[Python-checkins] Move around example in to_bytes() to avoid confusion (#101595)

mdickinson webhook-mailer at python.org
Sun Mar 5 04:32:03 EST 2023

commit: 5da379ca7dff44b321450800252be01041b3320b
branch: main
author: Sergey B Kirpichev <skirpichev at gmail.com>
committer: mdickinson <dickinsm at gmail.com>
date: 2023-03-05T09:31:56Z

Move around example in to_bytes() to avoid confusion (#101595)

Moves an example to be closer to the sentence that refers to it.

M Doc/library/stdtypes.rst

diff --git a/Doc/library/stdtypes.rst b/Doc/library/stdtypes.rst
index 1240f80b0f11..550f808a16df 100644
--- a/Doc/library/stdtypes.rst
+++ b/Doc/library/stdtypes.rst
@@ -530,12 +530,14 @@ class`. In addition, it provides a few more methods:
     is ``False``.
     The default values can be used to conveniently turn an integer into a
-    single byte object.  However, when using the default arguments, don't try
-    to convert a value greater than 255 or you'll get an :exc:`OverflowError`::
+    single byte object::
         >>> (65).to_bytes()
+    However, when using the default arguments, don't try
+    to convert a value greater than 255 or you'll get an :exc:`OverflowError`.
     Equivalent to::
         def to_bytes(n, length=1, byteorder='big', signed=False):

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