mainly used to remove double occurrences of
-tokens as a leftover of the long -> int / unicode -> str conversion.
-eg.  isinstance(x, (int, long)) -> isinstance(x, (int, int))
-       -> isinstance(x, int)
-from .. import fixer_base
-from ..fixer_util import token
-class FixIsinstance(fixer_base.BaseFix):
-    BM_compatible = True
-    PATTERN = """
-    power<
-        'isinstance'
-        trailer< '(' arglist< any ',' atom< '('
-            args=testlist_gexp< any+ >
-        ')' > > ')' >
-    >
-    """
-    run_order = 6
-    def transform(self, node, results):
-        names_inserted = set()
-        testlist = results["args"]
-        args = testlist.children
-        new_args = []
-        iterator = enumerate(args)
-        for idx, arg in iterator:
-            if arg.type == token.NAME and arg.value in names_inserted:
-                if idx < len(args) - 1 and args[idx + 1].type == token.COMMA:
-                    next(iterator)
-                    continue
-            else:
-                new_args.append(arg)
-                if arg.type == token.NAME:
-                    names_inserted.add(arg.value)
-        if new_args and new_args[-1].type == token.COMMA:
-            del new_args[-1]
-        if len(new_args) == 1:
-            atom = testlist.parent
-            new_args[0].prefix = atom.prefix
-            atom.replace(new_args[0])
-        else:
-            args[:] = new_args
-            node.changed()
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_itertools.py b/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_itertools.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e78d6c689f43..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_itertools.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-""" Fixer for itertools.(imap|ifilter|izip) --> (map|filter|zip) and
-    itertools.ifilterfalse --> itertools.filterfalse (bugs 2360-2363)
-    imports from itertools are fixed in fix_itertools_import.py
-    If itertools is imported as something else (ie: import itertools as it;
-    it.izip(spam, eggs)) method calls will not get fixed.
-    """
-# Local imports
-from .. import fixer_base
-from ..fixer_util import Name
-class FixItertools(fixer_base.BaseFix):
-    BM_compatible = True
-    it_funcs = "('imap'|'ifilter'|'izip'|'izip_longest'|'ifilterfalse')"
-    PATTERN = """
-              power< it='itertools'
-                  trailer<
-                     dot='.' func=%(it_funcs)s > trailer< '(' [any] ')' > >
-              |
-              power< func=%(it_funcs)s trailer< '(' [any] ')' > >
-              """ %(locals())
-    # Needs to be run after fix_(map|zip|filter)
-    run_order = 6
-    def transform(self, node, results):
-        prefix = None
-        func = results['func'][0]
-        if ('it' in results and
-            func.value not in ('ifilterfalse', 'izip_longest')):
-            dot, it = (results['dot'], results['it'])
-            # Remove the 'itertools'
-            prefix = it.prefix
-            it.remove()
-            # Replace the node which contains ('.', 'function') with the
-            # function (to be consistent with the second part of the pattern)
-            dot.remove()
-            func.parent.replace(func)
-        prefix = prefix or func.prefix
-        func.replace(Name(func.value[1:], prefix=prefix))
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_itertools_imports.py b/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_itertools_imports.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ddbc7b842299..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_itertools_imports.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-""" Fixer for imports of itertools.(imap|ifilter|izip|ifilterfalse) """
-# Local imports
-from lib2to3 import fixer_base
-from lib2to3.fixer_util import BlankLine, syms, token
-class FixItertoolsImports(fixer_base.BaseFix):
-    BM_compatible = True
-    PATTERN = """
-              import_from< 'from' 'itertools' 'import' imports=any >
-              """ %(locals())
-    def transform(self, node, results):
-        imports = results['imports']
-        if imports.type == syms.import_as_name or not imports.children:
-            children = [imports]
-        else:
-            children = imports.children
-        for child in children[::2]:
-            if child.type == token.NAME:
-                member = child.value
-                name_node = child
-            elif child.type == token.STAR:
-                # Just leave the import as is.
-                return
-            else:
-                assert child.type == syms.import_as_name
-                name_node = child.children[0]
-            member_name = name_node.value
-            if member_name in ('imap', 'izip', 'ifilter'):
-                child.value = None
-                child.remove()
-            elif member_name in ('ifilterfalse', 'izip_longest'):
-                node.changed()
-                name_node.value = ('filterfalse' if member_name[1] == 'f'
-                                   else 'zip_longest')
-        # Make sure the import statement is still sane
-        children = imports.children[:] or [imports]
-        remove_comma = True
-        for child in children:
-            if remove_comma and child.type == token.COMMA:
-                child.remove()
-            else:
-                remove_comma ^= True
-        while children and children[-1].type == token.COMMA:
-            children.pop().remove()
-        # If there are no imports left, just get rid of the entire statement
-        if (not (imports.children or getattr(imports, 'value', None)) or
-            imports.parent is None):
-            p = node.prefix
-            node = BlankLine()
-            node.prefix = p
-            return node
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_long.py b/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_long.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f227c9f498153..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_long.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2006 Google, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
-"""Fixer that turns 'long' into 'int' everywhere.
-# Local imports
-from lib2to3 import fixer_base
-from lib2to3.fixer_util import is_probably_builtin
-class FixLong(fixer_base.BaseFix):
-    BM_compatible = True
-    PATTERN = "'long'"
-    def transform(self, node, results):
-        if is_probably_builtin(node):
-            node.value = "int"
-            node.changed()
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_map.py b/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_map.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 78cf81c6f9409..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_map.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2007 Google, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
-"""Fixer that changes map(F, ...) into list(map(F, ...)) unless there
-exists a 'from future_builtins import map' statement in the top-level
-As a special case, map(None, X) is changed into list(X).  (This is
-necessary because the semantics are changed in this case -- the new
-map(None, X) is equivalent to [(x,) for x in X].)
-We avoid the transformation (except for the special case mentioned
-above) if the map() call is directly contained in iter(<>), list(<>),
-tuple(<>), sorted(<>), ...join(<>), or for V in <>:.
-NOTE: This is still not correct if the original code was depending on
-map(F, X, Y, ...) to go on until the longest argument is exhausted,
-substituting None for missing values -- like zip(), it now stops as
-soon as the shortest argument is exhausted.
-# Local imports
-from ..pgen2 import token
-from .. import fixer_base
-from ..fixer_util import Name, ArgList, Call, ListComp, in_special_context
-from ..pygram import python_symbols as syms
-from ..pytree import Node
-class FixMap(fixer_base.ConditionalFix):
-    BM_compatible = True
-    PATTERN = """
-    map_none=power<
-        'map'
-        trailer< '(' arglist< 'None' ',' arg=any [','] > ')' >
-        [extra_trailers=trailer*]
-    >
-    |
-    map_lambda=power<
-        'map'
-        trailer<
-            '('
-            arglist<
-                lambdef< 'lambda'
-                         (fp=NAME | vfpdef< '(' fp=NAME ')'> ) ':' xp=any
-                >
-                ','
-                it=any
-            >
-            ')'
-        >
-        [extra_trailers=trailer*]
-    >
-    |
-    power<
-        'map' args=trailer< '(' [any] ')' >
-        [extra_trailers=trailer*]
-    >
-    """
-    skip_on = 'future_builtins.map'
-    def transform(self, node, results):
-        if self.should_skip(node):
-            return
-        trailers = []
-        if 'extra_trailers' in results:
-            for t in results['extra_trailers']:
-                trailers.append(t.clone())
-        if node.parent.type == syms.simple_stmt:
-            self.warning(node, "You should use a for loop here")
-            new = node.clone()
-            new.prefix = ""
-            new = Call(Name("list"), [new])
-        elif "map_lambda" in results:
-            new = ListComp(results["xp"].clone(),
-                           results["fp"].clone(),
-                           results["it"].clone())
-            new = Node(syms.power, [new] + trailers, prefix="")
-        else:
-            if "map_none" in results:
-                new = results["arg"].clone()
-                new.prefix = ""
-            else:
-                if "args" in results:
-                    args = results["args"]
-                    if args.type == syms.trailer and \
-                       args.children[1].type == syms.arglist and \
-                       args.children[1].children[0].type == token.NAME and \
-                       args.children[1].children[0].value == "None":
-                        self.warning(node, "cannot convert map(None, ...) "
-                                     "with multiple arguments because map() "
-                                     "now truncates to the shortest sequence")
-                        return
-                    new = Node(syms.power, [Name("map"), args.clone()])
-                    new.prefix = ""
-                if in_special_context(node):
-                    return None
-            new = Node(syms.power, [Name("list"), ArgList([new])] + trailers)
-            new.prefix = ""
-        new.prefix = node.prefix
-        return new
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_metaclass.py b/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_metaclass.py
deleted file mode 100644
index fe547b2228072..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_metaclass.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
-"""Fixer for __metaclass__ = X -> (metaclass=X) methods.
-   The various forms of classef (inherits nothing, inherits once, inherits
-   many) don't parse the same in the CST so we look at ALL classes for
-   a __metaclass__ and if we find one normalize the inherits to all be
-   an arglist.
-   For one-liner classes ('class X: pass') there is no indent/dedent so
-   we normalize those into having a suite.
-   Moving the __metaclass__ into the classdef can also cause the class
-   body to be empty so there is some special casing for that as well.
-   This fixer also tries very hard to keep original indenting and spacing
-   in all those corner cases.
-# Author: Jack Diederich
-# Local imports
-from .. import fixer_base
-from ..pygram import token
-from ..fixer_util import syms, Node, Leaf
-def has_metaclass(parent):
-    """ we have to check the cls_node without changing it.
-        There are two possibilities:
-          1)  clsdef => suite => simple_stmt => expr_stmt => Leaf('__meta')
-          2)  clsdef => simple_stmt => expr_stmt => Leaf('__meta')
-    """
-    for node in parent.children:
-        if node.type == syms.suite:
-            return has_metaclass(node)
-        elif node.type == syms.simple_stmt and node.children:
-            expr_node = node.children[0]
-            if expr_node.type == syms.expr_stmt and expr_node.children:
-                left_side = expr_node.children[0]
-                if isinstance(left_side, Leaf) and \
-                        left_side.value == '__metaclass__':
-                    return True
-    return False
-def fixup_parse_tree(cls_node):
-    """ one-line classes don't get a suite in the parse tree so we add
-        one to normalize the tree
-    """
-    for node in cls_node.children:
-        if node.type == syms.suite:
-            # already in the preferred format, do nothing
-            return
-    # !%@#! one-liners have no suite node, we have to fake one up
-    for i, node in enumerate(cls_node.children):
-        if node.type == token.COLON:
-            break
-    else:
-        raise ValueError("No class suite and no ':'!")
-    # move everything into a suite node
-    suite = Node(syms.suite, [])
-    while cls_node.children[i+1:]:
-        move_node = cls_node.children[i+1]
-        suite.append_child(move_node.clone())
-        move_node.remove()
-    cls_node.append_child(suite)
-    node = suite
-def fixup_simple_stmt(parent, i, stmt_node):
-    """ if there is a semi-colon all the parts count as part of the same
-        simple_stmt.  We just want the __metaclass__ part so we move
-        everything after the semi-colon into its own simple_stmt node
-    """
-    for semi_ind, node in enumerate(stmt_node.children):
-        if node.type == token.SEMI: # *sigh*
-            break
-    else:
-        return
-    node.remove() # kill the semicolon
-    new_expr = Node(syms.expr_stmt, [])
-    new_stmt = Node(syms.simple_stmt, [new_expr])
-    while stmt_node.children[semi_ind:]:
-        move_node = stmt_node.children[semi_ind]
-        new_expr.append_child(move_node.clone())
-        move_node.remove()
-    parent.insert_child(i, new_stmt)
-    new_leaf1 = new_stmt.children[0].children[0]
-    old_leaf1 = stmt_node.children[0].children[0]
-    new_leaf1.prefix = old_leaf1.prefix
-def remove_trailing_newline(node):
-    if node.children and node.children[-1].type == token.NEWLINE:
-        node.children[-1].remove()
-def find_metas(cls_node):
-    # find the suite node (Mmm, sweet nodes)
-    for node in cls_node.children:
-        if node.type == syms.suite:
-            break
-    else:
-        raise ValueError("No class suite!")
-    # look for simple_stmt[ expr_stmt[ Leaf('__metaclass__') ] ]
-    for i, simple_node in list(enumerate(node.children)):
-        if simple_node.type == syms.simple_stmt and simple_node.children:
-            expr_node = simple_node.children[0]
-            if expr_node.type == syms.expr_stmt and expr_node.children:
-                # Check if the expr_node is a simple assignment.
-                left_node = expr_node.children[0]
-                if isinstance(left_node, Leaf) and \
-                        left_node.value == '__metaclass__':
-                    # We found an assignment to __metaclass__.
-                    fixup_simple_stmt(node, i, simple_node)
-                    remove_trailing_newline(simple_node)
-                    yield (node, i, simple_node)
-def fixup_indent(suite):
-    """ If an INDENT is followed by a thing with a prefix then nuke the prefix
-        Otherwise we get in trouble when removing __metaclass__ at suite start
-    """
-    kids = suite.children[::-1]
-    # find the first indent
-    while kids:
-        node = kids.pop()
-        if node.type == token.INDENT:
-            break
-    # find the first Leaf
-    while kids:
-        node = kids.pop()
-        if isinstance(node, Leaf) and node.type != token.DEDENT:
-            if node.prefix:
-                node.prefix = ''
-            return
-        else:
-            kids.extend(node.children[::-1])
-class FixMetaclass(fixer_base.BaseFix):
-    BM_compatible = True
-    PATTERN = """
-    classdef<any*>
-    """
-    def transform(self, node, results):
-        if not has_metaclass(node):
-            return
-        fixup_parse_tree(node)
-        # find metaclasses, keep the last one
-        last_metaclass = None
-        for suite, i, stmt in find_metas(node):
-            last_metaclass = stmt
-            stmt.remove()
-        text_type = node.children[0].type # always Leaf(nnn, 'class')
-        # figure out what kind of classdef we have
-        if len(node.children) == 7:
-            # Node(classdef, ['class', 'name', '(', arglist, ')', ':', suite])
-            #                 0        1       2    3        4    5    6
-            if node.children[3].type == syms.arglist:
-                arglist = node.children[3]
-            # Node(classdef, ['class', 'name', '(', 'Parent', ')', ':', suite])
-            else:
-                parent = node.children[3].clone()
-                arglist = Node(syms.arglist, [parent])
-                node.set_child(3, arglist)
-        elif len(node.children) == 6:
-            # Node(classdef, ['class', 'name', '(',  ')', ':', suite])
-            #                 0        1       2     3    4    5
-            arglist = Node(syms.arglist, [])
-            node.insert_child(3, arglist)
-        elif len(node.children) == 4:
-            # Node(classdef, ['class', 'name', ':', suite])
-            #                 0        1       2    3
-            arglist = Node(syms.arglist, [])
-            node.insert_child(2, Leaf(token.RPAR, ')'))
-            node.insert_child(2, arglist)
-            node.insert_child(2, Leaf(token.LPAR, '('))
-        else:
-            raise ValueError("Unexpected class definition")
-        # now stick the metaclass in the arglist
-        meta_txt = last_metaclass.children[0].children[0]
-        meta_txt.value = 'metaclass'
-        orig_meta_prefix = meta_txt.prefix
-        if arglist.children:
-            arglist.append_child(Leaf(token.COMMA, ','))
-            meta_txt.prefix = ' '
-        else:
-            meta_txt.prefix = ''
-        # compact the expression "metaclass = Meta" -> "metaclass=Meta"
-        expr_stmt = last_metaclass.children[0]
-        assert expr_stmt.type == syms.expr_stmt
-        expr_stmt.children[1].prefix = ''
-        expr_stmt.children[2].prefix = ''
-        arglist.append_child(last_metaclass)
-        fixup_indent(suite)
-        # check for empty suite
-        if not suite.children:
-            # one-liner that was just __metaclass_
-            suite.remove()
-            pass_leaf = Leaf(text_type, 'pass')
-            pass_leaf.prefix = orig_meta_prefix
-            node.append_child(pass_leaf)
-            node.append_child(Leaf(token.NEWLINE, '\n'))
-        elif len(suite.children) > 1 and \
-                 (suite.children[-2].type == token.INDENT and
-                  suite.children[-1].type == token.DEDENT):
-            # there was only one line in the class body and it was __metaclass__
-            pass_leaf = Leaf(text_type, 'pass')
-            suite.insert_child(-1, pass_leaf)
-            suite.insert_child(-1, Leaf(token.NEWLINE, '\n'))
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_methodattrs.py b/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_methodattrs.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f9004f00e6e8..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_methodattrs.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-"""Fix bound method attributes (method.im_? -> method.__?__).
-# Author: Christian Heimes
-# Local imports
-from .. import fixer_base
-from ..fixer_util import Name
-MAP = {
-    "im_func" : "__func__",
-    "im_self" : "__self__",
-    "im_class" : "__self__.__class__"
-    }
-class FixMethodattrs(fixer_base.BaseFix):
-    BM_compatible = True
-    PATTERN = """
-    power< any+ trailer< '.' attr=('im_func' | 'im_self' | 'im_class') > any* >
-    """
-    def transform(self, node, results):
-        attr = results["attr"][0]
-        new = MAP[attr.value]
-        attr.replace(Name(new, prefix=attr.prefix))
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_ne.py b/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_ne.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e3ee10f4a63e0..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_ne.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2006 Google, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
-"""Fixer that turns <> into !=."""
-# Local imports
-from .. import pytree
-from ..pgen2 import token
-from .. import fixer_base
-class FixNe(fixer_base.BaseFix):
-    # This is so simple that we don't need the pattern compiler.
-    _accept_type = token.NOTEQUAL
-    def match(self, node):
-        # Override
-        return node.value == "<>"
-    def transform(self, node, results):
-        new = pytree.Leaf(token.NOTEQUAL, "!=", prefix=node.prefix)
-        return new
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_next.py b/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_next.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f6305e1d49dc..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_next.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-"""Fixer for it.next() -> next(it), per PEP 3114."""
-# Author: Collin Winter
-# Things that currently aren't covered:
-#   - listcomp "next" names aren't warned
-#   - "with" statement targets aren't checked
-# Local imports
-from ..pgen2 import token
-from ..pygram import python_symbols as syms
-from .. import fixer_base
-from ..fixer_util import Name, Call, find_binding
-bind_warning = "Calls to builtin next() possibly shadowed by global binding"
-class FixNext(fixer_base.BaseFix):
-    BM_compatible = True
-    PATTERN = """
-    power< base=any+ trailer< '.' attr='next' > trailer< '(' ')' > >
-    |
-    power< head=any+ trailer< '.' attr='next' > not trailer< '(' ')' > >
-    |
-    classdef< 'class' any+ ':'
-              suite< any*
-                     funcdef< 'def'
-                              name='next'
-                              parameters< '(' NAME ')' > any+ >
-                     any* > >
-    |
-    global=global_stmt< 'global' any* 'next' any* >
-    """
-    order = "pre" # Pre-order tree traversal
-    def start_tree(self, tree, filename):
-        super(FixNext, self).start_tree(tree, filename)
-        n = find_binding('next', tree)
-        if n:
-            self.warning(n, bind_warning)
-            self.shadowed_next = True
-        else:
-            self.shadowed_next = False
-    def transform(self, node, results):
-        assert results
-        base = results.get("base")
-        attr = results.get("attr")
-        name = results.get("name")
-        if base:
-            if self.shadowed_next:
-                attr.replace(Name("__next__", prefix=attr.prefix))
-            else:
-                base = [n.clone() for n in base]
-                base[0].prefix = ""
-                node.replace(Call(Name("next", prefix=node.prefix), base))
-        elif name:
-            n = Name("__next__", prefix=name.prefix)
-            name.replace(n)
-        elif attr:
-            # We don't do this transformation if we're assigning to "x.next".
-            # Unfortunately, it doesn't seem possible to do this in PATTERN,
-            #  so it's being done here.
-            if is_assign_target(node):
-                head = results["head"]
-                if "".join([str(n) for n in head]).strip() == '__builtin__':
-                    self.warning(node, bind_warning)
-                return
-            attr.replace(Name("__next__"))
-        elif "global" in results:
-            self.warning(node, bind_warning)
-            self.shadowed_next = True
-### The following functions help test if node is part of an assignment
-###  target.
-def is_assign_target(node):
-    assign = find_assign(node)
-    if assign is None:
-        return False
-    for child in assign.children:
-        if child.type == token.EQUAL:
-            return False
-        elif is_subtree(child, node):
-            return True
-    return False
-def find_assign(node):
-    if node.type == syms.expr_stmt:
-        return node
-    if node.type == syms.simple_stmt or node.parent is None:
-        return None
-    return find_assign(node.parent)
-def is_subtree(root, node):
-    if root == node:
-        return True
-    return any(is_subtree(c, node) for c in root.children)
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_nonzero.py b/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_nonzero.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c2295969a7728..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_nonzero.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-"""Fixer for __nonzero__ -> __bool__ methods."""
-# Author: Collin Winter
-# Local imports
-from .. import fixer_base
-from ..fixer_util import Name
-class FixNonzero(fixer_base.BaseFix):
-    BM_compatible = True
-    PATTERN = """
-    classdef< 'class' any+ ':'
-              suite< any*
-                     funcdef< 'def' name='__nonzero__'
-                              parameters< '(' NAME ')' > any+ >
-                     any* > >
-    """
-    def transform(self, node, results):
-        name = results["name"]
-        new = Name("__bool__", prefix=name.prefix)
-        name.replace(new)
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_numliterals.py b/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_numliterals.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 79207d4aa368a..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_numliterals.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-"""Fixer that turns 1L into 1, 0755 into 0o755.
-# Copyright 2007 Georg Brandl.
-# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
-# Local imports
-from ..pgen2 import token
-from .. import fixer_base
-from ..fixer_util import Number
-class FixNumliterals(fixer_base.BaseFix):
-    # This is so simple that we don't need the pattern compiler.
-    _accept_type = token.NUMBER
-    def match(self, node):
-        # Override
-        return (node.value.startswith("0") or node.value[-1] in "Ll")
-    def transform(self, node, results):
-        val = node.value
-        if val[-1] in 'Ll':
-            val = val[:-1]
-        elif val.startswith('0') and val.isdigit() and len(set(val)) > 1:
-            val = "0o" + val[1:]
-        return Number(val, prefix=node.prefix)
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_operator.py b/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_operator.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d303cd2018bef..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_operator.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-"""Fixer for operator functions.
-operator.isCallable(obj)       -> callable(obj)
-operator.sequenceIncludes(obj) -> operator.contains(obj)
-operator.isSequenceType(obj)   -> isinstance(obj, collections.abc.Sequence)
-operator.isMappingType(obj)    -> isinstance(obj, collections.abc.Mapping)
-operator.isNumberType(obj)     -> isinstance(obj, numbers.Number)
-operator.repeat(obj, n)        -> operator.mul(obj, n)
-operator.irepeat(obj, n)       -> operator.imul(obj, n)
-import collections.abc
-# Local imports
-from lib2to3 import fixer_base
-from lib2to3.fixer_util import Call, Name, String, touch_import
-def invocation(s):
-    def dec(f):
-        f.invocation = s
-        return f
-    return dec
-class FixOperator(fixer_base.BaseFix):
-    BM_compatible = True
-    order = "pre"
-    methods = """
-              method=('isCallable'|'sequenceIncludes'
-                     |'isSequenceType'|'isMappingType'|'isNumberType'
-                     |'repeat'|'irepeat')
-              """
-    obj = "'(' obj=any ')'"
-    PATTERN = """
-              power< module='operator'
-                trailer< '.' %(methods)s > trailer< %(obj)s > >
-              |
-              power< %(methods)s trailer< %(obj)s > >
-              """ % dict(methods=methods, obj=obj)
-    def transform(self, node, results):
-        method = self._check_method(node, results)
-        if method is not None:
-            return method(node, results)
-    @invocation("operator.contains(%s)")
-    def _sequenceIncludes(self, node, results):
-        return self._handle_rename(node, results, "contains")
-    @invocation("callable(%s)")
-    def _isCallable(self, node, results):
-        obj = results["obj"]
-        return Call(Name("callable"), [obj.clone()], prefix=node.prefix)
-    @invocation("operator.mul(%s)")
-    def _repeat(self, node, results):
-        return self._handle_rename(node, results, "mul")
-    @invocation("operator.imul(%s)")
-    def _irepeat(self, node, results):
-        return self._handle_rename(node, results, "imul")
-    @invocation("isinstance(%s, collections.abc.Sequence)")
-    def _isSequenceType(self, node, results):
-        return self._handle_type2abc(node, results, "collections.abc", "Sequence")
-    @invocation("isinstance(%s, collections.abc.Mapping)")
-    def _isMappingType(self, node, results):
-        return self._handle_type2abc(node, results, "collections.abc", "Mapping")
-    @invocation("isinstance(%s, numbers.Number)")
-    def _isNumberType(self, node, results):
-        return self._handle_type2abc(node, results, "numbers", "Number")
-    def _handle_rename(self, node, results, name):
-        method = results["method"][0]
-        method.value = name
-        method.changed()
-    def _handle_type2abc(self, node, results, module, abc):
-        touch_import(None, module, node)
-        obj = results["obj"]
-        args = [obj.clone(), String(", " + ".".join([module, abc]))]
-        return Call(Name("isinstance"), args, prefix=node.prefix)
-    def _check_method(self, node, results):
-        method = getattr(self, "_" + results["method"][0].value)
-        if isinstance(method, collections.abc.Callable):
-            if "module" in results:
-                return method
-            else:
-                sub = (str(results["obj"]),)
-                invocation_str = method.invocation % sub
-                self.warning(node, "You should use '%s' here." % invocation_str)
-        return None
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_paren.py b/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_paren.py
deleted file mode 100644
index df3da5f5232c9..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_paren.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-"""Fixer that adds parentheses where they are required
-This converts ``[x for x in 1, 2]`` to ``[x for x in (1, 2)]``."""
-# By Taek Joo Kim and Benjamin Peterson
-# Local imports
-from .. import fixer_base
-from ..fixer_util import LParen, RParen
-# XXX This doesn't support nested for loops like [x for x in 1, 2 for x in 1, 2]
-class FixParen(fixer_base.BaseFix):
-    BM_compatible = True
-    PATTERN = """
-        atom< ('[' | '(')
-            (listmaker< any
-                comp_for<
-                    'for' NAME 'in'
-                    target=testlist_safe< any (',' any)+ [',']
-                     >
-                    [any]
-                >
-            >
-            |
-            testlist_gexp< any
-                comp_for<
-                    'for' NAME 'in'
-                    target=testlist_safe< any (',' any)+ [',']
-                     >
-                    [any]
-                >
-            >)
-        (']' | ')') >
-    """
-    def transform(self, node, results):
-        target = results["target"]
-        lparen = LParen()
-        lparen.prefix = target.prefix
-        target.prefix = "" # Make it hug the parentheses
-        target.insert_child(0, lparen)
-        target.append_child(RParen())
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_print.py b/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_print.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 8780322265f6f..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_print.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2006 Google, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
-"""Fixer for print.
-    'print'          into 'print()'
-    'print ...'      into 'print(...)'
-    'print ... ,'    into 'print(..., end=" ")'
-    'print >>x, ...' into 'print(..., file=x)'
-No changes are applied if print_function is imported from __future__
-# Local imports
-from .. import patcomp
-from .. import pytree
-from ..pgen2 import token
-from .. import fixer_base
-from ..fixer_util import Name, Call, Comma, String
-parend_expr = patcomp.compile_pattern(
-              """atom< '(' [atom|STRING|NAME] ')' >"""
-              )
-class FixPrint(fixer_base.BaseFix):
-    BM_compatible = True
-    PATTERN = """
-              simple_stmt< any* bare='print' any* > | print_stmt
-              """
-    def transform(self, node, results):
-        assert results
-        bare_print = results.get("bare")
-        if bare_print:
-            # Special-case print all by itself
-            bare_print.replace(Call(Name("print"), [],
-                               prefix=bare_print.prefix))
-            return
-        assert node.children[0] == Name("print")
-        args = node.children[1:]
-        if len(args) == 1 and parend_expr.match(args[0]):
-            # We don't want to keep sticking parens around an
-            # already-parenthesised expression.
-            return
-        sep = end = file = None
-        if args and args[-1] == Comma():
-            args = args[:-1]
-            end = " "
-        if args and args[0] == pytree.Leaf(token.RIGHTSHIFT, ">>"):
-            assert len(args) >= 2
-            file = args[1].clone()
-            args = args[3:] # Strip a possible comma after the file expression
-        # Now synthesize a print(args, sep=..., end=..., file=...) node.
-        l_args = [arg.clone() for arg in args]
-        if l_args:
-            l_args[0].prefix = ""
-        if sep is not None or end is not None or file is not None:
-            if sep is not None:
-                self.add_kwarg(l_args, "sep", String(repr(sep)))
-            if end is not None:
-                self.add_kwarg(l_args, "end", String(repr(end)))
-            if file is not None:
-                self.add_kwarg(l_args, "file", file)
-        n_stmt = Call(Name("print"), l_args)
-        n_stmt.prefix = node.prefix
-        return n_stmt
-    def add_kwarg(self, l_nodes, s_kwd, n_expr):
-        # XXX All this prefix-setting may lose comments (though rarely)
-        n_expr.prefix = ""
-        n_argument = pytree.Node(self.syms.argument,
-                                 (Name(s_kwd),
-                                  pytree.Leaf(token.EQUAL, "="),
-                                  n_expr))
-        if l_nodes:
-            l_nodes.append(Comma())
-            n_argument.prefix = " "
-        l_nodes.append(n_argument)
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_raise.py b/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_raise.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 05aa21e74a30f..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_raise.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-"""Fixer for 'raise E, V, T'
-raise         -> raise
-raise E       -> raise E
-raise E, V    -> raise E(V)
-raise E, V, T -> raise E(V).with_traceback(T)
-raise E, None, T -> raise E.with_traceback(T)
-raise (((E, E'), E''), E'''), V -> raise E(V)
-raise "foo", V, T               -> warns about string exceptions
-1) "raise E, V" will be incorrectly translated if V is an exception
-   instance. The correct Python 3 idiom is
-        raise E from V
-   but since we can't detect instance-hood by syntax alone and since
-   any client code would have to be changed as well, we don't automate
-   this.
-# Author: Collin Winter
-# Local imports
-from .. import pytree
-from ..pgen2 import token
-from .. import fixer_base
-from ..fixer_util import Name, Call, Attr, ArgList, is_tuple
-class FixRaise(fixer_base.BaseFix):
-    BM_compatible = True
-    PATTERN = """
-    raise_stmt< 'raise' exc=any [',' val=any [',' tb=any]] >
-    """
-    def transform(self, node, results):
-        syms = self.syms
-        exc = results["exc"].clone()
-        if exc.type == token.STRING:
-            msg = "Python 3 does not support string exceptions"
-            self.cannot_convert(node, msg)
-            return
-        # Python 2 supports
-        #  raise ((((E1, E2), E3), E4), E5), V
-        # as a synonym for
-        #  raise E1, V
-        # Since Python 3 will not support this, we recurse down any tuple
-        # literals, always taking the first element.
-        if is_tuple(exc):
-            while is_tuple(exc):
-                # exc.children[1:-1] is the unparenthesized tuple
-                # exc.children[1].children[0] is the first element of the tuple
-                exc = exc.children[1].children[0].clone()
-            exc.prefix = " "
-        if "val" not in results:
-            # One-argument raise
-            new = pytree.Node(syms.raise_stmt, [Name("raise"), exc])
-            new.prefix = node.prefix
-            return new
-        val = results["val"].clone()
-        if is_tuple(val):
-            args = [c.clone() for c in val.children[1:-1]]
-        else:
-            val.prefix = ""
-            args = [val]
-        if "tb" in results:
-            tb = results["tb"].clone()
-            tb.prefix = ""
-            e = exc
-            # If there's a traceback and None is passed as the value, then don't
-            # add a call, since the user probably just wants to add a
-            # traceback. See issue #9661.
-            if val.type != token.NAME or val.value != "None":
-                e = Call(exc, args)
-            with_tb = Attr(e, Name('with_traceback')) + [ArgList([tb])]
-            new = pytree.Node(syms.simple_stmt, [Name("raise")] + with_tb)
-            new.prefix = node.prefix
-            return new
-        else:
-            return pytree.Node(syms.raise_stmt,
-                               [Name("raise"), Call(exc, args)],
-                               prefix=node.prefix)
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_raw_input.py b/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_raw_input.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a51bb694b9e01..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_raw_input.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-"""Fixer that changes raw_input(...) into input(...)."""
-# Author: Andre Roberge
-# Local imports
-from .. import fixer_base
-from ..fixer_util import Name
-class FixRawInput(fixer_base.BaseFix):
-    BM_compatible = True
-    PATTERN = """
-              power< name='raw_input' trailer< '(' [any] ')' > any* >
-              """
-    def transform(self, node, results):
-        name = results["name"]
-        name.replace(Name("input", prefix=name.prefix))
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_reduce.py b/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_reduce.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 00e5aa1c33d48..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_reduce.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2008 Armin Ronacher.
-# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
-"""Fixer for reduce().
-Makes sure reduce() is imported from the functools module if reduce is
-used in that module.
-from lib2to3 import fixer_base
-from lib2to3.fixer_util import touch_import
-class FixReduce(fixer_base.BaseFix):
-    BM_compatible = True
-    order = "pre"
-    PATTERN = """
-    power< 'reduce'
-        trailer< '('
-            arglist< (
-                (not(argument<any '=' any>) any ','
-                 not(argument<any '=' any>) any) |
-                (not(argument<any '=' any>) any ','
-                 not(argument<any '=' any>) any ','
-                 not(argument<any '=' any>) any)
-            ) >
-        ')' >
-    >
-    """
-    def transform(self, node, results):
-        touch_import('functools', 'reduce', node)
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_reload.py b/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_reload.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b30841131c51f..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_reload.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-"""Fixer for reload().
-reload(s) -> importlib.reload(s)"""
-# Local imports
-from .. import fixer_base
-from ..fixer_util import ImportAndCall, touch_import
-class FixReload(fixer_base.BaseFix):
-    BM_compatible = True
-    order = "pre"
-    PATTERN = """
-    power< 'reload'
-           trailer< lpar='('
-                    ( not(arglist | argument<any '=' any>) obj=any
-                      | obj=arglist<(not argument<any '=' any>) any ','> )
-                    rpar=')' >
-           after=any*
-    >
-    """
-    def transform(self, node, results):
-        if results:
-            # I feel like we should be able to express this logic in the
-            # PATTERN above but I don't know how to do it so...
-            obj = results['obj']
-            if obj:
-                if (obj.type == self.syms.argument and
-                    obj.children[0].value in {'**', '*'}):
-                    return  # Make no change.
-        names = ('importlib', 'reload')
-        new = ImportAndCall(node, results, names)
-        touch_import(None, 'importlib', node)
-        return new
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_renames.py b/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_renames.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c0e3705ab7be1..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_renames.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-"""Fix incompatible renames
-  * sys.maxint -> sys.maxsize
-# Author: Christian Heimes
-# based on Collin Winter's fix_import
-# Local imports
-from .. import fixer_base
-from ..fixer_util import Name, attr_chain
-MAPPING = {"sys":  {"maxint" : "maxsize"},
-          }
-LOOKUP = {}
-def alternates(members):
-    return "(" + "|".join(map(repr, members)) + ")"
-def build_pattern():
-    #bare = set()
-    for module, replace in list(MAPPING.items()):
-        for old_attr, new_attr in list(replace.items()):
-            LOOKUP[(module, old_attr)] = new_attr
-            #bare.add(module)
-            #bare.add(old_attr)
-            #yield """
-            #      import_name< 'import' (module=%r
-            #          | dotted_as_names< any* module=%r any* >) >
-            #      """ % (module, module)
-            yield """
-                  import_from< 'from' module_name=%r 'import'
-                      ( attr_name=%r | import_as_name< attr_name=%r 'as' any >) >
-                  """ % (module, old_attr, old_attr)
-            yield """
-                  power< module_name=%r trailer< '.' attr_name=%r > any* >
-                  """ % (module, old_attr)
-    #yield """bare_name=%s""" % alternates(bare)
-class FixRenames(fixer_base.BaseFix):
-    BM_compatible = True
-    PATTERN = "|".join(build_pattern())
-    order = "pre" # Pre-order tree traversal
-    # Don't match the node if it's within another match
-    def match(self, node):
-        match = super(FixRenames, self).match
-        results = match(node)
-        if results:
-            if any(match(obj) for obj in attr_chain(node, "parent")):
-                return False
-            return results
-        return False
-    #def start_tree(self, tree, filename):
-    #    super(FixRenames, self).start_tree(tree, filename)
-    #    self.replace = {}
-    def transform(self, node, results):
-        mod_name = results.get("module_name")
-        attr_name = results.get("attr_name")
-        #bare_name = results.get("bare_name")
-        #import_mod = results.get("module")
-        if mod_name and attr_name:
-            new_attr = LOOKUP[(mod_name.value, attr_name.value)]
-            attr_name.replace(Name(new_attr, prefix=attr_name.prefix))
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_repr.py b/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_repr.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 1150bb8b9db2a..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_repr.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2006 Google, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
-"""Fixer that transforms `xyzzy` into repr(xyzzy)."""
-# Local imports
-from .. import fixer_base
-from ..fixer_util import Call, Name, parenthesize
-class FixRepr(fixer_base.BaseFix):
-    BM_compatible = True
-    PATTERN = """
-              atom < '`' expr=any '`' >
-              """
-    def transform(self, node, results):
-        expr = results["expr"].clone()
-        if expr.type == self.syms.testlist1:
-            expr = parenthesize(expr)
-        return Call(Name("repr"), [expr], prefix=node.prefix)
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_set_literal.py b/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_set_literal.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 762550cf73dc0..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_set_literal.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-Optional fixer to transform set() calls to set literals.
-# Author: Benjamin Peterson
-from lib2to3 import fixer_base, pytree
-from lib2to3.fixer_util import token, syms
-class FixSetLiteral(fixer_base.BaseFix):
-    BM_compatible = True
-    explicit = True
-    PATTERN = """power< 'set' trailer< '('
-                     (atom=atom< '[' (items=listmaker< any ((',' any)* [',']) >
-                                |
-                                single=any) ']' >
-                     |
-                     atom< '(' items=testlist_gexp< any ((',' any)* [',']) > ')' >
-                     )
-                     ')' > >
-              """
-    def transform(self, node, results):
-        single = results.get("single")
-        if single:
-            # Make a fake listmaker
-            fake = pytree.Node(syms.listmaker, [single.clone()])
-            single.replace(fake)
-            items = fake
-        else:
-            items = results["items"]
-        # Build the contents of the literal
-        literal = [pytree.Leaf(token.LBRACE, "{")]
-        literal.extend(n.clone() for n in items.children)
-        literal.append(pytree.Leaf(token.RBRACE, "}"))
-        # Set the prefix of the right brace to that of the ')' or ']'
-        literal[-1].prefix = items.next_sibling.prefix
-        maker = pytree.Node(syms.dictsetmaker, literal)
-        maker.prefix = node.prefix
-        # If the original was a one tuple, we need to remove the extra comma.
-        if len(maker.children) == 4:
-            n = maker.children[2]
-            n.remove()
-            maker.children[-1].prefix = n.prefix
-        # Finally, replace the set call with our shiny new literal.
-        return maker
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_standarderror.py b/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_standarderror.py
deleted file mode 100644
index dc742167e6e9d..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_standarderror.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2007 Google, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
-"""Fixer for StandardError -> Exception."""
-# Local imports
-from .. import fixer_base
-from ..fixer_util import Name
-class FixStandarderror(fixer_base.BaseFix):
-    BM_compatible = True
-    PATTERN = """
-              'StandardError'
-              """
-    def transform(self, node, results):
-        return Name("Exception", prefix=node.prefix)
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_sys_exc.py b/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_sys_exc.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f6039690374ab..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_sys_exc.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-"""Fixer for sys.exc_{type, value, traceback}
-sys.exc_type -> sys.exc_info()[0]
-sys.exc_value -> sys.exc_info()[1]
-sys.exc_traceback -> sys.exc_info()[2]
-# By Jeff Balogh and Benjamin Peterson
-# Local imports
-from .. import fixer_base
-from ..fixer_util import Attr, Call, Name, Number, Subscript, Node, syms
-class FixSysExc(fixer_base.BaseFix):
-    # This order matches the ordering of sys.exc_info().
-    exc_info = ["exc_type", "exc_value", "exc_traceback"]
-    BM_compatible = True
-    PATTERN = """
-              power< 'sys' trailer< dot='.' attribute=(%s) > >
-              """ % '|'.join("'%s'" % e for e in exc_info)
-    def transform(self, node, results):
-        sys_attr = results["attribute"][0]
-        index = Number(self.exc_info.index(sys_attr.value))
-        call = Call(Name("exc_info"), prefix=sys_attr.prefix)
-        attr = Attr(Name("sys"), call)
-        attr[1].children[0].prefix = results["dot"].prefix
-        attr.append(Subscript(index))
-        return Node(syms.power, attr, prefix=node.prefix)
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_throw.py b/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_throw.py
deleted file mode 100644
index aac29169b4e98..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_throw.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-"""Fixer for generator.throw(E, V, T).
-g.throw(E)       -> g.throw(E)
-g.throw(E, V)    -> g.throw(E(V))
-g.throw(E, V, T) -> g.throw(E(V).with_traceback(T))
-g.throw("foo"[, V[, T]]) will warn about string exceptions."""
-# Author: Collin Winter
-# Local imports
-from .. import pytree
-from ..pgen2 import token
-from .. import fixer_base
-from ..fixer_util import Name, Call, ArgList, Attr, is_tuple
-class FixThrow(fixer_base.BaseFix):
-    BM_compatible = True
-    PATTERN = """
-    power< any trailer< '.' 'throw' >
-           trailer< '(' args=arglist< exc=any ',' val=any [',' tb=any] > ')' >
-    >
-    |
-    power< any trailer< '.' 'throw' > trailer< '(' exc=any ')' > >
-    """
-    def transform(self, node, results):
-        syms = self.syms
-        exc = results["exc"].clone()
-        if exc.type is token.STRING:
-            self.cannot_convert(node, "Python 3 does not support string exceptions")
-            return
-        # Leave "g.throw(E)" alone
-        val = results.get("val")
-        if val is None:
-            return
-        val = val.clone()
-        if is_tuple(val):
-            args = [c.clone() for c in val.children[1:-1]]
-        else:
-            val.prefix = ""
-            args = [val]
-        throw_args = results["args"]
-        if "tb" in results:
-            tb = results["tb"].clone()
-            tb.prefix = ""
-            e = Call(exc, args)
-            with_tb = Attr(e, Name('with_traceback')) + [ArgList([tb])]
-            throw_args.replace(pytree.Node(syms.power, with_tb))
-        else:
-            throw_args.replace(Call(exc, args))
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_tuple_params.py b/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_tuple_params.py
deleted file mode 100644
index cad755ffdbefb..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_tuple_params.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-"""Fixer for function definitions with tuple parameters.
-def func(((a, b), c), d):
-    ...
-    ->
-def func(x, d):
-    ((a, b), c) = x
-    ...
-It will also support lambdas:
-    lambda (x, y): x + y -> lambda t: t[0] + t[1]
-    # The parens are a syntax error in Python 3
-    lambda (x): x + y -> lambda x: x + y
-# Author: Collin Winter
-# Local imports
-from .. import pytree
-from ..pgen2 import token
-from .. import fixer_base
-from ..fixer_util import Assign, Name, Newline, Number, Subscript, syms
-def is_docstring(stmt):
-    return isinstance(stmt, pytree.Node) and \
-           stmt.children[0].type == token.STRING
-class FixTupleParams(fixer_base.BaseFix):
-    run_order = 4 #use a lower order since lambda is part of other
-                  #patterns
-    BM_compatible = True
-    PATTERN = """
-              funcdef< 'def' any parameters< '(' args=any ')' >
-                       ['->' any] ':' suite=any+ >
-              |
-              lambda=
-              lambdef< 'lambda' args=vfpdef< '(' inner=any ')' >
-                       ':' body=any
-              >
-              """
-    def transform(self, node, results):
-        if "lambda" in results:
-            return self.transform_lambda(node, results)
-        new_lines = []
-        suite = results["suite"]
-        args = results["args"]
-        # This crap is so "def foo(...): x = 5; y = 7" is handled correctly.
-        # TODO(cwinter): suite-cleanup
-        if suite[0].children[1].type == token.INDENT:
-            start = 2
-            indent = suite[0].children[1].value
-            end = Newline()
-        else:
-            start = 0
-            indent = "; "
-            end = pytree.Leaf(token.INDENT, "")
-        # We need access to self for new_name(), and making this a method
-        #  doesn't feel right. Closing over self and new_lines makes the
-        #  code below cleaner.
-        def handle_tuple(tuple_arg, add_prefix=False):
-            n = Name(self.new_name())
-            arg = tuple_arg.clone()
-            arg.prefix = ""
-            stmt = Assign(arg, n.clone())
-            if add_prefix:
-                n.prefix = " "
-            tuple_arg.replace(n)
-            new_lines.append(pytree.Node(syms.simple_stmt,
-                                         [stmt, end.clone()]))
-        if args.type == syms.tfpdef:
-            handle_tuple(args)
-        elif args.type == syms.typedargslist:
-            for i, arg in enumerate(args.children):
-                if arg.type == syms.tfpdef:
-                    # Without add_prefix, the emitted code is correct,
-                    #  just ugly.
-                    handle_tuple(arg, add_prefix=(i > 0))
-        if not new_lines:
-            return
-        # This isn't strictly necessary, but it plays nicely with other fixers.
-        # TODO(cwinter) get rid of this when children becomes a smart list
-        for line in new_lines:
-            line.parent = suite[0]
-        # TODO(cwinter) suite-cleanup
-        after = start
-        if start == 0:
-            new_lines[0].prefix = " "
-        elif is_docstring(suite[0].children[start]):
-            new_lines[0].prefix = indent
-            after = start + 1
-        for line in new_lines:
-            line.parent = suite[0]
-        suite[0].children[after:after] = new_lines
-        for i in range(after+1, after+len(new_lines)+1):
-            suite[0].children[i].prefix = indent
-        suite[0].changed()
-    def transform_lambda(self, node, results):
-        args = results["args"]
-        body = results["body"]
-        inner = simplify_args(results["inner"])
-        # Replace lambda ((((x)))): x  with lambda x: x
-        if inner.type == token.NAME:
-            inner = inner.clone()
-            inner.prefix = " "
-            args.replace(inner)
-            return
-        params = find_params(args)
-        to_index = map_to_index(params)
-        tup_name = self.new_name(tuple_name(params))
-        new_param = Name(tup_name, prefix=" ")
-        args.replace(new_param.clone())
-        for n in body.post_order():
-            if n.type == token.NAME and n.value in to_index:
-                subscripts = [c.clone() for c in to_index[n.value]]
-                new = pytree.Node(syms.power,
-                                  [new_param.clone()] + subscripts)
-                new.prefix = n.prefix
-                n.replace(new)
-### Helper functions for transform_lambda()
-def simplify_args(node):
-    if node.type in (syms.vfplist, token.NAME):
-        return node
-    elif node.type == syms.vfpdef:
-        # These look like vfpdef< '(' x ')' > where x is NAME
-        # or another vfpdef instance (leading to recursion).
-        while node.type == syms.vfpdef:
-            node = node.children[1]
-        return node
-    raise RuntimeError("Received unexpected node %s" % node)
-def find_params(node):
-    if node.type == syms.vfpdef:
-        return find_params(node.children[1])
-    elif node.type == token.NAME:
-        return node.value
-    return [find_params(c) for c in node.children if c.type != token.COMMA]
-def map_to_index(param_list, prefix=[], d=None):
-    if d is None:
-        d = {}
-    for i, obj in enumerate(param_list):
-        trailer = [Subscript(Number(str(i)))]
-        if isinstance(obj, list):
-            map_to_index(obj, trailer, d=d)
-        else:
-            d[obj] = prefix + trailer
-    return d
-def tuple_name(param_list):
-    l = []
-    for obj in param_list:
-        if isinstance(obj, list):
-            l.append(tuple_name(obj))
-        else:
-            l.append(obj)
-    return "_".join(l)
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_types.py b/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_types.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 67bf51f2f5b85..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_types.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2007 Google, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
-"""Fixer for removing uses of the types module.
-These work for only the known names in the types module.  The forms above
-can include types. or not.  ie, It is assumed the module is imported either as:
-    import types
-    from types import ... # either * or specific types
-The import statements are not modified.
-There should be another fixer that handles at least the following constants:
-   type([]) -> list
-   type(()) -> tuple
-   type('') -> str
-# Local imports
-from .. import fixer_base
-from ..fixer_util import Name
-        'BooleanType' : 'bool',
-        'BufferType' : 'memoryview',
-        'ClassType' : 'type',
-        'ComplexType' : 'complex',
-        'DictType': 'dict',
-        'DictionaryType' : 'dict',
-        'EllipsisType' : 'type(Ellipsis)',
-        #'FileType' : 'io.IOBase',
-        'FloatType': 'float',
-        'IntType': 'int',
-        'ListType': 'list',
-        'LongType': 'int',
-        'ObjectType' : 'object',
-        'NoneType': 'type(None)',
-        'NotImplementedType' : 'type(NotImplemented)',
-        'SliceType' : 'slice',
-        'StringType': 'bytes', # XXX ?
-        'StringTypes' : '(str,)', # XXX ?
-        'TupleType': 'tuple',
-        'TypeType' : 'type',
-        'UnicodeType': 'str',
-        'XRangeType' : 'range',
-    }
-_pats = ["power< 'types' trailer< '.' name='%s' > >" % t for t in _TYPE_MAPPING]
-class FixTypes(fixer_base.BaseFix):
-    BM_compatible = True
-    PATTERN = '|'.join(_pats)
-    def transform(self, node, results):
-        new_value = _TYPE_MAPPING.get(results["name"].value)
-        if new_value:
-            return Name(new_value, prefix=node.prefix)
-        return None
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_unicode.py b/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_unicode.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c7982c2b97c3e..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_unicode.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-r"""Fixer for unicode.
-* Changes unicode to str and unichr to chr.
-* If "...\u..." is not unicode literal change it into "...\\u...".
-* Change u"..." into "...".
-from ..pgen2 import token
-from .. import fixer_base
-_mapping = {"unichr" : "chr", "unicode" : "str"}
-class FixUnicode(fixer_base.BaseFix):
-    BM_compatible = True
-    PATTERN = "STRING | 'unicode' | 'unichr'"
-    def start_tree(self, tree, filename):
-        super(FixUnicode, self).start_tree(tree, filename)
-        self.unicode_literals = 'unicode_literals' in tree.future_features
-    def transform(self, node, results):
-        if node.type == token.NAME:
-            new = node.clone()
-            new.value = _mapping[node.value]
-            return new
-        elif node.type == token.STRING:
-            val = node.value
-            if not self.unicode_literals and val[0] in '\'"' and '\\' in val:
-                val = r'\\'.join([
-                    v.replace('\\u', r'\\u').replace('\\U', r'\\U')
-                    for v in val.split(r'\\')
-                ])
-            if val[0] in 'uU':
-                val = val[1:]
-            if val == node.value:
-                return node
-            new = node.clone()
-            new.value = val
-            return new
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_urllib.py b/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_urllib.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ab892bc52494c..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_urllib.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
-"""Fix changes imports of urllib which are now incompatible.
-   This is rather similar to fix_imports, but because of the more
-   complex nature of the fixing for urllib, it has its own fixer.
-# Author: Nick Edds
-# Local imports
-from lib2to3.fixes.fix_imports import alternates, FixImports
-from lib2to3.fixer_util import (Name, Comma, FromImport, Newline,
-                                find_indentation, Node, syms)
-MAPPING = {"urllib":  [
-                ("urllib.request",
-                    ["URLopener", "FancyURLopener", "urlretrieve",
-                     "_urlopener", "urlopen", "urlcleanup",
-                     "pathname2url", "url2pathname", "getproxies"]),
-                ("urllib.parse",
-                    ["quote", "quote_plus", "unquote", "unquote_plus",
-                     "urlencode", "splitattr", "splithost", "splitnport",
-                     "splitpasswd", "splitport", "splitquery", "splittag",
-                     "splittype", "splituser", "splitvalue", ]),
-                ("urllib.error",
-                    ["ContentTooShortError"])],
-           "urllib2" : [
-                ("urllib.request",
-                    ["urlopen", "install_opener", "build_opener",
-                     "Request", "OpenerDirector", "BaseHandler",
-                     "HTTPDefaultErrorHandler", "HTTPRedirectHandler",
-                     "HTTPCookieProcessor", "ProxyHandler",
-                     "HTTPPasswordMgr",
-                     "HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm",
-                     "AbstractBasicAuthHandler",
-                     "HTTPBasicAuthHandler", "ProxyBasicAuthHandler",
-                     "AbstractDigestAuthHandler",
-                     "HTTPDigestAuthHandler", "ProxyDigestAuthHandler",
-                     "HTTPHandler", "HTTPSHandler", "FileHandler",
-                     "FTPHandler", "CacheFTPHandler",
-                     "UnknownHandler"]),
-                ("urllib.error",
-                    ["URLError", "HTTPError"]),
-           ]
-# Duplicate the url parsing functions for urllib2.
-def build_pattern():
-    bare = set()
-    for old_module, changes in MAPPING.items():
-        for change in changes:
-            new_module, members = change
-            members = alternates(members)
-            yield """import_name< 'import' (module=%r
-                                  | dotted_as_names< any* module=%r any* >) >
-                  """ % (old_module, old_module)
-            yield """import_from< 'from' mod_member=%r 'import'
-                       ( member=%s | import_as_name< member=%s 'as' any > |
-                         import_as_names< members=any*  >) >
-                  """ % (old_module, members, members)
-            yield """import_from< 'from' module_star=%r 'import' star='*' >
-                  """ % old_module
-            yield """import_name< 'import'
-                                  dotted_as_name< module_as=%r 'as' any > >
-                  """ % old_module
-            # bare_with_attr has a special significance for FixImports.match().
-            yield """power< bare_with_attr=%r trailer< '.' member=%s > any* >
-                  """ % (old_module, members)
-class FixUrllib(FixImports):
-    def build_pattern(self):
-        return "|".join(build_pattern())
-    def transform_import(self, node, results):
-        """Transform for the basic import case. Replaces the old
-           import name with a comma separated list of its
-           replacements.
-        """
-        import_mod = results.get("module")
-        pref = import_mod.prefix
-        names = []
-        # create a Node list of the replacement modules
-        for name in MAPPING[import_mod.value][:-1]:
-            names.extend([Name(name[0], prefix=pref), Comma()])
-        names.append(Name(MAPPING[import_mod.value][-1][0], prefix=pref))
-        import_mod.replace(names)
-    def transform_member(self, node, results):
-        """Transform for imports of specific module elements. Replaces
-           the module to be imported from with the appropriate new
-           module.
-        """
-        mod_member = results.get("mod_member")
-        pref = mod_member.prefix
-        member = results.get("member")
-        # Simple case with only a single member being imported
-        if member:
-            # this may be a list of length one, or just a node
-            if isinstance(member, list):
-                member = member[0]
-            new_name = None
-            for change in MAPPING[mod_member.value]:
-                if member.value in change[1]:
-                    new_name = change[0]
-                    break
-            if new_name:
-                mod_member.replace(Name(new_name, prefix=pref))
-            else:
-                self.cannot_convert(node, "This is an invalid module element")
-        # Multiple members being imported
-        else:
-            # a dictionary for replacements, order matters
-            modules = []
-            mod_dict = {}
-            members = results["members"]
-            for member in members:
-                # we only care about the actual members
-                if member.type == syms.import_as_name:
-                    as_name = member.children[2].value
-                    member_name = member.children[0].value
-                else:
-                    member_name = member.value
-                    as_name = None
-                if member_name != ",":
-                    for change in MAPPING[mod_member.value]:
-                        if member_name in change[1]:
-                            if change[0] not in mod_dict:
-                                modules.append(change[0])
-                            mod_dict.setdefault(change[0], []).append(member)
-            new_nodes = []
-            indentation = find_indentation(node)
-            first = True
-            def handle_name(name, prefix):
-                if name.type == syms.import_as_name:
-                    kids = [Name(name.children[0].value, prefix=prefix),
-                            name.children[1].clone(),
-                            name.children[2].clone()]
-                    return [Node(syms.import_as_name, kids)]
-                return [Name(name.value, prefix=prefix)]
-            for module in modules:
-                elts = mod_dict[module]
-                names = []
-                for elt in elts[:-1]:
-                    names.extend(handle_name(elt, pref))
-                    names.append(Comma())
-                names.extend(handle_name(elts[-1], pref))
-                new = FromImport(module, names)
-                if not first or node.parent.prefix.endswith(indentation):
-                    new.prefix = indentation
-                new_nodes.append(new)
-                first = False
-            if new_nodes:
-                nodes = []
-                for new_node in new_nodes[:-1]:
-                    nodes.extend([new_node, Newline()])
-                nodes.append(new_nodes[-1])
-                node.replace(nodes)
-            else:
-                self.cannot_convert(node, "All module elements are invalid")
-    def transform_dot(self, node, results):
-        """Transform for calls to module members in code."""
-        module_dot = results.get("bare_with_attr")
-        member = results.get("member")
-        new_name = None
-        if isinstance(member, list):
-            member = member[0]
-        for change in MAPPING[module_dot.value]:
-            if member.value in change[1]:
-                new_name = change[0]
-                break
-        if new_name:
-            module_dot.replace(Name(new_name,
-                                    prefix=module_dot.prefix))
-        else:
-            self.cannot_convert(node, "This is an invalid module element")
-    def transform(self, node, results):
-        if results.get("module"):
-            self.transform_import(node, results)
-        elif results.get("mod_member"):
-            self.transform_member(node, results)
-        elif results.get("bare_with_attr"):
-            self.transform_dot(node, results)
-        # Renaming and star imports are not supported for these modules.
-        elif results.get("module_star"):
-            self.cannot_convert(node, "Cannot handle star imports.")
-        elif results.get("module_as"):
-            self.cannot_convert(node, "This module is now multiple modules")
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_ws_comma.py b/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_ws_comma.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a54a376c472af..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_ws_comma.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-"""Fixer that changes 'a ,b' into 'a, b'.
-This also changes '{a :b}' into '{a: b}', but does not touch other
-uses of colons.  It does not touch other uses of whitespace.
-from .. import pytree
-from ..pgen2 import token
-from .. import fixer_base
-class FixWsComma(fixer_base.BaseFix):
-    explicit = True # The user must ask for this fixers
-    PATTERN = """
-    any<(not(',') any)+ ',' ((not(',') any)+ ',')* [not(',') any]>
-    """
-    COMMA = pytree.Leaf(token.COMMA, ",")
-    COLON = pytree.Leaf(token.COLON, ":")
-    def transform(self, node, results):
-        new = node.clone()
-        comma = False
-        for child in new.children:
-            if child in self.SEPS:
-                prefix = child.prefix
-                if prefix.isspace() and "\n" not in prefix:
-                    child.prefix = ""
-                comma = True
-            else:
-                if comma:
-                    prefix = child.prefix
-                    if not prefix:
-                        child.prefix = " "
-                comma = False
-        return new
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_xrange.py b/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_xrange.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e491e166a3f1..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_xrange.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2007 Google, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
-"""Fixer that changes xrange(...) into range(...)."""
-# Local imports
-from .. import fixer_base
-from ..fixer_util import Name, Call, consuming_calls
-from .. import patcomp
-class FixXrange(fixer_base.BaseFix):
-    BM_compatible = True
-    PATTERN = """
-              power<
-                 (name='range'|name='xrange') trailer< '(' args=any ')' >
-              rest=any* >
-              """
-    def start_tree(self, tree, filename):
-        super(FixXrange, self).start_tree(tree, filename)
-        self.transformed_xranges = set()
-    def finish_tree(self, tree, filename):
-        self.transformed_xranges = None
-    def transform(self, node, results):
-        name = results["name"]
-        if name.value == "xrange":
-            return self.transform_xrange(node, results)
-        elif name.value == "range":
-            return self.transform_range(node, results)
-        else:
-            raise ValueError(repr(name))
-    def transform_xrange(self, node, results):
-        name = results["name"]
-        name.replace(Name("range", prefix=name.prefix))
-        # This prevents the new range call from being wrapped in a list later.
-        self.transformed_xranges.add(id(node))
-    def transform_range(self, node, results):
-        if (id(node) not in self.transformed_xranges and
-            not self.in_special_context(node)):
-            range_call = Call(Name("range"), [results["args"].clone()])
-            # Encase the range call in list().
-            list_call = Call(Name("list"), [range_call],
-                             prefix=node.prefix)
-            # Put things that were after the range() call after the list call.
-            for n in results["rest"]:
-                list_call.append_child(n)
-            return list_call
-    P1 = "power< func=NAME trailer< '(' node=any ')' > any* >"
-    p1 = patcomp.compile_pattern(P1)
-    P2 = """for_stmt< 'for' any 'in' node=any ':' any* >
-            | comp_for< 'for' any 'in' node=any any* >
-            | comparison< any 'in' node=any any*>
-         """
-    p2 = patcomp.compile_pattern(P2)
-    def in_special_context(self, node):
-        if node.parent is None:
-            return False
-        results = {}
-        if (node.parent.parent is not None and
-               self.p1.match(node.parent.parent, results) and
-               results["node"] is node):
-            # list(d.keys()) -> list(d.keys()), etc.
-            return results["func"].value in consuming_calls
-        # for ... in d.iterkeys() -> for ... in d.keys(), etc.
-        return self.p2.match(node.parent, results) and results["node"] is node
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_xreadlines.py b/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_xreadlines.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e3f71ab04557..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_xreadlines.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-"""Fix "for x in f.xreadlines()" -> "for x in f".
-This fixer will also convert g(f.xreadlines) into g(f.__iter__)."""
-# Author: Collin Winter
-# Local imports
-from .. import fixer_base
-from ..fixer_util import Name
-class FixXreadlines(fixer_base.BaseFix):
-    BM_compatible = True
-    PATTERN = """
-    power< call=any+ trailer< '.' 'xreadlines' > trailer< '(' ')' > >
-    |
-    power< any+ trailer< '.' no_call='xreadlines' > >
-    """
-    def transform(self, node, results):
-        no_call = results.get("no_call")
-        if no_call:
-            no_call.replace(Name("__iter__", prefix=no_call.prefix))
-        else:
-            node.replace([x.clone() for x in results["call"]])
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_zip.py b/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_zip.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 52c28df6aab41..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/fix_zip.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-Fixer that changes zip(seq0, seq1, ...) into list(zip(seq0, seq1, ...)
-unless there exists a 'from future_builtins import zip' statement in the
-top-level namespace.
-We avoid the transformation if the zip() call is directly contained in
-iter(<>), list(<>), tuple(<>), sorted(<>), ...join(<>), or for V in <>:.
-# Local imports
-from .. import fixer_base
-from ..pytree import Node
-from ..pygram import python_symbols as syms
-from ..fixer_util import Name, ArgList, in_special_context
-class FixZip(fixer_base.ConditionalFix):
-    BM_compatible = True
-    PATTERN = """
-    power< 'zip' args=trailer< '(' [any] ')' > [trailers=trailer*]
-    >
-    """
-    skip_on = "future_builtins.zip"
-    def transform(self, node, results):
-        if self.should_skip(node):
-            return
-        if in_special_context(node):
-            return None
-        args = results['args'].clone()
-        args.prefix = ""
-        trailers = []
-        if 'trailers' in results:
-            trailers = [n.clone() for n in results['trailers']]
-            for n in trailers:
-                n.prefix = ""
-        new = Node(syms.power, [Name("zip"), args], prefix="")
-        new = Node(syms.power, [Name("list"), ArgList([new])] + trailers)
-        new.prefix = node.prefix
-        return new
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/main.py b/Lib/lib2to3/main.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f2849fd6be3fd..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/main.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,273 +0,0 @@
-Main program for 2to3.
-from __future__ import with_statement, print_function
-import sys
-import os
-import difflib
-import logging
-import shutil
-import optparse
-from . import refactor
-def diff_texts(a, b, filename):
-    """Return a unified diff of two strings."""
-    a = a.splitlines()
-    b = b.splitlines()
-    return difflib.unified_diff(a, b, filename, filename,
-                                "(original)", "(refactored)",
-                                lineterm="")
-class StdoutRefactoringTool(refactor.MultiprocessRefactoringTool):
-    """
-    A refactoring tool that can avoid overwriting its input files.
-    Prints output to stdout.
-    Output files can optionally be written to a different directory and or
-    have an extra file suffix appended to their name for use in situations
-    where you do not want to replace the input files.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, fixers, options, explicit, nobackups, show_diffs,
-                 input_base_dir='', output_dir='', append_suffix=''):
-        """
-        Args:
-            fixers: A list of fixers to import.
-            options: A dict with RefactoringTool configuration.
-            explicit: A list of fixers to run even if they are explicit.
-            nobackups: If true no backup '.bak' files will be created for those
-                files that are being refactored.
-            show_diffs: Should diffs of the refactoring be printed to stdout?
-            input_base_dir: The base directory for all input files.  This class
-                will strip this path prefix off of filenames before substituting
-                it with output_dir.  Only meaningful if output_dir is supplied.
-                All files processed by refactor() must start with this path.
-            output_dir: If supplied, all converted files will be written into
-                this directory tree instead of input_base_dir.
-            append_suffix: If supplied, all files output by this tool will have
-                this appended to their filename.  Useful for changing .py to
-                .py3 for example by passing append_suffix='3'.
-        """
-        self.nobackups = nobackups
-        self.show_diffs = show_diffs
-        if input_base_dir and not input_base_dir.endswith(os.sep):
-            input_base_dir += os.sep
-        self._input_base_dir = input_base_dir
-        self._output_dir = output_dir
-        self._append_suffix = append_suffix
-        super(StdoutRefactoringTool, self).__init__(fixers, options, explicit)
-    def log_error(self, msg, *args, **kwargs):
-        self.errors.append((msg, args, kwargs))
-        self.logger.error(msg, *args, **kwargs)
-    def write_file(self, new_text, filename, old_text, encoding):
-        orig_filename = filename
-        if self._output_dir:
-            if filename.startswith(self._input_base_dir):
-                filename = os.path.join(self._output_dir,
-                                        filename[len(self._input_base_dir):])
-            else:
-                raise ValueError('filename %s does not start with the '
-                                 'input_base_dir %s' % (
-                                         filename, self._input_base_dir))
-        if self._append_suffix:
-            filename += self._append_suffix
-        if orig_filename != filename:
-            output_dir = os.path.dirname(filename)
-            if not os.path.isdir(output_dir) and output_dir:
-                os.makedirs(output_dir)
-            self.log_message('Writing converted %s to %s.', orig_filename,
-                             filename)
-        if not self.nobackups:
-            # Make backup
-            backup = filename + ".bak"
-            if os.path.lexists(backup):
-                try:
-                    os.remove(backup)
-                except OSError:
-                    self.log_message("Can't remove backup %s", backup)
-            try:
-                os.rename(filename, backup)
-            except OSError:
-                self.log_message("Can't rename %s to %s", filename, backup)
-        # Actually write the new file
-        write = super(StdoutRefactoringTool, self).write_file
-        write(new_text, filename, old_text, encoding)
-        if not self.nobackups:
-            shutil.copymode(backup, filename)
-        if orig_filename != filename:
-            # Preserve the file mode in the new output directory.
-            shutil.copymode(orig_filename, filename)
-    def print_output(self, old, new, filename, equal):
-        if equal:
-            self.log_message("No changes to %s", filename)
-        else:
-            self.log_message("Refactored %s", filename)
-            if self.show_diffs:
-                diff_lines = diff_texts(old, new, filename)
-                try:
-                    if self.output_lock is not None:
-                        with self.output_lock:
-                            for line in diff_lines:
-                                print(line)
-                            sys.stdout.flush()
-                    else:
-                        for line in diff_lines:
-                            print(line)
-                except UnicodeEncodeError:
-                    warn("couldn't encode %s's diff for your terminal" %
-                         (filename,))
-                    return
-def warn(msg):
-    print("WARNING: %s" % (msg,), file=sys.stderr)
-def main(fixer_pkg, args=None):
-    """Main program.
-    Args:
-        fixer_pkg: the name of a package where the fixers are located.
-        args: optional; a list of command line arguments. If omitted,
-              sys.argv[1:] is used.
-    Returns a suggested exit status (0, 1, 2).
-    """
-    # Set up option parser
-    parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="2to3 [options] file|dir ...")
-    parser.add_option("-d", "--doctests_only", action="store_true",
-                      help="Fix up doctests only")
-    parser.add_option("-f", "--fix", action="append", default=[],
-                      help="Each FIX specifies a transformation; default: all")
-    parser.add_option("-j", "--processes", action="store", default=1,
-                      type="int", help="Run 2to3 concurrently")
-    parser.add_option("-x", "--nofix", action="append", default=[],
-                      help="Prevent a transformation from being run")
-    parser.add_option("-l", "--list-fixes", action="store_true",
-                      help="List available transformations")
-    parser.add_option("-p", "--print-function", action="store_true",
-                      help="Modify the grammar so that print() is a function")
-    parser.add_option("-e", "--exec-function", action="store_true",
-                      help="Modify the grammar so that exec() is a function")
-    parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true",
-                      help="More verbose logging")
-    parser.add_option("--no-diffs", action="store_true",
-                      help="Don't show diffs of the refactoring")
-    parser.add_option("-w", "--write", action="store_true",
-                      help="Write back modified files")
-    parser.add_option("-n", "--nobackups", action="store_true", default=False,
-                      help="Don't write backups for modified files")
-    parser.add_option("-o", "--output-dir", action="store", type="str",
-                      default="", help="Put output files in this directory "
-                      "instead of overwriting the input files.  Requires -n.")
-    parser.add_option("-W", "--write-unchanged-files", action="store_true",
-                      help="Also write files even if no changes were required"
-                      " (useful with --output-dir); implies -w.")
-    parser.add_option("--add-suffix", action="store", type="str", default="",
-                      help="Append this string to all output filenames."
-                      " Requires -n if non-empty.  "
-                      "ex: --add-suffix='3' will generate .py3 files.")
-    # Parse command line arguments
-    refactor_stdin = False
-    flags = {}
-    options, args = parser.parse_args(args)
-    if options.write_unchanged_files:
-        flags["write_unchanged_files"] = True
-        if not options.write:
-            warn("--write-unchanged-files/-W implies -w.")
-        options.write = True
-    # If we allowed these, the original files would be renamed to backup names
-    # but not replaced.
-    if options.output_dir and not options.nobackups:
-        parser.error("Can't use --output-dir/-o without -n.")
-    if options.add_suffix and not options.nobackups:
-        parser.error("Can't use --add-suffix without -n.")
-    if not options.write and options.no_diffs:
-        warn("not writing files and not printing diffs; that's not very useful")
-    if not options.write and options.nobackups:
-        parser.error("Can't use -n without -w")
-    if options.list_fixes:
-        print("Available transformations for the -f/--fix option:")
-        for fixname in refactor.get_all_fix_names(fixer_pkg):
-            print(fixname)
-        if not args:
-            return 0
-    if not args:
-        print("At least one file or directory argument required.", file=sys.stderr)
-        print("Use --help to show usage.", file=sys.stderr)
-        return 2
-    if "-" in args:
-        refactor_stdin = True
-        if options.write:
-            print("Can't write to stdin.", file=sys.stderr)
-            return 2
-    if options.print_function:
-        flags["print_function"] = True
-    if options.exec_function:
-        flags["exec_function"] = True
-    # Set up logging handler
-    level = logging.DEBUG if options.verbose else logging.INFO
-    logging.basicConfig(format='%(name)s: %(message)s', level=level)
-    logger = logging.getLogger('lib2to3.main')
-    # Initialize the refactoring tool
-    avail_fixes = set(refactor.get_fixers_from_package(fixer_pkg))
-    unwanted_fixes = set(fixer_pkg + ".fix_" + fix for fix in options.nofix)
-    explicit = set()
-    if options.fix:
-        all_present = False
-        for fix in options.fix:
-            if fix == "all":
-                all_present = True
-            else:
-                explicit.add(fixer_pkg + ".fix_" + fix)
-        requested = avail_fixes.union(explicit) if all_present else explicit
-    else:
-        requested = avail_fixes.union(explicit)
-    fixer_names = requested.difference(unwanted_fixes)
-    input_base_dir = os.path.commonprefix(args)
-    if (input_base_dir and not input_base_dir.endswith(os.sep)
-        and not os.path.isdir(input_base_dir)):
-        # One or more similar names were passed, their directory is the base.
-        # os.path.commonprefix() is ignorant of path elements, this corrects
-        # for that weird API.
-        input_base_dir = os.path.dirname(input_base_dir)
-    if options.output_dir:
-        input_base_dir = input_base_dir.rstrip(os.sep)
-        logger.info('Output in %r will mirror the input directory %r layout.',
-                    options.output_dir, input_base_dir)
-    rt = StdoutRefactoringTool(
-            sorted(fixer_names), flags, sorted(explicit),
-            options.nobackups, not options.no_diffs,
-            input_base_dir=input_base_dir,
-            output_dir=options.output_dir,
-            append_suffix=options.add_suffix)
-    # Refactor all files and directories passed as arguments
-    if not rt.errors:
-        if refactor_stdin:
-            rt.refactor_stdin()
-        else:
-            try:
-                rt.refactor(args, options.write, options.doctests_only,
-                            options.processes)
-            except refactor.MultiprocessingUnsupported:
-                assert options.processes > 1
-                print("Sorry, -j isn't supported on this platform.",
-                      file=sys.stderr)
-                return 1
-        rt.summarize()
-    # Return error status (0 if rt.errors is zero)
-    return int(bool(rt.errors))
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/patcomp.py b/Lib/lib2to3/patcomp.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f57f4954b26ce..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/patcomp.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2006 Google, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
-"""Pattern compiler.
-The grammar is taken from PatternGrammar.txt.
-The compiler compiles a pattern to a pytree.*Pattern instance.
-__author__ = "Guido van Rossum <guido at python.org>"
-# Python imports
-import io
-# Fairly local imports
-from .pgen2 import driver, literals, token, tokenize, parse, grammar
-# Really local imports
-from . import pytree
-from . import pygram
-class PatternSyntaxError(Exception):
-    pass
-def tokenize_wrapper(input):
-    """Tokenizes a string suppressing significant whitespace."""
-    skip = {token.NEWLINE, token.INDENT, token.DEDENT}
-    tokens = tokenize.generate_tokens(io.StringIO(input).readline)
-    for quintuple in tokens:
-        type, value, start, end, line_text = quintuple
-        if type not in skip:
-            yield quintuple
-class PatternCompiler(object):
-    def __init__(self, grammar_file=None):
-        """Initializer.
-        Takes an optional alternative filename for the pattern grammar.
-        """
-        if grammar_file is None:
-            self.grammar = pygram.pattern_grammar
-            self.syms = pygram.pattern_symbols
-        else:
-            self.grammar = driver.load_grammar(grammar_file)
-            self.syms = pygram.Symbols(self.grammar)
-        self.pygrammar = pygram.python_grammar
-        self.pysyms = pygram.python_symbols
-        self.driver = driver.Driver(self.grammar, convert=pattern_convert)
-    def compile_pattern(self, input, debug=False, with_tree=False):
-        """Compiles a pattern string to a nested pytree.*Pattern object."""
-        tokens = tokenize_wrapper(input)
-        try:
-            root = self.driver.parse_tokens(tokens, debug=debug)
-        except parse.ParseError as e:
-            raise PatternSyntaxError(str(e)) from None
-        if with_tree:
-            return self.compile_node(root), root
-        else:
-            return self.compile_node(root)
-    def compile_node(self, node):
-        """Compiles a node, recursively.
-        This is one big switch on the node type.
-        """
-        # XXX Optimize certain Wildcard-containing-Wildcard patterns
-        # that can be merged
-        if node.type == self.syms.Matcher:
-            node = node.children[0] # Avoid unneeded recursion
-        if node.type == self.syms.Alternatives:
-            # Skip the odd children since they are just '|' tokens
-            alts = [self.compile_node(ch) for ch in node.children[::2]]
-            if len(alts) == 1:
-                return alts[0]
-            p = pytree.WildcardPattern([[a] for a in alts], min=1, max=1)
-            return p.optimize()
-        if node.type == self.syms.Alternative:
-            units = [self.compile_node(ch) for ch in node.children]
-            if len(units) == 1:
-                return units[0]
-            p = pytree.WildcardPattern([units], min=1, max=1)
-            return p.optimize()
-        if node.type == self.syms.NegatedUnit:
-            pattern = self.compile_basic(node.children[1:])
-            p = pytree.NegatedPattern(pattern)
-            return p.optimize()
-        assert node.type == self.syms.Unit
-        name = None
-        nodes = node.children
-        if len(nodes) >= 3 and nodes[1].type == token.EQUAL:
-            name = nodes[0].value
-            nodes = nodes[2:]
-        repeat = None
-        if len(nodes) >= 2 and nodes[-1].type == self.syms.Repeater:
-            repeat = nodes[-1]
-            nodes = nodes[:-1]
-        # Now we've reduced it to: STRING | NAME [Details] | (...) | [...]
-        pattern = self.compile_basic(nodes, repeat)
-        if repeat is not None:
-            assert repeat.type == self.syms.Repeater
-            children = repeat.children
-            child = children[0]
-            if child.type == token.STAR:
-                min = 0
-                max = pytree.HUGE
-            elif child.type == token.PLUS:
-                min = 1
-                max = pytree.HUGE
-            elif child.type == token.LBRACE:
-                assert children[-1].type == token.RBRACE
-                assert  len(children) in (3, 5)
-                min = max = self.get_int(children[1])
-                if len(children) == 5:
-                    max = self.get_int(children[3])
-            else:
-                assert False
-            if min != 1 or max != 1:
-                pattern = pattern.optimize()
-                pattern = pytree.WildcardPattern([[pattern]], min=min, max=max)
-        if name is not None:
-            pattern.name = name
-        return pattern.optimize()
-    def compile_basic(self, nodes, repeat=None):
-        # Compile STRING | NAME [Details] | (...) | [...]
-        assert len(nodes) >= 1
-        node = nodes[0]
-        if node.type == token.STRING:
-            value = str(literals.evalString(node.value))
-            return pytree.LeafPattern(_type_of_literal(value), value)
-        elif node.type == token.NAME:
-            value = node.value
-            if value.isupper():
-                if value not in TOKEN_MAP:
-                    raise PatternSyntaxError("Invalid token: %r" % value)
-                if nodes[1:]:
-                    raise PatternSyntaxError("Can't have details for token")
-                return pytree.LeafPattern(TOKEN_MAP[value])
-            else:
-                if value == "any":
-                    type = None
-                elif not value.startswith("_"):
-                    type = getattr(self.pysyms, value, None)
-                    if type is None:
-                        raise PatternSyntaxError("Invalid symbol: %r" % value)
-                if nodes[1:]: # Details present
-                    content = [self.compile_node(nodes[1].children[1])]
-                else:
-                    content = None
-                return pytree.NodePattern(type, content)
-        elif node.value == "(":
-            return self.compile_node(nodes[1])
-        elif node.value == "[":
-            assert repeat is None
-            subpattern = self.compile_node(nodes[1])
-            return pytree.WildcardPattern([[subpattern]], min=0, max=1)
-        assert False, node
-    def get_int(self, node):
-        assert node.type == token.NUMBER
-        return int(node.value)
-# Map named tokens to the type value for a LeafPattern
-TOKEN_MAP = {"NAME": token.NAME,
-             "STRING": token.STRING,
-             "NUMBER": token.NUMBER,
-             "TOKEN": None}
-def _type_of_literal(value):
-    if value[0].isalpha():
-        return token.NAME
-    elif value in grammar.opmap:
-        return grammar.opmap[value]
-    else:
-        return None
-def pattern_convert(grammar, raw_node_info):
-    """Converts raw node information to a Node or Leaf instance."""
-    type, value, context, children = raw_node_info
-    if children or type in grammar.number2symbol:
-        return pytree.Node(type, children, context=context)
-    else:
-        return pytree.Leaf(type, value, context=context)
-def compile_pattern(pattern):
-    return PatternCompiler().compile_pattern(pattern)
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/pgen2/__init__.py b/Lib/lib2to3/pgen2/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index af390484528d8..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/pgen2/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2004-2005 Elemental Security, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
-"""The pgen2 package."""
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/pgen2/conv.py b/Lib/lib2to3/pgen2/conv.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ed0cac532e424..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/pgen2/conv.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,257 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2004-2005 Elemental Security, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
-"""Convert graminit.[ch] spit out by pgen to Python code.
-Pgen is the Python parser generator.  It is useful to quickly create a
-parser from a grammar file in Python's grammar notation.  But I don't
-want my parsers to be written in C (yet), so I'm translating the
-parsing tables to Python data structures and writing a Python parse
-Note that the token numbers are constants determined by the standard
-Python tokenizer.  The standard token module defines these numbers and
-their names (the names are not used much).  The token numbers are
-hardcoded into the Python tokenizer and into pgen.  A Python
-implementation of the Python tokenizer is also available, in the
-standard tokenize module.
-On the other hand, symbol numbers (representing the grammar's
-non-terminals) are assigned by pgen based on the actual grammar
-Note: this module is pretty much obsolete; the pgen module generates
-equivalent grammar tables directly from the Grammar.txt input file
-without having to invoke the Python pgen C program.
-# Python imports
-import re
-# Local imports
-from pgen2 import grammar, token
-class Converter(grammar.Grammar):
-    """Grammar subclass that reads classic pgen output files.
-    The run() method reads the tables as produced by the pgen parser
-    generator, typically contained in two C files, graminit.h and
-    graminit.c.  The other methods are for internal use only.
-    See the base class for more documentation.
-    """
-    def run(self, graminit_h, graminit_c):
-        """Load the grammar tables from the text files written by pgen."""
-        self.parse_graminit_h(graminit_h)
-        self.parse_graminit_c(graminit_c)
-        self.finish_off()
-    def parse_graminit_h(self, filename):
-        """Parse the .h file written by pgen.  (Internal)
-        This file is a sequence of #define statements defining the
-        nonterminals of the grammar as numbers.  We build two tables
-        mapping the numbers to names and back.
-        """
-        try:
-            f = open(filename)
-        except OSError as err:
-            print("Can't open %s: %s" % (filename, err))
-            return False
-        self.symbol2number = {}
-        self.number2symbol = {}
-        lineno = 0
-        for line in f:
-            lineno += 1
-            mo = re.match(r"^#define\s+(\w+)\s+(\d+)$", line)
-            if not mo and line.strip():
-                print("%s(%s): can't parse %s" % (filename, lineno,
-                                                  line.strip()))
-            else:
-                symbol, number = mo.groups()
-                number = int(number)
-                assert symbol not in self.symbol2number
-                assert number not in self.number2symbol
-                self.symbol2number[symbol] = number
-                self.number2symbol[number] = symbol
-        return True
-    def parse_graminit_c(self, filename):
-        """Parse the .c file written by pgen.  (Internal)
-        The file looks as follows.  The first two lines are always this:
-        #include "pgenheaders.h"
-        #include "grammar.h"
-        After that come four blocks:
-        1) one or more state definitions
-        2) a table defining dfas
-        3) a table defining labels
-        4) a struct defining the grammar
-        A state definition has the following form:
-        - one or more arc arrays, each of the form:
-          static arc arcs_<n>_<m>[<k>] = {
-                  {<i>, <j>},
-                  ...
-          };
-        - followed by a state array, of the form:
-          static state states_<s>[<t>] = {
-                  {<k>, arcs_<n>_<m>},
-                  ...
-          };
-        """
-        try:
-            f = open(filename)
-        except OSError as err:
-            print("Can't open %s: %s" % (filename, err))
-            return False
-        # The code below essentially uses f's iterator-ness!
-        lineno = 0
-        # Expect the two #include lines
-        lineno, line = lineno+1, next(f)
-        assert line == '#include "pgenheaders.h"\n', (lineno, line)
-        lineno, line = lineno+1, next(f)
-        assert line == '#include "grammar.h"\n', (lineno, line)
-        # Parse the state definitions
-        lineno, line = lineno+1, next(f)
-        allarcs = {}
-        states = []
-        while line.startswith("static arc "):
-            while line.startswith("static arc "):
-                mo = re.match(r"static arc arcs_(\d+)_(\d+)\[(\d+)\] = {$",
-                              line)
-                assert mo, (lineno, line)
-                n, m, k = list(map(int, mo.groups()))
-                arcs = []
-                for _ in range(k):
-                    lineno, line = lineno+1, next(f)
-                    mo = re.match(r"\s+{(\d+), (\d+)},$", line)
-                    assert mo, (lineno, line)
-                    i, j = list(map(int, mo.groups()))
-                    arcs.append((i, j))
-                lineno, line = lineno+1, next(f)
-                assert line == "};\n", (lineno, line)
-                allarcs[(n, m)] = arcs
-                lineno, line = lineno+1, next(f)
-            mo = re.match(r"static state states_(\d+)\[(\d+)\] = {$", line)
-            assert mo, (lineno, line)
-            s, t = list(map(int, mo.groups()))
-            assert s == len(states), (lineno, line)
-            state = []
-            for _ in range(t):
-                lineno, line = lineno+1, next(f)
-                mo = re.match(r"\s+{(\d+), arcs_(\d+)_(\d+)},$", line)
-                assert mo, (lineno, line)
-                k, n, m = list(map(int, mo.groups()))
-                arcs = allarcs[n, m]
-                assert k == len(arcs), (lineno, line)
-                state.append(arcs)
-            states.append(state)
-            lineno, line = lineno+1, next(f)
-            assert line == "};\n", (lineno, line)
-            lineno, line = lineno+1, next(f)
-        self.states = states
-        # Parse the dfas
-        dfas = {}
-        mo = re.match(r"static dfa dfas\[(\d+)\] = {$", line)
-        assert mo, (lineno, line)
-        ndfas = int(mo.group(1))
-        for i in range(ndfas):
-            lineno, line = lineno+1, next(f)
-            mo = re.match(r'\s+{(\d+), "(\w+)", (\d+), (\d+), states_(\d+),$',
-                          line)
-            assert mo, (lineno, line)
-            symbol = mo.group(2)
-            number, x, y, z = list(map(int, mo.group(1, 3, 4, 5)))
-            assert self.symbol2number[symbol] == number, (lineno, line)
-            assert self.number2symbol[number] == symbol, (lineno, line)
-            assert x == 0, (lineno, line)
-            state = states[z]
-            assert y == len(state), (lineno, line)
-            lineno, line = lineno+1, next(f)
-            mo = re.match(r'\s+("(?:\\\d\d\d)*")},$', line)
-            assert mo, (lineno, line)
-            first = {}
-            rawbitset = eval(mo.group(1))
-            for i, c in enumerate(rawbitset):
-                byte = ord(c)
-                for j in range(8):
-                    if byte & (1<<j):
-                        first[i*8 + j] = 1
-            dfas[number] = (state, first)
-        lineno, line = lineno+1, next(f)
-        assert line == "};\n", (lineno, line)
-        self.dfas = dfas
-        # Parse the labels
-        labels = []
-        lineno, line = lineno+1, next(f)
-        mo = re.match(r"static label labels\[(\d+)\] = {$", line)
-        assert mo, (lineno, line)
-        nlabels = int(mo.group(1))
-        for i in range(nlabels):
-            lineno, line = lineno+1, next(f)
-            mo = re.match(r'\s+{(\d+), (0|"\w+")},$', line)
-            assert mo, (lineno, line)
-            x, y = mo.groups()
-            x = int(x)
-            if y == "0":
-                y = None
-            else:
-                y = eval(y)
-            labels.append((x, y))
-        lineno, line = lineno+1, next(f)
-        assert line == "};\n", (lineno, line)
-        self.labels = labels
-        # Parse the grammar struct
-        lineno, line = lineno+1, next(f)
-        assert line == "grammar _PyParser_Grammar = {\n", (lineno, line)
-        lineno, line = lineno+1, next(f)
-        mo = re.match(r"\s+(\d+),$", line)
-        assert mo, (lineno, line)
-        ndfas = int(mo.group(1))
-        assert ndfas == len(self.dfas)
-        lineno, line = lineno+1, next(f)
-        assert line == "\tdfas,\n", (lineno, line)
-        lineno, line = lineno+1, next(f)
-        mo = re.match(r"\s+{(\d+), labels},$", line)
-        assert mo, (lineno, line)
-        nlabels = int(mo.group(1))
-        assert nlabels == len(self.labels), (lineno, line)
-        lineno, line = lineno+1, next(f)
-        mo = re.match(r"\s+(\d+)$", line)
-        assert mo, (lineno, line)
-        start = int(mo.group(1))
-        assert start in self.number2symbol, (lineno, line)
-        self.start = start
-        lineno, line = lineno+1, next(f)
-        assert line == "};\n", (lineno, line)
-        try:
-            lineno, line = lineno+1, next(f)
-        except StopIteration:
-            pass
-        else:
-            assert 0, (lineno, line)
-    def finish_off(self):
-        """Create additional useful structures.  (Internal)."""
-        self.keywords = {} # map from keyword strings to arc labels
-        self.tokens = {}   # map from numeric token values to arc labels
-        for ilabel, (type, value) in enumerate(self.labels):
-            if type == token.NAME and value is not None:
-                self.keywords[value] = ilabel
-            elif value is None:
-                self.tokens[type] = ilabel
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/pgen2/driver.py b/Lib/lib2to3/pgen2/driver.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 6471635a3192d..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/pgen2/driver.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2004-2005 Elemental Security, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
-# Modifications:
-# Copyright 2006 Google, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
-"""Parser driver.
-This provides a high-level interface to parse a file into a syntax tree.
-__author__ = "Guido van Rossum <guido at python.org>"
-__all__ = ["Driver", "load_grammar"]
-# Python imports
-import io
-import os
-import logging
-import pkgutil
-import sys
-# Pgen imports
-from . import grammar, parse, token, tokenize, pgen
-class Driver(object):
-    def __init__(self, grammar, convert=None, logger=None):
-        self.grammar = grammar
-        if logger is None:
-            logger = logging.getLogger()
-        self.logger = logger
-        self.convert = convert
-    def parse_tokens(self, tokens, debug=False):
-        """Parse a series of tokens and return the syntax tree."""
-        # XXX Move the prefix computation into a wrapper around tokenize.
-        p = parse.Parser(self.grammar, self.convert)
-        p.setup()
-        lineno = 1
-        column = 0
-        type = value = start = end = line_text = None
-        prefix = ""
-        for quintuple in tokens:
-            type, value, start, end, line_text = quintuple
-            if start != (lineno, column):
-                assert (lineno, column) <= start, ((lineno, column), start)
-                s_lineno, s_column = start
-                if lineno < s_lineno:
-                    prefix += "\n" * (s_lineno - lineno)
-                    lineno = s_lineno
-                    column = 0
-                if column < s_column:
-                    prefix += line_text[column:s_column]
-                    column = s_column
-            if type in (tokenize.COMMENT, tokenize.NL):
-                prefix += value
-                lineno, column = end
-                if value.endswith("\n"):
-                    lineno += 1
-                    column = 0
-                continue
-            if type == token.OP:
-                type = grammar.opmap[value]
-            if debug:
-                self.logger.debug("%s %r (prefix=%r)",
-                                  token.tok_name[type], value, prefix)
-            if p.addtoken(type, value, (prefix, start)):
-                if debug:
-                    self.logger.debug("Stop.")
-                break
-            prefix = ""
-            lineno, column = end
-            if value.endswith("\n"):
-                lineno += 1
-                column = 0
-        else:
-            # We never broke out -- EOF is too soon (how can this happen???)
-            raise parse.ParseError("incomplete input",
-                                   type, value, (prefix, start))
-        return p.rootnode
-    def parse_stream_raw(self, stream, debug=False):
-        """Parse a stream and return the syntax tree."""
-        tokens = tokenize.generate_tokens(stream.readline)
-        return self.parse_tokens(tokens, debug)
-    def parse_stream(self, stream, debug=False):
-        """Parse a stream and return the syntax tree."""
-        return self.parse_stream_raw(stream, debug)
-    def parse_file(self, filename, encoding=None, debug=False):
-        """Parse a file and return the syntax tree."""
-        with io.open(filename, "r", encoding=encoding) as stream:
-            return self.parse_stream(stream, debug)
-    def parse_string(self, text, debug=False):
-        """Parse a string and return the syntax tree."""
-        tokens = tokenize.generate_tokens(io.StringIO(text).readline)
-        return self.parse_tokens(tokens, debug)
-def _generate_pickle_name(gt):
-    head, tail = os.path.splitext(gt)
-    if tail == ".txt":
-        tail = ""
-    return head + tail + ".".join(map(str, sys.version_info)) + ".pickle"
-def load_grammar(gt="Grammar.txt", gp=None,
-                 save=True, force=False, logger=None):
-    """Load the grammar (maybe from a pickle)."""
-    if logger is None:
-        logger = logging.getLogger()
-    gp = _generate_pickle_name(gt) if gp is None else gp
-    if force or not _newer(gp, gt):
-        logger.info("Generating grammar tables from %s", gt)
-        g = pgen.generate_grammar(gt)
-        if save:
-            logger.info("Writing grammar tables to %s", gp)
-            try:
-                g.dump(gp)
-            except OSError as e:
-                logger.info("Writing failed: %s", e)
-    else:
-        g = grammar.Grammar()
-        g.load(gp)
-    return g
-def _newer(a, b):
-    """Inquire whether file a was written since file b."""
-    if not os.path.exists(a):
-        return False
-    if not os.path.exists(b):
-        return True
-    return os.path.getmtime(a) >= os.path.getmtime(b)
-def load_packaged_grammar(package, grammar_source):
-    """Normally, loads a pickled grammar by doing
-        pkgutil.get_data(package, pickled_grammar)
-    where *pickled_grammar* is computed from *grammar_source* by adding the
-    Python version and using a ``.pickle`` extension.
-    However, if *grammar_source* is an extant file, load_grammar(grammar_source)
-    is called instead. This facilitates using a packaged grammar file when needed
-    but preserves load_grammar's automatic regeneration behavior when possible.
-    """
-    if os.path.isfile(grammar_source):
-        return load_grammar(grammar_source)
-    pickled_name = _generate_pickle_name(os.path.basename(grammar_source))
-    data = pkgutil.get_data(package, pickled_name)
-    g = grammar.Grammar()
-    g.loads(data)
-    return g
-def main(*args):
-    """Main program, when run as a script: produce grammar pickle files.
-    Calls load_grammar for each argument, a path to a grammar text file.
-    """
-    if not args:
-        args = sys.argv[1:]
-    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, stream=sys.stdout,
-                        format='%(message)s')
-    for gt in args:
-        load_grammar(gt, save=True, force=True)
-    return True
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    sys.exit(int(not main()))
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/pgen2/grammar.py b/Lib/lib2to3/pgen2/grammar.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d550aeb65e8d..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/pgen2/grammar.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2004-2005 Elemental Security, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
-"""This module defines the data structures used to represent a grammar.
-These are a bit arcane because they are derived from the data
-structures used by Python's 'pgen' parser generator.
-There's also a table here mapping operators to their names in the
-token module; the Python tokenize module reports all operators as the
-fallback token code OP, but the parser needs the actual token code.
-# Python imports
-import pickle
-# Local imports
-from . import token
-class Grammar(object):
-    """Pgen parsing tables conversion class.
-    Once initialized, this class supplies the grammar tables for the
-    parsing engine implemented by parse.py.  The parsing engine
-    accesses the instance variables directly.  The class here does not
-    provide initialization of the tables; several subclasses exist to
-    do this (see the conv and pgen modules).
-    The load() method reads the tables from a pickle file, which is
-    much faster than the other ways offered by subclasses.  The pickle
-    file is written by calling dump() (after loading the grammar
-    tables using a subclass).  The report() method prints a readable
-    representation of the tables to stdout, for debugging.
-    The instance variables are as follows:
-    symbol2number -- a dict mapping symbol names to numbers.  Symbol
-                     numbers are always 256 or higher, to distinguish
-                     them from token numbers, which are between 0 and
-                     255 (inclusive).
-    number2symbol -- a dict mapping numbers to symbol names;
-                     these two are each other's inverse.
-    states        -- a list of DFAs, where each DFA is a list of
-                     states, each state is a list of arcs, and each
-                     arc is a (i, j) pair where i is a label and j is
-                     a state number.  The DFA number is the index into
-                     this list.  (This name is slightly confusing.)
-                     Final states are represented by a special arc of
-                     the form (0, j) where j is its own state number.
-    dfas          -- a dict mapping symbol numbers to (DFA, first)
-                     pairs, where DFA is an item from the states list
-                     above, and first is a set of tokens that can
-                     begin this grammar rule (represented by a dict
-                     whose values are always 1).
-    labels        -- a list of (x, y) pairs where x is either a token
-                     number or a symbol number, and y is either None
-                     or a string; the strings are keywords.  The label
-                     number is the index in this list; label numbers
-                     are used to mark state transitions (arcs) in the
-                     DFAs.
-    start         -- the number of the grammar's start symbol.
-    keywords      -- a dict mapping keyword strings to arc labels.
-    tokens        -- a dict mapping token numbers to arc labels.
-    """
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.symbol2number = {}
-        self.number2symbol = {}
-        self.states = []
-        self.dfas = {}
-        self.labels = [(0, "EMPTY")]
-        self.keywords = {}
-        self.tokens = {}
-        self.symbol2label = {}
-        self.start = 256
-    def dump(self, filename):
-        """Dump the grammar tables to a pickle file."""
-        with open(filename, "wb") as f:
-            pickle.dump(self.__dict__, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
-    def load(self, filename):
-        """Load the grammar tables from a pickle file."""
-        with open(filename, "rb") as f:
-            d = pickle.load(f)
-        self.__dict__.update(d)
-    def loads(self, pkl):
-        """Load the grammar tables from a pickle bytes object."""
-        self.__dict__.update(pickle.loads(pkl))
-    def copy(self):
-        """
-        Copy the grammar.
-        """
-        new = self.__class__()
-        for dict_attr in ("symbol2number", "number2symbol", "dfas", "keywords",
-                          "tokens", "symbol2label"):
-            setattr(new, dict_attr, getattr(self, dict_attr).copy())
-        new.labels = self.labels[:]
-        new.states = self.states[:]
-        new.start = self.start
-        return new
-    def report(self):
-        """Dump the grammar tables to standard output, for debugging."""
-        from pprint import pprint
-        print("s2n")
-        pprint(self.symbol2number)
-        print("n2s")
-        pprint(self.number2symbol)
-        print("states")
-        pprint(self.states)
-        print("dfas")
-        pprint(self.dfas)
-        print("labels")
-        pprint(self.labels)
-        print("start", self.start)
-# Map from operator to number (since tokenize doesn't do this)
-opmap_raw = """
-. DOT
-@ AT
-opmap = {}
-for line in opmap_raw.splitlines():
-    if line:
-        op, name = line.split()
-        opmap[op] = getattr(token, name)
-del line, op, name
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/pgen2/literals.py b/Lib/lib2to3/pgen2/literals.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b9b63e6e5572c..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/pgen2/literals.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2004-2005 Elemental Security, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
-"""Safely evaluate Python string literals without using eval()."""
-import re
-simple_escapes = {"a": "\a",
-                  "b": "\b",
-                  "f": "\f",
-                  "n": "\n",
-                  "r": "\r",
-                  "t": "\t",
-                  "v": "\v",
-                  "'": "'",
-                  '"': '"',
-                  "\\": "\\"}
-def escape(m):
-    all, tail = m.group(0, 1)
-    assert all.startswith("\\")
-    esc = simple_escapes.get(tail)
-    if esc is not None:
-        return esc
-    if tail.startswith("x"):
-        hexes = tail[1:]
-        if len(hexes) < 2:
-            raise ValueError("invalid hex string escape ('\\%s')" % tail)
-        try:
-            i = int(hexes, 16)
-        except ValueError:
-            raise ValueError("invalid hex string escape ('\\%s')" % tail) from None
-    else:
-        try:
-            i = int(tail, 8)
-        except ValueError:
-            raise ValueError("invalid octal string escape ('\\%s')" % tail) from None
-    return chr(i)
-def evalString(s):
-    assert s.startswith("'") or s.startswith('"'), repr(s[:1])
-    q = s[0]
-    if s[:3] == q*3:
-        q = q*3
-    assert s.endswith(q), repr(s[-len(q):])
-    assert len(s) >= 2*len(q)
-    s = s[len(q):-len(q)]
-    return re.sub(r"\\(\'|\"|\\|[abfnrtv]|x.{0,2}|[0-7]{1,3})", escape, s)
-def test():
-    for i in range(256):
-        c = chr(i)
-        s = repr(c)
-        e = evalString(s)
-        if e != c:
-            print(i, c, s, e)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    test()
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deleted file mode 100644
index cf3fcf7e99fd1..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/pgen2/parse.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2004-2005 Elemental Security, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
-"""Parser engine for the grammar tables generated by pgen.
-The grammar table must be loaded first.
-See Parser/parser.c in the Python distribution for additional info on
-how this parsing engine works.
-# Local imports
-from . import token
-class ParseError(Exception):
-    """Exception to signal the parser is stuck."""
-    def __init__(self, msg, type, value, context):
-        Exception.__init__(self, "%s: type=%r, value=%r, context=%r" %
-                           (msg, type, value, context))
-        self.msg = msg
-        self.type = type
-        self.value = value
-        self.context = context
-    def __reduce__(self):
-        return type(self), (self.msg, self.type, self.value, self.context)
-class Parser(object):
-    """Parser engine.
-    The proper usage sequence is:
-    p = Parser(grammar, [converter])  # create instance
-    p.setup([start])                  # prepare for parsing
-    <for each input token>:
-        if p.addtoken(...):           # parse a token; may raise ParseError
-            break
-    root = p.rootnode                 # root of abstract syntax tree
-    A Parser instance may be reused by calling setup() repeatedly.
-    A Parser instance contains state pertaining to the current token
-    sequence, and should not be used concurrently by different threads
-    to parse separate token sequences.
-    See driver.py for how to get input tokens by tokenizing a file or
-    string.
-    Parsing is complete when addtoken() returns True; the root of the
-    abstract syntax tree can then be retrieved from the rootnode
-    instance variable.  When a syntax error occurs, addtoken() raises
-    the ParseError exception.  There is no error recovery; the parser
-    cannot be used after a syntax error was reported (but it can be
-    reinitialized by calling setup()).
-    """
-    def __init__(self, grammar, convert=None):
-        """Constructor.
-        The grammar argument is a grammar.Grammar instance; see the
-        grammar module for more information.
-        The parser is not ready yet for parsing; you must call the
-        setup() method to get it started.
-        The optional convert argument is a function mapping concrete
-        syntax tree nodes to abstract syntax tree nodes.  If not
-        given, no conversion is done and the syntax tree produced is
-        the concrete syntax tree.  If given, it must be a function of
-        two arguments, the first being the grammar (a grammar.Grammar
-        instance), and the second being the concrete syntax tree node
-        to be converted.  The syntax tree is converted from the bottom
-        up.
-        A concrete syntax tree node is a (type, value, context, nodes)
-        tuple, where type is the node type (a token or symbol number),
-        value is None for symbols and a string for tokens, context is
-        None or an opaque value used for error reporting (typically a
-        (lineno, offset) pair), and nodes is a list of children for
-        symbols, and None for tokens.
-        An abstract syntax tree node may be anything; this is entirely
-        up to the converter function.
-        """
-        self.grammar = grammar
-        self.convert = convert or (lambda grammar, node: node)
-    def setup(self, start=None):
-        """Prepare for parsing.
-        This *must* be called before starting to parse.
-        The optional argument is an alternative start symbol; it
-        defaults to the grammar's start symbol.
-        You can use a Parser instance to parse any number of programs;
-        each time you call setup() the parser is reset to an initial
-        state determined by the (implicit or explicit) start symbol.
-        """
-        if start is None:
-            start = self.grammar.start
-        # Each stack entry is a tuple: (dfa, state, node).
-        # A node is a tuple: (type, value, context, children),
-        # where children is a list of nodes or None, and context may be None.
-        newnode = (start, None, None, [])
-        stackentry = (self.grammar.dfas[start], 0, newnode)
-        self.stack = [stackentry]
-        self.rootnode = None
-        self.used_names = set() # Aliased to self.rootnode.used_names in pop()
-    def addtoken(self, type, value, context):
-        """Add a token; return True iff this is the end of the program."""
-        # Map from token to label
-        ilabel = self.classify(type, value, context)
-        # Loop until the token is shifted; may raise exceptions
-        while True:
-            dfa, state, node = self.stack[-1]
-            states, first = dfa
-            arcs = states[state]
-            # Look for a state with this label
-            for i, newstate in arcs:
-                t, v = self.grammar.labels[i]
-                if ilabel == i:
-                    # Look it up in the list of labels
-                    assert t < 256
-                    # Shift a token; we're done with it
-                    self.shift(type, value, newstate, context)
-                    # Pop while we are in an accept-only state
-                    state = newstate
-                    while states[state] == [(0, state)]:
-                        self.pop()
-                        if not self.stack:
-                            # Done parsing!
-                            return True
-                        dfa, state, node = self.stack[-1]
-                        states, first = dfa
-                    # Done with this token
-                    return False
-                elif t >= 256:
-                    # See if it's a symbol and if we're in its first set
-                    itsdfa = self.grammar.dfas[t]
-                    itsstates, itsfirst = itsdfa
-                    if ilabel in itsfirst:
-                        # Push a symbol
-                        self.push(t, self.grammar.dfas[t], newstate, context)
-                        break # To continue the outer while loop
-            else:
-                if (0, state) in arcs:
-                    # An accepting state, pop it and try something else
-                    self.pop()
-                    if not self.stack:
-                        # Done parsing, but another token is input
-                        raise ParseError("too much input",
-                                         type, value, context)
-                else:
-                    # No success finding a transition
-                    raise ParseError("bad input", type, value, context)
-    def classify(self, type, value, context):
-        """Turn a token into a label.  (Internal)"""
-        if type == token.NAME:
-            # Keep a listing of all used names
-            self.used_names.add(value)
-            # Check for reserved words
-            ilabel = self.grammar.keywords.get(value)
-            if ilabel is not None:
-                return ilabel
-        ilabel = self.grammar.tokens.get(type)
-        if ilabel is None:
-            raise ParseError("bad token", type, value, context)
-        return ilabel
-    def shift(self, type, value, newstate, context):
-        """Shift a token.  (Internal)"""
-        dfa, state, node = self.stack[-1]
-        newnode = (type, value, context, None)
-        newnode = self.convert(self.grammar, newnode)
-        if newnode is not None:
-            node[-1].append(newnode)
-        self.stack[-1] = (dfa, newstate, node)
-    def push(self, type, newdfa, newstate, context):
-        """Push a nonterminal.  (Internal)"""
-        dfa, state, node = self.stack[-1]
-        newnode = (type, None, context, [])
-        self.stack[-1] = (dfa, newstate, node)
-        self.stack.append((newdfa, 0, newnode))
-    def pop(self):
-        """Pop a nonterminal.  (Internal)"""
-        popdfa, popstate, popnode = self.stack.pop()
-        newnode = self.convert(self.grammar, popnode)
-        if newnode is not None:
-            if self.stack:
-                dfa, state, node = self.stack[-1]
-                node[-1].append(newnode)
-            else:
-                self.rootnode = newnode
-                self.rootnode.used_names = self.used_names
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/pgen2/pgen.py b/Lib/lib2to3/pgen2/pgen.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7abd5cef1c36b..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/pgen2/pgen.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,386 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2004-2005 Elemental Security, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
-# Pgen imports
-from . import grammar, token, tokenize
-class PgenGrammar(grammar.Grammar):
-    pass
-class ParserGenerator(object):
-    def __init__(self, filename, stream=None):
-        close_stream = None
-        if stream is None:
-            stream = open(filename, encoding="utf-8")
-            close_stream = stream.close
-        self.filename = filename
-        self.stream = stream
-        self.generator = tokenize.generate_tokens(stream.readline)
-        self.gettoken() # Initialize lookahead
-        self.dfas, self.startsymbol = self.parse()
-        if close_stream is not None:
-            close_stream()
-        self.first = {} # map from symbol name to set of tokens
-        self.addfirstsets()
-    def make_grammar(self):
-        c = PgenGrammar()
-        names = list(self.dfas.keys())
-        names.sort()
-        names.remove(self.startsymbol)
-        names.insert(0, self.startsymbol)
-        for name in names:
-            i = 256 + len(c.symbol2number)
-            c.symbol2number[name] = i
-            c.number2symbol[i] = name
-        for name in names:
-            dfa = self.dfas[name]
-            states = []
-            for state in dfa:
-                arcs = []
-                for label, next in sorted(state.arcs.items()):
-                    arcs.append((self.make_label(c, label), dfa.index(next)))
-                if state.isfinal:
-                    arcs.append((0, dfa.index(state)))
-                states.append(arcs)
-            c.states.append(states)
-            c.dfas[c.symbol2number[name]] = (states, self.make_first(c, name))
-        c.start = c.symbol2number[self.startsymbol]
-        return c
-    def make_first(self, c, name):
-        rawfirst = self.first[name]
-        first = {}
-        for label in sorted(rawfirst):
-            ilabel = self.make_label(c, label)
-            ##assert ilabel not in first # XXX failed on <> ... !=
-            first[ilabel] = 1
-        return first
-    def make_label(self, c, label):
-        # XXX Maybe this should be a method on a subclass of converter?
-        ilabel = len(c.labels)
-        if label[0].isalpha():
-            # Either a symbol name or a named token
-            if label in c.symbol2number:
-                # A symbol name (a non-terminal)
-                if label in c.symbol2label:
-                    return c.symbol2label[label]
-                else:
-                    c.labels.append((c.symbol2number[label], None))
-                    c.symbol2label[label] = ilabel
-                    return ilabel
-            else:
-                # A named token (NAME, NUMBER, STRING)
-                itoken = getattr(token, label, None)
-                assert isinstance(itoken, int), label
-                assert itoken in token.tok_name, label
-                if itoken in c.tokens:
-                    return c.tokens[itoken]
-                else:
-                    c.labels.append((itoken, None))
-                    c.tokens[itoken] = ilabel
-                    return ilabel
-        else:
-            # Either a keyword or an operator
-            assert label[0] in ('"', "'"), label
-            value = eval(label)
-            if value[0].isalpha():
-                # A keyword
-                if value in c.keywords:
-                    return c.keywords[value]
-                else:
-                    c.labels.append((token.NAME, value))
-                    c.keywords[value] = ilabel
-                    return ilabel
-            else:
-                # An operator (any non-numeric token)
-                itoken = grammar.opmap[value] # Fails if unknown token
-                if itoken in c.tokens:
-                    return c.tokens[itoken]
-                else:
-                    c.labels.append((itoken, None))
-                    c.tokens[itoken] = ilabel
-                    return ilabel
-    def addfirstsets(self):
-        names = list(self.dfas.keys())
-        names.sort()
-        for name in names:
-            if name not in self.first:
-                self.calcfirst(name)
-            #print name, self.first[name].keys()
-    def calcfirst(self, name):
-        dfa = self.dfas[name]
-        self.first[name] = None # dummy to detect left recursion
-        state = dfa[0]
-        totalset = {}
-        overlapcheck = {}
-        for label, next in state.arcs.items():
-            if label in self.dfas:
-                if label in self.first:
-                    fset = self.first[label]
-                    if fset is None:
-                        raise ValueError("recursion for rule %r" % name)
-                else:
-                    self.calcfirst(label)
-                    fset = self.first[label]
-                totalset.update(fset)
-                overlapcheck[label] = fset
-            else:
-                totalset[label] = 1
-                overlapcheck[label] = {label: 1}
-        inverse = {}
-        for label, itsfirst in overlapcheck.items():
-            for symbol in itsfirst:
-                if symbol in inverse:
-                    raise ValueError("rule %s is ambiguous; %s is in the"
-                                     " first sets of %s as well as %s" %
-                                     (name, symbol, label, inverse[symbol]))
-                inverse[symbol] = label
-        self.first[name] = totalset
-    def parse(self):
-        dfas = {}
-        startsymbol = None
-        while self.type != token.ENDMARKER:
-            while self.type == token.NEWLINE:
-                self.gettoken()
-            # RULE: NAME ':' RHS NEWLINE
-            name = self.expect(token.NAME)
-            self.expect(token.OP, ":")
-            a, z = self.parse_rhs()
-            self.expect(token.NEWLINE)
-            #self.dump_nfa(name, a, z)
-            dfa = self.make_dfa(a, z)
-            #self.dump_dfa(name, dfa)
-            oldlen = len(dfa)
-            self.simplify_dfa(dfa)
-            newlen = len(dfa)
-            dfas[name] = dfa
-            #print name, oldlen, newlen
-            if startsymbol is None:
-                startsymbol = name
-        return dfas, startsymbol
-    def make_dfa(self, start, finish):
-        # To turn an NFA into a DFA, we define the states of the DFA
-        # to correspond to *sets* of states of the NFA.  Then do some
-        # state reduction.  Let's represent sets as dicts with 1 for
-        # values.
-        assert isinstance(start, NFAState)
-        assert isinstance(finish, NFAState)
-        def closure(state):
-            base = {}
-            addclosure(state, base)
-            return base
-        def addclosure(state, base):
-            assert isinstance(state, NFAState)
-            if state in base:
-                return
-            base[state] = 1
-            for label, next in state.arcs:
-                if label is None:
-                    addclosure(next, base)
-        states = [DFAState(closure(start), finish)]
-        for state in states: # NB states grows while we're iterating
-            arcs = {}
-            for nfastate in state.nfaset:
-                for label, next in nfastate.arcs:
-                    if label is not None:
-                        addclosure(next, arcs.setdefault(label, {}))
-            for label, nfaset in sorted(arcs.items()):
-                for st in states:
-                    if st.nfaset == nfaset:
-                        break
-                else:
-                    st = DFAState(nfaset, finish)
-                    states.append(st)
-                state.addarc(st, label)
-        return states # List of DFAState instances; first one is start
-    def dump_nfa(self, name, start, finish):
-        print("Dump of NFA for", name)
-        todo = [start]
-        for i, state in enumerate(todo):
-            print("  State", i, state is finish and "(final)" or "")
-            for label, next in state.arcs:
-                if next in todo:
-                    j = todo.index(next)
-                else:
-                    j = len(todo)
-                    todo.append(next)
-                if label is None:
-                    print("    -> %d" % j)
-                else:
-                    print("    %s -> %d" % (label, j))
-    def dump_dfa(self, name, dfa):
-        print("Dump of DFA for", name)
-        for i, state in enumerate(dfa):
-            print("  State", i, state.isfinal and "(final)" or "")
-            for label, next in sorted(state.arcs.items()):
-                print("    %s -> %d" % (label, dfa.index(next)))
-    def simplify_dfa(self, dfa):
-        # This is not theoretically optimal, but works well enough.
-        # Algorithm: repeatedly look for two states that have the same
-        # set of arcs (same labels pointing to the same nodes) and
-        # unify them, until things stop changing.
-        # dfa is a list of DFAState instances
-        changes = True
-        while changes:
-            changes = False
-            for i, state_i in enumerate(dfa):
-                for j in range(i+1, len(dfa)):
-                    state_j = dfa[j]
-                    if state_i == state_j:
-                        #print "  unify", i, j
-                        del dfa[j]
-                        for state in dfa:
-                            state.unifystate(state_j, state_i)
-                        changes = True
-                        break
-    def parse_rhs(self):
-        # RHS: ALT ('|' ALT)*
-        a, z = self.parse_alt()
-        if self.value != "|":
-            return a, z
-        else:
-            aa = NFAState()
-            zz = NFAState()
-            aa.addarc(a)
-            z.addarc(zz)
-            while self.value == "|":
-                self.gettoken()
-                a, z = self.parse_alt()
-                aa.addarc(a)
-                z.addarc(zz)
-            return aa, zz
-    def parse_alt(self):
-        # ALT: ITEM+
-        a, b = self.parse_item()
-        while (self.value in ("(", "[") or
-               self.type in (token.NAME, token.STRING)):
-            c, d = self.parse_item()
-            b.addarc(c)
-            b = d
-        return a, b
-    def parse_item(self):
-        # ITEM: '[' RHS ']' | ATOM ['+' | '*']
-        if self.value == "[":
-            self.gettoken()
-            a, z = self.parse_rhs()
-            self.expect(token.OP, "]")
-            a.addarc(z)
-            return a, z
-        else:
-            a, z = self.parse_atom()
-            value = self.value
-            if value not in ("+", "*"):
-                return a, z
-            self.gettoken()
-            z.addarc(a)
-            if value == "+":
-                return a, z
-            else:
-                return a, a
-    def parse_atom(self):
-        # ATOM: '(' RHS ')' | NAME | STRING
-        if self.value == "(":
-            self.gettoken()
-            a, z = self.parse_rhs()
-            self.expect(token.OP, ")")
-            return a, z
-        elif self.type in (token.NAME, token.STRING):
-            a = NFAState()
-            z = NFAState()
-            a.addarc(z, self.value)
-            self.gettoken()
-            return a, z
-        else:
-            self.raise_error("expected (...) or NAME or STRING, got %s/%s",
-                             self.type, self.value)
-    def expect(self, type, value=None):
-        if self.type != type or (value is not None and self.value != value):
-            self.raise_error("expected %s/%s, got %s/%s",
-                             type, value, self.type, self.value)
-        value = self.value
-        self.gettoken()
-        return value
-    def gettoken(self):
-        tup = next(self.generator)
-        while tup[0] in (tokenize.COMMENT, tokenize.NL):
-            tup = next(self.generator)
-        self.type, self.value, self.begin, self.end, self.line = tup
-        #print token.tok_name[self.type], repr(self.value)
-    def raise_error(self, msg, *args):
-        if args:
-            try:
-                msg = msg % args
-            except:
-                msg = " ".join([msg] + list(map(str, args)))
-        raise SyntaxError(msg, (self.filename, self.end[0],
-                                self.end[1], self.line))
-class NFAState(object):
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.arcs = [] # list of (label, NFAState) pairs
-    def addarc(self, next, label=None):
-        assert label is None or isinstance(label, str)
-        assert isinstance(next, NFAState)
-        self.arcs.append((label, next))
-class DFAState(object):
-    def __init__(self, nfaset, final):
-        assert isinstance(nfaset, dict)
-        assert isinstance(next(iter(nfaset)), NFAState)
-        assert isinstance(final, NFAState)
-        self.nfaset = nfaset
-        self.isfinal = final in nfaset
-        self.arcs = {} # map from label to DFAState
-    def addarc(self, next, label):
-        assert isinstance(label, str)
-        assert label not in self.arcs
-        assert isinstance(next, DFAState)
-        self.arcs[label] = next
-    def unifystate(self, old, new):
-        for label, next in self.arcs.items():
-            if next is old:
-                self.arcs[label] = new
-    def __eq__(self, other):
-        # Equality test -- ignore the nfaset instance variable
-        assert isinstance(other, DFAState)
-        if self.isfinal != other.isfinal:
-            return False
-        # Can't just return self.arcs == other.arcs, because that
-        # would invoke this method recursively, with cycles...
-        if len(self.arcs) != len(other.arcs):
-            return False
-        for label, next in self.arcs.items():
-            if next is not other.arcs.get(label):
-                return False
-        return True
-    __hash__ = None # For Py3 compatibility.
-def generate_grammar(filename="Grammar.txt"):
-    p = ParserGenerator(filename)
-    return p.make_grammar()
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/pgen2/token.py b/Lib/lib2to3/pgen2/token.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 2a55138e48237..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/pgen2/token.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python3
-"""Token constants (from "token.h")."""
-#  Taken from Python (r53757) and modified to include some tokens
-#   originally monkeypatched in by pgen2.tokenize
-#--start constants--
-NAME = 1
-LPAR = 7
-RPAR = 8
-LSQB = 9
-RSQB = 10
-COLON = 11
-COMMA = 12
-SEMI = 13
-PLUS = 14
-MINUS = 15
-STAR = 16
-SLASH = 17
-VBAR = 18
-AMPER = 19
-LESS = 20
-EQUAL = 22
-DOT = 23
-LBRACE = 26
-RBRACE = 27
-TILDE = 32
-AT = 50
-OP = 52
-NL = 54
-RARROW = 55
-AWAIT = 56
-ASYNC = 57
-N_TOKENS = 60
-NT_OFFSET = 256
-#--end constants--
-tok_name = {}
-for _name, _value in list(globals().items()):
-    if isinstance(_value, int):
-        tok_name[_value] = _name
-    return x < NT_OFFSET
-    return x >= NT_OFFSET
-def ISEOF(x):
-    return x == ENDMARKER
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deleted file mode 100644
index 099dfa7798afd..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/pgen2/tokenize.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,564 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Python Software Foundation.
-# All rights reserved.
-"""Tokenization help for Python programs.
-generate_tokens(readline) is a generator that breaks a stream of
-text into Python tokens.  It accepts a readline-like method which is called
-repeatedly to get the next line of input (or "" for EOF).  It generates
-5-tuples with these members:
-    the token type (see token.py)
-    the token (a string)
-    the starting (row, column) indices of the token (a 2-tuple of ints)
-    the ending (row, column) indices of the token (a 2-tuple of ints)
-    the original line (string)
-It is designed to match the working of the Python tokenizer exactly, except
-that it produces COMMENT tokens for comments and gives type OP for all
-Older entry points
-    tokenize_loop(readline, tokeneater)
-    tokenize(readline, tokeneater=printtoken)
-are the same, except instead of generating tokens, tokeneater is a callback
-function to which the 5 fields described above are passed as 5 arguments,
-each time a new token is found."""
-__author__ = 'Ka-Ping Yee <ping at lfw.org>'
-__credits__ = \
-    'GvR, ESR, Tim Peters, Thomas Wouters, Fred Drake, Skip Montanaro'
-import string, re
-from codecs import BOM_UTF8, lookup
-from lib2to3.pgen2.token import *
-from . import token
-__all__ = [x for x in dir(token) if x[0] != '_'] + ["tokenize",
-           "generate_tokens", "untokenize"]
-del token
-    bytes
-except NameError:
-    # Support bytes type in Python <= 2.5, so 2to3 turns itself into
-    # valid Python 3 code.
-    bytes = str
-def group(*choices): return '(' + '|'.join(choices) + ')'
-def any(*choices): return group(*choices) + '*'
-def maybe(*choices): return group(*choices) + '?'
-def _combinations(*l):
-    return set(
-        x + y for x in l for y in l + ("",) if x.casefold() != y.casefold()
-    )
-Whitespace = r'[ \f\t]*'
-Comment = r'#[^\r\n]*'
-Ignore = Whitespace + any(r'\\\r?\n' + Whitespace) + maybe(Comment)
-Name = r'\w+'
-Binnumber = r'0[bB]_?[01]+(?:_[01]+)*'
-Hexnumber = r'0[xX]_?[\da-fA-F]+(?:_[\da-fA-F]+)*[lL]?'
-Octnumber = r'0[oO]?_?[0-7]+(?:_[0-7]+)*[lL]?'
-Decnumber = group(r'[1-9]\d*(?:_\d+)*[lL]?', '0[lL]?')
-Intnumber = group(Binnumber, Hexnumber, Octnumber, Decnumber)
-Exponent = r'[eE][-+]?\d+(?:_\d+)*'
-Pointfloat = group(r'\d+(?:_\d+)*\.(?:\d+(?:_\d+)*)?', r'\.\d+(?:_\d+)*') + maybe(Exponent)
-Expfloat = r'\d+(?:_\d+)*' + Exponent
-Floatnumber = group(Pointfloat, Expfloat)
-Imagnumber = group(r'\d+(?:_\d+)*[jJ]', Floatnumber + r'[jJ]')
-Number = group(Imagnumber, Floatnumber, Intnumber)
-# Tail end of ' string.
-Single = r"[^'\\]*(?:\\.[^'\\]*)*'"
-# Tail end of " string.
-Double = r'[^"\\]*(?:\\.[^"\\]*)*"'
-# Tail end of ''' string.
-Single3 = r"[^'\\]*(?:(?:\\.|'(?!''))[^'\\]*)*'''"
-# Tail end of """ string.
-Double3 = r'[^"\\]*(?:(?:\\.|"(?!""))[^"\\]*)*"""'
-_litprefix = r"(?:[uUrRbBfF]|[rR][fFbB]|[fFbBuU][rR])?"
-Triple = group(_litprefix + "'''", _litprefix + '"""')
-# Single-line ' or " string.
-String = group(_litprefix + r"'[^\n'\\]*(?:\\.[^\n'\\]*)*'",
-               _litprefix + r'"[^\n"\\]*(?:\\.[^\n"\\]*)*"')
-# Because of leftmost-then-longest match semantics, be sure to put the
-# longest operators first (e.g., if = came before ==, == would get
-# recognized as two instances of =).
-Operator = group(r"\*\*=?", r">>=?", r"<<=?", r"<>", r"!=",
-                 r"//=?", r"->",
-                 r"[+\-*/%&@|^=<>]=?",
-                 r"~")
-Bracket = '[][(){}]'
-Special = group(r'\r?\n', r':=', r'[:;.,`@]')
-Funny = group(Operator, Bracket, Special)
-PlainToken = group(Number, Funny, String, Name)
-Token = Ignore + PlainToken
-# First (or only) line of ' or " string.
-ContStr = group(_litprefix + r"'[^\n'\\]*(?:\\.[^\n'\\]*)*" +
-                group("'", r'\\\r?\n'),
-                _litprefix + r'"[^\n"\\]*(?:\\.[^\n"\\]*)*' +
-                group('"', r'\\\r?\n'))
-PseudoExtras = group(r'\\\r?\n', Comment, Triple)
-PseudoToken = Whitespace + group(PseudoExtras, Number, Funny, ContStr, Name)
-tokenprog, pseudoprog, single3prog, double3prog = map(
-    re.compile, (Token, PseudoToken, Single3, Double3))
-_strprefixes = (
-    _combinations('r', 'R', 'f', 'F') |
-    _combinations('r', 'R', 'b', 'B') |
-    {'u', 'U', 'ur', 'uR', 'Ur', 'UR'}
-endprogs = {"'": re.compile(Single), '"': re.compile(Double),
-            "'''": single3prog, '"""': double3prog,
-            **{f"{prefix}'''": single3prog for prefix in _strprefixes},
-            **{f'{prefix}"""': double3prog for prefix in _strprefixes},
-            **{prefix: None for prefix in _strprefixes}}
-triple_quoted = (
-    {"'''", '"""'} |
-    {f"{prefix}'''" for prefix in _strprefixes} |
-    {f'{prefix}"""' for prefix in _strprefixes}
-single_quoted = (
-    {"'", '"'} |
-    {f"{prefix}'" for prefix in _strprefixes} |
-    {f'{prefix}"' for prefix in _strprefixes}
-tabsize = 8
-class TokenError(Exception): pass
-class StopTokenizing(Exception): pass
-def printtoken(type, token, xxx_todo_changeme, xxx_todo_changeme1, line): # for testing
-    (srow, scol) = xxx_todo_changeme
-    (erow, ecol) = xxx_todo_changeme1
-    print("%d,%d-%d,%d:\t%s\t%s" % \
-        (srow, scol, erow, ecol, tok_name[type], repr(token)))
-def tokenize(readline, tokeneater=printtoken):
-    """
-    The tokenize() function accepts two parameters: one representing the
-    input stream, and one providing an output mechanism for tokenize().
-    The first parameter, readline, must be a callable object which provides
-    the same interface as the readline() method of built-in file objects.
-    Each call to the function should return one line of input as a string.
-    The second parameter, tokeneater, must also be a callable object. It is
-    called once for each token, with five arguments, corresponding to the
-    tuples generated by generate_tokens().
-    """
-    try:
-        tokenize_loop(readline, tokeneater)
-    except StopTokenizing:
-        pass
-# backwards compatible interface
-def tokenize_loop(readline, tokeneater):
-    for token_info in generate_tokens(readline):
-        tokeneater(*token_info)
-class Untokenizer:
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.tokens = []
-        self.prev_row = 1
-        self.prev_col = 0
-    def add_whitespace(self, start):
-        row, col = start
-        assert row <= self.prev_row
-        col_offset = col - self.prev_col
-        if col_offset:
-            self.tokens.append(" " * col_offset)
-    def untokenize(self, iterable):
-        for t in iterable:
-            if len(t) == 2:
-                self.compat(t, iterable)
-                break
-            tok_type, token, start, end, line = t
-            self.add_whitespace(start)
-            self.tokens.append(token)
-            self.prev_row, self.prev_col = end
-            if tok_type in (NEWLINE, NL):
-                self.prev_row += 1
-                self.prev_col = 0
-        return "".join(self.tokens)
-    def compat(self, token, iterable):
-        startline = False
-        indents = []
-        toks_append = self.tokens.append
-        toknum, tokval = token
-        if toknum in (NAME, NUMBER):
-            tokval += ' '
-        if toknum in (NEWLINE, NL):
-            startline = True
-        for tok in iterable:
-            toknum, tokval = tok[:2]
-            if toknum in (NAME, NUMBER, ASYNC, AWAIT):
-                tokval += ' '
-            if toknum == INDENT:
-                indents.append(tokval)
-                continue
-            elif toknum == DEDENT:
-                indents.pop()
-                continue
-            elif toknum in (NEWLINE, NL):
-                startline = True
-            elif startline and indents:
-                toks_append(indents[-1])
-                startline = False
-            toks_append(tokval)
-cookie_re = re.compile(r'^[ \t\f]*#.*?coding[:=][ \t]*([-\w.]+)', re.ASCII)
-blank_re = re.compile(br'^[ \t\f]*(?:[#\r\n]|$)', re.ASCII)
-def _get_normal_name(orig_enc):
-    """Imitates get_normal_name in tokenizer.c."""
-    # Only care about the first 12 characters.
-    enc = orig_enc[:12].lower().replace("_", "-")
-    if enc == "utf-8" or enc.startswith("utf-8-"):
-        return "utf-8"
-    if enc in ("latin-1", "iso-8859-1", "iso-latin-1") or \
-       enc.startswith(("latin-1-", "iso-8859-1-", "iso-latin-1-")):
-        return "iso-8859-1"
-    return orig_enc
-def detect_encoding(readline):
-    """
-    The detect_encoding() function is used to detect the encoding that should
-    be used to decode a Python source file. It requires one argument, readline,
-    in the same way as the tokenize() generator.
-    It will call readline a maximum of twice, and return the encoding used
-    (as a string) and a list of any lines (left as bytes) it has read
-    in.
-    It detects the encoding from the presence of a utf-8 bom or an encoding
-    cookie as specified in pep-0263. If both a bom and a cookie are present, but
-    disagree, a SyntaxError will be raised. If the encoding cookie is an invalid
-    charset, raise a SyntaxError.  Note that if a utf-8 bom is found,
-    'utf-8-sig' is returned.
-    If no encoding is specified, then the default of 'utf-8' will be returned.
-    """
-    bom_found = False
-    encoding = None
-    default = 'utf-8'
-    def read_or_stop():
-        try:
-            return readline()
-        except StopIteration:
-            return bytes()
-    def find_cookie(line):
-        try:
-            line_string = line.decode('ascii')
-        except UnicodeDecodeError:
-            return None
-        match = cookie_re.match(line_string)
-        if not match:
-            return None
-        encoding = _get_normal_name(match.group(1))
-        try:
-            codec = lookup(encoding)
-        except LookupError:
-            # This behaviour mimics the Python interpreter
-            raise SyntaxError("unknown encoding: " + encoding)
-        if bom_found:
-            if codec.name != 'utf-8':
-                # This behaviour mimics the Python interpreter
-                raise SyntaxError('encoding problem: utf-8')
-            encoding += '-sig'
-        return encoding
-    first = read_or_stop()
-    if first.startswith(BOM_UTF8):
-        bom_found = True
-        first = first[3:]
-        default = 'utf-8-sig'
-    if not first:
-        return default, []
-    encoding = find_cookie(first)
-    if encoding:
-        return encoding, [first]
-    if not blank_re.match(first):
-        return default, [first]
-    second = read_or_stop()
-    if not second:
-        return default, [first]
-    encoding = find_cookie(second)
-    if encoding:
-        return encoding, [first, second]
-    return default, [first, second]
-def untokenize(iterable):
-    """Transform tokens back into Python source code.
-    Each element returned by the iterable must be a token sequence
-    with at least two elements, a token number and token value.  If
-    only two tokens are passed, the resulting output is poor.
-    Round-trip invariant for full input:
-        Untokenized source will match input source exactly
-    Round-trip invariant for limited input:
-        # Output text will tokenize the back to the input
-        t1 = [tok[:2] for tok in generate_tokens(f.readline)]
-        newcode = untokenize(t1)
-        readline = iter(newcode.splitlines(1)).next
-        t2 = [tok[:2] for tokin generate_tokens(readline)]
-        assert t1 == t2
-    """
-    ut = Untokenizer()
-    return ut.untokenize(iterable)
-def generate_tokens(readline):
-    """
-    The generate_tokens() generator requires one argument, readline, which
-    must be a callable object which provides the same interface as the
-    readline() method of built-in file objects. Each call to the function
-    should return one line of input as a string.  Alternately, readline
-    can be a callable function terminating with StopIteration:
-        readline = open(myfile).next    # Example of alternate readline
-    The generator produces 5-tuples with these members: the token type; the
-    token string; a 2-tuple (srow, scol) of ints specifying the row and
-    column where the token begins in the source; a 2-tuple (erow, ecol) of
-    ints specifying the row and column where the token ends in the source;
-    and the line on which the token was found. The line passed is the
-    physical line.
-    """
-    lnum = parenlev = continued = 0
-    contstr, needcont = '', 0
-    contline = None
-    indents = [0]
-    # 'stashed' and 'async_*' are used for async/await parsing
-    stashed = None
-    async_def = False
-    async_def_indent = 0
-    async_def_nl = False
-    while 1:                                   # loop over lines in stream
-        try:
-            line = readline()
-        except StopIteration:
-            line = ''
-        lnum = lnum + 1
-        pos, max = 0, len(line)
-        if contstr:                            # continued string
-            if not line:
-                raise TokenError("EOF in multi-line string", strstart)
-            endmatch = endprog.match(line)
-            if endmatch:
-                pos = end = endmatch.end(0)
-                yield (STRING, contstr + line[:end],
-                       strstart, (lnum, end), contline + line)
-                contstr, needcont = '', 0
-                contline = None
-            elif needcont and line[-2:] != '\\\n' and line[-3:] != '\\\r\n':
-                yield (ERRORTOKEN, contstr + line,
-                           strstart, (lnum, len(line)), contline)
-                contstr = ''
-                contline = None
-                continue
-            else:
-                contstr = contstr + line
-                contline = contline + line
-                continue
-        elif parenlev == 0 and not continued:  # new statement
-            if not line: break
-            column = 0
-            while pos < max:                   # measure leading whitespace
-                if line[pos] == ' ': column = column + 1
-                elif line[pos] == '\t': column = (column//tabsize + 1)*tabsize
-                elif line[pos] == '\f': column = 0
-                else: break
-                pos = pos + 1
-            if pos == max: break
-            if stashed:
-                yield stashed
-                stashed = None
-            if line[pos] in '#\r\n':           # skip comments or blank lines
-                if line[pos] == '#':
-                    comment_token = line[pos:].rstrip('\r\n')
-                    nl_pos = pos + len(comment_token)
-                    yield (COMMENT, comment_token,
-                           (lnum, pos), (lnum, pos + len(comment_token)), line)
-                    yield (NL, line[nl_pos:],
-                           (lnum, nl_pos), (lnum, len(line)), line)
-                else:
-                    yield ((NL, COMMENT)[line[pos] == '#'], line[pos:],
-                           (lnum, pos), (lnum, len(line)), line)
-                continue
-            if column > indents[-1]:           # count indents or dedents
-                indents.append(column)
-                yield (INDENT, line[:pos], (lnum, 0), (lnum, pos), line)
-            while column < indents[-1]:
-                if column not in indents:
-                    raise IndentationError(
-                        "unindent does not match any outer indentation level",
-                        ("<tokenize>", lnum, pos, line))
-                indents = indents[:-1]
-                if async_def and async_def_indent >= indents[-1]:
-                    async_def = False
-                    async_def_nl = False
-                    async_def_indent = 0
-                yield (DEDENT, '', (lnum, pos), (lnum, pos), line)
-            if async_def and async_def_nl and async_def_indent >= indents[-1]:
-                async_def = False
-                async_def_nl = False
-                async_def_indent = 0
-        else:                                  # continued statement
-            if not line:
-                raise TokenError("EOF in multi-line statement", (lnum, 0))
-            continued = 0
-        while pos < max:
-            pseudomatch = pseudoprog.match(line, pos)
-            if pseudomatch:                                # scan for tokens
-                start, end = pseudomatch.span(1)
-                spos, epos, pos = (lnum, start), (lnum, end), end
-                token, initial = line[start:end], line[start]
-                if initial in string.digits or \
-                   (initial == '.' and token != '.'):      # ordinary number
-                    yield (NUMBER, token, spos, epos, line)
-                elif initial in '\r\n':
-                    newline = NEWLINE
-                    if parenlev > 0:
-                        newline = NL
-                    elif async_def:
-                        async_def_nl = True
-                    if stashed:
-                        yield stashed
-                        stashed = None
-                    yield (newline, token, spos, epos, line)
-                elif initial == '#':
-                    assert not token.endswith("\n")
-                    if stashed:
-                        yield stashed
-                        stashed = None
-                    yield (COMMENT, token, spos, epos, line)
-                elif token in triple_quoted:
-                    endprog = endprogs[token]
-                    endmatch = endprog.match(line, pos)
-                    if endmatch:                           # all on one line
-                        pos = endmatch.end(0)
-                        token = line[start:pos]
-                        if stashed:
-                            yield stashed
-                            stashed = None
-                        yield (STRING, token, spos, (lnum, pos), line)
-                    else:
-                        strstart = (lnum, start)           # multiple lines
-                        contstr = line[start:]
-                        contline = line
-                        break
-                elif initial in single_quoted or \
-                    token[:2] in single_quoted or \
-                    token[:3] in single_quoted:
-                    if token[-1] == '\n':                  # continued string
-                        strstart = (lnum, start)
-                        endprog = (endprogs[initial] or endprogs[token[1]] or
-                                   endprogs[token[2]])
-                        contstr, needcont = line[start:], 1
-                        contline = line
-                        break
-                    else:                                  # ordinary string
-                        if stashed:
-                            yield stashed
-                            stashed = None
-                        yield (STRING, token, spos, epos, line)
-                elif initial.isidentifier():               # ordinary name
-                    if token in ('async', 'await'):
-                        if async_def:
-                            yield (ASYNC if token == 'async' else AWAIT,
-                                   token, spos, epos, line)
-                            continue
-                    tok = (NAME, token, spos, epos, line)
-                    if token == 'async' and not stashed:
-                        stashed = tok
-                        continue
-                    if token in ('def', 'for'):
-                        if (stashed
-                                and stashed[0] == NAME
-                                and stashed[1] == 'async'):
-                            if token == 'def':
-                                async_def = True
-                                async_def_indent = indents[-1]
-                            yield (ASYNC, stashed[1],
-                                   stashed[2], stashed[3],
-                                   stashed[4])
-                            stashed = None
-                    if stashed:
-                        yield stashed
-                        stashed = None
-                    yield tok
-                elif initial == '\\':                      # continued stmt
-                    # This yield is new; needed for better idempotency:
-                    if stashed:
-                        yield stashed
-                        stashed = None
-                    yield (NL, token, spos, (lnum, pos), line)
-                    continued = 1
-                else:
-                    if initial in '([{': parenlev = parenlev + 1
-                    elif initial in ')]}': parenlev = parenlev - 1
-                    if stashed:
-                        yield stashed
-                        stashed = None
-                    yield (OP, token, spos, epos, line)
-            else:
-                yield (ERRORTOKEN, line[pos],
-                           (lnum, pos), (lnum, pos+1), line)
-                pos = pos + 1
-    if stashed:
-        yield stashed
-        stashed = None
-    for indent in indents[1:]:                 # pop remaining indent levels
-        yield (DEDENT, '', (lnum, 0), (lnum, 0), '')
-    yield (ENDMARKER, '', (lnum, 0), (lnum, 0), '')
-if __name__ == '__main__':                     # testing
-    import sys
-    if len(sys.argv) > 1: tokenize(open(sys.argv[1]).readline)
-    else: tokenize(sys.stdin.readline)
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/pygram.py b/Lib/lib2to3/pygram.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 24d9db9217f13..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/pygram.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2006 Google, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
-"""Export the Python grammar and symbols."""
-# Python imports
-import os
-# Local imports
-from .pgen2 import token
-from .pgen2 import driver
-from . import pytree
-# The grammar file
-_GRAMMAR_FILE = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "Grammar.txt")
-_PATTERN_GRAMMAR_FILE = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
-                                     "PatternGrammar.txt")
-class Symbols(object):
-    def __init__(self, grammar):
-        """Initializer.
-        Creates an attribute for each grammar symbol (nonterminal),
-        whose value is the symbol's type (an int >= 256).
-        """
-        for name, symbol in grammar.symbol2number.items():
-            setattr(self, name, symbol)
-python_grammar = driver.load_packaged_grammar("lib2to3", _GRAMMAR_FILE)
-python_symbols = Symbols(python_grammar)
-python_grammar_no_print_statement = python_grammar.copy()
-del python_grammar_no_print_statement.keywords["print"]
-python_grammar_no_print_and_exec_statement = python_grammar_no_print_statement.copy()
-del python_grammar_no_print_and_exec_statement.keywords["exec"]
-pattern_grammar = driver.load_packaged_grammar("lib2to3", _PATTERN_GRAMMAR_FILE)
-pattern_symbols = Symbols(pattern_grammar)
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/pytree.py b/Lib/lib2to3/pytree.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 729023df0284e..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/pytree.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,853 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2006 Google, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
-Python parse tree definitions.
-This is a very concrete parse tree; we need to keep every token and
-even the comments and whitespace between tokens.
-There's also a pattern matching implementation here.
-__author__ = "Guido van Rossum <guido at python.org>"
-import sys
-from io import StringIO
-HUGE = 0x7FFFFFFF  # maximum repeat count, default max
-_type_reprs = {}
-def type_repr(type_num):
-    global _type_reprs
-    if not _type_reprs:
-        from .pygram import python_symbols
-        # printing tokens is possible but not as useful
-        # from .pgen2 import token // token.__dict__.items():
-        for name, val in python_symbols.__dict__.items():
-            if type(val) == int: _type_reprs[val] = name
-    return _type_reprs.setdefault(type_num, type_num)
-class Base(object):
-    """
-    Abstract base class for Node and Leaf.
-    This provides some default functionality and boilerplate using the
-    template pattern.
-    A node may be a subnode of at most one parent.
-    """
-    # Default values for instance variables
-    type = None    # int: token number (< 256) or symbol number (>= 256)
-    parent = None  # Parent node pointer, or None
-    children = ()  # Tuple of subnodes
-    was_changed = False
-    was_checked = False
-    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwds):
-        """Constructor that prevents Base from being instantiated."""
-        assert cls is not Base, "Cannot instantiate Base"
-        return object.__new__(cls)
-    def __eq__(self, other):
-        """
-        Compare two nodes for equality.
-        This calls the method _eq().
-        """
-        if self.__class__ is not other.__class__:
-            return NotImplemented
-        return self._eq(other)
-    __hash__ = None # For Py3 compatibility.
-    def _eq(self, other):
-        """
-        Compare two nodes for equality.
-        This is called by __eq__ and __ne__.  It is only called if the two nodes
-        have the same type.  This must be implemented by the concrete subclass.
-        Nodes should be considered equal if they have the same structure,
-        ignoring the prefix string and other context information.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    def clone(self):
-        """
-        Return a cloned (deep) copy of self.
-        This must be implemented by the concrete subclass.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    def post_order(self):
-        """
-        Return a post-order iterator for the tree.
-        This must be implemented by the concrete subclass.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    def pre_order(self):
-        """
-        Return a pre-order iterator for the tree.
-        This must be implemented by the concrete subclass.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    def replace(self, new):
-        """Replace this node with a new one in the parent."""
-        assert self.parent is not None, str(self)
-        assert new is not None
-        if not isinstance(new, list):
-            new = [new]
-        l_children = []
-        found = False
-        for ch in self.parent.children:
-            if ch is self:
-                assert not found, (self.parent.children, self, new)
-                if new is not None:
-                    l_children.extend(new)
-                found = True
-            else:
-                l_children.append(ch)
-        assert found, (self.children, self, new)
-        self.parent.changed()
-        self.parent.children = l_children
-        for x in new:
-            x.parent = self.parent
-        self.parent = None
-    def get_lineno(self):
-        """Return the line number which generated the invocant node."""
-        node = self
-        while not isinstance(node, Leaf):
-            if not node.children:
-                return
-            node = node.children[0]
-        return node.lineno
-    def changed(self):
-        if self.parent:
-            self.parent.changed()
-        self.was_changed = True
-    def remove(self):
-        """
-        Remove the node from the tree. Returns the position of the node in its
-        parent's children before it was removed.
-        """
-        if self.parent:
-            for i, node in enumerate(self.parent.children):
-                if node is self:
-                    self.parent.changed()
-                    del self.parent.children[i]
-                    self.parent = None
-                    return i
-    @property
-    def next_sibling(self):
-        """
-        The node immediately following the invocant in their parent's children
-        list. If the invocant does not have a next sibling, it is None
-        """
-        if self.parent is None:
-            return None
-        # Can't use index(); we need to test by identity
-        for i, child in enumerate(self.parent.children):
-            if child is self:
-                try:
-                    return self.parent.children[i+1]
-                except IndexError:
-                    return None
-    @property
-    def prev_sibling(self):
-        """
-        The node immediately preceding the invocant in their parent's children
-        list. If the invocant does not have a previous sibling, it is None.
-        """
-        if self.parent is None:
-            return None
-        # Can't use index(); we need to test by identity
-        for i, child in enumerate(self.parent.children):
-            if child is self:
-                if i == 0:
-                    return None
-                return self.parent.children[i-1]
-    def leaves(self):
-        for child in self.children:
-            yield from child.leaves()
-    def depth(self):
-        if self.parent is None:
-            return 0
-        return 1 + self.parent.depth()
-    def get_suffix(self):
-        """
-        Return the string immediately following the invocant node. This is
-        effectively equivalent to node.next_sibling.prefix
-        """
-        next_sib = self.next_sibling
-        if next_sib is None:
-            return ""
-        return next_sib.prefix
-    if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
-        def __str__(self):
-            return str(self).encode("ascii")
-class Node(Base):
-    """Concrete implementation for interior nodes."""
-    def __init__(self,type, children,
-                 context=None,
-                 prefix=None,
-                 fixers_applied=None):
-        """
-        Initializer.
-        Takes a type constant (a symbol number >= 256), a sequence of
-        child nodes, and an optional context keyword argument.
-        As a side effect, the parent pointers of the children are updated.
-        """
-        assert type >= 256, type
-        self.type = type
-        self.children = list(children)
-        for ch in self.children:
-            assert ch.parent is None, repr(ch)
-            ch.parent = self
-        if prefix is not None:
-            self.prefix = prefix
-        if fixers_applied:
-            self.fixers_applied = fixers_applied[:]
-        else:
-            self.fixers_applied = None
-    def __repr__(self):
-        """Return a canonical string representation."""
-        return "%s(%s, %r)" % (self.__class__.__name__,
-                               type_repr(self.type),
-                               self.children)
-    def __unicode__(self):
-        """
-        Return a pretty string representation.
-        This reproduces the input source exactly.
-        """
-        return "".join(map(str, self.children))
-    if sys.version_info > (3, 0):
-        __str__ = __unicode__
-    def _eq(self, other):
-        """Compare two nodes for equality."""
-        return (self.type, self.children) == (other.type, other.children)
-    def clone(self):
-        """Return a cloned (deep) copy of self."""
-        return Node(self.type, [ch.clone() for ch in self.children],
-                    fixers_applied=self.fixers_applied)
-    def post_order(self):
-        """Return a post-order iterator for the tree."""
-        for child in self.children:
-            yield from child.post_order()
-        yield self
-    def pre_order(self):
-        """Return a pre-order iterator for the tree."""
-        yield self
-        for child in self.children:
-            yield from child.pre_order()
-    @property
-    def prefix(self):
-        """
-        The whitespace and comments preceding this node in the input.
-        """
-        if not self.children:
-            return ""
-        return self.children[0].prefix
-    @prefix.setter
-    def prefix(self, prefix):
-        if self.children:
-            self.children[0].prefix = prefix
-    def set_child(self, i, child):
-        """
-        Equivalent to 'node.children[i] = child'. This method also sets the
-        child's parent attribute appropriately.
-        """
-        child.parent = self
-        self.children[i].parent = None
-        self.children[i] = child
-        self.changed()
-    def insert_child(self, i, child):
-        """
-        Equivalent to 'node.children.insert(i, child)'. This method also sets
-        the child's parent attribute appropriately.
-        """
-        child.parent = self
-        self.children.insert(i, child)
-        self.changed()
-    def append_child(self, child):
-        """
-        Equivalent to 'node.children.append(child)'. This method also sets the
-        child's parent attribute appropriately.
-        """
-        child.parent = self
-        self.children.append(child)
-        self.changed()
-class Leaf(Base):
-    """Concrete implementation for leaf nodes."""
-    # Default values for instance variables
-    _prefix = ""  # Whitespace and comments preceding this token in the input
-    lineno = 0    # Line where this token starts in the input
-    column = 0    # Column where this token tarts in the input
-    def __init__(self, type, value,
-                 context=None,
-                 prefix=None,
-                 fixers_applied=[]):
-        """
-        Initializer.
-        Takes a type constant (a token number < 256), a string value, and an
-        optional context keyword argument.
-        """
-        assert 0 <= type < 256, type
-        if context is not None:
-            self._prefix, (self.lineno, self.column) = context
-        self.type = type
-        self.value = value
-        if prefix is not None:
-            self._prefix = prefix
-        self.fixers_applied = fixers_applied[:]
-    def __repr__(self):
-        """Return a canonical string representation."""
-        return "%s(%r, %r)" % (self.__class__.__name__,
-                               self.type,
-                               self.value)
-    def __unicode__(self):
-        """
-        Return a pretty string representation.
-        This reproduces the input source exactly.
-        """
-        return self.prefix + str(self.value)
-    if sys.version_info > (3, 0):
-        __str__ = __unicode__
-    def _eq(self, other):
-        """Compare two nodes for equality."""
-        return (self.type, self.value) == (other.type, other.value)
-    def clone(self):
-        """Return a cloned (deep) copy of self."""
-        return Leaf(self.type, self.value,
-                    (self.prefix, (self.lineno, self.column)),
-                    fixers_applied=self.fixers_applied)
-    def leaves(self):
-        yield self
-    def post_order(self):
-        """Return a post-order iterator for the tree."""
-        yield self
-    def pre_order(self):
-        """Return a pre-order iterator for the tree."""
-        yield self
-    @property
-    def prefix(self):
-        """
-        The whitespace and comments preceding this token in the input.
-        """
-        return self._prefix
-    @prefix.setter
-    def prefix(self, prefix):
-        self.changed()
-        self._prefix = prefix
-def convert(gr, raw_node):
-    """
-    Convert raw node information to a Node or Leaf instance.
-    This is passed to the parser driver which calls it whenever a reduction of a
-    grammar rule produces a new complete node, so that the tree is build
-    strictly bottom-up.
-    """
-    type, value, context, children = raw_node
-    if children or type in gr.number2symbol:
-        # If there's exactly one child, return that child instead of
-        # creating a new node.
-        if len(children) == 1:
-            return children[0]
-        return Node(type, children, context=context)
-    else:
-        return Leaf(type, value, context=context)
-class BasePattern(object):
-    """
-    A pattern is a tree matching pattern.
-    It looks for a specific node type (token or symbol), and
-    optionally for a specific content.
-    This is an abstract base class.  There are three concrete
-    subclasses:
-    - LeafPattern matches a single leaf node;
-    - NodePattern matches a single node (usually non-leaf);
-    - WildcardPattern matches a sequence of nodes of variable length.
-    """
-    # Defaults for instance variables
-    type = None     # Node type (token if < 256, symbol if >= 256)
-    content = None  # Optional content matching pattern
-    name = None     # Optional name used to store match in results dict
-    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwds):
-        """Constructor that prevents BasePattern from being instantiated."""
-        assert cls is not BasePattern, "Cannot instantiate BasePattern"
-        return object.__new__(cls)
-    def __repr__(self):
-        args = [type_repr(self.type), self.content, self.name]
-        while args and args[-1] is None:
-            del args[-1]
-        return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, ", ".join(map(repr, args)))
-    def optimize(self):
-        """
-        A subclass can define this as a hook for optimizations.
-        Returns either self or another node with the same effect.
-        """
-        return self
-    def match(self, node, results=None):
-        """
-        Does this pattern exactly match a node?
-        Returns True if it matches, False if not.
-        If results is not None, it must be a dict which will be
-        updated with the nodes matching named subpatterns.
-        Default implementation for non-wildcard patterns.
-        """
-        if self.type is not None and node.type != self.type:
-            return False
-        if self.content is not None:
-            r = None
-            if results is not None:
-                r = {}
-            if not self._submatch(node, r):
-                return False
-            if r:
-                results.update(r)
-        if results is not None and self.name:
-            results[self.name] = node
-        return True
-    def match_seq(self, nodes, results=None):
-        """
-        Does this pattern exactly match a sequence of nodes?
-        Default implementation for non-wildcard patterns.
-        """
-        if len(nodes) != 1:
-            return False
-        return self.match(nodes[0], results)
-    def generate_matches(self, nodes):
-        """
-        Generator yielding all matches for this pattern.
-        Default implementation for non-wildcard patterns.
-        """
-        r = {}
-        if nodes and self.match(nodes[0], r):
-            yield 1, r
-class LeafPattern(BasePattern):
-    def __init__(self, type=None, content=None, name=None):
-        """
-        Initializer.  Takes optional type, content, and name.
-        The type, if given must be a token type (< 256).  If not given,
-        this matches any *leaf* node; the content may still be required.
-        The content, if given, must be a string.
-        If a name is given, the matching node is stored in the results
-        dict under that key.
-        """
-        if type is not None:
-            assert 0 <= type < 256, type
-        if content is not None:
-            assert isinstance(content, str), repr(content)
-        self.type = type
-        self.content = content
-        self.name = name
-    def match(self, node, results=None):
-        """Override match() to insist on a leaf node."""
-        if not isinstance(node, Leaf):
-            return False
-        return BasePattern.match(self, node, results)
-    def _submatch(self, node, results=None):
-        """
-        Match the pattern's content to the node's children.
-        This assumes the node type matches and self.content is not None.
-        Returns True if it matches, False if not.
-        If results is not None, it must be a dict which will be
-        updated with the nodes matching named subpatterns.
-        When returning False, the results dict may still be updated.
-        """
-        return self.content == node.value
-class NodePattern(BasePattern):
-    wildcards = False
-    def __init__(self, type=None, content=None, name=None):
-        """
-        Initializer.  Takes optional type, content, and name.
-        The type, if given, must be a symbol type (>= 256).  If the
-        type is None this matches *any* single node (leaf or not),
-        except if content is not None, in which it only matches
-        non-leaf nodes that also match the content pattern.
-        The content, if not None, must be a sequence of Patterns that
-        must match the node's children exactly.  If the content is
-        given, the type must not be None.
-        If a name is given, the matching node is stored in the results
-        dict under that key.
-        """
-        if type is not None:
-            assert type >= 256, type
-        if content is not None:
-            assert not isinstance(content, str), repr(content)
-            content = list(content)
-            for i, item in enumerate(content):
-                assert isinstance(item, BasePattern), (i, item)
-                if isinstance(item, WildcardPattern):
-                    self.wildcards = True
-        self.type = type
-        self.content = content
-        self.name = name
-    def _submatch(self, node, results=None):
-        """
-        Match the pattern's content to the node's children.
-        This assumes the node type matches and self.content is not None.
-        Returns True if it matches, False if not.
-        If results is not None, it must be a dict which will be
-        updated with the nodes matching named subpatterns.
-        When returning False, the results dict may still be updated.
-        """
-        if self.wildcards:
-            for c, r in generate_matches(self.content, node.children):
-                if c == len(node.children):
-                    if results is not None:
-                        results.update(r)
-                    return True
-            return False
-        if len(self.content) != len(node.children):
-            return False
-        for subpattern, child in zip(self.content, node.children):
-            if not subpattern.match(child, results):
-                return False
-        return True
-class WildcardPattern(BasePattern):
-    """
-    A wildcard pattern can match zero or more nodes.
-    This has all the flexibility needed to implement patterns like:
-    .*      .+      .?      .{m,n}
-    (a b c | d e | f)
-    (...)*  (...)+  (...)?  (...){m,n}
-    except it always uses non-greedy matching.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, content=None, min=0, max=HUGE, name=None):
-        """
-        Initializer.
-        Args:
-            content: optional sequence of subsequences of patterns;
-                     if absent, matches one node;
-                     if present, each subsequence is an alternative [*]
-            min: optional minimum number of times to match, default 0
-            max: optional maximum number of times to match, default HUGE
-            name: optional name assigned to this match
-        [*] Thus, if content is [[a, b, c], [d, e], [f, g, h]] this is
-            equivalent to (a b c | d e | f g h); if content is None,
-            this is equivalent to '.' in regular expression terms.
-            The min and max parameters work as follows:
-                min=0, max=maxint: .*
-                min=1, max=maxint: .+
-                min=0, max=1: .?
-                min=1, max=1: .
-            If content is not None, replace the dot with the parenthesized
-            list of alternatives, e.g. (a b c | d e | f g h)*
-        """
-        assert 0 <= min <= max <= HUGE, (min, max)
-        if content is not None:
-            content = tuple(map(tuple, content))  # Protect against alterations
-            # Check sanity of alternatives
-            assert len(content), repr(content)  # Can't have zero alternatives
-            for alt in content:
-                assert len(alt), repr(alt) # Can have empty alternatives
-        self.content = content
-        self.min = min
-        self.max = max
-        self.name = name
-    def optimize(self):
-        """Optimize certain stacked wildcard patterns."""
-        subpattern = None
-        if (self.content is not None and
-            len(self.content) == 1 and len(self.content[0]) == 1):
-            subpattern = self.content[0][0]
-        if self.min == 1 and self.max == 1:
-            if self.content is None:
-                return NodePattern(name=self.name)
-            if subpattern is not None and  self.name == subpattern.name:
-                return subpattern.optimize()
-        if (self.min <= 1 and isinstance(subpattern, WildcardPattern) and
-            subpattern.min <= 1 and self.name == subpattern.name):
-            return WildcardPattern(subpattern.content,
-                                   self.min*subpattern.min,
-                                   self.max*subpattern.max,
-                                   subpattern.name)
-        return self
-    def match(self, node, results=None):
-        """Does this pattern exactly match a node?"""
-        return self.match_seq([node], results)
-    def match_seq(self, nodes, results=None):
-        """Does this pattern exactly match a sequence of nodes?"""
-        for c, r in self.generate_matches(nodes):
-            if c == len(nodes):
-                if results is not None:
-                    results.update(r)
-                    if self.name:
-                        results[self.name] = list(nodes)
-                return True
-        return False
-    def generate_matches(self, nodes):
-        """
-        Generator yielding matches for a sequence of nodes.
-        Args:
-            nodes: sequence of nodes
-        Yields:
-            (count, results) tuples where:
-            count: the match comprises nodes[:count];
-            results: dict containing named submatches.
-        """
-        if self.content is None:
-            # Shortcut for special case (see __init__.__doc__)
-            for count in range(self.min, 1 + min(len(nodes), self.max)):
-                r = {}
-                if self.name:
-                    r[self.name] = nodes[:count]
-                yield count, r
-        elif self.name == "bare_name":
-            yield self._bare_name_matches(nodes)
-        else:
-            # The reason for this is that hitting the recursion limit usually
-            # results in some ugly messages about how RuntimeErrors are being
-            # ignored. We only have to do this on CPython, though, because other
-            # implementations don't have this nasty bug in the first place.
-            if hasattr(sys, "getrefcount"):
-                save_stderr = sys.stderr
-                sys.stderr = StringIO()
-            try:
-                for count, r in self._recursive_matches(nodes, 0):
-                    if self.name:
-                        r[self.name] = nodes[:count]
-                    yield count, r
-            except RuntimeError:
-                # Fall back to the iterative pattern matching scheme if the
-                # recursive scheme hits the recursion limit (RecursionError).
-                for count, r in self._iterative_matches(nodes):
-                    if self.name:
-                        r[self.name] = nodes[:count]
-                    yield count, r
-            finally:
-                if hasattr(sys, "getrefcount"):
-                    sys.stderr = save_stderr
-    def _iterative_matches(self, nodes):
-        """Helper to iteratively yield the matches."""
-        nodelen = len(nodes)
-        if 0 >= self.min:
-            yield 0, {}
-        results = []
-        # generate matches that use just one alt from self.content
-        for alt in self.content:
-            for c, r in generate_matches(alt, nodes):
-                yield c, r
-                results.append((c, r))
-        # for each match, iterate down the nodes
-        while results:
-            new_results = []
-            for c0, r0 in results:
-                # stop if the entire set of nodes has been matched
-                if c0 < nodelen and c0 <= self.max:
-                    for alt in self.content:
-                        for c1, r1 in generate_matches(alt, nodes[c0:]):
-                            if c1 > 0:
-                                r = {}
-                                r.update(r0)
-                                r.update(r1)
-                                yield c0 + c1, r
-                                new_results.append((c0 + c1, r))
-            results = new_results
-    def _bare_name_matches(self, nodes):
-        """Special optimized matcher for bare_name."""
-        count = 0
-        r = {}
-        done = False
-        max = len(nodes)
-        while not done and count < max:
-            done = True
-            for leaf in self.content:
-                if leaf[0].match(nodes[count], r):
-                    count += 1
-                    done = False
-                    break
-        r[self.name] = nodes[:count]
-        return count, r
-    def _recursive_matches(self, nodes, count):
-        """Helper to recursively yield the matches."""
-        assert self.content is not None
-        if count >= self.min:
-            yield 0, {}
-        if count < self.max:
-            for alt in self.content:
-                for c0, r0 in generate_matches(alt, nodes):
-                    for c1, r1 in self._recursive_matches(nodes[c0:], count+1):
-                        r = {}
-                        r.update(r0)
-                        r.update(r1)
-                        yield c0 + c1, r
-class NegatedPattern(BasePattern):
-    def __init__(self, content=None):
-        """
-        Initializer.
-        The argument is either a pattern or None.  If it is None, this
-        only matches an empty sequence (effectively '$' in regex
-        lingo).  If it is not None, this matches whenever the argument
-        pattern doesn't have any matches.
-        """
-        if content is not None:
-            assert isinstance(content, BasePattern), repr(content)
-        self.content = content
-    def match(self, node):
-        # We never match a node in its entirety
-        return False
-    def match_seq(self, nodes):
-        # We only match an empty sequence of nodes in its entirety
-        return len(nodes) == 0
-    def generate_matches(self, nodes):
-        if self.content is None:
-            # Return a match if there is an empty sequence
-            if len(nodes) == 0:
-                yield 0, {}
-        else:
-            # Return a match if the argument pattern has no matches
-            for c, r in self.content.generate_matches(nodes):
-                return
-            yield 0, {}
-def generate_matches(patterns, nodes):
-    """
-    Generator yielding matches for a sequence of patterns and nodes.
-    Args:
-        patterns: a sequence of patterns
-        nodes: a sequence of nodes
-    Yields:
-        (count, results) tuples where:
-        count: the entire sequence of patterns matches nodes[:count];
-        results: dict containing named submatches.
-        """
-    if not patterns:
-        yield 0, {}
-    else:
-        p, rest = patterns[0], patterns[1:]
-        for c0, r0 in p.generate_matches(nodes):
-            if not rest:
-                yield c0, r0
-            else:
-                for c1, r1 in generate_matches(rest, nodes[c0:]):
-                    r = {}
-                    r.update(r0)
-                    r.update(r1)
-                    yield c0 + c1, r
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/refactor.py b/Lib/lib2to3/refactor.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a5aafffc6df0..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/lib2to3/refactor.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,732 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2006 Google, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
-"""Refactoring framework.
-Used as a main program, this can refactor any number of files and/or
-recursively descend down directories.  Imported as a module, this
-provides infrastructure to write your own refactoring tool.
-__author__ = "Guido van Rossum <guido at python.org>"
-# Python imports
-import io
-import os
-import pkgutil
-import sys
-import logging
-import operator
-import collections
-from itertools import chain
-# Local imports
-from .pgen2 import driver, tokenize, token
-from .fixer_util import find_root
-from . import pytree, pygram
-from . import btm_matcher as bm
-def get_all_fix_names(fixer_pkg, remove_prefix=True):
-    """Return a sorted list of all available fix names in the given package."""
-    pkg = __import__(fixer_pkg, [], [], ["*"])
-    fix_names = []
-    for finder, name, ispkg in pkgutil.iter_modules(pkg.__path__):
-        if name.startswith("fix_"):
-            if remove_prefix:
-                name = name[4:]
-            fix_names.append(name)
-    return fix_names
-class _EveryNode(Exception):
-    pass
-def _get_head_types(pat):
-    """ Accepts a pytree Pattern Node and returns a set
-        of the pattern types which will match first. """
-    if isinstance(pat, (pytree.NodePattern, pytree.LeafPattern)):
-        # NodePatters must either have no type and no content
-        #   or a type and content -- so they don't get any farther
-        # Always return leafs
-        if pat.type is None:
-            raise _EveryNode
-        return {pat.type}
-    if isinstance(pat, pytree.NegatedPattern):
-        if pat.content:
-            return _get_head_types(pat.content)
-        raise _EveryNode # Negated Patterns don't have a type
-    if isinstance(pat, pytree.WildcardPattern):
-        # Recurse on each node in content
-        r = set()
-        for p in pat.content:
-            for x in p:
-                r.update(_get_head_types(x))
-        return r
-    raise Exception("Oh no! I don't understand pattern %s" %(pat))
-def _get_headnode_dict(fixer_list):
-    """ Accepts a list of fixers and returns a dictionary
-        of head node type --> fixer list.  """
-    head_nodes = collections.defaultdict(list)
-    every = []
-    for fixer in fixer_list:
-        if fixer.pattern:
-            try:
-                heads = _get_head_types(fixer.pattern)
-            except _EveryNode:
-                every.append(fixer)
-            else:
-                for node_type in heads:
-                    head_nodes[node_type].append(fixer)
-        else:
-            if fixer._accept_type is not None:
-                head_nodes[fixer._accept_type].append(fixer)
-            else:
-                every.append(fixer)
-    for node_type in chain(pygram.python_grammar.symbol2number.values(),
-                           pygram.python_grammar.tokens):
-        head_nodes[node_type].extend(every)
-    return dict(head_nodes)
-def get_fixers_from_package(pkg_name):
-    """
-    Return the fully qualified names for fixers in the package pkg_name.
-    """
-    return [pkg_name + "." + fix_name
-            for fix_name in get_all_fix_names(pkg_name, False)]
-def _identity(obj):
-    return obj
-def _detect_future_features(source):
-    have_docstring = False
-    gen = tokenize.generate_tokens(io.StringIO(source).readline)
-    def advance():
-        tok = next(gen)
-        return tok[0], tok[1]
-    ignore = frozenset({token.NEWLINE, tokenize.NL, token.COMMENT})
-    features = set()
-    try:
-        while True:
-            tp, value = advance()
-            if tp in ignore:
-                continue
-            elif tp == token.STRING:
-                if have_docstring:
-                    break
-                have_docstring = True
-            elif tp == token.NAME and value == "from":
-                tp, value = advance()
-                if tp != token.NAME or value != "__future__":
-                    break
-                tp, value = advance()
-                if tp != token.NAME or value != "import":
-                    break
-                tp, value = advance()
-                if tp == token.OP and value == "(":
-                    tp, value = advance()
-                while tp == token.NAME:
-                    features.add(value)
-                    tp, value = advance()
-                    if tp != token.OP or value != ",":
-                        break
-                    tp, value = advance()
-            else:
-                break
-    except StopIteration:
-        pass
-    return frozenset(features)
-class FixerError(Exception):
-    """A fixer could not be loaded."""
-class RefactoringTool(object):
-    _default_options = {"print_function" : False,
-                        "exec_function": False,
-                        "write_unchanged_files" : False}
-    CLASS_PREFIX = "Fix" # The prefix for fixer classes
-    FILE_PREFIX = "fix_" # The prefix for modules with a fixer within
-    def __init__(self, fixer_names, options=None, explicit=None):
-        """Initializer.
-        Args:
-            fixer_names: a list of fixers to import
-            options: a dict with configuration.
-            explicit: a list of fixers to run even if they are explicit.
-        """
-        self.fixers = fixer_names
-        self.explicit = explicit or []
-        self.options = self._default_options.copy()
-        if options is not None:
-            self.options.update(options)
-        self.grammar = pygram.python_grammar.copy()
-        if self.options['print_function']:
-            del self.grammar.keywords["print"]
-        elif self.options['exec_function']:
-            del self.grammar.keywords["exec"]
-        # When this is True, the refactor*() methods will call write_file() for
-        # files processed even if they were not changed during refactoring. If
-        # and only if the refactor method's write parameter was True.
-        self.write_unchanged_files = self.options.get("write_unchanged_files")
-        self.errors = []
-        self.logger = logging.getLogger("RefactoringTool")
-        self.fixer_log = []
-        self.wrote = False
-        self.driver = driver.Driver(self.grammar,
-                                    convert=pytree.convert,
-                                    logger=self.logger)
-        self.pre_order, self.post_order = self.get_fixers()
-        self.files = []  # List of files that were or should be modified
-        self.BM = bm.BottomMatcher()
-        self.bmi_pre_order = [] # Bottom Matcher incompatible fixers
-        self.bmi_post_order = []
-        for fixer in chain(self.post_order, self.pre_order):
-            if fixer.BM_compatible:
-                self.BM.add_fixer(fixer)
-                # remove fixers that will be handled by the bottom-up
-                # matcher
-            elif fixer in self.pre_order:
-                self.bmi_pre_order.append(fixer)
-            elif fixer in self.post_order:
-                self.bmi_post_order.append(fixer)
-        self.bmi_pre_order_heads = _get_headnode_dict(self.bmi_pre_order)
-        self.bmi_post_order_heads = _get_headnode_dict(self.bmi_post_order)
-    def get_fixers(self):
-        """Inspects the options to load the requested patterns and handlers.
-        Returns:
-          (pre_order, post_order), where pre_order is the list of fixers that
-          want a pre-order AST traversal, and post_order is the list that want
-          post-order traversal.
-        """
-        pre_order_fixers = []
-        post_order_fixers = []
-        for fix_mod_path in self.fixers:
-            mod = __import__(fix_mod_path, {}, {}, ["*"])
-            fix_name = fix_mod_path.rsplit(".", 1)[-1]
-            if fix_name.startswith(self.FILE_PREFIX):
-                fix_name = fix_name[len(self.FILE_PREFIX):]
-            parts = fix_name.split("_")
-            class_name = self.CLASS_PREFIX + "".join([p.title() for p in parts])
-            try:
-                fix_class = getattr(mod, class_name)
-            except AttributeError:
-                raise FixerError("Can't find %s.%s" % (fix_name, class_name)) from None
-            fixer = fix_class(self.options, self.fixer_log)
-            if fixer.explicit and self.explicit is not True and \
-                    fix_mod_path not in self.explicit:
-                self.log_message("Skipping optional fixer: %s", fix_name)
-                continue
-            self.log_debug("Adding transformation: %s", fix_name)
-            if fixer.order == "pre":
-                pre_order_fixers.append(fixer)
-            elif fixer.order == "post":
-                post_order_fixers.append(fixer)
-            else:
-                raise FixerError("Illegal fixer order: %r" % fixer.order)
-        key_func = operator.attrgetter("run_order")
-        pre_order_fixers.sort(key=key_func)
-        post_order_fixers.sort(key=key_func)
-        return (pre_order_fixers, post_order_fixers)
-    def log_error(self, msg, *args, **kwds):
-        """Called when an error occurs."""
-        raise
-    def log_message(self, msg, *args):
-        """Hook to log a message."""
-        if args:
-            msg = msg % args
-        self.logger.info(msg)
-    def log_debug(self, msg, *args):
-        if args:
-            msg = msg % args
-        self.logger.debug(msg)
-    def print_output(self, old_text, new_text, filename, equal):
-        """Called with the old version, new version, and filename of a
-        refactored file."""
-        pass
-    def refactor(self, items, write=False, doctests_only=False):
-        """Refactor a list of files and directories."""
-        for dir_or_file in items:
-            if os.path.isdir(dir_or_file):
-                self.refactor_dir(dir_or_file, write, doctests_only)
-            else:
-                self.refactor_file(dir_or_file, write, doctests_only)
-    def refactor_dir(self, dir_name, write=False, doctests_only=False):
-        """Descends down a directory and refactor every Python file found.
-        Python files are assumed to have a .py extension.
-        Files and subdirectories starting with '.' are skipped.
-        """
-        py_ext = os.extsep + "py"
-        for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(dir_name):
-            self.log_debug("Descending into %s", dirpath)
-            dirnames.sort()
-            filenames.sort()
-            for name in filenames:
-                if (not name.startswith(".") and
-                    os.path.splitext(name)[1] == py_ext):
-                    fullname = os.path.join(dirpath, name)
-                    self.refactor_file(fullname, write, doctests_only)
-            # Modify dirnames in-place to remove subdirs with leading dots
-            dirnames[:] = [dn for dn in dirnames if not dn.startswith(".")]
-    def _read_python_source(self, filename):
-        """
-        Do our best to decode a Python source file correctly.
-        """
-        try:
-            f = open(filename, "rb")
-        except OSError as err:
-            self.log_error("Can't open %s: %s", filename, err)
-            return None, None
-        try:
-            encoding = tokenize.detect_encoding(f.readline)[0]
-        finally:
-            f.close()
-        with io.open(filename, "r", encoding=encoding, newline='') as f:
-            return f.read(), encoding
-    def refactor_file(self, filename, write=False, doctests_only=False):
-        """Refactors a file."""
-        input, encoding = self._read_python_source(filename)
-        if input is None:
-            # Reading the file failed.
-            return
-        input += "\n" # Silence certain parse errors
-        if doctests_only:
-            self.log_debug("Refactoring doctests in %s", filename)
-            output = self.refactor_docstring(input, filename)
-            if self.write_unchanged_files or output != input:
-                self.processed_file(output, filename, input, write, encoding)
-            else:
-                self.log_debug("No doctest changes in %s", filename)
-        else:
-            tree = self.refactor_string(input, filename)
-            if self.write_unchanged_files or (tree and tree.was_changed):
-                # The [:-1] is to take off the \n we added earlier
-                self.processed_file(str(tree)[:-1], filename,
-                                    write=write, encoding=encoding)
-            else:
-                self.log_debug("No changes in %s", filename)
-    def refactor_string(self, data, name):
-        """Refactor a given input string.
-        Args:
-            data: a string holding the code to be refactored.
-            name: a human-readable name for use in error/log messages.
-        Returns:
-            An AST corresponding to the refactored input stream; None if
-            there were errors during the parse.
-        """
-        features = _detect_future_features(data)
-        if "print_function" in features:
-            self.driver.grammar = pygram.python_grammar_no_print_statement
-        try:
-            tree = self.driver.parse_string(data)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log_error("Can't parse %s: %s: %s",
-                           name, err.__class__.__name__, err)
-            return
-        finally:
-            self.driver.grammar = self.grammar
-        tree.future_features = features
-        self.log_debug("Refactoring %s", name)
-        self.refactor_tree(tree, name)
-        return tree
-    def refactor_stdin(self, doctests_only=False):
-        input = sys.stdin.read()
-        if doctests_only:
-            self.log_debug("Refactoring doctests in stdin")
-            output = self.refactor_docstring(input, "<stdin>")
-            if self.write_unchanged_files or output != input:
-                self.processed_file(output, "<stdin>", input)
-            else:
-                self.log_debug("No doctest changes in stdin")
-        else:
-            tree = self.refactor_string(input, "<stdin>")
-            if self.write_unchanged_files or (tree and tree.was_changed):
-                self.processed_file(str(tree), "<stdin>", input)
-            else:
-                self.log_debug("No changes in stdin")
-    def refactor_tree(self, tree, name):
-        """Refactors a parse tree (modifying the tree in place).
-        For compatible patterns the bottom matcher module is
-        used. Otherwise the tree is traversed node-to-node for
-        matches.
-        Args:
-            tree: a pytree.Node instance representing the root of the tree
-                  to be refactored.
-            name: a human-readable name for this tree.
-        Returns:
-            True if the tree was modified, False otherwise.
-        """
-        for fixer in chain(self.pre_order, self.post_order):
-            fixer.start_tree(tree, name)
-        #use traditional matching for the incompatible fixers
-        self.traverse_by(self.bmi_pre_order_heads, tree.pre_order())
-        self.traverse_by(self.bmi_post_order_heads, tree.post_order())
-        # obtain a set of candidate nodes
-        match_set = self.BM.run(tree.leaves())
-        while any(match_set.values()):
-            for fixer in self.BM.fixers:
-                if fixer in match_set and match_set[fixer]:
-                    #sort by depth; apply fixers from bottom(of the AST) to top
-                    match_set[fixer].sort(key=pytree.Base.depth, reverse=True)
-                    if fixer.keep_line_order:
-                        #some fixers(eg fix_imports) must be applied
-                        #with the original file's line order
-                        match_set[fixer].sort(key=pytree.Base.get_lineno)
-                    for node in list(match_set[fixer]):
-                        if node in match_set[fixer]:
-                            match_set[fixer].remove(node)
-                        try:
-                            find_root(node)
-                        except ValueError:
-                            # this node has been cut off from a
-                            # previous transformation ; skip
-                            continue
-                        if node.fixers_applied and fixer in node.fixers_applied:
-                            # do not apply the same fixer again
-                            continue
-                        results = fixer.match(node)
-                        if results:
-                            new = fixer.transform(node, results)
-                            if new is not None:
-                                node.replace(new)
-                                #new.fixers_applied.append(fixer)
-                                for node in new.post_order():
-                                    # do not apply the fixer again to
-                                    # this or any subnode
-                                    if not node.fixers_applied:
-                                        node.fixers_applied = []
-                                    node.fixers_applied.append(fixer)
-                                # update the original match set for
-                                # the added code
-                                new_matches = self.BM.run(new.leaves())
-                                for fxr in new_matches:
-                                    if not fxr in match_set:
-                                        match_set[fxr]=[]
-                                    match_set[fxr].extend(new_matches[fxr])
-        for fixer in chain(self.pre_order, self.post_order):
-            fixer.finish_tree(tree, name)
-        return tree.was_changed
-    def traverse_by(self, fixers, traversal):
-        """Traverse an AST, applying a set of fixers to each node.
-        This is a helper method for refactor_tree().
-        Args:
-            fixers: a list of fixer instances.
-            traversal: a generator that yields AST nodes.
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        if not fixers:
-            return
-        for node in traversal:
-            for fixer in fixers[node.type]:
-                results = fixer.match(node)
-                if results:
-                    new = fixer.transform(node, results)
-                    if new is not None:
-                        node.replace(new)
-                        node = new
-    def processed_file(self, new_text, filename, old_text=None, write=False,
-                       encoding=None):
-        """
-        Called when a file has been refactored and there may be changes.
-        """
-        self.files.append(filename)
-        if old_text is None:
-            old_text = self._read_python_source(filename)[0]
-            if old_text is None:
-                return
-        equal = old_text == new_text
-        self.print_output(old_text, new_text, filename, equal)
-        if equal:
-            self.log_debug("No changes to %s", filename)
-            if not self.write_unchanged_files:
-                return
-        if write:
-            self.write_file(new_text, filename, old_text, encoding)
-        else:
-            self.log_debug("Not writing changes to %s", filename)
-    def write_file(self, new_text, filename, old_text, encoding=None):
-        """Writes a string to a file.
-        It first shows a unified diff between the old text and the new text, and
-        then rewrites the file; the latter is only done if the write option is
-        set.
-        """
-        try:
-            fp = io.open(filename, "w", encoding=encoding, newline='')
-        except OSError as err:
-            self.log_error("Can't create %s: %s", filename, err)
-            return
-        with fp:
-            try:
-                fp.write(new_text)
-            except OSError as err:
-                self.log_error("Can't write %s: %s", filename, err)
-        self.log_debug("Wrote changes to %s", filename)
-        self.wrote = True
-    PS1 = ">>> "
-    PS2 = "... "
-    def refactor_docstring(self, input, filename):
-        """Refactors a docstring, looking for doctests.
-        This returns a modified version of the input string.  It looks
-        for doctests, which start with a ">>>" prompt, and may be
-        continued with "..." prompts, as long as the "..." is indented
-        the same as the ">>>".
-        (Unfortunately we can't use the doctest module's parser,
-        since, like most parsers, it is not geared towards preserving
-        the original source.)
-        """
-        result = []
-        block = None
-        block_lineno = None
-        indent = None
-        lineno = 0
-        for line in input.splitlines(keepends=True):
-            lineno += 1
-            if line.lstrip().startswith(self.PS1):
-                if block is not None:
-                    result.extend(self.refactor_doctest(block, block_lineno,
-                                                        indent, filename))
-                block_lineno = lineno
-                block = [line]
-                i = line.find(self.PS1)
-                indent = line[:i]
-            elif (indent is not None and
-                  (line.startswith(indent + self.PS2) or
-                   line == indent + self.PS2.rstrip() + "\n")):
-                block.append(line)
-            else:
-                if block is not None:
-                    result.extend(self.refactor_doctest(block, block_lineno,
-                                                        indent, filename))
-                block = None
-                indent = None
-                result.append(line)
-        if block is not None:
-            result.extend(self.refactor_doctest(block, block_lineno,
-                                                indent, filename))
-        return "".join(result)
-    def refactor_doctest(self, block, lineno, indent, filename):
-        """Refactors one doctest.
-        A doctest is given as a block of lines, the first of which starts
-        with ">>>" (possibly indented), while the remaining lines start
-        with "..." (identically indented).
-        """
-        try:
-            tree = self.parse_block(block, lineno, indent)
-        except Exception as err:
-            if self.logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
-                for line in block:
-                    self.log_debug("Source: %s", line.rstrip("\n"))
-            self.log_error("Can't parse docstring in %s line %s: %s: %s",
-                           filename, lineno, err.__class__.__name__, err)
-            return block
-        if self.refactor_tree(tree, filename):
-            new = str(tree).splitlines(keepends=True)
-            # Undo the adjustment of the line numbers in wrap_toks() below.
-            clipped, new = new[:lineno-1], new[lineno-1:]
-            assert clipped == ["\n"] * (lineno-1), clipped
-            if not new[-1].endswith("\n"):
-                new[-1] += "\n"
-            block = [indent + self.PS1 + new.pop(0)]
-            if new:
-                block += [indent + self.PS2 + line for line in new]
-        return block
-    def summarize(self):
-        if self.wrote:
-            were = "were"
-        else:
-            were = "need to be"
-        if not self.files:
-            self.log_message("No files %s modified.", were)
-        else:
-            self.log_message("Files that %s modified:", were)
-            for file in self.files:
-                self.log_message(file)
-        if self.fixer_log:
-            self.log_message("Warnings/messages while refactoring:")
-            for message in self.fixer_log:
-                self.log_message(message)
-        if self.errors:
-            if len(self.errors) == 1:
-                self.log_message("There was 1 error:")
-            else:
-                self.log_message("There were %d errors:", len(self.errors))
-            for msg, args, kwds in self.errors:
-                self.log_message(msg, *args, **kwds)
-    def parse_block(self, block, lineno, indent):
-        """Parses a block into a tree.
-        This is necessary to get correct line number / offset information
-        in the parser diagnostics and embedded into the parse tree.
-        """
-        tree = self.driver.parse_tokens(self.wrap_toks(block, lineno, indent))
-        tree.future_features = frozenset()
-        return tree
-    def wrap_toks(self, block, lineno, indent):
-        """Wraps a tokenize stream to systematically modify start/end."""
-        tokens = tokenize.generate_tokens(self.gen_lines(block, indent).__next__)
-        for type, value, (line0, col0), (line1, col1), line_text in tokens:
-            line0 += lineno - 1
-            line1 += lineno - 1
-            # Don't bother updating the columns; this is too complicated
-            # since line_text would also have to be updated and it would
-            # still break for tokens spanning lines.  Let the user guess
-            # that the column numbers for doctests are relative to the
-            # end of the prompt string (PS1 or PS2).
-            yield type, value, (line0, col0), (line1, col1), line_text
-    def gen_lines(self, block, indent):
-        """Generates lines as expected by tokenize from a list of lines.
-        This strips the first len(indent + self.PS1) characters off each line.
-        """
-        prefix1 = indent + self.PS1
-        prefix2 = indent + self.PS2
-        prefix = prefix1
-        for line in block:
-            if line.startswith(prefix):
-                yield line[len(prefix):]
-            elif line == prefix.rstrip() + "\n":
-                yield "\n"
-            else:
-                raise AssertionError("line=%r, prefix=%r" % (line, prefix))
-            prefix = prefix2
-        while True:
-            yield ""
-class MultiprocessingUnsupported(Exception):
-    pass
-class MultiprocessRefactoringTool(RefactoringTool):
-    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        super(MultiprocessRefactoringTool, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
-        self.queue = None
-        self.output_lock = None
-    def refactor(self, items, write=False, doctests_only=False,
-                 num_processes=1):
-        if num_processes == 1:
-            return super(MultiprocessRefactoringTool, self).refactor(
-                items, write, doctests_only)
-        try:
-            import multiprocessing
-        except ImportError:
-            raise MultiprocessingUnsupported
-        if self.queue is not None:
-            raise RuntimeError("already doing multiple processes")
-        self.queue = multiprocessing.JoinableQueue()
-        self.output_lock = multiprocessing.Lock()
-        processes = [multiprocessing.Process(target=self._child)
-                     for i in range(num_processes)]
-        try:
-            for p in processes:
-                p.start()
-            super(MultiprocessRefactoringTool, self).refactor(items, write,
-                                                              doctests_only)
-        finally:
-            self.queue.join()
-            for i in range(num_processes):
-                self.queue.put(None)
-            for p in processes:
-                if p.is_alive():
-                    p.join()
-            self.queue = None
-    def _child(self):
-        task = self.queue.get()
-        while task is not None:
-            args, kwargs = task
-            try:
-                super(MultiprocessRefactoringTool, self).refactor_file(
-                    *args, **kwargs)
-            finally:
-                self.queue.task_done()
-            task = self.queue.get()
-    def refactor_file(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        if self.queue is not None:
-            self.queue.put((args, kwargs))
-        else:
-            return super(MultiprocessRefactoringTool, self).refactor_file(
-                *args, **kwargs)
diff --git a/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/__init__.py b/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f323c2355b228..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-# Author: Collin Winter
-import os
-import warnings
-from test.support import load_package_tests
-def load_tests(*args):
-    with warnings.catch_warnings():
-        warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=DeprecationWarning, message='lib2to3')
-        return load_package_tests(os.path.dirname(__file__), *args)
diff --git a/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/__main__.py b/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/__main__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 40a23a297ec2b..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/__main__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-from . import load_tests
-import unittest
diff --git a/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/data/README b/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/data/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 7aa47e40aa97f..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/data/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-In this directory:
-- py2_test_grammar.py -- test file that exercises most/all of Python 2.x's grammar.
-- py3_test_grammar.py -- test file that exercises most/all of Python 3.x's grammar.
-- infinite_recursion.py -- test file that causes lib2to3's faster recursive pattern matching
-  scheme to fail, but passes when lib2to3 falls back to iterative pattern matching.
-- fixes/ -- for use by test_refactor.py
diff --git a/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/data/bom.py b/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/data/bom.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9bc3975a42f60..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/data/bom.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
-print "BOM BOOM!"
diff --git a/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/data/crlf.py b/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/data/crlf.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a83ca8f0a2068..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/data/crlf.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-print "hi"
-print "Like bad Windows newlines?"
diff --git a/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/data/different_encoding.py b/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/data/different_encoding.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 9f32bd04dc28d..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/data/different_encoding.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-print u'ßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõöøùúûüýþÿÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖØÙÚÛÜÝÞ'
-def f(x):
-    print '%s\t->  α(%2i):%s  β(%s)'
diff --git a/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/data/false_encoding.py b/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/data/false_encoding.py
deleted file mode 100755
index f4e59e787da1e..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/data/false_encoding.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-print '#coding=0'
diff --git a/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/data/fixers/bad_order.py b/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/data/fixers/bad_order.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 061bbf209a0de..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/data/fixers/bad_order.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-from lib2to3.fixer_base import BaseFix
-class FixBadOrder(BaseFix):
-    order = "crazy"
diff --git a/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/data/fixers/myfixes/__init__.py b/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/data/fixers/myfixes/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2d1d..0000000000000
diff --git a/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/data/fixers/myfixes/fix_explicit.py b/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/data/fixers/myfixes/fix_explicit.py
deleted file mode 100644
index cbe16f6f1f0df..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/data/fixers/myfixes/fix_explicit.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-from lib2to3.fixer_base import BaseFix
-class FixExplicit(BaseFix):
-    explicit = True
-    def match(self): return False
diff --git a/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/data/fixers/myfixes/fix_first.py b/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/data/fixers/myfixes/fix_first.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a88821f06b2d1..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/data/fixers/myfixes/fix_first.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-from lib2to3.fixer_base import BaseFix
-class FixFirst(BaseFix):
-    run_order = 1
-    def match(self, node): return False
diff --git a/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/data/fixers/myfixes/fix_last.py b/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/data/fixers/myfixes/fix_last.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a077d41594da..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/data/fixers/myfixes/fix_last.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-from lib2to3.fixer_base import BaseFix
-class FixLast(BaseFix):
-    run_order = 10
-    def match(self, node): return False
diff --git a/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/data/fixers/myfixes/fix_parrot.py b/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/data/fixers/myfixes/fix_parrot.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 6db79adf8d80c..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/data/fixers/myfixes/fix_parrot.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-from lib2to3.fixer_base import BaseFix
-from lib2to3.fixer_util import Name
-class FixParrot(BaseFix):
-    """
-    Change functions named 'parrot' to 'cheese'.
-    """
-    PATTERN = """funcdef < 'def' name='parrot' any* >"""
-    def transform(self, node, results):
-        name = results["name"]
-        name.replace(Name("cheese", name.prefix))
diff --git a/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/data/fixers/myfixes/fix_preorder.py b/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/data/fixers/myfixes/fix_preorder.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b9bfbba9d5e90..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/data/fixers/myfixes/fix_preorder.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-from lib2to3.fixer_base import BaseFix
-class FixPreorder(BaseFix):
-    order = "pre"
-    def match(self, node): return False
diff --git a/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/data/fixers/no_fixer_cls.py b/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/data/fixers/no_fixer_cls.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 506f794951705..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/data/fixers/no_fixer_cls.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-# This is empty so trying to fetch the fixer class gives an AttributeError
diff --git a/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/data/fixers/parrot_example.py b/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/data/fixers/parrot_example.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 08529280cdb4a..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/data/fixers/parrot_example.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-def parrot():
-    pass
diff --git a/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/data/infinite_recursion.py b/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/data/infinite_recursion.py
deleted file mode 100644
index acc62ed4f1a44..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/data/infinite_recursion.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2669 +0,0 @@
-# Verify that 2to3 falls back from the recursive pattern matching scheme to a
-# slower, iterative scheme in the event of a RecursionError.
-from ctypes import *
-STRING = c_char_p
-OSUnknownByteOrder = 0
-P_PGID = 2
-P_PID = 1
-P_ALL = 0
-OSBigEndian = 2
-OSLittleEndian = 1
-__darwin_nl_item = c_int
-__darwin_wctrans_t = c_int
-__darwin_wctype_t = c_ulong
-__int8_t = c_byte
-__uint8_t = c_ubyte
-__int16_t = c_short
-__uint16_t = c_ushort
-__int32_t = c_int
-__uint32_t = c_uint
-__int64_t = c_longlong
-__uint64_t = c_ulonglong
-__darwin_intptr_t = c_long
-__darwin_natural_t = c_uint
-__darwin_ct_rune_t = c_int
-class __mbstate_t(Union):
-    pass
-__mbstate_t._pack_ = 4
-__mbstate_t._fields_ = [
-    ('__mbstate8', c_char * 128),
-    ('_mbstateL', c_longlong),
-assert sizeof(__mbstate_t) == 128, sizeof(__mbstate_t)
-assert alignment(__mbstate_t) == 4, alignment(__mbstate_t)
-__darwin_mbstate_t = __mbstate_t
-__darwin_ptrdiff_t = c_int
-__darwin_size_t = c_ulong
-__darwin_va_list = STRING
-__darwin_wchar_t = c_int
-__darwin_rune_t = __darwin_wchar_t
-__darwin_wint_t = c_int
-__darwin_clock_t = c_ulong
-__darwin_socklen_t = __uint32_t
-__darwin_ssize_t = c_long
-__darwin_time_t = c_long
-sig_atomic_t = c_int
-class sigcontext(Structure):
-    pass
-sigcontext._fields_ = [
-    ('sc_onstack', c_int),
-    ('sc_mask', c_int),
-    ('sc_eax', c_uint),
-    ('sc_ebx', c_uint),
-    ('sc_ecx', c_uint),
-    ('sc_edx', c_uint),
-    ('sc_edi', c_uint),
-    ('sc_esi', c_uint),
-    ('sc_ebp', c_uint),
-    ('sc_esp', c_uint),
-    ('sc_ss', c_uint),
-    ('sc_eflags', c_uint),
-    ('sc_eip', c_uint),
-    ('sc_cs', c_uint),
-    ('sc_ds', c_uint),
-    ('sc_es', c_uint),
-    ('sc_fs', c_uint),
-    ('sc_gs', c_uint),
-assert sizeof(sigcontext) == 72, sizeof(sigcontext)
-assert alignment(sigcontext) == 4, alignment(sigcontext)
-u_int8_t = c_ubyte
-u_int16_t = c_ushort
-u_int32_t = c_uint
-u_int64_t = c_ulonglong
-int32_t = c_int
-register_t = int32_t
-user_addr_t = u_int64_t
-user_size_t = u_int64_t
-int64_t = c_longlong
-user_ssize_t = int64_t
-user_long_t = int64_t
-user_ulong_t = u_int64_t
-user_time_t = int64_t
-syscall_arg_t = u_int64_t
-# values for unnamed enumeration
-class aes_key_st(Structure):
-    pass
-aes_key_st._fields_ = [
-    ('rd_key', c_ulong * 60),
-    ('rounds', c_int),
-assert sizeof(aes_key_st) == 244, sizeof(aes_key_st)
-assert alignment(aes_key_st) == 4, alignment(aes_key_st)
-AES_KEY = aes_key_st
-class asn1_ctx_st(Structure):
-    pass
-asn1_ctx_st._fields_ = [
-    ('p', POINTER(c_ubyte)),
-    ('eos', c_int),
-    ('error', c_int),
-    ('inf', c_int),
-    ('tag', c_int),
-    ('xclass', c_int),
-    ('slen', c_long),
-    ('max', POINTER(c_ubyte)),
-    ('q', POINTER(c_ubyte)),
-    ('pp', POINTER(POINTER(c_ubyte))),
-    ('line', c_int),
-assert sizeof(asn1_ctx_st) == 44, sizeof(asn1_ctx_st)
-assert alignment(asn1_ctx_st) == 4, alignment(asn1_ctx_st)
-ASN1_CTX = asn1_ctx_st
-class asn1_object_st(Structure):
-    pass
-asn1_object_st._fields_ = [
-    ('sn', STRING),
-    ('ln', STRING),
-    ('nid', c_int),
-    ('length', c_int),
-    ('data', POINTER(c_ubyte)),
-    ('flags', c_int),
-assert sizeof(asn1_object_st) == 24, sizeof(asn1_object_st)
-assert alignment(asn1_object_st) == 4, alignment(asn1_object_st)
-ASN1_OBJECT = asn1_object_st
-class asn1_string_st(Structure):
-    pass
-asn1_string_st._fields_ = [
-    ('length', c_int),
-    ('type', c_int),
-    ('data', POINTER(c_ubyte)),
-    ('flags', c_long),
-assert sizeof(asn1_string_st) == 16, sizeof(asn1_string_st)
-assert alignment(asn1_string_st) == 4, alignment(asn1_string_st)
-ASN1_STRING = asn1_string_st
-class ASN1_ENCODING_st(Structure):
-    pass
-ASN1_ENCODING_st._fields_ = [
-    ('enc', POINTER(c_ubyte)),
-    ('len', c_long),
-    ('modified', c_int),
-assert sizeof(ASN1_ENCODING_st) == 12, sizeof(ASN1_ENCODING_st)
-assert alignment(ASN1_ENCODING_st) == 4, alignment(ASN1_ENCODING_st)
-class asn1_string_table_st(Structure):
-    pass
-asn1_string_table_st._fields_ = [
-    ('nid', c_int),
-    ('minsize', c_long),
-    ('maxsize', c_long),
-    ('mask', c_ulong),
-    ('flags', c_ulong),
-assert sizeof(asn1_string_table_st) == 20, sizeof(asn1_string_table_st)
-assert alignment(asn1_string_table_st) == 4, alignment(asn1_string_table_st)
-ASN1_STRING_TABLE = asn1_string_table_st
-class ASN1_TEMPLATE_st(Structure):
-    pass
-ASN1_TEMPLATE_st._fields_ = [
-class ASN1_ITEM_st(Structure):
-    pass
-ASN1_ITEM_st._fields_ = [
-class ASN1_TLC_st(Structure):
-    pass
-ASN1_TLC_st._fields_ = [
-class ASN1_VALUE_st(Structure):
-    pass
-ASN1_VALUE_st._fields_ = [
-class asn1_type_st(Structure):
-    pass
-class N12asn1_type_st4DOLLAR_11E(Union):
-    pass
-ASN1_BOOLEAN = c_int
-ASN1_INTEGER = asn1_string_st
-ASN1_ENUMERATED = asn1_string_st
-ASN1_BIT_STRING = asn1_string_st
-ASN1_OCTET_STRING = asn1_string_st
-ASN1_PRINTABLESTRING = asn1_string_st
-ASN1_T61STRING = asn1_string_st
-ASN1_IA5STRING = asn1_string_st
-ASN1_GENERALSTRING = asn1_string_st
-ASN1_BMPSTRING = asn1_string_st
-ASN1_UNIVERSALSTRING = asn1_string_st
-ASN1_UTCTIME = asn1_string_st
-ASN1_GENERALIZEDTIME = asn1_string_st
-ASN1_VISIBLESTRING = asn1_string_st
-ASN1_UTF8STRING = asn1_string_st
-N12asn1_type_st4DOLLAR_11E._fields_ = [
-    ('ptr', STRING),
-    ('boolean', ASN1_BOOLEAN),
-    ('asn1_string', POINTER(ASN1_STRING)),
-    ('object', POINTER(ASN1_OBJECT)),
-    ('integer', POINTER(ASN1_INTEGER)),
-    ('enumerated', POINTER(ASN1_ENUMERATED)),
-    ('bit_string', POINTER(ASN1_BIT_STRING)),
-    ('octet_string', POINTER(ASN1_OCTET_STRING)),
-    ('printablestring', POINTER(ASN1_PRINTABLESTRING)),
-    ('t61string', POINTER(ASN1_T61STRING)),
-    ('ia5string', POINTER(ASN1_IA5STRING)),
-    ('generalstring', POINTER(ASN1_GENERALSTRING)),
-    ('bmpstring', POINTER(ASN1_BMPSTRING)),
-    ('universalstring', POINTER(ASN1_UNIVERSALSTRING)),
-    ('utctime', POINTER(ASN1_UTCTIME)),
-    ('generalizedtime', POINTER(ASN1_GENERALIZEDTIME)),
-    ('visiblestring', POINTER(ASN1_VISIBLESTRING)),
-    ('utf8string', POINTER(ASN1_UTF8STRING)),
-    ('set', POINTER(ASN1_STRING)),
-    ('sequence', POINTER(ASN1_STRING)),
-assert sizeof(N12asn1_type_st4DOLLAR_11E) == 4, sizeof(N12asn1_type_st4DOLLAR_11E)
-assert alignment(N12asn1_type_st4DOLLAR_11E) == 4, alignment(N12asn1_type_st4DOLLAR_11E)
-asn1_type_st._fields_ = [
-    ('type', c_int),
-    ('value', N12asn1_type_st4DOLLAR_11E),
-assert sizeof(asn1_type_st) == 8, sizeof(asn1_type_st)
-assert alignment(asn1_type_st) == 4, alignment(asn1_type_st)
-ASN1_TYPE = asn1_type_st
-class asn1_method_st(Structure):
-    pass
-asn1_method_st._fields_ = [
-    ('i2d', CFUNCTYPE(c_int)),
-    ('d2i', CFUNCTYPE(STRING)),
-    ('create', CFUNCTYPE(STRING)),
-    ('destroy', CFUNCTYPE(None)),
-assert sizeof(asn1_method_st) == 16, sizeof(asn1_method_st)
-assert alignment(asn1_method_st) == 4, alignment(asn1_method_st)
-ASN1_METHOD = asn1_method_st
-class asn1_header_st(Structure):
-    pass
-asn1_header_st._fields_ = [
-    ('header', POINTER(ASN1_OCTET_STRING)),
-    ('data', STRING),
-    ('meth', POINTER(ASN1_METHOD)),
-assert sizeof(asn1_header_st) == 12, sizeof(asn1_header_st)
-assert alignment(asn1_header_st) == 4, alignment(asn1_header_st)
-ASN1_HEADER = asn1_header_st
-class BIT_STRING_BITNAME_st(Structure):
-    pass
-BIT_STRING_BITNAME_st._fields_ = [
-    ('bitnum', c_int),
-    ('lname', STRING),
-    ('sname', STRING),
-assert sizeof(BIT_STRING_BITNAME_st) == 12, sizeof(BIT_STRING_BITNAME_st)
-assert alignment(BIT_STRING_BITNAME_st) == 4, alignment(BIT_STRING_BITNAME_st)
-class bio_st(Structure):
-    pass
-BIO = bio_st
-bio_info_cb = CFUNCTYPE(None, POINTER(bio_st), c_int, STRING, c_int, c_long, c_long)
-class bio_method_st(Structure):
-    pass
-bio_method_st._fields_ = [
-    ('type', c_int),
-    ('name', STRING),
-    ('bwrite', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(BIO), STRING, c_int)),
-    ('bread', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(BIO), STRING, c_int)),
-    ('bputs', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(BIO), STRING)),
-    ('bgets', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(BIO), STRING, c_int)),
-    ('ctrl', CFUNCTYPE(c_long, POINTER(BIO), c_int, c_long, c_void_p)),
-    ('create', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(BIO))),
-    ('destroy', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(BIO))),
-    ('callback_ctrl', CFUNCTYPE(c_long, POINTER(BIO), c_int, POINTER(bio_info_cb))),
-assert sizeof(bio_method_st) == 40, sizeof(bio_method_st)
-assert alignment(bio_method_st) == 4, alignment(bio_method_st)
-BIO_METHOD = bio_method_st
-class crypto_ex_data_st(Structure):
-    pass
-class stack_st(Structure):
-    pass
-STACK = stack_st
-crypto_ex_data_st._fields_ = [
-    ('sk', POINTER(STACK)),
-    ('dummy', c_int),
-assert sizeof(crypto_ex_data_st) == 8, sizeof(crypto_ex_data_st)
-assert alignment(crypto_ex_data_st) == 4, alignment(crypto_ex_data_st)
-CRYPTO_EX_DATA = crypto_ex_data_st
-bio_st._fields_ = [
-    ('method', POINTER(BIO_METHOD)),
-    ('callback', CFUNCTYPE(c_long, POINTER(bio_st), c_int, STRING, c_int, c_long, c_long)),
-    ('cb_arg', STRING),
-    ('init', c_int),
-    ('shutdown', c_int),
-    ('flags', c_int),
-    ('retry_reason', c_int),
-    ('num', c_int),
-    ('ptr', c_void_p),
-    ('next_bio', POINTER(bio_st)),
-    ('prev_bio', POINTER(bio_st)),
-    ('references', c_int),
-    ('num_read', c_ulong),
-    ('num_write', c_ulong),
-    ('ex_data', CRYPTO_EX_DATA),
-assert sizeof(bio_st) == 64, sizeof(bio_st)
-assert alignment(bio_st) == 4, alignment(bio_st)
-class bio_f_buffer_ctx_struct(Structure):
-    pass
-bio_f_buffer_ctx_struct._fields_ = [
-    ('ibuf_size', c_int),
-    ('obuf_size', c_int),
-    ('ibuf', STRING),
-    ('ibuf_len', c_int),
-    ('ibuf_off', c_int),
-    ('obuf', STRING),
-    ('obuf_len', c_int),
-    ('obuf_off', c_int),
-assert sizeof(bio_f_buffer_ctx_struct) == 32, sizeof(bio_f_buffer_ctx_struct)
-assert alignment(bio_f_buffer_ctx_struct) == 4, alignment(bio_f_buffer_ctx_struct)
-BIO_F_BUFFER_CTX = bio_f_buffer_ctx_struct
-class hostent(Structure):
-    pass
-hostent._fields_ = [
-class bf_key_st(Structure):
-    pass
-bf_key_st._fields_ = [
-    ('P', c_uint * 18),
-    ('S', c_uint * 1024),
-assert sizeof(bf_key_st) == 4168, sizeof(bf_key_st)
-assert alignment(bf_key_st) == 4, alignment(bf_key_st)
-BF_KEY = bf_key_st
-class bignum_st(Structure):
-    pass
-bignum_st._fields_ = [
-    ('d', POINTER(c_ulong)),
-    ('top', c_int),
-    ('dmax', c_int),
-    ('neg', c_int),
-    ('flags', c_int),
-assert sizeof(bignum_st) == 20, sizeof(bignum_st)
-assert alignment(bignum_st) == 4, alignment(bignum_st)
-BIGNUM = bignum_st
-class bignum_ctx(Structure):
-    pass
-bignum_ctx._fields_ = [
-BN_CTX = bignum_ctx
-class bn_blinding_st(Structure):
-    pass
-bn_blinding_st._fields_ = [
-    ('init', c_int),
-    ('A', POINTER(BIGNUM)),
-    ('Ai', POINTER(BIGNUM)),
-    ('mod', POINTER(BIGNUM)),
-    ('thread_id', c_ulong),
-assert sizeof(bn_blinding_st) == 20, sizeof(bn_blinding_st)
-assert alignment(bn_blinding_st) == 4, alignment(bn_blinding_st)
-BN_BLINDING = bn_blinding_st
-class bn_mont_ctx_st(Structure):
-    pass
-bn_mont_ctx_st._fields_ = [
-    ('ri', c_int),
-    ('RR', BIGNUM),
-    ('N', BIGNUM),
-    ('Ni', BIGNUM),
-    ('n0', c_ulong),
-    ('flags', c_int),
-assert sizeof(bn_mont_ctx_st) == 72, sizeof(bn_mont_ctx_st)
-assert alignment(bn_mont_ctx_st) == 4, alignment(bn_mont_ctx_st)
-BN_MONT_CTX = bn_mont_ctx_st
-class bn_recp_ctx_st(Structure):
-    pass
-bn_recp_ctx_st._fields_ = [
-    ('N', BIGNUM),
-    ('Nr', BIGNUM),
-    ('num_bits', c_int),
-    ('shift', c_int),
-    ('flags', c_int),
-assert sizeof(bn_recp_ctx_st) == 52, sizeof(bn_recp_ctx_st)
-assert alignment(bn_recp_ctx_st) == 4, alignment(bn_recp_ctx_st)
-BN_RECP_CTX = bn_recp_ctx_st
-class buf_mem_st(Structure):
-    pass
-buf_mem_st._fields_ = [
-    ('length', c_int),
-    ('data', STRING),
-    ('max', c_int),
-assert sizeof(buf_mem_st) == 12, sizeof(buf_mem_st)
-assert alignment(buf_mem_st) == 4, alignment(buf_mem_st)
-BUF_MEM = buf_mem_st
-class cast_key_st(Structure):
-    pass
-cast_key_st._fields_ = [
-    ('data', c_ulong * 32),
-    ('short_key', c_int),
-assert sizeof(cast_key_st) == 132, sizeof(cast_key_st)
-assert alignment(cast_key_st) == 4, alignment(cast_key_st)
-CAST_KEY = cast_key_st
-class comp_method_st(Structure):
-    pass
-comp_method_st._fields_ = [
-    ('type', c_int),
-    ('name', STRING),
-    ('init', CFUNCTYPE(c_int)),
-    ('finish', CFUNCTYPE(None)),
-    ('compress', CFUNCTYPE(c_int)),
-    ('expand', CFUNCTYPE(c_int)),
-    ('ctrl', CFUNCTYPE(c_long)),
-    ('callback_ctrl', CFUNCTYPE(c_long)),
-assert sizeof(comp_method_st) == 32, sizeof(comp_method_st)
-assert alignment(comp_method_st) == 4, alignment(comp_method_st)
-COMP_METHOD = comp_method_st
-class comp_ctx_st(Structure):
-    pass
-comp_ctx_st._fields_ = [
-    ('meth', POINTER(COMP_METHOD)),
-    ('compress_in', c_ulong),
-    ('compress_out', c_ulong),
-    ('expand_in', c_ulong),
-    ('expand_out', c_ulong),
-    ('ex_data', CRYPTO_EX_DATA),
-assert sizeof(comp_ctx_st) == 28, sizeof(comp_ctx_st)
-assert alignment(comp_ctx_st) == 4, alignment(comp_ctx_st)
-COMP_CTX = comp_ctx_st
-class CRYPTO_dynlock_value(Structure):
-    pass
-CRYPTO_dynlock_value._fields_ = [
-class CRYPTO_dynlock(Structure):
-    pass
-CRYPTO_dynlock._fields_ = [
-    ('references', c_int),
-    ('data', POINTER(CRYPTO_dynlock_value)),
-assert sizeof(CRYPTO_dynlock) == 8, sizeof(CRYPTO_dynlock)
-assert alignment(CRYPTO_dynlock) == 4, alignment(CRYPTO_dynlock)
-BIO_dummy = bio_st
-CRYPTO_EX_new = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_void_p, c_void_p, POINTER(CRYPTO_EX_DATA), c_int, c_long, c_void_p)
-CRYPTO_EX_free = CFUNCTYPE(None, c_void_p, c_void_p, POINTER(CRYPTO_EX_DATA), c_int, c_long, c_void_p)
-CRYPTO_EX_dup = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(CRYPTO_EX_DATA), POINTER(CRYPTO_EX_DATA), c_void_p, c_int, c_long, c_void_p)
-class crypto_ex_data_func_st(Structure):
-    pass
-crypto_ex_data_func_st._fields_ = [
-    ('argl', c_long),
-    ('argp', c_void_p),
-    ('new_func', POINTER(CRYPTO_EX_new)),
-    ('free_func', POINTER(CRYPTO_EX_free)),
-    ('dup_func', POINTER(CRYPTO_EX_dup)),
-assert sizeof(crypto_ex_data_func_st) == 20, sizeof(crypto_ex_data_func_st)
-assert alignment(crypto_ex_data_func_st) == 4, alignment(crypto_ex_data_func_st)
-CRYPTO_EX_DATA_FUNCS = crypto_ex_data_func_st
-class st_CRYPTO_EX_DATA_IMPL(Structure):
-    pass
-st_CRYPTO_EX_DATA_IMPL._fields_ = [
-CRYPTO_MEM_LEAK_CB = CFUNCTYPE(c_void_p, c_ulong, STRING, c_int, c_int, c_void_p)
-DES_cblock = c_ubyte * 8
-const_DES_cblock = c_ubyte * 8
-class DES_ks(Structure):
-    pass
-class N6DES_ks3DOLLAR_9E(Union):
-    pass
-N6DES_ks3DOLLAR_9E._fields_ = [
-    ('cblock', DES_cblock),
-    ('deslong', c_ulong * 2),
-assert sizeof(N6DES_ks3DOLLAR_9E) == 8, sizeof(N6DES_ks3DOLLAR_9E)
-assert alignment(N6DES_ks3DOLLAR_9E) == 4, alignment(N6DES_ks3DOLLAR_9E)
-DES_ks._fields_ = [
-    ('ks', N6DES_ks3DOLLAR_9E * 16),
-assert sizeof(DES_ks) == 128, sizeof(DES_ks)
-assert alignment(DES_ks) == 4, alignment(DES_ks)
-DES_key_schedule = DES_ks
-_ossl_old_des_cblock = c_ubyte * 8
-class _ossl_old_des_ks_struct(Structure):
-    pass
-class N23_ossl_old_des_ks_struct4DOLLAR_10E(Union):
-    pass
-N23_ossl_old_des_ks_struct4DOLLAR_10E._fields_ = [
-    ('_', _ossl_old_des_cblock),
-    ('pad', c_ulong * 2),
-assert sizeof(N23_ossl_old_des_ks_struct4DOLLAR_10E) == 8, sizeof(N23_ossl_old_des_ks_struct4DOLLAR_10E)
-assert alignment(N23_ossl_old_des_ks_struct4DOLLAR_10E) == 4, alignment(N23_ossl_old_des_ks_struct4DOLLAR_10E)
-_ossl_old_des_ks_struct._fields_ = [
-    ('ks', N23_ossl_old_des_ks_struct4DOLLAR_10E),
-assert sizeof(_ossl_old_des_ks_struct) == 8, sizeof(_ossl_old_des_ks_struct)
-assert alignment(_ossl_old_des_ks_struct) == 4, alignment(_ossl_old_des_ks_struct)
-_ossl_old_des_key_schedule = _ossl_old_des_ks_struct * 16
-class dh_st(Structure):
-    pass
-DH = dh_st
-class dh_method(Structure):
-    pass
-dh_method._fields_ = [
-    ('name', STRING),
-    ('generate_key', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(DH))),
-    ('compute_key', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(c_ubyte), POINTER(BIGNUM), POINTER(DH))),
-    ('init', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(DH))),
-    ('finish', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(DH))),
-    ('flags', c_int),
-    ('app_data', STRING),
-assert sizeof(dh_method) == 32, sizeof(dh_method)
-assert alignment(dh_method) == 4, alignment(dh_method)
-DH_METHOD = dh_method
-class engine_st(Structure):
-    pass
-ENGINE = engine_st
-dh_st._fields_ = [
-    ('pad', c_int),
-    ('version', c_int),
-    ('p', POINTER(BIGNUM)),
-    ('g', POINTER(BIGNUM)),
-    ('length', c_long),
-    ('pub_key', POINTER(BIGNUM)),
-    ('priv_key', POINTER(BIGNUM)),
-    ('flags', c_int),
-    ('method_mont_p', STRING),
-    ('q', POINTER(BIGNUM)),
-    ('j', POINTER(BIGNUM)),
-    ('seed', POINTER(c_ubyte)),
-    ('seedlen', c_int),
-    ('counter', POINTER(BIGNUM)),
-    ('references', c_int),
-    ('ex_data', CRYPTO_EX_DATA),
-    ('meth', POINTER(DH_METHOD)),
-    ('engine', POINTER(ENGINE)),
-assert sizeof(dh_st) == 76, sizeof(dh_st)
-assert alignment(dh_st) == 4, alignment(dh_st)
-class dsa_st(Structure):
-    pass
-DSA = dsa_st
-class DSA_SIG_st(Structure):
-    pass
-DSA_SIG_st._fields_ = [
-    ('r', POINTER(BIGNUM)),
-    ('s', POINTER(BIGNUM)),
-assert sizeof(DSA_SIG_st) == 8, sizeof(DSA_SIG_st)
-assert alignment(DSA_SIG_st) == 4, alignment(DSA_SIG_st)
-class dsa_method(Structure):
-    pass
-dsa_method._fields_ = [
-    ('name', STRING),
-    ('dsa_do_sign', CFUNCTYPE(POINTER(DSA_SIG), POINTER(c_ubyte), c_int, POINTER(DSA))),
-    ('dsa_do_verify', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(c_ubyte), c_int, POINTER(DSA_SIG), POINTER(DSA))),
-    ('init', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(DSA))),
-    ('finish', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(DSA))),
-    ('flags', c_int),
-    ('app_data', STRING),
-assert sizeof(dsa_method) == 40, sizeof(dsa_method)
-assert alignment(dsa_method) == 4, alignment(dsa_method)
-DSA_METHOD = dsa_method
-dsa_st._fields_ = [
-    ('pad', c_int),
-    ('version', c_long),
-    ('write_params', c_int),
-    ('p', POINTER(BIGNUM)),
-    ('q', POINTER(BIGNUM)),
-    ('g', POINTER(BIGNUM)),
-    ('pub_key', POINTER(BIGNUM)),
-    ('priv_key', POINTER(BIGNUM)),
-    ('kinv', POINTER(BIGNUM)),
-    ('r', POINTER(BIGNUM)),
-    ('flags', c_int),
-    ('method_mont_p', STRING),
-    ('references', c_int),
-    ('ex_data', CRYPTO_EX_DATA),
-    ('meth', POINTER(DSA_METHOD)),
-    ('engine', POINTER(ENGINE)),
-assert sizeof(dsa_st) == 68, sizeof(dsa_st)
-assert alignment(dsa_st) == 4, alignment(dsa_st)
-class evp_pkey_st(Structure):
-    pass
-class N11evp_pkey_st4DOLLAR_12E(Union):
-    pass
-class rsa_st(Structure):
-    pass
-N11evp_pkey_st4DOLLAR_12E._fields_ = [
-    ('ptr', STRING),
-    ('rsa', POINTER(rsa_st)),
-    ('dsa', POINTER(dsa_st)),
-    ('dh', POINTER(dh_st)),
-assert sizeof(N11evp_pkey_st4DOLLAR_12E) == 4, sizeof(N11evp_pkey_st4DOLLAR_12E)
-assert alignment(N11evp_pkey_st4DOLLAR_12E) == 4, alignment(N11evp_pkey_st4DOLLAR_12E)
-evp_pkey_st._fields_ = [
-    ('type', c_int),
-    ('save_type', c_int),
-    ('references', c_int),
-    ('pkey', N11evp_pkey_st4DOLLAR_12E),
-    ('save_parameters', c_int),
-    ('attributes', POINTER(STACK)),
-assert sizeof(evp_pkey_st) == 24, sizeof(evp_pkey_st)
-assert alignment(evp_pkey_st) == 4, alignment(evp_pkey_st)
-class env_md_st(Structure):
-    pass
-class env_md_ctx_st(Structure):
-    pass
-EVP_MD_CTX = env_md_ctx_st
-env_md_st._fields_ = [
-    ('type', c_int),
-    ('pkey_type', c_int),
-    ('md_size', c_int),
-    ('flags', c_ulong),
-    ('init', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(EVP_MD_CTX))),
-    ('update', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(EVP_MD_CTX), c_void_p, c_ulong)),
-    ('final', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(EVP_MD_CTX), POINTER(c_ubyte))),
-    ('cleanup', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(EVP_MD_CTX))),
-    ('sign', CFUNCTYPE(c_int)),
-    ('verify', CFUNCTYPE(c_int)),
-    ('required_pkey_type', c_int * 5),
-    ('block_size', c_int),
-    ('ctx_size', c_int),
-assert sizeof(env_md_st) == 72, sizeof(env_md_st)
-assert alignment(env_md_st) == 4, alignment(env_md_st)
-EVP_MD = env_md_st
-env_md_ctx_st._fields_ = [
-    ('digest', POINTER(EVP_MD)),
-    ('engine', POINTER(ENGINE)),
-    ('flags', c_ulong),
-    ('md_data', c_void_p),
-assert sizeof(env_md_ctx_st) == 16, sizeof(env_md_ctx_st)
-assert alignment(env_md_ctx_st) == 4, alignment(env_md_ctx_st)
-class evp_cipher_st(Structure):
-    pass
-class evp_cipher_ctx_st(Structure):
-    pass
-EVP_CIPHER_CTX = evp_cipher_ctx_st
-evp_cipher_st._fields_ = [
-    ('nid', c_int),
-    ('block_size', c_int),
-    ('key_len', c_int),
-    ('iv_len', c_int),
-    ('flags', c_ulong),
-    ('init', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(EVP_CIPHER_CTX), POINTER(c_ubyte), POINTER(c_ubyte), c_int)),
-    ('do_cipher', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(EVP_CIPHER_CTX), POINTER(c_ubyte), POINTER(c_ubyte), c_uint)),
-    ('cleanup', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(EVP_CIPHER_CTX))),
-    ('ctx_size', c_int),
-    ('set_asn1_parameters', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(EVP_CIPHER_CTX), POINTER(ASN1_TYPE))),
-    ('get_asn1_parameters', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(EVP_CIPHER_CTX), POINTER(ASN1_TYPE))),
-    ('ctrl', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(EVP_CIPHER_CTX), c_int, c_int, c_void_p)),
-    ('app_data', c_void_p),
-assert sizeof(evp_cipher_st) == 52, sizeof(evp_cipher_st)
-assert alignment(evp_cipher_st) == 4, alignment(evp_cipher_st)
-class evp_cipher_info_st(Structure):
-    pass
-EVP_CIPHER = evp_cipher_st
-evp_cipher_info_st._fields_ = [
-    ('cipher', POINTER(EVP_CIPHER)),
-    ('iv', c_ubyte * 16),
-assert sizeof(evp_cipher_info_st) == 20, sizeof(evp_cipher_info_st)
-assert alignment(evp_cipher_info_st) == 4, alignment(evp_cipher_info_st)
-EVP_CIPHER_INFO = evp_cipher_info_st
-evp_cipher_ctx_st._fields_ = [
-    ('cipher', POINTER(EVP_CIPHER)),
-    ('engine', POINTER(ENGINE)),
-    ('encrypt', c_int),
-    ('buf_len', c_int),
-    ('oiv', c_ubyte * 16),
-    ('iv', c_ubyte * 16),
-    ('buf', c_ubyte * 32),
-    ('num', c_int),
-    ('app_data', c_void_p),
-    ('key_len', c_int),
-    ('flags', c_ulong),
-    ('cipher_data', c_void_p),
-    ('final_used', c_int),
-    ('block_mask', c_int),
-    ('final', c_ubyte * 32),
-assert sizeof(evp_cipher_ctx_st) == 140, sizeof(evp_cipher_ctx_st)
-assert alignment(evp_cipher_ctx_st) == 4, alignment(evp_cipher_ctx_st)
-class evp_Encode_Ctx_st(Structure):
-    pass
-evp_Encode_Ctx_st._fields_ = [
-    ('num', c_int),
-    ('length', c_int),
-    ('enc_data', c_ubyte * 80),
-    ('line_num', c_int),
-    ('expect_nl', c_int),
-assert sizeof(evp_Encode_Ctx_st) == 96, sizeof(evp_Encode_Ctx_st)
-assert alignment(evp_Encode_Ctx_st) == 4, alignment(evp_Encode_Ctx_st)
-EVP_ENCODE_CTX = evp_Encode_Ctx_st
-class lhash_node_st(Structure):
-    pass
-lhash_node_st._fields_ = [
-    ('data', c_void_p),
-    ('next', POINTER(lhash_node_st)),
-    ('hash', c_ulong),
-assert sizeof(lhash_node_st) == 12, sizeof(lhash_node_st)
-assert alignment(lhash_node_st) == 4, alignment(lhash_node_st)
-LHASH_NODE = lhash_node_st
-LHASH_COMP_FN_TYPE = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_void_p, c_void_p)
-LHASH_HASH_FN_TYPE = CFUNCTYPE(c_ulong, c_void_p)
-LHASH_DOALL_ARG_FN_TYPE = CFUNCTYPE(None, c_void_p, c_void_p)
-class lhash_st(Structure):
-    pass
-lhash_st._fields_ = [
-    ('comp', LHASH_COMP_FN_TYPE),
-    ('hash', LHASH_HASH_FN_TYPE),
-    ('num_nodes', c_uint),
-    ('num_alloc_nodes', c_uint),
-    ('p', c_uint),
-    ('pmax', c_uint),
-    ('up_load', c_ulong),
-    ('down_load', c_ulong),
-    ('num_items', c_ulong),
-    ('num_expands', c_ulong),
-    ('num_expand_reallocs', c_ulong),
-    ('num_contracts', c_ulong),
-    ('num_contract_reallocs', c_ulong),
-    ('num_hash_calls', c_ulong),
-    ('num_comp_calls', c_ulong),
-    ('num_insert', c_ulong),
-    ('num_replace', c_ulong),
-    ('num_delete', c_ulong),
-    ('num_no_delete', c_ulong),
-    ('num_retrieve', c_ulong),
-    ('num_retrieve_miss', c_ulong),
-    ('num_hash_comps', c_ulong),
-    ('error', c_int),
-assert sizeof(lhash_st) == 96, sizeof(lhash_st)
-assert alignment(lhash_st) == 4, alignment(lhash_st)
-LHASH = lhash_st
-class MD2state_st(Structure):
-    pass
-MD2state_st._fields_ = [
-    ('num', c_int),
-    ('data', c_ubyte * 16),
-    ('cksm', c_uint * 16),
-    ('state', c_uint * 16),
-assert sizeof(MD2state_st) == 148, sizeof(MD2state_st)
-assert alignment(MD2state_st) == 4, alignment(MD2state_st)
-MD2_CTX = MD2state_st
-class MD4state_st(Structure):
-    pass
-MD4state_st._fields_ = [
-    ('A', c_uint),
-    ('B', c_uint),
-    ('C', c_uint),
-    ('D', c_uint),
-    ('Nl', c_uint),
-    ('Nh', c_uint),
-    ('data', c_uint * 16),
-    ('num', c_int),
-assert sizeof(MD4state_st) == 92, sizeof(MD4state_st)
-assert alignment(MD4state_st) == 4, alignment(MD4state_st)
-MD4_CTX = MD4state_st
-class MD5state_st(Structure):
-    pass
-MD5state_st._fields_ = [
-    ('A', c_uint),
-    ('B', c_uint),
-    ('C', c_uint),
-    ('D', c_uint),
-    ('Nl', c_uint),
-    ('Nh', c_uint),
-    ('data', c_uint * 16),
-    ('num', c_int),
-assert sizeof(MD5state_st) == 92, sizeof(MD5state_st)
-assert alignment(MD5state_st) == 4, alignment(MD5state_st)
-MD5_CTX = MD5state_st
-class mdc2_ctx_st(Structure):
-    pass
-mdc2_ctx_st._fields_ = [
-    ('num', c_int),
-    ('data', c_ubyte * 8),
-    ('h', DES_cblock),
-    ('hh', DES_cblock),
-    ('pad_type', c_int),
-assert sizeof(mdc2_ctx_st) == 32, sizeof(mdc2_ctx_st)
-assert alignment(mdc2_ctx_st) == 4, alignment(mdc2_ctx_st)
-MDC2_CTX = mdc2_ctx_st
-class obj_name_st(Structure):
-    pass
-obj_name_st._fields_ = [
-    ('type', c_int),
-    ('alias', c_int),
-    ('name', STRING),
-    ('data', STRING),
-assert sizeof(obj_name_st) == 16, sizeof(obj_name_st)
-assert alignment(obj_name_st) == 4, alignment(obj_name_st)
-OBJ_NAME = obj_name_st
-ASN1_TIME = asn1_string_st
-ASN1_NULL = c_int
-EVP_PKEY = evp_pkey_st
-class x509_st(Structure):
-    pass
-X509 = x509_st
-class X509_algor_st(Structure):
-    pass
-X509_ALGOR = X509_algor_st
-class X509_crl_st(Structure):
-    pass
-X509_CRL = X509_crl_st
-class X509_name_st(Structure):
-    pass
-X509_NAME = X509_name_st
-class x509_store_st(Structure):
-    pass
-X509_STORE = x509_store_st
-class x509_store_ctx_st(Structure):
-    pass
-X509_STORE_CTX = x509_store_ctx_st
-engine_st._fields_ = [
-class PEM_Encode_Seal_st(Structure):
-    pass
-PEM_Encode_Seal_st._fields_ = [
-    ('encode', EVP_ENCODE_CTX),
-    ('md', EVP_MD_CTX),
-    ('cipher', EVP_CIPHER_CTX),
-assert sizeof(PEM_Encode_Seal_st) == 252, sizeof(PEM_Encode_Seal_st)
-assert alignment(PEM_Encode_Seal_st) == 4, alignment(PEM_Encode_Seal_st)
-class pem_recip_st(Structure):
-    pass
-pem_recip_st._fields_ = [
-    ('name', STRING),
-    ('dn', POINTER(X509_NAME)),
-    ('cipher', c_int),
-    ('key_enc', c_int),
-assert sizeof(pem_recip_st) == 16, sizeof(pem_recip_st)
-assert alignment(pem_recip_st) == 4, alignment(pem_recip_st)
-PEM_USER = pem_recip_st
-class pem_ctx_st(Structure):
-    pass
-class N10pem_ctx_st4DOLLAR_16E(Structure):
-    pass
-N10pem_ctx_st4DOLLAR_16E._fields_ = [
-    ('version', c_int),
-    ('mode', c_int),
-assert sizeof(N10pem_ctx_st4DOLLAR_16E) == 8, sizeof(N10pem_ctx_st4DOLLAR_16E)
-assert alignment(N10pem_ctx_st4DOLLAR_16E) == 4, alignment(N10pem_ctx_st4DOLLAR_16E)
-class N10pem_ctx_st4DOLLAR_17E(Structure):
-    pass
-N10pem_ctx_st4DOLLAR_17E._fields_ = [
-    ('cipher', c_int),
-assert sizeof(N10pem_ctx_st4DOLLAR_17E) == 4, sizeof(N10pem_ctx_st4DOLLAR_17E)
-assert alignment(N10pem_ctx_st4DOLLAR_17E) == 4, alignment(N10pem_ctx_st4DOLLAR_17E)
-pem_ctx_st._fields_ = [
-    ('type', c_int),
-    ('proc_type', N10pem_ctx_st4DOLLAR_16E),
-    ('domain', STRING),
-    ('DEK_info', N10pem_ctx_st4DOLLAR_17E),
-    ('originator', POINTER(PEM_USER)),
-    ('num_recipient', c_int),
-    ('recipient', POINTER(POINTER(PEM_USER))),
-    ('x509_chain', POINTER(STACK)),
-    ('md', POINTER(EVP_MD)),
-    ('md_enc', c_int),
-    ('md_len', c_int),
-    ('md_data', STRING),
-    ('dec', POINTER(EVP_CIPHER)),
-    ('key_len', c_int),
-    ('key', POINTER(c_ubyte)),
-    ('data_enc', c_int),
-    ('data_len', c_int),
-    ('data', POINTER(c_ubyte)),
-assert sizeof(pem_ctx_st) == 76, sizeof(pem_ctx_st)
-assert alignment(pem_ctx_st) == 4, alignment(pem_ctx_st)
-PEM_CTX = pem_ctx_st
-pem_password_cb = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, STRING, c_int, c_int, c_void_p)
-class pkcs7_issuer_and_serial_st(Structure):
-    pass
-pkcs7_issuer_and_serial_st._fields_ = [
-    ('issuer', POINTER(X509_NAME)),
-    ('serial', POINTER(ASN1_INTEGER)),
-assert sizeof(pkcs7_issuer_and_serial_st) == 8, sizeof(pkcs7_issuer_and_serial_st)
-assert alignment(pkcs7_issuer_and_serial_st) == 4, alignment(pkcs7_issuer_and_serial_st)
-PKCS7_ISSUER_AND_SERIAL = pkcs7_issuer_and_serial_st
-class pkcs7_signer_info_st(Structure):
-    pass
-pkcs7_signer_info_st._fields_ = [
-    ('version', POINTER(ASN1_INTEGER)),
-    ('issuer_and_serial', POINTER(PKCS7_ISSUER_AND_SERIAL)),
-    ('digest_alg', POINTER(X509_ALGOR)),
-    ('auth_attr', POINTER(STACK)),
-    ('digest_enc_alg', POINTER(X509_ALGOR)),
-    ('enc_digest', POINTER(ASN1_OCTET_STRING)),
-    ('unauth_attr', POINTER(STACK)),
-    ('pkey', POINTER(EVP_PKEY)),
-assert sizeof(pkcs7_signer_info_st) == 32, sizeof(pkcs7_signer_info_st)
-assert alignment(pkcs7_signer_info_st) == 4, alignment(pkcs7_signer_info_st)
-PKCS7_SIGNER_INFO = pkcs7_signer_info_st
-class pkcs7_recip_info_st(Structure):
-    pass
-pkcs7_recip_info_st._fields_ = [
-    ('version', POINTER(ASN1_INTEGER)),
-    ('issuer_and_serial', POINTER(PKCS7_ISSUER_AND_SERIAL)),
-    ('key_enc_algor', POINTER(X509_ALGOR)),
-    ('enc_key', POINTER(ASN1_OCTET_STRING)),
-    ('cert', POINTER(X509)),
-assert sizeof(pkcs7_recip_info_st) == 20, sizeof(pkcs7_recip_info_st)
-assert alignment(pkcs7_recip_info_st) == 4, alignment(pkcs7_recip_info_st)
-PKCS7_RECIP_INFO = pkcs7_recip_info_st
-class pkcs7_signed_st(Structure):
-    pass
-class pkcs7_st(Structure):
-    pass
-pkcs7_signed_st._fields_ = [
-    ('version', POINTER(ASN1_INTEGER)),
-    ('md_algs', POINTER(STACK)),
-    ('cert', POINTER(STACK)),
-    ('crl', POINTER(STACK)),
-    ('signer_info', POINTER(STACK)),
-    ('contents', POINTER(pkcs7_st)),
-assert sizeof(pkcs7_signed_st) == 24, sizeof(pkcs7_signed_st)
-assert alignment(pkcs7_signed_st) == 4, alignment(pkcs7_signed_st)
-PKCS7_SIGNED = pkcs7_signed_st
-class pkcs7_enc_content_st(Structure):
-    pass
-pkcs7_enc_content_st._fields_ = [
-    ('content_type', POINTER(ASN1_OBJECT)),
-    ('algorithm', POINTER(X509_ALGOR)),
-    ('enc_data', POINTER(ASN1_OCTET_STRING)),
-    ('cipher', POINTER(EVP_CIPHER)),
-assert sizeof(pkcs7_enc_content_st) == 16, sizeof(pkcs7_enc_content_st)
-assert alignment(pkcs7_enc_content_st) == 4, alignment(pkcs7_enc_content_st)
-PKCS7_ENC_CONTENT = pkcs7_enc_content_st
-class pkcs7_enveloped_st(Structure):
-    pass
-pkcs7_enveloped_st._fields_ = [
-    ('version', POINTER(ASN1_INTEGER)),
-    ('recipientinfo', POINTER(STACK)),
-    ('enc_data', POINTER(PKCS7_ENC_CONTENT)),
-assert sizeof(pkcs7_enveloped_st) == 12, sizeof(pkcs7_enveloped_st)
-assert alignment(pkcs7_enveloped_st) == 4, alignment(pkcs7_enveloped_st)
-PKCS7_ENVELOPE = pkcs7_enveloped_st
-class pkcs7_signedandenveloped_st(Structure):
-    pass
-pkcs7_signedandenveloped_st._fields_ = [
-    ('version', POINTER(ASN1_INTEGER)),
-    ('md_algs', POINTER(STACK)),
-    ('cert', POINTER(STACK)),
-    ('crl', POINTER(STACK)),
-    ('signer_info', POINTER(STACK)),
-    ('enc_data', POINTER(PKCS7_ENC_CONTENT)),
-    ('recipientinfo', POINTER(STACK)),
-assert sizeof(pkcs7_signedandenveloped_st) == 28, sizeof(pkcs7_signedandenveloped_st)
-assert alignment(pkcs7_signedandenveloped_st) == 4, alignment(pkcs7_signedandenveloped_st)
-PKCS7_SIGN_ENVELOPE = pkcs7_signedandenveloped_st
-class pkcs7_digest_st(Structure):
-    pass
-pkcs7_digest_st._fields_ = [
-    ('version', POINTER(ASN1_INTEGER)),
-    ('md', POINTER(X509_ALGOR)),
-    ('contents', POINTER(pkcs7_st)),
-    ('digest', POINTER(ASN1_OCTET_STRING)),
-assert sizeof(pkcs7_digest_st) == 16, sizeof(pkcs7_digest_st)
-assert alignment(pkcs7_digest_st) == 4, alignment(pkcs7_digest_st)
-PKCS7_DIGEST = pkcs7_digest_st
-class pkcs7_encrypted_st(Structure):
-    pass
-pkcs7_encrypted_st._fields_ = [
-    ('version', POINTER(ASN1_INTEGER)),
-    ('enc_data', POINTER(PKCS7_ENC_CONTENT)),
-assert sizeof(pkcs7_encrypted_st) == 8, sizeof(pkcs7_encrypted_st)
-assert alignment(pkcs7_encrypted_st) == 4, alignment(pkcs7_encrypted_st)
-PKCS7_ENCRYPT = pkcs7_encrypted_st
-class N8pkcs7_st4DOLLAR_15E(Union):
-    pass
-N8pkcs7_st4DOLLAR_15E._fields_ = [
-    ('ptr', STRING),
-    ('data', POINTER(ASN1_OCTET_STRING)),
-    ('sign', POINTER(PKCS7_SIGNED)),
-    ('enveloped', POINTER(PKCS7_ENVELOPE)),
-    ('signed_and_enveloped', POINTER(PKCS7_SIGN_ENVELOPE)),
-    ('digest', POINTER(PKCS7_DIGEST)),
-    ('encrypted', POINTER(PKCS7_ENCRYPT)),
-    ('other', POINTER(ASN1_TYPE)),
-assert sizeof(N8pkcs7_st4DOLLAR_15E) == 4, sizeof(N8pkcs7_st4DOLLAR_15E)
-assert alignment(N8pkcs7_st4DOLLAR_15E) == 4, alignment(N8pkcs7_st4DOLLAR_15E)
-pkcs7_st._fields_ = [
-    ('asn1', POINTER(c_ubyte)),
-    ('length', c_long),
-    ('state', c_int),
-    ('detached', c_int),
-    ('type', POINTER(ASN1_OBJECT)),
-    ('d', N8pkcs7_st4DOLLAR_15E),
-assert sizeof(pkcs7_st) == 24, sizeof(pkcs7_st)
-assert alignment(pkcs7_st) == 4, alignment(pkcs7_st)
-PKCS7 = pkcs7_st
-class rc2_key_st(Structure):
-    pass
-rc2_key_st._fields_ = [
-    ('data', c_uint * 64),
-assert sizeof(rc2_key_st) == 256, sizeof(rc2_key_st)
-assert alignment(rc2_key_st) == 4, alignment(rc2_key_st)
-RC2_KEY = rc2_key_st
-class rc4_key_st(Structure):
-    pass
-rc4_key_st._fields_ = [
-    ('x', c_ubyte),
-    ('y', c_ubyte),
-    ('data', c_ubyte * 256),
-assert sizeof(rc4_key_st) == 258, sizeof(rc4_key_st)
-assert alignment(rc4_key_st) == 1, alignment(rc4_key_st)
-RC4_KEY = rc4_key_st
-class rc5_key_st(Structure):
-    pass
-rc5_key_st._fields_ = [
-    ('rounds', c_int),
-    ('data', c_ulong * 34),
-assert sizeof(rc5_key_st) == 140, sizeof(rc5_key_st)
-assert alignment(rc5_key_st) == 4, alignment(rc5_key_st)
-RC5_32_KEY = rc5_key_st
-class RIPEMD160state_st(Structure):
-    pass
-RIPEMD160state_st._fields_ = [
-    ('A', c_uint),
-    ('B', c_uint),
-    ('C', c_uint),
-    ('D', c_uint),
-    ('E', c_uint),
-    ('Nl', c_uint),
-    ('Nh', c_uint),
-    ('data', c_uint * 16),
-    ('num', c_int),
-assert sizeof(RIPEMD160state_st) == 96, sizeof(RIPEMD160state_st)
-assert alignment(RIPEMD160state_st) == 4, alignment(RIPEMD160state_st)
-RIPEMD160_CTX = RIPEMD160state_st
-RSA = rsa_st
-class rsa_meth_st(Structure):
-    pass
-rsa_meth_st._fields_ = [
-    ('name', STRING),
-    ('rsa_pub_enc', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_int, POINTER(c_ubyte), POINTER(c_ubyte), POINTER(RSA), c_int)),
-    ('rsa_pub_dec', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_int, POINTER(c_ubyte), POINTER(c_ubyte), POINTER(RSA), c_int)),
-    ('rsa_priv_enc', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_int, POINTER(c_ubyte), POINTER(c_ubyte), POINTER(RSA), c_int)),
-    ('rsa_priv_dec', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_int, POINTER(c_ubyte), POINTER(c_ubyte), POINTER(RSA), c_int)),
-    ('init', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(RSA))),
-    ('finish', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(RSA))),
-    ('flags', c_int),
-    ('app_data', STRING),
-    ('rsa_sign', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_int, POINTER(c_ubyte), c_uint, POINTER(c_ubyte), POINTER(c_uint), POINTER(RSA))),
-    ('rsa_verify', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_int, POINTER(c_ubyte), c_uint, POINTER(c_ubyte), c_uint, POINTER(RSA))),
-assert sizeof(rsa_meth_st) == 52, sizeof(rsa_meth_st)
-assert alignment(rsa_meth_st) == 4, alignment(rsa_meth_st)
-RSA_METHOD = rsa_meth_st
-rsa_st._fields_ = [
-    ('pad', c_int),
-    ('version', c_long),
-    ('meth', POINTER(RSA_METHOD)),
-    ('engine', POINTER(ENGINE)),
-    ('n', POINTER(BIGNUM)),
-    ('e', POINTER(BIGNUM)),
-    ('d', POINTER(BIGNUM)),
-    ('p', POINTER(BIGNUM)),
-    ('q', POINTER(BIGNUM)),
-    ('dmp1', POINTER(BIGNUM)),
-    ('dmq1', POINTER(BIGNUM)),
-    ('iqmp', POINTER(BIGNUM)),
-    ('ex_data', CRYPTO_EX_DATA),
-    ('references', c_int),
-    ('flags', c_int),
-    ('_method_mod_n', POINTER(BN_MONT_CTX)),
-    ('_method_mod_p', POINTER(BN_MONT_CTX)),
-    ('_method_mod_q', POINTER(BN_MONT_CTX)),
-    ('bignum_data', STRING),
-    ('blinding', POINTER(BN_BLINDING)),
-assert sizeof(rsa_st) == 84, sizeof(rsa_st)
-assert alignment(rsa_st) == 4, alignment(rsa_st)
-openssl_fptr = CFUNCTYPE(None)
-class SHAstate_st(Structure):
-    pass
-SHAstate_st._fields_ = [
-    ('h0', c_uint),
-    ('h1', c_uint),
-    ('h2', c_uint),
-    ('h3', c_uint),
-    ('h4', c_uint),
-    ('Nl', c_uint),
-    ('Nh', c_uint),
-    ('data', c_uint * 16),
-    ('num', c_int),
-assert sizeof(SHAstate_st) == 96, sizeof(SHAstate_st)
-assert alignment(SHAstate_st) == 4, alignment(SHAstate_st)
-SHA_CTX = SHAstate_st
-class ssl_st(Structure):
-    pass
-ssl_crock_st = POINTER(ssl_st)
-class ssl_cipher_st(Structure):
-    pass
-ssl_cipher_st._fields_ = [
-    ('valid', c_int),
-    ('name', STRING),
-    ('id', c_ulong),
-    ('algorithms', c_ulong),
-    ('algo_strength', c_ulong),
-    ('algorithm2', c_ulong),
-    ('strength_bits', c_int),
-    ('alg_bits', c_int),
-    ('mask', c_ulong),
-    ('mask_strength', c_ulong),
-assert sizeof(ssl_cipher_st) == 40, sizeof(ssl_cipher_st)
-assert alignment(ssl_cipher_st) == 4, alignment(ssl_cipher_st)
-SSL_CIPHER = ssl_cipher_st
-SSL = ssl_st
-class ssl_ctx_st(Structure):
-    pass
-SSL_CTX = ssl_ctx_st
-class ssl_method_st(Structure):
-    pass
-class ssl3_enc_method(Structure):
-    pass
-ssl_method_st._fields_ = [
-    ('version', c_int),
-    ('ssl_new', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(SSL))),
-    ('ssl_clear', CFUNCTYPE(None, POINTER(SSL))),
-    ('ssl_free', CFUNCTYPE(None, POINTER(SSL))),
-    ('ssl_accept', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(SSL))),
-    ('ssl_connect', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(SSL))),
-    ('ssl_read', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(SSL), c_void_p, c_int)),
-    ('ssl_peek', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(SSL), c_void_p, c_int)),
-    ('ssl_write', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(SSL), c_void_p, c_int)),
-    ('ssl_shutdown', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(SSL))),
-    ('ssl_renegotiate', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(SSL))),
-    ('ssl_renegotiate_check', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(SSL))),
-    ('ssl_ctrl', CFUNCTYPE(c_long, POINTER(SSL), c_int, c_long, c_void_p)),
-    ('ssl_ctx_ctrl', CFUNCTYPE(c_long, POINTER(SSL_CTX), c_int, c_long, c_void_p)),
-    ('get_cipher_by_char', CFUNCTYPE(POINTER(SSL_CIPHER), POINTER(c_ubyte))),
-    ('put_cipher_by_char', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(SSL_CIPHER), POINTER(c_ubyte))),
-    ('ssl_pending', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(SSL))),
-    ('num_ciphers', CFUNCTYPE(c_int)),
-    ('get_cipher', CFUNCTYPE(POINTER(SSL_CIPHER), c_uint)),
-    ('get_ssl_method', CFUNCTYPE(POINTER(ssl_method_st), c_int)),
-    ('get_timeout', CFUNCTYPE(c_long)),
-    ('ssl3_enc', POINTER(ssl3_enc_method)),
-    ('ssl_version', CFUNCTYPE(c_int)),
-    ('ssl_callback_ctrl', CFUNCTYPE(c_long, POINTER(SSL), c_int, CFUNCTYPE(None))),
-    ('ssl_ctx_callback_ctrl', CFUNCTYPE(c_long, POINTER(SSL_CTX), c_int, CFUNCTYPE(None))),
-assert sizeof(ssl_method_st) == 100, sizeof(ssl_method_st)
-assert alignment(ssl_method_st) == 4, alignment(ssl_method_st)
-ssl3_enc_method._fields_ = [
-SSL_METHOD = ssl_method_st
-class ssl_session_st(Structure):
-    pass
-class sess_cert_st(Structure):
-    pass
-ssl_session_st._fields_ = [
-    ('ssl_version', c_int),
-    ('key_arg_length', c_uint),
-    ('key_arg', c_ubyte * 8),
-    ('master_key_length', c_int),
-    ('master_key', c_ubyte * 48),
-    ('session_id_length', c_uint),
-    ('session_id', c_ubyte * 32),
-    ('sid_ctx_length', c_uint),
-    ('sid_ctx', c_ubyte * 32),
-    ('not_resumable', c_int),
-    ('sess_cert', POINTER(sess_cert_st)),
-    ('peer', POINTER(X509)),
-    ('verify_result', c_long),
-    ('references', c_int),
-    ('timeout', c_long),
-    ('time', c_long),
-    ('compress_meth', c_int),
-    ('cipher', POINTER(SSL_CIPHER)),
-    ('cipher_id', c_ulong),
-    ('ciphers', POINTER(STACK)),
-    ('ex_data', CRYPTO_EX_DATA),
-    ('prev', POINTER(ssl_session_st)),
-    ('next', POINTER(ssl_session_st)),
-assert sizeof(ssl_session_st) == 200, sizeof(ssl_session_st)
-assert alignment(ssl_session_st) == 4, alignment(ssl_session_st)
-sess_cert_st._fields_ = [
-SSL_SESSION = ssl_session_st
-class ssl_comp_st(Structure):
-    pass
-ssl_comp_st._fields_ = [
-    ('id', c_int),
-    ('name', STRING),
-    ('method', POINTER(COMP_METHOD)),
-assert sizeof(ssl_comp_st) == 12, sizeof(ssl_comp_st)
-assert alignment(ssl_comp_st) == 4, alignment(ssl_comp_st)
-SSL_COMP = ssl_comp_st
-class N10ssl_ctx_st4DOLLAR_18E(Structure):
-    pass
-N10ssl_ctx_st4DOLLAR_18E._fields_ = [
-    ('sess_connect', c_int),
-    ('sess_connect_renegotiate', c_int),
-    ('sess_connect_good', c_int),
-    ('sess_accept', c_int),
-    ('sess_accept_renegotiate', c_int),
-    ('sess_accept_good', c_int),
-    ('sess_miss', c_int),
-    ('sess_timeout', c_int),
-    ('sess_cache_full', c_int),
-    ('sess_hit', c_int),
-    ('sess_cb_hit', c_int),
-assert sizeof(N10ssl_ctx_st4DOLLAR_18E) == 44, sizeof(N10ssl_ctx_st4DOLLAR_18E)
-assert alignment(N10ssl_ctx_st4DOLLAR_18E) == 4, alignment(N10ssl_ctx_st4DOLLAR_18E)
-class cert_st(Structure):
-    pass
-ssl_ctx_st._fields_ = [
-    ('method', POINTER(SSL_METHOD)),
-    ('cipher_list', POINTER(STACK)),
-    ('cipher_list_by_id', POINTER(STACK)),
-    ('cert_store', POINTER(x509_store_st)),
-    ('sessions', POINTER(lhash_st)),
-    ('session_cache_size', c_ulong),
-    ('session_cache_head', POINTER(ssl_session_st)),
-    ('session_cache_tail', POINTER(ssl_session_st)),
-    ('session_cache_mode', c_int),
-    ('session_timeout', c_long),
-    ('new_session_cb', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(ssl_st), POINTER(SSL_SESSION))),
-    ('remove_session_cb', CFUNCTYPE(None, POINTER(ssl_ctx_st), POINTER(SSL_SESSION))),
-    ('get_session_cb', CFUNCTYPE(POINTER(SSL_SESSION), POINTER(ssl_st), POINTER(c_ubyte), c_int, POINTER(c_int))),
-    ('stats', N10ssl_ctx_st4DOLLAR_18E),
-    ('references', c_int),
-    ('app_verify_callback', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(X509_STORE_CTX), c_void_p)),
-    ('app_verify_arg', c_void_p),
-    ('default_passwd_callback', POINTER(pem_password_cb)),
-    ('default_passwd_callback_userdata', c_void_p),
-    ('ex_data', CRYPTO_EX_DATA),
-    ('rsa_md5', POINTER(EVP_MD)),
-    ('md5', POINTER(EVP_MD)),
-    ('sha1', POINTER(EVP_MD)),
-    ('extra_certs', POINTER(STACK)),
-    ('comp_methods', POINTER(STACK)),
-    ('info_callback', CFUNCTYPE(None, POINTER(SSL), c_int, c_int)),
-    ('client_CA', POINTER(STACK)),
-    ('options', c_ulong),
-    ('mode', c_ulong),
-    ('max_cert_list', c_long),
-    ('cert', POINTER(cert_st)),
-    ('read_ahead', c_int),
-    ('msg_callback', CFUNCTYPE(None, c_int, c_int, c_int, c_void_p, c_ulong, POINTER(SSL), c_void_p)),
-    ('msg_callback_arg', c_void_p),
-    ('verify_mode', c_int),
-    ('verify_depth', c_int),
-    ('sid_ctx_length', c_uint),
-    ('sid_ctx', c_ubyte * 32),
-    ('default_verify_callback', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_int, POINTER(X509_STORE_CTX))),
-    ('generate_session_id', GEN_SESSION_CB),
-    ('purpose', c_int),
-    ('trust', c_int),
-    ('quiet_shutdown', c_int),
-assert sizeof(ssl_ctx_st) == 248, sizeof(ssl_ctx_st)
-assert alignment(ssl_ctx_st) == 4, alignment(ssl_ctx_st)
-cert_st._fields_ = [
-class ssl2_state_st(Structure):
-    pass
-class ssl3_state_st(Structure):
-    pass
-ssl_st._fields_ = [
-    ('version', c_int),
-    ('type', c_int),
-    ('method', POINTER(SSL_METHOD)),
-    ('rbio', POINTER(BIO)),
-    ('wbio', POINTER(BIO)),
-    ('bbio', POINTER(BIO)),
-    ('rwstate', c_int),
-    ('in_handshake', c_int),
-    ('handshake_func', CFUNCTYPE(c_int)),
-    ('server', c_int),
-    ('new_session', c_int),
-    ('quiet_shutdown', c_int),
-    ('shutdown', c_int),
-    ('state', c_int),
-    ('rstate', c_int),
-    ('init_buf', POINTER(BUF_MEM)),
-    ('init_msg', c_void_p),
-    ('init_num', c_int),
-    ('init_off', c_int),
-    ('packet', POINTER(c_ubyte)),
-    ('packet_length', c_uint),
-    ('s2', POINTER(ssl2_state_st)),
-    ('s3', POINTER(ssl3_state_st)),
-    ('read_ahead', c_int),
-    ('msg_callback', CFUNCTYPE(None, c_int, c_int, c_int, c_void_p, c_ulong, POINTER(SSL), c_void_p)),
-    ('msg_callback_arg', c_void_p),
-    ('hit', c_int),
-    ('purpose', c_int),
-    ('trust', c_int),
-    ('cipher_list', POINTER(STACK)),
-    ('cipher_list_by_id', POINTER(STACK)),
-    ('enc_read_ctx', POINTER(EVP_CIPHER_CTX)),
-    ('read_hash', POINTER(EVP_MD)),
-    ('expand', POINTER(COMP_CTX)),
-    ('enc_write_ctx', POINTER(EVP_CIPHER_CTX)),
-    ('write_hash', POINTER(EVP_MD)),
-    ('compress', POINTER(COMP_CTX)),
-    ('cert', POINTER(cert_st)),
-    ('sid_ctx_length', c_uint),
-    ('sid_ctx', c_ubyte * 32),
-    ('session', POINTER(SSL_SESSION)),
-    ('generate_session_id', GEN_SESSION_CB),
-    ('verify_mode', c_int),
-    ('verify_depth', c_int),
-    ('verify_callback', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_int, POINTER(X509_STORE_CTX))),
-    ('info_callback', CFUNCTYPE(None, POINTER(SSL), c_int, c_int)),
-    ('error', c_int),
-    ('error_code', c_int),
-    ('ctx', POINTER(SSL_CTX)),
-    ('debug', c_int),
-    ('verify_result', c_long),
-    ('ex_data', CRYPTO_EX_DATA),
-    ('client_CA', POINTER(STACK)),
-    ('references', c_int),
-    ('options', c_ulong),
-    ('mode', c_ulong),
-    ('max_cert_list', c_long),
-    ('first_packet', c_int),
-    ('client_version', c_int),
-assert sizeof(ssl_st) == 268, sizeof(ssl_st)
-assert alignment(ssl_st) == 4, alignment(ssl_st)
-class N13ssl2_state_st4DOLLAR_19E(Structure):
-    pass
-N13ssl2_state_st4DOLLAR_19E._fields_ = [
-    ('conn_id_length', c_uint),
-    ('cert_type', c_uint),
-    ('cert_length', c_uint),
-    ('csl', c_uint),
-    ('clear', c_uint),
-    ('enc', c_uint),
-    ('ccl', c_ubyte * 32),
-    ('cipher_spec_length', c_uint),
-    ('session_id_length', c_uint),
-    ('clen', c_uint),
-    ('rlen', c_uint),
-assert sizeof(N13ssl2_state_st4DOLLAR_19E) == 72, sizeof(N13ssl2_state_st4DOLLAR_19E)
-assert alignment(N13ssl2_state_st4DOLLAR_19E) == 4, alignment(N13ssl2_state_st4DOLLAR_19E)
-ssl2_state_st._fields_ = [
-    ('three_byte_header', c_int),
-    ('clear_text', c_int),
-    ('escape', c_int),
-    ('ssl2_rollback', c_int),
-    ('wnum', c_uint),
-    ('wpend_tot', c_int),
-    ('wpend_buf', POINTER(c_ubyte)),
-    ('wpend_off', c_int),
-    ('wpend_len', c_int),
-    ('wpend_ret', c_int),
-    ('rbuf_left', c_int),
-    ('rbuf_offs', c_int),
-    ('rbuf', POINTER(c_ubyte)),
-    ('wbuf', POINTER(c_ubyte)),
-    ('write_ptr', POINTER(c_ubyte)),
-    ('padding', c_uint),
-    ('rlength', c_uint),
-    ('ract_data_length', c_int),
-    ('wlength', c_uint),
-    ('wact_data_length', c_int),
-    ('ract_data', POINTER(c_ubyte)),
-    ('wact_data', POINTER(c_ubyte)),
-    ('mac_data', POINTER(c_ubyte)),
-    ('read_key', POINTER(c_ubyte)),
-    ('write_key', POINTER(c_ubyte)),
-    ('challenge_length', c_uint),
-    ('challenge', c_ubyte * 32),
-    ('conn_id_length', c_uint),
-    ('conn_id', c_ubyte * 16),
-    ('key_material_length', c_uint),
-    ('key_material', c_ubyte * 48),
-    ('read_sequence', c_ulong),
-    ('write_sequence', c_ulong),
-    ('tmp', N13ssl2_state_st4DOLLAR_19E),
-assert sizeof(ssl2_state_st) == 288, sizeof(ssl2_state_st)
-assert alignment(ssl2_state_st) == 4, alignment(ssl2_state_st)
-SSL2_STATE = ssl2_state_st
-class ssl3_record_st(Structure):
-    pass
-ssl3_record_st._fields_ = [
-    ('type', c_int),
-    ('length', c_uint),
-    ('off', c_uint),
-    ('data', POINTER(c_ubyte)),
-    ('input', POINTER(c_ubyte)),
-    ('comp', POINTER(c_ubyte)),
-assert sizeof(ssl3_record_st) == 24, sizeof(ssl3_record_st)
-assert alignment(ssl3_record_st) == 4, alignment(ssl3_record_st)
-SSL3_RECORD = ssl3_record_st
-class ssl3_buffer_st(Structure):
-    pass
-size_t = __darwin_size_t
-ssl3_buffer_st._fields_ = [
-    ('buf', POINTER(c_ubyte)),
-    ('len', size_t),
-    ('offset', c_int),
-    ('left', c_int),
-assert sizeof(ssl3_buffer_st) == 16, sizeof(ssl3_buffer_st)
-assert alignment(ssl3_buffer_st) == 4, alignment(ssl3_buffer_st)
-SSL3_BUFFER = ssl3_buffer_st
-class N13ssl3_state_st4DOLLAR_20E(Structure):
-    pass
-N13ssl3_state_st4DOLLAR_20E._fields_ = [
-    ('cert_verify_md', c_ubyte * 72),
-    ('finish_md', c_ubyte * 72),
-    ('finish_md_len', c_int),
-    ('peer_finish_md', c_ubyte * 72),
-    ('peer_finish_md_len', c_int),
-    ('message_size', c_ulong),
-    ('message_type', c_int),
-    ('new_cipher', POINTER(SSL_CIPHER)),
-    ('dh', POINTER(DH)),
-    ('next_state', c_int),
-    ('reuse_message', c_int),
-    ('cert_req', c_int),
-    ('ctype_num', c_int),
-    ('ctype', c_char * 7),
-    ('ca_names', POINTER(STACK)),
-    ('use_rsa_tmp', c_int),
-    ('key_block_length', c_int),
-    ('key_block', POINTER(c_ubyte)),
-    ('new_sym_enc', POINTER(EVP_CIPHER)),
-    ('new_hash', POINTER(EVP_MD)),
-    ('new_compression', POINTER(SSL_COMP)),
-    ('cert_request', c_int),
-assert sizeof(N13ssl3_state_st4DOLLAR_20E) == 296, sizeof(N13ssl3_state_st4DOLLAR_20E)
-assert alignment(N13ssl3_state_st4DOLLAR_20E) == 4, alignment(N13ssl3_state_st4DOLLAR_20E)
-ssl3_state_st._fields_ = [
-    ('flags', c_long),
-    ('delay_buf_pop_ret', c_int),
-    ('read_sequence', c_ubyte * 8),
-    ('read_mac_secret', c_ubyte * 36),
-    ('write_sequence', c_ubyte * 8),
-    ('write_mac_secret', c_ubyte * 36),
-    ('server_random', c_ubyte * 32),
-    ('client_random', c_ubyte * 32),
-    ('need_empty_fragments', c_int),
-    ('empty_fragment_done', c_int),
-    ('rbuf', SSL3_BUFFER),
-    ('wbuf', SSL3_BUFFER),
-    ('rrec', SSL3_RECORD),
-    ('wrec', SSL3_RECORD),
-    ('alert_fragment', c_ubyte * 2),
-    ('alert_fragment_len', c_uint),
-    ('handshake_fragment', c_ubyte * 4),
-    ('handshake_fragment_len', c_uint),
-    ('wnum', c_uint),
-    ('wpend_tot', c_int),
-    ('wpend_type', c_int),
-    ('wpend_ret', c_int),
-    ('wpend_buf', POINTER(c_ubyte)),
-    ('finish_dgst1', EVP_MD_CTX),
-    ('finish_dgst2', EVP_MD_CTX),
-    ('change_cipher_spec', c_int),
-    ('warn_alert', c_int),
-    ('fatal_alert', c_int),
-    ('alert_dispatch', c_int),
-    ('send_alert', c_ubyte * 2),
-    ('renegotiate', c_int),
-    ('total_renegotiations', c_int),
-    ('num_renegotiations', c_int),
-    ('in_read_app_data', c_int),
-    ('tmp', N13ssl3_state_st4DOLLAR_20E),
-assert sizeof(ssl3_state_st) == 648, sizeof(ssl3_state_st)
-assert alignment(ssl3_state_st) == 4, alignment(ssl3_state_st)
-SSL3_STATE = ssl3_state_st
-stack_st._fields_ = [
-    ('num', c_int),
-    ('data', POINTER(STRING)),
-    ('sorted', c_int),
-    ('num_alloc', c_int),
-assert sizeof(stack_st) == 20, sizeof(stack_st)
-assert alignment(stack_st) == 4, alignment(stack_st)
-class ui_st(Structure):
-    pass
-ui_st._fields_ = [
-UI = ui_st
-class ui_method_st(Structure):
-    pass
-ui_method_st._fields_ = [
-UI_METHOD = ui_method_st
-class ui_string_st(Structure):
-    pass
-ui_string_st._fields_ = [
-UI_STRING = ui_string_st
-# values for enumeration 'UI_string_types'
-UI_string_types = c_int # enum
-class X509_objects_st(Structure):
-    pass
-X509_objects_st._fields_ = [
-    ('nid', c_int),
-    ('a2i', CFUNCTYPE(c_int)),
-    ('i2a', CFUNCTYPE(c_int)),
-assert sizeof(X509_objects_st) == 12, sizeof(X509_objects_st)
-assert alignment(X509_objects_st) == 4, alignment(X509_objects_st)
-X509_OBJECTS = X509_objects_st
-X509_algor_st._fields_ = [
-    ('algorithm', POINTER(ASN1_OBJECT)),
-    ('parameter', POINTER(ASN1_TYPE)),
-assert sizeof(X509_algor_st) == 8, sizeof(X509_algor_st)
-assert alignment(X509_algor_st) == 4, alignment(X509_algor_st)
-class X509_val_st(Structure):
-    pass
-X509_val_st._fields_ = [
-    ('notBefore', POINTER(ASN1_TIME)),
-    ('notAfter', POINTER(ASN1_TIME)),
-assert sizeof(X509_val_st) == 8, sizeof(X509_val_st)
-assert alignment(X509_val_st) == 4, alignment(X509_val_st)
-X509_VAL = X509_val_st
-class X509_pubkey_st(Structure):
-    pass
-X509_pubkey_st._fields_ = [
-    ('algor', POINTER(X509_ALGOR)),
-    ('public_key', POINTER(ASN1_BIT_STRING)),
-    ('pkey', POINTER(EVP_PKEY)),
-assert sizeof(X509_pubkey_st) == 12, sizeof(X509_pubkey_st)
-assert alignment(X509_pubkey_st) == 4, alignment(X509_pubkey_st)
-X509_PUBKEY = X509_pubkey_st
-class X509_sig_st(Structure):
-    pass
-X509_sig_st._fields_ = [
-    ('algor', POINTER(X509_ALGOR)),
-    ('digest', POINTER(ASN1_OCTET_STRING)),
-assert sizeof(X509_sig_st) == 8, sizeof(X509_sig_st)
-assert alignment(X509_sig_st) == 4, alignment(X509_sig_st)
-X509_SIG = X509_sig_st
-class X509_name_entry_st(Structure):
-    pass
-X509_name_entry_st._fields_ = [
-    ('object', POINTER(ASN1_OBJECT)),
-    ('value', POINTER(ASN1_STRING)),
-    ('set', c_int),
-    ('size', c_int),
-assert sizeof(X509_name_entry_st) == 16, sizeof(X509_name_entry_st)
-assert alignment(X509_name_entry_st) == 4, alignment(X509_name_entry_st)
-X509_NAME_ENTRY = X509_name_entry_st
-X509_name_st._fields_ = [
-    ('entries', POINTER(STACK)),
-    ('modified', c_int),
-    ('bytes', POINTER(BUF_MEM)),
-    ('hash', c_ulong),
-assert sizeof(X509_name_st) == 16, sizeof(X509_name_st)
-assert alignment(X509_name_st) == 4, alignment(X509_name_st)
-class X509_extension_st(Structure):
-    pass
-X509_extension_st._fields_ = [
-    ('object', POINTER(ASN1_OBJECT)),
-    ('critical', ASN1_BOOLEAN),
-    ('value', POINTER(ASN1_OCTET_STRING)),
-assert sizeof(X509_extension_st) == 12, sizeof(X509_extension_st)
-assert alignment(X509_extension_st) == 4, alignment(X509_extension_st)
-X509_EXTENSION = X509_extension_st
-class x509_attributes_st(Structure):
-    pass
-class N18x509_attributes_st4DOLLAR_13E(Union):
-    pass
-N18x509_attributes_st4DOLLAR_13E._fields_ = [
-    ('ptr', STRING),
-    ('set', POINTER(STACK)),
-    ('single', POINTER(ASN1_TYPE)),
-assert sizeof(N18x509_attributes_st4DOLLAR_13E) == 4, sizeof(N18x509_attributes_st4DOLLAR_13E)
-assert alignment(N18x509_attributes_st4DOLLAR_13E) == 4, alignment(N18x509_attributes_st4DOLLAR_13E)
-x509_attributes_st._fields_ = [
-    ('object', POINTER(ASN1_OBJECT)),
-    ('single', c_int),
-    ('value', N18x509_attributes_st4DOLLAR_13E),
-assert sizeof(x509_attributes_st) == 12, sizeof(x509_attributes_st)
-assert alignment(x509_attributes_st) == 4, alignment(x509_attributes_st)
-X509_ATTRIBUTE = x509_attributes_st
-class X509_req_info_st(Structure):
-    pass
-X509_req_info_st._fields_ = [
-    ('enc', ASN1_ENCODING),
-    ('version', POINTER(ASN1_INTEGER)),
-    ('subject', POINTER(X509_NAME)),
-    ('pubkey', POINTER(X509_PUBKEY)),
-    ('attributes', POINTER(STACK)),
-assert sizeof(X509_req_info_st) == 28, sizeof(X509_req_info_st)
-assert alignment(X509_req_info_st) == 4, alignment(X509_req_info_st)
-X509_REQ_INFO = X509_req_info_st
-class X509_req_st(Structure):
-    pass
-X509_req_st._fields_ = [
-    ('req_info', POINTER(X509_REQ_INFO)),
-    ('sig_alg', POINTER(X509_ALGOR)),
-    ('signature', POINTER(ASN1_BIT_STRING)),
-    ('references', c_int),
-assert sizeof(X509_req_st) == 16, sizeof(X509_req_st)
-assert alignment(X509_req_st) == 4, alignment(X509_req_st)
-X509_REQ = X509_req_st
-class x509_cinf_st(Structure):
-    pass
-x509_cinf_st._fields_ = [
-    ('version', POINTER(ASN1_INTEGER)),
-    ('serialNumber', POINTER(ASN1_INTEGER)),
-    ('signature', POINTER(X509_ALGOR)),
-    ('issuer', POINTER(X509_NAME)),
-    ('validity', POINTER(X509_VAL)),
-    ('subject', POINTER(X509_NAME)),
-    ('key', POINTER(X509_PUBKEY)),
-    ('issuerUID', POINTER(ASN1_BIT_STRING)),
-    ('subjectUID', POINTER(ASN1_BIT_STRING)),
-    ('extensions', POINTER(STACK)),
-assert sizeof(x509_cinf_st) == 40, sizeof(x509_cinf_st)
-assert alignment(x509_cinf_st) == 4, alignment(x509_cinf_st)
-X509_CINF = x509_cinf_st
-class x509_cert_aux_st(Structure):
-    pass
-x509_cert_aux_st._fields_ = [
-    ('trust', POINTER(STACK)),
-    ('reject', POINTER(STACK)),
-    ('alias', POINTER(ASN1_UTF8STRING)),
-    ('keyid', POINTER(ASN1_OCTET_STRING)),
-    ('other', POINTER(STACK)),
-assert sizeof(x509_cert_aux_st) == 20, sizeof(x509_cert_aux_st)
-assert alignment(x509_cert_aux_st) == 4, alignment(x509_cert_aux_st)
-X509_CERT_AUX = x509_cert_aux_st
-class AUTHORITY_KEYID_st(Structure):
-    pass
-x509_st._fields_ = [
-    ('cert_info', POINTER(X509_CINF)),
-    ('sig_alg', POINTER(X509_ALGOR)),
-    ('signature', POINTER(ASN1_BIT_STRING)),
-    ('valid', c_int),
-    ('references', c_int),
-    ('name', STRING),
-    ('ex_data', CRYPTO_EX_DATA),
-    ('ex_pathlen', c_long),
-    ('ex_flags', c_ulong),
-    ('ex_kusage', c_ulong),
-    ('ex_xkusage', c_ulong),
-    ('ex_nscert', c_ulong),
-    ('skid', POINTER(ASN1_OCTET_STRING)),
-    ('akid', POINTER(AUTHORITY_KEYID_st)),
-    ('sha1_hash', c_ubyte * 20),
-    ('aux', POINTER(X509_CERT_AUX)),
-assert sizeof(x509_st) == 84, sizeof(x509_st)
-assert alignment(x509_st) == 4, alignment(x509_st)
-AUTHORITY_KEYID_st._fields_ = [
-class x509_trust_st(Structure):
-    pass
-x509_trust_st._fields_ = [
-    ('trust', c_int),
-    ('flags', c_int),
-    ('check_trust', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(x509_trust_st), POINTER(X509), c_int)),
-    ('name', STRING),
-    ('arg1', c_int),
-    ('arg2', c_void_p),
-assert sizeof(x509_trust_st) == 24, sizeof(x509_trust_st)
-assert alignment(x509_trust_st) == 4, alignment(x509_trust_st)
-X509_TRUST = x509_trust_st
-class X509_revoked_st(Structure):
-    pass
-X509_revoked_st._fields_ = [
-    ('serialNumber', POINTER(ASN1_INTEGER)),
-    ('revocationDate', POINTER(ASN1_TIME)),
-    ('extensions', POINTER(STACK)),
-    ('sequence', c_int),
-assert sizeof(X509_revoked_st) == 16, sizeof(X509_revoked_st)
-assert alignment(X509_revoked_st) == 4, alignment(X509_revoked_st)
-X509_REVOKED = X509_revoked_st
-class X509_crl_info_st(Structure):
-    pass
-X509_crl_info_st._fields_ = [
-    ('version', POINTER(ASN1_INTEGER)),
-    ('sig_alg', POINTER(X509_ALGOR)),
-    ('issuer', POINTER(X509_NAME)),
-    ('lastUpdate', POINTER(ASN1_TIME)),
-    ('nextUpdate', POINTER(ASN1_TIME)),
-    ('revoked', POINTER(STACK)),
-    ('extensions', POINTER(STACK)),
-    ('enc', ASN1_ENCODING),
-assert sizeof(X509_crl_info_st) == 40, sizeof(X509_crl_info_st)
-assert alignment(X509_crl_info_st) == 4, alignment(X509_crl_info_st)
-X509_CRL_INFO = X509_crl_info_st
-X509_crl_st._fields_ = [
-    ('crl', POINTER(X509_CRL_INFO)),
-    ('sig_alg', POINTER(X509_ALGOR)),
-    ('signature', POINTER(ASN1_BIT_STRING)),
-    ('references', c_int),
-assert sizeof(X509_crl_st) == 16, sizeof(X509_crl_st)
-assert alignment(X509_crl_st) == 4, alignment(X509_crl_st)
-class private_key_st(Structure):
-    pass
-private_key_st._fields_ = [
-    ('version', c_int),
-    ('enc_algor', POINTER(X509_ALGOR)),
-    ('enc_pkey', POINTER(ASN1_OCTET_STRING)),
-    ('dec_pkey', POINTER(EVP_PKEY)),
-    ('key_length', c_int),
-    ('key_data', STRING),
-    ('key_free', c_int),
-    ('cipher', EVP_CIPHER_INFO),
-    ('references', c_int),
-assert sizeof(private_key_st) == 52, sizeof(private_key_st)
-assert alignment(private_key_st) == 4, alignment(private_key_st)
-X509_PKEY = private_key_st
-class X509_info_st(Structure):
-    pass
-X509_info_st._fields_ = [
-    ('x509', POINTER(X509)),
-    ('crl', POINTER(X509_CRL)),
-    ('x_pkey', POINTER(X509_PKEY)),
-    ('enc_cipher', EVP_CIPHER_INFO),
-    ('enc_len', c_int),
-    ('enc_data', STRING),
-    ('references', c_int),
-assert sizeof(X509_info_st) == 44, sizeof(X509_info_st)
-assert alignment(X509_info_st) == 4, alignment(X509_info_st)
-X509_INFO = X509_info_st
-class Netscape_spkac_st(Structure):
-    pass
-Netscape_spkac_st._fields_ = [
-    ('pubkey', POINTER(X509_PUBKEY)),
-    ('challenge', POINTER(ASN1_IA5STRING)),
-assert sizeof(Netscape_spkac_st) == 8, sizeof(Netscape_spkac_st)
-assert alignment(Netscape_spkac_st) == 4, alignment(Netscape_spkac_st)
-NETSCAPE_SPKAC = Netscape_spkac_st
-class Netscape_spki_st(Structure):
-    pass
-Netscape_spki_st._fields_ = [
-    ('spkac', POINTER(NETSCAPE_SPKAC)),
-    ('sig_algor', POINTER(X509_ALGOR)),
-    ('signature', POINTER(ASN1_BIT_STRING)),
-assert sizeof(Netscape_spki_st) == 12, sizeof(Netscape_spki_st)
-assert alignment(Netscape_spki_st) == 4, alignment(Netscape_spki_st)
-NETSCAPE_SPKI = Netscape_spki_st
-class Netscape_certificate_sequence(Structure):
-    pass
-Netscape_certificate_sequence._fields_ = [
-    ('type', POINTER(ASN1_OBJECT)),
-    ('certs', POINTER(STACK)),
-assert sizeof(Netscape_certificate_sequence) == 8, sizeof(Netscape_certificate_sequence)
-assert alignment(Netscape_certificate_sequence) == 4, alignment(Netscape_certificate_sequence)
-NETSCAPE_CERT_SEQUENCE = Netscape_certificate_sequence
-class PBEPARAM_st(Structure):
-    pass
-PBEPARAM_st._fields_ = [
-    ('salt', POINTER(ASN1_OCTET_STRING)),
-    ('iter', POINTER(ASN1_INTEGER)),
-assert sizeof(PBEPARAM_st) == 8, sizeof(PBEPARAM_st)
-assert alignment(PBEPARAM_st) == 4, alignment(PBEPARAM_st)
-class PBE2PARAM_st(Structure):
-    pass
-PBE2PARAM_st._fields_ = [
-    ('keyfunc', POINTER(X509_ALGOR)),
-    ('encryption', POINTER(X509_ALGOR)),
-assert sizeof(PBE2PARAM_st) == 8, sizeof(PBE2PARAM_st)
-assert alignment(PBE2PARAM_st) == 4, alignment(PBE2PARAM_st)
-class PBKDF2PARAM_st(Structure):
-    pass
-PBKDF2PARAM_st._fields_ = [
-    ('salt', POINTER(ASN1_TYPE)),
-    ('iter', POINTER(ASN1_INTEGER)),
-    ('keylength', POINTER(ASN1_INTEGER)),
-    ('prf', POINTER(X509_ALGOR)),
-assert sizeof(PBKDF2PARAM_st) == 16, sizeof(PBKDF2PARAM_st)
-assert alignment(PBKDF2PARAM_st) == 4, alignment(PBKDF2PARAM_st)
-class pkcs8_priv_key_info_st(Structure):
-    pass
-pkcs8_priv_key_info_st._fields_ = [
-    ('broken', c_int),
-    ('version', POINTER(ASN1_INTEGER)),
-    ('pkeyalg', POINTER(X509_ALGOR)),
-    ('pkey', POINTER(ASN1_TYPE)),
-    ('attributes', POINTER(STACK)),
-assert sizeof(pkcs8_priv_key_info_st) == 20, sizeof(pkcs8_priv_key_info_st)
-assert alignment(pkcs8_priv_key_info_st) == 4, alignment(pkcs8_priv_key_info_st)
-PKCS8_PRIV_KEY_INFO = pkcs8_priv_key_info_st
-class x509_hash_dir_st(Structure):
-    pass
-x509_hash_dir_st._fields_ = [
-    ('num_dirs', c_int),
-    ('dirs', POINTER(STRING)),
-    ('dirs_type', POINTER(c_int)),
-    ('num_dirs_alloced', c_int),
-assert sizeof(x509_hash_dir_st) == 16, sizeof(x509_hash_dir_st)
-assert alignment(x509_hash_dir_st) == 4, alignment(x509_hash_dir_st)
-X509_HASH_DIR_CTX = x509_hash_dir_st
-class x509_file_st(Structure):
-    pass
-x509_file_st._fields_ = [
-    ('num_paths', c_int),
-    ('num_alloced', c_int),
-    ('paths', POINTER(STRING)),
-    ('path_type', POINTER(c_int)),
-assert sizeof(x509_file_st) == 16, sizeof(x509_file_st)
-assert alignment(x509_file_st) == 4, alignment(x509_file_st)
-X509_CERT_FILE_CTX = x509_file_st
-class x509_object_st(Structure):
-    pass
-class N14x509_object_st4DOLLAR_14E(Union):
-    pass
-N14x509_object_st4DOLLAR_14E._fields_ = [
-    ('ptr', STRING),
-    ('x509', POINTER(X509)),
-    ('crl', POINTER(X509_CRL)),
-    ('pkey', POINTER(EVP_PKEY)),
-assert sizeof(N14x509_object_st4DOLLAR_14E) == 4, sizeof(N14x509_object_st4DOLLAR_14E)
-assert alignment(N14x509_object_st4DOLLAR_14E) == 4, alignment(N14x509_object_st4DOLLAR_14E)
-x509_object_st._fields_ = [
-    ('type', c_int),
-    ('data', N14x509_object_st4DOLLAR_14E),
-assert sizeof(x509_object_st) == 8, sizeof(x509_object_st)
-assert alignment(x509_object_st) == 4, alignment(x509_object_st)
-X509_OBJECT = x509_object_st
-class x509_lookup_st(Structure):
-    pass
-X509_LOOKUP = x509_lookup_st
-class x509_lookup_method_st(Structure):
-    pass
-x509_lookup_method_st._fields_ = [
-    ('name', STRING),
-    ('new_item', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(X509_LOOKUP))),
-    ('free', CFUNCTYPE(None, POINTER(X509_LOOKUP))),
-    ('init', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(X509_LOOKUP))),
-    ('shutdown', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(X509_LOOKUP))),
-    ('ctrl', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(X509_LOOKUP), c_int, STRING, c_long, POINTER(STRING))),
-    ('get_by_subject', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(X509_LOOKUP), c_int, POINTER(X509_NAME), POINTER(X509_OBJECT))),
-    ('get_by_issuer_serial', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(X509_LOOKUP), c_int, POINTER(X509_NAME), POINTER(ASN1_INTEGER), POINTER(X509_OBJECT))),
-    ('get_by_fingerprint', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(X509_LOOKUP), c_int, POINTER(c_ubyte), c_int, POINTER(X509_OBJECT))),
-    ('get_by_alias', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(X509_LOOKUP), c_int, STRING, c_int, POINTER(X509_OBJECT))),
-assert sizeof(x509_lookup_method_st) == 40, sizeof(x509_lookup_method_st)
-assert alignment(x509_lookup_method_st) == 4, alignment(x509_lookup_method_st)
-X509_LOOKUP_METHOD = x509_lookup_method_st
-x509_store_st._fields_ = [
-    ('cache', c_int),
-    ('objs', POINTER(STACK)),
-    ('get_cert_methods', POINTER(STACK)),
-    ('flags', c_ulong),
-    ('purpose', c_int),
-    ('trust', c_int),
-    ('verify', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(X509_STORE_CTX))),
-    ('verify_cb', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_int, POINTER(X509_STORE_CTX))),
-    ('get_issuer', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(POINTER(X509)), POINTER(X509_STORE_CTX), POINTER(X509))),
-    ('check_issued', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(X509_STORE_CTX), POINTER(X509), POINTER(X509))),
-    ('check_revocation', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(X509_STORE_CTX))),
-    ('get_crl', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(X509_STORE_CTX), POINTER(POINTER(X509_CRL)), POINTER(X509))),
-    ('check_crl', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(X509_STORE_CTX), POINTER(X509_CRL))),
-    ('cert_crl', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(X509_STORE_CTX), POINTER(X509_CRL), POINTER(X509))),
-    ('cleanup', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(X509_STORE_CTX))),
-    ('ex_data', CRYPTO_EX_DATA),
-    ('references', c_int),
-    ('depth', c_int),
-assert sizeof(x509_store_st) == 76, sizeof(x509_store_st)
-assert alignment(x509_store_st) == 4, alignment(x509_store_st)
-x509_lookup_st._fields_ = [
-    ('init', c_int),
-    ('skip', c_int),
-    ('method', POINTER(X509_LOOKUP_METHOD)),
-    ('method_data', STRING),
-    ('store_ctx', POINTER(X509_STORE)),
-assert sizeof(x509_lookup_st) == 20, sizeof(x509_lookup_st)
-assert alignment(x509_lookup_st) == 4, alignment(x509_lookup_st)
-time_t = __darwin_time_t
-x509_store_ctx_st._fields_ = [
-    ('ctx', POINTER(X509_STORE)),
-    ('current_method', c_int),
-    ('cert', POINTER(X509)),
-    ('untrusted', POINTER(STACK)),
-    ('purpose', c_int),
-    ('trust', c_int),
-    ('check_time', time_t),
-    ('flags', c_ulong),
-    ('other_ctx', c_void_p),
-    ('verify', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(X509_STORE_CTX))),
-    ('verify_cb', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_int, POINTER(X509_STORE_CTX))),
-    ('get_issuer', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(POINTER(X509)), POINTER(X509_STORE_CTX), POINTER(X509))),
-    ('check_issued', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(X509_STORE_CTX), POINTER(X509), POINTER(X509))),
-    ('check_revocation', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(X509_STORE_CTX))),
-    ('get_crl', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(X509_STORE_CTX), POINTER(POINTER(X509_CRL)), POINTER(X509))),
-    ('check_crl', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(X509_STORE_CTX), POINTER(X509_CRL))),
-    ('cert_crl', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(X509_STORE_CTX), POINTER(X509_CRL), POINTER(X509))),
-    ('cleanup', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(X509_STORE_CTX))),
-    ('depth', c_int),
-    ('valid', c_int),
-    ('last_untrusted', c_int),
-    ('chain', POINTER(STACK)),
-    ('error_depth', c_int),
-    ('error', c_int),
-    ('current_cert', POINTER(X509)),
-    ('current_issuer', POINTER(X509)),
-    ('current_crl', POINTER(X509_CRL)),
-    ('ex_data', CRYPTO_EX_DATA),
-assert sizeof(x509_store_ctx_st) == 116, sizeof(x509_store_ctx_st)
-assert alignment(x509_store_ctx_st) == 4, alignment(x509_store_ctx_st)
-va_list = __darwin_va_list
-__darwin_off_t = __int64_t
-fpos_t = __darwin_off_t
-class __sbuf(Structure):
-    pass
-__sbuf._fields_ = [
-    ('_base', POINTER(c_ubyte)),
-    ('_size', c_int),
-assert sizeof(__sbuf) == 8, sizeof(__sbuf)
-assert alignment(__sbuf) == 4, alignment(__sbuf)
-class __sFILEX(Structure):
-    pass
-__sFILEX._fields_ = [
-class __sFILE(Structure):
-    pass
-__sFILE._pack_ = 4
-__sFILE._fields_ = [
-    ('_p', POINTER(c_ubyte)),
-    ('_r', c_int),
-    ('_w', c_int),
-    ('_flags', c_short),
-    ('_file', c_short),
-    ('_bf', __sbuf),
-    ('_lbfsize', c_int),
-    ('_cookie', c_void_p),
-    ('_close', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_void_p)),
-    ('_read', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_void_p, STRING, c_int)),
-    ('_seek', CFUNCTYPE(fpos_t, c_void_p, c_longlong, c_int)),
-    ('_write', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_void_p, STRING, c_int)),
-    ('_ub', __sbuf),
-    ('_extra', POINTER(__sFILEX)),
-    ('_ur', c_int),
-    ('_ubuf', c_ubyte * 3),
-    ('_nbuf', c_ubyte * 1),
-    ('_lb', __sbuf),
-    ('_blksize', c_int),
-    ('_offset', fpos_t),
-assert sizeof(__sFILE) == 88, sizeof(__sFILE)
-assert alignment(__sFILE) == 4, alignment(__sFILE)
-ct_rune_t = __darwin_ct_rune_t
-rune_t = __darwin_rune_t
-class div_t(Structure):
-    pass
-div_t._fields_ = [
-    ('quot', c_int),
-    ('rem', c_int),
-assert sizeof(div_t) == 8, sizeof(div_t)
-assert alignment(div_t) == 4, alignment(div_t)
-class ldiv_t(Structure):
-    pass
-ldiv_t._fields_ = [
-    ('quot', c_long),
-    ('rem', c_long),
-assert sizeof(ldiv_t) == 8, sizeof(ldiv_t)
-assert alignment(ldiv_t) == 4, alignment(ldiv_t)
-class lldiv_t(Structure):
-    pass
-lldiv_t._pack_ = 4
-lldiv_t._fields_ = [
-    ('quot', c_longlong),
-    ('rem', c_longlong),
-assert sizeof(lldiv_t) == 16, sizeof(lldiv_t)
-assert alignment(lldiv_t) == 4, alignment(lldiv_t)
-__darwin_dev_t = __int32_t
-dev_t = __darwin_dev_t
-__darwin_mode_t = __uint16_t
-mode_t = __darwin_mode_t
-class mcontext(Structure):
-    pass
-mcontext._fields_ = [
-class mcontext64(Structure):
-    pass
-mcontext64._fields_ = [
-class __darwin_pthread_handler_rec(Structure):
-    pass
-__darwin_pthread_handler_rec._fields_ = [
-    ('__routine', CFUNCTYPE(None, c_void_p)),
-    ('__arg', c_void_p),
-    ('__next', POINTER(__darwin_pthread_handler_rec)),
-assert sizeof(__darwin_pthread_handler_rec) == 12, sizeof(__darwin_pthread_handler_rec)
-assert alignment(__darwin_pthread_handler_rec) == 4, alignment(__darwin_pthread_handler_rec)
-class _opaque_pthread_attr_t(Structure):
-    pass
-_opaque_pthread_attr_t._fields_ = [
-    ('__sig', c_long),
-    ('__opaque', c_char * 36),
-assert sizeof(_opaque_pthread_attr_t) == 40, sizeof(_opaque_pthread_attr_t)
-assert alignment(_opaque_pthread_attr_t) == 4, alignment(_opaque_pthread_attr_t)
-class _opaque_pthread_cond_t(Structure):
-    pass
-_opaque_pthread_cond_t._fields_ = [
-    ('__sig', c_long),
-    ('__opaque', c_char * 24),
-assert sizeof(_opaque_pthread_cond_t) == 28, sizeof(_opaque_pthread_cond_t)
-assert alignment(_opaque_pthread_cond_t) == 4, alignment(_opaque_pthread_cond_t)
-class _opaque_pthread_condattr_t(Structure):
-    pass
-_opaque_pthread_condattr_t._fields_ = [
-    ('__sig', c_long),
-    ('__opaque', c_char * 4),
-assert sizeof(_opaque_pthread_condattr_t) == 8, sizeof(_opaque_pthread_condattr_t)
-assert alignment(_opaque_pthread_condattr_t) == 4, alignment(_opaque_pthread_condattr_t)
-class _opaque_pthread_mutex_t(Structure):
-    pass
-_opaque_pthread_mutex_t._fields_ = [
-    ('__sig', c_long),
-    ('__opaque', c_char * 40),
-assert sizeof(_opaque_pthread_mutex_t) == 44, sizeof(_opaque_pthread_mutex_t)
-assert alignment(_opaque_pthread_mutex_t) == 4, alignment(_opaque_pthread_mutex_t)
-class _opaque_pthread_mutexattr_t(Structure):
-    pass
-_opaque_pthread_mutexattr_t._fields_ = [
-    ('__sig', c_long),
-    ('__opaque', c_char * 8),
-assert sizeof(_opaque_pthread_mutexattr_t) == 12, sizeof(_opaque_pthread_mutexattr_t)
-assert alignment(_opaque_pthread_mutexattr_t) == 4, alignment(_opaque_pthread_mutexattr_t)
-class _opaque_pthread_once_t(Structure):
-    pass
-_opaque_pthread_once_t._fields_ = [
-    ('__sig', c_long),
-    ('__opaque', c_char * 4),
-assert sizeof(_opaque_pthread_once_t) == 8, sizeof(_opaque_pthread_once_t)
-assert alignment(_opaque_pthread_once_t) == 4, alignment(_opaque_pthread_once_t)
-class _opaque_pthread_rwlock_t(Structure):
-    pass
-_opaque_pthread_rwlock_t._fields_ = [
-    ('__sig', c_long),
-    ('__opaque', c_char * 124),
-assert sizeof(_opaque_pthread_rwlock_t) == 128, sizeof(_opaque_pthread_rwlock_t)
-assert alignment(_opaque_pthread_rwlock_t) == 4, alignment(_opaque_pthread_rwlock_t)
-class _opaque_pthread_rwlockattr_t(Structure):
-    pass
-_opaque_pthread_rwlockattr_t._fields_ = [
-    ('__sig', c_long),
-    ('__opaque', c_char * 12),
-assert sizeof(_opaque_pthread_rwlockattr_t) == 16, sizeof(_opaque_pthread_rwlockattr_t)
-assert alignment(_opaque_pthread_rwlockattr_t) == 4, alignment(_opaque_pthread_rwlockattr_t)
-class _opaque_pthread_t(Structure):
-    pass
-_opaque_pthread_t._fields_ = [
-    ('__sig', c_long),
-    ('__cleanup_stack', POINTER(__darwin_pthread_handler_rec)),
-    ('__opaque', c_char * 596),
-assert sizeof(_opaque_pthread_t) == 604, sizeof(_opaque_pthread_t)
-assert alignment(_opaque_pthread_t) == 4, alignment(_opaque_pthread_t)
-__darwin_blkcnt_t = __int64_t
-__darwin_blksize_t = __int32_t
-__darwin_fsblkcnt_t = c_uint
-__darwin_fsfilcnt_t = c_uint
-__darwin_gid_t = __uint32_t
-__darwin_id_t = __uint32_t
-__darwin_ino_t = __uint32_t
-__darwin_mach_port_name_t = __darwin_natural_t
-__darwin_mach_port_t = __darwin_mach_port_name_t
-__darwin_mcontext_t = POINTER(mcontext)
-__darwin_mcontext64_t = POINTER(mcontext64)
-__darwin_pid_t = __int32_t
-__darwin_pthread_attr_t = _opaque_pthread_attr_t
-__darwin_pthread_cond_t = _opaque_pthread_cond_t
-__darwin_pthread_condattr_t = _opaque_pthread_condattr_t
-__darwin_pthread_key_t = c_ulong
-__darwin_pthread_mutex_t = _opaque_pthread_mutex_t
-__darwin_pthread_mutexattr_t = _opaque_pthread_mutexattr_t
-__darwin_pthread_once_t = _opaque_pthread_once_t
-__darwin_pthread_rwlock_t = _opaque_pthread_rwlock_t
-__darwin_pthread_rwlockattr_t = _opaque_pthread_rwlockattr_t
-__darwin_pthread_t = POINTER(_opaque_pthread_t)
-__darwin_sigset_t = __uint32_t
-__darwin_suseconds_t = __int32_t
-__darwin_uid_t = __uint32_t
-__darwin_useconds_t = __uint32_t
-__darwin_uuid_t = c_ubyte * 16
-class sigaltstack(Structure):
-    pass
-sigaltstack._fields_ = [
-    ('ss_sp', c_void_p),
-    ('ss_size', __darwin_size_t),
-    ('ss_flags', c_int),
-assert sizeof(sigaltstack) == 12, sizeof(sigaltstack)
-assert alignment(sigaltstack) == 4, alignment(sigaltstack)
-__darwin_stack_t = sigaltstack
-class ucontext(Structure):
-    pass
-ucontext._fields_ = [
-    ('uc_onstack', c_int),
-    ('uc_sigmask', __darwin_sigset_t),
-    ('uc_stack', __darwin_stack_t),
-    ('uc_link', POINTER(ucontext)),
-    ('uc_mcsize', __darwin_size_t),
-    ('uc_mcontext', __darwin_mcontext_t),
-assert sizeof(ucontext) == 32, sizeof(ucontext)
-assert alignment(ucontext) == 4, alignment(ucontext)
-__darwin_ucontext_t = ucontext
-class ucontext64(Structure):
-    pass
-ucontext64._fields_ = [
-    ('uc_onstack', c_int),
-    ('uc_sigmask', __darwin_sigset_t),
-    ('uc_stack', __darwin_stack_t),
-    ('uc_link', POINTER(ucontext64)),
-    ('uc_mcsize', __darwin_size_t),
-    ('uc_mcontext64', __darwin_mcontext64_t),
-assert sizeof(ucontext64) == 32, sizeof(ucontext64)
-assert alignment(ucontext64) == 4, alignment(ucontext64)
-__darwin_ucontext64_t = ucontext64
-class timeval(Structure):
-    pass
-timeval._fields_ = [
-    ('tv_sec', __darwin_time_t),
-    ('tv_usec', __darwin_suseconds_t),
-assert sizeof(timeval) == 8, sizeof(timeval)
-assert alignment(timeval) == 4, alignment(timeval)
-rlim_t = __int64_t
-class rusage(Structure):
-    pass
-rusage._fields_ = [
-    ('ru_utime', timeval),
-    ('ru_stime', timeval),
-    ('ru_maxrss', c_long),
-    ('ru_ixrss', c_long),
-    ('ru_idrss', c_long),
-    ('ru_isrss', c_long),
-    ('ru_minflt', c_long),
-    ('ru_majflt', c_long),
-    ('ru_nswap', c_long),
-    ('ru_inblock', c_long),
-    ('ru_oublock', c_long),
-    ('ru_msgsnd', c_long),
-    ('ru_msgrcv', c_long),
-    ('ru_nsignals', c_long),
-    ('ru_nvcsw', c_long),
-    ('ru_nivcsw', c_long),
-assert sizeof(rusage) == 72, sizeof(rusage)
-assert alignment(rusage) == 4, alignment(rusage)
-class rlimit(Structure):
-    pass
-rlimit._pack_ = 4
-rlimit._fields_ = [
-    ('rlim_cur', rlim_t),
-    ('rlim_max', rlim_t),
-assert sizeof(rlimit) == 16, sizeof(rlimit)
-assert alignment(rlimit) == 4, alignment(rlimit)
-mcontext_t = __darwin_mcontext_t
-mcontext64_t = __darwin_mcontext64_t
-pthread_attr_t = __darwin_pthread_attr_t
-sigset_t = __darwin_sigset_t
-ucontext_t = __darwin_ucontext_t
-ucontext64_t = __darwin_ucontext64_t
-uid_t = __darwin_uid_t
-class sigval(Union):
-    pass
-sigval._fields_ = [
-    ('sival_int', c_int),
-    ('sival_ptr', c_void_p),
-assert sizeof(sigval) == 4, sizeof(sigval)
-assert alignment(sigval) == 4, alignment(sigval)
-class sigevent(Structure):
-    pass
-sigevent._fields_ = [
-    ('sigev_notify', c_int),
-    ('sigev_signo', c_int),
-    ('sigev_value', sigval),
-    ('sigev_notify_function', CFUNCTYPE(None, sigval)),
-    ('sigev_notify_attributes', POINTER(pthread_attr_t)),
-assert sizeof(sigevent) == 20, sizeof(sigevent)
-assert alignment(sigevent) == 4, alignment(sigevent)
-class __siginfo(Structure):
-    pass
-pid_t = __darwin_pid_t
-__siginfo._fields_ = [
-    ('si_signo', c_int),
-    ('si_errno', c_int),
-    ('si_code', c_int),
-    ('si_pid', pid_t),
-    ('si_uid', uid_t),
-    ('si_status', c_int),
-    ('si_addr', c_void_p),
-    ('si_value', sigval),
-    ('si_band', c_long),
-    ('pad', c_ulong * 7),
-assert sizeof(__siginfo) == 64, sizeof(__siginfo)
-assert alignment(__siginfo) == 4, alignment(__siginfo)
-siginfo_t = __siginfo
-class __sigaction_u(Union):
-    pass
-__sigaction_u._fields_ = [
-    ('__sa_handler', CFUNCTYPE(None, c_int)),
-    ('__sa_sigaction', CFUNCTYPE(None, c_int, POINTER(__siginfo), c_void_p)),
-assert sizeof(__sigaction_u) == 4, sizeof(__sigaction_u)
-assert alignment(__sigaction_u) == 4, alignment(__sigaction_u)
-class __sigaction(Structure):
-    pass
-__sigaction._fields_ = [
-    ('__sigaction_u', __sigaction_u),
-    ('sa_tramp', CFUNCTYPE(None, c_void_p, c_int, c_int, POINTER(siginfo_t), c_void_p)),
-    ('sa_mask', sigset_t),
-    ('sa_flags', c_int),
-assert sizeof(__sigaction) == 16, sizeof(__sigaction)
-assert alignment(__sigaction) == 4, alignment(__sigaction)
-class sigaction(Structure):
-    pass
-sigaction._fields_ = [
-    ('__sigaction_u', __sigaction_u),
-    ('sa_mask', sigset_t),
-    ('sa_flags', c_int),
-assert sizeof(sigaction) == 12, sizeof(sigaction)
-assert alignment(sigaction) == 4, alignment(sigaction)
-sig_t = CFUNCTYPE(None, c_int)
-stack_t = __darwin_stack_t
-class sigvec(Structure):
-    pass
-sigvec._fields_ = [
-    ('sv_handler', CFUNCTYPE(None, c_int)),
-    ('sv_mask', c_int),
-    ('sv_flags', c_int),
-assert sizeof(sigvec) == 12, sizeof(sigvec)
-assert alignment(sigvec) == 4, alignment(sigvec)
-class sigstack(Structure):
-    pass
-sigstack._fields_ = [
-    ('ss_sp', STRING),
-    ('ss_onstack', c_int),
-assert sizeof(sigstack) == 8, sizeof(sigstack)
-assert alignment(sigstack) == 4, alignment(sigstack)
-u_char = c_ubyte
-u_short = c_ushort
-u_int = c_uint
-u_long = c_ulong
-ushort = c_ushort
-uint = c_uint
-u_quad_t = u_int64_t
-quad_t = int64_t
-qaddr_t = POINTER(quad_t)
-caddr_t = STRING
-daddr_t = int32_t
-fixpt_t = u_int32_t
-blkcnt_t = __darwin_blkcnt_t
-blksize_t = __darwin_blksize_t
-gid_t = __darwin_gid_t
-in_addr_t = __uint32_t
-in_port_t = __uint16_t
-ino_t = __darwin_ino_t
-key_t = __int32_t
-nlink_t = __uint16_t
-off_t = __darwin_off_t
-segsz_t = int32_t
-swblk_t = int32_t
-clock_t = __darwin_clock_t
-ssize_t = __darwin_ssize_t
-useconds_t = __darwin_useconds_t
-suseconds_t = __darwin_suseconds_t
-fd_mask = __int32_t
-class fd_set(Structure):
-    pass
-fd_set._fields_ = [
-    ('fds_bits', __int32_t * 32),
-assert sizeof(fd_set) == 128, sizeof(fd_set)
-assert alignment(fd_set) == 4, alignment(fd_set)
-pthread_cond_t = __darwin_pthread_cond_t
-pthread_condattr_t = __darwin_pthread_condattr_t
-pthread_mutex_t = __darwin_pthread_mutex_t
-pthread_mutexattr_t = __darwin_pthread_mutexattr_t
-pthread_once_t = __darwin_pthread_once_t
-pthread_rwlock_t = __darwin_pthread_rwlock_t
-pthread_rwlockattr_t = __darwin_pthread_rwlockattr_t
-pthread_t = __darwin_pthread_t
-pthread_key_t = __darwin_pthread_key_t
-fsblkcnt_t = __darwin_fsblkcnt_t
-fsfilcnt_t = __darwin_fsfilcnt_t
-# values for enumeration 'idtype_t'
-idtype_t = c_int # enum
-id_t = __darwin_id_t
-class wait(Union):
-    pass
-class N4wait3DOLLAR_3E(Structure):
-    pass
-N4wait3DOLLAR_3E._fields_ = [
-    ('w_Termsig', c_uint, 7),
-    ('w_Coredump', c_uint, 1),
-    ('w_Retcode', c_uint, 8),
-    ('w_Filler', c_uint, 16),
-assert sizeof(N4wait3DOLLAR_3E) == 4, sizeof(N4wait3DOLLAR_3E)
-assert alignment(N4wait3DOLLAR_3E) == 4, alignment(N4wait3DOLLAR_3E)
-class N4wait3DOLLAR_4E(Structure):
-    pass
-N4wait3DOLLAR_4E._fields_ = [
-    ('w_Stopval', c_uint, 8),
-    ('w_Stopsig', c_uint, 8),
-    ('w_Filler', c_uint, 16),
-assert sizeof(N4wait3DOLLAR_4E) == 4, sizeof(N4wait3DOLLAR_4E)
-assert alignment(N4wait3DOLLAR_4E) == 4, alignment(N4wait3DOLLAR_4E)
-wait._fields_ = [
-    ('w_status', c_int),
-    ('w_T', N4wait3DOLLAR_3E),
-    ('w_S', N4wait3DOLLAR_4E),
-assert sizeof(wait) == 4, sizeof(wait)
-assert alignment(wait) == 4, alignment(wait)
-class timespec(Structure):
-    pass
-timespec._fields_ = [
-    ('tv_sec', time_t),
-    ('tv_nsec', c_long),
-assert sizeof(timespec) == 8, sizeof(timespec)
-assert alignment(timespec) == 4, alignment(timespec)
-class tm(Structure):
-    pass
-tm._fields_ = [
-    ('tm_sec', c_int),
-    ('tm_min', c_int),
-    ('tm_hour', c_int),
-    ('tm_mday', c_int),
-    ('tm_mon', c_int),
-    ('tm_year', c_int),
-    ('tm_wday', c_int),
-    ('tm_yday', c_int),
-    ('tm_isdst', c_int),
-    ('tm_gmtoff', c_long),
-    ('tm_zone', STRING),
-assert sizeof(tm) == 44, sizeof(tm)
-assert alignment(tm) == 4, alignment(tm)
-__gnuc_va_list = STRING
-ptrdiff_t = c_int
-int8_t = c_byte
-int16_t = c_short
-uint8_t = c_ubyte
-uint16_t = c_ushort
-uint32_t = c_uint
-uint64_t = c_ulonglong
-int_least8_t = int8_t
-int_least16_t = int16_t
-int_least32_t = int32_t
-int_least64_t = int64_t
-uint_least8_t = uint8_t
-uint_least16_t = uint16_t
-uint_least32_t = uint32_t
-uint_least64_t = uint64_t
-int_fast8_t = int8_t
-int_fast16_t = int16_t
-int_fast32_t = int32_t
-int_fast64_t = int64_t
-uint_fast8_t = uint8_t
-uint_fast16_t = uint16_t
-uint_fast32_t = uint32_t
-uint_fast64_t = uint64_t
-intptr_t = c_long
-uintptr_t = c_ulong
-intmax_t = c_longlong
-uintmax_t = c_ulonglong
-__all__ = ['ENGINE', 'pkcs7_enc_content_st', '__int16_t',
-           'X509_REVOKED', 'SSL_CTX', 'UIT_BOOLEAN',
-           '__darwin_time_t', 'ucontext64_t', 'int_fast32_t',
-           'pem_ctx_st', 'uint8_t', 'fpos_t', 'X509', 'COMP_CTX',
-           'tm', 'N10pem_ctx_st4DOLLAR_17E', 'swblk_t',
-           'ASN1_TEMPLATE', '__darwin_pthread_t', 'fixpt_t',
-           'dh_method', 'bio_f_buffer_ctx_struct', 'in_port_t',
-           'X509_SIG', '__darwin_ssize_t', '__darwin_sigset_t',
-           'wait', 'uint_fast16_t', 'N12asn1_type_st4DOLLAR_11E',
-           'uint_least8_t', 'pthread_rwlock_t', 'ASN1_IA5STRING',
-           'fsfilcnt_t', 'ucontext', '__uint64_t', 'timespec',
-           'x509_cinf_st', 'COMP_METHOD', 'MD5_CTX', 'buf_mem_st',
-           'ASN1_ENCODING_st', 'PBEPARAM', 'X509_NAME_ENTRY',
-           '__darwin_va_list', 'ucontext_t', 'lhash_st',
-           'N4wait3DOLLAR_4E', '__darwin_uuid_t',
-           '_ossl_old_des_ks_struct', 'id_t', 'ASN1_BIT_STRING',
-           'va_list', '__darwin_wchar_t', 'pthread_key_t',
-           'pkcs7_signer_info_st', 'ASN1_METHOD', 'DSA_SIG', 'DSA',
-           'UIT_NONE', 'pthread_t', '__darwin_useconds_t',
-           'uint_fast8_t', 'UI_STRING', 'DES_cblock',
-           '__darwin_mcontext64_t', 'rlim_t', 'PEM_Encode_Seal_st',
-           'SHAstate_st', 'u_quad_t', 'openssl_fptr',
-           '_opaque_pthread_rwlockattr_t',
-           'N18x509_attributes_st4DOLLAR_13E',
-           '__darwin_pthread_rwlock_t', 'daddr_t', 'ui_string_st',
-           'x509_file_st', 'X509_req_info_st', 'int_least64_t',
-           'evp_Encode_Ctx_st', 'X509_OBJECTS', 'CRYPTO_EX_DATA',
-           '__int8_t', 'AUTHORITY_KEYID_st', '_opaque_pthread_attr_t',
-           'sigstack', 'EVP_CIPHER_CTX', 'X509_extension_st', 'pid_t',
-           'RSA_METHOD', 'PEM_USER', 'pem_recip_st', 'env_md_ctx_st',
-           'rc5_key_st', 'ui_st', 'X509_PUBKEY', 'u_int8_t',
-           'ASN1_ITEM_st', 'pkcs7_recip_info_st', 'ssl2_state_st',
-           'off_t', 'N10ssl_ctx_st4DOLLAR_18E', 'crypto_ex_data_st',
-           'ui_method_st', '__darwin_pthread_rwlockattr_t',
-           'CRYPTO_EX_dup', '__darwin_ino_t', '__sFILE',
-           'OSUnknownByteOrder', 'BN_MONT_CTX', 'ASN1_NULL', 'time_t',
-           'CRYPTO_EX_new', 'asn1_type_st', 'CRYPTO_EX_DATA_FUNCS',
-           'user_time_t', 'BIGNUM', 'pthread_rwlockattr_t',
-           'ASN1_VALUE_st', 'DH_METHOD', '__darwin_off_t',
-           '_opaque_pthread_t', 'bn_blinding_st', 'RSA', 'ssize_t',
-           'mcontext64_t', 'user_long_t', 'fsblkcnt_t', 'cert_st',
-           '__darwin_pthread_condattr_t', 'X509_PKEY',
-           '__darwin_id_t', '__darwin_nl_item', 'SSL2_STATE', 'FILE',
-           'pthread_mutexattr_t', 'size_t',
-           '_ossl_old_des_key_schedule', 'pkcs7_issuer_and_serial_st',
-           'sigval', 'CRYPTO_MEM_LEAK_CB', 'X509_NAME', 'blkcnt_t',
-           'uint_least16_t', '__darwin_dev_t', 'evp_cipher_info_st',
-           'BN_BLINDING', 'ssl3_state_st', 'uint_least64_t',
-           'user_addr_t', 'DES_key_schedule', 'RIPEMD160_CTX',
-           'u_char', 'X509_algor_st', 'uid_t', 'sess_cert_st',
-           'u_int64_t', 'u_int16_t', 'sigset_t', '__darwin_ptrdiff_t',
-           'ASN1_CTX', 'STACK', '__int32_t', 'UI_METHOD',
-           'cast_key_st', 'X509_HASH_DIR_CTX', 'sigevent',
-           'user_ssize_t', 'clock_t', 'aes_key_st',
-           '__darwin_socklen_t', '__darwin_intptr_t', 'int_fast64_t',
-           'asn1_string_table_st', 'uint_fast32_t',
-           'ASN1_VISIBLESTRING', 'DSA_SIG_st', 'obj_name_st',
-           'X509_LOOKUP_METHOD', 'u_int32_t', 'EVP_CIPHER_INFO',
-           '__gnuc_va_list', 'AES_KEY', 'PKCS7_ISSUER_AND_SERIAL',
-           'BN_CTX', '__darwin_blkcnt_t', 'key_t', 'SHA_CTX',
-           'pkcs7_signed_st', 'SSL', 'N10pem_ctx_st4DOLLAR_16E',
-           'pthread_attr_t', 'EVP_MD', 'uint', 'ASN1_BOOLEAN',
-           'ino_t', '__darwin_clock_t', 'ASN1_OCTET_STRING',
-           'asn1_ctx_st', 'BIO_F_BUFFER_CTX', 'bn_mont_ctx_st',
-           'X509_REQ_INFO', 'PEM_CTX', 'sigvec',
-           '__darwin_pthread_mutexattr_t', 'x509_attributes_st',
-           'stack_t', '__darwin_mode_t', '__mbstate_t',
-           'asn1_object_st', 'ASN1_ENCODING', '__uint8_t',
-           'LHASH_NODE', 'PKCS7_SIGNER_INFO', 'asn1_method_st',
-           'stack_st', 'bio_info_cb', 'div_t', 'UIT_VERIFY',
-           'PBEPARAM_st', 'N4wait3DOLLAR_3E', 'quad_t', '__siginfo',
-           '__darwin_mbstate_t', 'rsa_st', 'ASN1_UNIVERSALSTRING',
-           'uint64_t', 'ssl_comp_st', 'X509_OBJECT', 'pthread_cond_t',
-           'DH', '__darwin_wctype_t', 'PKCS7_ENVELOPE', 'ASN1_TLC_st',
-           'sig_atomic_t', 'BIO', 'nlink_t', 'BUF_MEM', 'SSL3_RECORD',
-           'bio_method_st', 'timeval', 'UI_string_types', 'BIO_dummy',
-           'ssl_ctx_st', 'NETSCAPE_CERT_SEQUENCE',
-           'BIT_STRING_BITNAME_st', '__darwin_pthread_attr_t',
-           'int8_t', '__darwin_wint_t', 'OBJ_NAME',
-           'PKCS8_PRIV_KEY_INFO', 'PBE2PARAM_st',
-           'LHASH_DOALL_FN_TYPE', 'x509_st', 'X509_VAL', 'dev_t',
-           'ASN1_TEMPLATE_st', 'MD5state_st', '__uint16_t',
-           'LHASH_DOALL_ARG_FN_TYPE', 'mdc2_ctx_st', 'SSL3_STATE',
-           'ssl3_buffer_st', 'ASN1_ITEM_EXP',
-           '_opaque_pthread_condattr_t', 'mode_t', 'ASN1_VALUE',
-           'qaddr_t', '__darwin_gid_t', 'EVP_PKEY', 'CRYPTO_EX_free',
-           '_ossl_old_des_cblock', 'X509_INFO', 'asn1_string_st',
-           'intptr_t', 'UIT_INFO', 'int_fast8_t', 'sigaltstack',
-           'env_md_st', 'LHASH', '__darwin_ucontext_t',
-           'PKCS7_SIGN_ENVELOPE', '__darwin_mcontext_t', 'ct_rune_t',
-           'MD2_CTX', 'pthread_once_t', 'SSL3_BUFFER', 'fd_mask',
-           'ASN1_TYPE', 'PKCS7_SIGNED', 'ssl3_record_st', 'BF_KEY',
-           'MD4state_st', 'MD4_CTX', 'int16_t', 'SSL_CIPHER',
-           'rune_t', 'X509_TRUST', 'siginfo_t', 'X509_STORE',
-           '__sbuf', 'X509_STORE_CTX', '__darwin_blksize_t', 'ldiv_t',
-           'ASN1_TIME', 'SSL_METHOD', 'X509_LOOKUP',
-           'Netscape_spki_st', 'P_PID', 'sigaction', 'sig_t',
-           'hostent', 'x509_cert_aux_st', '_opaque_pthread_cond_t',
-           'segsz_t', 'ushort', '__darwin_ct_rune_t', 'fd_set',
-           'BN_RECP_CTX', 'x509_lookup_st', 'uint16_t', 'pkcs7_st',
-           'asn1_header_st', '__darwin_pthread_key_t',
-           'x509_trust_st', '__darwin_pthread_handler_rec', 'int32_t',
-           'X509_CRL_INFO', 'N11evp_pkey_st4DOLLAR_12E', 'MDC2_CTX',
-           'N23_ossl_old_des_ks_struct4DOLLAR_10E', 'ASN1_HEADER',
-           'X509_crl_info_st', 'LHASH_HASH_FN_TYPE',
-           '_opaque_pthread_mutexattr_t', 'ssl_st',
-           'N8pkcs7_st4DOLLAR_15E', 'evp_pkey_st',
-           'pkcs7_signedandenveloped_st', '__darwin_mach_port_t',
-           'EVP_PBE_KEYGEN', '_opaque_pthread_mutex_t',
-           'ASN1_UTCTIME', 'mcontext', 'crypto_ex_data_func_st',
-           'u_long', 'PBKDF2PARAM_st', 'rc4_key_st', 'DSA_METHOD',
-           'ssl3_enc_method', 'X509_CERT_AUX', 'uintmax_t',
-           'int_fast16_t', 'RC5_32_KEY', 'ucontext64', 'ASN1_INTEGER',
-           'u_short', 'N14x509_object_st4DOLLAR_14E', 'mcontext64',
-           'X509_sig_st', 'ASN1_GENERALSTRING', 'PKCS7', '__sFILEX',
-           'X509_name_entry_st', 'ssl_session_st', 'caddr_t',
-           'bignum_st', 'X509_CINF', '__darwin_pthread_cond_t',
-           'Netscape_spkac_st', 'idtype_t', 'UIT_ERROR',
-           'uint_fast64_t', 'in_addr_t', 'pthread_mutex_t',
-           '__int64_t', 'ASN1_BMPSTRING', 'uint32_t',
-           'PEM_ENCODE_SEAL_CTX', 'suseconds_t', 'ASN1_OBJECT',
-           'X509_val_st', 'private_key_st', 'CRYPTO_dynlock',
-           'X509_objects_st', 'CRYPTO_EX_DATA_IMPL',
-           'pthread_condattr_t', 'PKCS7_DIGEST', 'uint_least32_t',
-           'ASN1_STRING', '__uint32_t', 'P_PGID', 'rsa_meth_st',
-           'X509_crl_st', 'RC2_KEY', '__darwin_fsfilcnt_t',
-           'X509_revoked_st', 'PBE2PARAM', 'blksize_t',
-           'Netscape_certificate_sequence', 'ssl_cipher_st',
-           'bignum_ctx', 'register_t', 'ASN1_UTF8STRING',
-           'pkcs7_encrypted_st', 'RC4_KEY', '__darwin_ucontext64_t',
-           'N13ssl2_state_st4DOLLAR_19E', 'bn_recp_ctx_st',
-           'CAST_KEY', 'X509_ATTRIBUTE', '__darwin_suseconds_t',
-           '__sigaction', 'user_ulong_t', 'syscall_arg_t',
-           'evp_cipher_ctx_st', 'X509_ALGOR', 'mcontext_t',
-           'const_DES_cblock', '__darwin_fsblkcnt_t', 'dsa_st',
-           'int_least8_t', 'MD2state_st', 'X509_EXTENSION',
-           'GEN_SESSION_CB', 'int_least16_t', '__darwin_wctrans_t',
-           'PBKDF2PARAM', 'x509_lookup_method_st', 'pem_password_cb',
-           'X509_info_st', 'x509_store_st', '__darwin_natural_t',
-           'X509_pubkey_st', 'pkcs7_digest_st', '__darwin_size_t',
-           'ASN1_STRING_TABLE', 'OSLittleEndian', 'RIPEMD160state_st',
-           'pkcs7_enveloped_st', 'UI', 'ptrdiff_t', 'X509_REQ',
-           'CRYPTO_dynlock_value', 'X509_req_st', 'x509_store_ctx_st',
-           'N13ssl3_state_st4DOLLAR_20E', 'lhash_node_st',
-           '__darwin_pthread_mutex_t', 'LHASH_COMP_FN_TYPE',
-           '__darwin_rune_t', 'rlimit', '__darwin_pthread_once_t',
-           'OSBigEndian', 'uintptr_t', '__darwin_uid_t', 'u_int',
-           'ASN1_T61STRING', 'gid_t', 'ssl_method_st', 'ASN1_ITEM',
-           'ASN1_ENUMERATED', '_opaque_pthread_rwlock_t',
-           'pkcs8_priv_key_info_st', 'intmax_t', 'sigcontext',
-           'X509_CRL', 'rc2_key_st', 'engine_st', 'x509_object_st',
-           '_opaque_pthread_once_t', 'DES_ks', 'SSL_COMP',
-           'dsa_method', 'int64_t', 'bio_st', 'bf_key_st',
-           '__darwin_pid_t', 'lldiv_t', 'comp_method_st',
-           'EVP_MD_CTX', 'evp_cipher_st', 'X509_name_st',
-           'x509_hash_dir_st', '__darwin_mach_port_name_t',
-           'useconds_t', 'user_size_t', 'SSL_SESSION', 'rusage',
-           'ssl_crock_st', 'int_least32_t', '__sigaction_u', 'dh_st',
-           'P_ALL', '__darwin_stack_t', 'N6DES_ks3DOLLAR_9E',
-           'comp_ctx_st', 'X509_CERT_FILE_CTX']
diff --git a/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/data/py2_test_grammar.py b/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/data/py2_test_grammar.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a631510f4dba..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/data/py2_test_grammar.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,971 +0,0 @@
-# Python test set -- part 1, grammar.
-# This just tests whether the parser accepts them all.
-# NOTE: When you run this test as a script from the command line, you
-# get warnings about certain hex/oct constants.  Since those are
-# issued by the parser, you can't suppress them by adding a
-# filterwarnings() call to this module.  Therefore, to shut up the
-# regression test, the filterwarnings() call has been added to
-# regrtest.py.
-from test.test_support import check_syntax_error
-import unittest
-import sys
-# testing import *
-from sys import *
-class TokenTests(unittest.TestCase):
-    def testBackslash(self):
-        # Backslash means line continuation:
-        x = 1 \
-        + 1
-        self.assertEquals(x, 2, 'backslash for line continuation')
-        # Backslash does not means continuation in comments :\
-        x = 0
-        self.assertEquals(x, 0, 'backslash ending comment')
-    def testPlainIntegers(self):
-        self.assertEquals(0xff, 255)
-        self.assertEquals(0377, 255)
-        self.assertEquals(2147483647, 017777777777)
-        # "0x" is not a valid literal
-        self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, eval, "0x")
-        from sys import maxint
-        if maxint == 2147483647:
-            self.assertEquals(-2147483647-1, -020000000000)
-            # XXX -2147483648
-            self.assert_(037777777777 > 0)
-            self.assert_(0xffffffff > 0)
-            for s in '2147483648', '040000000000', '0x100000000':
-                try:
-                    x = eval(s)
-                except OverflowError:
-                    self.fail("OverflowError on huge integer literal %r" % s)
-        elif maxint == 9223372036854775807:
-            self.assertEquals(-9223372036854775807-1, -01000000000000000000000)
-            self.assert_(01777777777777777777777 > 0)
-            self.assert_(0xffffffffffffffff > 0)
-            for s in '9223372036854775808', '02000000000000000000000', \
-                     '0x10000000000000000':
-                try:
-                    x = eval(s)
-                except OverflowError:
-                    self.fail("OverflowError on huge integer literal %r" % s)
-        else:
-            self.fail('Weird maxint value %r' % maxint)
-    def testLongIntegers(self):
-        x = 0L
-        x = 0l
-        x = 0xffffffffffffffffL
-        x = 0xffffffffffffffffl
-        x = 077777777777777777L
-        x = 077777777777777777l
-        x = 123456789012345678901234567890L
-        x = 123456789012345678901234567890l
-    def testFloats(self):
-        x = 3.14
-        x = 314.
-        x = 0.314
-        # XXX x = 000.314
-        x = .314
-        x = 3e14
-        x = 3E14
-        x = 3e-14
-        x = 3e+14
-        x = 3.e14
-        x = .3e14
-        x = 3.1e4
-    def testStringLiterals(self):
-        x = ''; y = ""; self.assert_(len(x) == 0 and x == y)
-        x = '\''; y = "'"; self.assert_(len(x) == 1 and x == y and ord(x) == 39)
-        x = '"'; y = "\""; self.assert_(len(x) == 1 and x == y and ord(x) == 34)
-        x = "doesn't \"shrink\" does it"
-        y = 'doesn\'t "shrink" does it'
-        self.assert_(len(x) == 24 and x == y)
-        x = "does \"shrink\" doesn't it"
-        y = 'does "shrink" doesn\'t it'
-        self.assert_(len(x) == 24 and x == y)
-        x = """
-The "quick"
-brown fox
-jumps over
-the 'lazy' dog.
-        y = '\nThe "quick"\nbrown fox\njumps over\nthe \'lazy\' dog.\n'
-        self.assertEquals(x, y)
-        y = '''
-The "quick"
-brown fox
-jumps over
-the 'lazy' dog.
-        self.assertEquals(x, y)
-        y = "\n\
-The \"quick\"\n\
-brown fox\n\
-jumps over\n\
-the 'lazy' dog.\n\
-        self.assertEquals(x, y)
-        y = '\n\
-The \"quick\"\n\
-brown fox\n\
-jumps over\n\
-the \'lazy\' dog.\n\
-        self.assertEquals(x, y)
-class GrammarTests(unittest.TestCase):
-    # single_input: NEWLINE | simple_stmt | compound_stmt NEWLINE
-    # XXX can't test in a script -- this rule is only used when interactive
-    # file_input: (NEWLINE | stmt)* ENDMARKER
-    # Being tested as this very moment this very module
-    # expr_input: testlist NEWLINE
-    # XXX Hard to test -- used only in calls to input()
-    def testEvalInput(self):
-        # testlist ENDMARKER
-        x = eval('1, 0 or 1')
-    def testFuncdef(self):
-        ### 'def' NAME parameters ':' suite
-        ### parameters: '(' [varargslist] ')'
-        ### varargslist: (fpdef ['=' test] ',')* ('*' NAME [',' ('**'|'*' '*') NAME]
-        ###            | ('**'|'*' '*') NAME)
-        ###            | fpdef ['=' test] (',' fpdef ['=' test])* [',']
-        ### fpdef: NAME | '(' fplist ')'
-        ### fplist: fpdef (',' fpdef)* [',']
-        ### arglist: (argument ',')* (argument | *' test [',' '**' test] | '**' test)
-        ### argument: [test '='] test   # Really [keyword '='] test
-        def f1(): pass
-        f1()
-        f1(*())
-        f1(*(), **{})
-        def f2(one_argument): pass
-        def f3(two, arguments): pass
-        def f4(two, (compound, (argument, list))): pass
-        def f5((compound, first), two): pass
-        self.assertEquals(f2.func_code.co_varnames, ('one_argument',))
-        self.assertEquals(f3.func_code.co_varnames, ('two', 'arguments'))
-        if sys.platform.startswith('java'):
-            self.assertEquals(f4.func_code.co_varnames,
-                   ('two', '(compound, (argument, list))', 'compound', 'argument',
-                                'list',))
-            self.assertEquals(f5.func_code.co_varnames,
-                   ('(compound, first)', 'two', 'compound', 'first'))
-        else:
-            self.assertEquals(f4.func_code.co_varnames,
-                  ('two', '.1', 'compound', 'argument',  'list'))
-            self.assertEquals(f5.func_code.co_varnames,
-                  ('.0', 'two', 'compound', 'first'))
-        def a1(one_arg,): pass
-        def a2(two, args,): pass
-        def v0(*rest): pass
-        def v1(a, *rest): pass
-        def v2(a, b, *rest): pass
-        def v3(a, (b, c), *rest): return a, b, c, rest
-        f1()
-        f2(1)
-        f2(1,)
-        f3(1, 2)
-        f3(1, 2,)
-        f4(1, (2, (3, 4)))
-        v0()
-        v0(1)
-        v0(1,)
-        v0(1,2)
-        v0(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0)
-        v1(1)
-        v1(1,)
-        v1(1,2)
-        v1(1,2,3)
-        v1(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0)
-        v2(1,2)
-        v2(1,2,3)
-        v2(1,2,3,4)
-        v2(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0)
-        v3(1,(2,3))
-        v3(1,(2,3),4)
-        v3(1,(2,3),4,5,6,7,8,9,0)
-        # ceval unpacks the formal arguments into the first argcount names;
-        # thus, the names nested inside tuples must appear after these names.
-        if sys.platform.startswith('java'):
-            self.assertEquals(v3.func_code.co_varnames, ('a', '(b, c)', 'rest', 'b', 'c'))
-        else:
-            self.assertEquals(v3.func_code.co_varnames, ('a', '.1', 'rest', 'b', 'c'))
-        self.assertEquals(v3(1, (2, 3), 4), (1, 2, 3, (4,)))
-        def d01(a=1): pass
-        d01()
-        d01(1)
-        d01(*(1,))
-        d01(**{'a':2})
-        def d11(a, b=1): pass
-        d11(1)
-        d11(1, 2)
-        d11(1, **{'b':2})
-        def d21(a, b, c=1): pass
-        d21(1, 2)
-        d21(1, 2, 3)
-        d21(*(1, 2, 3))
-        d21(1, *(2, 3))
-        d21(1, 2, *(3,))
-        d21(1, 2, **{'c':3})
-        def d02(a=1, b=2): pass
-        d02()
-        d02(1)
-        d02(1, 2)
-        d02(*(1, 2))
-        d02(1, *(2,))
-        d02(1, **{'b':2})
-        d02(**{'a': 1, 'b': 2})
-        def d12(a, b=1, c=2): pass
-        d12(1)
-        d12(1, 2)
-        d12(1, 2, 3)
-        def d22(a, b, c=1, d=2): pass
-        d22(1, 2)
-        d22(1, 2, 3)
-        d22(1, 2, 3, 4)
-        def d01v(a=1, *rest): pass
-        d01v()
-        d01v(1)
-        d01v(1, 2)
-        d01v(*(1, 2, 3, 4))
-        d01v(*(1,))
-        d01v(**{'a':2})
-        def d11v(a, b=1, *rest): pass
-        d11v(1)
-        d11v(1, 2)
-        d11v(1, 2, 3)
-        def d21v(a, b, c=1, *rest): pass
-        d21v(1, 2)
-        d21v(1, 2, 3)
-        d21v(1, 2, 3, 4)
-        d21v(*(1, 2, 3, 4))
-        d21v(1, 2, **{'c': 3})
-        def d02v(a=1, b=2, *rest): pass
-        d02v()
-        d02v(1)
-        d02v(1, 2)
-        d02v(1, 2, 3)
-        d02v(1, *(2, 3, 4))
-        d02v(**{'a': 1, 'b': 2})
-        def d12v(a, b=1, c=2, *rest): pass
-        d12v(1)
-        d12v(1, 2)
-        d12v(1, 2, 3)
-        d12v(1, 2, 3, 4)
-        d12v(*(1, 2, 3, 4))
-        d12v(1, 2, *(3, 4, 5))
-        d12v(1, *(2,), **{'c': 3})
-        def d22v(a, b, c=1, d=2, *rest): pass
-        d22v(1, 2)
-        d22v(1, 2, 3)
-        d22v(1, 2, 3, 4)
-        d22v(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
-        d22v(*(1, 2, 3, 4))
-        d22v(1, 2, *(3, 4, 5))
-        d22v(1, *(2, 3), **{'d': 4})
-        def d31v((x)): pass
-        d31v(1)
-        def d32v((x,)): pass
-        d32v((1,))
-        # keyword arguments after *arglist
-        def f(*args, **kwargs):
-            return args, kwargs
-        self.assertEquals(f(1, x=2, *[3, 4], y=5), ((1, 3, 4),
-                                                    {'x':2, 'y':5}))
-        self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, eval, "f(1, *(2,3), 4)")
-        self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, eval, "f(1, x=2, *(3,4), x=5)")
-        # Check ast errors in *args and *kwargs
-        check_syntax_error(self, "f(*g(1=2))")
-        check_syntax_error(self, "f(**g(1=2))")
-    def testLambdef(self):
-        ### lambdef: 'lambda' [varargslist] ':' test
-        l1 = lambda : 0
-        self.assertEquals(l1(), 0)
-        l2 = lambda : a[d] # XXX just testing the expression
-        l3 = lambda : [2 < x for x in [-1, 3, 0L]]
-        self.assertEquals(l3(), [0, 1, 0])
-        l4 = lambda x = lambda y = lambda z=1 : z : y() : x()
-        self.assertEquals(l4(), 1)
-        l5 = lambda x, y, z=2: x + y + z
-        self.assertEquals(l5(1, 2), 5)
-        self.assertEquals(l5(1, 2, 3), 6)
-        check_syntax_error(self, "lambda x: x = 2")
-        check_syntax_error(self, "lambda (None,): None")
-    ### stmt: simple_stmt | compound_stmt
-    # Tested below
-    def testSimpleStmt(self):
-        ### simple_stmt: small_stmt (';' small_stmt)* [';']
-        x = 1; pass; del x
-        def foo():
-            # verify statements that end with semi-colons
-            x = 1; pass; del x;
-        foo()
-    ### small_stmt: expr_stmt | print_stmt  | pass_stmt | del_stmt | flow_stmt | import_stmt | global_stmt | access_stmt | exec_stmt
-    # Tested below
-    def testExprStmt(self):
-        # (exprlist '=')* exprlist
-        1
-        1, 2, 3
-        x = 1
-        x = 1, 2, 3
-        x = y = z = 1, 2, 3
-        x, y, z = 1, 2, 3
-        abc = a, b, c = x, y, z = xyz = 1, 2, (3, 4)
-        check_syntax_error(self, "x + 1 = 1")
-        check_syntax_error(self, "a + 1 = b + 2")
-    def testPrintStmt(self):
-        # 'print' (test ',')* [test]
-        import StringIO
-        # Can't test printing to real stdout without comparing output
-        # which is not available in unittest.
-        save_stdout = sys.stdout
-        sys.stdout = StringIO.StringIO()
-        print 1, 2, 3
-        print 1, 2, 3,
-        print
-        print 0 or 1, 0 or 1,
-        print 0 or 1
-        # 'print' '>>' test ','
-        print >> sys.stdout, 1, 2, 3
-        print >> sys.stdout, 1, 2, 3,
-        print >> sys.stdout
-        print >> sys.stdout, 0 or 1, 0 or 1,
-        print >> sys.stdout, 0 or 1
-        # test printing to an instance
-        class Gulp:
-            def write(self, msg): pass
-        gulp = Gulp()
-        print >> gulp, 1, 2, 3
-        print >> gulp, 1, 2, 3,
-        print >> gulp
-        print >> gulp, 0 or 1, 0 or 1,
-        print >> gulp, 0 or 1
-        # test print >> None
-        def driver():
-            oldstdout = sys.stdout
-            sys.stdout = Gulp()
-            try:
-                tellme(Gulp())
-                tellme()
-            finally:
-                sys.stdout = oldstdout
-        # we should see this once
-        def tellme(file=sys.stdout):
-            print >> file, 'hello world'
-        driver()
-        # we should not see this at all
-        def tellme(file=None):
-            print >> file, 'goodbye universe'
-        driver()
-        self.assertEqual(sys.stdout.getvalue(), '''\
-1 2 3
-1 2 3
-1 1 1
-1 2 3
-1 2 3
-1 1 1
-hello world
-        sys.stdout = save_stdout
-        # syntax errors
-        check_syntax_error(self, 'print ,')
-        check_syntax_error(self, 'print >> x,')
-    def testDelStmt(self):
-        # 'del' exprlist
-        abc = [1,2,3]
-        x, y, z = abc
-        xyz = x, y, z
-        del abc
-        del x, y, (z, xyz)
-    def testPassStmt(self):
-        # 'pass'
-        pass
-    # flow_stmt: break_stmt | continue_stmt | return_stmt | raise_stmt
-    # Tested below
-    def testBreakStmt(self):
-        # 'break'
-        while 1: break
-    def testContinueStmt(self):
-        # 'continue'
-        i = 1
-        while i: i = 0; continue
-        msg = ""
-        while not msg:
-            msg = "ok"
-            try:
-                continue
-                msg = "continue failed to continue inside try"
-            except:
-                msg = "continue inside try called except block"
-        if msg != "ok":
-            self.fail(msg)
-        msg = ""
-        while not msg:
-            msg = "finally block not called"
-            try:
-                continue
-            finally:
-                msg = "ok"
-        if msg != "ok":
-            self.fail(msg)
-    def test_break_continue_loop(self):
-        # This test warrants an explanation. It is a test specifically for SF bugs
-        # #463359 and #462937. The bug is that a 'break' statement executed or
-        # exception raised inside a try/except inside a loop, *after* a continue
-        # statement has been executed in that loop, will cause the wrong number of
-        # arguments to be popped off the stack and the instruction pointer reset to
-        # a very small number (usually 0.) Because of this, the following test
-        # *must* written as a function, and the tracking vars *must* be function
-        # arguments with default values. Otherwise, the test will loop and loop.
-        def test_inner(extra_burning_oil = 1, count=0):
-            big_hippo = 2
-            while big_hippo:
-                count += 1
-                try:
-                    if extra_burning_oil and big_hippo == 1:
-                        extra_burning_oil -= 1
-                        break
-                    big_hippo -= 1
-                    continue
-                except:
-                    raise
-            if count > 2 or big_hippo <> 1:
-                self.fail("continue then break in try/except in loop broken!")
-        test_inner()
-    def testReturn(self):
-        # 'return' [testlist]
-        def g1(): return
-        def g2(): return 1
-        g1()
-        x = g2()
-        check_syntax_error(self, "class foo:return 1")
-    def testYield(self):
-        check_syntax_error(self, "class foo:yield 1")
-    def testRaise(self):
-        # 'raise' test [',' test]
-        try: raise RuntimeError, 'just testing'
-        except RuntimeError: pass
-        try: raise KeyboardInterrupt
-        except KeyboardInterrupt: pass
-    def testImport(self):
-        # 'import' dotted_as_names
-        import sys
-        import time, sys
-        # 'from' dotted_name 'import' ('*' | '(' import_as_names ')' | import_as_names)
-        from time import time
-        from time import (time)
-        # not testable inside a function, but already done at top of the module
-        # from sys import *
-        from sys import path, argv
-        from sys import (path, argv)
-        from sys import (path, argv,)
-    def testGlobal(self):
-        # 'global' NAME (',' NAME)*
-        global a
-        global a, b
-        global one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten
-    def testExec(self):
-        # 'exec' expr ['in' expr [',' expr]]
-        z = None
-        del z
-        exec 'z=1+1\n'
-        if z != 2: self.fail('exec \'z=1+1\'\\n')
-        del z
-        exec 'z=1+1'
-        if z != 2: self.fail('exec \'z=1+1\'')
-        z = None
-        del z
-        import types
-        if hasattr(types, "UnicodeType"):
-            exec r"""if 1:
-            exec u'z=1+1\n'
-            if z != 2: self.fail('exec u\'z=1+1\'\\n')
-            del z
-            exec u'z=1+1'
-            if z != 2: self.fail('exec u\'z=1+1\'')"""
-        g = {}
-        exec 'z = 1' in g
-        if g.has_key('__builtins__'): del g['__builtins__']
-        if g != {'z': 1}: self.fail('exec \'z = 1\' in g')
-        g = {}
-        l = {}
-        import warnings
-        warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "global statement", module="<string>")
-        exec 'global a; a = 1; b = 2' in g, l
-        if g.has_key('__builtins__'): del g['__builtins__']
-        if l.has_key('__builtins__'): del l['__builtins__']
-        if (g, l) != ({'a':1}, {'b':2}):
-            self.fail('exec ... in g (%s), l (%s)' %(g,l))
-    def testAssert(self):
-        # assert_stmt: 'assert' test [',' test]
-        assert 1
-        assert 1, 1
-        assert lambda x:x
-        assert 1, lambda x:x+1
-        try:
-            assert 0, "msg"
-        except AssertionError, e:
-            self.assertEquals(e.args[0], "msg")
-        else:
-            if __debug__:
-                self.fail("AssertionError not raised by assert 0")
-    ### compound_stmt: if_stmt | while_stmt | for_stmt | try_stmt | funcdef | classdef
-    # Tested below
-    def testIf(self):
-        # 'if' test ':' suite ('elif' test ':' suite)* ['else' ':' suite]
-        if 1: pass
-        if 1: pass
-        else: pass
-        if 0: pass
-        elif 0: pass
-        if 0: pass
-        elif 0: pass
-        elif 0: pass
-        elif 0: pass
-        else: pass
-    def testWhile(self):
-        # 'while' test ':' suite ['else' ':' suite]
-        while 0: pass
-        while 0: pass
-        else: pass
-        # Issue1920: "while 0" is optimized away,
-        # ensure that the "else" clause is still present.
-        x = 0
-        while 0:
-            x = 1
-        else:
-            x = 2
-        self.assertEquals(x, 2)
-    def testFor(self):
-        # 'for' exprlist 'in' exprlist ':' suite ['else' ':' suite]
-        for i in 1, 2, 3: pass
-        for i, j, k in (): pass
-        else: pass
-        class Squares:
-            def __init__(self, max):
-                self.max = max
-                self.sofar = []
-            def __len__(self): return len(self.sofar)
-            def __getitem__(self, i):
-                if not 0 <= i < self.max: raise IndexError
-                n = len(self.sofar)
-                while n <= i:
-                    self.sofar.append(n*n)
-                    n = n+1
-                return self.sofar[i]
-        n = 0
-        for x in Squares(10): n = n+x
-        if n != 285:
-            self.fail('for over growing sequence')
-        result = []
-        for x, in [(1,), (2,), (3,)]:
-            result.append(x)
-        self.assertEqual(result, [1, 2, 3])
-    def testTry(self):
-        ### try_stmt: 'try' ':' suite (except_clause ':' suite)+ ['else' ':' suite]
-        ###         | 'try' ':' suite 'finally' ':' suite
-        ### except_clause: 'except' [expr [('as' | ',') expr]]
-        try:
-            1/0
-        except ZeroDivisionError:
-            pass
-        else:
-            pass
-        try: 1/0
-        except EOFError: pass
-        except TypeError as msg: pass
-        except RuntimeError, msg: pass
-        except: pass
-        else: pass
-        try: 1/0
-        except (EOFError, TypeError, ZeroDivisionError): pass
-        try: 1/0
-        except (EOFError, TypeError, ZeroDivisionError), msg: pass
-        try: pass
-        finally: pass
-    def testSuite(self):
-        # simple_stmt | NEWLINE INDENT NEWLINE* (stmt NEWLINE*)+ DEDENT
-        if 1: pass
-        if 1:
-            pass
-        if 1:
-            #
-            #
-            #
-            pass
-            pass
-            #
-            pass
-            #
-    def testTest(self):
-        ### and_test ('or' and_test)*
-        ### and_test: not_test ('and' not_test)*
-        ### not_test: 'not' not_test | comparison
-        if not 1: pass
-        if 1 and 1: pass
-        if 1 or 1: pass
-        if not not not 1: pass
-        if not 1 and 1 and 1: pass
-        if 1 and 1 or 1 and 1 and 1 or not 1 and 1: pass
-    def testComparison(self):
-        ### comparison: expr (comp_op expr)*
-        ### comp_op: '<'|'>'|'=='|'>='|'<='|'<>'|'!='|'in'|'not' 'in'|'is'|'is' 'not'
-        if 1: pass
-        x = (1 == 1)
-        if 1 == 1: pass
-        if 1 != 1: pass
-        if 1 <> 1: pass
-        if 1 < 1: pass
-        if 1 > 1: pass
-        if 1 <= 1: pass
-        if 1 >= 1: pass
-        if 1 is 1: pass
-        if 1 is not 1: pass
-        if 1 in (): pass
-        if 1 not in (): pass
-        if 1 < 1 > 1 == 1 >= 1 <= 1 <> 1 != 1 in 1 not in 1 is 1 is not 1: pass
-    def testBinaryMaskOps(self):
-        x = 1 & 1
-        x = 1 ^ 1
-        x = 1 | 1
-    def testShiftOps(self):
-        x = 1 << 1
-        x = 1 >> 1
-        x = 1 << 1 >> 1
-    def testAdditiveOps(self):
-        x = 1
-        x = 1 + 1
-        x = 1 - 1 - 1
-        x = 1 - 1 + 1 - 1 + 1
-    def testMultiplicativeOps(self):
-        x = 1 * 1
-        x = 1 / 1
-        x = 1 % 1
-        x = 1 / 1 * 1 % 1
-    def testUnaryOps(self):
-        x = +1
-        x = -1
-        x = ~1
-        x = ~1 ^ 1 & 1 | 1 & 1 ^ -1
-        x = -1*1/1 + 1*1 - ---1*1
-    def testSelectors(self):
-        ### trailer: '(' [testlist] ')' | '[' subscript ']' | '.' NAME
-        ### subscript: expr | [expr] ':' [expr]
-        import sys, time
-        c = sys.path[0]
-        x = time.time()
-        x = sys.modules['time'].time()
-        a = '01234'
-        c = a[0]
-        c = a[-1]
-        s = a[0:5]
-        s = a[:5]
-        s = a[0:]
-        s = a[:]
-        s = a[-5:]
-        s = a[:-1]
-        s = a[-4:-3]
-        # A rough test of SF bug 1333982.  https://bugs.python.org/issue1333982
-        # The testing here is fairly incomplete.
-        # Test cases should include: commas with 1 and 2 colons
-        d = {}
-        d[1] = 1
-        d[1,] = 2
-        d[1,2] = 3
-        d[1,2,3] = 4
-        L = list(d)
-        L.sort()
-        self.assertEquals(str(L), '[1, (1,), (1, 2), (1, 2, 3)]')
-    def testAtoms(self):
-        ### atom: '(' [testlist] ')' | '[' [testlist] ']' | '{' [dictmaker] '}' | '`' testlist '`' | NAME | NUMBER | STRING
-        ### dictmaker: test ':' test (',' test ':' test)* [',']
-        x = (1)
-        x = (1 or 2 or 3)
-        x = (1 or 2 or 3, 2, 3)
-        x = []
-        x = [1]
-        x = [1 or 2 or 3]
-        x = [1 or 2 or 3, 2, 3]
-        x = []
-        x = {}
-        x = {'one': 1}
-        x = {'one': 1,}
-        x = {'one' or 'two': 1 or 2}
-        x = {'one': 1, 'two': 2}
-        x = {'one': 1, 'two': 2,}
-        x = {'one': 1, 'two': 2, 'three': 3, 'four': 4, 'five': 5, 'six': 6}
-        x = `x`
-        x = `1 or 2 or 3`
-        self.assertEqual(`1,2`, '(1, 2)')
-        x = x
-        x = 'x'
-        x = 123
-    ### exprlist: expr (',' expr)* [',']
-    ### testlist: test (',' test)* [',']
-    # These have been exercised enough above
-    def testClassdef(self):
-        # 'class' NAME ['(' [testlist] ')'] ':' suite
-        class B: pass
-        class B2(): pass
-        class C1(B): pass
-        class C2(B): pass
-        class D(C1, C2, B): pass
-        class C:
-            def meth1(self): pass
-            def meth2(self, arg): pass
-            def meth3(self, a1, a2): pass
-        # decorator: '@' dotted_name [ '(' [arglist] ')' ] NEWLINE
-        # decorators: decorator+
-        # decorated: decorators (classdef | funcdef)
-        def class_decorator(x):
-            x.decorated = True
-            return x
-        @class_decorator
-        class G:
-            pass
-        self.assertEqual(G.decorated, True)
-    def testListcomps(self):
-        # list comprehension tests
-        nums = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
-        strs = ["Apple", "Banana", "Coconut"]
-        spcs = ["  Apple", " Banana ", "Coco  nut  "]
-        self.assertEqual([s.strip() for s in spcs], ['Apple', 'Banana', 'Coco  nut'])
-        self.assertEqual([3 * x for x in nums], [3, 6, 9, 12, 15])
-        self.assertEqual([x for x in nums if x > 2], [3, 4, 5])
-        self.assertEqual([(i, s) for i in nums for s in strs],
-                         [(1, 'Apple'), (1, 'Banana'), (1, 'Coconut'),
-                          (2, 'Apple'), (2, 'Banana'), (2, 'Coconut'),
-                          (3, 'Apple'), (3, 'Banana'), (3, 'Coconut'),
-                          (4, 'Apple'), (4, 'Banana'), (4, 'Coconut'),
-                          (5, 'Apple'), (5, 'Banana'), (5, 'Coconut')])
-        self.assertEqual([(i, s) for i in nums for s in [f for f in strs if "n" in f]],
-                         [(1, 'Banana'), (1, 'Coconut'), (2, 'Banana'), (2, 'Coconut'),
-                          (3, 'Banana'), (3, 'Coconut'), (4, 'Banana'), (4, 'Coconut'),
-                          (5, 'Banana'), (5, 'Coconut')])
-        self.assertEqual([(lambda a:[a**i for i in range(a+1)])(j) for j in range(5)],
-                         [[1], [1, 1], [1, 2, 4], [1, 3, 9, 27], [1, 4, 16, 64, 256]])
-        def test_in_func(l):
-            return [None < x < 3 for x in l if x > 2]
-        self.assertEqual(test_in_func(nums), [False, False, False])
-        def test_nested_front():
-            self.assertEqual([[y for y in [x, x + 1]] for x in [1,3,5]],
-                             [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]])
-        test_nested_front()
-        check_syntax_error(self, "[i, s for i in nums for s in strs]")
-        check_syntax_error(self, "[x if y]")
-        suppliers = [
-          (1, "Boeing"),
-          (2, "Ford"),
-          (3, "Macdonalds")
-        ]
-        parts = [
-          (10, "Airliner"),
-          (20, "Engine"),
-          (30, "Cheeseburger")
-        ]
-        suppart = [
-          (1, 10), (1, 20), (2, 20), (3, 30)
-        ]
-        x = [
-          (sname, pname)
-            for (sno, sname) in suppliers
-              for (pno, pname) in parts
-                for (sp_sno, sp_pno) in suppart
-                  if sno == sp_sno and pno == sp_pno
-        ]
-        self.assertEqual(x, [('Boeing', 'Airliner'), ('Boeing', 'Engine'), ('Ford', 'Engine'),
-                             ('Macdonalds', 'Cheeseburger')])
-    def testGenexps(self):
-        # generator expression tests
-        g = ([x for x in range(10)] for x in range(1))
-        self.assertEqual(g.next(), [x for x in range(10)])
-        try:
-            g.next()
-            self.fail('should produce StopIteration exception')
-        except StopIteration:
-            pass
-        a = 1
-        try:
-            g = (a for d in a)
-            g.next()
-            self.fail('should produce TypeError')
-        except TypeError:
-            pass
-        self.assertEqual(list((x, y) for x in 'abcd' for y in 'abcd'), [(x, y) for x in 'abcd' for y in 'abcd'])
-        self.assertEqual(list((x, y) for x in 'ab' for y in 'xy'), [(x, y) for x in 'ab' for y in 'xy'])
-        a = [x for x in range(10)]
-        b = (x for x in (y for y in a))
-        self.assertEqual(sum(b), sum([x for x in range(10)]))
-        self.assertEqual(sum(x**2 for x in range(10)), sum([x**2 for x in range(10)]))
-        self.assertEqual(sum(x*x for x in range(10) if x%2), sum([x*x for x in range(10) if x%2]))
-        self.assertEqual(sum(x for x in (y for y in range(10))), sum([x for x in range(10)]))
-        self.assertEqual(sum(x for x in (y for y in (z for z in range(10)))), sum([x for x in range(10)]))
-        self.assertEqual(sum(x for x in [y for y in (z for z in range(10))]), sum([x for x in range(10)]))
-        self.assertEqual(sum(x for x in (y for y in (z for z in range(10) if True)) if True), sum([x for x in range(10)]))
-        self.assertEqual(sum(x for x in (y for y in (z for z in range(10) if True) if False) if True), 0)
-        check_syntax_error(self, "foo(x for x in range(10), 100)")
-        check_syntax_error(self, "foo(100, x for x in range(10))")
-    def testComprehensionSpecials(self):
-        # test for outmost iterable precomputation
-        x = 10; g = (i for i in range(x)); x = 5
-        self.assertEqual(len(list(g)), 10)
-        # This should hold, since we're only precomputing outmost iterable.
-        x = 10; t = False; g = ((i,j) for i in range(x) if t for j in range(x))
-        x = 5; t = True;
-        self.assertEqual([(i,j) for i in range(10) for j in range(5)], list(g))
-        # Grammar allows multiple adjacent 'if's in listcomps and genexps,
-        # even though it's silly. Make sure it works (ifelse broke this.)
-        self.assertEqual([ x for x in range(10) if x % 2 if x % 3 ], [1, 5, 7])
-        self.assertEqual(list(x for x in range(10) if x % 2 if x % 3), [1, 5, 7])
-        # verify unpacking single element tuples in listcomp/genexp.
-        self.assertEqual([x for x, in [(4,), (5,), (6,)]], [4, 5, 6])
-        self.assertEqual(list(x for x, in [(7,), (8,), (9,)]), [7, 8, 9])
-    def test_with_statement(self):
-        class manager(object):
-            def __enter__(self):
-                return (1, 2)
-            def __exit__(self, *args):
-                pass
-        with manager():
-            pass
-        with manager() as x:
-            pass
-        with manager() as (x, y):
-            pass
-        with manager(), manager():
-            pass
-        with manager() as x, manager() as y:
-            pass
-        with manager() as x, manager():
-            pass
-    def testIfElseExpr(self):
-        # Test ifelse expressions in various cases
-        def _checkeval(msg, ret):
-            "helper to check that evaluation of expressions is done correctly"
-            print x
-            return ret
-        self.assertEqual([ x() for x in lambda: True, lambda: False if x() ], [True])
-        self.assertEqual([ x() for x in (lambda: True, lambda: False) if x() ], [True])
-        self.assertEqual([ x(False) for x in (lambda x: False if x else True, lambda x: True if x else False) if x(False) ], [True])
-        self.assertEqual((5 if 1 else _checkeval("check 1", 0)), 5)
-        self.assertEqual((_checkeval("check 2", 0) if 0 else 5), 5)
-        self.assertEqual((5 and 6 if 0 else 1), 1)
-        self.assertEqual(((5 and 6) if 0 else 1), 1)
-        self.assertEqual((5 and (6 if 1 else 1)), 6)
-        self.assertEqual((0 or _checkeval("check 3", 2) if 0 else 3), 3)
-        self.assertEqual((1 or _checkeval("check 4", 2) if 1 else _checkeval("check 5", 3)), 1)
-        self.assertEqual((0 or 5 if 1 else _checkeval("check 6", 3)), 5)
-        self.assertEqual((not 5 if 1 else 1), False)
-        self.assertEqual((not 5 if 0 else 1), 1)
-        self.assertEqual((6 + 1 if 1 else 2), 7)
-        self.assertEqual((6 - 1 if 1 else 2), 5)
-        self.assertEqual((6 * 2 if 1 else 4), 12)
-        self.assertEqual((6 / 2 if 1 else 3), 3)
-        self.assertEqual((6 < 4 if 0 else 2), 2)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/data/py3_test_grammar.py b/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/data/py3_test_grammar.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 774851f5bd7e8..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/data/py3_test_grammar.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,956 +0,0 @@
-# Python test set -- part 1, grammar.
-# This just tests whether the parser accepts them all.
-# NOTE: When you run this test as a script from the command line, you
-# get warnings about certain hex/oct constants.  Since those are
-# issued by the parser, you can't suppress them by adding a
-# filterwarnings() call to this module.  Therefore, to shut up the
-# regression test, the filterwarnings() call has been added to
-# regrtest.py.
-from test.support import check_syntax_error
-import unittest
-import sys
-# testing import *
-from sys import *
-class TokenTests(unittest.TestCase):
-    def testBackslash(self):
-        # Backslash means line continuation:
-        x = 1 \
-        + 1
-        self.assertEquals(x, 2, 'backslash for line continuation')
-        # Backslash does not means continuation in comments :\
-        x = 0
-        self.assertEquals(x, 0, 'backslash ending comment')
-    def testPlainIntegers(self):
-        self.assertEquals(type(000), type(0))
-        self.assertEquals(0xff, 255)
-        self.assertEquals(0o377, 255)
-        self.assertEquals(2147483647, 0o17777777777)
-        self.assertEquals(0b1001, 9)
-        # "0x" is not a valid literal
-        self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, eval, "0x")
-        from sys import maxsize
-        if maxsize == 2147483647:
-            self.assertEquals(-2147483647-1, -0o20000000000)
-            # XXX -2147483648
-            self.assert_(0o37777777777 > 0)
-            self.assert_(0xffffffff > 0)
-            self.assert_(0b1111111111111111111111111111111 > 0)
-            for s in ('2147483648', '0o40000000000', '0x100000000',
-                      '0b10000000000000000000000000000000'):
-                try:
-                    x = eval(s)
-                except OverflowError:
-                    self.fail("OverflowError on huge integer literal %r" % s)
-        elif maxsize == 9223372036854775807:
-            self.assertEquals(-9223372036854775807-1, -0o1000000000000000000000)
-            self.assert_(0o1777777777777777777777 > 0)
-            self.assert_(0xffffffffffffffff > 0)
-            self.assert_(0b11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 > 0)
-            for s in '9223372036854775808', '0o2000000000000000000000', \
-                     '0x10000000000000000', \
-                     '0b100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000':
-                try:
-                    x = eval(s)
-                except OverflowError:
-                    self.fail("OverflowError on huge integer literal %r" % s)
-        else:
-            self.fail('Weird maxsize value %r' % maxsize)
-    def testLongIntegers(self):
-        x = 0
-        x = 0xffffffffffffffff
-        x = 0Xffffffffffffffff
-        x = 0o77777777777777777
-        x = 0O77777777777777777
-        x = 123456789012345678901234567890
-        x = 0b100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
-        x = 0B111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
-    def testUnderscoresInNumbers(self):
-        # Integers
-        x = 1_0
-        x = 123_456_7_89
-        x = 0xabc_123_4_5
-        x = 0X_abc_123
-        x = 0B11_01
-        x = 0b_11_01
-        x = 0o45_67
-        x = 0O_45_67
-        # Floats
-        x = 3_1.4
-        x = 03_1.4
-        x = 3_1.
-        x = .3_1
-        x = 3.1_4
-        x = 0_3.1_4
-        x = 3e1_4
-        x = 3_1e+4_1
-        x = 3_1E-4_1
-    def testFloats(self):
-        x = 3.14
-        x = 314.
-        x = 0.314
-        # XXX x = 000.314
-        x = .314
-        x = 3e14
-        x = 3E14
-        x = 3e-14
-        x = 3e+14
-        x = 3.e14
-        x = .3e14
-        x = 3.1e4
-    def testStringLiterals(self):
-        x = ''; y = ""; self.assert_(len(x) == 0 and x == y)
-        x = '\''; y = "'"; self.assert_(len(x) == 1 and x == y and ord(x) == 39)
-        x = '"'; y = "\""; self.assert_(len(x) == 1 and x == y and ord(x) == 34)
-        x = "doesn't \"shrink\" does it"
-        y = 'doesn\'t "shrink" does it'
-        self.assert_(len(x) == 24 and x == y)
-        x = "does \"shrink\" doesn't it"
-        y = 'does "shrink" doesn\'t it'
-        self.assert_(len(x) == 24 and x == y)
-        x = """
-The "quick"
-brown fox
-jumps over
-the 'lazy' dog.
-        y = '\nThe "quick"\nbrown fox\njumps over\nthe \'lazy\' dog.\n'
-        self.assertEquals(x, y)
-        y = '''
-The "quick"
-brown fox
-jumps over
-the 'lazy' dog.
-        self.assertEquals(x, y)
-        y = "\n\
-The \"quick\"\n\
-brown fox\n\
-jumps over\n\
-the 'lazy' dog.\n\
-        self.assertEquals(x, y)
-        y = '\n\
-The \"quick\"\n\
-brown fox\n\
-jumps over\n\
-the \'lazy\' dog.\n\
-        self.assertEquals(x, y)
-        x = rf"hello \{True}"; y = f"hello \\{True}"
-        self.assertEquals(x, y)
-    def testEllipsis(self):
-        x = ...
-        self.assert_(x is Ellipsis)
-        self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, eval, ".. .")
-class GrammarTests(unittest.TestCase):
-    # single_input: NEWLINE | simple_stmt | compound_stmt NEWLINE
-    # XXX can't test in a script -- this rule is only used when interactive
-    # file_input: (NEWLINE | stmt)* ENDMARKER
-    # Being tested as this very moment this very module
-    # expr_input: testlist NEWLINE
-    # XXX Hard to test -- used only in calls to input()
-    def testEvalInput(self):
-        # testlist ENDMARKER
-        x = eval('1, 0 or 1')
-    def testFuncdef(self):
-        ### [decorators] 'def' NAME parameters ['->' test] ':' suite
-        ### decorator: '@' dotted_name [ '(' [arglist] ')' ] NEWLINE
-        ### decorators: decorator+
-        ### parameters: '(' [typedargslist] ')'
-        ### typedargslist: ((tfpdef ['=' test] ',')*
-        ###                ('*' [tfpdef] (',' tfpdef ['=' test])* [',' '**' tfpdef] | '**' tfpdef)
-        ###                | tfpdef ['=' test] (',' tfpdef ['=' test])* [','])
-        ### tfpdef: NAME [':' test]
-        ### varargslist: ((vfpdef ['=' test] ',')*
-        ###              ('*' [vfpdef] (',' vfpdef ['=' test])*  [',' '**' vfpdef] | '**' vfpdef)
-        ###              | vfpdef ['=' test] (',' vfpdef ['=' test])* [','])
-        ### vfpdef: NAME
-        def f1(): pass
-        f1()
-        f1(*())
-        f1(*(), **{})
-        def f2(one_argument): pass
-        def f3(two, arguments): pass
-        self.assertEquals(f2.__code__.co_varnames, ('one_argument',))
-        self.assertEquals(f3.__code__.co_varnames, ('two', 'arguments'))
-        def a1(one_arg,): pass
-        def a2(two, args,): pass
-        def v0(*rest): pass
-        def v1(a, *rest): pass
-        def v2(a, b, *rest): pass
-        f1()
-        f2(1)
-        f2(1,)
-        f3(1, 2)
-        f3(1, 2,)
-        v0()
-        v0(1)
-        v0(1,)
-        v0(1,2)
-        v0(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0)
-        v1(1)
-        v1(1,)
-        v1(1,2)
-        v1(1,2,3)
-        v1(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0)
-        v2(1,2)
-        v2(1,2,3)
-        v2(1,2,3,4)
-        v2(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0)
-        def d01(a=1): pass
-        d01()
-        d01(1)
-        d01(*(1,))
-        d01(**{'a':2})
-        def d11(a, b=1): pass
-        d11(1)
-        d11(1, 2)
-        d11(1, **{'b':2})
-        def d21(a, b, c=1): pass
-        d21(1, 2)
-        d21(1, 2, 3)
-        d21(*(1, 2, 3))
-        d21(1, *(2, 3))
-        d21(1, 2, *(3,))
-        d21(1, 2, **{'c':3})
-        def d02(a=1, b=2): pass
-        d02()
-        d02(1)
-        d02(1, 2)
-        d02(*(1, 2))
-        d02(1, *(2,))
-        d02(1, **{'b':2})
-        d02(**{'a': 1, 'b': 2})
-        def d12(a, b=1, c=2): pass
-        d12(1)
-        d12(1, 2)
-        d12(1, 2, 3)
-        def d22(a, b, c=1, d=2): pass
-        d22(1, 2)
-        d22(1, 2, 3)
-        d22(1, 2, 3, 4)
-        def d01v(a=1, *rest): pass
-        d01v()
-        d01v(1)
-        d01v(1, 2)
-        d01v(*(1, 2, 3, 4))
-        d01v(*(1,))
-        d01v(**{'a':2})
-        def d11v(a, b=1, *rest): pass
-        d11v(1)
-        d11v(1, 2)
-        d11v(1, 2, 3)
-        def d21v(a, b, c=1, *rest): pass
-        d21v(1, 2)
-        d21v(1, 2, 3)
-        d21v(1, 2, 3, 4)
-        d21v(*(1, 2, 3, 4))
-        d21v(1, 2, **{'c': 3})
-        def d02v(a=1, b=2, *rest): pass
-        d02v()
-        d02v(1)
-        d02v(1, 2)
-        d02v(1, 2, 3)
-        d02v(1, *(2, 3, 4))
-        d02v(**{'a': 1, 'b': 2})
-        def d12v(a, b=1, c=2, *rest): pass
-        d12v(1)
-        d12v(1, 2)
-        d12v(1, 2, 3)
-        d12v(1, 2, 3, 4)
-        d12v(*(1, 2, 3, 4))
-        d12v(1, 2, *(3, 4, 5))
-        d12v(1, *(2,), **{'c': 3})
-        def d22v(a, b, c=1, d=2, *rest): pass
-        d22v(1, 2)
-        d22v(1, 2, 3)
-        d22v(1, 2, 3, 4)
-        d22v(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
-        d22v(*(1, 2, 3, 4))
-        d22v(1, 2, *(3, 4, 5))
-        d22v(1, *(2, 3), **{'d': 4})
-        # keyword argument type tests
-        try:
-            str('x', **{b'foo':1 })
-        except TypeError:
-            pass
-        else:
-            self.fail('Bytes should not work as keyword argument names')
-        # keyword only argument tests
-        def pos0key1(*, key): return key
-        pos0key1(key=100)
-        def pos2key2(p1, p2, *, k1, k2=100): return p1,p2,k1,k2
-        pos2key2(1, 2, k1=100)
-        pos2key2(1, 2, k1=100, k2=200)
-        pos2key2(1, 2, k2=100, k1=200)
-        def pos2key2dict(p1, p2, *, k1=100, k2, **kwarg): return p1,p2,k1,k2,kwarg
-        pos2key2dict(1,2,k2=100,tokwarg1=100,tokwarg2=200)
-        pos2key2dict(1,2,tokwarg1=100,tokwarg2=200, k2=100)
-        # keyword arguments after *arglist
-        def f(*args, **kwargs):
-            return args, kwargs
-        self.assertEquals(f(1, x=2, *[3, 4], y=5), ((1, 3, 4),
-                                                    {'x':2, 'y':5}))
-        self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, eval, "f(1, *(2,3), 4)")
-        self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, eval, "f(1, x=2, *(3,4), x=5)")
-        # argument annotation tests
-        def f(x) -> list: pass
-        self.assertEquals(f.__annotations__, {'return': list})
-        def f(x:int): pass
-        self.assertEquals(f.__annotations__, {'x': int})
-        def f(*x:str): pass
-        self.assertEquals(f.__annotations__, {'x': str})
-        def f(**x:float): pass
-        self.assertEquals(f.__annotations__, {'x': float})
-        def f(x, y:1+2): pass
-        self.assertEquals(f.__annotations__, {'y': 3})
-        def f(a, b:1, c:2, d): pass
-        self.assertEquals(f.__annotations__, {'b': 1, 'c': 2})
-        def f(a, b:1, c:2, d, e:3=4, f=5, *g:6): pass
-        self.assertEquals(f.__annotations__,
-                          {'b': 1, 'c': 2, 'e': 3, 'g': 6})
-        def f(a, b:1, c:2, d, e:3=4, f=5, *g:6, h:7, i=8, j:9=10,
-              **k:11) -> 12: pass
-        self.assertEquals(f.__annotations__,
-                          {'b': 1, 'c': 2, 'e': 3, 'g': 6, 'h': 7, 'j': 9,
-                           'k': 11, 'return': 12})
-        # Check for SF Bug #1697248 - mixing decorators and a return annotation
-        def null(x): return x
-        @null
-        def f(x) -> list: pass
-        self.assertEquals(f.__annotations__, {'return': list})
-        # test closures with a variety of oparg's
-        closure = 1
-        def f(): return closure
-        def f(x=1): return closure
-        def f(*, k=1): return closure
-        def f() -> int: return closure
-        # Check ast errors in *args and *kwargs
-        check_syntax_error(self, "f(*g(1=2))")
-        check_syntax_error(self, "f(**g(1=2))")
-    def testLambdef(self):
-        ### lambdef: 'lambda' [varargslist] ':' test
-        l1 = lambda : 0
-        self.assertEquals(l1(), 0)
-        l2 = lambda : a[d] # XXX just testing the expression
-        l3 = lambda : [2 < x for x in [-1, 3, 0]]
-        self.assertEquals(l3(), [0, 1, 0])
-        l4 = lambda x = lambda y = lambda z=1 : z : y() : x()
-        self.assertEquals(l4(), 1)
-        l5 = lambda x, y, z=2: x + y + z
-        self.assertEquals(l5(1, 2), 5)
-        self.assertEquals(l5(1, 2, 3), 6)
-        check_syntax_error(self, "lambda x: x = 2")
-        check_syntax_error(self, "lambda (None,): None")
-        l6 = lambda x, y, *, k=20: x+y+k
-        self.assertEquals(l6(1,2), 1+2+20)
-        self.assertEquals(l6(1,2,k=10), 1+2+10)
-    ### stmt: simple_stmt | compound_stmt
-    # Tested below
-    def testSimpleStmt(self):
-        ### simple_stmt: small_stmt (';' small_stmt)* [';']
-        x = 1; pass; del x
-        def foo():
-            # verify statements that end with semi-colons
-            x = 1; pass; del x;
-        foo()
-    ### small_stmt: expr_stmt | pass_stmt | del_stmt | flow_stmt | import_stmt | global_stmt | access_stmt
-    # Tested below
-    def testExprStmt(self):
-        # (exprlist '=')* exprlist
-        1
-        1, 2, 3
-        x = 1
-        x = 1, 2, 3
-        x = y = z = 1, 2, 3
-        x, y, z = 1, 2, 3
-        abc = a, b, c = x, y, z = xyz = 1, 2, (3, 4)
-        check_syntax_error(self, "x + 1 = 1")
-        check_syntax_error(self, "a + 1 = b + 2")
-    def testDelStmt(self):
-        # 'del' exprlist
-        abc = [1,2,3]
-        x, y, z = abc
-        xyz = x, y, z
-        del abc
-        del x, y, (z, xyz)
-    def testPassStmt(self):
-        # 'pass'
-        pass
-    # flow_stmt: break_stmt | continue_stmt | return_stmt | raise_stmt
-    # Tested below
-    def testBreakStmt(self):
-        # 'break'
-        while 1: break
-    def testContinueStmt(self):
-        # 'continue'
-        i = 1
-        while i: i = 0; continue
-        msg = ""
-        while not msg:
-            msg = "ok"
-            try:
-                continue
-                msg = "continue failed to continue inside try"
-            except:
-                msg = "continue inside try called except block"
-        if msg != "ok":
-            self.fail(msg)
-        msg = ""
-        while not msg:
-            msg = "finally block not called"
-            try:
-                continue
-            finally:
-                msg = "ok"
-        if msg != "ok":
-            self.fail(msg)
-    def test_break_continue_loop(self):
-        # This test warrants an explanation. It is a test specifically for SF bugs
-        # #463359 and #462937. The bug is that a 'break' statement executed or
-        # exception raised inside a try/except inside a loop, *after* a continue
-        # statement has been executed in that loop, will cause the wrong number of
-        # arguments to be popped off the stack and the instruction pointer reset to
-        # a very small number (usually 0.) Because of this, the following test
-        # *must* written as a function, and the tracking vars *must* be function
-        # arguments with default values. Otherwise, the test will loop and loop.
-        def test_inner(extra_burning_oil = 1, count=0):
-            big_hippo = 2
-            while big_hippo:
-                count += 1
-                try:
-                    if extra_burning_oil and big_hippo == 1:
-                        extra_burning_oil -= 1
-                        break
-                    big_hippo -= 1
-                    continue
-                except:
-                    raise
-            if count > 2 or big_hippo != 1:
-                self.fail("continue then break in try/except in loop broken!")
-        test_inner()
-    def testReturn(self):
-        # 'return' [testlist_star_expr]
-        def g1(): return
-        def g2(): return 1
-        return_list = [2, 3]
-        def g3(): return 1, *return_list
-        g1()
-        x = g2()
-        x3 = g3()
-        check_syntax_error(self, "class foo:return 1")
-    def testYield(self):
-        # 'yield' [yield_arg]
-        def g1(): yield 1
-        yield_list = [2, 3]
-        def g2(): yield 1, *yield_list
-        def g3(): yield from iter(yield_list)
-        x1 = g1()
-        x2 = g2()
-        x3 = g3()
-        check_syntax_error(self, "class foo:yield 1")
-        check_syntax_error(self, "def g4(): yield from *a")
-    def testRaise(self):
-        # 'raise' test [',' test]
-        try: raise RuntimeError('just testing')
-        except RuntimeError: pass
-        try: raise KeyboardInterrupt
-        except KeyboardInterrupt: pass
-    def testImport(self):
-        # 'import' dotted_as_names
-        import sys
-        import time, sys
-        # 'from' dotted_name 'import' ('*' | '(' import_as_names ')' | import_as_names)
-        from time import time
-        from time import (time)
-        # not testable inside a function, but already done at top of the module
-        # from sys import *
-        from sys import path, argv
-        from sys import (path, argv)
-        from sys import (path, argv,)
-    def testGlobal(self):
-        # 'global' NAME (',' NAME)*
-        global a
-        global a, b
-        global one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten
-    def testNonlocal(self):
-        # 'nonlocal' NAME (',' NAME)*
-        x = 0
-        y = 0
-        def f():
-            nonlocal x
-            nonlocal x, y
-    def testAssert(self):
-        # assert_stmt: 'assert' test [',' test]
-        assert 1
-        assert 1, 1
-        assert lambda x:x
-        assert 1, lambda x:x+1
-        try:
-            assert 0, "msg"
-        except AssertionError as e:
-            self.assertEquals(e.args[0], "msg")
-        else:
-            if __debug__:
-                self.fail("AssertionError not raised by assert 0")
-    ### compound_stmt: if_stmt | while_stmt | for_stmt | try_stmt | funcdef | classdef
-    # Tested below
-    def testIf(self):
-        # 'if' test ':' suite ('elif' test ':' suite)* ['else' ':' suite]
-        if 1: pass
-        if 1: pass
-        else: pass
-        if 0: pass
-        elif 0: pass
-        if 0: pass
-        elif 0: pass
-        elif 0: pass
-        elif 0: pass
-        else: pass
-    def testWhile(self):
-        # 'while' test ':' suite ['else' ':' suite]
-        while 0: pass
-        while 0: pass
-        else: pass
-        # Issue1920: "while 0" is optimized away,
-        # ensure that the "else" clause is still present.
-        x = 0
-        while 0:
-            x = 1
-        else:
-            x = 2
-        self.assertEquals(x, 2)
-    def testFor(self):
-        # 'for' exprlist 'in' exprlist ':' suite ['else' ':' suite]
-        for i in 1, 2, 3: pass
-        for i, j, k in (): pass
-        else: pass
-        class Squares:
-            def __init__(self, max):
-                self.max = max
-                self.sofar = []
-            def __len__(self): return len(self.sofar)
-            def __getitem__(self, i):
-                if not 0 <= i < self.max: raise IndexError
-                n = len(self.sofar)
-                while n <= i:
-                    self.sofar.append(n*n)
-                    n = n+1
-                return self.sofar[i]
-        n = 0
-        for x in Squares(10): n = n+x
-        if n != 285:
-            self.fail('for over growing sequence')
-        result = []
-        for x, in [(1,), (2,), (3,)]:
-            result.append(x)
-        self.assertEqual(result, [1, 2, 3])
-    def testTry(self):
-        ### try_stmt: 'try' ':' suite (except_clause ':' suite)+ ['else' ':' suite]
-        ###         | 'try' ':' suite 'finally' ':' suite
-        ### except_clause: 'except' [expr ['as' expr]]
-        try:
-            1/0
-        except ZeroDivisionError:
-            pass
-        else:
-            pass
-        try: 1/0
-        except EOFError: pass
-        except TypeError as msg: pass
-        except RuntimeError as msg: pass
-        except: pass
-        else: pass
-        try: 1/0
-        except (EOFError, TypeError, ZeroDivisionError): pass
-        try: 1/0
-        except (EOFError, TypeError, ZeroDivisionError) as msg: pass
-        try: pass
-        finally: pass
-    def testSuite(self):
-        # simple_stmt | NEWLINE INDENT NEWLINE* (stmt NEWLINE*)+ DEDENT
-        if 1: pass
-        if 1:
-            pass
-        if 1:
-            #
-            #
-            #
-            pass
-            pass
-            #
-            pass
-            #
-    def testTest(self):
-        ### and_test ('or' and_test)*
-        ### and_test: not_test ('and' not_test)*
-        ### not_test: 'not' not_test | comparison
-        if not 1: pass
-        if 1 and 1: pass
-        if 1 or 1: pass
-        if not not not 1: pass
-        if not 1 and 1 and 1: pass
-        if 1 and 1 or 1 and 1 and 1 or not 1 and 1: pass
-    def testComparison(self):
-        ### comparison: expr (comp_op expr)*
-        ### comp_op: '<'|'>'|'=='|'>='|'<='|'!='|'in'|'not' 'in'|'is'|'is' 'not'
-        if 1: pass
-        x = (1 == 1)
-        if 1 == 1: pass
-        if 1 != 1: pass
-        if 1 < 1: pass
-        if 1 > 1: pass
-        if 1 <= 1: pass
-        if 1 >= 1: pass
-        if 1 is 1: pass
-        if 1 is not 1: pass
-        if 1 in (): pass
-        if 1 not in (): pass
-        if 1 < 1 > 1 == 1 >= 1 <= 1 != 1 in 1 not in 1 is 1 is not 1: pass
-    def testBinaryMaskOps(self):
-        x = 1 & 1
-        x = 1 ^ 1
-        x = 1 | 1
-    def testShiftOps(self):
-        x = 1 << 1
-        x = 1 >> 1
-        x = 1 << 1 >> 1
-    def testAdditiveOps(self):
-        x = 1
-        x = 1 + 1
-        x = 1 - 1 - 1
-        x = 1 - 1 + 1 - 1 + 1
-    def testMultiplicativeOps(self):
-        x = 1 * 1
-        x = 1 / 1
-        x = 1 % 1
-        x = 1 / 1 * 1 % 1
-    def testUnaryOps(self):
-        x = +1
-        x = -1
-        x = ~1
-        x = ~1 ^ 1 & 1 | 1 & 1 ^ -1
-        x = -1*1/1 + 1*1 - ---1*1
-    def testSelectors(self):
-        ### trailer: '(' [testlist] ')' | '[' subscript ']' | '.' NAME
-        ### subscript: expr | [expr] ':' [expr]
-        import sys, time
-        c = sys.path[0]
-        x = time.time()
-        x = sys.modules['time'].time()
-        a = '01234'
-        c = a[0]
-        c = a[-1]
-        s = a[0:5]
-        s = a[:5]
-        s = a[0:]
-        s = a[:]
-        s = a[-5:]
-        s = a[:-1]
-        s = a[-4:-3]
-        # A rough test of SF bug 1333982.  https://bugs.python.org/issue1333982
-        # The testing here is fairly incomplete.
-        # Test cases should include: commas with 1 and 2 colons
-        d = {}
-        d[1] = 1
-        d[1,] = 2
-        d[1,2] = 3
-        d[1,2,3] = 4
-        L = list(d)
-        L.sort(key=lambda x: x if isinstance(x, tuple) else ())
-        self.assertEquals(str(L), '[1, (1,), (1, 2), (1, 2, 3)]')
-    def testAtoms(self):
-        ### atom: '(' [testlist] ')' | '[' [testlist] ']' | '{' [dictsetmaker] '}' | NAME | NUMBER | STRING
-        ### dictsetmaker: (test ':' test (',' test ':' test)* [',']) | (test (',' test)* [','])
-        x = (1)
-        x = (1 or 2 or 3)
-        x = (1 or 2 or 3, 2, 3)
-        x = []
-        x = [1]
-        x = [1 or 2 or 3]
-        x = [1 or 2 or 3, 2, 3]
-        x = []
-        x = {}
-        x = {'one': 1}
-        x = {'one': 1,}
-        x = {'one' or 'two': 1 or 2}
-        x = {'one': 1, 'two': 2}
-        x = {'one': 1, 'two': 2,}
-        x = {'one': 1, 'two': 2, 'three': 3, 'four': 4, 'five': 5, 'six': 6}
-        x = {'one'}
-        x = {'one', 1,}
-        x = {'one', 'two', 'three'}
-        x = {2, 3, 4,}
-        x = x
-        x = 'x'
-        x = 123
-    ### exprlist: expr (',' expr)* [',']
-    ### testlist: test (',' test)* [',']
-    # These have been exercised enough above
-    def testClassdef(self):
-        # 'class' NAME ['(' [testlist] ')'] ':' suite
-        class B: pass
-        class B2(): pass
-        class C1(B): pass
-        class C2(B): pass
-        class D(C1, C2, B): pass
-        class C:
-            def meth1(self): pass
-            def meth2(self, arg): pass
-            def meth3(self, a1, a2): pass
-        # decorator: '@' dotted_name [ '(' [arglist] ')' ] NEWLINE
-        # decorators: decorator+
-        # decorated: decorators (classdef | funcdef)
-        def class_decorator(x): return x
-        @class_decorator
-        class G: pass
-    def testDictcomps(self):
-        # dictorsetmaker: ( (test ':' test (comp_for |
-        #                                   (',' test ':' test)* [','])) |
-        #                   (test (comp_for | (',' test)* [','])) )
-        nums = [1, 2, 3]
-        self.assertEqual({i:i+1 for i in nums}, {1: 2, 2: 3, 3: 4})
-    def testListcomps(self):
-        # list comprehension tests
-        nums = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
-        strs = ["Apple", "Banana", "Coconut"]
-        spcs = ["  Apple", " Banana ", "Coco  nut  "]
-        self.assertEqual([s.strip() for s in spcs], ['Apple', 'Banana', 'Coco  nut'])
-        self.assertEqual([3 * x for x in nums], [3, 6, 9, 12, 15])
-        self.assertEqual([x for x in nums if x > 2], [3, 4, 5])
-        self.assertEqual([(i, s) for i in nums for s in strs],
-                         [(1, 'Apple'), (1, 'Banana'), (1, 'Coconut'),
-                          (2, 'Apple'), (2, 'Banana'), (2, 'Coconut'),
-                          (3, 'Apple'), (3, 'Banana'), (3, 'Coconut'),
-                          (4, 'Apple'), (4, 'Banana'), (4, 'Coconut'),
-                          (5, 'Apple'), (5, 'Banana'), (5, 'Coconut')])
-        self.assertEqual([(i, s) for i in nums for s in [f for f in strs if "n" in f]],
-                         [(1, 'Banana'), (1, 'Coconut'), (2, 'Banana'), (2, 'Coconut'),
-                          (3, 'Banana'), (3, 'Coconut'), (4, 'Banana'), (4, 'Coconut'),
-                          (5, 'Banana'), (5, 'Coconut')])
-        self.assertEqual([(lambda a:[a**i for i in range(a+1)])(j) for j in range(5)],
-                         [[1], [1, 1], [1, 2, 4], [1, 3, 9, 27], [1, 4, 16, 64, 256]])
-        def test_in_func(l):
-            return [0 < x < 3 for x in l if x > 2]
-        self.assertEqual(test_in_func(nums), [False, False, False])
-        def test_nested_front():
-            self.assertEqual([[y for y in [x, x + 1]] for x in [1,3,5]],
-                             [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]])
-        test_nested_front()
-        check_syntax_error(self, "[i, s for i in nums for s in strs]")
-        check_syntax_error(self, "[x if y]")
-        suppliers = [
-          (1, "Boeing"),
-          (2, "Ford"),
-          (3, "Macdonalds")
-        ]
-        parts = [
-          (10, "Airliner"),
-          (20, "Engine"),
-          (30, "Cheeseburger")
-        ]
-        suppart = [
-          (1, 10), (1, 20), (2, 20), (3, 30)
-        ]
-        x = [
-          (sname, pname)
-            for (sno, sname) in suppliers
-              for (pno, pname) in parts
-                for (sp_sno, sp_pno) in suppart
-                  if sno == sp_sno and pno == sp_pno
-        ]
-        self.assertEqual(x, [('Boeing', 'Airliner'), ('Boeing', 'Engine'), ('Ford', 'Engine'),
-                             ('Macdonalds', 'Cheeseburger')])
-    def testGenexps(self):
-        # generator expression tests
-        g = ([x for x in range(10)] for x in range(1))
-        self.assertEqual(next(g), [x for x in range(10)])
-        try:
-            next(g)
-            self.fail('should produce StopIteration exception')
-        except StopIteration:
-            pass
-        a = 1
-        try:
-            g = (a for d in a)
-            next(g)
-            self.fail('should produce TypeError')
-        except TypeError:
-            pass
-        self.assertEqual(list((x, y) for x in 'abcd' for y in 'abcd'), [(x, y) for x in 'abcd' for y in 'abcd'])
-        self.assertEqual(list((x, y) for x in 'ab' for y in 'xy'), [(x, y) for x in 'ab' for y in 'xy'])
-        a = [x for x in range(10)]
-        b = (x for x in (y for y in a))
-        self.assertEqual(sum(b), sum([x for x in range(10)]))
-        self.assertEqual(sum(x**2 for x in range(10)), sum([x**2 for x in range(10)]))
-        self.assertEqual(sum(x*x for x in range(10) if x%2), sum([x*x for x in range(10) if x%2]))
-        self.assertEqual(sum(x for x in (y for y in range(10))), sum([x for x in range(10)]))
-        self.assertEqual(sum(x for x in (y for y in (z for z in range(10)))), sum([x for x in range(10)]))
-        self.assertEqual(sum(x for x in [y for y in (z for z in range(10))]), sum([x for x in range(10)]))
-        self.assertEqual(sum(x for x in (y for y in (z for z in range(10) if True)) if True), sum([x for x in range(10)]))
-        self.assertEqual(sum(x for x in (y for y in (z for z in range(10) if True) if False) if True), 0)
-        check_syntax_error(self, "foo(x for x in range(10), 100)")
-        check_syntax_error(self, "foo(100, x for x in range(10))")
-    def testComprehensionSpecials(self):
-        # test for outmost iterable precomputation
-        x = 10; g = (i for i in range(x)); x = 5
-        self.assertEqual(len(list(g)), 10)
-        # This should hold, since we're only precomputing outmost iterable.
-        x = 10; t = False; g = ((i,j) for i in range(x) if t for j in range(x))
-        x = 5; t = True;
-        self.assertEqual([(i,j) for i in range(10) for j in range(5)], list(g))
-        # Grammar allows multiple adjacent 'if's in listcomps and genexps,
-        # even though it's silly. Make sure it works (ifelse broke this.)
-        self.assertEqual([ x for x in range(10) if x % 2 if x % 3 ], [1, 5, 7])
-        self.assertEqual(list(x for x in range(10) if x % 2 if x % 3), [1, 5, 7])
-        # verify unpacking single element tuples in listcomp/genexp.
-        self.assertEqual([x for x, in [(4,), (5,), (6,)]], [4, 5, 6])
-        self.assertEqual(list(x for x, in [(7,), (8,), (9,)]), [7, 8, 9])
-    def test_with_statement(self):
-        class manager(object):
-            def __enter__(self):
-                return (1, 2)
-            def __exit__(self, *args):
-                pass
-        with manager():
-            pass
-        with manager() as x:
-            pass
-        with manager() as (x, y):
-            pass
-        with manager(), manager():
-            pass
-        with manager() as x, manager() as y:
-            pass
-        with manager() as x, manager():
-            pass
-    def testIfElseExpr(self):
-        # Test ifelse expressions in various cases
-        def _checkeval(msg, ret):
-            "helper to check that evaluation of expressions is done correctly"
-            print(x)
-            return ret
-        # the next line is not allowed anymore
-        #self.assertEqual([ x() for x in lambda: True, lambda: False if x() ], [True])
-        self.assertEqual([ x() for x in (lambda: True, lambda: False) if x() ], [True])
-        self.assertEqual([ x(False) for x in (lambda x: False if x else True, lambda x: True if x else False) if x(False) ], [True])
-        self.assertEqual((5 if 1 else _checkeval("check 1", 0)), 5)
-        self.assertEqual((_checkeval("check 2", 0) if 0 else 5), 5)
-        self.assertEqual((5 and 6 if 0 else 1), 1)
-        self.assertEqual(((5 and 6) if 0 else 1), 1)
-        self.assertEqual((5 and (6 if 1 else 1)), 6)
-        self.assertEqual((0 or _checkeval("check 3", 2) if 0 else 3), 3)
-        self.assertEqual((1 or _checkeval("check 4", 2) if 1 else _checkeval("check 5", 3)), 1)
-        self.assertEqual((0 or 5 if 1 else _checkeval("check 6", 3)), 5)
-        self.assertEqual((not 5 if 1 else 1), False)
-        self.assertEqual((not 5 if 0 else 1), 1)
-        self.assertEqual((6 + 1 if 1 else 2), 7)
-        self.assertEqual((6 - 1 if 1 else 2), 5)
-        self.assertEqual((6 * 2 if 1 else 4), 12)
-        self.assertEqual((6 / 2 if 1 else 3), 3)
-        self.assertEqual((6 < 4 if 0 else 2), 2)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/pytree_idempotency.py b/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/pytree_idempotency.py
deleted file mode 100755
index eb2e2aa02ae0e..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/pytree_idempotency.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2006 Google, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
-"""Main program for testing the infrastructure."""
-from __future__ import print_function
-__author__ = "Guido van Rossum <guido at python.org>"
-# Support imports (need to be imported first)
-from . import support
-# Python imports
-import os
-import sys
-import logging
-# Local imports
-from lib2to3 import pytree
-from lib2to3 import pgen2
-from lib2to3.pgen2 import driver
-def main():
-    gr = driver.load_grammar("Grammar.txt")
-    dr = driver.Driver(gr, convert=pytree.convert)
-    fn = "example.py"
-    tree = dr.parse_file(fn, debug=True)
-    if not diff(fn, tree):
-        print("No diffs.")
-    if not sys.argv[1:]:
-        return # Pass a dummy argument to run the complete test suite below
-    problems = []
-    # Process every imported module
-    for name in sys.modules:
-        mod = sys.modules[name]
-        if mod is None or not hasattr(mod, "__file__"):
-            continue
-        fn = mod.__file__
-        if fn.endswith(".pyc"):
-            fn = fn[:-1]
-        if not fn.endswith(".py"):
-            continue
-        print("Parsing", fn, file=sys.stderr)
-        tree = dr.parse_file(fn, debug=True)
-        if diff(fn, tree):
-            problems.append(fn)
-    # Process every single module on sys.path (but not in packages)
-    for dir in sys.path:
-        try:
-            names = os.listdir(dir)
-        except OSError:
-            continue
-        print("Scanning", dir, "...", file=sys.stderr)
-        for name in names:
-            if not name.endswith(".py"):
-                continue
-            print("Parsing", name, file=sys.stderr)
-            fn = os.path.join(dir, name)
-            try:
-                tree = dr.parse_file(fn, debug=True)
-            except pgen2.parse.ParseError as err:
-                print("ParseError:", err)
-            else:
-                if diff(fn, tree):
-                    problems.append(fn)
-    # Show summary of problem files
-    if not problems:
-        print("No problems.  Congratulations!")
-    else:
-        print("Problems in following files:")
-        for fn in problems:
-            print("***", fn)
-def diff(fn, tree):
-    f = open("@", "w")
-    try:
-        f.write(str(tree))
-    finally:
-        f.close()
-    try:
-        return os.system("diff -u %s @" % fn)
-    finally:
-        os.remove("@")
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    main()
diff --git a/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/support.py b/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/support.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e56273e95992..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/support.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-"""Support code for test_*.py files"""
-# Author: Collin Winter
-# Python imports
-import unittest
-import os
-import os.path
-from textwrap import dedent
-# Local imports
-import lib2to3
-from lib2to3 import pytree, refactor
-from lib2to3.pgen2 import driver as pgen2_driver
-lib2to3_dir = os.path.dirname(lib2to3.__file__)
-test_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
-proj_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(test_dir, ".."))
-grammar_path = os.path.join(lib2to3_dir, "Grammar.txt")
-grammar = pgen2_driver.load_grammar(grammar_path)
-grammar_no_print_statement = pgen2_driver.load_grammar(grammar_path)
-del grammar_no_print_statement.keywords["print"]
-driver = pgen2_driver.Driver(grammar, convert=pytree.convert)
-driver_no_print_statement = pgen2_driver.Driver(
-    grammar_no_print_statement,
-    convert=pytree.convert
-def parse_string(string):
-    return driver.parse_string(reformat(string), debug=True)
-def run_all_tests(test_mod=None, tests=None):
-    if tests is None:
-        tests = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromModule(test_mod)
-    unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(tests)
-def reformat(string):
-    return dedent(string) + "\n\n"
-def get_refactorer(fixer_pkg="lib2to3", fixers=None, options=None):
-    """
-    A convenience function for creating a RefactoringTool for tests.
-    fixers is a list of fixers for the RefactoringTool to use. By default
-    "lib2to3.fixes.*" is used. options is an optional dictionary of options to
-    be passed to the RefactoringTool.
-    """
-    if fixers is not None:
-        fixers = [fixer_pkg + ".fixes.fix_" + fix for fix in fixers]
-    else:
-        fixers = refactor.get_fixers_from_package(fixer_pkg + ".fixes")
-    options = options or {}
-    return refactor.RefactoringTool(fixers, options, explicit=True)
-def _all_project_files(root, files):
-    for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(root):
-        for filename in filenames:
-            if not filename.endswith(".py"):
-                continue
-            files.append(os.path.join(dirpath, filename))
-def all_project_files():
-    files = []
-    _all_project_files(lib2to3_dir, files)
-    _all_project_files(test_dir, files)
-    # Sort to get more reproducible tests
-    files.sort()
-    return files
-TestCase = unittest.TestCase
diff --git a/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/test_all_fixers.py b/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/test_all_fixers.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d0fca7072482c..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/test_all_fixers.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-"""Tests that run all fixer modules over an input stream.
-This has been broken out into its own test module because of its
-running time.
-# Author: Collin Winter
-# Python imports
-import os.path
-import test.support
-import unittest
-# Local imports
-from . import support
- at test.support.requires_resource('cpu')
-class Test_all(support.TestCase):
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.refactor = support.get_refactorer()
-    def refactor_file(self, filepath):
-        if test.support.verbose:
-            print(f"Refactor file: {filepath}")
-        if os.path.basename(filepath) == 'infinite_recursion.py':
-            # bpo-46542: Processing infinite_recursion.py can crash Python
-            # if Python is built in debug mode: lower the recursion limit
-            # to prevent a crash.
-            with test.support.infinite_recursion(150):
-                self.refactor.refactor_file(filepath)
-        else:
-            self.refactor.refactor_file(filepath)
-    def test_all_project_files(self):
-        for filepath in support.all_project_files():
-            with self.subTest(filepath=filepath):
-                self.refactor_file(filepath)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/test_fixers.py b/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/test_fixers.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 68efeee7abb4d..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/test_fixers.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4649 +0,0 @@
-""" Test suite for the fixer modules """
-# Python imports
-import os
-from itertools import chain
-from operator import itemgetter
-# Local imports
-from lib2to3 import pygram, fixer_util
-from test.test_lib2to3 import support
-class FixerTestCase(support.TestCase):
-    # Other test cases can subclass this class and replace "fixer_pkg" with
-    # their own.
-    def setUp(self, fix_list=None, fixer_pkg="lib2to3", options=None):
-        if fix_list is None:
-            fix_list = [self.fixer]
-        self.refactor = support.get_refactorer(fixer_pkg, fix_list, options)
-        self.fixer_log = []
-        self.filename = "<string>"
-        for fixer in chain(self.refactor.pre_order,
-                           self.refactor.post_order):
-            fixer.log = self.fixer_log
-    def _check(self, before, after):
-        before = support.reformat(before)
-        after = support.reformat(after)
-        tree = self.refactor.refactor_string(before, self.filename)
-        self.assertEqual(after, str(tree))
-        return tree
-    def check(self, before, after, ignore_warnings=False):
-        tree = self._check(before, after)
-        self.assertTrue(tree.was_changed)
-        if not ignore_warnings:
-            self.assertEqual(self.fixer_log, [])
-    def warns(self, before, after, message, unchanged=False):
-        tree = self._check(before, after)
-        self.assertIn(message, "".join(self.fixer_log))
-        if not unchanged:
-            self.assertTrue(tree.was_changed)
-    def warns_unchanged(self, before, message):
-        self.warns(before, before, message, unchanged=True)
-    def unchanged(self, before, ignore_warnings=False):
-        self._check(before, before)
-        if not ignore_warnings:
-            self.assertEqual(self.fixer_log, [])
-    def assert_runs_after(self, *names):
-        fixes = [self.fixer]
-        fixes.extend(names)
-        r = support.get_refactorer("lib2to3", fixes)
-        (pre, post) = r.get_fixers()
-        n = "fix_" + self.fixer
-        if post and post[-1].__class__.__module__.endswith(n):
-            # We're the last fixer to run
-            return
-        if pre and pre[-1].__class__.__module__.endswith(n) and not post:
-            # We're the last in pre and post is empty
-            return
-        self.fail("Fixer run order (%s) is incorrect; %s should be last."\
-               %(", ".join([x.__class__.__module__ for x in (pre+post)]), n))
-class Test_ne(FixerTestCase):
-    fixer = "ne"
-    def test_basic(self):
-        b = """if x <> y:
-            pass"""
-        a = """if x != y:
-            pass"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_no_spaces(self):
-        b = """if x<>y:
-            pass"""
-        a = """if x!=y:
-            pass"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_chained(self):
-        b = """if x<>y<>z:
-            pass"""
-        a = """if x!=y!=z:
-            pass"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-class Test_has_key(FixerTestCase):
-    fixer = "has_key"
-    def test_1(self):
-        b = """x = d.has_key("x") or d.has_key("y")"""
-        a = """x = "x" in d or "y" in d"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_2(self):
-        b = """x = a.b.c.d.has_key("x") ** 3"""
-        a = """x = ("x" in a.b.c.d) ** 3"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_3(self):
-        b = """x = a.b.has_key(1 + 2).__repr__()"""
-        a = """x = (1 + 2 in a.b).__repr__()"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_4(self):
-        b = """x = a.b.has_key(1 + 2).__repr__() ** -3 ** 4"""
-        a = """x = (1 + 2 in a.b).__repr__() ** -3 ** 4"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_5(self):
-        b = """x = a.has_key(f or g)"""
-        a = """x = (f or g) in a"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_6(self):
-        b = """x = a + b.has_key(c)"""
-        a = """x = a + (c in b)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_7(self):
-        b = """x = a.has_key(lambda: 12)"""
-        a = """x = (lambda: 12) in a"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_8(self):
-        b = """x = a.has_key(a for a in b)"""
-        a = """x = (a for a in b) in a"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_9(self):
-        b = """if not a.has_key(b): pass"""
-        a = """if b not in a: pass"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_10(self):
-        b = """if not a.has_key(b).__repr__(): pass"""
-        a = """if not (b in a).__repr__(): pass"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_11(self):
-        b = """if not a.has_key(b) ** 2: pass"""
-        a = """if not (b in a) ** 2: pass"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-class Test_apply(FixerTestCase):
-    fixer = "apply"
-    def test_1(self):
-        b = """x = apply(f, g + h)"""
-        a = """x = f(*g + h)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_2(self):
-        b = """y = apply(f, g, h)"""
-        a = """y = f(*g, **h)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_3(self):
-        b = """z = apply(fs[0], g or h, h or g)"""
-        a = """z = fs[0](*g or h, **h or g)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_4(self):
-        b = """apply(f, (x, y) + t)"""
-        a = """f(*(x, y) + t)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_5(self):
-        b = """apply(f, args,)"""
-        a = """f(*args)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_6(self):
-        b = """apply(f, args, kwds,)"""
-        a = """f(*args, **kwds)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    # Test that complex functions are parenthesized
-    def test_complex_1(self):
-        b = """x = apply(f+g, args)"""
-        a = """x = (f+g)(*args)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_complex_2(self):
-        b = """x = apply(f*g, args)"""
-        a = """x = (f*g)(*args)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_complex_3(self):
-        b = """x = apply(f**g, args)"""
-        a = """x = (f**g)(*args)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    # But dotted names etc. not
-    def test_dotted_name(self):
-        b = """x = apply(f.g, args)"""
-        a = """x = f.g(*args)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_subscript(self):
-        b = """x = apply(f[x], args)"""
-        a = """x = f[x](*args)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_call(self):
-        b = """x = apply(f(), args)"""
-        a = """x = f()(*args)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    # Extreme case
-    def test_extreme(self):
-        b = """x = apply(a.b.c.d.e.f, args, kwds)"""
-        a = """x = a.b.c.d.e.f(*args, **kwds)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    # XXX Comments in weird places still get lost
-    def test_weird_comments(self):
-        b = """apply(   # foo
-          f, # bar
-          args)"""
-        a = """f(*args)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    # These should *not* be touched
-    def test_unchanged_1(self):
-        s = """apply()"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-    def test_unchanged_2(self):
-        s = """apply(f)"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-    def test_unchanged_3(self):
-        s = """apply(f,)"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-    def test_unchanged_4(self):
-        s = """apply(f, args, kwds, extras)"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-    def test_unchanged_5(self):
-        s = """apply(f, *args, **kwds)"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-    def test_unchanged_6(self):
-        s = """apply(f, *args)"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-    def test_unchanged_6b(self):
-        s = """apply(f, **kwds)"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-    def test_unchanged_7(self):
-        s = """apply(func=f, args=args, kwds=kwds)"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-    def test_unchanged_8(self):
-        s = """apply(f, args=args, kwds=kwds)"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-    def test_unchanged_9(self):
-        s = """apply(f, args, kwds=kwds)"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-    def test_space_1(self):
-        a = """apply(  f,  args,   kwds)"""
-        b = """f(*args, **kwds)"""
-        self.check(a, b)
-    def test_space_2(self):
-        a = """apply(  f  ,args,kwds   )"""
-        b = """f(*args, **kwds)"""
-        self.check(a, b)
-class Test_reload(FixerTestCase):
-    fixer = "reload"
-    def test(self):
-        b = """reload(a)"""
-        a = """import importlib\nimportlib.reload(a)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_comment(self):
-        b = """reload( a ) # comment"""
-        a = """import importlib\nimportlib.reload( a ) # comment"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        # PEP 8 comments
-        b = """reload( a )  # comment"""
-        a = """import importlib\nimportlib.reload( a )  # comment"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_space(self):
-        b = """reload( a )"""
-        a = """import importlib\nimportlib.reload( a )"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """reload( a)"""
-        a = """import importlib\nimportlib.reload( a)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """reload(a )"""
-        a = """import importlib\nimportlib.reload(a )"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_unchanged(self):
-        s = """reload(a=1)"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-        s = """reload(f, g)"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-        s = """reload(f, *h)"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-        s = """reload(f, *h, **i)"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-        s = """reload(f, **i)"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-        s = """reload(*h, **i)"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-        s = """reload(*h)"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-        s = """reload(**i)"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-        s = """reload()"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-class Test_intern(FixerTestCase):
-    fixer = "intern"
-    def test_prefix_preservation(self):
-        b = """x =   intern(  a  )"""
-        a = """import sys\nx =   sys.intern(  a  )"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """y = intern("b" # test
-              )"""
-        a = """import sys\ny = sys.intern("b" # test
-              )"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """z = intern(a+b+c.d,   )"""
-        a = """import sys\nz = sys.intern(a+b+c.d,   )"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test(self):
-        b = """x = intern(a)"""
-        a = """import sys\nx = sys.intern(a)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """z = intern(a+b+c.d,)"""
-        a = """import sys\nz = sys.intern(a+b+c.d,)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """intern("y%s" % 5).replace("y", "")"""
-        a = """import sys\nsys.intern("y%s" % 5).replace("y", "")"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    # These should not be refactored
-    def test_unchanged(self):
-        s = """intern(a=1)"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-        s = """intern(f, g)"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-        s = """intern(*h)"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-        s = """intern(**i)"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-        s = """intern()"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-class Test_reduce(FixerTestCase):
-    fixer = "reduce"
-    def test_simple_call(self):
-        b = "reduce(a, b, c)"
-        a = "from functools import reduce\nreduce(a, b, c)"
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_bug_7253(self):
-        # fix_tuple_params was being bad and orphaning nodes in the tree.
-        b = "def x(arg): reduce(sum, [])"
-        a = "from functools import reduce\ndef x(arg): reduce(sum, [])"
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_call_with_lambda(self):
-        b = "reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, seq)"
-        a = "from functools import reduce\nreduce(lambda x, y: x + y, seq)"
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_unchanged(self):
-        s = "reduce(a)"
-        self.unchanged(s)
-        s = "reduce(a, b=42)"
-        self.unchanged(s)
-        s = "reduce(a, b, c, d)"
-        self.unchanged(s)
-        s = "reduce(**c)"
-        self.unchanged(s)
-        s = "reduce()"
-        self.unchanged(s)
-class Test_print(FixerTestCase):
-    fixer = "print"
-    def test_prefix_preservation(self):
-        b = """print 1,   1+1,   1+1+1"""
-        a = """print(1,   1+1,   1+1+1)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_idempotency(self):
-        s = """print()"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-        s = """print('')"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-    def test_idempotency_print_as_function(self):
-        self.refactor.driver.grammar = pygram.python_grammar_no_print_statement
-        s = """print(1, 1+1, 1+1+1)"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-        s = """print()"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-        s = """print('')"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-    def test_1(self):
-        b = """print 1, 1+1, 1+1+1"""
-        a = """print(1, 1+1, 1+1+1)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_2(self):
-        b = """print 1, 2"""
-        a = """print(1, 2)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_3(self):
-        b = """print"""
-        a = """print()"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_4(self):
-        # from bug 3000
-        b = """print whatever; print"""
-        a = """print(whatever); print()"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_5(self):
-        b = """print; print whatever;"""
-        a = """print(); print(whatever);"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_tuple(self):
-        b = """print (a, b, c)"""
-        a = """print((a, b, c))"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    # trailing commas
-    def test_trailing_comma_1(self):
-        b = """print 1, 2, 3,"""
-        a = """print(1, 2, 3, end=' ')"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_trailing_comma_2(self):
-        b = """print 1, 2,"""
-        a = """print(1, 2, end=' ')"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_trailing_comma_3(self):
-        b = """print 1,"""
-        a = """print(1, end=' ')"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    # >> stuff
-    def test_vargs_without_trailing_comma(self):
-        b = """print >>sys.stderr, 1, 2, 3"""
-        a = """print(1, 2, 3, file=sys.stderr)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_with_trailing_comma(self):
-        b = """print >>sys.stderr, 1, 2,"""
-        a = """print(1, 2, end=' ', file=sys.stderr)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_no_trailing_comma(self):
-        b = """print >>sys.stderr, 1+1"""
-        a = """print(1+1, file=sys.stderr)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_spaces_before_file(self):
-        b = """print >>  sys.stderr"""
-        a = """print(file=sys.stderr)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_with_future_print_function(self):
-        s = "from __future__ import print_function\n" \
-            "print('Hai!', end=' ')"
-        self.unchanged(s)
-        b = "print 'Hello, world!'"
-        a = "print('Hello, world!')"
-        self.check(b, a)
-class Test_exec(FixerTestCase):
-    fixer = "exec"
-    def test_prefix_preservation(self):
-        b = """  exec code in ns1,   ns2"""
-        a = """  exec(code, ns1,   ns2)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_basic(self):
-        b = """exec code"""
-        a = """exec(code)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_with_globals(self):
-        b = """exec code in ns"""
-        a = """exec(code, ns)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_with_globals_locals(self):
-        b = """exec code in ns1, ns2"""
-        a = """exec(code, ns1, ns2)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_complex_1(self):
-        b = """exec (a.b()) in ns"""
-        a = """exec((a.b()), ns)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_complex_2(self):
-        b = """exec a.b() + c in ns"""
-        a = """exec(a.b() + c, ns)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    # These should not be touched
-    def test_unchanged_1(self):
-        s = """exec(code)"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-    def test_unchanged_2(self):
-        s = """exec (code)"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-    def test_unchanged_3(self):
-        s = """exec(code, ns)"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-    def test_unchanged_4(self):
-        s = """exec(code, ns1, ns2)"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-class Test_repr(FixerTestCase):
-    fixer = "repr"
-    def test_prefix_preservation(self):
-        b = """x =   `1 + 2`"""
-        a = """x =   repr(1 + 2)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_simple_1(self):
-        b = """x = `1 + 2`"""
-        a = """x = repr(1 + 2)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_simple_2(self):
-        b = """y = `x`"""
-        a = """y = repr(x)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_complex(self):
-        b = """z = `y`.__repr__()"""
-        a = """z = repr(y).__repr__()"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_tuple(self):
-        b = """x = `1, 2, 3`"""
-        a = """x = repr((1, 2, 3))"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_nested(self):
-        b = """x = `1 + `2``"""
-        a = """x = repr(1 + repr(2))"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_nested_tuples(self):
-        b = """x = `1, 2 + `3, 4``"""
-        a = """x = repr((1, 2 + repr((3, 4))))"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-class Test_except(FixerTestCase):
-    fixer = "except"
-    def test_prefix_preservation(self):
-        b = """
-            try:
-                pass
-            except (RuntimeError, ImportError),    e:
-                pass"""
-        a = """
-            try:
-                pass
-            except (RuntimeError, ImportError) as    e:
-                pass"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_simple(self):
-        b = """
-            try:
-                pass
-            except Foo, e:
-                pass"""
-        a = """
-            try:
-                pass
-            except Foo as e:
-                pass"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_simple_no_space_before_target(self):
-        b = """
-            try:
-                pass
-            except Foo,e:
-                pass"""
-        a = """
-            try:
-                pass
-            except Foo as e:
-                pass"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_tuple_unpack(self):
-        b = """
-            def foo():
-                try:
-                    pass
-                except Exception, (f, e):
-                    pass
-                except ImportError, e:
-                    pass"""
-        a = """
-            def foo():
-                try:
-                    pass
-                except Exception as xxx_todo_changeme:
-                    (f, e) = xxx_todo_changeme.args
-                    pass
-                except ImportError as e:
-                    pass"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_multi_class(self):
-        b = """
-            try:
-                pass
-            except (RuntimeError, ImportError), e:
-                pass"""
-        a = """
-            try:
-                pass
-            except (RuntimeError, ImportError) as e:
-                pass"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_list_unpack(self):
-        b = """
-            try:
-                pass
-            except Exception, [a, b]:
-                pass"""
-        a = """
-            try:
-                pass
-            except Exception as xxx_todo_changeme:
-                [a, b] = xxx_todo_changeme.args
-                pass"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_weird_target_1(self):
-        b = """
-            try:
-                pass
-            except Exception, d[5]:
-                pass"""
-        a = """
-            try:
-                pass
-            except Exception as xxx_todo_changeme:
-                d[5] = xxx_todo_changeme
-                pass"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_weird_target_2(self):
-        b = """
-            try:
-                pass
-            except Exception, a.foo:
-                pass"""
-        a = """
-            try:
-                pass
-            except Exception as xxx_todo_changeme:
-                a.foo = xxx_todo_changeme
-                pass"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_weird_target_3(self):
-        b = """
-            try:
-                pass
-            except Exception, a().foo:
-                pass"""
-        a = """
-            try:
-                pass
-            except Exception as xxx_todo_changeme:
-                a().foo = xxx_todo_changeme
-                pass"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_bare_except(self):
-        b = """
-            try:
-                pass
-            except Exception, a:
-                pass
-            except:
-                pass"""
-        a = """
-            try:
-                pass
-            except Exception as a:
-                pass
-            except:
-                pass"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_bare_except_and_else_finally(self):
-        b = """
-            try:
-                pass
-            except Exception, a:
-                pass
-            except:
-                pass
-            else:
-                pass
-            finally:
-                pass"""
-        a = """
-            try:
-                pass
-            except Exception as a:
-                pass
-            except:
-                pass
-            else:
-                pass
-            finally:
-                pass"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_multi_fixed_excepts_before_bare_except(self):
-        b = """
-            try:
-                pass
-            except TypeError, b:
-                pass
-            except Exception, a:
-                pass
-            except:
-                pass"""
-        a = """
-            try:
-                pass
-            except TypeError as b:
-                pass
-            except Exception as a:
-                pass
-            except:
-                pass"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_one_line_suites(self):
-        b = """
-            try: raise TypeError
-            except TypeError, e:
-                pass
-            """
-        a = """
-            try: raise TypeError
-            except TypeError as e:
-                pass
-            """
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """
-            try:
-                raise TypeError
-            except TypeError, e: pass
-            """
-        a = """
-            try:
-                raise TypeError
-            except TypeError as e: pass
-            """
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """
-            try: raise TypeError
-            except TypeError, e: pass
-            """
-        a = """
-            try: raise TypeError
-            except TypeError as e: pass
-            """
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """
-            try: raise TypeError
-            except TypeError, e: pass
-            else: function()
-            finally: done()
-            """
-        a = """
-            try: raise TypeError
-            except TypeError as e: pass
-            else: function()
-            finally: done()
-            """
-        self.check(b, a)
-    # These should not be touched:
-    def test_unchanged_1(self):
-        s = """
-            try:
-                pass
-            except:
-                pass"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-    def test_unchanged_2(self):
-        s = """
-            try:
-                pass
-            except Exception:
-                pass"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-    def test_unchanged_3(self):
-        s = """
-            try:
-                pass
-            except (Exception, SystemExit):
-                pass"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-class Test_raise(FixerTestCase):
-    fixer = "raise"
-    def test_basic(self):
-        b = """raise Exception, 5"""
-        a = """raise Exception(5)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_prefix_preservation(self):
-        b = """raise Exception,5"""
-        a = """raise Exception(5)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """raise   Exception,    5"""
-        a = """raise   Exception(5)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_with_comments(self):
-        b = """raise Exception, 5 # foo"""
-        a = """raise Exception(5) # foo"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """raise E, (5, 6) % (a, b) # foo"""
-        a = """raise E((5, 6) % (a, b)) # foo"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """def foo():
-                    raise Exception, 5, 6 # foo"""
-        a = """def foo():
-                    raise Exception(5).with_traceback(6) # foo"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_None_value(self):
-        b = """raise Exception(5), None, tb"""
-        a = """raise Exception(5).with_traceback(tb)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_tuple_value(self):
-        b = """raise Exception, (5, 6, 7)"""
-        a = """raise Exception(5, 6, 7)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_tuple_detection(self):
-        b = """raise E, (5, 6) % (a, b)"""
-        a = """raise E((5, 6) % (a, b))"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_tuple_exc_1(self):
-        b = """raise (((E1, E2), E3), E4), V"""
-        a = """raise E1(V)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_tuple_exc_2(self):
-        b = """raise (E1, (E2, E3), E4), V"""
-        a = """raise E1(V)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    # These should produce a warning
-    def test_string_exc(self):
-        s = """raise 'foo'"""
-        self.warns_unchanged(s, "Python 3 does not support string exceptions")
-    def test_string_exc_val(self):
-        s = """raise "foo", 5"""
-        self.warns_unchanged(s, "Python 3 does not support string exceptions")
-    def test_string_exc_val_tb(self):
-        s = """raise "foo", 5, 6"""
-        self.warns_unchanged(s, "Python 3 does not support string exceptions")
-    # These should result in traceback-assignment
-    def test_tb_1(self):
-        b = """def foo():
-                    raise Exception, 5, 6"""
-        a = """def foo():
-                    raise Exception(5).with_traceback(6)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_tb_2(self):
-        b = """def foo():
-                    a = 5
-                    raise Exception, 5, 6
-                    b = 6"""
-        a = """def foo():
-                    a = 5
-                    raise Exception(5).with_traceback(6)
-                    b = 6"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_tb_3(self):
-        b = """def foo():
-                    raise Exception,5,6"""
-        a = """def foo():
-                    raise Exception(5).with_traceback(6)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_tb_4(self):
-        b = """def foo():
-                    a = 5
-                    raise Exception,5,6
-                    b = 6"""
-        a = """def foo():
-                    a = 5
-                    raise Exception(5).with_traceback(6)
-                    b = 6"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_tb_5(self):
-        b = """def foo():
-                    raise Exception, (5, 6, 7), 6"""
-        a = """def foo():
-                    raise Exception(5, 6, 7).with_traceback(6)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_tb_6(self):
-        b = """def foo():
-                    a = 5
-                    raise Exception, (5, 6, 7), 6
-                    b = 6"""
-        a = """def foo():
-                    a = 5
-                    raise Exception(5, 6, 7).with_traceback(6)
-                    b = 6"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-class Test_throw(FixerTestCase):
-    fixer = "throw"
-    def test_1(self):
-        b = """g.throw(Exception, 5)"""
-        a = """g.throw(Exception(5))"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_2(self):
-        b = """g.throw(Exception,5)"""
-        a = """g.throw(Exception(5))"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_3(self):
-        b = """g.throw(Exception, (5, 6, 7))"""
-        a = """g.throw(Exception(5, 6, 7))"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_4(self):
-        b = """5 + g.throw(Exception, 5)"""
-        a = """5 + g.throw(Exception(5))"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    # These should produce warnings
-    def test_warn_1(self):
-        s = """g.throw("foo")"""
-        self.warns_unchanged(s, "Python 3 does not support string exceptions")
-    def test_warn_2(self):
-        s = """g.throw("foo", 5)"""
-        self.warns_unchanged(s, "Python 3 does not support string exceptions")
-    def test_warn_3(self):
-        s = """g.throw("foo", 5, 6)"""
-        self.warns_unchanged(s, "Python 3 does not support string exceptions")
-    # These should not be touched
-    def test_untouched_1(self):
-        s = """g.throw(Exception)"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-    def test_untouched_2(self):
-        s = """g.throw(Exception(5, 6))"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-    def test_untouched_3(self):
-        s = """5 + g.throw(Exception(5, 6))"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-    # These should result in traceback-assignment
-    def test_tb_1(self):
-        b = """def foo():
-                    g.throw(Exception, 5, 6)"""
-        a = """def foo():
-                    g.throw(Exception(5).with_traceback(6))"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_tb_2(self):
-        b = """def foo():
-                    a = 5
-                    g.throw(Exception, 5, 6)
-                    b = 6"""
-        a = """def foo():
-                    a = 5
-                    g.throw(Exception(5).with_traceback(6))
-                    b = 6"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_tb_3(self):
-        b = """def foo():
-                    g.throw(Exception,5,6)"""
-        a = """def foo():
-                    g.throw(Exception(5).with_traceback(6))"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_tb_4(self):
-        b = """def foo():
-                    a = 5
-                    g.throw(Exception,5,6)
-                    b = 6"""
-        a = """def foo():
-                    a = 5
-                    g.throw(Exception(5).with_traceback(6))
-                    b = 6"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_tb_5(self):
-        b = """def foo():
-                    g.throw(Exception, (5, 6, 7), 6)"""
-        a = """def foo():
-                    g.throw(Exception(5, 6, 7).with_traceback(6))"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_tb_6(self):
-        b = """def foo():
-                    a = 5
-                    g.throw(Exception, (5, 6, 7), 6)
-                    b = 6"""
-        a = """def foo():
-                    a = 5
-                    g.throw(Exception(5, 6, 7).with_traceback(6))
-                    b = 6"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_tb_7(self):
-        b = """def foo():
-                    a + g.throw(Exception, 5, 6)"""
-        a = """def foo():
-                    a + g.throw(Exception(5).with_traceback(6))"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_tb_8(self):
-        b = """def foo():
-                    a = 5
-                    a + g.throw(Exception, 5, 6)
-                    b = 6"""
-        a = """def foo():
-                    a = 5
-                    a + g.throw(Exception(5).with_traceback(6))
-                    b = 6"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-class Test_long(FixerTestCase):
-    fixer = "long"
-    def test_1(self):
-        b = """x = long(x)"""
-        a = """x = int(x)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_2(self):
-        b = """y = isinstance(x, long)"""
-        a = """y = isinstance(x, int)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_3(self):
-        b = """z = type(x) in (int, long)"""
-        a = """z = type(x) in (int, int)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_unchanged(self):
-        s = """long = True"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-        s = """s.long = True"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-        s = """def long(): pass"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-        s = """class long(): pass"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-        s = """def f(long): pass"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-        s = """def f(g, long): pass"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-        s = """def f(x, long=True): pass"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-    def test_prefix_preservation(self):
-        b = """x =   long(  x  )"""
-        a = """x =   int(  x  )"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-class Test_execfile(FixerTestCase):
-    fixer = "execfile"
-    def test_conversion(self):
-        b = """execfile("fn")"""
-        a = """exec(compile(open("fn", "rb").read(), "fn", 'exec'))"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """execfile("fn", glob)"""
-        a = """exec(compile(open("fn", "rb").read(), "fn", 'exec'), glob)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """execfile("fn", glob, loc)"""
-        a = """exec(compile(open("fn", "rb").read(), "fn", 'exec'), glob, loc)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """execfile("fn", globals=glob)"""
-        a = """exec(compile(open("fn", "rb").read(), "fn", 'exec'), globals=glob)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """execfile("fn", locals=loc)"""
-        a = """exec(compile(open("fn", "rb").read(), "fn", 'exec'), locals=loc)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """execfile("fn", globals=glob, locals=loc)"""
-        a = """exec(compile(open("fn", "rb").read(), "fn", 'exec'), globals=glob, locals=loc)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_spacing(self):
-        b = """execfile( "fn" )"""
-        a = """exec(compile(open( "fn", "rb" ).read(), "fn", 'exec'))"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """execfile("fn",  globals = glob)"""
-        a = """exec(compile(open("fn", "rb").read(), "fn", 'exec'),  globals = glob)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-class Test_isinstance(FixerTestCase):
-    fixer = "isinstance"
-    def test_remove_multiple_items(self):
-        b = """isinstance(x, (int, int, int))"""
-        a = """isinstance(x, int)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """isinstance(x, (int, float, int, int, float))"""
-        a = """isinstance(x, (int, float))"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """isinstance(x, (int, float, int, int, float, str))"""
-        a = """isinstance(x, (int, float, str))"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """isinstance(foo() + bar(), (x(), y(), x(), int, int))"""
-        a = """isinstance(foo() + bar(), (x(), y(), x(), int))"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_prefix_preservation(self):
-        b = """if    isinstance(  foo(), (  bar, bar, baz )) : pass"""
-        a = """if    isinstance(  foo(), (  bar, baz )) : pass"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_unchanged(self):
-        self.unchanged("isinstance(x, (str, int))")
-class Test_dict(FixerTestCase):
-    fixer = "dict"
-    def test_prefix_preservation(self):
-        b = "if   d. keys  (  )  : pass"
-        a = "if   list(d. keys  (  ))  : pass"
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = "if   d. items  (  )  : pass"
-        a = "if   list(d. items  (  ))  : pass"
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = "if   d. iterkeys  ( )  : pass"
-        a = "if   iter(d. keys  ( ))  : pass"
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = "[i for i in    d.  iterkeys(  )  ]"
-        a = "[i for i in    d.  keys(  )  ]"
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = "if   d. viewkeys  ( )  : pass"
-        a = "if   d. keys  ( )  : pass"
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = "[i for i in    d.  viewkeys(  )  ]"
-        a = "[i for i in    d.  keys(  )  ]"
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_trailing_comment(self):
-        b = "d.keys() # foo"
-        a = "list(d.keys()) # foo"
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = "d.items()  # foo"
-        a = "list(d.items())  # foo"
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = "d.iterkeys()  # foo"
-        a = "iter(d.keys())  # foo"
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """[i for i in d.iterkeys() # foo
-               ]"""
-        a = """[i for i in d.keys() # foo
-               ]"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """[i for i in d.iterkeys() # foo
-               ]"""
-        a = """[i for i in d.keys() # foo
-               ]"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = "d.viewitems()  # foo"
-        a = "d.items()  # foo"
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_unchanged(self):
-        for wrapper in fixer_util.consuming_calls:
-            s = "s = %s(d.keys())" % wrapper
-            self.unchanged(s)
-            s = "s = %s(d.values())" % wrapper
-            self.unchanged(s)
-            s = "s = %s(d.items())" % wrapper
-            self.unchanged(s)
-    def test_01(self):
-        b = "d.keys()"
-        a = "list(d.keys())"
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = "a[0].foo().keys()"
-        a = "list(a[0].foo().keys())"
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_02(self):
-        b = "d.items()"
-        a = "list(d.items())"
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_03(self):
-        b = "d.values()"
-        a = "list(d.values())"
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_04(self):
-        b = "d.iterkeys()"
-        a = "iter(d.keys())"
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_05(self):
-        b = "d.iteritems()"
-        a = "iter(d.items())"
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_06(self):
-        b = "d.itervalues()"
-        a = "iter(d.values())"
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_07(self):
-        s = "list(d.keys())"
-        self.unchanged(s)
-    def test_08(self):
-        s = "sorted(d.keys())"
-        self.unchanged(s)
-    def test_09(self):
-        b = "iter(d.keys())"
-        a = "iter(list(d.keys()))"
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_10(self):
-        b = "foo(d.keys())"
-        a = "foo(list(d.keys()))"
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_11(self):
-        b = "for i in d.keys(): print i"
-        a = "for i in list(d.keys()): print i"
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_12(self):
-        b = "for i in d.iterkeys(): print i"
-        a = "for i in d.keys(): print i"
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_13(self):
-        b = "[i for i in d.keys()]"
-        a = "[i for i in list(d.keys())]"
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_14(self):
-        b = "[i for i in d.iterkeys()]"
-        a = "[i for i in d.keys()]"
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_15(self):
-        b = "(i for i in d.keys())"
-        a = "(i for i in list(d.keys()))"
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_16(self):
-        b = "(i for i in d.iterkeys())"
-        a = "(i for i in d.keys())"
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_17(self):
-        b = "iter(d.iterkeys())"
-        a = "iter(d.keys())"
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_18(self):
-        b = "list(d.iterkeys())"
-        a = "list(d.keys())"
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_19(self):
-        b = "sorted(d.iterkeys())"
-        a = "sorted(d.keys())"
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_20(self):
-        b = "foo(d.iterkeys())"
-        a = "foo(iter(d.keys()))"
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_21(self):
-        b = "print h.iterkeys().next()"
-        a = "print iter(h.keys()).next()"
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_22(self):
-        b = "print h.keys()[0]"
-        a = "print list(h.keys())[0]"
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_23(self):
-        b = "print list(h.iterkeys().next())"
-        a = "print list(iter(h.keys()).next())"
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_24(self):
-        b = "for x in h.keys()[0]: print x"
-        a = "for x in list(h.keys())[0]: print x"
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_25(self):
-        b = "d.viewkeys()"
-        a = "d.keys()"
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_26(self):
-        b = "d.viewitems()"
-        a = "d.items()"
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_27(self):
-        b = "d.viewvalues()"
-        a = "d.values()"
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_28(self):
-        b = "[i for i in d.viewkeys()]"
-        a = "[i for i in d.keys()]"
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_29(self):
-        b = "(i for i in d.viewkeys())"
-        a = "(i for i in d.keys())"
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_30(self):
-        b = "iter(d.viewkeys())"
-        a = "iter(d.keys())"
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_31(self):
-        b = "list(d.viewkeys())"
-        a = "list(d.keys())"
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_32(self):
-        b = "sorted(d.viewkeys())"
-        a = "sorted(d.keys())"
-        self.check(b, a)
-class Test_xrange(FixerTestCase):
-    fixer = "xrange"
-    def test_prefix_preservation(self):
-        b = """x =    xrange(  10  )"""
-        a = """x =    range(  10  )"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """x = xrange(  1  ,  10   )"""
-        a = """x = range(  1  ,  10   )"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """x = xrange(  0  ,  10 ,  2 )"""
-        a = """x = range(  0  ,  10 ,  2 )"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_single_arg(self):
-        b = """x = xrange(10)"""
-        a = """x = range(10)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_two_args(self):
-        b = """x = xrange(1, 10)"""
-        a = """x = range(1, 10)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_three_args(self):
-        b = """x = xrange(0, 10, 2)"""
-        a = """x = range(0, 10, 2)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_wrap_in_list(self):
-        b = """x = range(10, 3, 9)"""
-        a = """x = list(range(10, 3, 9))"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """x = foo(range(10, 3, 9))"""
-        a = """x = foo(list(range(10, 3, 9)))"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """x = range(10, 3, 9) + [4]"""
-        a = """x = list(range(10, 3, 9)) + [4]"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """x = range(10)[::-1]"""
-        a = """x = list(range(10))[::-1]"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """x = range(10)  [3]"""
-        a = """x = list(range(10))  [3]"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_xrange_in_for(self):
-        b = """for i in xrange(10):\n    j=i"""
-        a = """for i in range(10):\n    j=i"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """[i for i in xrange(10)]"""
-        a = """[i for i in range(10)]"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_range_in_for(self):
-        self.unchanged("for i in range(10): pass")
-        self.unchanged("[i for i in range(10)]")
-    def test_in_contains_test(self):
-        self.unchanged("x in range(10, 3, 9)")
-    def test_in_consuming_context(self):
-        for call in fixer_util.consuming_calls:
-            self.unchanged("a = %s(range(10))" % call)
-class Test_xrange_with_reduce(FixerTestCase):
-    def setUp(self):
-        super(Test_xrange_with_reduce, self).setUp(["xrange", "reduce"])
-    def test_double_transform(self):
-        b = """reduce(x, xrange(5))"""
-        a = """from functools import reduce
-reduce(x, range(5))"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-class Test_raw_input(FixerTestCase):
-    fixer = "raw_input"
-    def test_prefix_preservation(self):
-        b = """x =    raw_input(   )"""
-        a = """x =    input(   )"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """x = raw_input(   ''   )"""
-        a = """x = input(   ''   )"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_1(self):
-        b = """x = raw_input()"""
-        a = """x = input()"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_2(self):
-        b = """x = raw_input('')"""
-        a = """x = input('')"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_3(self):
-        b = """x = raw_input('prompt')"""
-        a = """x = input('prompt')"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_4(self):
-        b = """x = raw_input(foo(a) + 6)"""
-        a = """x = input(foo(a) + 6)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_5(self):
-        b = """x = raw_input(invite).split()"""
-        a = """x = input(invite).split()"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_6(self):
-        b = """x = raw_input(invite) . split ()"""
-        a = """x = input(invite) . split ()"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_8(self):
-        b = "x = int(raw_input())"
-        a = "x = int(input())"
-        self.check(b, a)
-class Test_funcattrs(FixerTestCase):
-    fixer = "funcattrs"
-    attrs = ["closure", "doc", "name", "defaults", "code", "globals", "dict"]
-    def test(self):
-        for attr in self.attrs:
-            b = "a.func_%s" % attr
-            a = "a.__%s__" % attr
-            self.check(b, a)
-            b = "self.foo.func_%s.foo_bar" % attr
-            a = "self.foo.__%s__.foo_bar" % attr
-            self.check(b, a)
-    def test_unchanged(self):
-        for attr in self.attrs:
-            s = "foo(func_%s + 5)" % attr
-            self.unchanged(s)
-            s = "f(foo.__%s__)" % attr
-            self.unchanged(s)
-            s = "f(foo.__%s__.foo)" % attr
-            self.unchanged(s)
-class Test_xreadlines(FixerTestCase):
-    fixer = "xreadlines"
-    def test_call(self):
-        b = "for x in f.xreadlines(): pass"
-        a = "for x in f: pass"
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = "for x in foo().xreadlines(): pass"
-        a = "for x in foo(): pass"
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = "for x in (5 + foo()).xreadlines(): pass"
-        a = "for x in (5 + foo()): pass"
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_attr_ref(self):
-        b = "foo(f.xreadlines + 5)"
-        a = "foo(f.__iter__ + 5)"
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = "foo(f().xreadlines + 5)"
-        a = "foo(f().__iter__ + 5)"
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = "foo((5 + f()).xreadlines + 5)"
-        a = "foo((5 + f()).__iter__ + 5)"
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_unchanged(self):
-        s = "for x in f.xreadlines(5): pass"
-        self.unchanged(s)
-        s = "for x in f.xreadlines(k=5): pass"
-        self.unchanged(s)
-        s = "for x in f.xreadlines(*k, **v): pass"
-        self.unchanged(s)
-        s = "foo(xreadlines)"
-        self.unchanged(s)
-class ImportsFixerTests:
-    def test_import_module(self):
-        for old, new in self.modules.items():
-            b = "import %s" % old
-            a = "import %s" % new
-            self.check(b, a)
-            b = "import foo, %s, bar" % old
-            a = "import foo, %s, bar" % new
-            self.check(b, a)
-    def test_import_from(self):
-        for old, new in self.modules.items():
-            b = "from %s import foo" % old
-            a = "from %s import foo" % new
-            self.check(b, a)
-            b = "from %s import foo, bar" % old
-            a = "from %s import foo, bar" % new
-            self.check(b, a)
-            b = "from %s import (yes, no)" % old
-            a = "from %s import (yes, no)" % new
-            self.check(b, a)
-    def test_import_module_as(self):
-        for old, new in self.modules.items():
-            b = "import %s as foo_bar" % old
-            a = "import %s as foo_bar" % new
-            self.check(b, a)
-            b = "import %s as foo_bar" % old
-            a = "import %s as foo_bar" % new
-            self.check(b, a)
-    def test_import_from_as(self):
-        for old, new in self.modules.items():
-            b = "from %s import foo as bar" % old
-            a = "from %s import foo as bar" % new
-            self.check(b, a)
-    def test_star(self):
-        for old, new in self.modules.items():
-            b = "from %s import *" % old
-            a = "from %s import *" % new
-            self.check(b, a)
-    def test_import_module_usage(self):
-        for old, new in self.modules.items():
-            b = """
-                import %s
-                foo(%s.bar)
-                """ % (old, old)
-            a = """
-                import %s
-                foo(%s.bar)
-                """ % (new, new)
-            self.check(b, a)
-            b = """
-                from %s import x
-                %s = 23
-                """ % (old, old)
-            a = """
-                from %s import x
-                %s = 23
-                """ % (new, old)
-            self.check(b, a)
-            s = """
-                def f():
-                    %s.method()
-                """ % (old,)
-            self.unchanged(s)
-            # test nested usage
-            b = """
-                import %s
-                %s.bar(%s.foo)
-                """ % (old, old, old)
-            a = """
-                import %s
-                %s.bar(%s.foo)
-                """ % (new, new, new)
-            self.check(b, a)
-            b = """
-                import %s
-                x.%s
-                """ % (old, old)
-            a = """
-                import %s
-                x.%s
-                """ % (new, old)
-            self.check(b, a)
-class Test_imports(FixerTestCase, ImportsFixerTests):
-    fixer = "imports"
-    from lib2to3.fixes.fix_imports import MAPPING as modules
-    def test_multiple_imports(self):
-        b = """import urlparse, cStringIO"""
-        a = """import urllib.parse, io"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_multiple_imports_as(self):
-        b = """
-            import copy_reg as bar, HTMLParser as foo, urlparse
-            s = urlparse.spam(bar.foo())
-            """
-        a = """
-            import copyreg as bar, html.parser as foo, urllib.parse
-            s = urllib.parse.spam(bar.foo())
-            """
-        self.check(b, a)
-class Test_imports2(FixerTestCase, ImportsFixerTests):
-    fixer = "imports2"
-    from lib2to3.fixes.fix_imports2 import MAPPING as modules
-class Test_imports_fixer_order(FixerTestCase, ImportsFixerTests):
-    def setUp(self):
-        super(Test_imports_fixer_order, self).setUp(['imports', 'imports2'])
-        from lib2to3.fixes.fix_imports2 import MAPPING as mapping2
-        self.modules = mapping2.copy()
-        from lib2to3.fixes.fix_imports import MAPPING as mapping1
-        for key in ('dbhash', 'dumbdbm', 'dbm', 'gdbm'):
-            self.modules[key] = mapping1[key]
-    def test_after_local_imports_refactoring(self):
-        for fix in ("imports", "imports2"):
-            self.fixer = fix
-            self.assert_runs_after("import")
-class Test_urllib(FixerTestCase):
-    fixer = "urllib"
-    from lib2to3.fixes.fix_urllib import MAPPING as modules
-    def test_import_module(self):
-        for old, changes in self.modules.items():
-            b = "import %s" % old
-            a = "import %s" % ", ".join(map(itemgetter(0), changes))
-            self.check(b, a)
-    def test_import_from(self):
-        for old, changes in self.modules.items():
-            all_members = []
-            for new, members in changes:
-                for member in members:
-                    all_members.append(member)
-                    b = "from %s import %s" % (old, member)
-                    a = "from %s import %s" % (new, member)
-                    self.check(b, a)
-                    s = "from foo import %s" % member
-                    self.unchanged(s)
-                b = "from %s import %s" % (old, ", ".join(members))
-                a = "from %s import %s" % (new, ", ".join(members))
-                self.check(b, a)
-                s = "from foo import %s" % ", ".join(members)
-                self.unchanged(s)
-            # test the breaking of a module into multiple replacements
-            b = "from %s import %s" % (old, ", ".join(all_members))
-            a = "\n".join(["from %s import %s" % (new, ", ".join(members))
-                            for (new, members) in changes])
-            self.check(b, a)
-    def test_import_module_as(self):
-        for old in self.modules:
-            s = "import %s as foo" % old
-            self.warns_unchanged(s, "This module is now multiple modules")
-    def test_import_from_as(self):
-        for old, changes in self.modules.items():
-            for new, members in changes:
-                for member in members:
-                    b = "from %s import %s as foo_bar" % (old, member)
-                    a = "from %s import %s as foo_bar" % (new, member)
-                    self.check(b, a)
-                    b = "from %s import %s as blah, %s" % (old, member, member)
-                    a = "from %s import %s as blah, %s" % (new, member, member)
-                    self.check(b, a)
-    def test_star(self):
-        for old in self.modules:
-            s = "from %s import *" % old
-            self.warns_unchanged(s, "Cannot handle star imports")
-    def test_indented(self):
-        b = """
-def foo():
-    from urllib import urlencode, urlopen
-        a = """
-def foo():
-    from urllib.parse import urlencode
-    from urllib.request import urlopen
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """
-def foo():
-    other()
-    from urllib import urlencode, urlopen
-        a = """
-def foo():
-    other()
-    from urllib.parse import urlencode
-    from urllib.request import urlopen
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_single_import(self):
-        b = "from urllib import getproxies"
-        a = "from urllib.request import getproxies"
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_import_module_usage(self):
-        for old, changes in self.modules.items():
-            for new, members in changes:
-                for member in members:
-                    new_import = ", ".join([n for (n, mems)
-                                            in self.modules[old]])
-                    b = """
-                        import %s
-                        foo(%s.%s)
-                        """ % (old, old, member)
-                    a = """
-                        import %s
-                        foo(%s.%s)
-                        """ % (new_import, new, member)
-                    self.check(b, a)
-                    b = """
-                        import %s
-                        %s.%s(%s.%s)
-                        """ % (old, old, member, old, member)
-                    a = """
-                        import %s
-                        %s.%s(%s.%s)
-                        """ % (new_import, new, member, new, member)
-                    self.check(b, a)
-class Test_input(FixerTestCase):
-    fixer = "input"
-    def test_prefix_preservation(self):
-        b = """x =   input(   )"""
-        a = """x =   eval(input(   ))"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """x = input(   ''   )"""
-        a = """x = eval(input(   ''   ))"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_trailing_comment(self):
-        b = """x = input()  #  foo"""
-        a = """x = eval(input())  #  foo"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_idempotency(self):
-        s = """x = eval(input())"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-        s = """x = eval(input(''))"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-        s = """x = eval(input(foo(5) + 9))"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-    def test_1(self):
-        b = """x = input()"""
-        a = """x = eval(input())"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_2(self):
-        b = """x = input('')"""
-        a = """x = eval(input(''))"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_3(self):
-        b = """x = input('prompt')"""
-        a = """x = eval(input('prompt'))"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_4(self):
-        b = """x = input(foo(5) + 9)"""
-        a = """x = eval(input(foo(5) + 9))"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-class Test_tuple_params(FixerTestCase):
-    fixer = "tuple_params"
-    def test_unchanged_1(self):
-        s = """def foo(): pass"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-    def test_unchanged_2(self):
-        s = """def foo(a, b, c): pass"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-    def test_unchanged_3(self):
-        s = """def foo(a=3, b=4, c=5): pass"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-    def test_1(self):
-        b = """
-            def foo(((a, b), c)):
-                x = 5"""
-        a = """
-            def foo(xxx_todo_changeme):
-                ((a, b), c) = xxx_todo_changeme
-                x = 5"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_2(self):
-        b = """
-            def foo(((a, b), c), d):
-                x = 5"""
-        a = """
-            def foo(xxx_todo_changeme, d):
-                ((a, b), c) = xxx_todo_changeme
-                x = 5"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_3(self):
-        b = """
-            def foo(((a, b), c), d) -> e:
-                x = 5"""
-        a = """
-            def foo(xxx_todo_changeme, d) -> e:
-                ((a, b), c) = xxx_todo_changeme
-                x = 5"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_semicolon(self):
-        b = """
-            def foo(((a, b), c)): x = 5; y = 7"""
-        a = """
-            def foo(xxx_todo_changeme): ((a, b), c) = xxx_todo_changeme; x = 5; y = 7"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_keywords(self):
-        b = """
-            def foo(((a, b), c), d, e=5) -> z:
-                x = 5"""
-        a = """
-            def foo(xxx_todo_changeme, d, e=5) -> z:
-                ((a, b), c) = xxx_todo_changeme
-                x = 5"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_varargs(self):
-        b = """
-            def foo(((a, b), c), d, *vargs, **kwargs) -> z:
-                x = 5"""
-        a = """
-            def foo(xxx_todo_changeme, d, *vargs, **kwargs) -> z:
-                ((a, b), c) = xxx_todo_changeme
-                x = 5"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_multi_1(self):
-        b = """
-            def foo(((a, b), c), (d, e, f)) -> z:
-                x = 5"""
-        a = """
-            def foo(xxx_todo_changeme, xxx_todo_changeme1) -> z:
-                ((a, b), c) = xxx_todo_changeme
-                (d, e, f) = xxx_todo_changeme1
-                x = 5"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_multi_2(self):
-        b = """
-            def foo(x, ((a, b), c), d, (e, f, g), y) -> z:
-                x = 5"""
-        a = """
-            def foo(x, xxx_todo_changeme, d, xxx_todo_changeme1, y) -> z:
-                ((a, b), c) = xxx_todo_changeme
-                (e, f, g) = xxx_todo_changeme1
-                x = 5"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_docstring(self):
-        b = """
-            def foo(((a, b), c), (d, e, f)) -> z:
-                "foo foo foo foo"
-                x = 5"""
-        a = """
-            def foo(xxx_todo_changeme, xxx_todo_changeme1) -> z:
-                "foo foo foo foo"
-                ((a, b), c) = xxx_todo_changeme
-                (d, e, f) = xxx_todo_changeme1
-                x = 5"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_lambda_no_change(self):
-        s = """lambda x: x + 5"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-    def test_lambda_parens_single_arg(self):
-        b = """lambda (x): x + 5"""
-        a = """lambda x: x + 5"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """lambda(x): x + 5"""
-        a = """lambda x: x + 5"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """lambda ((((x)))): x + 5"""
-        a = """lambda x: x + 5"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """lambda((((x)))): x + 5"""
-        a = """lambda x: x + 5"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_lambda_simple(self):
-        b = """lambda (x, y): x + f(y)"""
-        a = """lambda x_y: x_y[0] + f(x_y[1])"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """lambda(x, y): x + f(y)"""
-        a = """lambda x_y: x_y[0] + f(x_y[1])"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """lambda (((x, y))): x + f(y)"""
-        a = """lambda x_y: x_y[0] + f(x_y[1])"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """lambda(((x, y))): x + f(y)"""
-        a = """lambda x_y: x_y[0] + f(x_y[1])"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_lambda_one_tuple(self):
-        b = """lambda (x,): x + f(x)"""
-        a = """lambda x1: x1[0] + f(x1[0])"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """lambda (((x,))): x + f(x)"""
-        a = """lambda x1: x1[0] + f(x1[0])"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_lambda_simple_multi_use(self):
-        b = """lambda (x, y): x + x + f(x) + x"""
-        a = """lambda x_y: x_y[0] + x_y[0] + f(x_y[0]) + x_y[0]"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_lambda_simple_reverse(self):
-        b = """lambda (x, y): y + x"""
-        a = """lambda x_y: x_y[1] + x_y[0]"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_lambda_nested(self):
-        b = """lambda (x, (y, z)): x + y + z"""
-        a = """lambda x_y_z: x_y_z[0] + x_y_z[1][0] + x_y_z[1][1]"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """lambda (((x, (y, z)))): x + y + z"""
-        a = """lambda x_y_z: x_y_z[0] + x_y_z[1][0] + x_y_z[1][1]"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_lambda_nested_multi_use(self):
-        b = """lambda (x, (y, z)): x + y + f(y)"""
-        a = """lambda x_y_z: x_y_z[0] + x_y_z[1][0] + f(x_y_z[1][0])"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-class Test_methodattrs(FixerTestCase):
-    fixer = "methodattrs"
-    attrs = ["func", "self", "class"]
-    def test(self):
-        for attr in self.attrs:
-            b = "a.im_%s" % attr
-            if attr == "class":
-                a = "a.__self__.__class__"
-            else:
-                a = "a.__%s__" % attr
-            self.check(b, a)
-            b = "self.foo.im_%s.foo_bar" % attr
-            if attr == "class":
-                a = "self.foo.__self__.__class__.foo_bar"
-            else:
-                a = "self.foo.__%s__.foo_bar" % attr
-            self.check(b, a)
-    def test_unchanged(self):
-        for attr in self.attrs:
-            s = "foo(im_%s + 5)" % attr
-            self.unchanged(s)
-            s = "f(foo.__%s__)" % attr
-            self.unchanged(s)
-            s = "f(foo.__%s__.foo)" % attr
-            self.unchanged(s)
-class Test_next(FixerTestCase):
-    fixer = "next"
-    def test_1(self):
-        b = """it.next()"""
-        a = """next(it)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_2(self):
-        b = """a.b.c.d.next()"""
-        a = """next(a.b.c.d)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_3(self):
-        b = """(a + b).next()"""
-        a = """next((a + b))"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_4(self):
-        b = """a().next()"""
-        a = """next(a())"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_5(self):
-        b = """a().next() + b"""
-        a = """next(a()) + b"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_6(self):
-        b = """c(      a().next() + b)"""
-        a = """c(      next(a()) + b)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_prefix_preservation_1(self):
-        b = """
-            for a in b:
-                foo(a)
-                a.next()
-            """
-        a = """
-            for a in b:
-                foo(a)
-                next(a)
-            """
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_prefix_preservation_2(self):
-        b = """
-            for a in b:
-                foo(a) # abc
-                # def
-                a.next()
-            """
-        a = """
-            for a in b:
-                foo(a) # abc
-                # def
-                next(a)
-            """
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_prefix_preservation_3(self):
-        b = """
-            next = 5
-            for a in b:
-                foo(a)
-                a.next()
-            """
-        a = """
-            next = 5
-            for a in b:
-                foo(a)
-                a.__next__()
-            """
-        self.check(b, a, ignore_warnings=True)
-    def test_prefix_preservation_4(self):
-        b = """
-            next = 5
-            for a in b:
-                foo(a) # abc
-                # def
-                a.next()
-            """
-        a = """
-            next = 5
-            for a in b:
-                foo(a) # abc
-                # def
-                a.__next__()
-            """
-        self.check(b, a, ignore_warnings=True)
-    def test_prefix_preservation_5(self):
-        b = """
-            next = 5
-            for a in b:
-                foo(foo(a), # abc
-                    a.next())
-            """
-        a = """
-            next = 5
-            for a in b:
-                foo(foo(a), # abc
-                    a.__next__())
-            """
-        self.check(b, a, ignore_warnings=True)
-    def test_prefix_preservation_6(self):
-        b = """
-            for a in b:
-                foo(foo(a), # abc
-                    a.next())
-            """
-        a = """
-            for a in b:
-                foo(foo(a), # abc
-                    next(a))
-            """
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_method_1(self):
-        b = """
-            class A:
-                def next(self):
-                    pass
-            """
-        a = """
-            class A:
-                def __next__(self):
-                    pass
-            """
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_method_2(self):
-        b = """
-            class A(object):
-                def next(self):
-                    pass
-            """
-        a = """
-            class A(object):
-                def __next__(self):
-                    pass
-            """
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_method_3(self):
-        b = """
-            class A:
-                def next(x):
-                    pass
-            """
-        a = """
-            class A:
-                def __next__(x):
-                    pass
-            """
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_method_4(self):
-        b = """
-            class A:
-                def __init__(self, foo):
-                    self.foo = foo
-                def next(self):
-                    pass
-                def __iter__(self):
-                    return self
-            """
-        a = """
-            class A:
-                def __init__(self, foo):
-                    self.foo = foo
-                def __next__(self):
-                    pass
-                def __iter__(self):
-                    return self
-            """
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_method_unchanged(self):
-        s = """
-            class A:
-                def next(self, a, b):
-                    pass
-            """
-        self.unchanged(s)
-    def test_shadowing_assign_simple(self):
-        s = """
-            next = foo
-            class A:
-                def next(self, a, b):
-                    pass
-            """
-        self.warns_unchanged(s, "Calls to builtin next() possibly shadowed")
-    def test_shadowing_assign_tuple_1(self):
-        s = """
-            (next, a) = foo
-            class A:
-                def next(self, a, b):
-                    pass
-            """
-        self.warns_unchanged(s, "Calls to builtin next() possibly shadowed")
-    def test_shadowing_assign_tuple_2(self):
-        s = """
-            (a, (b, (next, c)), a) = foo
-            class A:
-                def next(self, a, b):
-                    pass
-            """
-        self.warns_unchanged(s, "Calls to builtin next() possibly shadowed")
-    def test_shadowing_assign_list_1(self):
-        s = """
-            [next, a] = foo
-            class A:
-                def next(self, a, b):
-                    pass
-            """
-        self.warns_unchanged(s, "Calls to builtin next() possibly shadowed")
-    def test_shadowing_assign_list_2(self):
-        s = """
-            [a, [b, [next, c]], a] = foo
-            class A:
-                def next(self, a, b):
-                    pass
-            """
-        self.warns_unchanged(s, "Calls to builtin next() possibly shadowed")
-    def test_builtin_assign(self):
-        s = """
-            def foo():
-                __builtin__.next = foo
-            class A:
-                def next(self, a, b):
-                    pass
-            """
-        self.warns_unchanged(s, "Calls to builtin next() possibly shadowed")
-    def test_builtin_assign_in_tuple(self):
-        s = """
-            def foo():
-                (a, __builtin__.next) = foo
-            class A:
-                def next(self, a, b):
-                    pass
-            """
-        self.warns_unchanged(s, "Calls to builtin next() possibly shadowed")
-    def test_builtin_assign_in_list(self):
-        s = """
-            def foo():
-                [a, __builtin__.next] = foo
-            class A:
-                def next(self, a, b):
-                    pass
-            """
-        self.warns_unchanged(s, "Calls to builtin next() possibly shadowed")
-    def test_assign_to_next(self):
-        s = """
-            def foo():
-                A.next = foo
-            class A:
-                def next(self, a, b):
-                    pass
-            """
-        self.unchanged(s)
-    def test_assign_to_next_in_tuple(self):
-        s = """
-            def foo():
-                (a, A.next) = foo
-            class A:
-                def next(self, a, b):
-                    pass
-            """
-        self.unchanged(s)
-    def test_assign_to_next_in_list(self):
-        s = """
-            def foo():
-                [a, A.next] = foo
-            class A:
-                def next(self, a, b):
-                    pass
-            """
-        self.unchanged(s)
-    def test_shadowing_import_1(self):
-        s = """
-            import foo.bar as next
-            class A:
-                def next(self, a, b):
-                    pass
-            """
-        self.warns_unchanged(s, "Calls to builtin next() possibly shadowed")
-    def test_shadowing_import_2(self):
-        s = """
-            import bar, bar.foo as next
-            class A:
-                def next(self, a, b):
-                    pass
-            """
-        self.warns_unchanged(s, "Calls to builtin next() possibly shadowed")
-    def test_shadowing_import_3(self):
-        s = """
-            import bar, bar.foo as next, baz
-            class A:
-                def next(self, a, b):
-                    pass
-            """
-        self.warns_unchanged(s, "Calls to builtin next() possibly shadowed")
-    def test_shadowing_import_from_1(self):
-        s = """
-            from x import next
-            class A:
-                def next(self, a, b):
-                    pass
-            """
-        self.warns_unchanged(s, "Calls to builtin next() possibly shadowed")
-    def test_shadowing_import_from_2(self):
-        s = """
-            from x.a import next
-            class A:
-                def next(self, a, b):
-                    pass
-            """
-        self.warns_unchanged(s, "Calls to builtin next() possibly shadowed")
-    def test_shadowing_import_from_3(self):
-        s = """
-            from x import a, next, b
-            class A:
-                def next(self, a, b):
-                    pass
-            """
-        self.warns_unchanged(s, "Calls to builtin next() possibly shadowed")
-    def test_shadowing_import_from_4(self):
-        s = """
-            from x.a import a, next, b
-            class A:
-                def next(self, a, b):
-                    pass
-            """
-        self.warns_unchanged(s, "Calls to builtin next() possibly shadowed")
-    def test_shadowing_funcdef_1(self):
-        s = """
-            def next(a):
-                pass
-            class A:
-                def next(self, a, b):
-                    pass
-            """
-        self.warns_unchanged(s, "Calls to builtin next() possibly shadowed")
-    def test_shadowing_funcdef_2(self):
-        b = """
-            def next(a):
-                pass
-            class A:
-                def next(self):
-                    pass
-            it.next()
-            """
-        a = """
-            def next(a):
-                pass
-            class A:
-                def __next__(self):
-                    pass
-            it.__next__()
-            """
-        self.warns(b, a, "Calls to builtin next() possibly shadowed")
-    def test_shadowing_global_1(self):
-        s = """
-            def f():
-                global next
-                next = 5
-            """
-        self.warns_unchanged(s, "Calls to builtin next() possibly shadowed")
-    def test_shadowing_global_2(self):
-        s = """
-            def f():
-                global a, next, b
-                next = 5
-            """
-        self.warns_unchanged(s, "Calls to builtin next() possibly shadowed")
-    def test_shadowing_for_simple(self):
-        s = """
-            for next in it():
-                pass
-            b = 5
-            c = 6
-            """
-        self.warns_unchanged(s, "Calls to builtin next() possibly shadowed")
-    def test_shadowing_for_tuple_1(self):
-        s = """
-            for next, b in it():
-                pass
-            b = 5
-            c = 6
-            """
-        self.warns_unchanged(s, "Calls to builtin next() possibly shadowed")
-    def test_shadowing_for_tuple_2(self):
-        s = """
-            for a, (next, c), b in it():
-                pass
-            b = 5
-            c = 6
-            """
-        self.warns_unchanged(s, "Calls to builtin next() possibly shadowed")
-    def test_noncall_access_1(self):
-        b = """gnext = g.next"""
-        a = """gnext = g.__next__"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_noncall_access_2(self):
-        b = """f(g.next + 5)"""
-        a = """f(g.__next__ + 5)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_noncall_access_3(self):
-        b = """f(g().next + 5)"""
-        a = """f(g().__next__ + 5)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-class Test_nonzero(FixerTestCase):
-    fixer = "nonzero"
-    def test_1(self):
-        b = """
-            class A:
-                def __nonzero__(self):
-                    pass
-            """
-        a = """
-            class A:
-                def __bool__(self):
-                    pass
-            """
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_2(self):
-        b = """
-            class A(object):
-                def __nonzero__(self):
-                    pass
-            """
-        a = """
-            class A(object):
-                def __bool__(self):
-                    pass
-            """
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_unchanged_1(self):
-        s = """
-            class A(object):
-                def __bool__(self):
-                    pass
-            """
-        self.unchanged(s)
-    def test_unchanged_2(self):
-        s = """
-            class A(object):
-                def __nonzero__(self, a):
-                    pass
-            """
-        self.unchanged(s)
-    def test_unchanged_func(self):
-        s = """
-            def __nonzero__(self):
-                pass
-            """
-        self.unchanged(s)
-class Test_numliterals(FixerTestCase):
-    fixer = "numliterals"
-    def test_octal_1(self):
-        b = """0755"""
-        a = """0o755"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_long_int_1(self):
-        b = """a = 12L"""
-        a = """a = 12"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_long_int_2(self):
-        b = """a = 12l"""
-        a = """a = 12"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_long_hex(self):
-        b = """b = 0x12l"""
-        a = """b = 0x12"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_comments_and_spacing(self):
-        b = """b =   0x12L"""
-        a = """b =   0x12"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """b = 0755 # spam"""
-        a = """b = 0o755 # spam"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_unchanged_int(self):
-        s = """5"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-    def test_unchanged_float(self):
-        s = """5.0"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-    def test_unchanged_octal(self):
-        s = """0o755"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-    def test_unchanged_hex(self):
-        s = """0xABC"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-    def test_unchanged_exp(self):
-        s = """5.0e10"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-    def test_unchanged_complex_int(self):
-        s = """5 + 4j"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-    def test_unchanged_complex_float(self):
-        s = """5.4 + 4.9j"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-    def test_unchanged_complex_bare(self):
-        s = """4j"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-        s = """4.4j"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-class Test_renames(FixerTestCase):
-    fixer = "renames"
-    modules = {"sys":  ("maxint", "maxsize"),
-              }
-    def test_import_from(self):
-        for mod, (old, new) in list(self.modules.items()):
-            b = "from %s import %s" % (mod, old)
-            a = "from %s import %s" % (mod, new)
-            self.check(b, a)
-            s = "from foo import %s" % old
-            self.unchanged(s)
-    def test_import_from_as(self):
-        for mod, (old, new) in list(self.modules.items()):
-            b = "from %s import %s as foo_bar" % (mod, old)
-            a = "from %s import %s as foo_bar" % (mod, new)
-            self.check(b, a)
-    def test_import_module_usage(self):
-        for mod, (old, new) in list(self.modules.items()):
-            b = """
-                import %s
-                foo(%s, %s.%s)
-                """ % (mod, mod, mod, old)
-            a = """
-                import %s
-                foo(%s, %s.%s)
-                """ % (mod, mod, mod, new)
-            self.check(b, a)
-    def XXX_test_from_import_usage(self):
-        # not implemented yet
-        for mod, (old, new) in list(self.modules.items()):
-            b = """
-                from %s import %s
-                foo(%s, %s)
-                """ % (mod, old, mod, old)
-            a = """
-                from %s import %s
-                foo(%s, %s)
-                """ % (mod, new, mod, new)
-            self.check(b, a)
-class Test_unicode(FixerTestCase):
-    fixer = "unicode"
-    def test_whitespace(self):
-        b = """unicode( x)"""
-        a = """str( x)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """ unicode(x )"""
-        a = """ str(x )"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """ u'h'"""
-        a = """ 'h'"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_unicode_call(self):
-        b = """unicode(x, y, z)"""
-        a = """str(x, y, z)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_unichr(self):
-        b = """unichr(u'h')"""
-        a = """chr('h')"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_unicode_literal_1(self):
-        b = '''u"x"'''
-        a = '''"x"'''
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_unicode_literal_2(self):
-        b = """ur'x'"""
-        a = """r'x'"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_unicode_literal_3(self):
-        b = """UR'''x''' """
-        a = """R'''x''' """
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_native_literal_escape_u(self):
-        b = r"""'\\\u20ac\U0001d121\\u20ac'"""
-        a = r"""'\\\\u20ac\\U0001d121\\u20ac'"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = r"""r'\\\u20ac\U0001d121\\u20ac'"""
-        a = r"""r'\\\u20ac\U0001d121\\u20ac'"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_bytes_literal_escape_u(self):
-        b = r"""b'\\\u20ac\U0001d121\\u20ac'"""
-        a = r"""b'\\\u20ac\U0001d121\\u20ac'"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = r"""br'\\\u20ac\U0001d121\\u20ac'"""
-        a = r"""br'\\\u20ac\U0001d121\\u20ac'"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_unicode_literal_escape_u(self):
-        b = r"""u'\\\u20ac\U0001d121\\u20ac'"""
-        a = r"""'\\\u20ac\U0001d121\\u20ac'"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = r"""ur'\\\u20ac\U0001d121\\u20ac'"""
-        a = r"""r'\\\u20ac\U0001d121\\u20ac'"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_native_unicode_literal_escape_u(self):
-        f = 'from __future__ import unicode_literals\n'
-        b = f + r"""'\\\u20ac\U0001d121\\u20ac'"""
-        a = f + r"""'\\\u20ac\U0001d121\\u20ac'"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = f + r"""r'\\\u20ac\U0001d121\\u20ac'"""
-        a = f + r"""r'\\\u20ac\U0001d121\\u20ac'"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-class Test_filter(FixerTestCase):
-    fixer = "filter"
-    def test_prefix_preservation(self):
-        b = """x =   filter(    foo,     'abc'   )"""
-        a = """x =   list(filter(    foo,     'abc'   ))"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """x =   filter(  None , 'abc'  )"""
-        a = """x =   [_f for _f in 'abc' if _f]"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_filter_basic(self):
-        b = """x = filter(None, 'abc')"""
-        a = """x = [_f for _f in 'abc' if _f]"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """x = len(filter(f, 'abc'))"""
-        a = """x = len(list(filter(f, 'abc')))"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """x = filter(lambda x: x%2 == 0, range(10))"""
-        a = """x = [x for x in range(10) if x%2 == 0]"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        # Note the parens around x
-        b = """x = filter(lambda (x): x%2 == 0, range(10))"""
-        a = """x = [x for x in range(10) if x%2 == 0]"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        # bpo-38871
-        b = """filter(lambda x: True if x > 2 else False, [1, 2, 3])"""
-        a = """[x for x in [1, 2, 3] if (True if x > 2 else False)]"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_filter_trailers(self):
-        b = """x = filter(None, 'abc')[0]"""
-        a = """x = [_f for _f in 'abc' if _f][0]"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """x = len(filter(f, 'abc')[0])"""
-        a = """x = len(list(filter(f, 'abc'))[0])"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """x = filter(lambda x: x%2 == 0, range(10))[0]"""
-        a = """x = [x for x in range(10) if x%2 == 0][0]"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        # Note the parens around x
-        b = """x = filter(lambda (x): x%2 == 0, range(10))[0]"""
-        a = """x = [x for x in range(10) if x%2 == 0][0]"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_filter_nochange(self):
-        a = """b.join(filter(f, 'abc'))"""
-        self.unchanged(a)
-        a = """(a + foo(5)).join(filter(f, 'abc'))"""
-        self.unchanged(a)
-        a = """iter(filter(f, 'abc'))"""
-        self.unchanged(a)
-        a = """list(filter(f, 'abc'))"""
-        self.unchanged(a)
-        a = """list(filter(f, 'abc'))[0]"""
-        self.unchanged(a)
-        a = """set(filter(f, 'abc'))"""
-        self.unchanged(a)
-        a = """set(filter(f, 'abc')).pop()"""
-        self.unchanged(a)
-        a = """tuple(filter(f, 'abc'))"""
-        self.unchanged(a)
-        a = """any(filter(f, 'abc'))"""
-        self.unchanged(a)
-        a = """all(filter(f, 'abc'))"""
-        self.unchanged(a)
-        a = """sum(filter(f, 'abc'))"""
-        self.unchanged(a)
-        a = """sorted(filter(f, 'abc'))"""
-        self.unchanged(a)
-        a = """sorted(filter(f, 'abc'), key=blah)"""
-        self.unchanged(a)
-        a = """sorted(filter(f, 'abc'), key=blah)[0]"""
-        self.unchanged(a)
-        a = """enumerate(filter(f, 'abc'))"""
-        self.unchanged(a)
-        a = """enumerate(filter(f, 'abc'), start=1)"""
-        self.unchanged(a)
-        a = """for i in filter(f, 'abc'): pass"""
-        self.unchanged(a)
-        a = """[x for x in filter(f, 'abc')]"""
-        self.unchanged(a)
-        a = """(x for x in filter(f, 'abc'))"""
-        self.unchanged(a)
-    def test_future_builtins(self):
-        a = "from future_builtins import spam, filter; filter(f, 'ham')"
-        self.unchanged(a)
-        b = """from future_builtins import spam; x = filter(f, 'abc')"""
-        a = """from future_builtins import spam; x = list(filter(f, 'abc'))"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        a = "from future_builtins import *; filter(f, 'ham')"
-        self.unchanged(a)
-class Test_map(FixerTestCase):
-    fixer = "map"
-    def check(self, b, a):
-        self.unchanged("from future_builtins import map; " + b, a)
-        super(Test_map, self).check(b, a)
-    def test_prefix_preservation(self):
-        b = """x =    map(   f,    'abc'   )"""
-        a = """x =    list(map(   f,    'abc'   ))"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_map_trailers(self):
-        b = """x = map(f, 'abc')[0]"""
-        a = """x = list(map(f, 'abc'))[0]"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """x = map(None, l)[0]"""
-        a = """x = list(l)[0]"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """x = map(lambda x:x, l)[0]"""
-        a = """x = [x for x in l][0]"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """x = map(f, 'abc')[0][1]"""
-        a = """x = list(map(f, 'abc'))[0][1]"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_trailing_comment(self):
-        b = """x = map(f, 'abc')   #   foo"""
-        a = """x = list(map(f, 'abc'))   #   foo"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_None_with_multiple_arguments(self):
-        s = """x = map(None, a, b, c)"""
-        self.warns_unchanged(s, "cannot convert map(None, ...) with "
-                             "multiple arguments")
-    def test_map_basic(self):
-        b = """x = map(f, 'abc')"""
-        a = """x = list(map(f, 'abc'))"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """x = len(map(f, 'abc', 'def'))"""
-        a = """x = len(list(map(f, 'abc', 'def')))"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """x = map(None, 'abc')"""
-        a = """x = list('abc')"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """x = map(lambda x: x+1, range(4))"""
-        a = """x = [x+1 for x in range(4)]"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        # Note the parens around x
-        b = """x = map(lambda (x): x+1, range(4))"""
-        a = """x = [x+1 for x in range(4)]"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """
-            foo()
-            # foo
-            map(f, x)
-            """
-        a = """
-            foo()
-            # foo
-            list(map(f, x))
-            """
-        self.warns(b, a, "You should use a for loop here")
-    def test_map_nochange(self):
-        a = """b.join(map(f, 'abc'))"""
-        self.unchanged(a)
-        a = """(a + foo(5)).join(map(f, 'abc'))"""
-        self.unchanged(a)
-        a = """iter(map(f, 'abc'))"""
-        self.unchanged(a)
-        a = """list(map(f, 'abc'))"""
-        self.unchanged(a)
-        a = """list(map(f, 'abc'))[0]"""
-        self.unchanged(a)
-        a = """set(map(f, 'abc'))"""
-        self.unchanged(a)
-        a = """set(map(f, 'abc')).pop()"""
-        self.unchanged(a)
-        a = """tuple(map(f, 'abc'))"""
-        self.unchanged(a)
-        a = """any(map(f, 'abc'))"""
-        self.unchanged(a)
-        a = """all(map(f, 'abc'))"""
-        self.unchanged(a)
-        a = """sum(map(f, 'abc'))"""
-        self.unchanged(a)
-        a = """sorted(map(f, 'abc'))"""
-        self.unchanged(a)
-        a = """sorted(map(f, 'abc'), key=blah)"""
-        self.unchanged(a)
-        a = """sorted(map(f, 'abc'), key=blah)[0]"""
-        self.unchanged(a)
-        a = """enumerate(map(f, 'abc'))"""
-        self.unchanged(a)
-        a = """enumerate(map(f, 'abc'), start=1)"""
-        self.unchanged(a)
-        a = """for i in map(f, 'abc'): pass"""
-        self.unchanged(a)
-        a = """[x for x in map(f, 'abc')]"""
-        self.unchanged(a)
-        a = """(x for x in map(f, 'abc'))"""
-        self.unchanged(a)
-    def test_future_builtins(self):
-        a = "from future_builtins import spam, map, eggs; map(f, 'ham')"
-        self.unchanged(a)
-        b = """from future_builtins import spam, eggs; x = map(f, 'abc')"""
-        a = """from future_builtins import spam, eggs; x = list(map(f, 'abc'))"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        a = "from future_builtins import *; map(f, 'ham')"
-        self.unchanged(a)
-class Test_zip(FixerTestCase):
-    fixer = "zip"
-    def check(self, b, a):
-        self.unchanged("from future_builtins import zip; " + b, a)
-        super(Test_zip, self).check(b, a)
-    def test_zip_basic(self):
-        b = """x = zip()"""
-        a = """x = list(zip())"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """x = zip(a, b, c)"""
-        a = """x = list(zip(a, b, c))"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """x = len(zip(a, b))"""
-        a = """x = len(list(zip(a, b)))"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_zip_trailers(self):
-        b = """x = zip(a, b, c)[0]"""
-        a = """x = list(zip(a, b, c))[0]"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """x = zip(a, b, c)[0][1]"""
-        a = """x = list(zip(a, b, c))[0][1]"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_zip_nochange(self):
-        a = """b.join(zip(a, b))"""
-        self.unchanged(a)
-        a = """(a + foo(5)).join(zip(a, b))"""
-        self.unchanged(a)
-        a = """iter(zip(a, b))"""
-        self.unchanged(a)
-        a = """list(zip(a, b))"""
-        self.unchanged(a)
-        a = """list(zip(a, b))[0]"""
-        self.unchanged(a)
-        a = """set(zip(a, b))"""
-        self.unchanged(a)
-        a = """set(zip(a, b)).pop()"""
-        self.unchanged(a)
-        a = """tuple(zip(a, b))"""
-        self.unchanged(a)
-        a = """any(zip(a, b))"""
-        self.unchanged(a)
-        a = """all(zip(a, b))"""
-        self.unchanged(a)
-        a = """sum(zip(a, b))"""
-        self.unchanged(a)
-        a = """sorted(zip(a, b))"""
-        self.unchanged(a)
-        a = """sorted(zip(a, b), key=blah)"""
-        self.unchanged(a)
-        a = """sorted(zip(a, b), key=blah)[0]"""
-        self.unchanged(a)
-        a = """enumerate(zip(a, b))"""
-        self.unchanged(a)
-        a = """enumerate(zip(a, b), start=1)"""
-        self.unchanged(a)
-        a = """for i in zip(a, b): pass"""
-        self.unchanged(a)
-        a = """[x for x in zip(a, b)]"""
-        self.unchanged(a)
-        a = """(x for x in zip(a, b))"""
-        self.unchanged(a)
-    def test_future_builtins(self):
-        a = "from future_builtins import spam, zip, eggs; zip(a, b)"
-        self.unchanged(a)
-        b = """from future_builtins import spam, eggs; x = zip(a, b)"""
-        a = """from future_builtins import spam, eggs; x = list(zip(a, b))"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        a = "from future_builtins import *; zip(a, b)"
-        self.unchanged(a)
-class Test_standarderror(FixerTestCase):
-    fixer = "standarderror"
-    def test(self):
-        b = """x =    StandardError()"""
-        a = """x =    Exception()"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """x = StandardError(a, b, c)"""
-        a = """x = Exception(a, b, c)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """f(2 + StandardError(a, b, c))"""
-        a = """f(2 + Exception(a, b, c))"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-class Test_types(FixerTestCase):
-    fixer = "types"
-    def test_basic_types_convert(self):
-        b = """types.StringType"""
-        a = """bytes"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """types.DictType"""
-        a = """dict"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """types . IntType"""
-        a = """int"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """types.ListType"""
-        a = """list"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """types.LongType"""
-        a = """int"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """types.NoneType"""
-        a = """type(None)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = "types.StringTypes"
-        a = "(str,)"
-        self.check(b, a)
-class Test_idioms(FixerTestCase):
-    fixer = "idioms"
-    def test_while(self):
-        b = """while 1: foo()"""
-        a = """while True: foo()"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """while   1: foo()"""
-        a = """while   True: foo()"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """
-            while 1:
-                foo()
-            """
-        a = """
-            while True:
-                foo()
-            """
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_while_unchanged(self):
-        s = """while 11: foo()"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-        s = """while 0: foo()"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-        s = """while foo(): foo()"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-        s = """while []: foo()"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-    def test_eq_simple(self):
-        b = """type(x) == T"""
-        a = """isinstance(x, T)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """if   type(x) == T: pass"""
-        a = """if   isinstance(x, T): pass"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_eq_reverse(self):
-        b = """T == type(x)"""
-        a = """isinstance(x, T)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """if   T == type(x): pass"""
-        a = """if   isinstance(x, T): pass"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_eq_expression(self):
-        b = """type(x+y) == d.get('T')"""
-        a = """isinstance(x+y, d.get('T'))"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """type(   x  +  y) == d.get('T')"""
-        a = """isinstance(x  +  y, d.get('T'))"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_is_simple(self):
-        b = """type(x) is T"""
-        a = """isinstance(x, T)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """if   type(x) is T: pass"""
-        a = """if   isinstance(x, T): pass"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_is_reverse(self):
-        b = """T is type(x)"""
-        a = """isinstance(x, T)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """if   T is type(x): pass"""
-        a = """if   isinstance(x, T): pass"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_is_expression(self):
-        b = """type(x+y) is d.get('T')"""
-        a = """isinstance(x+y, d.get('T'))"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """type(   x  +  y) is d.get('T')"""
-        a = """isinstance(x  +  y, d.get('T'))"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_is_not_simple(self):
-        b = """type(x) is not T"""
-        a = """not isinstance(x, T)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """if   type(x) is not T: pass"""
-        a = """if   not isinstance(x, T): pass"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_is_not_reverse(self):
-        b = """T is not type(x)"""
-        a = """not isinstance(x, T)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """if   T is not type(x): pass"""
-        a = """if   not isinstance(x, T): pass"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_is_not_expression(self):
-        b = """type(x+y) is not d.get('T')"""
-        a = """not isinstance(x+y, d.get('T'))"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """type(   x  +  y) is not d.get('T')"""
-        a = """not isinstance(x  +  y, d.get('T'))"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_ne_simple(self):
-        b = """type(x) != T"""
-        a = """not isinstance(x, T)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """if   type(x) != T: pass"""
-        a = """if   not isinstance(x, T): pass"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_ne_reverse(self):
-        b = """T != type(x)"""
-        a = """not isinstance(x, T)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """if   T != type(x): pass"""
-        a = """if   not isinstance(x, T): pass"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_ne_expression(self):
-        b = """type(x+y) != d.get('T')"""
-        a = """not isinstance(x+y, d.get('T'))"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """type(   x  +  y) != d.get('T')"""
-        a = """not isinstance(x  +  y, d.get('T'))"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_type_unchanged(self):
-        a = """type(x).__name__"""
-        self.unchanged(a)
-    def test_sort_list_call(self):
-        b = """
-            v = list(t)
-            v.sort()
-            foo(v)
-            """
-        a = """
-            v = sorted(t)
-            foo(v)
-            """
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """
-            v = list(foo(b) + d)
-            v.sort()
-            foo(v)
-            """
-        a = """
-            v = sorted(foo(b) + d)
-            foo(v)
-            """
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """
-            while x:
-                v = list(t)
-                v.sort()
-                foo(v)
-            """
-        a = """
-            while x:
-                v = sorted(t)
-                foo(v)
-            """
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """
-            v = list(t)
-            # foo
-            v.sort()
-            foo(v)
-            """
-        a = """
-            v = sorted(t)
-            # foo
-            foo(v)
-            """
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = r"""
-            v = list(   t)
-            v.sort()
-            foo(v)
-            """
-        a = r"""
-            v = sorted(   t)
-            foo(v)
-            """
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = r"""
-            try:
-                m = list(s)
-                m.sort()
-            except: pass
-            """
-        a = r"""
-            try:
-                m = sorted(s)
-            except: pass
-            """
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = r"""
-            try:
-                m = list(s)
-                # foo
-                m.sort()
-            except: pass
-            """
-        a = r"""
-            try:
-                m = sorted(s)
-                # foo
-            except: pass
-            """
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = r"""
-            m = list(s)
-            # more comments
-            m.sort()"""
-        a = r"""
-            m = sorted(s)
-            # more comments"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_sort_simple_expr(self):
-        b = """
-            v = t
-            v.sort()
-            foo(v)
-            """
-        a = """
-            v = sorted(t)
-            foo(v)
-            """
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """
-            v = foo(b)
-            v.sort()
-            foo(v)
-            """
-        a = """
-            v = sorted(foo(b))
-            foo(v)
-            """
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """
-            v = b.keys()
-            v.sort()
-            foo(v)
-            """
-        a = """
-            v = sorted(b.keys())
-            foo(v)
-            """
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """
-            v = foo(b) + d
-            v.sort()
-            foo(v)
-            """
-        a = """
-            v = sorted(foo(b) + d)
-            foo(v)
-            """
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """
-            while x:
-                v = t
-                v.sort()
-                foo(v)
-            """
-        a = """
-            while x:
-                v = sorted(t)
-                foo(v)
-            """
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """
-            v = t
-            # foo
-            v.sort()
-            foo(v)
-            """
-        a = """
-            v = sorted(t)
-            # foo
-            foo(v)
-            """
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = r"""
-            v =   t
-            v.sort()
-            foo(v)
-            """
-        a = r"""
-            v =   sorted(t)
-            foo(v)
-            """
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_sort_unchanged(self):
-        s = """
-            v = list(t)
-            w.sort()
-            foo(w)
-            """
-        self.unchanged(s)
-        s = """
-            v = list(t)
-            v.sort(u)
-            foo(v)
-            """
-        self.unchanged(s)
-class Test_basestring(FixerTestCase):
-    fixer = "basestring"
-    def test_basestring(self):
-        b = """isinstance(x, basestring)"""
-        a = """isinstance(x, str)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-class Test_buffer(FixerTestCase):
-    fixer = "buffer"
-    def test_buffer(self):
-        b = """x = buffer(y)"""
-        a = """x = memoryview(y)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_slicing(self):
-        b = """buffer(y)[4:5]"""
-        a = """memoryview(y)[4:5]"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-class Test_future(FixerTestCase):
-    fixer = "future"
-    def test_future(self):
-        b = """from __future__ import braces"""
-        a = """"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """# comment\nfrom __future__ import braces"""
-        a = """# comment\n"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """from __future__ import braces\n# comment"""
-        a = """\n# comment"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_run_order(self):
-        self.assert_runs_after('print')
-class Test_itertools(FixerTestCase):
-    fixer = "itertools"
-    def checkall(self, before, after):
-        # Because we need to check with and without the itertools prefix
-        # and on each of the three functions, these loops make it all
-        # much easier
-        for i in ('itertools.', ''):
-            for f in ('map', 'filter', 'zip'):
-                b = before %(i+'i'+f)
-                a = after %(f)
-                self.check(b, a)
-    def test_0(self):
-        # A simple example -- test_1 covers exactly the same thing,
-        # but it's not quite as clear.
-        b = "itertools.izip(a, b)"
-        a = "zip(a, b)"
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_1(self):
-        b = """%s(f, a)"""
-        a = """%s(f, a)"""
-        self.checkall(b, a)
-    def test_qualified(self):
-        b = """itertools.ifilterfalse(a, b)"""
-        a = """itertools.filterfalse(a, b)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """itertools.izip_longest(a, b)"""
-        a = """itertools.zip_longest(a, b)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_2(self):
-        b = """ifilterfalse(a, b)"""
-        a = """filterfalse(a, b)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """izip_longest(a, b)"""
-        a = """zip_longest(a, b)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_space_1(self):
-        b = """    %s(f, a)"""
-        a = """    %s(f, a)"""
-        self.checkall(b, a)
-    def test_space_2(self):
-        b = """    itertools.ifilterfalse(a, b)"""
-        a = """    itertools.filterfalse(a, b)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """    itertools.izip_longest(a, b)"""
-        a = """    itertools.zip_longest(a, b)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_run_order(self):
-        self.assert_runs_after('map', 'zip', 'filter')
-class Test_itertools_imports(FixerTestCase):
-    fixer = 'itertools_imports'
-    def test_reduced(self):
-        b = "from itertools import imap, izip, foo"
-        a = "from itertools import foo"
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = "from itertools import bar, imap, izip, foo"
-        a = "from itertools import bar, foo"
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = "from itertools import chain, imap, izip"
-        a = "from itertools import chain"
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_comments(self):
-        b = "#foo\nfrom itertools import imap, izip"
-        a = "#foo\n"
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_none(self):
-        b = "from itertools import imap, izip"
-        a = ""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = "from itertools import izip"
-        a = ""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_import_as(self):
-        b = "from itertools import izip, bar as bang, imap"
-        a = "from itertools import bar as bang"
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = "from itertools import izip as _zip, imap, bar"
-        a = "from itertools import bar"
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = "from itertools import imap as _map"
-        a = ""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = "from itertools import imap as _map, izip as _zip"
-        a = ""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        s = "from itertools import bar as bang"
-        self.unchanged(s)
-    def test_ifilter_and_zip_longest(self):
-        for name in "filterfalse", "zip_longest":
-            b = "from itertools import i%s" % (name,)
-            a = "from itertools import %s" % (name,)
-            self.check(b, a)
-            b = "from itertools import imap, i%s, foo" % (name,)
-            a = "from itertools import %s, foo" % (name,)
-            self.check(b, a)
-            b = "from itertools import bar, i%s, foo" % (name,)
-            a = "from itertools import bar, %s, foo" % (name,)
-            self.check(b, a)
-    def test_import_star(self):
-        s = "from itertools import *"
-        self.unchanged(s)
-    def test_unchanged(self):
-        s = "from itertools import foo"
-        self.unchanged(s)
-class Test_import(FixerTestCase):
-    fixer = "import"
-    def setUp(self):
-        super(Test_import, self).setUp()
-        # Need to replace fix_import's exists method
-        # so we can check that it's doing the right thing
-        self.files_checked = []
-        self.present_files = set()
-        self.always_exists = True
-        def fake_exists(name):
-            self.files_checked.append(name)
-            return self.always_exists or (name in self.present_files)
-        from lib2to3.fixes import fix_import
-        fix_import.exists = fake_exists
-    def tearDown(self):
-        from lib2to3.fixes import fix_import
-        fix_import.exists = os.path.exists
-    def check_both(self, b, a):
-        self.always_exists = True
-        super(Test_import, self).check(b, a)
-        self.always_exists = False
-        super(Test_import, self).unchanged(b)
-    def test_files_checked(self):
-        def p(path):
-            # Takes a unix path and returns a path with correct separators
-            return os.path.pathsep.join(path.split("/"))
-        self.always_exists = False
-        self.present_files = set(['__init__.py'])
-        expected_extensions = ('.py', os.path.sep, '.pyc', '.so', '.sl', '.pyd')
-        names_to_test = (p("/spam/eggs.py"), "ni.py", p("../../shrubbery.py"))
-        for name in names_to_test:
-            self.files_checked = []
-            self.filename = name
-            self.unchanged("import jam")
-            if os.path.dirname(name):
-                name = os.path.dirname(name) + '/jam'
-            else:
-                name = 'jam'
-            expected_checks = set(name + ext for ext in expected_extensions)
-            expected_checks.add("__init__.py")
-            self.assertEqual(set(self.files_checked), expected_checks)
-    def test_not_in_package(self):
-        s = "import bar"
-        self.always_exists = False
-        self.present_files = set(["bar.py"])
-        self.unchanged(s)
-    def test_with_absolute_import_enabled(self):
-        s = "from __future__ import absolute_import\nimport bar"
-        self.always_exists = False
-        self.present_files = set(["__init__.py", "bar.py"])
-        self.unchanged(s)
-    def test_in_package(self):
-        b = "import bar"
-        a = "from . import bar"
-        self.always_exists = False
-        self.present_files = set(["__init__.py", "bar.py"])
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_import_from_package(self):
-        b = "import bar"
-        a = "from . import bar"
-        self.always_exists = False
-        self.present_files = set(["__init__.py", "bar" + os.path.sep])
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_already_relative_import(self):
-        s = "from . import bar"
-        self.unchanged(s)
-    def test_comments_and_indent(self):
-        b = "import bar # Foo"
-        a = "from . import bar # Foo"
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_from(self):
-        b = "from foo import bar, baz"
-        a = "from .foo import bar, baz"
-        self.check_both(b, a)
-        b = "from foo import bar"
-        a = "from .foo import bar"
-        self.check_both(b, a)
-        b = "from foo import (bar, baz)"
-        a = "from .foo import (bar, baz)"
-        self.check_both(b, a)
-    def test_dotted_from(self):
-        b = "from green.eggs import ham"
-        a = "from .green.eggs import ham"
-        self.check_both(b, a)
-    def test_from_as(self):
-        b = "from green.eggs import ham as spam"
-        a = "from .green.eggs import ham as spam"
-        self.check_both(b, a)
-    def test_import(self):
-        b = "import foo"
-        a = "from . import foo"
-        self.check_both(b, a)
-        b = "import foo, bar"
-        a = "from . import foo, bar"
-        self.check_both(b, a)
-        b = "import foo, bar, x"
-        a = "from . import foo, bar, x"
-        self.check_both(b, a)
-        b = "import x, y, z"
-        a = "from . import x, y, z"
-        self.check_both(b, a)
-    def test_import_as(self):
-        b = "import foo as x"
-        a = "from . import foo as x"
-        self.check_both(b, a)
-        b = "import a as b, b as c, c as d"
-        a = "from . import a as b, b as c, c as d"
-        self.check_both(b, a)
-    def test_local_and_absolute(self):
-        self.always_exists = False
-        self.present_files = set(["foo.py", "__init__.py"])
-        s = "import foo, bar"
-        self.warns_unchanged(s, "absolute and local imports together")
-    def test_dotted_import(self):
-        b = "import foo.bar"
-        a = "from . import foo.bar"
-        self.check_both(b, a)
-    def test_dotted_import_as(self):
-        b = "import foo.bar as bang"
-        a = "from . import foo.bar as bang"
-        self.check_both(b, a)
-    def test_prefix(self):
-        b = """
-        # prefix
-        import foo.bar
-        """
-        a = """
-        # prefix
-        from . import foo.bar
-        """
-        self.check_both(b, a)
-class Test_set_literal(FixerTestCase):
-    fixer = "set_literal"
-    def test_basic(self):
-        b = """set([1, 2, 3])"""
-        a = """{1, 2, 3}"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """set((1, 2, 3))"""
-        a = """{1, 2, 3}"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """set((1,))"""
-        a = """{1}"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """set([1])"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """set((a, b))"""
-        a = """{a, b}"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """set([a, b])"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """set((a*234, f(args=23)))"""
-        a = """{a*234, f(args=23)}"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """set([a*23, f(23)])"""
-        a = """{a*23, f(23)}"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """set([a-234**23])"""
-        a = """{a-234**23}"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_listcomps(self):
-        b = """set([x for x in y])"""
-        a = """{x for x in y}"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """set([x for x in y if x == m])"""
-        a = """{x for x in y if x == m}"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """set([x for x in y for a in b])"""
-        a = """{x for x in y for a in b}"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """set([f(x) - 23 for x in y])"""
-        a = """{f(x) - 23 for x in y}"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_whitespace(self):
-        b = """set( [1, 2])"""
-        a = """{1, 2}"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """set([1 ,  2])"""
-        a = """{1 ,  2}"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """set([ 1 ])"""
-        a = """{ 1 }"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """set( [1] )"""
-        a = """{1}"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """set([  1,  2  ])"""
-        a = """{  1,  2  }"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """set([x  for x in y ])"""
-        a = """{x  for x in y }"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """set(
-                   [1, 2]
-               )
-            """
-        a = """{1, 2}\n"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_comments(self):
-        b = """set((1, 2)) # Hi"""
-        a = """{1, 2} # Hi"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        # This isn't optimal behavior, but the fixer is optional.
-        b = """
-            # Foo
-            set( # Bar
-               (1, 2)
-            )
-            """
-        a = """
-            # Foo
-            {1, 2}
-            """
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_unchanged(self):
-        s = """set()"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-        s = """set(a)"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-        s = """set(a, b, c)"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-        # Don't transform generators because they might have to be lazy.
-        s = """set(x for x in y)"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-        s = """set(x for x in y if z)"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-        s = """set(a*823-23**2 + f(23))"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-class Test_sys_exc(FixerTestCase):
-    fixer = "sys_exc"
-    def test_0(self):
-        b = "sys.exc_type"
-        a = "sys.exc_info()[0]"
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_1(self):
-        b = "sys.exc_value"
-        a = "sys.exc_info()[1]"
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_2(self):
-        b = "sys.exc_traceback"
-        a = "sys.exc_info()[2]"
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_3(self):
-        b = "sys.exc_type # Foo"
-        a = "sys.exc_info()[0] # Foo"
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_4(self):
-        b = "sys.  exc_type"
-        a = "sys.  exc_info()[0]"
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_5(self):
-        b = "sys  .exc_type"
-        a = "sys  .exc_info()[0]"
-        self.check(b, a)
-class Test_paren(FixerTestCase):
-    fixer = "paren"
-    def test_0(self):
-        b = """[i for i in 1, 2 ]"""
-        a = """[i for i in (1, 2) ]"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_1(self):
-        b = """[i for i in 1, 2, ]"""
-        a = """[i for i in (1, 2,) ]"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_2(self):
-        b = """[i for i  in     1, 2 ]"""
-        a = """[i for i  in     (1, 2) ]"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_3(self):
-        b = """[i for i in 1, 2 if i]"""
-        a = """[i for i in (1, 2) if i]"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_4(self):
-        b = """[i for i in 1,    2    ]"""
-        a = """[i for i in (1,    2)    ]"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_5(self):
-        b = """(i for i in 1, 2)"""
-        a = """(i for i in (1, 2))"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_6(self):
-        b = """(i for i in 1   ,2   if i)"""
-        a = """(i for i in (1   ,2)   if i)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_unchanged_0(self):
-        s = """[i for i in (1, 2)]"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-    def test_unchanged_1(self):
-        s = """[i for i in foo()]"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-    def test_unchanged_2(self):
-        s = """[i for i in (1, 2) if nothing]"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-    def test_unchanged_3(self):
-        s = """(i for i in (1, 2))"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-    def test_unchanged_4(self):
-        s = """[i for i in m]"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-class Test_metaclass(FixerTestCase):
-    fixer = 'metaclass'
-    def test_unchanged(self):
-        self.unchanged("class X(): pass")
-        self.unchanged("class X(object): pass")
-        self.unchanged("class X(object1, object2): pass")
-        self.unchanged("class X(object1, object2, object3): pass")
-        self.unchanged("class X(metaclass=Meta): pass")
-        self.unchanged("class X(b, arg=23, metclass=Meta): pass")
-        self.unchanged("class X(b, arg=23, metaclass=Meta, other=42): pass")
-        s = """
-        class X:
-            def __metaclass__(self): pass
-        """
-        self.unchanged(s)
-        s = """
-        class X:
-            a[23] = 74
-        """
-        self.unchanged(s)
-    def test_comments(self):
-        b = """
-        class X:
-            # hi
-            __metaclass__ = AppleMeta
-        """
-        a = """
-        class X(metaclass=AppleMeta):
-            # hi
-            pass
-        """
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """
-        class X:
-            __metaclass__ = Meta
-            # Bedtime!
-        """
-        a = """
-        class X(metaclass=Meta):
-            pass
-            # Bedtime!
-        """
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_meta(self):
-        # no-parent class, odd body
-        b = """
-        class X():
-            __metaclass__ = Q
-            pass
-        """
-        a = """
-        class X(metaclass=Q):
-            pass
-        """
-        self.check(b, a)
-        # one parent class, no body
-        b = """class X(object): __metaclass__ = Q"""
-        a = """class X(object, metaclass=Q): pass"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        # one parent, simple body
-        b = """
-        class X(object):
-            __metaclass__ = Meta
-            bar = 7
-        """
-        a = """
-        class X(object, metaclass=Meta):
-            bar = 7
-        """
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """
-        class X:
-            __metaclass__ = Meta; x = 4; g = 23
-        """
-        a = """
-        class X(metaclass=Meta):
-            x = 4; g = 23
-        """
-        self.check(b, a)
-        # one parent, simple body, __metaclass__ last
-        b = """
-        class X(object):
-            bar = 7
-            __metaclass__ = Meta
-        """
-        a = """
-        class X(object, metaclass=Meta):
-            bar = 7
-        """
-        self.check(b, a)
-        # redefining __metaclass__
-        b = """
-        class X():
-            __metaclass__ = A
-            __metaclass__ = B
-            bar = 7
-        """
-        a = """
-        class X(metaclass=B):
-            bar = 7
-        """
-        self.check(b, a)
-        # multiple inheritance, simple body
-        b = """
-        class X(clsA, clsB):
-            __metaclass__ = Meta
-            bar = 7
-        """
-        a = """
-        class X(clsA, clsB, metaclass=Meta):
-            bar = 7
-        """
-        self.check(b, a)
-        # keywords in the class statement
-        b = """class m(a, arg=23): __metaclass__ = Meta"""
-        a = """class m(a, arg=23, metaclass=Meta): pass"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """
-        class X(expression(2 + 4)):
-            __metaclass__ = Meta
-        """
-        a = """
-        class X(expression(2 + 4), metaclass=Meta):
-            pass
-        """
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """
-        class X(expression(2 + 4), x**4):
-            __metaclass__ = Meta
-        """
-        a = """
-        class X(expression(2 + 4), x**4, metaclass=Meta):
-            pass
-        """
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """
-        class X:
-            __metaclass__ = Meta
-            save.py = 23
-        """
-        a = """
-        class X(metaclass=Meta):
-            save.py = 23
-        """
-        self.check(b, a)
-class Test_getcwdu(FixerTestCase):
-    fixer = 'getcwdu'
-    def test_basic(self):
-        b = """os.getcwdu"""
-        a = """os.getcwd"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """os.getcwdu()"""
-        a = """os.getcwd()"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """meth = os.getcwdu"""
-        a = """meth = os.getcwd"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """os.getcwdu(args)"""
-        a = """os.getcwd(args)"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_comment(self):
-        b = """os.getcwdu() # Foo"""
-        a = """os.getcwd() # Foo"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_unchanged(self):
-        s = """os.getcwd()"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-        s = """getcwdu()"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-        s = """os.getcwdb()"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-    def test_indentation(self):
-        b = """
-            if 1:
-                os.getcwdu()
-            """
-        a = """
-            if 1:
-                os.getcwd()
-            """
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_multilation(self):
-        b = """os .getcwdu()"""
-        a = """os .getcwd()"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """os.  getcwdu"""
-        a = """os.  getcwd"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """os.getcwdu (  )"""
-        a = """os.getcwd (  )"""
-        self.check(b, a)
-class Test_operator(FixerTestCase):
-    fixer = "operator"
-    def test_operator_isCallable(self):
-        b = "operator.isCallable(x)"
-        a = "callable(x)"
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_operator_sequenceIncludes(self):
-        b = "operator.sequenceIncludes(x, y)"
-        a = "operator.contains(x, y)"
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = "operator .sequenceIncludes(x, y)"
-        a = "operator .contains(x, y)"
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = "operator.  sequenceIncludes(x, y)"
-        a = "operator.  contains(x, y)"
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_operator_isSequenceType(self):
-        b = "operator.isSequenceType(x)"
-        a = "import collections.abc\nisinstance(x, collections.abc.Sequence)"
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_operator_isMappingType(self):
-        b = "operator.isMappingType(x)"
-        a = "import collections.abc\nisinstance(x, collections.abc.Mapping)"
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_operator_isNumberType(self):
-        b = "operator.isNumberType(x)"
-        a = "import numbers\nisinstance(x, numbers.Number)"
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_operator_repeat(self):
-        b = "operator.repeat(x, n)"
-        a = "operator.mul(x, n)"
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = "operator .repeat(x, n)"
-        a = "operator .mul(x, n)"
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = "operator.  repeat(x, n)"
-        a = "operator.  mul(x, n)"
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_operator_irepeat(self):
-        b = "operator.irepeat(x, n)"
-        a = "operator.imul(x, n)"
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = "operator .irepeat(x, n)"
-        a = "operator .imul(x, n)"
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = "operator.  irepeat(x, n)"
-        a = "operator.  imul(x, n)"
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_bare_isCallable(self):
-        s = "isCallable(x)"
-        t = "You should use 'callable(x)' here."
-        self.warns_unchanged(s, t)
-    def test_bare_sequenceIncludes(self):
-        s = "sequenceIncludes(x, y)"
-        t = "You should use 'operator.contains(x, y)' here."
-        self.warns_unchanged(s, t)
-    def test_bare_operator_isSequenceType(self):
-        s = "isSequenceType(z)"
-        t = "You should use 'isinstance(z, collections.abc.Sequence)' here."
-        self.warns_unchanged(s, t)
-    def test_bare_operator_isMappingType(self):
-        s = "isMappingType(x)"
-        t = "You should use 'isinstance(x, collections.abc.Mapping)' here."
-        self.warns_unchanged(s, t)
-    def test_bare_operator_isNumberType(self):
-        s = "isNumberType(y)"
-        t = "You should use 'isinstance(y, numbers.Number)' here."
-        self.warns_unchanged(s, t)
-    def test_bare_operator_repeat(self):
-        s = "repeat(x, n)"
-        t = "You should use 'operator.mul(x, n)' here."
-        self.warns_unchanged(s, t)
-    def test_bare_operator_irepeat(self):
-        s = "irepeat(y, 187)"
-        t = "You should use 'operator.imul(y, 187)' here."
-        self.warns_unchanged(s, t)
-class Test_exitfunc(FixerTestCase):
-    fixer = "exitfunc"
-    def test_simple(self):
-        b = """
-            import sys
-            sys.exitfunc = my_atexit
-            """
-        a = """
-            import sys
-            import atexit
-            atexit.register(my_atexit)
-            """
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_names_import(self):
-        b = """
-            import sys, crumbs
-            sys.exitfunc = my_func
-            """
-        a = """
-            import sys, crumbs, atexit
-            atexit.register(my_func)
-            """
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_complex_expression(self):
-        b = """
-            import sys
-            sys.exitfunc = do(d)/a()+complex(f=23, g=23)*expression
-            """
-        a = """
-            import sys
-            import atexit
-            atexit.register(do(d)/a()+complex(f=23, g=23)*expression)
-            """
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_comments(self):
-        b = """
-            import sys # Foo
-            sys.exitfunc = f # Blah
-            """
-        a = """
-            import sys
-            import atexit # Foo
-            atexit.register(f) # Blah
-            """
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = """
-            import apples, sys, crumbs, larry # Pleasant comments
-            sys.exitfunc = func
-            """
-        a = """
-            import apples, sys, crumbs, larry, atexit # Pleasant comments
-            atexit.register(func)
-            """
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_in_a_function(self):
-        b = """
-            import sys
-            def f():
-                sys.exitfunc = func
-            """
-        a = """
-            import sys
-            import atexit
-            def f():
-                atexit.register(func)
-             """
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_no_sys_import(self):
-        b = """sys.exitfunc = f"""
-        a = """atexit.register(f)"""
-        msg = ("Can't find sys import; Please add an atexit import at the "
-            "top of your file.")
-        self.warns(b, a, msg)
-    def test_unchanged(self):
-        s = """f(sys.exitfunc)"""
-        self.unchanged(s)
-class Test_asserts(FixerTestCase):
-    fixer = "asserts"
-    def test_deprecated_names(self):
-        tests = [
-            ('self.assert_(True)', 'self.assertTrue(True)'),
-            ('self.assertEquals(2, 2)', 'self.assertEqual(2, 2)'),
-            ('self.assertNotEquals(2, 3)', 'self.assertNotEqual(2, 3)'),
-            ('self.assertAlmostEquals(2, 3)', 'self.assertAlmostEqual(2, 3)'),
-            ('self.assertNotAlmostEquals(2, 8)', 'self.assertNotAlmostEqual(2, 8)'),
-            ('self.failUnlessEqual(2, 2)', 'self.assertEqual(2, 2)'),
-            ('self.failIfEqual(2, 3)', 'self.assertNotEqual(2, 3)'),
-            ('self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(2, 3)', 'self.assertAlmostEqual(2, 3)'),
-            ('self.failIfAlmostEqual(2, 8)', 'self.assertNotAlmostEqual(2, 8)'),
-            ('self.failUnless(True)', 'self.assertTrue(True)'),
-            ('self.failUnlessRaises(foo)', 'self.assertRaises(foo)'),
-            ('self.failIf(False)', 'self.assertFalse(False)'),
-        ]
-        for b, a in tests:
-            self.check(b, a)
-    def test_variants(self):
-        b = 'eq = self.assertEquals'
-        a = 'eq = self.assertEqual'
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = 'self.assertEquals(2, 3, msg="fail")'
-        a = 'self.assertEqual(2, 3, msg="fail")'
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = 'self.assertEquals(2, 3, msg="fail") # foo'
-        a = 'self.assertEqual(2, 3, msg="fail") # foo'
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = 'self.assertEquals (2, 3)'
-        a = 'self.assertEqual (2, 3)'
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = '  self.assertEquals (2, 3)'
-        a = '  self.assertEqual (2, 3)'
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = 'with self.failUnlessRaises(Explosion): explode()'
-        a = 'with self.assertRaises(Explosion): explode()'
-        self.check(b, a)
-        b = 'with self.failUnlessRaises(Explosion) as cm: explode()'
-        a = 'with self.assertRaises(Explosion) as cm: explode()'
-        self.check(b, a)
-    def test_unchanged(self):
-        self.unchanged('self.assertEqualsOnSaturday')
-        self.unchanged('self.assertEqualsOnSaturday(3, 5)')
diff --git a/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/test_main.py b/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/test_main.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a33c45c50a0de..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/test_main.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-import codecs
-import io
-import logging
-import os
-import re
-import shutil
-import sys
-import tempfile
-import unittest
-from lib2to3 import main
-TEST_DATA_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data")
-PY2_TEST_MODULE = os.path.join(TEST_DATA_DIR, "py2_test_grammar.py")
-class TestMain(unittest.TestCase):
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.temp_dir = None  # tearDown() will rmtree this directory if set.
-    def tearDown(self):
-        # Clean up logging configuration down by main.
-        del logging.root.handlers[:]
-        if self.temp_dir:
-            shutil.rmtree(self.temp_dir)
-    def run_2to3_capture(self, args, in_capture, out_capture, err_capture):
-        save_stdin = sys.stdin
-        save_stdout = sys.stdout
-        save_stderr = sys.stderr
-        sys.stdin = in_capture
-        sys.stdout = out_capture
-        sys.stderr = err_capture
-        try:
-            return main.main("lib2to3.fixes", args)
-        finally:
-            sys.stdin = save_stdin
-            sys.stdout = save_stdout
-            sys.stderr = save_stderr
-    def test_unencodable_diff(self):
-        input_stream = io.StringIO("print 'nothing'\nprint u'über'\n")
-        out = io.BytesIO()
-        out_enc = codecs.getwriter("ascii")(out)
-        err = io.StringIO()
-        ret = self.run_2to3_capture(["-"], input_stream, out_enc, err)
-        self.assertEqual(ret, 0)
-        output = out.getvalue().decode("ascii")
-        self.assertIn("-print 'nothing'", output)
-        self.assertIn("WARNING: couldn't encode <stdin>'s diff for "
-                      "your terminal", err.getvalue())
-    def setup_test_source_trees(self):
-        """Setup a test source tree and output destination tree."""
-        self.temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()  # tearDown() cleans this up.
-        self.py2_src_dir = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, "python2_project")
-        self.py3_dest_dir = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, "python3_project")
-        os.mkdir(self.py2_src_dir)
-        os.mkdir(self.py3_dest_dir)
-        # Turn it into a package with a few files.
-        self.setup_files = []
-        open(os.path.join(self.py2_src_dir, "__init__.py"), "w").close()
-        self.setup_files.append("__init__.py")
-        shutil.copy(PY2_TEST_MODULE, self.py2_src_dir)
-        self.setup_files.append(os.path.basename(PY2_TEST_MODULE))
-        self.trivial_py2_file = os.path.join(self.py2_src_dir, "trivial.py")
-        self.init_py2_file = os.path.join(self.py2_src_dir, "__init__.py")
-        with open(self.trivial_py2_file, "w") as trivial:
-            trivial.write("print 'I need a simple conversion.'")
-        self.setup_files.append("trivial.py")
-    def test_filename_changing_on_output_single_dir(self):
-        """2to3 a single directory with a new output dir and suffix."""
-        self.setup_test_source_trees()
-        out = io.StringIO()
-        err = io.StringIO()
-        suffix = "TEST"
-        ret = self.run_2to3_capture(
-                ["-n", "--add-suffix", suffix, "--write-unchanged-files",
-                 "--no-diffs", "--output-dir",
-                 self.py3_dest_dir, self.py2_src_dir],
-                io.StringIO(""), out, err)
-        self.assertEqual(ret, 0)
-        stderr = err.getvalue()
-        self.assertIn(" implies -w.", stderr)
-        self.assertIn(
-                "Output in %r will mirror the input directory %r layout" % (
-                        self.py3_dest_dir, self.py2_src_dir), stderr)
-        self.assertEqual(set(name+suffix for name in self.setup_files),
-                         set(os.listdir(self.py3_dest_dir)))
-        for name in self.setup_files:
-            self.assertIn("Writing converted %s to %s" % (
-                    os.path.join(self.py2_src_dir, name),
-                    os.path.join(self.py3_dest_dir, name+suffix)), stderr)
-        sep = re.escape(os.sep)
-        self.assertRegex(
-                stderr, r"No changes to .*/__init__\.py".replace("/", sep))
-        self.assertNotRegex(
-                stderr, r"No changes to .*/trivial\.py".replace("/", sep))
-    def test_filename_changing_on_output_two_files(self):
-        """2to3 two files in one directory with a new output dir."""
-        self.setup_test_source_trees()
-        err = io.StringIO()
-        py2_files = [self.trivial_py2_file, self.init_py2_file]
-        expected_files = set(os.path.basename(name) for name in py2_files)
-        ret = self.run_2to3_capture(
-                ["-n", "-w", "--write-unchanged-files",
-                 "--no-diffs", "--output-dir", self.py3_dest_dir] + py2_files,
-                io.StringIO(""), io.StringIO(), err)
-        self.assertEqual(ret, 0)
-        stderr = err.getvalue()
-        self.assertIn(
-                "Output in %r will mirror the input directory %r layout" % (
-                        self.py3_dest_dir, self.py2_src_dir), stderr)
-        self.assertEqual(expected_files, set(os.listdir(self.py3_dest_dir)))
-    def test_filename_changing_on_output_single_file(self):
-        """2to3 a single file with a new output dir."""
-        self.setup_test_source_trees()
-        err = io.StringIO()
-        ret = self.run_2to3_capture(
-                ["-n", "-w", "--no-diffs", "--output-dir", self.py3_dest_dir,
-                 self.trivial_py2_file],
-                io.StringIO(""), io.StringIO(), err)
-        self.assertEqual(ret, 0)
-        stderr = err.getvalue()
-        self.assertIn(
-                "Output in %r will mirror the input directory %r layout" % (
-                        self.py3_dest_dir, self.py2_src_dir), stderr)
-        self.assertEqual(set([os.path.basename(self.trivial_py2_file)]),
-                         set(os.listdir(self.py3_dest_dir)))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/test_parser.py b/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/test_parser.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c798b181fdbd..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/test_parser.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,718 +0,0 @@
-"""Test suite for 2to3's parser and grammar files.
-This is the place to add tests for changes to 2to3's grammar, such as those
-merging the grammars for Python 2 and 3. In addition to specific tests for
-parts of the grammar we've changed, we also make sure we can parse the
-test_grammar.py files from both Python 2 and Python 3.
-# Testing imports
-from . import support
-from .support import driver, driver_no_print_statement
-# Python imports
-import difflib
-import importlib
-import operator
-import os
-import pickle
-import shutil
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import tempfile
-import test.support
-import unittest
-# Local imports
-from lib2to3.pgen2 import driver as pgen2_driver
-from lib2to3.pgen2 import tokenize
-from lib2to3.pgen2.parse import ParseError
-from lib2to3.pygram import python_symbols as syms
-class TestDriver(support.TestCase):
-    def test_formfeed(self):
-        s = """print 1\n\x0Cprint 2\n"""
-        t = driver.parse_string(s)
-        self.assertEqual(t.children[0].children[0].type, syms.print_stmt)
-        self.assertEqual(t.children[1].children[0].type, syms.print_stmt)
-class TestPgen2Caching(support.TestCase):
-    def test_load_grammar_from_txt_file(self):
-        pgen2_driver.load_grammar(support.grammar_path, save=False, force=True)
-    def test_load_grammar_from_pickle(self):
-        # Make a copy of the grammar file in a temp directory we are
-        # guaranteed to be able to write to.
-        tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
-        try:
-            grammar_copy = os.path.join(
-                    tmpdir, os.path.basename(support.grammar_path))
-            shutil.copy(support.grammar_path, grammar_copy)
-            pickle_name = pgen2_driver._generate_pickle_name(grammar_copy)
-            pgen2_driver.load_grammar(grammar_copy, save=True, force=True)
-            self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(pickle_name))
-            os.unlink(grammar_copy)  # Only the pickle remains...
-            pgen2_driver.load_grammar(grammar_copy, save=False, force=False)
-        finally:
-            shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)
-    @unittest.skipIf(sys.executable is None, 'sys.executable required')
-    @unittest.skipIf(
-        sys.platform in {'emscripten', 'wasi'}, 'requires working subprocess'
-    )
-    def test_load_grammar_from_subprocess(self):
-        tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
-        tmpsubdir = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'subdir')
-        try:
-            os.mkdir(tmpsubdir)
-            grammar_base = os.path.basename(support.grammar_path)
-            grammar_copy = os.path.join(tmpdir, grammar_base)
-            grammar_sub_copy = os.path.join(tmpsubdir, grammar_base)
-            shutil.copy(support.grammar_path, grammar_copy)
-            shutil.copy(support.grammar_path, grammar_sub_copy)
-            pickle_name = pgen2_driver._generate_pickle_name(grammar_copy)
-            pickle_sub_name = pgen2_driver._generate_pickle_name(
-                     grammar_sub_copy)
-            self.assertNotEqual(pickle_name, pickle_sub_name)
-            # Generate a pickle file from this process.
-            pgen2_driver.load_grammar(grammar_copy, save=True, force=True)
-            self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(pickle_name))
-            # Generate a new pickle file in a subprocess with a most likely
-            # different hash randomization seed.
-            sub_env = dict(os.environ)
-            sub_env['PYTHONHASHSEED'] = 'random'
-            code = """
-from lib2to3.pgen2 import driver as pgen2_driver
-pgen2_driver.load_grammar(%r, save=True, force=True)
-            """ % (grammar_sub_copy,)
-            cmd = [sys.executable,
-                   '-Wignore:lib2to3:DeprecationWarning',
-                   '-c', code]
-            subprocess.check_call( cmd, env=sub_env)
-            self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(pickle_sub_name))
-            with open(pickle_name, 'rb') as pickle_f_1, \
-                    open(pickle_sub_name, 'rb') as pickle_f_2:
-                self.assertEqual(
-                    pickle_f_1.read(), pickle_f_2.read(),
-                    msg='Grammar caches generated using different hash seeds'
-                    ' were not identical.')
-        finally:
-            shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)
-    def test_load_packaged_grammar(self):
-        modname = __name__ + '.load_test'
-        class MyLoader:
-            def get_data(self, where):
-                return pickle.dumps({'elephant': 19})
-        class MyModule:
-            __file__ = 'parsertestmodule'
-            __spec__ = importlib.util.spec_from_loader(modname, MyLoader())
-        sys.modules[modname] = MyModule()
-        self.addCleanup(operator.delitem, sys.modules, modname)
-        g = pgen2_driver.load_packaged_grammar(modname, 'Grammar.txt')
-        self.assertEqual(g.elephant, 19)
-class GrammarTest(support.TestCase):
-    def validate(self, code):
-        support.parse_string(code)
-    def invalid_syntax(self, code):
-        try:
-            self.validate(code)
-        except ParseError:
-            pass
-        else:
-            raise AssertionError("Syntax shouldn't have been valid")
-class TestMatrixMultiplication(GrammarTest):
-    def test_matrix_multiplication_operator(self):
-        self.validate("a @ b")
-        self.validate("a @= b")
-class TestYieldFrom(GrammarTest):
-    def test_yield_from(self):
-        self.validate("yield from x")
-        self.validate("(yield from x) + y")
-        self.invalid_syntax("yield from")
-class TestAsyncAwait(GrammarTest):
-    def test_await_expr(self):
-        self.validate("""async def foo():
-                             await x
-                      """)
-        self.validate("""async def foo():
-                             [i async for i in b]
-                      """)
-        self.validate("""async def foo():
-                             {i for i in b
-                                async for i in a if await i
-                                  for b in i}
-                      """)
-        self.validate("""async def foo():
-                             [await i for i in b if await c]
-                      """)
-        self.validate("""async def foo():
-                             [ i for i in b if c]
-                      """)
-        self.validate("""async def foo():
-            def foo(): pass
-            def foo(): pass
-            await x
-        """)
-        self.validate("""async def foo(): return await a""")
-        self.validate("""def foo():
-            def foo(): pass
-            async def foo(): await x
-        """)
-        self.invalid_syntax("await x")
-        self.invalid_syntax("""def foo():
-                                   await x""")
-        self.invalid_syntax("""def foo():
-            def foo(): pass
-            async def foo(): pass
-            await x
-        """)
-    def test_async_var(self):
-        self.validate("""async = 1""")
-        self.validate("""await = 1""")
-        self.validate("""def async(): pass""")
-    def test_async_for(self):
-        self.validate("""async def foo():
-                             async for a in b: pass""")
-    def test_async_with(self):
-        self.validate("""async def foo():
-                             async with a: pass""")
-        self.invalid_syntax("""def foo():
-                                   async with a: pass""")
-    def test_async_generator(self):
-        self.validate(
-            """async def foo():
-                   return (i * 2 async for i in arange(42))"""
-        )
-        self.validate(
-            """def foo():
-                   return (i * 2 async for i in arange(42))"""
-        )
-class TestRaiseChanges(GrammarTest):
-    def test_2x_style_1(self):
-        self.validate("raise")
-    def test_2x_style_2(self):
-        self.validate("raise E, V")
-    def test_2x_style_3(self):
-        self.validate("raise E, V, T")
-    def test_2x_style_invalid_1(self):
-        self.invalid_syntax("raise E, V, T, Z")
-    def test_3x_style(self):
-        self.validate("raise E1 from E2")
-    def test_3x_style_invalid_1(self):
-        self.invalid_syntax("raise E, V from E1")
-    def test_3x_style_invalid_2(self):
-        self.invalid_syntax("raise E from E1, E2")
-    def test_3x_style_invalid_3(self):
-        self.invalid_syntax("raise from E1, E2")
-    def test_3x_style_invalid_4(self):
-        self.invalid_syntax("raise E from")
-# Modelled after Lib/test/test_grammar.py:TokenTests.test_funcdef issue2292
-# and Lib/test/text_parser.py test_list_displays, test_set_displays,
-# test_dict_displays, test_argument_unpacking, ... changes.
-class TestUnpackingGeneralizations(GrammarTest):
-    def test_mid_positional_star(self):
-        self.validate("""func(1, *(2, 3), 4)""")
-    def test_double_star_dict_literal(self):
-        self.validate("""func(**{'eggs':'scrambled', 'spam':'fried'})""")
-    def test_double_star_dict_literal_after_keywords(self):
-        self.validate("""func(spam='fried', **{'eggs':'scrambled'})""")
-    def test_double_star_expression(self):
-        self.validate("""func(**{'a':2} or {})""")
-        self.validate("""func(**() or {})""")
-    def test_star_expression(self):
-        self.validate("""func(*[] or [2])""")
-    def test_list_display(self):
-        self.validate("""[*{2}, 3, *[4]]""")
-    def test_set_display(self):
-        self.validate("""{*{2}, 3, *[4]}""")
-    def test_dict_display_1(self):
-        self.validate("""{**{}}""")
-    def test_dict_display_2(self):
-        self.validate("""{**{}, 3:4, **{5:6, 7:8}}""")
-    def test_complex_star_expression(self):
-        self.validate("func(* [] or [1])")
-    def test_complex_double_star_expression(self):
-        self.validate("func(**{1: 3} if False else {x: x for x in range(3)})")
-    def test_argument_unpacking_1(self):
-        self.validate("""f(a, *b, *c, d)""")
-    def test_argument_unpacking_2(self):
-        self.validate("""f(**a, **b)""")
-    def test_argument_unpacking_3(self):
-        self.validate("""f(2, *a, *b, **b, **c, **d)""")
-    def test_trailing_commas_1(self):
-        self.validate("def f(a, b): call(a, b)")
-        self.validate("def f(a, b,): call(a, b,)")
-    def test_trailing_commas_2(self):
-        self.validate("def f(a, *b): call(a, *b)")
-        self.validate("def f(a, *b,): call(a, *b,)")
-    def test_trailing_commas_3(self):
-        self.validate("def f(a, b=1): call(a, b=1)")
-        self.validate("def f(a, b=1,): call(a, b=1,)")
-    def test_trailing_commas_4(self):
-        self.validate("def f(a, **b): call(a, **b)")
-        self.validate("def f(a, **b,): call(a, **b,)")
-    def test_trailing_commas_5(self):
-        self.validate("def f(*a, b=1): call(*a, b=1)")
-        self.validate("def f(*a, b=1,): call(*a, b=1,)")
-    def test_trailing_commas_6(self):
-        self.validate("def f(*a, **b): call(*a, **b)")
-        self.validate("def f(*a, **b,): call(*a, **b,)")
-    def test_trailing_commas_7(self):
-        self.validate("def f(*, b=1): call(*b)")
-        self.validate("def f(*, b=1,): call(*b,)")
-    def test_trailing_commas_8(self):
-        self.validate("def f(a=1, b=2): call(a=1, b=2)")
-        self.validate("def f(a=1, b=2,): call(a=1, b=2,)")
-    def test_trailing_commas_9(self):
-        self.validate("def f(a=1, **b): call(a=1, **b)")
-        self.validate("def f(a=1, **b,): call(a=1, **b,)")
-    def test_trailing_commas_lambda_1(self):
-        self.validate("f = lambda a, b: call(a, b)")
-        self.validate("f = lambda a, b,: call(a, b,)")
-    def test_trailing_commas_lambda_2(self):
-        self.validate("f = lambda a, *b: call(a, *b)")
-        self.validate("f = lambda a, *b,: call(a, *b,)")
-    def test_trailing_commas_lambda_3(self):
-        self.validate("f = lambda a, b=1: call(a, b=1)")
-        self.validate("f = lambda a, b=1,: call(a, b=1,)")
-    def test_trailing_commas_lambda_4(self):
-        self.validate("f = lambda a, **b: call(a, **b)")
-        self.validate("f = lambda a, **b,: call(a, **b,)")
-    def test_trailing_commas_lambda_5(self):
-        self.validate("f = lambda *a, b=1: call(*a, b=1)")
-        self.validate("f = lambda *a, b=1,: call(*a, b=1,)")
-    def test_trailing_commas_lambda_6(self):
-        self.validate("f = lambda *a, **b: call(*a, **b)")
-        self.validate("f = lambda *a, **b,: call(*a, **b,)")
-    def test_trailing_commas_lambda_7(self):
-        self.validate("f = lambda *, b=1: call(*b)")
-        self.validate("f = lambda *, b=1,: call(*b,)")
-    def test_trailing_commas_lambda_8(self):
-        self.validate("f = lambda a=1, b=2: call(a=1, b=2)")
-        self.validate("f = lambda a=1, b=2,: call(a=1, b=2,)")
-    def test_trailing_commas_lambda_9(self):
-        self.validate("f = lambda a=1, **b: call(a=1, **b)")
-        self.validate("f = lambda a=1, **b,: call(a=1, **b,)")
-# Adapted from Python 3's Lib/test/test_grammar.py:GrammarTests.testFuncdef
-class TestFunctionAnnotations(GrammarTest):
-    def test_1(self):
-        self.validate("""def f(x) -> list: pass""")
-    def test_2(self):
-        self.validate("""def f(x:int): pass""")
-    def test_3(self):
-        self.validate("""def f(*x:str): pass""")
-    def test_4(self):
-        self.validate("""def f(**x:float): pass""")
-    def test_5(self):
-        self.validate("""def f(x, y:1+2): pass""")
-    def test_6(self):
-        self.validate("""def f(a, (b:1, c:2, d)): pass""")
-    def test_7(self):
-        self.validate("""def f(a, (b:1, c:2, d), e:3=4, f=5, *g:6): pass""")
-    def test_8(self):
-        s = """def f(a, (b:1, c:2, d), e:3=4, f=5,
-                        *g:6, h:7, i=8, j:9=10, **k:11) -> 12: pass"""
-        self.validate(s)
-    def test_9(self):
-        s = """def f(
-          a: str,
-          b: int,
-          *,
-          c: bool = False,
-          **kwargs,
-        ) -> None:
-            call(c=c, **kwargs,)"""
-        self.validate(s)
-    def test_10(self):
-        s = """def f(
-          a: str,
-        ) -> None:
-            call(a,)"""
-        self.validate(s)
-    def test_11(self):
-        s = """def f(
-          a: str = '',
-        ) -> None:
-            call(a=a,)"""
-        self.validate(s)
-    def test_12(self):
-        s = """def f(
-          *args: str,
-        ) -> None:
-            call(*args,)"""
-        self.validate(s)
-    def test_13(self):
-        self.validate("def f(a: str, b: int) -> None: call(a, b)")
-        self.validate("def f(a: str, b: int,) -> None: call(a, b,)")
-    def test_14(self):
-        self.validate("def f(a: str, *b: int) -> None: call(a, *b)")
-        self.validate("def f(a: str, *b: int,) -> None: call(a, *b,)")
-    def test_15(self):
-        self.validate("def f(a: str, b: int=1) -> None: call(a, b=1)")
-        self.validate("def f(a: str, b: int=1,) -> None: call(a, b=1,)")
-    def test_16(self):
-        self.validate("def f(a: str, **b: int) -> None: call(a, **b)")
-        self.validate("def f(a: str, **b: int,) -> None: call(a, **b,)")
-    def test_17(self):
-        self.validate("def f(*a: str, b: int=1) -> None: call(*a, b=1)")
-        self.validate("def f(*a: str, b: int=1,) -> None: call(*a, b=1,)")
-    def test_18(self):
-        self.validate("def f(*a: str, **b: int) -> None: call(*a, **b)")
-        self.validate("def f(*a: str, **b: int,) -> None: call(*a, **b,)")
-    def test_19(self):
-        self.validate("def f(*, b: int=1) -> None: call(*b)")
-        self.validate("def f(*, b: int=1,) -> None: call(*b,)")
-    def test_20(self):
-        self.validate("def f(a: str='', b: int=2) -> None: call(a=a, b=2)")
-        self.validate("def f(a: str='', b: int=2,) -> None: call(a=a, b=2,)")
-    def test_21(self):
-        self.validate("def f(a: str='', **b: int) -> None: call(a=a, **b)")
-        self.validate("def f(a: str='', **b: int,) -> None: call(a=a, **b,)")
-# Adapted from Python 3's Lib/test/test_grammar.py:GrammarTests.test_var_annot
-class TestVarAnnotations(GrammarTest):
-    def test_1(self):
-        self.validate("var1: int = 5")
-    def test_2(self):
-        self.validate("var2: [int, str]")
-    def test_3(self):
-        self.validate("def f():\n"
-                      "    st: str = 'Hello'\n"
-                      "    a.b: int = (1, 2)\n"
-                      "    return st\n")
-    def test_4(self):
-        self.validate("def fbad():\n"
-                      "    x: int\n"
-                      "    print(x)\n")
-    def test_5(self):
-        self.validate("class C:\n"
-                      "    x: int\n"
-                      "    s: str = 'attr'\n"
-                      "    z = 2\n"
-                      "    def __init__(self, x):\n"
-                      "        self.x: int = x\n")
-    def test_6(self):
-        self.validate("lst: List[int] = []")
-class TestExcept(GrammarTest):
-    def test_new(self):
-        s = """
-            try:
-                x
-            except E as N:
-                y"""
-        self.validate(s)
-    def test_old(self):
-        s = """
-            try:
-                x
-            except E, N:
-                y"""
-        self.validate(s)
-class TestStringLiterals(GrammarTest):
-    prefixes = ("'", '"',
-        "r'", 'r"', "R'", 'R"',
-        "u'", 'u"', "U'", 'U"',
-        "b'", 'b"', "B'", 'B"',
-        "f'", 'f"', "F'", 'F"',
-        "ur'", 'ur"', "Ur'", 'Ur"',
-        "uR'", 'uR"', "UR'", 'UR"',
-        "br'", 'br"', "Br'", 'Br"',
-        "bR'", 'bR"', "BR'", 'BR"',
-        "rb'", 'rb"', "Rb'", 'Rb"',
-        "rB'", 'rB"', "RB'", 'RB"',)
-    def test_lit(self):
-        for pre in self.prefixes:
-            single = "{p}spamspamspam{s}".format(p=pre, s=pre[-1])
-            self.validate(single)
-            triple = "{p}{s}{s}eggs{s}{s}{s}".format(p=pre, s=pre[-1])
-            self.validate(triple)
-# Adapted from Python 3's Lib/test/test_grammar.py:GrammarTests.testAtoms
-class TestSetLiteral(GrammarTest):
-    def test_1(self):
-        self.validate("""x = {'one'}""")
-    def test_2(self):
-        self.validate("""x = {'one', 1,}""")
-    def test_3(self):
-        self.validate("""x = {'one', 'two', 'three'}""")
-    def test_4(self):
-        self.validate("""x = {2, 3, 4,}""")
-# Adapted from Python 3's Lib/test/test_unicode_identifiers.py and
-# Lib/test/test_tokenize.py:TokenizeTest.test_non_ascii_identifiers
-class TestIdentifier(GrammarTest):
-    def test_non_ascii_identifiers(self):
-        self.validate("Örter = 'places'\ngrün = 'green'")
-        self.validate("蟒 = a蟒 = 锦蛇 = 1")
-        self.validate("µ = aµ = µµ = 1")
-        self.validate("𝔘𝔫𝔦𝔠𝔬𝔡𝔢 = a_𝔘𝔫𝔦𝔠𝔬𝔡𝔢 = 1")
-class TestNumericLiterals(GrammarTest):
-    def test_new_octal_notation(self):
-        self.validate("""0o7777777777777""")
-        self.invalid_syntax("""0o7324528887""")
-    def test_new_binary_notation(self):
-        self.validate("""0b101010""")
-        self.invalid_syntax("""0b0101021""")
-class TestClassDef(GrammarTest):
-    def test_new_syntax(self):
-        self.validate("class B(t=7): pass")
-        self.validate("class B(t, *args): pass")
-        self.validate("class B(t, **kwargs): pass")
-        self.validate("class B(t, *args, **kwargs): pass")
-        self.validate("class B(t, y=9, *args, **kwargs,): pass")
-class TestParserIdempotency(support.TestCase):
-    """A cut-down version of pytree_idempotency.py."""
-    def parse_file(self, filepath):
-        if test.support.verbose:
-            print(f"Parse file: {filepath}")
-        with open(filepath, "rb") as fp:
-            encoding = tokenize.detect_encoding(fp.readline)[0]
-        self.assertIsNotNone(encoding,
-                             "can't detect encoding for %s" % filepath)
-        with open(filepath, "r", encoding=encoding) as fp:
-            source = fp.read()
-        try:
-            tree = driver.parse_string(source)
-        except ParseError:
-            try:
-                tree = driver_no_print_statement.parse_string(source)
-            except ParseError as err:
-                self.fail('ParseError on file %s (%s)' % (filepath, err))
-        new = str(tree)
-        if new != source:
-            print(diff_texts(source, new, filepath))
-            self.fail("Idempotency failed: %s" % filepath)
-    def test_all_project_files(self):
-        for filepath in support.all_project_files():
-            with self.subTest(filepath=filepath):
-                self.parse_file(filepath)
-    def test_extended_unpacking(self):
-        driver.parse_string("a, *b, c = x\n")
-        driver.parse_string("[*a, b] = x\n")
-        driver.parse_string("(z, *y, w) = m\n")
-        driver.parse_string("for *z, m in d: pass\n")
-class TestLiterals(GrammarTest):
-    def validate(self, s):
-        driver.parse_string(support.dedent(s) + "\n\n")
-    def test_multiline_bytes_literals(self):
-        s = """
-            md5test(b"\xaa" * 80,
-                    (b"Test Using Larger Than Block-Size Key "
-                     b"and Larger Than One Block-Size Data"),
-                    "6f630fad67cda0ee1fb1f562db3aa53e")
-            """
-        self.validate(s)
-    def test_multiline_bytes_tripquote_literals(self):
-        s = '''
-            b"""
-            <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-            <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN">
-            """
-            '''
-        self.validate(s)
-    def test_multiline_str_literals(self):
-        s = """
-            md5test("\xaa" * 80,
-                    ("Test Using Larger Than Block-Size Key "
-                     "and Larger Than One Block-Size Data"),
-                    "6f630fad67cda0ee1fb1f562db3aa53e")
-            """
-        self.validate(s)
-class TestNamedAssignments(GrammarTest):
-    """Also known as the walrus operator."""
-    def test_named_assignment_if(self):
-        driver.parse_string("if f := x(): pass\n")
-    def test_named_assignment_while(self):
-        driver.parse_string("while f := x(): pass\n")
-    def test_named_assignment_generator(self):
-        driver.parse_string("any((lastNum := num) == 1 for num in [1, 2, 3])\n")
-    def test_named_assignment_listcomp(self):
-        driver.parse_string("[(lastNum := num) == 1 for num in [1, 2, 3]]\n")
-class TestPositionalOnlyArgs(GrammarTest):
-    def test_one_pos_only_arg(self):
-        driver.parse_string("def one_pos_only_arg(a, /): pass\n")
-    def test_all_markers(self):
-        driver.parse_string(
-                "def all_markers(a, b=2, /, c, d=4, *, e=5, f): pass\n")
-    def test_all_with_args_and_kwargs(self):
-        driver.parse_string(
-                """def all_markers_with_args_and_kwargs(
-                           aa, b, /, _cc, d, *args, e, f_f, **kwargs,
-                   ):
-                       pass\n""")
-    def test_lambda_soup(self):
-        driver.parse_string(
-                "lambda a, b, /, c, d, *args, e, f, **kw: kw\n")
-    def test_only_positional_or_keyword(self):
-        driver.parse_string("def func(a,b,/,*,g,e=3): pass\n")
-class TestPickleableException(unittest.TestCase):
-    def test_ParseError(self):
-        err = ParseError('msg', 2, None, (1, 'context'))
-        for proto in range(pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL + 1):
-            err2 = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(err, protocol=proto))
-            self.assertEqual(err.args, err2.args)
-            self.assertEqual(err.msg, err2.msg)
-            self.assertEqual(err.type, err2.type)
-            self.assertEqual(err.value, err2.value)
-            self.assertEqual(err.context, err2.context)
-def diff_texts(a, b, filename):
-    a = a.splitlines()
-    b = b.splitlines()
-    return difflib.unified_diff(a, b, filename, filename,
-                                "(original)", "(reserialized)",
-                                lineterm="")
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/test_pytree.py b/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/test_pytree.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 177126d545291..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/test_pytree.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,472 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2006 Google, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
-"""Unit tests for pytree.py.
-NOTE: Please *don't* add doc strings to individual test methods!
-In verbose mode, printing of the module, class and method name is much
-more helpful than printing of (the first line of) the docstring,
-especially when debugging a test.
-# Testing imports
-from . import support
-from lib2to3 import pytree
-    sorted
-except NameError:
-    def sorted(lst):
-        l = list(lst)
-        l.sort()
-        return l
-class TestNodes(support.TestCase):
-    """Unit tests for nodes (Base, Leaf, Node)."""
-    def test_instantiate_base(self):
-        if __debug__:
-            # Test that instantiating Base() raises an AssertionError
-            self.assertRaises(AssertionError, pytree.Base)
-    def test_leaf(self):
-        l1 = pytree.Leaf(100, "foo")
-        self.assertEqual(l1.type, 100)
-        self.assertEqual(l1.value, "foo")
-    def test_leaf_repr(self):
-        l1 = pytree.Leaf(100, "foo")
-        self.assertEqual(repr(l1), "Leaf(100, 'foo')")
-    def test_leaf_str(self):
-        l1 = pytree.Leaf(100, "foo")
-        self.assertEqual(str(l1), "foo")
-        l2 = pytree.Leaf(100, "foo", context=(" ", (10, 1)))
-        self.assertEqual(str(l2), " foo")
-    def test_leaf_str_numeric_value(self):
-        # Make sure that the Leaf's value is stringified. Failing to
-        #  do this can cause a TypeError in certain situations.
-        l1 = pytree.Leaf(2, 5)
-        l1.prefix = "foo_"
-        self.assertEqual(str(l1), "foo_5")
-    def test_leaf_equality(self):
-        l1 = pytree.Leaf(100, "foo")
-        l2 = pytree.Leaf(100, "foo", context=(" ", (1, 0)))
-        self.assertEqual(l1, l2)
-        l3 = pytree.Leaf(101, "foo")
-        l4 = pytree.Leaf(100, "bar")
-        self.assertNotEqual(l1, l3)
-        self.assertNotEqual(l1, l4)
-    def test_leaf_prefix(self):
-        l1 = pytree.Leaf(100, "foo")
-        self.assertEqual(l1.prefix, "")
-        self.assertFalse(l1.was_changed)
-        l1.prefix = "  ##\n\n"
-        self.assertEqual(l1.prefix, "  ##\n\n")
-        self.assertTrue(l1.was_changed)
-    def test_node(self):
-        l1 = pytree.Leaf(100, "foo")
-        l2 = pytree.Leaf(200, "bar")
-        n1 = pytree.Node(1000, [l1, l2])
-        self.assertEqual(n1.type, 1000)
-        self.assertEqual(n1.children, [l1, l2])
-    def test_node_repr(self):
-        l1 = pytree.Leaf(100, "foo")
-        l2 = pytree.Leaf(100, "bar", context=(" ", (1, 0)))
-        n1 = pytree.Node(1000, [l1, l2])
-        self.assertEqual(repr(n1),
-                         "Node(1000, [%s, %s])" % (repr(l1), repr(l2)))
-    def test_node_str(self):
-        l1 = pytree.Leaf(100, "foo")
-        l2 = pytree.Leaf(100, "bar", context=(" ", (1, 0)))
-        n1 = pytree.Node(1000, [l1, l2])
-        self.assertEqual(str(n1), "foo bar")
-    def test_node_prefix(self):
-        l1 = pytree.Leaf(100, "foo")
-        self.assertEqual(l1.prefix, "")
-        n1 = pytree.Node(1000, [l1])
-        self.assertEqual(n1.prefix, "")
-        n1.prefix = " "
-        self.assertEqual(n1.prefix, " ")
-        self.assertEqual(l1.prefix, " ")
-    def test_get_suffix(self):
-        l1 = pytree.Leaf(100, "foo", prefix="a")
-        l2 = pytree.Leaf(100, "bar", prefix="b")
-        n1 = pytree.Node(1000, [l1, l2])
-        self.assertEqual(l1.get_suffix(), l2.prefix)
-        self.assertEqual(l2.get_suffix(), "")
-        self.assertEqual(n1.get_suffix(), "")
-        l3 = pytree.Leaf(100, "bar", prefix="c")
-        n2 = pytree.Node(1000, [n1, l3])
-        self.assertEqual(n1.get_suffix(), l3.prefix)
-        self.assertEqual(l3.get_suffix(), "")
-        self.assertEqual(n2.get_suffix(), "")
-    def test_node_equality(self):
-        n1 = pytree.Node(1000, ())
-        n2 = pytree.Node(1000, [], context=(" ", (1, 0)))
-        self.assertEqual(n1, n2)
-        n3 = pytree.Node(1001, ())
-        self.assertNotEqual(n1, n3)
-    def test_node_recursive_equality(self):
-        l1 = pytree.Leaf(100, "foo")
-        l2 = pytree.Leaf(100, "foo")
-        n1 = pytree.Node(1000, [l1])
-        n2 = pytree.Node(1000, [l2])
-        self.assertEqual(n1, n2)
-        l3 = pytree.Leaf(100, "bar")
-        n3 = pytree.Node(1000, [l3])
-        self.assertNotEqual(n1, n3)
-    def test_replace(self):
-        l1 = pytree.Leaf(100, "foo")
-        l2 = pytree.Leaf(100, "+")
-        l3 = pytree.Leaf(100, "bar")
-        n1 = pytree.Node(1000, [l1, l2, l3])
-        self.assertEqual(n1.children, [l1, l2, l3])
-        self.assertIsInstance(n1.children, list)
-        self.assertFalse(n1.was_changed)
-        l2new = pytree.Leaf(100, "-")
-        l2.replace(l2new)
-        self.assertEqual(n1.children, [l1, l2new, l3])
-        self.assertIsInstance(n1.children, list)
-        self.assertTrue(n1.was_changed)
-    def test_replace_with_list(self):
-        l1 = pytree.Leaf(100, "foo")
-        l2 = pytree.Leaf(100, "+")
-        l3 = pytree.Leaf(100, "bar")
-        n1 = pytree.Node(1000, [l1, l2, l3])
-        l2.replace([pytree.Leaf(100, "*"), pytree.Leaf(100, "*")])
-        self.assertEqual(str(n1), "foo**bar")
-        self.assertIsInstance(n1.children, list)
-    def test_leaves(self):
-        l1 = pytree.Leaf(100, "foo")
-        l2 = pytree.Leaf(100, "bar")
-        l3 = pytree.Leaf(100, "fooey")
-        n2 = pytree.Node(1000, [l1, l2])
-        n3 = pytree.Node(1000, [l3])
-        n1 = pytree.Node(1000, [n2, n3])
-        self.assertEqual(list(n1.leaves()), [l1, l2, l3])
-    def test_depth(self):
-        l1 = pytree.Leaf(100, "foo")
-        l2 = pytree.Leaf(100, "bar")
-        n2 = pytree.Node(1000, [l1, l2])
-        n3 = pytree.Node(1000, [])
-        n1 = pytree.Node(1000, [n2, n3])
-        self.assertEqual(l1.depth(), 2)
-        self.assertEqual(n3.depth(), 1)
-        self.assertEqual(n1.depth(), 0)
-    def test_post_order(self):
-        l1 = pytree.Leaf(100, "foo")
-        l2 = pytree.Leaf(100, "bar")
-        l3 = pytree.Leaf(100, "fooey")
-        c1 = pytree.Node(1000, [l1, l2])
-        n1 = pytree.Node(1000, [c1, l3])
-        self.assertEqual(list(n1.post_order()), [l1, l2, c1, l3, n1])
-    def test_pre_order(self):
-        l1 = pytree.Leaf(100, "foo")
-        l2 = pytree.Leaf(100, "bar")
-        l3 = pytree.Leaf(100, "fooey")
-        c1 = pytree.Node(1000, [l1, l2])
-        n1 = pytree.Node(1000, [c1, l3])
-        self.assertEqual(list(n1.pre_order()), [n1, c1, l1, l2, l3])
-    def test_changed(self):
-        l1 = pytree.Leaf(100, "f")
-        self.assertFalse(l1.was_changed)
-        l1.changed()
-        self.assertTrue(l1.was_changed)
-        l1 = pytree.Leaf(100, "f")
-        n1 = pytree.Node(1000, [l1])
-        self.assertFalse(n1.was_changed)
-        n1.changed()
-        self.assertTrue(n1.was_changed)
-        l1 = pytree.Leaf(100, "foo")
-        l2 = pytree.Leaf(100, "+")
-        l3 = pytree.Leaf(100, "bar")
-        n1 = pytree.Node(1000, [l1, l2, l3])
-        n2 = pytree.Node(1000, [n1])
-        self.assertFalse(l1.was_changed)
-        self.assertFalse(n1.was_changed)
-        self.assertFalse(n2.was_changed)
-        n1.changed()
-        self.assertTrue(n1.was_changed)
-        self.assertTrue(n2.was_changed)
-        self.assertFalse(l1.was_changed)
-    def test_leaf_constructor_prefix(self):
-        for prefix in ("xyz_", ""):
-            l1 = pytree.Leaf(100, "self", prefix=prefix)
-            self.assertTrue(str(l1), prefix + "self")
-            self.assertEqual(l1.prefix, prefix)
-    def test_node_constructor_prefix(self):
-        for prefix in ("xyz_", ""):
-            l1 = pytree.Leaf(100, "self")
-            l2 = pytree.Leaf(100, "foo", prefix="_")
-            n1 = pytree.Node(1000, [l1, l2], prefix=prefix)
-            self.assertTrue(str(n1), prefix + "self_foo")
-            self.assertEqual(n1.prefix, prefix)
-            self.assertEqual(l1.prefix, prefix)
-            self.assertEqual(l2.prefix, "_")
-    def test_remove(self):
-        l1 = pytree.Leaf(100, "foo")
-        l2 = pytree.Leaf(100, "foo")
-        n1 = pytree.Node(1000, [l1, l2])
-        n2 = pytree.Node(1000, [n1])
-        self.assertEqual(n1.remove(), 0)
-        self.assertEqual(n2.children, [])
-        self.assertEqual(l1.parent, n1)
-        self.assertEqual(n1.parent, None)
-        self.assertEqual(n2.parent, None)
-        self.assertFalse(n1.was_changed)
-        self.assertTrue(n2.was_changed)
-        self.assertEqual(l2.remove(), 1)
-        self.assertEqual(l1.remove(), 0)
-        self.assertEqual(n1.children, [])
-        self.assertEqual(l1.parent, None)
-        self.assertEqual(n1.parent, None)
-        self.assertEqual(n2.parent, None)
-        self.assertTrue(n1.was_changed)
-        self.assertTrue(n2.was_changed)
-    def test_remove_parentless(self):
-        n1 = pytree.Node(1000, [])
-        n1.remove()
-        self.assertEqual(n1.parent, None)
-        l1 = pytree.Leaf(100, "foo")
-        l1.remove()
-        self.assertEqual(l1.parent, None)
-    def test_node_set_child(self):
-        l1 = pytree.Leaf(100, "foo")
-        n1 = pytree.Node(1000, [l1])
-        l2 = pytree.Leaf(100, "bar")
-        n1.set_child(0, l2)
-        self.assertEqual(l1.parent, None)
-        self.assertEqual(l2.parent, n1)
-        self.assertEqual(n1.children, [l2])
-        n2 = pytree.Node(1000, [l1])
-        n2.set_child(0, n1)
-        self.assertEqual(l1.parent, None)
-        self.assertEqual(n1.parent, n2)
-        self.assertEqual(n2.parent, None)
-        self.assertEqual(n2.children, [n1])
-        self.assertRaises(IndexError, n1.set_child, 4, l2)
-        # I don't care what it raises, so long as it's an exception
-        self.assertRaises(Exception, n1.set_child, 0, list)
-    def test_node_insert_child(self):
-        l1 = pytree.Leaf(100, "foo")
-        n1 = pytree.Node(1000, [l1])
-        l2 = pytree.Leaf(100, "bar")
-        n1.insert_child(0, l2)
-        self.assertEqual(l2.parent, n1)
-        self.assertEqual(n1.children, [l2, l1])
-        l3 = pytree.Leaf(100, "abc")
-        n1.insert_child(2, l3)
-        self.assertEqual(n1.children, [l2, l1, l3])
-        # I don't care what it raises, so long as it's an exception
-        self.assertRaises(Exception, n1.insert_child, 0, list)
-    def test_node_append_child(self):
-        n1 = pytree.Node(1000, [])
-        l1 = pytree.Leaf(100, "foo")
-        n1.append_child(l1)
-        self.assertEqual(l1.parent, n1)
-        self.assertEqual(n1.children, [l1])
-        l2 = pytree.Leaf(100, "bar")
-        n1.append_child(l2)
-        self.assertEqual(l2.parent, n1)
-        self.assertEqual(n1.children, [l1, l2])
-        # I don't care what it raises, so long as it's an exception
-        self.assertRaises(Exception, n1.append_child, list)
-    def test_node_next_sibling(self):
-        n1 = pytree.Node(1000, [])
-        n2 = pytree.Node(1000, [])
-        p1 = pytree.Node(1000, [n1, n2])
-        self.assertIs(n1.next_sibling, n2)
-        self.assertEqual(n2.next_sibling, None)
-        self.assertEqual(p1.next_sibling, None)
-    def test_leaf_next_sibling(self):
-        l1 = pytree.Leaf(100, "a")
-        l2 = pytree.Leaf(100, "b")
-        p1 = pytree.Node(1000, [l1, l2])
-        self.assertIs(l1.next_sibling, l2)
-        self.assertEqual(l2.next_sibling, None)
-        self.assertEqual(p1.next_sibling, None)
-    def test_node_prev_sibling(self):
-        n1 = pytree.Node(1000, [])
-        n2 = pytree.Node(1000, [])
-        p1 = pytree.Node(1000, [n1, n2])
-        self.assertIs(n2.prev_sibling, n1)
-        self.assertEqual(n1.prev_sibling, None)
-        self.assertEqual(p1.prev_sibling, None)
-    def test_leaf_prev_sibling(self):
-        l1 = pytree.Leaf(100, "a")
-        l2 = pytree.Leaf(100, "b")
-        p1 = pytree.Node(1000, [l1, l2])
-        self.assertIs(l2.prev_sibling, l1)
-        self.assertEqual(l1.prev_sibling, None)
-        self.assertEqual(p1.prev_sibling, None)
-class TestPatterns(support.TestCase):
-    """Unit tests for tree matching patterns."""
-    def test_basic_patterns(self):
-        # Build a tree
-        l1 = pytree.Leaf(100, "foo")
-        l2 = pytree.Leaf(100, "bar")
-        l3 = pytree.Leaf(100, "foo")
-        n1 = pytree.Node(1000, [l1, l2])
-        n2 = pytree.Node(1000, [l3])
-        root = pytree.Node(1000, [n1, n2])
-        # Build a pattern matching a leaf
-        pl = pytree.LeafPattern(100, "foo", name="pl")
-        r = {}
-        self.assertFalse(pl.match(root, results=r))
-        self.assertEqual(r, {})
-        self.assertFalse(pl.match(n1, results=r))
-        self.assertEqual(r, {})
-        self.assertFalse(pl.match(n2, results=r))
-        self.assertEqual(r, {})
-        self.assertTrue(pl.match(l1, results=r))
-        self.assertEqual(r, {"pl": l1})
-        r = {}
-        self.assertFalse(pl.match(l2, results=r))
-        self.assertEqual(r, {})
-        # Build a pattern matching a node
-        pn = pytree.NodePattern(1000, [pl], name="pn")
-        self.assertFalse(pn.match(root, results=r))
-        self.assertEqual(r, {})
-        self.assertFalse(pn.match(n1, results=r))
-        self.assertEqual(r, {})
-        self.assertTrue(pn.match(n2, results=r))
-        self.assertEqual(r, {"pn": n2, "pl": l3})
-        r = {}
-        self.assertFalse(pn.match(l1, results=r))
-        self.assertEqual(r, {})
-        self.assertFalse(pn.match(l2, results=r))
-        self.assertEqual(r, {})
-    def test_wildcard(self):
-        # Build a tree for testing
-        l1 = pytree.Leaf(100, "foo")
-        l2 = pytree.Leaf(100, "bar")
-        l3 = pytree.Leaf(100, "foo")
-        n1 = pytree.Node(1000, [l1, l2])
-        n2 = pytree.Node(1000, [l3])
-        root = pytree.Node(1000, [n1, n2])
-        # Build a pattern
-        pl = pytree.LeafPattern(100, "foo", name="pl")
-        pn = pytree.NodePattern(1000, [pl], name="pn")
-        pw = pytree.WildcardPattern([[pn], [pl, pl]], name="pw")
-        r = {}
-        self.assertFalse(pw.match_seq([root], r))
-        self.assertEqual(r, {})
-        self.assertFalse(pw.match_seq([n1], r))
-        self.assertEqual(r, {})
-        self.assertTrue(pw.match_seq([n2], r))
-        # These are easier to debug
-        self.assertEqual(sorted(r.keys()), ["pl", "pn", "pw"])
-        self.assertEqual(r["pl"], l1)
-        self.assertEqual(r["pn"], n2)
-        self.assertEqual(r["pw"], [n2])
-        # But this is equivalent
-        self.assertEqual(r, {"pl": l1, "pn": n2, "pw": [n2]})
-        r = {}
-        self.assertTrue(pw.match_seq([l1, l3], r))
-        self.assertEqual(r, {"pl": l3, "pw": [l1, l3]})
-        self.assertIs(r["pl"], l3)
-        r = {}
-    def test_generate_matches(self):
-        la = pytree.Leaf(1, "a")
-        lb = pytree.Leaf(1, "b")
-        lc = pytree.Leaf(1, "c")
-        ld = pytree.Leaf(1, "d")
-        le = pytree.Leaf(1, "e")
-        lf = pytree.Leaf(1, "f")
-        leaves = [la, lb, lc, ld, le, lf]
-        root = pytree.Node(1000, leaves)
-        pa = pytree.LeafPattern(1, "a", "pa")
-        pb = pytree.LeafPattern(1, "b", "pb")
-        pc = pytree.LeafPattern(1, "c", "pc")
-        pd = pytree.LeafPattern(1, "d", "pd")
-        pe = pytree.LeafPattern(1, "e", "pe")
-        pf = pytree.LeafPattern(1, "f", "pf")
-        pw = pytree.WildcardPattern([[pa, pb, pc], [pd, pe],
-                                     [pa, pb], [pc, pd], [pe, pf]],
-                                    min=1, max=4, name="pw")
-        self.assertEqual([x[0] for x in pw.generate_matches(leaves)],
-                         [3, 5, 2, 4, 6])
-        pr = pytree.NodePattern(type=1000, content=[pw], name="pr")
-        matches = list(pytree.generate_matches([pr], [root]))
-        self.assertEqual(len(matches), 1)
-        c, r = matches[0]
-        self.assertEqual(c, 1)
-        self.assertEqual(str(r["pr"]), "abcdef")
-        self.assertEqual(r["pw"], [la, lb, lc, ld, le, lf])
-        for c in "abcdef":
-            self.assertEqual(r["p" + c], pytree.Leaf(1, c))
-    def test_has_key_example(self):
-        pattern = pytree.NodePattern(331,
-                                     (pytree.LeafPattern(7),
-                                      pytree.WildcardPattern(name="args"),
-                                      pytree.LeafPattern(8)))
-        l1 = pytree.Leaf(7, "(")
-        l2 = pytree.Leaf(3, "x")
-        l3 = pytree.Leaf(8, ")")
-        node = pytree.Node(331, [l1, l2, l3])
-        r = {}
-        self.assertTrue(pattern.match(node, r))
-        self.assertEqual(r["args"], [l2])
diff --git a/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/test_refactor.py b/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/test_refactor.py
deleted file mode 100644
index be705679f06db..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/test_refactor.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,337 +0,0 @@
-Unit tests for refactor.py.
-import sys
-import os
-import codecs
-import io
-import re
-import tempfile
-import shutil
-import unittest
-from lib2to3 import refactor, pygram, fixer_base
-from lib2to3.pgen2 import token
-TEST_DATA_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data")
-FIXER_DIR = os.path.join(TEST_DATA_DIR, "fixers")
-    _DEFAULT_FIXERS = refactor.get_fixers_from_package("myfixes")
-    sys.path.pop()
-_2TO3_FIXERS = refactor.get_fixers_from_package("lib2to3.fixes")
-class TestRefactoringTool(unittest.TestCase):
-    def setUp(self):
-        sys.path.append(FIXER_DIR)
-    def tearDown(self):
-        sys.path.pop()
-    def check_instances(self, instances, classes):
-        for inst, cls in zip(instances, classes):
-            if not isinstance(inst, cls):
-                self.fail("%s are not instances of %s" % instances, classes)
-    def rt(self, options=None, fixers=_DEFAULT_FIXERS, explicit=None):
-        return refactor.RefactoringTool(fixers, options, explicit)
-    def test_print_function_option(self):
-        rt = self.rt({"print_function" : True})
-        self.assertNotIn("print", rt.grammar.keywords)
-        self.assertNotIn("print", rt.driver.grammar.keywords)
-    def test_exec_function_option(self):
-        rt = self.rt({"exec_function" : True})
-        self.assertNotIn("exec", rt.grammar.keywords)
-        self.assertNotIn("exec", rt.driver.grammar.keywords)
-    def test_write_unchanged_files_option(self):
-        rt = self.rt()
-        self.assertFalse(rt.write_unchanged_files)
-        rt = self.rt({"write_unchanged_files" : True})
-        self.assertTrue(rt.write_unchanged_files)
-    def test_fixer_loading_helpers(self):
-        contents = ["explicit", "first", "last", "parrot", "preorder"]
-        non_prefixed = refactor.get_all_fix_names("myfixes")
-        prefixed = refactor.get_all_fix_names("myfixes", False)
-        full_names = refactor.get_fixers_from_package("myfixes")
-        self.assertEqual(prefixed, ["fix_" + name for name in contents])
-        self.assertEqual(non_prefixed, contents)
-        self.assertEqual(full_names,
-                         ["myfixes.fix_" + name for name in contents])
-    def test_detect_future_features(self):
-        run = refactor._detect_future_features
-        fs = frozenset
-        empty = fs()
-        self.assertEqual(run(""), empty)
-        self.assertEqual(run("from __future__ import print_function"),
-                         fs(("print_function",)))
-        self.assertEqual(run("from __future__ import generators"),
-                         fs(("generators",)))
-        self.assertEqual(run("from __future__ import generators, feature"),
-                         fs(("generators", "feature")))
-        inp = "from __future__ import generators, print_function"
-        self.assertEqual(run(inp), fs(("generators", "print_function")))
-        inp ="from __future__ import print_function, generators"
-        self.assertEqual(run(inp), fs(("print_function", "generators")))
-        inp = "from __future__ import (print_function,)"
-        self.assertEqual(run(inp), fs(("print_function",)))
-        inp = "from __future__ import (generators, print_function)"
-        self.assertEqual(run(inp), fs(("generators", "print_function")))
-        inp = "from __future__ import (generators, nested_scopes)"
-        self.assertEqual(run(inp), fs(("generators", "nested_scopes")))
-        inp = """from __future__ import generators
-from __future__ import print_function"""
-        self.assertEqual(run(inp), fs(("generators", "print_function")))
-        invalid = ("from",
-                   "from 4",
-                   "from x",
-                   "from x 5",
-                   "from x im",
-                   "from x import",
-                   "from x import 4",
-                   )
-        for inp in invalid:
-            self.assertEqual(run(inp), empty)
-        inp = "'docstring'\nfrom __future__ import print_function"
-        self.assertEqual(run(inp), fs(("print_function",)))
-        inp = "'docstring'\n'somng'\nfrom __future__ import print_function"
-        self.assertEqual(run(inp), empty)
-        inp = "# comment\nfrom __future__ import print_function"
-        self.assertEqual(run(inp), fs(("print_function",)))
-        inp = "# comment\n'doc'\nfrom __future__ import print_function"
-        self.assertEqual(run(inp), fs(("print_function",)))
-        inp = "class x: pass\nfrom __future__ import print_function"
-        self.assertEqual(run(inp), empty)
-    def test_get_headnode_dict(self):
-        class NoneFix(fixer_base.BaseFix):
-            pass
-        class FileInputFix(fixer_base.BaseFix):
-            PATTERN = "file_input< any * >"
-        class SimpleFix(fixer_base.BaseFix):
-            PATTERN = "'name'"
-        no_head = NoneFix({}, [])
-        with_head = FileInputFix({}, [])
-        simple = SimpleFix({}, [])
-        d = refactor._get_headnode_dict([no_head, with_head, simple])
-        top_fixes = d.pop(pygram.python_symbols.file_input)
-        self.assertEqual(top_fixes, [with_head, no_head])
-        name_fixes = d.pop(token.NAME)
-        self.assertEqual(name_fixes, [simple, no_head])
-        for fixes in d.values():
-            self.assertEqual(fixes, [no_head])
-    def test_fixer_loading(self):
-        from myfixes.fix_first import FixFirst
-        from myfixes.fix_last import FixLast
-        from myfixes.fix_parrot import FixParrot
-        from myfixes.fix_preorder import FixPreorder
-        rt = self.rt()
-        pre, post = rt.get_fixers()
-        self.check_instances(pre, [FixPreorder])
-        self.check_instances(post, [FixFirst, FixParrot, FixLast])
-    def test_naughty_fixers(self):
-        self.assertRaises(ImportError, self.rt, fixers=["not_here"])
-        self.assertRaises(refactor.FixerError, self.rt, fixers=["no_fixer_cls"])
-        self.assertRaises(refactor.FixerError, self.rt, fixers=["bad_order"])
-    def test_refactor_string(self):
-        rt = self.rt()
-        input = "def parrot(): pass\n\n"
-        tree = rt.refactor_string(input, "<test>")
-        self.assertNotEqual(str(tree), input)
-        input = "def f(): pass\n\n"
-        tree = rt.refactor_string(input, "<test>")
-        self.assertEqual(str(tree), input)
-    def test_refactor_stdin(self):
-        class MyRT(refactor.RefactoringTool):
-            def print_output(self, old_text, new_text, filename, equal):
-                results.extend([old_text, new_text, filename, equal])
-        results = []
-        rt = MyRT(_DEFAULT_FIXERS)
-        save = sys.stdin
-        sys.stdin = io.StringIO("def parrot(): pass\n\n")
-        try:
-            rt.refactor_stdin()
-        finally:
-            sys.stdin = save
-        expected = ["def parrot(): pass\n\n",
-                    "def cheese(): pass\n\n",
-                    "<stdin>", False]
-        self.assertEqual(results, expected)
-    def check_file_refactoring(self, test_file, fixers=_2TO3_FIXERS,
-                               options=None, mock_log_debug=None,
-                               actually_write=True):
-        test_file = self.init_test_file(test_file)
-        old_contents = self.read_file(test_file)
-        rt = self.rt(fixers=fixers, options=options)
-        if mock_log_debug:
-            rt.log_debug = mock_log_debug
-        rt.refactor_file(test_file)
-        self.assertEqual(old_contents, self.read_file(test_file))
-        if not actually_write:
-            return
-        rt.refactor_file(test_file, True)
-        new_contents = self.read_file(test_file)
-        self.assertNotEqual(old_contents, new_contents)
-        return new_contents
-    def init_test_file(self, test_file):
-        tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="2to3-test_refactor")
-        self.addCleanup(shutil.rmtree, tmpdir)
-        shutil.copy(test_file, tmpdir)
-        test_file = os.path.join(tmpdir, os.path.basename(test_file))
-        os.chmod(test_file, 0o644)
-        return test_file
-    def read_file(self, test_file):
-        with open(test_file, "rb") as fp:
-            return fp.read()
-    def refactor_file(self, test_file, fixers=_2TO3_FIXERS):
-        test_file = self.init_test_file(test_file)
-        old_contents = self.read_file(test_file)
-        rt = self.rt(fixers=fixers)
-        rt.refactor_file(test_file, True)
-        new_contents = self.read_file(test_file)
-        return old_contents, new_contents
-    def test_refactor_file(self):
-        test_file = os.path.join(FIXER_DIR, "parrot_example.py")
-        self.check_file_refactoring(test_file, _DEFAULT_FIXERS)
-    def test_refactor_file_write_unchanged_file(self):
-        test_file = os.path.join(FIXER_DIR, "parrot_example.py")
-        debug_messages = []
-        def recording_log_debug(msg, *args):
-            debug_messages.append(msg % args)
-        self.check_file_refactoring(test_file, fixers=(),
-                                    options={"write_unchanged_files": True},
-                                    mock_log_debug=recording_log_debug,
-                                    actually_write=False)
-        # Testing that it logged this message when write=False was passed is
-        # sufficient to see that it did not bail early after "No changes".
-        message_regex = r"Not writing changes to .*%s" % \
-                re.escape(os.sep + os.path.basename(test_file))
-        for message in debug_messages:
-            if "Not writing changes" in message:
-                self.assertRegex(message, message_regex)
-                break
-        else:
-            self.fail("%r not matched in %r" % (message_regex, debug_messages))
-    def test_refactor_dir(self):
-        def check(structure, expected):
-            def mock_refactor_file(self, f, *args):
-                got.append(f)
-            save_func = refactor.RefactoringTool.refactor_file
-            refactor.RefactoringTool.refactor_file = mock_refactor_file
-            rt = self.rt()
-            got = []
-            dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="2to3-test_refactor")
-            try:
-                os.mkdir(os.path.join(dir, "a_dir"))
-                for fn in structure:
-                    open(os.path.join(dir, fn), "wb").close()
-                rt.refactor_dir(dir)
-            finally:
-                refactor.RefactoringTool.refactor_file = save_func
-                shutil.rmtree(dir)
-            self.assertEqual(got,
-                             [os.path.join(dir, path) for path in expected])
-        check([], [])
-        tree = ["nothing",
-                "hi.py",
-                ".dumb",
-                ".after.py",
-                "notpy.npy",
-                "sappy"]
-        expected = ["hi.py"]
-        check(tree, expected)
-        tree = ["hi.py",
-                os.path.join("a_dir", "stuff.py")]
-        check(tree, tree)
-    def test_file_encoding(self):
-        fn = os.path.join(TEST_DATA_DIR, "different_encoding.py")
-        self.check_file_refactoring(fn)
-    def test_false_file_encoding(self):
-        fn = os.path.join(TEST_DATA_DIR, "false_encoding.py")
-        data = self.check_file_refactoring(fn)
-    def test_bom(self):
-        fn = os.path.join(TEST_DATA_DIR, "bom.py")
-        data = self.check_file_refactoring(fn)
-        self.assertTrue(data.startswith(codecs.BOM_UTF8))
-    def test_crlf_newlines(self):
-        old_sep = os.linesep
-        os.linesep = "\r\n"
-        try:
-            fn = os.path.join(TEST_DATA_DIR, "crlf.py")
-            fixes = refactor.get_fixers_from_package("lib2to3.fixes")
-            self.check_file_refactoring(fn, fixes)
-        finally:
-            os.linesep = old_sep
-    def test_crlf_unchanged(self):
-        fn = os.path.join(TEST_DATA_DIR, "crlf.py")
-        old, new = self.refactor_file(fn)
-        self.assertIn(b"\r\n", old)
-        self.assertIn(b"\r\n", new)
-        self.assertNotIn(b"\r\r\n", new)
-    def test_refactor_docstring(self):
-        rt = self.rt()
-        doc = """
->>> example()
-        out = rt.refactor_docstring(doc, "<test>")
-        self.assertEqual(out, doc)
-        doc = """
->>> def parrot():
-...      return 43
-        out = rt.refactor_docstring(doc, "<test>")
-        self.assertNotEqual(out, doc)
-    def test_explicit(self):
-        from myfixes.fix_explicit import FixExplicit
-        rt = self.rt(fixers=["myfixes.fix_explicit"])
-        self.assertEqual(len(rt.post_order), 0)
-        rt = self.rt(explicit=["myfixes.fix_explicit"])
-        for fix in rt.post_order:
-            if isinstance(fix, FixExplicit):
-                break
-        else:
-            self.fail("explicit fixer not loaded")
diff --git a/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/test_util.py b/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/test_util.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c6c613972dac7..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/test/test_lib2to3/test_util.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,591 +0,0 @@
-""" Test suite for the code in fixer_util """
-# Testing imports
-from . import support
-# Local imports
-from lib2to3.pytree import Node, Leaf
-from lib2to3 import fixer_util
-from lib2to3.fixer_util import Attr, Name, Call, Comma
-from lib2to3.pgen2 import token
-def parse(code, strip_levels=0):
-    # The topmost node is file_input, which we don't care about.
-    # The next-topmost node is a *_stmt node, which we also don't care about
-    tree = support.parse_string(code)
-    for i in range(strip_levels):
-        tree = tree.children[0]
-    tree.parent = None
-    return tree
-class MacroTestCase(support.TestCase):
-    def assertStr(self, node, string):
-        if isinstance(node, (tuple, list)):
-            node = Node(fixer_util.syms.simple_stmt, node)
-        self.assertEqual(str(node), string)
-class Test_is_tuple(support.TestCase):
-    def is_tuple(self, string):
-        return fixer_util.is_tuple(parse(string, strip_levels=2))
-    def test_valid(self):
-        self.assertTrue(self.is_tuple("(a, b)"))
-        self.assertTrue(self.is_tuple("(a, (b, c))"))
-        self.assertTrue(self.is_tuple("((a, (b, c)),)"))
-        self.assertTrue(self.is_tuple("(a,)"))
-        self.assertTrue(self.is_tuple("()"))
-    def test_invalid(self):
-        self.assertFalse(self.is_tuple("(a)"))
-        self.assertFalse(self.is_tuple("('foo') % (b, c)"))
-class Test_is_list(support.TestCase):
-    def is_list(self, string):
-        return fixer_util.is_list(parse(string, strip_levels=2))
-    def test_valid(self):
-        self.assertTrue(self.is_list("[]"))
-        self.assertTrue(self.is_list("[a]"))
-        self.assertTrue(self.is_list("[a, b]"))
-        self.assertTrue(self.is_list("[a, [b, c]]"))
-        self.assertTrue(self.is_list("[[a, [b, c]],]"))
-    def test_invalid(self):
-        self.assertFalse(self.is_list("[]+[]"))
-class Test_Attr(MacroTestCase):
-    def test(self):
-        call = parse("foo()", strip_levels=2)
-        self.assertStr(Attr(Name("a"), Name("b")), "a.b")
-        self.assertStr(Attr(call, Name("b")), "foo().b")
-    def test_returns(self):
-        attr = Attr(Name("a"), Name("b"))
-        self.assertEqual(type(attr), list)
-class Test_Name(MacroTestCase):
-    def test(self):
-        self.assertStr(Name("a"), "a")
-        self.assertStr(Name("foo.foo().bar"), "foo.foo().bar")
-        self.assertStr(Name("a", prefix="b"), "ba")
-class Test_Call(MacroTestCase):
-    def _Call(self, name, args=None, prefix=None):
-        """Help the next test"""
-        children = []
-        if isinstance(args, list):
-            for arg in args:
-                children.append(arg)
-                children.append(Comma())
-            children.pop()
-        return Call(Name(name), children, prefix)
-    def test(self):
-        kids = [None,
-                [Leaf(token.NUMBER, 1), Leaf(token.NUMBER, 2),
-                 Leaf(token.NUMBER, 3)],
-                [Leaf(token.NUMBER, 1), Leaf(token.NUMBER, 3),
-                 Leaf(token.NUMBER, 2), Leaf(token.NUMBER, 4)],
-                [Leaf(token.STRING, "b"), Leaf(token.STRING, "j", prefix=" ")]
-                ]
-        self.assertStr(self._Call("A"), "A()")
-        self.assertStr(self._Call("b", kids[1]), "b(1,2,3)")
-        self.assertStr(self._Call("a.b().c", kids[2]), "a.b().c(1,3,2,4)")
-        self.assertStr(self._Call("d", kids[3], prefix=" "), " d(b, j)")
-class Test_does_tree_import(support.TestCase):
-    def _find_bind_rec(self, name, node):
-        # Search a tree for a binding -- used to find the starting
-        # point for these tests.
-        c = fixer_util.find_binding(name, node)
-        if c: return c
-        for child in node.children:
-            c = self._find_bind_rec(name, child)
-            if c: return c
-    def does_tree_import(self, package, name, string):
-        node = parse(string)
-        # Find the binding of start -- that's what we'll go from
-        node = self._find_bind_rec('start', node)
-        return fixer_util.does_tree_import(package, name, node)
-    def try_with(self, string):
-        failing_tests = (("a", "a", "from a import b"),
-                         ("a.d", "a", "from a.d import b"),
-                         ("d.a", "a", "from d.a import b"),
-                         (None, "a", "import b"),
-                         (None, "a", "import b, c, d"))
-        for package, name, import_ in failing_tests:
-            n = self.does_tree_import(package, name, import_ + "\n" + string)
-            self.assertFalse(n)
-            n = self.does_tree_import(package, name, string + "\n" + import_)
-            self.assertFalse(n)
-        passing_tests = (("a", "a", "from a import a"),
-                         ("x", "a", "from x import a"),
-                         ("x", "a", "from x import b, c, a, d"),
-                         ("x.b", "a", "from x.b import a"),
-                         ("x.b", "a", "from x.b import b, c, a, d"),
-                         (None, "a", "import a"),
-                         (None, "a", "import b, c, a, d"))
-        for package, name, import_ in passing_tests:
-            n = self.does_tree_import(package, name, import_ + "\n" + string)
-            self.assertTrue(n)
-            n = self.does_tree_import(package, name, string + "\n" + import_)
-            self.assertTrue(n)
-    def test_in_function(self):
-        self.try_with("def foo():\n\tbar.baz()\n\tstart=3")
-class Test_find_binding(support.TestCase):
-    def find_binding(self, name, string, package=None):
-        return fixer_util.find_binding(name, parse(string), package)
-    def test_simple_assignment(self):
-        self.assertTrue(self.find_binding("a", "a = b"))
-        self.assertTrue(self.find_binding("a", "a = [b, c, d]"))
-        self.assertTrue(self.find_binding("a", "a = foo()"))
-        self.assertTrue(self.find_binding("a", "a = foo().foo.foo[6][foo]"))
-        self.assertFalse(self.find_binding("a", "foo = a"))
-        self.assertFalse(self.find_binding("a", "foo = (a, b, c)"))
-    def test_tuple_assignment(self):
-        self.assertTrue(self.find_binding("a", "(a,) = b"))
-        self.assertTrue(self.find_binding("a", "(a, b, c) = [b, c, d]"))
-        self.assertTrue(self.find_binding("a", "(c, (d, a), b) = foo()"))
-        self.assertTrue(self.find_binding("a", "(a, b) = foo().foo[6][foo]"))
-        self.assertFalse(self.find_binding("a", "(foo, b) = (b, a)"))
-        self.assertFalse(self.find_binding("a", "(foo, (b, c)) = (a, b, c)"))
-    def test_list_assignment(self):
-        self.assertTrue(self.find_binding("a", "[a] = b"))
-        self.assertTrue(self.find_binding("a", "[a, b, c] = [b, c, d]"))
-        self.assertTrue(self.find_binding("a", "[c, [d, a], b] = foo()"))
-        self.assertTrue(self.find_binding("a", "[a, b] = foo().foo[a][foo]"))
-        self.assertFalse(self.find_binding("a", "[foo, b] = (b, a)"))
-        self.assertFalse(self.find_binding("a", "[foo, [b, c]] = (a, b, c)"))
-    def test_invalid_assignments(self):
-        self.assertFalse(self.find_binding("a", "foo.a = 5"))
-        self.assertFalse(self.find_binding("a", "foo[a] = 5"))
-        self.assertFalse(self.find_binding("a", "foo(a) = 5"))
-        self.assertFalse(self.find_binding("a", "foo(a, b) = 5"))
-    def test_simple_import(self):
-        self.assertTrue(self.find_binding("a", "import a"))
-        self.assertTrue(self.find_binding("a", "import b, c, a, d"))
-        self.assertFalse(self.find_binding("a", "import b"))
-        self.assertFalse(self.find_binding("a", "import b, c, d"))
-    def test_from_import(self):
-        self.assertTrue(self.find_binding("a", "from x import a"))
-        self.assertTrue(self.find_binding("a", "from a import a"))
-        self.assertTrue(self.find_binding("a", "from x import b, c, a, d"))
-        self.assertTrue(self.find_binding("a", "from x.b import a"))
-        self.assertTrue(self.find_binding("a", "from x.b import b, c, a, d"))
-        self.assertFalse(self.find_binding("a", "from a import b"))
-        self.assertFalse(self.find_binding("a", "from a.d import b"))
-        self.assertFalse(self.find_binding("a", "from d.a import b"))
-    def test_import_as(self):
-        self.assertTrue(self.find_binding("a", "import b as a"))
-        self.assertTrue(self.find_binding("a", "import b as a, c, a as f, d"))
-        self.assertFalse(self.find_binding("a", "import a as f"))
-        self.assertFalse(self.find_binding("a", "import b, c as f, d as e"))
-    def test_from_import_as(self):
-        self.assertTrue(self.find_binding("a", "from x import b as a"))
-        self.assertTrue(self.find_binding("a", "from x import g as a, d as b"))
-        self.assertTrue(self.find_binding("a", "from x.b import t as a"))
-        self.assertTrue(self.find_binding("a", "from x.b import g as a, d"))
-        self.assertFalse(self.find_binding("a", "from a import b as t"))
-        self.assertFalse(self.find_binding("a", "from a.d import b as t"))
-        self.assertFalse(self.find_binding("a", "from d.a import b as t"))
-    def test_simple_import_with_package(self):
-        self.assertTrue(self.find_binding("b", "import b"))
-        self.assertTrue(self.find_binding("b", "import b, c, d"))
-        self.assertFalse(self.find_binding("b", "import b", "b"))
-        self.assertFalse(self.find_binding("b", "import b, c, d", "c"))
-    def test_from_import_with_package(self):
-        self.assertTrue(self.find_binding("a", "from x import a", "x"))
-        self.assertTrue(self.find_binding("a", "from a import a", "a"))
-        self.assertTrue(self.find_binding("a", "from x import *", "x"))
-        self.assertTrue(self.find_binding("a", "from x import b, c, a, d", "x"))
-        self.assertTrue(self.find_binding("a", "from x.b import a", "x.b"))
-        self.assertTrue(self.find_binding("a", "from x.b import *", "x.b"))
-        self.assertTrue(self.find_binding("a", "from x.b import b, c, a, d", "x.b"))
-        self.assertFalse(self.find_binding("a", "from a import b", "a"))
-        self.assertFalse(self.find_binding("a", "from a.d import b", "a.d"))
-        self.assertFalse(self.find_binding("a", "from d.a import b", "a.d"))
-        self.assertFalse(self.find_binding("a", "from x.y import *", "a.b"))
-    def test_import_as_with_package(self):
-        self.assertFalse(self.find_binding("a", "import b.c as a", "b.c"))
-        self.assertFalse(self.find_binding("a", "import a as f", "f"))
-        self.assertFalse(self.find_binding("a", "import a as f", "a"))
-    def test_from_import_as_with_package(self):
-        # Because it would take a lot of special-case code in the fixers
-        # to deal with from foo import bar as baz, we'll simply always
-        # fail if there is an "from ... import ... as ..."
-        self.assertFalse(self.find_binding("a", "from x import b as a", "x"))
-        self.assertFalse(self.find_binding("a", "from x import g as a, d as b", "x"))
-        self.assertFalse(self.find_binding("a", "from x.b import t as a", "x.b"))
-        self.assertFalse(self.find_binding("a", "from x.b import g as a, d", "x.b"))
-        self.assertFalse(self.find_binding("a", "from a import b as t", "a"))
-        self.assertFalse(self.find_binding("a", "from a import b as t", "b"))
-        self.assertFalse(self.find_binding("a", "from a import b as t", "t"))
-    def test_function_def(self):
-        self.assertTrue(self.find_binding("a", "def a(): pass"))
-        self.assertTrue(self.find_binding("a", "def a(b, c, d): pass"))
-        self.assertTrue(self.find_binding("a", "def a(): b = 7"))
-        self.assertFalse(self.find_binding("a", "def d(b, (c, a), e): pass"))
-        self.assertFalse(self.find_binding("a", "def d(a=7): pass"))
-        self.assertFalse(self.find_binding("a", "def d(a): pass"))
-        self.assertFalse(self.find_binding("a", "def d(): a = 7"))
-        s = """
-            def d():
-                def a():
-                    pass"""
-        self.assertFalse(self.find_binding("a", s))
-    def test_class_def(self):
-        self.assertTrue(self.find_binding("a", "class a: pass"))
-        self.assertTrue(self.find_binding("a", "class a(): pass"))
-        self.assertTrue(self.find_binding("a", "class a(b): pass"))
-        self.assertTrue(self.find_binding("a", "class a(b, c=8): pass"))
-        self.assertFalse(self.find_binding("a", "class d: pass"))
-        self.assertFalse(self.find_binding("a", "class d(a): pass"))
-        self.assertFalse(self.find_binding("a", "class d(b, a=7): pass"))
-        self.assertFalse(self.find_binding("a", "class d(b, *a): pass"))
-        self.assertFalse(self.find_binding("a", "class d(b, **a): pass"))
-        self.assertFalse(self.find_binding("a", "class d: a = 7"))
-        s = """
-            class d():
-                class a():
-                    pass"""
-        self.assertFalse(self.find_binding("a", s))
-    def test_for(self):
-        self.assertTrue(self.find_binding("a", "for a in r: pass"))
-        self.assertTrue(self.find_binding("a", "for a, b in r: pass"))
-        self.assertTrue(self.find_binding("a", "for (a, b) in r: pass"))
-        self.assertTrue(self.find_binding("a", "for c, (a,) in r: pass"))
-        self.assertTrue(self.find_binding("a", "for c, (a, b) in r: pass"))
-        self.assertTrue(self.find_binding("a", "for c in r: a = c"))
-        self.assertFalse(self.find_binding("a", "for c in a: pass"))
-    def test_for_nested(self):
-        s = """
-            for b in r:
-                for a in b:
-                    pass"""
-        self.assertTrue(self.find_binding("a", s))
-        s = """
-            for b in r:
-                for a, c in b:
-                    pass"""
-        self.assertTrue(self.find_binding("a", s))
-        s = """
-            for b in r:
-                for (a, c) in b:
-                    pass"""
-        self.assertTrue(self.find_binding("a", s))
-        s = """
-            for b in r:
-                for (a,) in b:
-                    pass"""
-        self.assertTrue(self.find_binding("a", s))
-        s = """
-            for b in r:
-                for c, (a, d) in b:
-                    pass"""
-        self.assertTrue(self.find_binding("a", s))
-        s = """
-            for b in r:
-                for c in b:
-                    a = 7"""
-        self.assertTrue(self.find_binding("a", s))
-        s = """
-            for b in r:
-                for c in b:
-                    d = a"""
-        self.assertFalse(self.find_binding("a", s))
-        s = """
-            for b in r:
-                for c in a:
-                    d = 7"""
-        self.assertFalse(self.find_binding("a", s))
-    def test_if(self):
-        self.assertTrue(self.find_binding("a", "if b in r: a = c"))
-        self.assertFalse(self.find_binding("a", "if a in r: d = e"))
-    def test_if_nested(self):
-        s = """
-            if b in r:
-                if c in d:
-                    a = c"""
-        self.assertTrue(self.find_binding("a", s))
-        s = """
-            if b in r:
-                if c in d:
-                    c = a"""
-        self.assertFalse(self.find_binding("a", s))
-    def test_while(self):
-        self.assertTrue(self.find_binding("a", "while b in r: a = c"))
-        self.assertFalse(self.find_binding("a", "while a in r: d = e"))
-    def test_while_nested(self):
-        s = """
-            while b in r:
-                while c in d:
-                    a = c"""
-        self.assertTrue(self.find_binding("a", s))
-        s = """
-            while b in r:
-                while c in d:
-                    c = a"""
-        self.assertFalse(self.find_binding("a", s))
-    def test_try_except(self):
-        s = """
-            try:
-                a = 6
-            except:
-                b = 8"""
-        self.assertTrue(self.find_binding("a", s))
-        s = """
-            try:
-                b = 8
-            except:
-                a = 6"""
-        self.assertTrue(self.find_binding("a", s))
-        s = """
-            try:
-                b = 8
-            except KeyError:
-                pass
-            except:
-                a = 6"""
-        self.assertTrue(self.find_binding("a", s))
-        s = """
-            try:
-                b = 8
-            except:
-                b = 6"""
-        self.assertFalse(self.find_binding("a", s))
-    def test_try_except_nested(self):
-        s = """
-            try:
-                try:
-                    a = 6
-                except:
-                    pass
-            except:
-                b = 8"""
-        self.assertTrue(self.find_binding("a", s))
-        s = """
-            try:
-                b = 8
-            except:
-                try:
-                    a = 6
-                except:
-                    pass"""
-        self.assertTrue(self.find_binding("a", s))
-        s = """
-            try:
-                b = 8
-            except:
-                try:
-                    pass
-                except:
-                    a = 6"""
-        self.assertTrue(self.find_binding("a", s))
-        s = """
-            try:
-                try:
-                    b = 8
-                except KeyError:
-                    pass
-                except:
-                    a = 6
-            except:
-                pass"""
-        self.assertTrue(self.find_binding("a", s))
-        s = """
-            try:
-                pass
-            except:
-                try:
-                    b = 8
-                except KeyError:
-                    pass
-                except:
-                    a = 6"""
-        self.assertTrue(self.find_binding("a", s))
-        s = """
-            try:
-                b = 8
-            except:
-                b = 6"""
-        self.assertFalse(self.find_binding("a", s))
-        s = """
-            try:
-                try:
-                    b = 8
-                except:
-                    c = d
-            except:
-                try:
-                    b = 6
-                except:
-                    t = 8
-                except:
-                    o = y"""
-        self.assertFalse(self.find_binding("a", s))
-    def test_try_except_finally(self):
-        s = """
-            try:
-                c = 6
-            except:
-                b = 8
-            finally:
-                a = 9"""
-        self.assertTrue(self.find_binding("a", s))
-        s = """
-            try:
-                b = 8
-            finally:
-                a = 6"""
-        self.assertTrue(self.find_binding("a", s))
-        s = """
-            try:
-                b = 8
-            finally:
-                b = 6"""
-        self.assertFalse(self.find_binding("a", s))
-        s = """
-            try:
-                b = 8
-            except:
-                b = 9
-            finally:
-                b = 6"""
-        self.assertFalse(self.find_binding("a", s))
-    def test_try_except_finally_nested(self):
-        s = """
-            try:
-                c = 6
-            except:
-                b = 8
-            finally:
-                try:
-                    a = 9
-                except:
-                    b = 9
-                finally:
-                    c = 9"""
-        self.assertTrue(self.find_binding("a", s))
-        s = """
-            try:
-                b = 8
-            finally:
-                try:
-                    pass
-                finally:
-                    a = 6"""
-        self.assertTrue(self.find_binding("a", s))
-        s = """
-            try:
-                b = 8
-            finally:
-                try:
-                    b = 6
-                finally:
-                    b = 7"""
-        self.assertFalse(self.find_binding("a", s))
-class Test_touch_import(support.TestCase):
-    def test_after_docstring(self):
-        node = parse('"""foo"""\nbar()')
-        fixer_util.touch_import(None, "foo", node)
-        self.assertEqual(str(node), '"""foo"""\nimport foo\nbar()\n\n')
-    def test_after_imports(self):
-        node = parse('"""foo"""\nimport bar\nbar()')
-        fixer_util.touch_import(None, "foo", node)
-        self.assertEqual(str(node), '"""foo"""\nimport bar\nimport foo\nbar()\n\n')
-    def test_beginning(self):
-        node = parse('bar()')
-        fixer_util.touch_import(None, "foo", node)
-        self.assertEqual(str(node), 'import foo\nbar()\n\n')
-    def test_from_import(self):
-        node = parse('bar()')
-        fixer_util.touch_import("html", "escape", node)
-        self.assertEqual(str(node), 'from html import escape\nbar()\n\n')
-    def test_name_import(self):
-        node = parse('bar()')
-        fixer_util.touch_import(None, "cgi", node)
-        self.assertEqual(str(node), 'import cgi\nbar()\n\n')
-class Test_find_indentation(support.TestCase):
-    def test_nothing(self):
-        fi = fixer_util.find_indentation
-        node = parse("node()")
-        self.assertEqual(fi(node), "")
-        node = parse("")
-        self.assertEqual(fi(node), "")
-    def test_simple(self):
-        fi = fixer_util.find_indentation
-        node = parse("def f():\n    x()")
-        self.assertEqual(fi(node), "")
-        self.assertEqual(fi(node.children[0].children[4].children[2]), "    ")
-        node = parse("def f():\n    x()\n    y()")
-        self.assertEqual(fi(node.children[0].children[4].children[4]), "    ")
diff --git a/Lib/test/test_tools/test_sundry.py b/Lib/test/test_tools/test_sundry.py
index 3177fafb84a65..2f8ba272164d3 100644
--- a/Lib/test/test_tools/test_sundry.py
+++ b/Lib/test/test_tools/test_sundry.py
@@ -14,11 +14,6 @@
 class TestSundryScripts(unittest.TestCase):
-    # At least make sure the rest don't have syntax errors.  When tests are
-    # added for a script it should be added to the allowlist below.
-    skiplist = ['2to3']
     # import logging registers "atfork" functions which keep indirectly the
     # logging module dictionary alive. Mock the function to be able to unload
     # cleanly the logging module.
@@ -31,9 +26,6 @@ def test_sundry(self, mock_os):
                 name = fn[:-3]
-                if name in self.skiplist:
-                    continue
             # Unload all modules loaded in this test
diff --git a/Mac/BuildScript/scripts/postflight.framework b/Mac/BuildScript/scripts/postflight.framework
index a63909358f171..411fda13b8955 100755
--- a/Mac/BuildScript/scripts/postflight.framework
+++ b/Mac/BuildScript/scripts/postflight.framework
@@ -8,12 +8,12 @@ FWK="/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/@PYVER@"
 "${FWK}/bin/python at PYVER@" -E -s -Wi \
     "${FWK}/lib/python${PYVER}/compileall.py" -q -j0 \
-    -f -x 'bad_coding|badsyntax|site-packages|test/test_lib2to3/data' \
+    -f -x 'bad_coding|badsyntax|site-packages' \
 "${FWK}/bin/python at PYVER@" -E -s -Wi -O \
     "${FWK}/lib/python${PYVER}/compileall.py" -q -j0 \
-    -f -x 'bad_coding|badsyntax|site-packages|test/test_lib2to3/data' \
+    -f -x 'bad_coding|badsyntax|site-packages' \
 "${FWK}/bin/python at PYVER@" -E -s -Wi \
diff --git a/Mac/Makefile.in b/Mac/Makefile.in
index 69ab419898857..78b4499cca986 100644
--- a/Mac/Makefile.in
+++ b/Mac/Makefile.in
@@ -63,7 +63,6 @@ installunixtools:
 	for fn in \
-			2to3 \
 			idle3 \
 			pydoc3 \
 			python3 \
@@ -123,7 +122,6 @@ altinstallunixtools:
 	for fn in \
-			2to3-$(VERSION) \
 			idle$(VERSION) \
 			pydoc$(VERSION) \
 			python$(VERSION) \
diff --git a/Makefile.pre.in b/Makefile.pre.in
index eb79c9c4ca180..091df3e4c0b81 100644
--- a/Makefile.pre.in
+++ b/Makefile.pre.in
@@ -1869,7 +1869,7 @@ hostrunnertest: all
 pythoninfo: all
 		$(RUNSHARED) $(HOSTRUNNER) ./$(BUILDPYTHON) -m test.pythoninfo
-QUICKTESTOPTS=	$(TESTOPTS) -x test_subprocess test_io test_lib2to3 \
+QUICKTESTOPTS=	$(TESTOPTS) -x test_subprocess test_io \
 		test_multibytecodec test_urllib2_localnet test_itertools \
 		test_multiprocessing_fork test_multiprocessing_spawn \
 		test_multiprocessing_forkserver \
@@ -2042,8 +2042,6 @@ bininstall: altbininstall
 	(cd $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR); $(LN) -s idle$(VERSION) idle3)
 	-rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/pydoc3
 	(cd $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR); $(LN) -s pydoc$(VERSION) pydoc3)
-	-rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/2to3
-	(cd $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR); $(LN) -s 2to3-$(VERSION) 2to3)
 	if test "x$(LIPO_32BIT_FLAGS)" != "x" ; then \
 		rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/python3-32$(EXE); \
 		(cd $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR); $(LN) -s python$(VERSION)-32$(EXE) python3-32$(EXE)) \
@@ -2090,7 +2088,6 @@ LIBSUBDIRS=	asyncio \
 		idlelib idlelib/Icons \
 		importlib importlib/resources importlib/metadata \
 		json \
-		lib2to3 lib2to3/fixes lib2to3/pgen2 \
 		logging \
 		multiprocessing multiprocessing/dummy \
 		pydoc_data \
@@ -2184,10 +2181,6 @@ TESTSUBDIRS=	idlelib/idle_test \
 		test/test_importlib/resources/zipdata02 \
 		test/test_importlib/source \
 		test/test_json \
-		test/test_lib2to3 \
-		test/test_lib2to3/data \
-		test/test_lib2to3/data/fixers \
-		test/test_lib2to3/data/fixers/myfixes \
 		test/test_peg_generator \
 		test/test_sqlite3 \
 		test/test_tkinter \
@@ -2301,16 +2294,12 @@ libinstall:	all $(srcdir)/Modules/xxmodule.c
 		$(PYTHON_FOR_BUILD) -Wi $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDEST)/compileall.py \
 		-o 0 -o 1 -o 2 $(COMPILEALL_OPTS) -d $(LIBDEST) -f \
-		-x 'bad_coding|badsyntax|site-packages|test/test_lib2to3/data' \
+		-x 'bad_coding|badsyntax|site-packages' \
 		$(PYTHON_FOR_BUILD) -Wi $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDEST)/compileall.py \
 		-o 0 -o 1 -o 2 $(COMPILEALL_OPTS) -d $(LIBDEST)/site-packages -f \
 		-x badsyntax $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDEST)/site-packages
-		$(PYTHON_FOR_BUILD) -m lib2to3.pgen2.driver $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDEST)/lib2to3/Grammar.txt
-		$(PYTHON_FOR_BUILD) -m lib2to3.pgen2.driver $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDEST)/lib2to3/PatternGrammar.txt
 # bpo-21536: Misc/python-config.sh is generated in the build directory
 # from $(srcdir)Misc/python-config.sh.in.
@@ -2330,15 +2319,9 @@ python-config: $(srcdir)/Misc/python-config.in Misc/python-config.sh
 # macOS' make seems to ignore a dependency on a
 # "$(BUILD_SCRIPTS_DIR): $(MKDIR_P) $@" rule.
-$(SCRIPT_2TO3): $(srcdir)/Tools/scripts/2to3
-	sed -e "s,/usr/bin/env python3,$(EXENAME)," < $(srcdir)/Tools/scripts/2to3 > $@
-	@chmod +x $@
 $(SCRIPT_IDLE): $(srcdir)/Tools/scripts/idle3
 	sed -e "s,/usr/bin/env python3,$(EXENAME)," < $(srcdir)/Tools/scripts/idle3 > $@
@@ -2350,7 +2333,7 @@ $(SCRIPT_PYDOC): $(srcdir)/Tools/scripts/pydoc3
 	@chmod +x $@
 .PHONY: scripts
-scripts: $(SCRIPT_2TO3) $(SCRIPT_IDLE) $(SCRIPT_PYDOC) python-config
+scripts: $(SCRIPT_IDLE) $(SCRIPT_PYDOC) python-config
 # Install the include files
@@ -2436,7 +2419,6 @@ libainstall: all scripts
 	$(INSTALL_SCRIPT) $(srcdir)/install-sh $(DESTDIR)$(LIBPL)/install-sh
 	$(INSTALL_SCRIPT) python-config.py $(DESTDIR)$(LIBPL)/python-config.py
 	$(INSTALL_SCRIPT) python-config $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/python$(LDVERSION)-config
 	@if [ -s Modules/python.exp -a \
@@ -2637,7 +2619,6 @@ clean-retain-profile: pycremoval
 	find build -name '*.py' -exec rm -f {} ';' || true
 	find build -name '*.py[co]' -exec rm -f {} ';' || true
 	-rm -f pybuilddir.txt
-	-rm -f Lib/lib2to3/*Grammar*.pickle
 	-rm -f _bootstrap_python
 	-rm -f python.html python*.js python.data python*.symbols python*.map
 	-rm -f $(WASM_STDLIB)
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/3.11.0a1.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/3.11.0a1.rst
index 7670e482ede5b..10e123e325c86 100644
--- a/Misc/NEWS.d/3.11.0a1.rst
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/3.11.0a1.rst
@@ -1825,7 +1825,7 @@ Patch by Victor Stinner.
 .. nonce: 9nmMtB
 .. section: Library
-The :mod:`lib2to3` package is now deprecated and may not be able to parse
+The :mod:`!lib2to3` package is now deprecated and may not be able to parse
 Python 3.10 or newer. See the :pep:`617` (New PEG parser for CPython). Patch
 by Victor Stinner.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/3.8.0a1.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/3.8.0a1.rst
index 854458f2d1a99..2564167cdf089 100644
--- a/Misc/NEWS.d/3.8.0a1.rst
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/3.8.0a1.rst
@@ -2747,7 +2747,7 @@ smaller file). Also, change the default compression level to 6 (tradeoff).
 .. nonce: xo5LAr
 .. section: Library
-The :term:`2to3` :2to3fixer:`execfile` fixer now opens the file with mode
+The 2to3 ``execfile`` fixer now opens the file with mode
 ``'rb'``.  Patch by Zackery Spytz.
@@ -3817,7 +3817,7 @@ user.
 .. nonce: w6g7tn
 .. section: Library
-The :2to3fixer:`reload` fixer now uses :func:`importlib.reload` instead of
+The ``reload`` fixer now uses :func:`importlib.reload` instead of
 deprecated :func:`!imp.reload`.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/3.9.0a3.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/3.9.0a3.rst
index 54b61ca3b7785..b05b4c3d7204c 100644
--- a/Misc/NEWS.d/3.9.0a3.rst
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/3.9.0a3.rst
@@ -571,7 +571,7 @@ new task spawning before exception raising.
 .. section: Library
 Correctly parenthesize filter-based statements that contain lambda
-expressions in mod:`lib2to3`. Patch by Dong-hee Na.
+expressions in mod:`!lib2to3`. Patch by Dong-hee Na.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/3.9.0a6.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/3.9.0a6.rst
index af2cc7c3e9788..9594964917f39 100644
--- a/Misc/NEWS.d/3.9.0a6.rst
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/3.9.0a6.rst
@@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=242274
 .. nonce: Er8sv-
 .. section: Library
-The :mod:`lib2to3` module is pending deprecation due to :pep:`617`.
+The :mod:`!lib2to3` module is pending deprecation due to :pep:`617`.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/2023-05-23-03-36-47.gh-issue-104780.P4e3Yf.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/2023-05-23-03-36-47.gh-issue-104780.P4e3Yf.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..acdca53b4bb7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/2023-05-23-03-36-47.gh-issue-104780.P4e3Yf.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Remove the ``2to3`` program and the :mod:`!lib2to3` module, deprecated in
+Python 3.11. Patch by Victor Stinner.
diff --git a/PC/layout/main.py b/PC/layout/main.py
index c9246007d47d1..cb2e4878da26b 100644
--- a/PC/layout/main.py
+++ b/PC/layout/main.py
@@ -49,8 +49,6 @@
 REQUIRED_DLLS = FileStemSet("libcrypto*", "libssl*", "libffi*")
-LIB2TO3_GRAMMAR_FILES = FileNameSet("Grammar.txt", "PatternGrammar.txt")
 PY_FILES = FileSuffixSet(".py")
 PYC_FILES = FileSuffixSet(".pyc")
 CAT_FILES = FileSuffixSet(".cat")
@@ -298,27 +296,6 @@ def _write_to_zip(zf, dest, src, ns, checked=True):
                 log_exception("Failed to delete {}", pyc)
-    if src in LIB2TO3_GRAMMAR_FILES:
-        from lib2to3.pgen2.driver import load_grammar
-        tmp = ns.temp / src.name
-        try:
-            shutil.copy(src, tmp)
-            load_grammar(str(tmp))
-            for f in ns.temp.glob(src.stem + "*.pickle"):
-                zf.write(str(f), str(dest.parent / f.name))
-                try:
-                    f.unlink()
-                except:
-                    log_exception("Failed to delete {}", f)
-        except:
-            log_exception("Failed to compile {}", src)
-        finally:
-            try:
-                tmp.unlink()
-            except:
-                log_exception("Failed to delete {}", tmp)
     zf.write(str(src), str(dest))
diff --git a/PC/layout/support/props.py b/PC/layout/support/props.py
index c7a7a0ce777a6..f751a4b3f1e43 100644
--- a/PC/layout/support/props.py
+++ b/PC/layout/support/props.py
@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@
     <IncludePythonExe Condition="$(IncludePythonExe) == ''">true</IncludePythonExe>
-    <IncludeLib2To3 Condition="$(IncludeLib2To3) == ''">false</IncludeLib2To3>
     <IncludeVEnv Condition="$(IncludeVEnv) == ''">false</IncludeVEnv>
@@ -67,7 +66,6 @@
       <_PythonRuntimeLib Include="$(PythonHome)\Lib\**\*" Exclude="$(PythonHome)\Lib\**\*.pyc;$(PythonHome)\Lib\site-packages\**\*" />
-      <_PythonRuntimeLib Remove="$(PythonHome)\Lib\lib2to3\**\*" Condition="$(IncludeLib2To3) != 'true'" />
       <_PythonRuntimeLib Remove="$(PythonHome)\Lib\ensurepip\**\*" Condition="$(IncludeVEnv) != 'true'" />
       <_PythonRuntimeLib Remove="$(PythonHome)\Lib\venv\**\*" Condition="$(IncludeVEnv) != 'true'" />
diff --git a/PC/layout/support/python.props b/PC/layout/support/python.props
index e46891aafcb9f..c48ecb2f9c1b5 100644
--- a/PC/layout/support/python.props
+++ b/PC/layout/support/python.props
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
     <IncludePythonExe Condition="$(IncludePythonExe) == ''">true</IncludePythonExe>
-    <IncludeLib2To3 Condition="$(IncludeLib2To3) == ''">false</IncludeLib2To3>
     <IncludeVEnv Condition="$(IncludeVEnv) == ''">false</IncludeVEnv>
@@ -40,7 +39,6 @@
       <_PythonRuntimeLib Include="$(PythonHome)\Lib\**\*" Exclude="$(PythonHome)\Lib\**\*.pyc;$(PythonHome)\Lib\site-packages\**\*" />
-      <_PythonRuntimeLib Remove="$(PythonHome)\Lib\lib2to3\**\*" Condition="$(IncludeLib2To3) != 'true'" />
       <_PythonRuntimeLib Remove="$(PythonHome)\Lib\ensurepip\**\*" Condition="$(IncludeVEnv) != 'true'" />
       <_PythonRuntimeLib Remove="$(PythonHome)\Lib\venv\**\*" Condition="$(IncludeVEnv) != 'true'" />
diff --git a/Python/stdlib_module_names.h b/Python/stdlib_module_names.h
index 4b0580557fb7a..b926caf4a5790 100644
--- a/Python/stdlib_module_names.h
+++ b/Python/stdlib_module_names.h
@@ -172,7 +172,6 @@ static const char* _Py_stdlib_module_names[] = {
diff --git a/Tools/README b/Tools/README
index e51624f453c5b..9c4b6d86e990b 100644
--- a/Tools/README
+++ b/Tools/README
@@ -39,10 +39,8 @@ patchcheck      Tools for checking and applying patches to the Python source cod
 peg_generator   PEG-based parser generator (pegen) used for new parser.
-scripts         A number of useful single-file programs, e.g. tabnanny.py
-                by Tim Peters, which checks for inconsistent mixing of
-                tabs and spaces, and 2to3, which converts Python 2 code
-                to Python 3 code.
+scripts         A number of useful single-file programs, e.g. run_tests.py
+                which runs the Python test suite.
 ssl             Scripts to generate ssl_data.h from OpenSSL sources, and run
                 tests against multiple installations of OpenSSL and LibreSSL.
diff --git a/Tools/msi/bundle/packagegroups/postinstall.wxs b/Tools/msi/bundle/packagegroups/postinstall.wxs
index 64f42dd30e8ba..24c72e6357ab0 100644
--- a/Tools/msi/bundle/packagegroups/postinstall.wxs
+++ b/Tools/msi/bundle/packagegroups/postinstall.wxs
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
-            <?define CompileAllCommand=-E -s -Wi "[TargetDir]\Lib\compileall.py" -f -x "bad_coding|badsyntax|site-packages|py2_|lib2to3\\tests|venv\\scripts" "[TargetDir]\Lib"?>
+            <?define CompileAllCommand=-E -s -Wi "[TargetDir]\Lib\compileall.py" -f -x "bad_coding|badsyntax|site-packages|py2_|venv\\scripts" "[TargetDir]\Lib"?>
             <ExePackage Id="compileall_AllUsers"
diff --git a/Tools/msi/lib/lib_files.wxs b/Tools/msi/lib/lib_files.wxs
index 73c0231352f35..3e6761b6bd5b7 100644
--- a/Tools/msi/lib/lib_files.wxs
+++ b/Tools/msi/lib/lib_files.wxs
@@ -116,10 +116,6 @@
                     <RegistryValue Key="PythonPath" Type="string" Value="[Lib];[DLLs]" />
-            <Component Id="Lib2to3_pickle_remove" Directory="Lib_lib2to3" Guid="$(var.RemoveLib2to3PickleComponentGuid)">
-                <RemoveFile Id="Lib2to3_pickle_remove_files" Name="*.pickle" On="uninstall" />
-                <RemoveFolder Id="Lib2to3_pickle_remove_folder" On="uninstall" />
-            </Component>
diff --git a/Tools/msi/msi.props b/Tools/msi/msi.props
index 06aa0b8bbca27..cfb3ca9e76e24 100644
--- a/Tools/msi/msi.props
+++ b/Tools/msi/msi.props
@@ -156,9 +156,6 @@
         <_Uuid Include="PythonwExeComponentGuid">
-        <_Uuid Include="RemoveLib2to3PickleComponentGuid">
-            <Uri>lib2to3/pickles</Uri>
-        </_Uuid>
         <_Uuid Include="CommonPythonRegComponentGuid">
@@ -187,4 +184,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tools/peg_generator/Makefile b/Tools/peg_generator/Makefile
index 084da154919e3..eef2d807e5c5c 100644
--- a/Tools/peg_generator/Makefile
+++ b/Tools/peg_generator/Makefile
@@ -87,8 +87,7 @@ time_stdlib: $(CPYTHON) venv
 	$(VENVPYTHON) scripts/test_parse_directory.py \
 		-d $(CPYTHON) \
-		--exclude "*/bad*" \
-		--exclude "*/test/test_lib2to3/data/*"
+		--exclude "*/bad*"
 mypy: regen-metaparser
 	$(MYPY)  # For list of files, see mypy.ini
diff --git a/Tools/peg_generator/scripts/benchmark.py b/Tools/peg_generator/scripts/benchmark.py
index 053f8ef06d42c..6354e1a17167a 100644
--- a/Tools/peg_generator/scripts/benchmark.py
+++ b/Tools/peg_generator/scripts/benchmark.py
@@ -78,7 +78,6 @@ def run_benchmark_stdlib(subcommand):
-                "*/test/test_lib2to3/data/*",
diff --git a/Tools/scripts/2to3 b/Tools/scripts/2to3
deleted file mode 100755
index f27d18ecf6708..0000000000000
--- a/Tools/scripts/2to3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-import sys
-from lib2to3.main import main
diff --git a/Tools/scripts/README b/Tools/scripts/README
index 9dbb89a8dae63..a078bfbf662a3 100644
--- a/Tools/scripts/README
+++ b/Tools/scripts/README
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 This directory contains a collection of executable Python scripts that are
 useful while building, extending or managing Python.
-2to3                      Main script for running the 2to3 conversion tool
 checkpip.py               Checks the version of the projects bundled in ensurepip
                           are the latest available
 combinerefs.py            A helper for analyzing PYTHONDUMPREFS output
diff --git a/Tools/wasm/wasm_assets.py b/Tools/wasm/wasm_assets.py
index 22bf9eabdcd6b..fcd99405ee0d8 100755
--- a/Tools/wasm/wasm_assets.py
+++ b/Tools/wasm/wasm_assets.py
@@ -41,8 +41,6 @@
     # package management
-    # build system
-    "lib2to3/",
     # deprecated

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