[Python-checkins] Fix incorrect links in ast docs (GH-23017)

lysnikolaou webhook-mailer at python.org
Tue Nov 3 16:28:46 EST 2020

commit: bffb137cb5c694e152895556ac3f327240d769f5
branch: master
author: Matthew Suozzo <matthew.suozzo at gmail.com>
committer: lysnikolaou <lisandrosnik at gmail.com>
date: 2020-11-03T23:28:42+02:00

Fix incorrect links in ast docs (GH-23017)

M Doc/library/ast.rst

diff --git a/Doc/library/ast.rst b/Doc/library/ast.rst
index b8688ae61a487..8a5c6ec5f1279 100644
--- a/Doc/library/ast.rst
+++ b/Doc/library/ast.rst
@@ -80,12 +80,13 @@ Node classes
       Instances of :class:`ast.expr` and :class:`ast.stmt` subclasses have
-      :attr:`lineno`, :attr:`col_offset`, :attr:`lineno`, and :attr:`col_offset`
-      attributes.  The :attr:`lineno` and :attr:`end_lineno` are the first and
-      last line numbers of source text span (1-indexed so the first line is line 1)
-      and the :attr:`col_offset` and :attr:`end_col_offset` are the corresponding
-      UTF-8 byte offsets of the first and last tokens that generated the node.
-      The UTF-8 offset is recorded because the parser uses UTF-8 internally.
+      :attr:`lineno`, :attr:`col_offset`, :attr:`end_lineno`, and
+      :attr:`end_col_offset` attributes.  The :attr:`lineno` and :attr:`end_lineno`
+      are the first and last line numbers of source text span (1-indexed so the
+      first line is line 1) and the :attr:`col_offset` and :attr:`end_col_offset`
+      are the corresponding UTF-8 byte offsets of the first and last tokens that
+      generated the node. The UTF-8 offset is recorded because the parser uses
+      UTF-8 internally.
       Note that the end positions are not required by the compiler and are
       therefore optional. The end offset is *after* the last symbol, for example

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