[Python-checkins] [3.11] gh-102327: Extend docs for "url" and "headers" parameters to HTTPConnection.request()

Mariatta webhook-mailer at python.org
Tue May 9 16:01:05 EDT 2023

commit: fffdbf483140c1abfd2bba2da363af6fba0987b1
branch: 3.11
author: Miss Islington (bot) <31488909+miss-islington at users.noreply.github.com>
committer: Mariatta <Mariatta at users.noreply.github.com>
date: 2023-05-09T20:00:58Z

[3.11] gh-102327: Extend docs for "url" and "headers" parameters to HTTPConnection.request()

gh-102327: Extend docs for "url" and "headers" parameters to HTTPConnection.request()

Added example on how to use the HTTPConnection object for making GET request.

Original issue: https://github.com/python/cpython/issues/102327


(cherry picked from commit 7ba6288feb961fcd60a29415c6371d2d3eb80bec)

Co-authored-by: David Foster <david at dafoster.net>
Co-authored-by: Éric <earaujo at caravan.coop>

M Doc/library/http.client.rst

diff --git a/Doc/library/http.client.rst b/Doc/library/http.client.rst
index 9aeb07fade82..df99ab99826e 100644
--- a/Doc/library/http.client.rst
+++ b/Doc/library/http.client.rst
@@ -262,7 +262,10 @@ HTTPConnection Objects
    This will send a request to the server using the HTTP request
-   method *method* and the selector *url*.
+   method *method* and the request URI *url*. The provided *url* must be
+   an absolute path to conform with :rfc:`RFC 2616 §5.1.2 <2616#section-5.1.2>`
+   (unless connecting to an HTTP proxy server or using the ``OPTIONS`` or
+   ``CONNECT`` methods).
    If *body* is specified, the specified data is sent after the headers are
    finished.  It may be a :class:`str`, a :term:`bytes-like object`, an
@@ -277,7 +280,10 @@ HTTPConnection Objects
    iterable are sent as is until the iterable is exhausted.
    The *headers* argument should be a mapping of extra HTTP headers to send
-   with the request.
+   with the request. A :rfc:`Host header <2616#section-14.23>`
+   must be provided to conform with :rfc:`RFC 2616 §5.1.2 <2616#section-5.1.2>`
+   (unless connecting to an HTTP proxy server or using the ``OPTIONS`` or
+   ``CONNECT`` methods).
    If *headers* contains neither Content-Length nor Transfer-Encoding,
    but there is a request body, one of those
@@ -296,6 +302,16 @@ HTTPConnection Objects
    HTTPConnection object assumes that all encoding is handled by the
    calling code.  If it is ``True``, the body will be chunk-encoded.
+   For example, to perform a ``GET`` request to ``https://docs.python.org/3/``::
+      >>> import http.client
+      >>> host = "docs.python.org"
+      >>> conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection(host)
+      >>> conn.request("GET", "/3/", headers={"Host": host})
+      >>> response = conn.getresponse()
+      >>> print(response.status, response.reason)
+      200 OK
    .. note::
       Chunked transfer encoding has been added to the HTTP protocol
       version 1.1.  Unless the HTTP server is known to handle HTTP 1.1,

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