[Python-checkins] bpo-42588: Update the docs for the TopologicalSorter.static_order() method (GH-26834)

pablogsal webhook-mailer at python.org
Tue Jun 29 06:54:36 EDT 2021

commit: 0d7f7975d55eff7e3dfcebd14e765fc6cd7d3e40
branch: main
author: andrei kulakov <andrei.avk at gmail.com>
committer: pablogsal <Pablogsal at gmail.com>
date: 2021-06-29T11:54:28+01:00

bpo-42588: Update the docs for the TopologicalSorter.static_order() method (GH-26834)

M Doc/library/graphlib.rst

diff --git a/Doc/library/graphlib.rst b/Doc/library/graphlib.rst
index 0faca2186b268..2bc80da4ead2a 100644
--- a/Doc/library/graphlib.rst
+++ b/Doc/library/graphlib.rst
@@ -154,9 +154,10 @@
    .. method:: static_order()
-      Returns an iterable of nodes in a topological order. Using this method
-      does not require to call :meth:`TopologicalSorter.prepare` or
-      :meth:`TopologicalSorter.done`. This method is equivalent to::
+      Returns an iterator object which will iterate over nodes in a topological
+      order. When using this method, :meth:`~TopologicalSorter.prepare` and
+      :meth:`~TopologicalSorter.done` should not be called. This method is
+      equivalent to::
           def static_order(self):
@@ -206,4 +207,4 @@ The :mod:`graphlib` module defines the following exception classes:
    The detected cycle can be accessed via the second element in the :attr:`~CycleError.args`
    attribute of the exception instance and consists in a list of nodes, such that each node is,
    in the graph, an immediate predecessor of the next node in the list. In the reported list,
-   the first and the last node will be the same, to make it clear that it is cyclic.
\ No newline at end of file
+   the first and the last node will be the same, to make it clear that it is cyclic.

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