[Python-checkins] bpo-44702: Remove ambiguity in sentence (GH-27676)

miss-islington webhook-mailer at python.org
Mon Aug 9 08:01:57 EDT 2021

commit: 03e5647ab07c7d2a05094fc3b5ed6eba6fc01349
branch: main
author: meowmeowmeowcat <meowmeowcat1211 at gmail.com>
committer: miss-islington <31488909+miss-islington at users.noreply.github.com>
date: 2021-08-09T05:01:30-07:00

bpo-44702: Remove ambiguity in sentence (GH-27676)

Automerge-Triggered-By: GH:pablogsal

M Doc/library/weakref.rst

diff --git a/Doc/library/weakref.rst b/Doc/library/weakref.rst
index b88543e445372..5a8df4c27dc37 100644
--- a/Doc/library/weakref.rst
+++ b/Doc/library/weakref.rst
@@ -63,9 +63,9 @@ or :class:`finalize` is all they need -- it's not usually necessary to
 create your own weak references directly.  The low-level machinery is
 exposed by the :mod:`weakref` module for the benefit of advanced uses.
-Not all objects can be weakly referenced; those objects which can include class
-instances, functions written in Python (but not in C), instance methods, sets,
-frozensets, some :term:`file objects <file object>`, :term:`generators <generator>`,
+Not all objects can be weakly referenced. Objects which support weak references
+include class instances, functions written in Python (but not in C), instance methods,
+sets, frozensets, some :term:`file objects <file object>`, :term:`generators <generator>`,
 type objects, sockets, arrays, deques, regular expression pattern objects, and code

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