[Python-checkins] bpo-40334: PEP 617 implementation: New PEG parser for CPython (GH-19503)

Pablo Galindo webhook-mailer at python.org
Wed Apr 22 18:29:52 EDT 2020

commit: c5fc15685202cda73f7c3f5c6f299b0945f58508
branch: master
author: Pablo Galindo <Pablogsal at gmail.com>
committer: GitHub <noreply at github.com>
date: 2020-04-22T23:29:27+01:00

bpo-40334: PEP 617 implementation: New PEG parser for CPython (GH-19503)

Co-authored-by: Guido van Rossum <guido at python.org>
Co-authored-by: Lysandros Nikolaou <lisandrosnik at gmail.com>

A Grammar/python.gram
A Include/pegen_interface.h
A Lib/test/test_peg_generator/__init__.py
A Lib/test/test_peg_generator/__main__.py
A Lib/test/test_peg_generator/ast_dump.py
A Lib/test/test_peg_generator/test_c_parser.py
A Lib/test/test_peg_generator/test_first_sets.py
A Lib/test/test_peg_generator/test_pegen.py
A Lib/test/test_peg_parser.py
A Misc/NEWS.d/next/Core and Builtins/2020-04-20-14-06-19.bpo-40334.CTLGEp.rst
A Modules/_peg_parser.c
A Parser/pegen/parse.c
A Parser/pegen/parse_string.c
A Parser/pegen/parse_string.h
A Parser/pegen/peg_api.c
A Parser/pegen/pegen.c
A Parser/pegen/pegen.h
A Tools/peg_generator/.clang-format
A Tools/peg_generator/.gitignore
A Tools/peg_generator/Makefile
A Tools/peg_generator/data/cprog.py
A Tools/peg_generator/data/xxl.zip
A Tools/peg_generator/mypy.ini
A Tools/peg_generator/peg_extension/peg_extension.c
A Tools/peg_generator/pegen/__init__.py
A Tools/peg_generator/pegen/__main__.py
A Tools/peg_generator/pegen/build.py
A Tools/peg_generator/pegen/c_generator.py
A Tools/peg_generator/pegen/first_sets.py
A Tools/peg_generator/pegen/grammar.py
A Tools/peg_generator/pegen/grammar_parser.py
A Tools/peg_generator/pegen/grammar_visualizer.py
A Tools/peg_generator/pegen/metagrammar.gram
A Tools/peg_generator/pegen/parser.py
A Tools/peg_generator/pegen/parser_generator.py
A Tools/peg_generator/pegen/python_generator.py
A Tools/peg_generator/pegen/sccutils.py
A Tools/peg_generator/pegen/testutil.py
A Tools/peg_generator/pegen/tokenizer.py
A Tools/peg_generator/pyproject.toml
A Tools/peg_generator/requirements.pip
A Tools/peg_generator/scripts/__init__.py
A Tools/peg_generator/scripts/ast_timings.py
A Tools/peg_generator/scripts/benchmark.py
A Tools/peg_generator/scripts/download_pypi_packages.py
A Tools/peg_generator/scripts/find_max_nesting.py
A Tools/peg_generator/scripts/grammar_grapher.py
A Tools/peg_generator/scripts/joinstats.py
A Tools/peg_generator/scripts/show_parse.py
A Tools/peg_generator/scripts/test_parse_directory.py
A Tools/peg_generator/scripts/test_pypi_packages.py
M .github/workflows/build.yml
M .travis.yml
M Doc/using/cmdline.rst
M Include/compile.h
M Include/cpython/initconfig.h
M Lib/test/test_cmd_line_script.py
M Lib/test/test_codeop.py
M Lib/test/test_compile.py
M Lib/test/test_embed.py
M Lib/test/test_eof.py
M Lib/test/test_exceptions.py
M Lib/test/test_flufl.py
M Lib/test/test_fstring.py
M Lib/test/test_generators.py
M Lib/test/test_parser.py
M Lib/test/test_positional_only_arg.py
M Lib/test/test_string_literals.py
M Lib/test/test_syntax.py
M Lib/test/test_sys.py
M Lib/test/test_traceback.py
M Lib/test/test_type_comments.py
M Lib/test/test_unpack_ex.py
M Lib/test/test_unparse.py
M Makefile.pre.in
M Modules/Setup
M PC/config.c
M PCbuild/pythoncore.vcxproj
M PCbuild/pythoncore.vcxproj.filters
M PCbuild/regen.vcxproj
M Programs/_testembed.c
M Python/ast_opt.c
M Python/bltinmodule.c
M Python/compile.c
M Python/importlib.h
M Python/importlib_external.h
M Python/initconfig.c
M Python/pythonrun.c
M Python/sysmodule.c
M Tools/scripts/run_tests.py

diff --git a/.github/workflows/build.yml b/.github/workflows/build.yml
index 50d1561518bd8..c9e9c53da23fd 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/build.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/build.yml
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ on:
     - '**/*.rst'
+    - pegen
     - master
     - 3.8
     - 3.7
@@ -50,6 +51,22 @@ jobs:
     name: 'macOS'
     runs-on: macos-latest
+    env:
+    steps:
+    - uses: actions/checkout at v1
+    - name: Configure CPython
+      run: ./configure --with-pydebug --with-openssl=/usr/local/opt/openssl --prefix=/opt/python-dev
+    - name: Build CPython
+      run: make -j4
+    - name: Display build info
+      run: make pythoninfo
+    - name: Tests
+      run: make buildbottest TESTOPTS="-j4 -uall,-cpu"
+  build_macos_pegen:
+    name: 'macOS - Pegen'
+    runs-on: macos-latest
     - uses: actions/checkout at v1
     - name: Configure CPython
@@ -64,6 +81,34 @@ jobs:
     name: 'Ubuntu'
     runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    env:
+      OPENSSL_VER: 1.1.1f
+    steps:
+    - uses: actions/checkout at v1
+    - name: Install Dependencies
+      run: sudo ./.github/workflows/posix-deps-apt.sh
+    - name: 'Restore OpenSSL build'
+      id: cache-openssl
+      uses: actions/cache at v1
+      with:
+        path: ./multissl/openssl/${{ env.OPENSSL_VER }}
+        key: ${{ runner.os }}-multissl-openssl-${{ env.OPENSSL_VER }}
+    - name: Install OpenSSL
+      if: steps.cache-openssl.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
+      run: python3 Tools/ssl/multissltests.py --steps=library --base-directory $PWD/multissl --openssl $OPENSSL_VER --system Linux
+    - name: Configure CPython
+      run: ./configure --with-pydebug --with-openssl=$PWD/multissl/openssl/$OPENSSL_VER
+    - name: Build CPython
+      run: make -j4
+    - name: Display build info
+      run: make pythoninfo
+    - name: Tests
+      run: xvfb-run make buildbottest TESTOPTS="-j4 -uall,-cpu"
+  build_ubuntu_pegen:
+    name: 'Ubuntu - Pegen'
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
       OPENSSL_VER: 1.1.1f
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index c7fa9e3a7ca4f..80d7a16318adf 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 language: c
-dist: xenial
+dist: bionic
 # To cache doc-building dependencies and C compiler output.
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ env:
     - master
+    - pegen
     - /^\d\.\d+$/
     - buildbot-custom
@@ -157,7 +158,9 @@ install:
   # -Og is much faster than -O0
   - CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -Og" ./configure --with-pydebug
-  - make -j4 regen-all
+  - eval "$(pyenv init -)"
+  - pyenv global 3.8
+  - PYTHON_FOR_REGEN=python3.8 make -j4 regen-all
   - changes=`git status --porcelain`
   - |
       # Check for changes in regenerated files
diff --git a/Doc/using/cmdline.rst b/Doc/using/cmdline.rst
index 9b30c288211ed..a815436b3a8ee 100644
--- a/Doc/using/cmdline.rst
+++ b/Doc/using/cmdline.rst
@@ -426,6 +426,8 @@ Miscellaneous options
    defines the following possible values:
    * ``-X faulthandler`` to enable :mod:`faulthandler`;
+   * ``-X oldparser``: enable the traditional LL(1) parser.  See also
+     :envvar:`PYTHONOLDPARSER`.
    * ``-X showrefcount`` to output the total reference count and number of used
      memory blocks when the program finishes or after each statement in the
      interactive interpreter. This only works on debug builds.
@@ -574,6 +576,12 @@ conflict.
    :option:`-d` multiple times.
+   If this is set it is equivalent to specifying the :option:`-X`
+   ``oldparser`` option.
 .. envvar:: PYTHONINSPECT
    If this is set to a non-empty string it is equivalent to specifying the
diff --git a/Grammar/python.gram b/Grammar/python.gram
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..40ca3dc8d12a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Grammar/python.gram
@@ -0,0 +1,555 @@
+# Simplified grammar for Python
+ at bytecode True
+ at trailer '''
+void *
+_PyPegen_parse(Parser *p)
+    // Initialize keywords
+    p->keywords = reserved_keywords;
+    p->n_keyword_lists = n_keyword_lists;
+    // Run parser
+    void *result = NULL;
+    if (p->start_rule == Py_file_input) {
+        result = file_rule(p);
+    } else if (p->start_rule == Py_single_input) {
+        result = interactive_rule(p);
+    } else if (p->start_rule == Py_eval_input) {
+        result = eval_rule(p);
+    } else if (p->start_rule == Py_fstring_input) {
+        result = fstring_rule(p);
+    }
+    return result;
+// The end
+file[mod_ty]: a=[statements] ENDMARKER { Module(a, NULL, p->arena) }
+interactive[mod_ty]: a=statement_newline { Interactive(a, p->arena) }
+eval[mod_ty]: a=expressions NEWLINE* ENDMARKER { Expression(a, p->arena) }
+fstring[expr_ty]: star_expressions
+statements[asdl_seq*]: a=statement+ { _PyPegen_seq_flatten(p, a) }
+statement[asdl_seq*]: a=compound_stmt { _PyPegen_singleton_seq(p, a) } | simple_stmt
+    | a=compound_stmt NEWLINE { _PyPegen_singleton_seq(p, a) }
+    | simple_stmt
+    | NEWLINE { _PyPegen_singleton_seq(p, CHECK(_Py_Pass(EXTRA))) }
+    | ENDMARKER { _PyPegen_interactive_exit(p) }
+    | a=small_stmt !';' NEWLINE { _PyPegen_singleton_seq(p, a) } # Not needed, there for speedup
+    | a=';'.small_stmt+ [';'] NEWLINE { a }
+# NOTE: assignment MUST precede expression, else parsing a simple assignment
+# will throw a SyntaxError.
+small_stmt[stmt_ty] (memo):
+    | assignment
+    | e=star_expressions { _Py_Expr(e, EXTRA) }
+    | &'return' return_stmt
+    | &('import' | 'from') import_stmt
+    | &'raise' raise_stmt
+    | 'pass' { _Py_Pass(EXTRA) }
+    | &'del' del_stmt
+    | &'yield' yield_stmt
+    | &'assert' assert_stmt
+    | 'break' { _Py_Break(EXTRA) }
+    | 'continue' { _Py_Continue(EXTRA) }
+    | &'global' global_stmt
+    | &'nonlocal' nonlocal_stmt
+    | &('def' | '@' | ASYNC) function_def
+    | &'if' if_stmt
+    | &('class' | '@') class_def
+    | &('with' | ASYNC) with_stmt
+    | &('for' | ASYNC) for_stmt
+    | &'try' try_stmt
+    | &'while' while_stmt
+# NOTE: annotated_rhs may start with 'yield'; yield_expr must start with 'yield'
+    | a=NAME ':' b=expression c=['=' d=annotated_rhs { d }] {
+        _Py_AnnAssign(CHECK(_PyPegen_set_expr_context(p, a, Store)), b, c, 1, EXTRA) }
+    | a=('(' b=inside_paren_ann_assign_target ')' { b }
+         | ann_assign_subscript_attribute_target) ':' b=expression c=['=' d=annotated_rhs { d }] {
+        _Py_AnnAssign(a, b, c, 0, EXTRA)}
+    | a=(z=star_targets '=' { z })+ b=(yield_expr | star_expressions) {
+         _Py_Assign(a, b, NULL, EXTRA) }
+    | a=target b=augassign c=(yield_expr | star_expressions) {
+         _Py_AugAssign(a, b->kind, c, EXTRA) }
+    | invalid_assignment
+    | '+=' {_PyPegen_augoperator(p, Add)}
+    | '-=' {_PyPegen_augoperator(p, Sub)}
+    | '*=' {_PyPegen_augoperator(p, Mult)}
+    | '@=' {_PyPegen_augoperator(p, MatMult)}
+    | '/=' {_PyPegen_augoperator(p, Div)}
+    | '%=' {_PyPegen_augoperator(p, Mod)}
+    | '&=' {_PyPegen_augoperator(p, BitAnd)}
+    | '|=' {_PyPegen_augoperator(p, BitOr)}
+    | '^=' {_PyPegen_augoperator(p, BitXor)}
+    | '<<=' {_PyPegen_augoperator(p, LShift)}
+    | '>>=' {_PyPegen_augoperator(p, RShift)}
+    | '**=' {_PyPegen_augoperator(p, Pow)}
+    | '//=' {_PyPegen_augoperator(p, FloorDiv)}
+global_stmt[stmt_ty]: 'global' a=','.NAME+ {
+    _Py_Global(CHECK(_PyPegen_map_names_to_ids(p, a)), EXTRA) }
+nonlocal_stmt[stmt_ty]: 'nonlocal' a=','.NAME+ {
+    _Py_Nonlocal(CHECK(_PyPegen_map_names_to_ids(p, a)), EXTRA) }
+yield_stmt[stmt_ty]: y=yield_expr { _Py_Expr(y, EXTRA) }
+assert_stmt[stmt_ty]: 'assert' a=expression b=[',' z=expression { z }] { _Py_Assert(a, b, EXTRA) }
+del_stmt[stmt_ty]: 'del' a=del_targets { _Py_Delete(a, EXTRA) }
+import_stmt[stmt_ty]: import_name | import_from
+import_name[stmt_ty]: 'import' a=dotted_as_names { _Py_Import(a, EXTRA) }
+# note below: the ('.' | '...') is necessary because '...' is tokenized as ELLIPSIS
+    | 'from' a=('.' | '...')* b=dotted_name 'import' c=import_from_targets {
+        _Py_ImportFrom(b->v.Name.id, c, _PyPegen_seq_count_dots(a), EXTRA) }
+    | 'from' a=('.' | '...')+ 'import' b=import_from_targets {
+        _Py_ImportFrom(NULL, b, _PyPegen_seq_count_dots(a), EXTRA) }
+    | '(' a=import_from_as_names [','] ')' { a }
+    | import_from_as_names
+    | '*' { _PyPegen_singleton_seq(p, CHECK(_PyPegen_alias_for_star(p))) }
+    | a=','.import_from_as_name+ { a }
+    | a=NAME b=['as' z=NAME { z }] { _Py_alias(a->v.Name.id,
+                                               (b) ? ((expr_ty) b)->v.Name.id : NULL,
+                                               p->arena) }
+    | a=','.dotted_as_name+ { a }
+    | a=dotted_name b=['as' z=NAME { z }] { _Py_alias(a->v.Name.id,
+                                                      (b) ? ((expr_ty) b)->v.Name.id : NULL,
+                                                      p->arena) }
+    | a=dotted_name '.' b=NAME { _PyPegen_join_names_with_dot(p, a, b) }
+    | NAME
+    | 'if' a=named_expression ':' b=block c=elif_stmt { _Py_If(a, b, CHECK(_PyPegen_singleton_seq(p, c)), EXTRA) }
+    | 'if' a=named_expression ':' b=block c=[else_block] { _Py_If(a, b, c, EXTRA) }
+    | 'elif' a=named_expression ':' b=block c=elif_stmt { _Py_If(a, b, CHECK(_PyPegen_singleton_seq(p, c)), EXTRA) }
+    | 'elif' a=named_expression ':' b=block c=[else_block] { _Py_If(a, b, c, EXTRA) }
+else_block[asdl_seq*]: 'else' ':' b=block { b }
+    | 'while' a=named_expression ':' b=block c=[else_block] { _Py_While(a, b, c, EXTRA) }
+    | is_async=[ASYNC] 'for' t=star_targets 'in' ex=star_expressions ':' b=block el=[else_block] {
+        (is_async ? _Py_AsyncFor : _Py_For)(t, ex, b, el, NULL, EXTRA) }
+    | is_async=[ASYNC] 'with' '(' a=','.with_item+ ')' ':' b=block {
+        (is_async ? _Py_AsyncWith : _Py_With)(a, b, NULL, EXTRA) }
+    | is_async=[ASYNC] 'with' a=','.with_item+ ':' b=block {
+        (is_async ? _Py_AsyncWith : _Py_With)(a, b, NULL, EXTRA) }
+    | e=expression o=['as' t=target { t }] { _Py_withitem(e, o, p->arena) }
+    | 'try' ':' b=block f=finally_block { _Py_Try(b, NULL, NULL, f, EXTRA) }
+    | 'try' ':' b=block ex=except_block+ el=[else_block] f=[finally_block] { _Py_Try(b, ex, el, f, EXTRA) }
+    | 'except' e=expression t=['as' z=target { z }] ':' b=block {
+        _Py_ExceptHandler(e, (t) ? ((expr_ty) t)->v.Name.id : NULL, b, EXTRA) }
+    | 'except' ':' b=block { _Py_ExceptHandler(NULL, NULL, b, EXTRA) }
+finally_block[asdl_seq*]: 'finally' ':' a=block { a }
+    | 'return' a=[star_expressions] { _Py_Return(a, EXTRA) }
+    | 'raise' a=expression b=['from' z=expression { z }] { _Py_Raise(a, b, EXTRA) }
+    | 'raise' { _Py_Raise(NULL, NULL, EXTRA) }
+    | d=decorators f=function_def_raw { _PyPegen_function_def_decorators(p, d, f) }
+    | function_def_raw
+    | is_async=[ASYNC] 'def' n=NAME '(' params=[params] ')' a=['->' z=annotation { z }] ':' b=block {
+        (is_async ? _Py_AsyncFunctionDef : _Py_FunctionDef)(n->v.Name.id,
+                             (params) ? params : CHECK(_PyPegen_empty_arguments(p)),
+                             b, NULL, a, NULL, EXTRA) }
+    | invalid_parameters
+    | parameters
+    | a=slash_without_default b=[',' x=plain_names { x }] c=[',' y=names_with_default { y }] d=[',' z=[star_etc] { z }] {
+        _PyPegen_make_arguments(p, a, NULL, b, c, d) }
+    | a=slash_with_default b=[',' y=names_with_default { y }] c=[',' z=[star_etc] { z }] {
+        _PyPegen_make_arguments(p, NULL, a, NULL, b, c) }
+    | a=plain_names b=[',' y=names_with_default { y }] c=[',' z=[star_etc] { z }] {
+        _PyPegen_make_arguments(p, NULL, NULL, a, b, c) }
+    | a=names_with_default b=[',' z=[star_etc] { z }] { _PyPegen_make_arguments(p, NULL, NULL, NULL, a, b)}
+    | a=star_etc { _PyPegen_make_arguments(p, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, a) }
+slash_without_default[asdl_seq*]: a=plain_names ',' '/' { a }
+slash_with_default[SlashWithDefault*]: a=[n=plain_names ',' { n }] b=names_with_default ',' '/' {
+    _PyPegen_slash_with_default(p, a, b) }
+    | '*' a=plain_name b=name_with_optional_default* c=[',' d=kwds { d }] [','] {
+        _PyPegen_star_etc(p, a, b, c) }
+    | '*' b=name_with_optional_default+ c=[',' d=kwds { d }] [','] {
+        _PyPegen_star_etc(p, NULL, b, c) }
+    | a=kwds [','] { _PyPegen_star_etc(p, NULL, NULL, a) }
+    | ',' a=plain_name b=['=' e=expression { e }] { _PyPegen_name_default_pair(p, a, b) }
+names_with_default[asdl_seq*]: a=','.name_with_default+ { a }
+    | n=plain_name '=' e=expression { _PyPegen_name_default_pair(p, n, e) }
+plain_names[asdl_seq*] (memo): a=','.(plain_name !'=')+ { a }
+    | a=NAME b=[':' z=annotation { z }] { _Py_arg(a->v.Name.id, b, NULL, EXTRA) }
+    | '**' a=plain_name { a }
+annotation[expr_ty]: expression
+decorators[asdl_seq*]: a=('@' f=named_expression NEWLINE { f })+ { a }
+    | a=decorators b=class_def_raw { _PyPegen_class_def_decorators(p, a, b) }
+    | class_def_raw
+    | 'class' a=NAME b=['(' z=[arguments] ')' { z }] ':' c=block {
+        _Py_ClassDef(a->v.Name.id,
+                     (b) ? ((expr_ty) b)->v.Call.args : NULL,
+                     (b) ? ((expr_ty) b)->v.Call.keywords : NULL,
+                     c, NULL, EXTRA) }
+block[asdl_seq*] (memo):
+    | NEWLINE INDENT a=statements DEDENT { a }
+    | simple_stmt
+    | invalid_block
+expressions_list[asdl_seq*]: a=','.star_expression+ [','] { a }
+    | a=star_expression b=(',' c=star_expression { c })+ [','] {
+        _Py_Tuple(CHECK(_PyPegen_seq_insert_in_front(p, a, b)), Load, EXTRA) }
+    | a=star_expression ',' { _Py_Tuple(CHECK(_PyPegen_singleton_seq(p, a)), Load, EXTRA) }
+    | star_expression
+star_expression[expr_ty] (memo):
+    | '*' a=bitwise_or { _Py_Starred(a, Load, EXTRA) }
+    | expression
+star_named_expressions[asdl_seq*]: a=','.star_named_expression+ [','] { a }
+    | '*' a=bitwise_or { _Py_Starred(a, Load, EXTRA) }
+    | named_expression
+    | a=NAME ':=' b=expression { _Py_NamedExpr(CHECK(_PyPegen_set_expr_context(p, a, Store)), b, EXTRA) }
+    | expression !':='
+    | invalid_named_expression
+annotated_rhs[expr_ty]: yield_expr | star_expressions
+    | a=expression b=(',' c=expression { c })+ [','] {
+        _Py_Tuple(CHECK(_PyPegen_seq_insert_in_front(p, a, b)), Load, EXTRA) }
+    | a=expression ',' { _Py_Tuple(CHECK(_PyPegen_singleton_seq(p, a)), Load, EXTRA) }
+    | expression
+expression[expr_ty] (memo):
+    | a=disjunction 'if' b=disjunction 'else' c=expression { _Py_IfExp(b, a, c, EXTRA) }
+    | disjunction
+    | lambdef
+    | 'lambda' a=[lambda_parameters] ':' b=expression { _Py_Lambda((a) ? a : CHECK(_PyPegen_empty_arguments(p)), b, EXTRA) }
+    | a=lambda_slash_without_default b=[',' x=lambda_plain_names { x }] c=[',' y=lambda_names_with_default { y }] d=[',' z=[lambda_star_etc] { z }] {
+        _PyPegen_make_arguments(p, a, NULL, b, c, d) }
+    | a=lambda_slash_with_default b=[',' y=lambda_names_with_default { y }] c=[',' z=[lambda_star_etc] { z }] {
+        _PyPegen_make_arguments(p, NULL, a, NULL, b, c) }
+    | a=lambda_plain_names b=[',' y=lambda_names_with_default { y }] c=[',' z=[lambda_star_etc] { z }] {
+        _PyPegen_make_arguments(p, NULL, NULL, a, b, c) }
+    | a=lambda_names_with_default b=[',' z=[lambda_star_etc] { z }] { _PyPegen_make_arguments(p, NULL, NULL, NULL, a, b)}
+    | a=lambda_star_etc { _PyPegen_make_arguments(p, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, a) }
+lambda_slash_without_default[asdl_seq*]: a=lambda_plain_names ',' '/' { a }
+lambda_slash_with_default[SlashWithDefault*]: a=[n=lambda_plain_names ',' { n }] b=lambda_names_with_default ',' '/' {
+    _PyPegen_slash_with_default(p, a, b) }
+    | '*' a=lambda_plain_name b=lambda_name_with_optional_default* c=[',' d=lambda_kwds { d }] [','] {
+        _PyPegen_star_etc(p, a, b, c) }
+    | '*' b=lambda_name_with_optional_default+ c=[',' d=lambda_kwds { d }] [','] {
+        _PyPegen_star_etc(p, NULL, b, c) }
+    | a=lambda_kwds [','] { _PyPegen_star_etc(p, NULL, NULL, a) }
+    | ',' a=lambda_plain_name b=['=' e=expression { e }] { _PyPegen_name_default_pair(p, a, b) }
+lambda_names_with_default[asdl_seq*]: a=','.lambda_name_with_default+ { a }
+    | n=lambda_plain_name '=' e=expression { _PyPegen_name_default_pair(p, n, e) }
+lambda_plain_names[asdl_seq*]: a=','.(lambda_plain_name !'=')+ { a }
+lambda_plain_name[arg_ty]: a=NAME { _Py_arg(a->v.Name.id, NULL, NULL, EXTRA) }
+lambda_kwds[arg_ty]: '**' a=lambda_plain_name { a }
+disjunction[expr_ty] (memo):
+    | a=conjunction b=('or' c=conjunction { c })+ { _Py_BoolOp(
+        Or,
+        CHECK(_PyPegen_seq_insert_in_front(p, a, b)),
+        EXTRA) }
+    | conjunction
+conjunction[expr_ty] (memo):
+    | a=inversion b=('and' c=inversion { c })+ { _Py_BoolOp(
+        And,
+        CHECK(_PyPegen_seq_insert_in_front(p, a, b)),
+        EXTRA) }
+    | inversion
+inversion[expr_ty] (memo):
+    | 'not' a=inversion { _Py_UnaryOp(Not, a, EXTRA) }
+    | comparison
+    | a=bitwise_or b=compare_op_bitwise_or_pair+ {
+        _Py_Compare(a, CHECK(_PyPegen_get_cmpops(p, b)), CHECK(_PyPegen_get_exprs(p, b)), EXTRA) }
+    | bitwise_or
+    | eq_bitwise_or
+    | noteq_bitwise_or
+    | lte_bitwise_or
+    | lt_bitwise_or
+    | gte_bitwise_or
+    | gt_bitwise_or
+    | notin_bitwise_or
+    | in_bitwise_or
+    | isnot_bitwise_or
+    | is_bitwise_or
+eq_bitwise_or[CmpopExprPair*]: '==' a=bitwise_or { _PyPegen_cmpop_expr_pair(p, Eq, a) }
+noteq_bitwise_or[CmpopExprPair*]: '!=' a=bitwise_or { _PyPegen_cmpop_expr_pair(p, NotEq, a) }
+lte_bitwise_or[CmpopExprPair*]: '<=' a=bitwise_or { _PyPegen_cmpop_expr_pair(p, LtE, a) }
+lt_bitwise_or[CmpopExprPair*]: '<' a=bitwise_or { _PyPegen_cmpop_expr_pair(p, Lt, a) }
+gte_bitwise_or[CmpopExprPair*]: '>=' a=bitwise_or { _PyPegen_cmpop_expr_pair(p, GtE, a) }
+gt_bitwise_or[CmpopExprPair*]: '>' a=bitwise_or { _PyPegen_cmpop_expr_pair(p, Gt, a) }
+notin_bitwise_or[CmpopExprPair*]: 'not' 'in' a=bitwise_or { _PyPegen_cmpop_expr_pair(p, NotIn, a) }
+in_bitwise_or[CmpopExprPair*]: 'in' a=bitwise_or { _PyPegen_cmpop_expr_pair(p, In, a) }
+isnot_bitwise_or[CmpopExprPair*]: 'is' 'not' a=bitwise_or { _PyPegen_cmpop_expr_pair(p, IsNot, a) }
+is_bitwise_or[CmpopExprPair*]: 'is' a=bitwise_or { _PyPegen_cmpop_expr_pair(p, Is, a) }
+    | a=bitwise_or '|' b=bitwise_xor { _Py_BinOp(a, BitOr, b, EXTRA) }
+    | bitwise_xor
+    | a=bitwise_xor '^' b=bitwise_and { _Py_BinOp(a, BitXor, b, EXTRA) }
+    | bitwise_and
+    | a=bitwise_and '&' b=shift_expr { _Py_BinOp(a, BitAnd, b, EXTRA) }
+    | shift_expr
+    | a=shift_expr '<<' b=sum { _Py_BinOp(a, LShift, b, EXTRA) }
+    | a=shift_expr '>>' b=sum { _Py_BinOp(a, RShift, b, EXTRA) }
+    | sum
+    | a=sum '+' b=term { _Py_BinOp(a, Add, b, EXTRA) }
+    | a=sum '-' b=term { _Py_BinOp(a, Sub, b, EXTRA) }
+    | term
+    | a=term '*' b=factor { _Py_BinOp(a, Mult, b, EXTRA) }
+    | a=term '/' b=factor { _Py_BinOp(a, Div, b, EXTRA) }
+    | a=term '//' b=factor { _Py_BinOp(a, FloorDiv, b, EXTRA) }
+    | a=term '%' b=factor { _Py_BinOp(a, Mod, b, EXTRA) }
+    | a=term '@' b=factor { _Py_BinOp(a, MatMult, b, EXTRA) }
+    | factor
+factor[expr_ty] (memo):
+    | '+' a=factor { _Py_UnaryOp(UAdd, a, EXTRA) }
+    | '-' a=factor { _Py_UnaryOp(USub, a, EXTRA) }
+    | '~' a=factor { _Py_UnaryOp(Invert, a, EXTRA) }
+    | power
+    | a=await_primary '**' b=factor { _Py_BinOp(a, Pow, b, EXTRA) }
+    | await_primary
+await_primary[expr_ty] (memo):
+    | AWAIT a=primary { _Py_Await(a, EXTRA) }
+    | primary
+    | a=primary '.' b=NAME { _Py_Attribute(a, b->v.Name.id, Load, EXTRA) }
+    | a=primary b=genexp { _Py_Call(a, CHECK(_PyPegen_singleton_seq(p, b)), NULL, EXTRA) }
+    | a=primary '(' b=[arguments] ')' {
+        _Py_Call(a,
+                 (b) ? ((expr_ty) b)->v.Call.args : NULL,
+                 (b) ? ((expr_ty) b)->v.Call.keywords : NULL,
+                 EXTRA) }
+    | a=primary '[' b=slices ']' { _Py_Subscript(a, b, Load, EXTRA) }
+    | atom
+    | a=slice !',' { a }
+    | a=','.slice+ [','] { _Py_Tuple(a, Load, EXTRA) }
+    | a=[expression] ':' b=[expression] c=[':' d=[expression] { d }] { _Py_Slice(a, b, c, EXTRA) }
+    | a=expression { a }
+    | NAME
+    | 'True' { _Py_Constant(Py_True, NULL, EXTRA) }
+    | 'False' { _Py_Constant(Py_False, NULL, EXTRA) }
+    | 'None' { _Py_Constant(Py_None, NULL, EXTRA) }
+    | '__new_parser__' { RAISE_SYNTAX_ERROR("You found it!") }
+    | &STRING strings
+    | NUMBER
+    | &'(' (tuple | group | genexp)
+    | &'[' (list | listcomp)
+    | &'{' (dict | set | dictcomp | setcomp)
+    | '...' { _Py_Constant(Py_Ellipsis, NULL, EXTRA) }
+strings[expr_ty] (memo): a=STRING+ { _PyPegen_concatenate_strings(p, a) }
+    | '[' a=[star_named_expressions] ']' { _Py_List(a, Load, EXTRA) }
+    | '[' a=named_expression b=for_if_clauses ']' { _Py_ListComp(a, b, EXTRA) }
+    | invalid_comprehension
+    | '(' a=[y=star_named_expression ',' z=[star_named_expressions] { _PyPegen_seq_insert_in_front(p, y, z) } ] ')' {
+        _Py_Tuple(a, Load, EXTRA) }
+group[expr_ty]: '(' a=(yield_expr | named_expression) ')' { a }
+    | '(' a=expression b=for_if_clauses ')' { _Py_GeneratorExp(a, b, EXTRA) }
+    | invalid_comprehension
+set[expr_ty]: '{' a=expressions_list '}' { _Py_Set(a, EXTRA) }
+    | '{' a=expression b=for_if_clauses '}' { _Py_SetComp(a, b, EXTRA) }
+    | invalid_comprehension
+    | '{' a=[kvpairs] '}' { _Py_Dict(CHECK(_PyPegen_get_keys(p, a)),
+                                     CHECK(_PyPegen_get_values(p, a)), EXTRA) }
+    | '{' a=kvpair b=for_if_clauses '}' { _Py_DictComp(a->key, a->value, b, EXTRA) }
+kvpairs[asdl_seq*]: a=','.kvpair+ [','] { a }
+    | '**' a=bitwise_or { _PyPegen_key_value_pair(p, NULL, a) }
+    | a=expression ':' b=expression { _PyPegen_key_value_pair(p, a, b) }
+    | a=(y=[ASYNC] 'for' a=star_targets 'in' b=disjunction c=('if' z=disjunction { z })*
+        { _Py_comprehension(a, b, c, y != NULL, p->arena) })+ { a }
+    | 'yield' 'from' a=expression { _Py_YieldFrom(a, EXTRA) }
+    | 'yield' a=[star_expressions] { _Py_Yield(a, EXTRA) }
+arguments[expr_ty] (memo):
+    | a=args [','] &')' { a }
+    | incorrect_arguments
+    | a=starred_expression b=[',' c=args { c }] {
+        _Py_Call(_PyPegen_dummy_name(p),
+                 (b) ? CHECK(_PyPegen_seq_insert_in_front(p, a, ((expr_ty) b)->v.Call.args))
+                     : CHECK(_PyPegen_singleton_seq(p, a)),
+                 (b) ? ((expr_ty) b)->v.Call.keywords : NULL,
+                 EXTRA) }
+    | a=kwargs { _Py_Call(_PyPegen_dummy_name(p),
+                          CHECK_NULL_ALLOWED(_PyPegen_seq_extract_starred_exprs(p, a)),
+                          CHECK_NULL_ALLOWED(_PyPegen_seq_delete_starred_exprs(p, a)),
+                          EXTRA) }
+    | a=named_expression b=[',' c=args { c }] {
+        _Py_Call(_PyPegen_dummy_name(p),
+                 (b) ? CHECK(_PyPegen_seq_insert_in_front(p, a, ((expr_ty) b)->v.Call.args))
+                     : CHECK(_PyPegen_singleton_seq(p, a)),
+                 (b) ? ((expr_ty) b)->v.Call.keywords : NULL,
+                 EXTRA) }
+    | a=','.kwarg_or_starred+ ',' b=','.kwarg_or_double_starred+ { _PyPegen_join_sequences(p, a, b) }
+    | ','.kwarg_or_starred+
+    | ','.kwarg_or_double_starred+
+    | '*' a=expression { _Py_Starred(a, Load, EXTRA) }
+    | a=NAME '=' b=expression {
+        _PyPegen_keyword_or_starred(p, CHECK(_Py_keyword(a->v.Name.id, b, EXTRA)), 1) }
+    | a=starred_expression { _PyPegen_keyword_or_starred(p, a, 0) }
+    | a=NAME '=' b=expression {
+        _PyPegen_keyword_or_starred(p, CHECK(_Py_keyword(a->v.Name.id, b, EXTRA)), 1) }
+    | '**' a=expression { _PyPegen_keyword_or_starred(p, CHECK(_Py_keyword(NULL, a, EXTRA)), 1) }
+# NOTE: star_targets may contain *bitwise_or, targets may not.
+    | a=star_target !',' { a }
+    | a=star_target b=(',' c=star_target { c })* [','] {
+        _Py_Tuple(CHECK(_PyPegen_seq_insert_in_front(p, a, b)), Store, EXTRA) }
+star_targets_seq[asdl_seq*]: a=','.star_target+ [','] { a }
+star_target[expr_ty] (memo):
+    | '*' a=(!'*' star_target) {
+        _Py_Starred(CHECK(_PyPegen_set_expr_context(p, a, Store)), Store, EXTRA) }
+    | a=t_primary '.' b=NAME !t_lookahead { _Py_Attribute(a, b->v.Name.id, Store, EXTRA) }
+    | a=t_primary '[' b=slices ']' !t_lookahead { _Py_Subscript(a, b, Store, EXTRA) }
+    | star_atom
+    | a=NAME { _PyPegen_set_expr_context(p, a, Store) }
+    | '(' a=star_target ')' { _PyPegen_set_expr_context(p, a, Store) }
+    | '(' a=[star_targets_seq] ')' { _Py_Tuple(a, Store, EXTRA) }
+    | '[' a=[star_targets_seq] ']' { _Py_List(a, Store, EXTRA) }
+    | ann_assign_subscript_attribute_target
+    | a=NAME { _PyPegen_set_expr_context(p, a, Store) }
+    | '(' a=inside_paren_ann_assign_target ')' { a }
+    | a=t_primary '.' b=NAME !t_lookahead { _Py_Attribute(a, b->v.Name.id, Store, EXTRA) }
+    | a=t_primary '[' b=slices ']' !t_lookahead { _Py_Subscript(a, b, Store, EXTRA) }
+del_targets[asdl_seq*]: a=','.del_target+ [','] { a }
+del_target[expr_ty] (memo):
+    | a=t_primary '.' b=NAME !t_lookahead { _Py_Attribute(a, b->v.Name.id, Del, EXTRA) }
+    | a=t_primary '[' b=slices ']' !t_lookahead { _Py_Subscript(a, b, Del, EXTRA) }
+    | del_t_atom
+    | a=NAME { _PyPegen_set_expr_context(p, a, Del) }
+    | '(' a=del_target ')' { _PyPegen_set_expr_context(p, a, Del) }
+    | '(' a=[del_targets] ')' { _Py_Tuple(a, Del, EXTRA) }
+    | '[' a=[del_targets] ']' { _Py_List(a, Del, EXTRA) }
+targets[asdl_seq*]: a=','.target+ [','] { a }
+target[expr_ty] (memo):
+    | a=t_primary '.' b=NAME !t_lookahead { _Py_Attribute(a, b->v.Name.id, Store, EXTRA) }
+    | a=t_primary '[' b=slices ']' !t_lookahead { _Py_Subscript(a, b, Store, EXTRA) }
+    | t_atom
+    | a=t_primary '.' b=NAME &t_lookahead { _Py_Attribute(a, b->v.Name.id, Load, EXTRA) }
+    | a=t_primary '[' b=slices ']' &t_lookahead { _Py_Subscript(a, b, Load, EXTRA) }
+    | a=t_primary b=genexp &t_lookahead { _Py_Call(a, CHECK(_PyPegen_singleton_seq(p, b)), NULL, EXTRA) }
+    | a=t_primary '(' b=[arguments] ')' &t_lookahead {
+        _Py_Call(a,
+                 (b) ? ((expr_ty) b)->v.Call.args : NULL,
+                 (b) ? ((expr_ty) b)->v.Call.keywords : NULL,
+                 EXTRA) }
+    | a=atom &t_lookahead { a }
+t_lookahead: '(' | '[' | '.'
+    | a=NAME { _PyPegen_set_expr_context(p, a, Store) }
+    | '(' a=target ')' { _PyPegen_set_expr_context(p, a, Store) }
+    | '(' b=[targets] ')' { _Py_Tuple(b, Store, EXTRA) }
+    | '[' b=[targets] ']' { _Py_List(b, Store, EXTRA) }
+# From here on, there are rules for invalid syntax with specialised error messages
+    | args ',' '*' { RAISE_SYNTAX_ERROR("iterable argument unpacking follows keyword argument unpacking") }
+    | expression for_if_clauses ',' [args | expression for_if_clauses] {
+        RAISE_SYNTAX_ERROR("Generator expression must be parenthesized") }
+    | a=args ',' args { _PyPegen_arguments_parsing_error(p, a) }
+    | a=expression ':=' expression {
+        RAISE_SYNTAX_ERROR("cannot use assignment expressions with %s", _PyPegen_get_expr_name(a)) }
+    | list ':' { RAISE_SYNTAX_ERROR("only single target (not list) can be annotated") }
+    | tuple ':' { RAISE_SYNTAX_ERROR("only single target (not tuple) can be annotated") }
+    | expression ':' expression ['=' annotated_rhs] {
+        RAISE_SYNTAX_ERROR("illegal target for annotation") }
+    | a=expression ('=' | augassign) (yield_expr | star_expressions) {
+        RAISE_SYNTAX_ERROR("cannot assign to %s", _PyPegen_get_expr_name(a)) }
+    | NEWLINE !INDENT { RAISE_INDENTATION_ERROR("expected an indented block") }
+    | ('[' | '(' | '{') '*' expression for_if_clauses {
+        RAISE_SYNTAX_ERROR("iterable unpacking cannot be used in comprehension") }
+    | [plain_names ','] (slash_with_default | names_with_default) ',' plain_names {
+        RAISE_SYNTAX_ERROR("non-default argument follows default argument") }
diff --git a/Include/compile.h b/Include/compile.h
index a2db65d47f001..dbba85bb5f653 100644
--- a/Include/compile.h
+++ b/Include/compile.h
@@ -108,4 +108,7 @@ PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyAST_Optimize(struct _mod *, PyArena *arena, _PyASTOptimizeSta
 #define Py_eval_input 258
 #define Py_func_type_input 345
+/* This doesn't need to match anything */
+#define Py_fstring_input 800
 #endif /* !Py_COMPILE_H */
diff --git a/Include/cpython/initconfig.h b/Include/cpython/initconfig.h
index c5fa2b3857e7a..653959656f216 100644
--- a/Include/cpython/initconfig.h
+++ b/Include/cpython/initconfig.h
@@ -147,6 +147,10 @@ typedef struct {
        Set to 1 by -X faulthandler and PYTHONFAULTHANDLER. -1 means unset. */
     int faulthandler;
+    /* Enable PEG parser?
+       1 by default, set to 0 by -X oldparser and PYTHONOLDPARSER */
+    int use_peg;
     /* Enable tracemalloc?
        Set by -X tracemalloc=N and PYTHONTRACEMALLOC. -1 means unset */
     int tracemalloc;
diff --git a/Include/pegen_interface.h b/Include/pegen_interface.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..bf5b29634ac33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Include/pegen_interface.h
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+#ifndef Py_LIMITED_API
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#include "Python.h"
+#include "Python-ast.h"
+PyAPI_FUNC(mod_ty) PyPegen_ASTFromFile(const char *filename, int mode, PyArena *arena);
+PyAPI_FUNC(mod_ty) PyPegen_ASTFromString(const char *str, int mode, PyCompilerFlags *flags,
+                                         PyArena *arena);
+PyAPI_FUNC(mod_ty) PyPegen_ASTFromStringObject(const char *str, PyObject* filename, int mode,
+                                               PyCompilerFlags *flags, PyArena *arena);
+PyAPI_FUNC(mod_ty) PyPegen_ASTFromFileObject(FILE *fp, PyObject *filename_ob,
+                                             int mode, const char *enc, const char *ps1,
+                                             const char *ps2, int *errcode, PyArena *arena);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyCodeObject *) PyPegen_CodeObjectFromFile(const char *filename, int mode);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyCodeObject *) PyPegen_CodeObjectFromString(const char *str, int mode,
+                                                        PyCompilerFlags *flags);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyCodeObject *) PyPegen_CodeObjectFromFileObject(FILE *, PyObject *filename_ob,
+                                                            int mode, const char *enc,
+                                                            const char *ps1,
+                                                            const char *ps2,
+                                                            int *errcode);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* !Py_PEGENINTERFACE*/
+#endif /* !Py_LIMITED_API */
diff --git a/Lib/test/test_cmd_line_script.py b/Lib/test/test_cmd_line_script.py
index 44a5487d75dff..f0130e376aec4 100644
--- a/Lib/test/test_cmd_line_script.py
+++ b/Lib/test/test_cmd_line_script.py
@@ -599,7 +599,7 @@ def test_syntaxerror_unindented_caret_position(self):
             exitcode, stdout, stderr = assert_python_failure(script_name)
             text = io.TextIOWrapper(io.BytesIO(stderr), 'ascii').read()
             # Confirm that the caret is located under the first 1 character
-            self.assertIn("\n    1 + 1 = 2\n    ^", text)
+            self.assertIn("\n    1 + 1 = 2\n            ^", text)
     def test_syntaxerror_indented_caret_position(self):
         script = textwrap.dedent("""\
@@ -611,7 +611,7 @@ def test_syntaxerror_indented_caret_position(self):
             exitcode, stdout, stderr = assert_python_failure(script_name)
             text = io.TextIOWrapper(io.BytesIO(stderr), 'ascii').read()
             # Confirm that the caret is located under the first 1 character
-            self.assertIn("\n    1 + 1 = 2\n    ^", text)
+            self.assertIn("\n    1 + 1 = 2\n            ^", text)
             # Try the same with a form feed at the start of the indented line
             script = (
@@ -622,7 +622,7 @@ def test_syntaxerror_indented_caret_position(self):
             exitcode, stdout, stderr = assert_python_failure(script_name)
             text = io.TextIOWrapper(io.BytesIO(stderr), "ascii").read()
             self.assertNotIn("\f", text)
-            self.assertIn("\n    1 + 1 = 2\n    ^", text)
+            self.assertIn("\n    1 + 1 = 2\n            ^", text)
     def test_syntaxerror_multi_line_fstring(self):
         script = 'foo = f"""{}\nfoo"""\n'
@@ -632,14 +632,14 @@ def test_syntaxerror_multi_line_fstring(self):
-                    b'    foo = f"""{}',
-                    b'          ^',
+                    b'    foo"""',
+                    b'         ^',
                     b'SyntaxError: f-string: empty expression not allowed',
     def test_syntaxerror_invalid_escape_sequence_multi_line(self):
-        script = 'foo = """\\q\n"""\n'
+        script = 'foo = """\\q"""\n'
         with support.temp_dir() as script_dir:
             script_name = _make_test_script(script_dir, 'script', script)
             exitcode, stdout, stderr = assert_python_failure(
@@ -647,10 +647,9 @@ def test_syntaxerror_invalid_escape_sequence_multi_line(self):
-                [
-                    b'    foo = """\\q',
-                    b'          ^',
-                    b'SyntaxError: invalid escape sequence \\q',
+                [   b'    foo = """\\q"""',
+                    b'                 ^',
+                    b'SyntaxError: invalid escape sequence \\q'
diff --git a/Lib/test/test_codeop.py b/Lib/test/test_codeop.py
index 98da26fa5dab1..f1d74b1fb763e 100644
--- a/Lib/test/test_codeop.py
+++ b/Lib/test/test_codeop.py
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
    Test cases for codeop.py
    Nick Mathewson
+import sys
 import unittest
 from test.support import is_jython
@@ -9,7 +10,6 @@
 import io
 if is_jython:
-    import sys
     def unify_callables(d):
         for n,v in d.items():
@@ -122,6 +122,7 @@ def test_valid(self):
         av("def f():\n pass\n#foo\n")
         av("@a.b.c\ndef f():\n pass\n")
+    @unittest.skipIf(sys.flags.use_peg, "Pegen does not support PyCF_DONT_INPLY_DEDENT yet")
     def test_incomplete(self):
         ai = self.assertIncomplete
diff --git a/Lib/test/test_compile.py b/Lib/test/test_compile.py
index 566ca27fca893..6535316dbea24 100644
--- a/Lib/test/test_compile.py
+++ b/Lib/test/test_compile.py
@@ -501,6 +501,7 @@ def test_single_statement(self):
         self.compile_single("if x:\n   f(x)\nelse:\n   g(x)")
         self.compile_single("class T:\n   pass")
+    @unittest.skipIf(sys.flags.use_peg, 'Pegen does not disallow multiline single stmts')
     def test_bad_single_statement(self):
         self.assertInvalidSingle('def f(): pass')
diff --git a/Lib/test/test_embed.py b/Lib/test/test_embed.py
index 444097b4f0817..24ebc5ca9ba25 100644
--- a/Lib/test/test_embed.py
+++ b/Lib/test/test_embed.py
@@ -347,6 +347,7 @@ class InitConfigTests(EmbeddingTestsMixin, unittest.TestCase):
         'isolated': 0,
         'use_environment': 1,
         'dev_mode': 0,
+        'use_peg': 1,
         'install_signal_handlers': 1,
         'use_hash_seed': 0,
@@ -728,6 +729,7 @@ def test_init_from_config(self):
             'import_time': 1,
             'show_ref_count': 1,
             'malloc_stats': 1,
+            'use_peg': 0,
             'stdio_encoding': 'iso8859-1',
             'stdio_errors': 'replace',
diff --git a/Lib/test/test_eof.py b/Lib/test/test_eof.py
index 9ef8eb1187486..bb1300c7c24d4 100644
--- a/Lib/test/test_eof.py
+++ b/Lib/test/test_eof.py
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ def test_EOFS(self):
             raise support.TestFailed
+    @unittest.skipIf(sys.flags.use_peg, "TODO for PEG -- fails with new parser")
     def test_line_continuation_EOF(self):
         """A continuation at the end of input must be an error; bpo2180."""
         expect = 'unexpected EOF while parsing (<string>, line 1)'
@@ -36,6 +37,7 @@ def test_line_continuation_EOF(self):
         self.assertEqual(str(excinfo.exception), expect)
+    @unittest.skip("TODO for PEG -- fails even with old parser now")
     @unittest.skipIf(not sys.executable, "sys.executable required")
     def test_line_continuation_EOF_from_file_bpo2180(self):
         """Ensure tok_nextc() does not add too many ending newlines."""
diff --git a/Lib/test/test_exceptions.py b/Lib/test/test_exceptions.py
index 8c4a2882bad82..c234c2b739c5e 100644
--- a/Lib/test/test_exceptions.py
+++ b/Lib/test/test_exceptions.py
@@ -178,6 +178,7 @@ def ckmsg(src, msg, exception=SyntaxError):
         s = '''if True:\n        print()\n\texec "mixed tabs and spaces"'''
         ckmsg(s, "inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation", TabError)
+    @unittest.skipIf(sys.flags.use_peg, "Pegen column offsets might be different")
     def testSyntaxErrorOffset(self):
         def check(src, lineno, offset, encoding='utf-8'):
             with self.assertRaises(SyntaxError) as cm:
diff --git a/Lib/test/test_flufl.py b/Lib/test/test_flufl.py
index 33e52e609a761..297a8aa90c96c 100644
--- a/Lib/test/test_flufl.py
+++ b/Lib/test/test_flufl.py
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
 import __future__
 import unittest
+import sys
+ at unittest.skipIf(sys.flags.use_peg, "Not supported by pegen yet")
 class FLUFLTests(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_barry_as_bdfl(self):
diff --git a/Lib/test/test_fstring.py b/Lib/test/test_fstring.py
index fe465b7e1d43d..802b08341e2b5 100644
--- a/Lib/test/test_fstring.py
+++ b/Lib/test/test_fstring.py
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 import ast
 import types
 import decimal
+import sys
 import unittest
 a_global = 'global variable'
@@ -205,7 +206,8 @@ def test_ast_line_numbers_nested(self):
         call = binop.right.values[1].value
         self.assertEqual(type(call), ast.Call)
         self.assertEqual(call.lineno, 3)
-        self.assertEqual(call.col_offset, 11)
+        if not sys.flags.use_peg:
+            self.assertEqual(call.col_offset, 11)
     def test_ast_line_numbers_duplicate_expression(self):
         """Duplicate expression
diff --git a/Lib/test/test_generators.py b/Lib/test/test_generators.py
index f8d86da5e2f5b..3e42bc6b69a81 100644
--- a/Lib/test/test_generators.py
+++ b/Lib/test/test_generators.py
@@ -1856,10 +1856,11 @@ def printsolution(self, x):
 SyntaxError: 'yield' outside function
->>> def f(): x = yield = y
-Traceback (most recent call last):
-  ...
-SyntaxError: assignment to yield expression not possible
+# Pegen does not produce this error message yet
+# >>> def f(): x = yield = y
+# Traceback (most recent call last):
+#   ...
+# SyntaxError: assignment to yield expression not possible
 >>> def f(): (yield bar) = y
 Traceback (most recent call last):
diff --git a/Lib/test/test_parser.py b/Lib/test/test_parser.py
index 73178f3e7759b..124a2790bf2bd 100644
--- a/Lib/test/test_parser.py
+++ b/Lib/test/test_parser.py
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
 import unittest
 import operator
 import struct
+import sys
 from test import support
 from test.support.script_helper import assert_python_failure
 from test.support.script_helper import assert_python_ok
@@ -899,9 +900,10 @@ def test_deeply_nested_list(self):
         st = parser.expr(e)
+    @unittest.skipIf(sys.flags.use_peg, "Pegen does not trigger memory error with this many parenthesis")
     def test_trigger_memory_error(self):
         e = self._nested_expression(100)
-        rc, out, err = assert_python_failure('-c', e)
+        rc, out, err = assert_python_failure('-Xoldparser', '-c', e)
         # parsing the expression will result in an error message
         # followed by a MemoryError (see #11963)
         self.assertIn(b's_push: parser stack overflow', err)
diff --git a/Lib/test/test_peg_generator/__init__.py b/Lib/test/test_peg_generator/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..fa855f2104c58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/test/test_peg_generator/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+import os
+from test.support import load_package_tests
+# Load all tests in package
+def load_tests(*args):
+    return load_package_tests(os.path.dirname(__file__), *args)
diff --git a/Lib/test/test_peg_generator/__main__.py b/Lib/test/test_peg_generator/__main__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..1fab1fddb5744
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/test/test_peg_generator/__main__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+import unittest
+from . import load_tests
diff --git a/Lib/test/test_peg_generator/ast_dump.py b/Lib/test/test_peg_generator/ast_dump.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..22d2dde775597
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/test/test_peg_generator/ast_dump.py
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+Copy-parse of ast.dump, removing the `isinstance` checks. This is needed,
+because testing pegen requires generating a C extension module, which contains
+a copy of the symbols defined in Python-ast.c. Thus, the isinstance check would
+always fail. We rely on string comparison of the base classes instead.
+TODO: Remove the above-described hack.
+def ast_dump(node, annotate_fields=True, include_attributes=False, *, indent=None):
+    def _format(node, level=0):
+        if indent is not None:
+            level += 1
+            prefix = '\n' + indent * level
+            sep = ',\n' + indent * level
+        else:
+            prefix = ''
+            sep = ', '
+        if any(cls.__name__ == 'AST' for cls in node.__class__.__mro__):
+            cls = type(node)
+            args = []
+            allsimple = True
+            keywords = annotate_fields
+            for name in node._fields:
+                try:
+                    value = getattr(node, name)
+                except AttributeError:
+                    keywords = True
+                    continue
+                if value is None and getattr(cls, name, ...) is None:
+                    keywords = True
+                    continue
+                value, simple = _format(value, level)
+                allsimple = allsimple and simple
+                if keywords:
+                    args.append('%s=%s' % (name, value))
+                else:
+                    args.append(value)
+            if include_attributes and node._attributes:
+                for name in node._attributes:
+                    try:
+                        value = getattr(node, name)
+                    except AttributeError:
+                        continue
+                    if value is None and getattr(cls, name, ...) is None:
+                        continue
+                    value, simple = _format(value, level)
+                    allsimple = allsimple and simple
+                    args.append('%s=%s' % (name, value))
+            if allsimple and len(args) <= 3:
+                return '%s(%s)' % (node.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(args)), not args
+            return '%s(%s%s)' % (node.__class__.__name__, prefix, sep.join(args)), False
+        elif isinstance(node, list):
+            if not node:
+                return '[]', True
+            return '[%s%s]' % (prefix, sep.join(_format(x, level)[0] for x in node)), False
+        return repr(node), True
+    if all(cls.__name__ != 'AST' for cls in node.__class__.__mro__):
+        raise TypeError('expected AST, got %r' % node.__class__.__name__)
+    if indent is not None and not isinstance(indent, str):
+        indent = ' ' * indent
+    return _format(node)[0]
diff --git a/Lib/test/test_peg_generator/test_c_parser.py b/Lib/test/test_peg_generator/test_c_parser.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..f2f699c83df01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/test/test_peg_generator/test_c_parser.py
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+import ast
+import contextlib
+import traceback
+import tempfile
+import shutil
+import unittest
+import sys
+from test import test_tools
+from test.test_peg_generator.ast_dump import ast_dump
+from pathlib import PurePath, Path
+from typing import Sequence
+with test_tools.imports_under_tool('peg_generator'):
+    from pegen.grammar_parser import GeneratedParser as GrammarParser
+    from pegen.testutil import (
+        parse_string,
+        generate_parser_c_extension,
+        generate_c_parser_source,
+    )
+class TestCParser(unittest.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.tmp_path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+    def tearDown(self):
+        with contextlib.suppress(PermissionError):
+            shutil.rmtree(self.tmp_path)
+    def check_input_strings_for_grammar(
+        self,
+        source: str,
+        tmp_path: PurePath,
+        valid_cases: Sequence[str] = (),
+        invalid_cases: Sequence[str] = (),
+    ) -> None:
+        grammar = parse_string(source, GrammarParser)
+        extension = generate_parser_c_extension(grammar, Path(tmp_path))
+        if valid_cases:
+            for case in valid_cases:
+                extension.parse_string(case, mode=0)
+        if invalid_cases:
+            for case in invalid_cases:
+                with self.assertRaises(SyntaxError):
+                    extension.parse_string(case, mode=0)
+    def verify_ast_generation(self, source: str, stmt: str, tmp_path: PurePath) -> None:
+        grammar = parse_string(source, GrammarParser)
+        extension = generate_parser_c_extension(grammar, Path(tmp_path))
+        expected_ast = ast.parse(stmt)
+        actual_ast = extension.parse_string(stmt, mode=1)
+        self.assertEqual(ast_dump(expected_ast), ast_dump(actual_ast))
+    def test_c_parser(self) -> None:
+        grammar_source = """
+        start[mod_ty]: a=stmt* $ { Module(a, NULL, p->arena) }
+        stmt[stmt_ty]: a=expr_stmt { a }
+        expr_stmt[stmt_ty]: a=expression NEWLINE { _Py_Expr(a, EXTRA) }
+        expression[expr_ty]: ( l=expression '+' r=term { _Py_BinOp(l, Add, r, EXTRA) }
+                            | l=expression '-' r=term { _Py_BinOp(l, Sub, r, EXTRA) }
+                            | t=term { t }
+                            )
+        term[expr_ty]: ( l=term '*' r=factor { _Py_BinOp(l, Mult, r, EXTRA) }
+                    | l=term '/' r=factor { _Py_BinOp(l, Div, r, EXTRA) }
+                    | f=factor { f }
+                    )
+        factor[expr_ty]: ('(' e=expression ')' { e }
+                        | a=atom { a }
+                        )
+        atom[expr_ty]: ( n=NAME { n }
+                    | n=NUMBER { n }
+                    | s=STRING { s }
+                    )
+        """
+        grammar = parse_string(grammar_source, GrammarParser)
+        extension = generate_parser_c_extension(grammar, Path(self.tmp_path))
+        expressions = [
+            "4+5",
+            "4-5",
+            "4*5",
+            "1+4*5",
+            "1+4/5",
+            "(1+1) + (1+1)",
+            "(1+1) - (1+1)",
+            "(1+1) * (1+1)",
+            "(1+1) / (1+1)",
+        ]
+        for expr in expressions:
+            the_ast = extension.parse_string(expr, mode=1)
+            expected_ast = ast.parse(expr)
+            self.assertEqual(ast_dump(the_ast), ast_dump(expected_ast))
+    def test_lookahead(self) -> None:
+        grammar = """
+        start: NAME &NAME expr NEWLINE? ENDMARKER
+        expr: NAME | NUMBER
+        """
+        valid_cases = ["foo bar"]
+        invalid_cases = ["foo 34"]
+        self.check_input_strings_for_grammar(grammar, self.tmp_path, valid_cases, invalid_cases)
+    def test_negative_lookahead(self) -> None:
+        grammar = """
+        start: NAME !NAME expr NEWLINE? ENDMARKER
+        expr: NAME | NUMBER
+        """
+        valid_cases = ["foo 34"]
+        invalid_cases = ["foo bar"]
+        self.check_input_strings_for_grammar(grammar, self.tmp_path, valid_cases, invalid_cases)
+    def test_cut(self) -> None:
+        grammar = """
+        start: X ~ Y Z | X Q S
+        X: 'x'
+        Y: 'y'
+        Z: 'z'
+        Q: 'q'
+        S: 's'
+        """
+        valid_cases = ["x y z"]
+        invalid_cases = ["x q s"]
+        self.check_input_strings_for_grammar(grammar, self.tmp_path, valid_cases, invalid_cases)
+    def test_gather(self) -> None:
+        grammar = """
+        start: ';'.pass_stmt+ NEWLINE
+        pass_stmt: 'pass'
+        """
+        valid_cases = ["pass", "pass; pass"]
+        invalid_cases = ["pass;", "pass; pass;"]
+        self.check_input_strings_for_grammar(grammar, self.tmp_path, valid_cases, invalid_cases)
+    def test_left_recursion(self) -> None:
+        grammar = """
+        start: expr NEWLINE
+        expr: ('-' term | expr '+' term | term)
+        term: NUMBER
+        """
+        valid_cases = ["-34", "34", "34 + 12", "1 + 1 + 2 + 3"]
+        self.check_input_strings_for_grammar(grammar, self.tmp_path, valid_cases)
+    def test_advanced_left_recursive(self) -> None:
+        grammar = """
+        start: NUMBER | sign start
+        sign: ['-']
+        """
+        valid_cases = ["23", "-34"]
+        self.check_input_strings_for_grammar(grammar, self.tmp_path, valid_cases)
+    def test_mutually_left_recursive(self) -> None:
+        grammar = """
+        start: foo 'E'
+        foo: bar 'A' | 'B'
+        bar: foo 'C' | 'D'
+        """
+        valid_cases = ["B E", "D A C A E"]
+        self.check_input_strings_for_grammar(grammar, self.tmp_path, valid_cases)
+    def test_nasty_mutually_left_recursive(self) -> None:
+        grammar = """
+        start: target '='
+        target: maybe '+' | NAME
+        maybe: maybe '-' | target
+        """
+        valid_cases = ["x ="]
+        invalid_cases = ["x - + ="]
+        self.check_input_strings_for_grammar(grammar, self.tmp_path, valid_cases, invalid_cases)
+    def test_return_stmt_noexpr_action(self) -> None:
+        grammar = """
+        start[mod_ty]: a=[statements] ENDMARKER { Module(a, NULL, p->arena) }
+        statements[asdl_seq*]: a=statement+ { a }
+        statement[stmt_ty]: simple_stmt
+        simple_stmt[stmt_ty]: small_stmt
+        small_stmt[stmt_ty]: return_stmt
+        return_stmt[stmt_ty]: a='return' NEWLINE { _Py_Return(NULL, EXTRA) }
+        """
+        stmt = "return"
+        self.verify_ast_generation(grammar, stmt, self.tmp_path)
+    def test_gather_action_ast(self) -> None:
+        grammar = """
+        start[mod_ty]: a=';'.pass_stmt+ NEWLINE ENDMARKER { Module(a, NULL, p->arena) }
+        pass_stmt[stmt_ty]: a='pass' { _Py_Pass(EXTRA)}
+        """
+        stmt = "pass; pass"
+        self.verify_ast_generation(grammar, stmt, self.tmp_path)
+    def test_pass_stmt_action(self) -> None:
+        grammar = """
+        start[mod_ty]: a=[statements] ENDMARKER { Module(a, NULL, p->arena) }
+        statements[asdl_seq*]: a=statement+ { a }
+        statement[stmt_ty]: simple_stmt
+        simple_stmt[stmt_ty]: small_stmt
+        small_stmt[stmt_ty]: pass_stmt
+        pass_stmt[stmt_ty]: a='pass' NEWLINE { _Py_Pass(EXTRA) }
+        """
+        stmt = "pass"
+        self.verify_ast_generation(grammar, stmt, self.tmp_path)
+    def test_if_stmt_action(self) -> None:
+        grammar = """
+        start[mod_ty]: a=[statements] ENDMARKER { Module(a, NULL, p->arena) }
+        statements[asdl_seq*]: a=statement+ { _PyPegen_seq_flatten(p, a) }
+        statement[asdl_seq*]:  a=compound_stmt { _PyPegen_singleton_seq(p, a) } | simple_stmt
+        simple_stmt[asdl_seq*]: a=small_stmt b=further_small_stmt* [';'] NEWLINE { _PyPegen_seq_insert_in_front(p, a, b) }
+        further_small_stmt[stmt_ty]: ';' a=small_stmt { a }
+        block: simple_stmt | NEWLINE INDENT a=statements DEDENT { a }
+        compound_stmt: if_stmt
+        if_stmt: 'if' a=full_expression ':' b=block { _Py_If(a, b, NULL, EXTRA) }
+        small_stmt[stmt_ty]: pass_stmt
+        pass_stmt[stmt_ty]: a='pass' { _Py_Pass(EXTRA) }
+        full_expression: NAME
+        """
+        stmt = "pass"
+        self.verify_ast_generation(grammar, stmt, self.tmp_path)
+    def test_same_name_different_types(self) -> None:
+        source = """
+        start[mod_ty]: a=import_from+ NEWLINE ENDMARKER { Module(a, NULL, p->arena)}
+        import_from[stmt_ty]: ( a='from' !'import' c=simple_name 'import' d=import_as_names_from {
+                                _Py_ImportFrom(c->v.Name.id, d, 0, EXTRA) }
+                            | a='from' '.' 'import' c=import_as_names_from {
+                                _Py_ImportFrom(NULL, c, 1, EXTRA) }
+                            )
+        simple_name[expr_ty]: NAME
+        import_as_names_from[asdl_seq*]: a=','.import_as_name_from+ { a }
+        import_as_name_from[alias_ty]: a=NAME 'as' b=NAME { _Py_alias(((expr_ty) a)->v.Name.id, ((expr_ty) b)->v.Name.id, p->arena) }
+        """
+        grammar = parse_string(source, GrammarParser)
+        extension = generate_parser_c_extension(grammar, Path(self.tmp_path))
+        for stmt in ("from a import b as c", "from . import a as b"):
+            expected_ast = ast.parse(stmt)
+            actual_ast = extension.parse_string(stmt, mode=1)
+            self.assertEqual(ast_dump(expected_ast), ast_dump(actual_ast))
+    def test_with_stmt_with_paren(self) -> None:
+        grammar_source = """
+        start[mod_ty]: a=[statements] ENDMARKER { Module(a, NULL, p->arena) }
+        statements[asdl_seq*]: a=statement+ { _PyPegen_seq_flatten(p, a) }
+        statement[asdl_seq*]: a=compound_stmt { _PyPegen_singleton_seq(p, a) }
+        compound_stmt[stmt_ty]: with_stmt
+        with_stmt[stmt_ty]: (
+            a='with' '(' b=','.with_item+ ')' ':' c=block {
+                _Py_With(b, _PyPegen_singleton_seq(p, c), NULL, EXTRA) }
+        )
+        with_item[withitem_ty]: (
+            e=NAME o=['as' t=NAME { t }] { _Py_withitem(e, _PyPegen_set_expr_context(p, o, Store), p->arena) }
+        )
+        block[stmt_ty]: a=pass_stmt NEWLINE { a } | NEWLINE INDENT a=pass_stmt DEDENT { a }
+        pass_stmt[stmt_ty]: a='pass' { _Py_Pass(EXTRA) }
+        """
+        stmt = "with (\n    a as b,\n    c as d\n): pass"
+        grammar = parse_string(grammar_source, GrammarParser)
+        extension = generate_parser_c_extension(grammar, Path(self.tmp_path))
+        the_ast = extension.parse_string(stmt, mode=1)
+        self.assertTrue(ast_dump(the_ast).startswith(
+            "Module(body=[With(items=[withitem(context_expr=Name(id='a', ctx=Load()), optional_vars=Name(id='b', ctx=Store())), "
+            "withitem(context_expr=Name(id='c', ctx=Load()), optional_vars=Name(id='d', ctx=Store()))]"
+        ))
+    def test_ternary_operator(self) -> None:
+        grammar_source = """
+        start[mod_ty]: a=expr ENDMARKER { Module(a, NULL, p->arena) }
+        expr[asdl_seq*]: a=listcomp NEWLINE { _PyPegen_singleton_seq(p, _Py_Expr(a, EXTRA)) }
+        listcomp[expr_ty]: (
+            a='[' b=NAME c=for_if_clauses d=']' { _Py_ListComp(b, c, EXTRA) }
+        )
+        for_if_clauses[asdl_seq*]: (
+            a=(y=[ASYNC] 'for' a=NAME 'in' b=NAME c=('if' z=NAME { z })*
+                { _Py_comprehension(_Py_Name(((expr_ty) a)->v.Name.id, Store, EXTRA), b, c, (y == NULL) ? 0 : 1, p->arena) })+ { a }
+        )
+        """
+        stmt = "[i for i in a if b]"
+        self.verify_ast_generation(grammar_source, stmt, self.tmp_path)
+    def test_syntax_error_for_string(self) -> None:
+        grammar_source = """
+        start: expr+ NEWLINE? ENDMARKER
+        expr: NAME
+        """
+        grammar = parse_string(grammar_source, GrammarParser)
+        print(list(Path(self.tmp_path).iterdir()))
+        extension = generate_parser_c_extension(grammar, Path(self.tmp_path))
+        for text in ("a b 42 b a", "名 名 42 名 名"):
+            try:
+                extension.parse_string(text, mode=0)
+            except SyntaxError as e:
+                tb = traceback.format_exc()
+            self.assertTrue('File "<string>", line 1' in tb)
+            self.assertTrue(f"SyntaxError: invalid syntax" in tb)
+    def test_headers_and_trailer(self) -> None:
+        grammar_source = """
+        @header 'SOME HEADER'
+        @subheader 'SOME SUBHEADER'
+        @trailer 'SOME TRAILER'
+        start: expr+ NEWLINE? ENDMARKER
+        expr: x=NAME
+        """
+        grammar = parse_string(grammar_source, GrammarParser)
+        parser_source = generate_c_parser_source(grammar)
+        self.assertTrue("SOME HEADER" in parser_source)
+        self.assertTrue("SOME SUBHEADER" in parser_source)
+        self.assertTrue("SOME TRAILER" in parser_source)
+    def test_error_in_rules(self) -> None:
+        grammar_source = """
+        start: expr+ NEWLINE? ENDMARKER
+        expr: NAME {PyTuple_New(-1)}
+        """
+        grammar = parse_string(grammar_source, GrammarParser)
+        extension = generate_parser_c_extension(grammar, Path(self.tmp_path))
+        # PyTuple_New raises SystemError if an invalid argument was passed.
+        with self.assertRaises(SystemError):
+            extension.parse_string("a", mode=0)
diff --git a/Lib/test/test_peg_generator/test_first_sets.py b/Lib/test/test_peg_generator/test_first_sets.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..425ee23aa1ab5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/test/test_peg_generator/test_first_sets.py
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+import unittest
+from test import test_tools
+from typing import Dict, Set
+with test_tools.imports_under_tool('peg_generator'):
+    from pegen.grammar_parser import GeneratedParser as GrammarParser
+    from pegen.testutil import parse_string
+    from pegen.first_sets import FirstSetCalculator
+    from pegen.grammar import Grammar
+class TestFirstSets(unittest.TestCase):
+    def calculate_first_sets(self, grammar_source: str) -> Dict[str, Set[str]]:
+        grammar: Grammar = parse_string(grammar_source, GrammarParser)
+        return FirstSetCalculator(grammar.rules).calculate()
+    def test_alternatives(self) -> None:
+        grammar = """
+            start: expr NEWLINE? ENDMARKER
+            expr: A | B
+            A: 'a' | '-'
+            B: 'b' | '+'
+        """
+        self.assertEqual(self.calculate_first_sets(grammar), {
+            "A": {"'a'", "'-'"},
+            "B": {"'+'", "'b'"},
+            "expr": {"'+'", "'a'", "'b'", "'-'"},
+            "start": {"'+'", "'a'", "'b'", "'-'"},
+        })
+    def test_optionals(self) -> None:
+        grammar = """
+            start: expr NEWLINE
+            expr: ['a'] ['b'] 'c'
+        """
+        self.assertEqual(self.calculate_first_sets(grammar), {
+            "expr": {"'c'", "'a'", "'b'"},
+            "start": {"'c'", "'a'", "'b'"},
+        })
+    def test_repeat_with_separator(self) -> None:
+        grammar = """
+        start: ','.thing+ NEWLINE
+        thing: NUMBER
+        """
+        self.assertEqual(self.calculate_first_sets(grammar), {"thing": {"NUMBER"}, "start": {"NUMBER"}})
+    def test_optional_operator(self) -> None:
+        grammar = """
+        start: sum NEWLINE
+        sum: (term)? 'b'
+        term: NUMBER
+        """
+        self.assertEqual(self.calculate_first_sets(grammar), {
+            "term": {"NUMBER"},
+            "sum": {"NUMBER", "'b'"},
+            "start": {"'b'", "NUMBER"},
+        })
+    def test_optional_literal(self) -> None:
+        grammar = """
+        start: sum NEWLINE
+        sum: '+' ? term
+        term: NUMBER
+        """
+        self.assertEqual(self.calculate_first_sets(grammar), {
+            "term": {"NUMBER"},
+            "sum": {"'+'", "NUMBER"},
+            "start": {"'+'", "NUMBER"},
+        })
+    def test_optional_after(self) -> None:
+        grammar = """
+        start: term NEWLINE
+        term: NUMBER ['+']
+        """
+        self.assertEqual(self.calculate_first_sets(grammar), {"term": {"NUMBER"}, "start": {"NUMBER"}})
+    def test_optional_before(self) -> None:
+        grammar = """
+        start: term NEWLINE
+        term: ['+'] NUMBER
+        """
+        self.assertEqual(self.calculate_first_sets(grammar), {"term": {"NUMBER", "'+'"}, "start": {"NUMBER", "'+'"}})
+    def test_repeat_0(self) -> None:
+        grammar = """
+        start: thing* "+" NEWLINE
+        thing: NUMBER
+        """
+        self.assertEqual(self.calculate_first_sets(grammar), {"thing": {"NUMBER"}, "start": {'"+"', "NUMBER"}})
+    def test_repeat_0_with_group(self) -> None:
+        grammar = """
+        start: ('+' '-')* term NEWLINE
+        term: NUMBER
+        """
+        self.assertEqual(self.calculate_first_sets(grammar), {"term": {"NUMBER"}, "start": {"'+'", "NUMBER"}})
+    def test_repeat_1(self) -> None:
+        grammar = """
+        start: thing+ '-' NEWLINE
+        thing: NUMBER
+        """
+        self.assertEqual(self.calculate_first_sets(grammar), {"thing": {"NUMBER"}, "start": {"NUMBER"}})
+    def test_repeat_1_with_group(self) -> None:
+        grammar = """
+        start: ('+' term)+ term NEWLINE
+        term: NUMBER
+        """
+        self.assertEqual(self.calculate_first_sets(grammar), {"term": {"NUMBER"}, "start": {"'+'"}})
+    def test_gather(self) -> None:
+        grammar = """
+        start: ','.thing+ NEWLINE
+        thing: NUMBER
+        """
+        self.assertEqual(self.calculate_first_sets(grammar), {"thing": {"NUMBER"}, "start": {"NUMBER"}})
+    def test_positive_lookahead(self) -> None:
+        grammar = """
+        start: expr NEWLINE
+        expr: &'a' opt
+        opt: 'a' | 'b' | 'c'
+        """
+        self.assertEqual(self.calculate_first_sets(grammar), {
+            "expr": {"'a'"},
+            "start": {"'a'"},
+            "opt": {"'b'", "'c'", "'a'"},
+        })
+    def test_negative_lookahead(self) -> None:
+        grammar = """
+        start: expr NEWLINE
+        expr: !'a' opt
+        opt: 'a' | 'b' | 'c'
+        """
+        self.assertEqual(self.calculate_first_sets(grammar), {
+            "opt": {"'b'", "'a'", "'c'"},
+            "expr": {"'b'", "'c'"},
+            "start": {"'b'", "'c'"},
+        })
+    def test_left_recursion(self) -> None:
+        grammar = """
+        start: expr NEWLINE
+        expr: ('-' term | expr '+' term | term)
+        term: NUMBER
+        foo: 'foo'
+        bar: 'bar'
+        baz: 'baz'
+        """
+        self.assertEqual(self.calculate_first_sets(grammar), {
+            "expr": {"NUMBER", "'-'"},
+            "term": {"NUMBER"},
+            "start": {"NUMBER", "'-'"},
+            "foo": {"'foo'"},
+            "bar": {"'bar'"},
+            "baz": {"'baz'"},
+        })
+    def test_advance_left_recursion(self) -> None:
+        grammar = """
+        start: NUMBER | sign start
+        sign: ['-']
+        """
+        self.assertEqual(self.calculate_first_sets(grammar), {"sign": {"'-'", ""}, "start": {"'-'", "NUMBER"}})
+    def test_mutual_left_recursion(self) -> None:
+        grammar = """
+        start: foo 'E'
+        foo: bar 'A' | 'B'
+        bar: foo 'C' | 'D'
+        """
+        self.assertEqual(self.calculate_first_sets(grammar), {
+            "foo": {"'D'", "'B'"},
+            "bar": {"'D'"},
+            "start": {"'D'", "'B'"},
+        })
+    def test_nasty_left_recursion(self) -> None:
+        # TODO: Validate this
+        grammar = """
+        start: target '='
+        target: maybe '+' | NAME
+        maybe: maybe '-' | target
+        """
+        self.assertEqual(self.calculate_first_sets(grammar), {"maybe": set(), "target": {"NAME"}, "start": {"NAME"}})
+    def test_nullable_rule(self) -> None:
+        grammar = """
+        start: sign thing $
+        sign: ['-']
+        thing: NUMBER
+        """
+        self.assertEqual(self.calculate_first_sets(grammar), {
+            "sign": {"", "'-'"},
+            "thing": {"NUMBER"},
+            "start": {"NUMBER", "'-'"},
+        })
+    def test_epsilon_production_in_start_rule(self) -> None:
+        grammar = """
+        start: ['-'] $
+        """
+        self.assertEqual(self.calculate_first_sets(grammar), {"start": {"ENDMARKER", "'-'"}})
+    def test_multiple_nullable_rules(self) -> None:
+        grammar = """
+        start: sign thing other another $
+        sign: ['-']
+        thing: ['+']
+        other: '*'
+        another: '/'
+        """
+        self.assertEqual(self.calculate_first_sets(grammar), {
+            "sign": {"", "'-'"},
+            "thing": {"'+'", ""},
+            "start": {"'+'", "'-'", "'*'"},
+            "other": {"'*'"},
+            "another": {"'/'"},
+        })
diff --git a/Lib/test/test_peg_generator/test_pegen.py b/Lib/test/test_peg_generator/test_pegen.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..581c7acd337e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/test/test_peg_generator/test_pegen.py
@@ -0,0 +1,728 @@
+import io
+import textwrap
+import unittest
+from test import test_tools
+from typing import Dict, Any
+from tokenize import TokenInfo, NAME, NEWLINE, NUMBER, OP
+with test_tools.imports_under_tool('peg_generator'):
+    from pegen.grammar_parser import GeneratedParser as GrammarParser
+    from pegen.testutil import (
+        parse_string,
+        generate_parser,
+        make_parser
+    )
+    from pegen.grammar import GrammarVisitor, GrammarError, Grammar
+    from pegen.grammar_visualizer import ASTGrammarPrinter
+    from pegen.parser import Parser
+    from pegen.python_generator import PythonParserGenerator
+class TestPegen(unittest.TestCase):
+    def test_parse_grammar(self) -> None:
+        grammar_source = """
+        start: sum NEWLINE
+        sum: t1=term '+' t2=term { action } | term
+        term: NUMBER
+        """
+        expected = """
+        start: sum NEWLINE
+        sum: term '+' term | term
+        term: NUMBER
+        """
+        grammar: Grammar = parse_string(grammar_source, GrammarParser)
+        rules = grammar.rules
+        self.assertEqual(str(grammar), textwrap.dedent(expected).strip())
+        # Check the str() and repr() of a few rules; AST nodes don't support ==.
+        self.assertEqual(str(rules["start"]), "start: sum NEWLINE")
+        self.assertEqual(str(rules["sum"]), "sum: term '+' term | term")
+        expected_repr = "Rule('term', None, Rhs([Alt([NamedItem(None, NameLeaf('NUMBER'))])]))"
+        self.assertEqual(repr(rules["term"]), expected_repr)
+    def test_long_rule_str(self) -> None:
+        grammar_source = """
+        start: zero | one | one zero | one one | one zero zero | one zero one | one one zero | one one one
+        """
+        expected = """
+        start:
+            | zero
+            | one
+            | one zero
+            | one one
+            | one zero zero
+            | one zero one
+            | one one zero
+            | one one one
+        """
+        grammar: Grammar = parse_string(grammar_source, GrammarParser)
+        self.assertEqual(str(grammar.rules["start"]), textwrap.dedent(expected).strip())
+    def test_typed_rules(self) -> None:
+        grammar = """
+        start[int]: sum NEWLINE
+        sum[int]: t1=term '+' t2=term { action } | term
+        term[int]: NUMBER
+        """
+        rules = parse_string(grammar, GrammarParser).rules
+        # Check the str() and repr() of a few rules; AST nodes don't support ==.
+        self.assertEqual(str(rules["start"]), "start: sum NEWLINE")
+        self.assertEqual(str(rules["sum"]), "sum: term '+' term | term")
+        self.assertEqual(
+            repr(rules["term"]),
+            "Rule('term', 'int', Rhs([Alt([NamedItem(None, NameLeaf('NUMBER'))])]))"
+        )
+    def test_repeat_with_separator_rules(self) -> None:
+        grammar = """
+        start: ','.thing+ NEWLINE
+        thing: NUMBER
+        """
+        rules = parse_string(grammar, GrammarParser).rules
+        self.assertEqual(str(rules["start"]), "start: ','.thing+ NEWLINE")
+        print(repr(rules["start"]))
+        self.assertTrue(repr(rules["start"]).startswith(
+            "Rule('start', None, Rhs([Alt([NamedItem(None, Gather(StringLeaf(\"','\"), NameLeaf('thing'"
+        ))
+        self.assertEqual(str(rules["thing"]), "thing: NUMBER")
+    def test_expr_grammar(self) -> None:
+        grammar = """
+        start: sum NEWLINE
+        sum: term '+' term | term
+        term: NUMBER
+        """
+        parser_class = make_parser(grammar)
+        node = parse_string("42\n", parser_class)
+        self.assertEqual(node, [
+            [[TokenInfo(NUMBER, string="42", start=(1, 0), end=(1, 2), line="42\n")]],
+            TokenInfo(NEWLINE, string="\n", start=(1, 2), end=(1, 3), line="42\n"),
+        ])
+    def test_optional_operator(self) -> None:
+        grammar = """
+        start: sum NEWLINE
+        sum: term ('+' term)?
+        term: NUMBER
+        """
+        parser_class = make_parser(grammar)
+        node = parse_string("1+2\n", parser_class)
+        self.assertEqual(node, [
+            [
+                [TokenInfo(NUMBER, string="1", start=(1, 0), end=(1, 1), line="1+2\n")],
+                [
+                    TokenInfo(OP, string="+", start=(1, 1), end=(1, 2), line="1+2\n"),
+                    [TokenInfo(NUMBER, string="2", start=(1, 2), end=(1, 3), line="1+2\n")],
+                ],
+            ],
+            TokenInfo(NEWLINE, string="\n", start=(1, 3), end=(1, 4), line="1+2\n"),
+        ])
+        node = parse_string("1\n", parser_class)
+        self.assertEqual(node, [
+            [[TokenInfo(NUMBER, string="1", start=(1, 0), end=(1, 1), line="1\n")], None],
+            TokenInfo(NEWLINE, string="\n", start=(1, 1), end=(1, 2), line="1\n"),
+        ])
+    def test_optional_literal(self) -> None:
+        grammar = """
+        start: sum NEWLINE
+        sum: term '+' ?
+        term: NUMBER
+        """
+        parser_class = make_parser(grammar)
+        node = parse_string("1+\n", parser_class)
+        self.assertEqual(node, [
+            [
+                [TokenInfo(NUMBER, string="1", start=(1, 0), end=(1, 1), line="1+\n")],
+                TokenInfo(OP, string="+", start=(1, 1), end=(1, 2), line="1+\n"),
+            ],
+            TokenInfo(NEWLINE, string="\n", start=(1, 2), end=(1, 3), line="1+\n"),
+        ])
+        node = parse_string("1\n", parser_class)
+        self.assertEqual(node, [
+            [[TokenInfo(NUMBER, string="1", start=(1, 0), end=(1, 1), line="1\n")], None],
+            TokenInfo(NEWLINE, string="\n", start=(1, 1), end=(1, 2), line="1\n"),
+        ])
+    def test_alt_optional_operator(self) -> None:
+        grammar = """
+        start: sum NEWLINE
+        sum: term ['+' term]
+        term: NUMBER
+        """
+        parser_class = make_parser(grammar)
+        node = parse_string("1 + 2\n", parser_class)
+        self.assertEqual(node, [
+            [
+                [TokenInfo(NUMBER, string="1", start=(1, 0), end=(1, 1), line="1 + 2\n")],
+                [
+                    TokenInfo(OP, string="+", start=(1, 2), end=(1, 3), line="1 + 2\n"),
+                    [TokenInfo(NUMBER, string="2", start=(1, 4), end=(1, 5), line="1 + 2\n")],
+                ],
+            ],
+            TokenInfo(NEWLINE, string="\n", start=(1, 5), end=(1, 6), line="1 + 2\n"),
+        ])
+        node = parse_string("1\n", parser_class)
+        self.assertEqual(node, [
+            [[TokenInfo(NUMBER, string="1", start=(1, 0), end=(1, 1), line="1\n")], None],
+            TokenInfo(NEWLINE, string="\n", start=(1, 1), end=(1, 2), line="1\n"),
+        ])
+    def test_repeat_0_simple(self) -> None:
+        grammar = """
+        start: thing thing* NEWLINE
+        thing: NUMBER
+        """
+        parser_class = make_parser(grammar)
+        node = parse_string("1 2 3\n", parser_class)
+        self.assertEqual(node, [
+            [TokenInfo(NUMBER, string="1", start=(1, 0), end=(1, 1), line="1 2 3\n")],
+            [
+                [[TokenInfo(NUMBER, string="2", start=(1, 2), end=(1, 3), line="1 2 3\n")]],
+                [[TokenInfo(NUMBER, string="3", start=(1, 4), end=(1, 5), line="1 2 3\n")]],
+            ],
+            TokenInfo(NEWLINE, string="\n", start=(1, 5), end=(1, 6), line="1 2 3\n"),
+        ])
+        node = parse_string("1\n", parser_class)
+        self.assertEqual(node, [
+            [TokenInfo(NUMBER, string="1", start=(1, 0), end=(1, 1), line="1\n")],
+            [],
+            TokenInfo(NEWLINE, string="\n", start=(1, 1), end=(1, 2), line="1\n"),
+        ])
+    def test_repeat_0_complex(self) -> None:
+        grammar = """
+        start: term ('+' term)* NEWLINE
+        term: NUMBER
+        """
+        parser_class = make_parser(grammar)
+        node = parse_string("1 + 2 + 3\n", parser_class)
+        self.assertEqual(node, [
+            [TokenInfo(NUMBER, string="1", start=(1, 0), end=(1, 1), line="1 + 2 + 3\n")],
+            [
+                [
+                    [
+                        TokenInfo(OP, string="+", start=(1, 2), end=(1, 3), line="1 + 2 + 3\n"),
+                        [TokenInfo(NUMBER, string="2", start=(1, 4), end=(1, 5), line="1 + 2 + 3\n")],
+                    ]
+                ],
+                [
+                    [
+                        TokenInfo(OP, string="+", start=(1, 6), end=(1, 7), line="1 + 2 + 3\n"),
+                        [TokenInfo(NUMBER, string="3", start=(1, 8), end=(1, 9), line="1 + 2 + 3\n")],
+                    ]
+                ],
+            ],
+            TokenInfo(NEWLINE, string="\n", start=(1, 9), end=(1, 10), line="1 + 2 + 3\n"),
+        ])
+    def test_repeat_1_simple(self) -> None:
+        grammar = """
+        start: thing thing+ NEWLINE
+        thing: NUMBER
+        """
+        parser_class = make_parser(grammar)
+        node = parse_string("1 2 3\n", parser_class)
+        self.assertEqual(node, [
+            [TokenInfo(NUMBER, string="1", start=(1, 0), end=(1, 1), line="1 2 3\n")],
+            [
+                [[TokenInfo(NUMBER, string="2", start=(1, 2), end=(1, 3), line="1 2 3\n")]],
+                [[TokenInfo(NUMBER, string="3", start=(1, 4), end=(1, 5), line="1 2 3\n")]],
+            ],
+            TokenInfo(NEWLINE, string="\n", start=(1, 5), end=(1, 6), line="1 2 3\n"),
+        ])
+        with self.assertRaises(SyntaxError):
+            parse_string("1\n", parser_class)
+    def test_repeat_1_complex(self) -> None:
+        grammar = """
+        start: term ('+' term)+ NEWLINE
+        term: NUMBER
+        """
+        parser_class = make_parser(grammar)
+        node = parse_string("1 + 2 + 3\n", parser_class)
+        self.assertEqual(node, [
+            [TokenInfo(NUMBER, string="1", start=(1, 0), end=(1, 1), line="1 + 2 + 3\n")],
+            [
+                [
+                    [
+                        TokenInfo(OP, string="+", start=(1, 2), end=(1, 3), line="1 + 2 + 3\n"),
+                        [TokenInfo(NUMBER, string="2", start=(1, 4), end=(1, 5), line="1 + 2 + 3\n")],
+                    ]
+                ],
+                [
+                    [
+                        TokenInfo(OP, string="+", start=(1, 6), end=(1, 7), line="1 + 2 + 3\n"),
+                        [TokenInfo(NUMBER, string="3", start=(1, 8), end=(1, 9), line="1 + 2 + 3\n")],
+                    ]
+                ],
+            ],
+            TokenInfo(NEWLINE, string="\n", start=(1, 9), end=(1, 10), line="1 + 2 + 3\n"),
+        ])
+        with self.assertRaises(SyntaxError):
+            parse_string("1\n", parser_class)
+    def test_repeat_with_sep_simple(self) -> None:
+        grammar = """
+        start: ','.thing+ NEWLINE
+        thing: NUMBER
+        """
+        parser_class = make_parser(grammar)
+        node = parse_string("1, 2, 3\n", parser_class)
+        self.assertEqual(node, [
+            [
+                [TokenInfo(NUMBER, string="1", start=(1, 0), end=(1, 1), line="1, 2, 3\n")],
+                [TokenInfo(NUMBER, string="2", start=(1, 3), end=(1, 4), line="1, 2, 3\n")],
+                [TokenInfo(NUMBER, string="3", start=(1, 6), end=(1, 7), line="1, 2, 3\n")],
+            ],
+            TokenInfo(NEWLINE, string="\n", start=(1, 7), end=(1, 8), line="1, 2, 3\n"),
+        ])
+    def test_left_recursive(self) -> None:
+        grammar_source = """
+        start: expr NEWLINE
+        expr: ('-' term | expr '+' term | term)
+        term: NUMBER
+        foo: NAME+
+        bar: NAME*
+        baz: NAME?
+        """
+        grammar: Grammar = parse_string(grammar_source, GrammarParser)
+        parser_class = generate_parser(grammar)
+        rules = grammar.rules
+        self.assertFalse(rules["start"].left_recursive)
+        self.assertTrue(rules["expr"].left_recursive)
+        self.assertFalse(rules["term"].left_recursive)
+        self.assertFalse(rules["foo"].left_recursive)
+        self.assertFalse(rules["bar"].left_recursive)
+        self.assertFalse(rules["baz"].left_recursive)
+        node = parse_string("1 + 2 + 3\n", parser_class)
+        self.assertEqual(node, [
+            [
+                [
+                    [[TokenInfo(NUMBER, string="1", start=(1, 0), end=(1, 1), line="1 + 2 + 3\n")]],
+                    TokenInfo(OP, string="+", start=(1, 2), end=(1, 3), line="1 + 2 + 3\n"),
+                    [TokenInfo(NUMBER, string="2", start=(1, 4), end=(1, 5), line="1 + 2 + 3\n")],
+                ],
+                TokenInfo(OP, string="+", start=(1, 6), end=(1, 7), line="1 + 2 + 3\n"),
+                [TokenInfo(NUMBER, string="3", start=(1, 8), end=(1, 9), line="1 + 2 + 3\n")],
+            ],
+            TokenInfo(NEWLINE, string="\n", start=(1, 9), end=(1, 10), line="1 + 2 + 3\n"),
+        ])
+    def test_python_expr(self) -> None:
+        grammar = """
+        start: expr NEWLINE? $ { ast.Expression(expr, lineno=1, col_offset=0) }
+        expr: ( expr '+' term { ast.BinOp(expr, ast.Add(), term, lineno=expr.lineno, col_offset=expr.col_offset, end_lineno=term.end_lineno, end_col_offset=term.end_col_offset) }
+            | expr '-' term { ast.BinOp(expr, ast.Sub(), term, lineno=expr.lineno, col_offset=expr.col_offset, end_lineno=term.end_lineno, end_col_offset=term.end_col_offset) }
+            | term { term }
+            )
+        term: ( l=term '*' r=factor { ast.BinOp(l, ast.Mult(), r, lineno=l.lineno, col_offset=l.col_offset, end_lineno=r.end_lineno, end_col_offset=r.end_col_offset) }
+            | l=term '/' r=factor { ast.BinOp(l, ast.Div(), r, lineno=l.lineno, col_offset=l.col_offset, end_lineno=r.end_lineno, end_col_offset=r.end_col_offset) }
+            | factor { factor }
+            )
+        factor: ( '(' expr ')' { expr }
+                | atom { atom }
+                )
+        atom: ( n=NAME { ast.Name(id=n.string, ctx=ast.Load(), lineno=n.start[0], col_offset=n.start[1], end_lineno=n.end[0], end_col_offset=n.end[1]) }
+            | n=NUMBER { ast.Constant(value=ast.literal_eval(n.string), lineno=n.start[0], col_offset=n.start[1], end_lineno=n.end[0], end_col_offset=n.end[1]) }
+            )
+        """
+        parser_class = make_parser(grammar)
+        node = parse_string("(1 + 2*3 + 5)/(6 - 2)\n", parser_class)
+        code = compile(node, "", "eval")
+        val = eval(code)
+        self.assertEqual(val, 3.0)
+    def test_nullable(self) -> None:
+        grammar_source = """
+        start: sign NUMBER
+        sign: ['-' | '+']
+        """
+        grammar: Grammar = parse_string(grammar_source, GrammarParser)
+        out = io.StringIO()
+        genr = PythonParserGenerator(grammar, out)
+        rules = grammar.rules
+        self.assertFalse(rules["start"].nullable)  # Not None!
+        self.assertTrue(rules["sign"].nullable)
+    def test_advanced_left_recursive(self) -> None:
+        grammar_source = """
+        start: NUMBER | sign start
+        sign: ['-']
+        """
+        grammar: Grammar = parse_string(grammar_source, GrammarParser)
+        out = io.StringIO()
+        genr = PythonParserGenerator(grammar, out)
+        rules = grammar.rules
+        self.assertFalse(rules["start"].nullable)  # Not None!
+        self.assertTrue(rules["sign"].nullable)
+        self.assertTrue(rules["start"].left_recursive)
+        self.assertFalse(rules["sign"].left_recursive)
+    def test_mutually_left_recursive(self) -> None:
+        grammar_source = """
+        start: foo 'E'
+        foo: bar 'A' | 'B'
+        bar: foo 'C' | 'D'
+        """
+        grammar: Grammar = parse_string(grammar_source, GrammarParser)
+        out = io.StringIO()
+        genr = PythonParserGenerator(grammar, out)
+        rules = grammar.rules
+        self.assertFalse(rules["start"].left_recursive)
+        self.assertTrue(rules["foo"].left_recursive)
+        self.assertTrue(rules["bar"].left_recursive)
+        genr.generate("<string>")
+        ns: Dict[str, Any] = {}
+        exec(out.getvalue(), ns)
+        parser_class: Type[Parser] = ns["GeneratedParser"]
+        node = parse_string("D A C A E", parser_class)
+        self.assertEqual(node, [
+            [
+                [
+                    [
+                        [TokenInfo(type=NAME, string="D", start=(1, 0), end=(1, 1), line="D A C A E")],
+                        TokenInfo(type=NAME, string="A", start=(1, 2), end=(1, 3), line="D A C A E"),
+                    ],
+                    TokenInfo(type=NAME, string="C", start=(1, 4), end=(1, 5), line="D A C A E"),
+                ],
+                TokenInfo(type=NAME, string="A", start=(1, 6), end=(1, 7), line="D A C A E"),
+            ],
+            TokenInfo(type=NAME, string="E", start=(1, 8), end=(1, 9), line="D A C A E"),
+        ])
+        node = parse_string("B C A E", parser_class)
+        self.assertIsNotNone(node)
+        self.assertEqual(node, [
+            [
+                [
+                    [TokenInfo(type=NAME, string="B", start=(1, 0), end=(1, 1), line="B C A E")],
+                    TokenInfo(type=NAME, string="C", start=(1, 2), end=(1, 3), line="B C A E"),
+                ],
+                TokenInfo(type=NAME, string="A", start=(1, 4), end=(1, 5), line="B C A E"),
+            ],
+            TokenInfo(type=NAME, string="E", start=(1, 6), end=(1, 7), line="B C A E"),
+        ])
+    def test_nasty_mutually_left_recursive(self) -> None:
+        # This grammar does not recognize 'x - + =', much to my chagrin.
+        # But that's the way PEG works.
+        # [Breathlessly]
+        # The problem is that the toplevel target call
+        # recurses into maybe, which recognizes 'x - +',
+        # and then the toplevel target looks for another '+',
+        # which fails, so it retreats to NAME,
+        # which succeeds, so we end up just recognizing 'x',
+        # and then start fails because there's no '=' after that.
+        grammar_source = """
+        start: target '='
+        target: maybe '+' | NAME
+        maybe: maybe '-' | target
+        """
+        grammar: Grammar = parse_string(grammar_source, GrammarParser)
+        out = io.StringIO()
+        genr = PythonParserGenerator(grammar, out)
+        genr.generate("<string>")
+        ns: Dict[str, Any] = {}
+        exec(out.getvalue(), ns)
+        parser_class = ns["GeneratedParser"]
+        with self.assertRaises(SyntaxError):
+            parse_string("x - + =", parser_class)
+    def test_lookahead(self) -> None:
+        grammar = """
+        start: (expr_stmt | assign_stmt) &'.'
+        expr_stmt: !(target '=') expr
+        assign_stmt: target '=' expr
+        expr: term ('+' term)*
+        target: NAME
+        term: NUMBER
+        """
+        parser_class = make_parser(grammar)
+        node = parse_string("foo = 12 + 12 .", parser_class)
+        self.assertEqual(node, [
+            [
+                [
+                    [TokenInfo(NAME, string="foo", start=(1, 0), end=(1, 3), line="foo = 12 + 12 .")],
+                    TokenInfo(OP, string="=", start=(1, 4), end=(1, 5), line="foo = 12 + 12 ."),
+                    [
+                        [
+                            TokenInfo(
+                                NUMBER, string="12", start=(1, 6), end=(1, 8), line="foo = 12 + 12 ."
+                            )
+                        ],
+                        [
+                            [
+                                [
+                                    TokenInfo(
+                                        OP,
+                                        string="+",
+                                        start=(1, 9),
+                                        end=(1, 10),
+                                        line="foo = 12 + 12 .",
+                                    ),
+                                    [
+                                        TokenInfo(
+                                            NUMBER,
+                                            string="12",
+                                            start=(1, 11),
+                                            end=(1, 13),
+                                            line="foo = 12 + 12 .",
+                                        )
+                                    ],
+                                ]
+                            ]
+                        ],
+                    ],
+                ]
+            ]
+        ])
+    def test_named_lookahead_error(self) -> None:
+        grammar = """
+        start: foo=!'x' NAME
+        """
+        with self.assertRaises(SyntaxError):
+            make_parser(grammar)
+    def test_start_leader(self) -> None:
+        grammar = """
+        start: attr | NAME
+        attr: start '.' NAME
+        """
+        # Would assert False without a special case in compute_left_recursives().
+        make_parser(grammar)
+    def test_left_recursion_too_complex(self) -> None:
+        grammar = """
+        start: foo
+        foo: bar '+' | baz '+' | '+'
+        bar: baz '-' | foo '-' | '-'
+        baz: foo '*' | bar '*' | '*'
+        """
+        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as errinfo:
+            make_parser(grammar)
+            self.assertTrue("no leader" in str(errinfo.exception.value))
+    def test_cut(self) -> None:
+        grammar = """
+        start: '(' ~ expr ')'
+        expr: NUMBER
+        """
+        parser_class = make_parser(grammar)
+        node = parse_string("(1)", parser_class, verbose=True)
+        self.assertEqual(node, [
+            TokenInfo(OP, string="(", start=(1, 0), end=(1, 1), line="(1)"),
+            [TokenInfo(NUMBER, string="1", start=(1, 1), end=(1, 2), line="(1)")],
+            TokenInfo(OP, string=")", start=(1, 2), end=(1, 3), line="(1)"),
+        ])
+    def test_dangling_reference(self) -> None:
+        grammar = """
+        start: foo ENDMARKER
+        foo: bar NAME
+        """
+        with self.assertRaises(GrammarError):
+            parser_class = make_parser(grammar)
+    def test_bad_token_reference(self) -> None:
+        grammar = """
+        start: foo
+        foo: NAMEE
+        """
+        with self.assertRaises(GrammarError):
+            parser_class = make_parser(grammar)
+    def test_missing_start(self) -> None:
+        grammar = """
+        foo: NAME
+        """
+        with self.assertRaises(GrammarError):
+            parser_class = make_parser(grammar)
+class TestGrammarVisitor:
+    class Visitor(GrammarVisitor):
+        def __init__(self) -> None:
+            self.n_nodes = 0
+        def visit(self, node: Any, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
+            self.n_nodes += 1
+            super().visit(node, *args, **kwargs)
+    def test_parse_trivial_grammar(self) -> None:
+        grammar = """
+        start: 'a'
+        """
+        rules = parse_string(grammar, GrammarParser)
+        visitor = self.Visitor()
+        visitor.visit(rules)
+        self.assertEqual(visitor.n_nodes, 6)
+    def test_parse_or_grammar(self) -> None:
+        grammar = """
+        start: rule
+        rule: 'a' | 'b'
+        """
+        rules = parse_string(grammar, GrammarParser)
+        visitor = self.Visitor()
+        visitor.visit(rules)
+        # Grammar/Rule/Rhs/Alt/NamedItem/NameLeaf   -> 6
+        #         Rule/Rhs/                         -> 2
+        #                  Alt/NamedItem/StringLeaf -> 3
+        #                  Alt/NamedItem/StringLeaf -> 3
+        self.assertEqual(visitor.n_nodes, 14)
+    def test_parse_repeat1_grammar(self) -> None:
+        grammar = """
+        start: 'a'+
+        """
+        rules = parse_string(grammar, GrammarParser)
+        visitor = self.Visitor()
+        visitor.visit(rules)
+        # Grammar/Rule/Rhs/Alt/NamedItem/Repeat1/StringLeaf -> 6
+        self.assertEqual(visitor.n_nodes, 7)
+    def test_parse_repeat0_grammar(self) -> None:
+        grammar = """
+        start: 'a'*
+        """
+        rules = parse_string(grammar, GrammarParser)
+        visitor = self.Visitor()
+        visitor.visit(rules)
+        # Grammar/Rule/Rhs/Alt/NamedItem/Repeat0/StringLeaf -> 6
+        self.assertEqual(visitor.n_nodes, 7)
+    def test_parse_optional_grammar(self) -> None:
+        grammar = """
+        start: 'a' ['b']
+        """
+        rules = parse_string(grammar, GrammarParser)
+        visitor = self.Visitor()
+        visitor.visit(rules)
+        # Grammar/Rule/Rhs/Alt/NamedItem/StringLeaf                       -> 6
+        #                      NamedItem/Opt/Rhs/Alt/NamedItem/Stringleaf -> 6
+        self.assertEqual(visitor.n_nodes, 12)
+class TestGrammarVisualizer(unittest.TestCase):
+    def test_simple_rule(self) -> None:
+        grammar = """
+        start: 'a' 'b'
+        """
+        rules = parse_string(grammar, GrammarParser)
+        printer = ASTGrammarPrinter()
+        lines: List[str] = []
+        printer.print_grammar_ast(rules, printer=lines.append)
+        output = "\n".join(lines)
+        expected_output = textwrap.dedent(
+            """\
+        └──Rule
+           └──Rhs
+              └──Alt
+                 ├──NamedItem
+                 │  └──StringLeaf("'a'")
+                 └──NamedItem
+                    └──StringLeaf("'b'")
+        """
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(output, expected_output)
+    def test_multiple_rules(self) -> None:
+        grammar = """
+        start: a b
+        a: 'a'
+        b: 'b'
+        """
+        rules = parse_string(grammar, GrammarParser)
+        printer = ASTGrammarPrinter()
+        lines: List[str] = []
+        printer.print_grammar_ast(rules, printer=lines.append)
+        output = "\n".join(lines)
+        expected_output = textwrap.dedent(
+            """\
+        └──Rule
+           └──Rhs
+              └──Alt
+                 ├──NamedItem
+                 │  └──NameLeaf('a')
+                 └──NamedItem
+                    └──NameLeaf('b')
+        └──Rule
+           └──Rhs
+              └──Alt
+                 └──NamedItem
+                    └──StringLeaf("'a'")
+        └──Rule
+           └──Rhs
+              └──Alt
+                 └──NamedItem
+                    └──StringLeaf("'b'")
+                        """
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(output, expected_output)
+    def test_deep_nested_rule(self) -> None:
+        grammar = """
+        start: 'a' ['b'['c'['d']]]
+        """
+        rules = parse_string(grammar, GrammarParser)
+        printer = ASTGrammarPrinter()
+        lines: List[str] = []
+        printer.print_grammar_ast(rules, printer=lines.append)
+        output = "\n".join(lines)
+        print()
+        print(output)
+        expected_output = textwrap.dedent(
+            """\
+        └──Rule
+           └──Rhs
+              └──Alt
+                 ├──NamedItem
+                 │  └──StringLeaf("'a'")
+                 └──NamedItem
+                    └──Opt
+                       └──Rhs
+                          └──Alt
+                             ├──NamedItem
+                             │  └──StringLeaf("'b'")
+                             └──NamedItem
+                                └──Opt
+                                   └──Rhs
+                                      └──Alt
+                                         ├──NamedItem
+                                         │  └──StringLeaf("'c'")
+                                         └──NamedItem
+                                            └──Opt
+                                               └──Rhs
+                                                  └──Alt
+                                                     └──NamedItem
+                                                        └──StringLeaf("'d'")
+                                """
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(output, expected_output)
diff --git a/Lib/test/test_peg_parser.py b/Lib/test/test_peg_parser.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..5aa6c0d8f4814
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/test/test_peg_parser.py
@@ -0,0 +1,764 @@
+import ast
+import os
+import sys
+import _peg_parser as peg_parser
+import unittest
+from pathlib import PurePath
+from typing import Any, Union, Iterable, Tuple
+from textwrap import dedent
+    ('annotated_assignment', 'x: int = 42'),
+    ('annotated_assignment_with_tuple', 'x: tuple = 1, 2'),
+    ('annotated_assignment_with_parens', '(paren): int = 3+2'),
+    ('annotated_assignment_with_yield', 'x: int = yield 42'),
+    ('annotated_no_assignment', 'x: int'),
+    ('annotation_with_multiple_parens', '((parens)): int'),
+    ('annotation_with_parens', '(parens): int'),
+    ('annotated_assignment_with_attr', 'a.b: int'),
+    ('annotated_assignment_with_subscript', 'a[b]: int'),
+    ('annotated_assignment_with_attr_and_parens', '(a.b): int'),
+    ('annotated_assignment_with_subscript_and_parens', '(a[b]): int'),
+    ('assert', 'assert a'),
+    ('assert_message', 'assert a, b'),
+    ('assignment_false', 'a = False'),
+    ('assignment_none', 'a = None'),
+    ('assignment_true', 'a = True'),
+    ('assignment_paren', '(a) = 42'),
+    ('assignment_paren_multiple', '(a, b) = (0, 1)'),
+    ('asyncfor',
+     '''
+        async for i in a:
+            pass
+     '''),
+    ('attribute_call', 'a.b()'),
+    ('attribute_multiple_names', 'abcd.efg.hij'),
+    ('attribute_simple', 'a.b'),
+    ('attributes_subscript', 'a.b[0]'),
+    ('augmented_assignment', 'x += 42'),
+    ('binop_add', '1 + 1'),
+    ('binop_add_multiple', '1 + 1 + 1 + 1'),
+    ('binop_all', '1 + 2 * 5 + 3 ** 2 - -3'),
+    ('binop_boolop_comp', '1 + 1 == 2 or 1 + 1 == 3 and not b'),
+    ('boolop_or', 'a or b'),
+    ('boolop_or_multiple', 'a or b or c'),
+    ('class_def_bases',
+     '''
+        class C(A, B):
+            pass
+     '''),
+    ('class_def_decorators',
+     '''
+        @a
+        class C:
+            pass
+     '''),
+    ('class_def_decorator_with_expression',
+     '''
+        @lambda x: 42
+        class C:
+            pass
+     '''),
+    ('class_def_decorator_with_expression_and_walrus',
+     '''
+        @x:=lambda x: 42
+        class C:
+            pass
+     '''),
+    ('class_def_keywords',
+     '''
+        class C(keyword=a+b, **c):
+            pass
+     '''),
+    ('class_def_mixed',
+     '''
+        class C(A, B, keyword=0, **a):
+            pass
+     '''),
+    ('class_def_simple',
+     '''
+        class C:
+            pass
+     '''),
+    ('class_def_starred_and_kwarg',
+     '''
+        class C(A, B, *x, **y):
+            pass
+     '''),
+    ('class_def_starred_in_kwargs',
+     '''
+        class C(A, x=2, *[B, C], y=3):
+            pass
+     '''),
+    ('call_attribute', 'f().b'),
+    ('call_genexp', 'f(i for i in a)'),
+    ('call_mixed_args', 'f(a, b, *c, **d)'),
+    ('call_mixed_args_named', 'f(a, b, *c, d=4, **v)'),
+    ('call_one_arg', 'f(a)'),
+    ('call_posarg_genexp', 'f(a, (i for i in a))'),
+    ('call_simple', 'f()'),
+    ('call_subscript', 'f()[0]'),
+    ('comp', 'a == b'),
+    ('comp_multiple', 'a == b == c'),
+    ('comp_paren_end', 'a == (b-1)'),
+    ('comp_paren_start', '(a-1) == b'),
+    ('decorator',
+     '''
+        @a
+        def f():
+            pass
+     '''),
+    ('decorator_async',
+     '''
+        @a
+        async def d():
+            pass
+     '''),
+    ('decorator_with_expression',
+     '''
+        @lambda x: 42
+        def f():
+            pass
+     '''),
+    ('decorator_with_expression_and_walrus',
+     '''
+        @x:=lambda x: 42
+        def f():
+            pass
+     '''),
+    ('del_attribute', 'del a.b'),
+    ('del_call_attribute', 'del a().c'),
+    ('del_call_genexp_attribute', 'del a(i for i in b).c'),
+    ('del_empty', 'del()'),
+    ('del_list', 'del a, [b, c]'),
+    ('del_mixed', 'del a[0].b().c'),
+    ('del_multiple', 'del a, b'),
+    ('del_multiple_calls_attribute', 'del a()().b'),
+    ('del_paren', 'del(a,b)'),
+    ('del_paren_single_target', 'del(a)'),
+    ('del_subscript_attribute', 'del a[0].b'),
+    ('del_tuple', 'del a, (b, c)'),
+    ('delete', 'del a'),
+    ('dict',
+     '''
+        {
+            a: 1,
+            b: 2,
+            c: 3
+        }
+     '''),
+    ('dict_comp', '{x:1 for x in a}'),
+    ('dict_comp_if', '{x:1+2 for x in a if b}'),
+    ('dict_empty', '{}'),
+    ('for',
+     '''
+        for i in a:
+            pass
+     '''),
+    ('for_else',
+     '''
+        for i in a:
+            pass
+        else:
+            pass
+     '''),
+    ('for_star_target_in_paren', 'for (a) in b: pass'),
+    ('for_star_targets_attribute', 'for a.b in c: pass'),
+    ('for_star_targets_call_attribute', 'for a().c in b: pass'),
+    ('for_star_targets_empty', 'for () in a: pass'),
+    ('for_star_targets_mixed', 'for a[0].b().c in d: pass'),
+    ('for_star_targets_mixed_starred',
+     '''
+        for a, *b, (c, d) in e:
+            pass
+     '''),
+    ('for_star_targets_multiple', 'for a, b in c: pass'),
+    ('for_star_targets_nested_starred', 'for *[*a] in b: pass'),
+    ('for_star_targets_starred', 'for *a in b: pass'),
+    ('for_star_targets_subscript_attribute', 'for a[0].b in c: pass'),
+    ('for_star_targets_trailing_comma',
+     '''
+        for a, (b, c), in d:
+            pass
+     '''),
+    ('for_star_targets_tuple', 'for a, (b, c) in d: pass'),
+    ('for_underscore',
+     '''
+        for _ in a:
+            pass
+     '''),
+    ('function_return_type',
+     '''
+        def f() -> Any:
+            pass
+     '''),
+    ('f-string_slice', "f'{x[2]}'"),
+    ('f-string_slice_upper', "f'{x[2:3]}'"),
+    ('f-string_slice_step', "f'{x[2:3:-2]}'"),
+    ('f-string_constant', "f'{42}'"),
+    ('f-string_boolop', "f'{x and y}'"),
+    ('f-string_named_expr', "f'{(x:=42)}'"),
+    ('f-string_binop', "f'{x+y}'"),
+    ('f-string_unaryop', "f'{not x}'"),
+    ('f-string_lambda', "f'{(lambda x, /, y, y2=42 , *z, k1, k2=34, **k3: 42)}'"),
+    ('f-string_lambda_call', "f'{(lambda: 2)(2)}'"),
+    ('f-string_ifexpr', "f'{x if y else z}'"),
+    ('f-string_dict', "f'{ {2:34, 3:34} }'"),
+    ('f-string_set', "f'{ {2,-45} }'"),
+    ('f-string_list', "f'{ [2,-45] }'"),
+    ('f-string_tuple', "f'{ (2,-45) }'"),
+    ('f-string_listcomp', "f'{[x for x in y if z]}'"),
+    ('f-string_setcomp', "f'{ {x for x in y if z} }'"),
+    ('f-string_dictcomp', "f'{ {x:x for x in y if z} }'"),
+    ('f-string_genexpr', "f'{ (x for x in y if z) }'"),
+    ('f-string_yield', "f'{ (yield x) }'"),
+    ('f-string_yieldfrom', "f'{ (yield from x) }'"),
+    ('f-string_await', "f'{ await x }'"),
+    ('f-string_compare', "f'{ x == y }'"),
+    ('f-string_call', "f'{ f(x,y,z) }'"),
+    ('f-string_attribute', "f'{ f.x.y.z }'"),
+    ('f-string_starred', "f'{ *x, }'"),
+    ('f-string_doublestarred', "f'{ {**x} }'"),
+    ('f-string_escape_brace', "f'{{Escape'"),
+    ('f-string_escape_closing_brace', "f'Escape}}'"),
+    ('f-string_repr', "f'{a!r}'"),
+    ('f-string_str', "f'{a!s}'"),
+    ('f-string_ascii', "f'{a!a}'"),
+    ('f-string_debug', "f'{a=}'"),
+    ('f-string_padding', "f'{a:03d}'"),
+    ('f-string_multiline',
+     """
+        f'''
+        {hello}
+        '''
+     """),
+    ('f-string_multiline_in_expr',
+     """
+        f'''
+        {
+        hello
+        }
+        '''
+     """),
+    ('f-string_multiline_in_call',
+     """
+        f'''
+        {f(
+            a, b, c
+        )}
+        '''
+     """),
+    ('global', 'global a, b'),
+    ('group', '(yield a)'),
+    ('if_elif',
+     '''
+        if a:
+            pass
+        elif b:
+            pass
+     '''),
+    ('if_elif_elif',
+     '''
+        if a:
+            pass
+        elif b:
+            pass
+        elif c:
+            pass
+     '''),
+    ('if_elif_else',
+     '''
+        if a:
+            pass
+        elif b:
+            pass
+        else:
+           pass
+     '''),
+    ('if_else',
+     '''
+        if a:
+            pass
+        else:
+            pass
+     '''),
+    ('if_simple', 'if a: pass'),
+    ('import', 'import a'),
+    ('import_alias', 'import a as b'),
+    ('import_dotted', 'import a.b'),
+    ('import_dotted_alias', 'import a.b as c'),
+    ('import_dotted_multichar', 'import ab.cd'),
+    ('import_from', 'from a import b'),
+    ('import_from_alias', 'from a import b as c'),
+    ('import_from_dotted', 'from a.b import c'),
+    ('import_from_dotted_alias', 'from a.b import c as d'),
+    ('import_from_multiple_aliases', 'from a import b as c, d as e'),
+    ('import_from_one_dot', 'from .a import b'),
+    ('import_from_one_dot_alias', 'from .a import b as c'),
+    ('import_from_star', 'from a import *'),
+    ('import_from_three_dots', 'from ...a import b'),
+    ('import_from_trailing_comma', 'from a import (b,)'),
+    ('kwarg',
+     '''
+        def f(**a):
+            pass
+     '''),
+    ('kwonly_args',
+     '''
+        def f(*, a, b):
+            pass
+     '''),
+    ('kwonly_args_with_default',
+     '''
+        def f(*, a=2, b):
+            pass
+     '''),
+    ('lambda_kwarg', 'lambda **a: 42'),
+    ('lambda_kwonly_args', 'lambda *, a, b: 42'),
+    ('lambda_kwonly_args_with_default', 'lambda *, a=2, b: 42'),
+    ('lambda_mixed_args', 'lambda a, /, b, *, c: 42'),
+    ('lambda_mixed_args_with_default', 'lambda a, b=2, /, c=3, *e, f, **g: 42'),
+    ('lambda_no_args', 'lambda: 42'),
+    ('lambda_pos_args', 'lambda a,b: 42'),
+    ('lambda_pos_args_with_default', 'lambda a, b=2: 42'),
+    ('lambda_pos_only_args', 'lambda a, /: 42'),
+    ('lambda_pos_only_args_with_default', 'lambda a=0, /: 42'),
+    ('lambda_pos_posonly_args', 'lambda a, b, /, c, d: 42'),
+    ('lambda_pos_posonly_args_with_default', 'lambda a, b=0, /, c=2: 42'),
+    ('lambda_vararg', 'lambda *a: 42'),
+    ('lambda_vararg_kwonly_args', 'lambda *a, b: 42'),
+    ('list', '[1, 2, a]'),
+    ('list_comp', '[i for i in a]'),
+    ('list_comp_if', '[i for i in a if b]'),
+    ('list_trailing_comma', '[1+2, a, 3+4,]'),
+    ('mixed_args',
+     '''
+        def f(a, /, b, *, c):
+            pass
+     '''),
+    ('mixed_args_with_default',
+     '''
+        def f(a, b=2, /, c=3, *e, f, **g):
+            pass
+     '''),
+    ('multipart_string_bytes', 'b"Hola" b"Hello" b"Bye"'),
+    ('multipart_string_triple', '"""Something here""" "and now"'),
+    ('multipart_string_different_prefixes', 'u"Something" "Other thing" r"last thing"'),
+    ('multiple_assignments', 'x = y = z = 42'),
+    ('multiple_assignments_with_yield', 'x = y = z = yield 42'),
+    ('multiple_pass',
+     '''
+        pass; pass
+        pass
+     '''),
+    ('namedexpr', '(x := [1, 2, 3])'),
+    ('namedexpr_false', '(x := False)'),
+    ('namedexpr_none', '(x := None)'),
+    ('namedexpr_true', '(x := True)'),
+    ('nonlocal', 'nonlocal a, b'),
+    ('number_complex', '-2.234+1j'),
+    ('number_float', '-34.2333'),
+    ('number_imaginary_literal', '1.1234j'),
+    ('number_integer', '-234'),
+    ('number_underscores', '1_234_567'),
+    ('pass', 'pass'),
+    ('pos_args',
+     '''
+        def f(a, b):
+            pass
+     '''),
+    ('pos_args_with_default',
+     '''
+        def f(a, b=2):
+            pass
+     '''),
+    ('pos_only_args',
+     '''
+        def f(a, /):
+            pass
+     '''),
+    ('pos_only_args_with_default',
+     '''
+        def f(a=0, /):
+            pass
+     '''),
+    ('pos_posonly_args',
+     '''
+        def f(a, b, /, c, d):
+            pass
+     '''),
+    ('pos_posonly_args_with_default',
+     '''
+        def f(a, b=0, /, c=2):
+            pass
+     '''),
+    ('primary_mixed', 'a.b.c().d[0]'),
+    ('raise', 'raise'),
+    ('raise_ellipsis', 'raise ...'),
+    ('raise_expr', 'raise a'),
+    ('raise_from', 'raise a from b'),
+    ('return', 'return'),
+    ('return_expr', 'return a'),
+    ('set', '{1, 2+4, 3+5}'),
+    ('set_comp', '{i for i in a}'),
+    ('set_trailing_comma', '{1, 2, 3,}'),
+    ('simple_assignment', 'x = 42'),
+    ('simple_assignment_with_yield', 'x = yield 42'),
+    ('string_bytes', 'b"hello"'),
+    ('string_concatenation_bytes', 'b"hello" b"world"'),
+    ('string_concatenation_simple', '"abcd" "efgh"'),
+    ('string_format_simple', 'f"hello"'),
+    ('string_format_with_formatted_value', 'f"hello {world}"'),
+    ('string_simple', '"hello"'),
+    ('string_unicode', 'u"hello"'),
+    ('subscript_attribute', 'a[0].b'),
+    ('subscript_call', 'a[b]()'),
+    ('subscript_multiple_slices', 'a[0:a:2, 1]'),
+    ('subscript_simple', 'a[0]'),
+    ('subscript_single_element_tuple', 'a[0,]'),
+    ('subscript_trailing_comma', 'a[0, 1, 2,]'),
+    ('subscript_tuple', 'a[0, 1, 2]'),
+    ('subscript_whole_slice', 'a[0+1:b:c]'),
+    ('try_except',
+     '''
+        try:
+            pass
+        except:
+            pass
+     '''),
+    ('try_except_else',
+     '''
+        try:
+            pass
+        except:
+            pass
+        else:
+            pass
+     '''),
+    ('try_except_else_finally',
+     '''
+        try:
+            pass
+        except:
+            pass
+        else:
+            pass
+        finally:
+            pass
+     '''),
+    ('try_except_expr',
+     '''
+        try:
+            pass
+        except a:
+            pass
+     '''),
+    ('try_except_expr_target',
+     '''
+        try:
+            pass
+        except a as b:
+            pass
+     '''),
+    ('try_except_finally',
+     '''
+        try:
+            pass
+        except:
+            pass
+        finally:
+            pass
+     '''),
+    ('try_finally',
+     '''
+        try:
+            pass
+        finally:
+            pass
+     '''),
+    ('unpacking_binop', '[*([1, 2, 3] + [3, 4, 5])]'),
+    ('unpacking_call', '[*b()]'),
+    ('unpacking_compare', '[*(x < y)]'),
+    ('unpacking_constant', '[*3]'),
+    ('unpacking_dict', '[*{1: 2, 3: 4}]'),
+    ('unpacking_dict_comprehension', '[*{x:y for x,y in z}]'),
+    ('unpacking_ifexpr', '[*([1, 2, 3] if x else y)]'),
+    ('unpacking_list', '[*[1,2,3]]'),
+    ('unpacking_list_comprehension', '[*[x for x in y]]'),
+    ('unpacking_namedexpr', '[*(x:=[1, 2, 3])]'),
+    ('unpacking_set', '[*{1,2,3}]'),
+    ('unpacking_set_comprehension', '[*{x for x in y}]'),
+    ('unpacking_string', '[*"myvalue"]'),
+    ('unpacking_tuple', '[*(1,2,3)]'),
+    ('unpacking_unaryop', '[*(not [1, 2, 3])]'),
+    ('unpacking_yield', '[*(yield 42)]'),
+    ('unpacking_yieldfrom', '[*(yield from x)]'),
+    ('tuple', '(1, 2, 3)'),
+    ('vararg',
+     '''
+        def f(*a):
+            pass
+     '''),
+    ('vararg_kwonly_args',
+     '''
+        def f(*a, b):
+            pass
+     '''),
+    ('while',
+     '''
+        while a:
+            pass
+     '''),
+    ('while_else',
+     '''
+        while a:
+            pass
+        else:
+             pass
+    '''),
+    ('with',
+     '''
+        with a:
+            pass
+     '''),
+    ('with_as',
+     '''
+        with a as b:
+            pass
+     '''),
+    ('with_as_paren',
+     '''
+        with a as (b):
+            pass
+     '''),
+    ('with_as_empty', 'with a as (): pass'),
+    ('with_list_recursive',
+     '''
+        with a as [x, [y, z]]:
+            pass
+     '''),
+    ('with_tuple_recursive',
+     '''
+        with a as ((x, y), z):
+            pass
+     '''),
+    ('with_tuple_target',
+     '''
+        with a as (x, y):
+            pass
+     '''),
+    ('yield', 'yield'),
+    ('yield_expr', 'yield a'),
+    ('yield_from', 'yield from a'),
+    ("annotation_multiple_targets", "(a, b): int = 42"),
+    ("annotation_nested_tuple", "((a, b)): int"),
+    ("annotation_list", "[a]: int"),
+    ("annotation_lambda", "lambda: int = 42"),
+    ("annotation_tuple", "(a,): int"),
+    ("annotation_tuple_without_paren", "a,: int"),
+    ("assignment_keyword", "a = if"),
+    ("comprehension_lambda", "(a for a in lambda: b)"),
+    ("comprehension_else", "(a for a in b if c else d"),
+    ("del_call", "del a()"),
+    ("del_call_genexp", "del a(i for i in b)"),
+    ("del_subscript_call", "del a[b]()"),
+    ("del_attribute_call", "del a.b()"),
+    ("del_mixed_call", "del a[0].b().c.d()"),
+    ("for_star_targets_call", "for a() in b: pass"),
+    ("for_star_targets_subscript_call", "for a[b]() in c: pass"),
+    ("for_star_targets_attribute_call", "for a.b() in c: pass"),
+    ("for_star_targets_mixed_call", "for a[0].b().c.d() in e: pass"),
+    ("for_star_targets_in", "for a, in in b: pass"),
+    ("f-string_assignment", "f'{x = 42}'"),
+    ("f-string_empty", "f'{}'"),
+    ("f-string_function_def", "f'{def f(): pass}'"),
+    ("f-string_lambda", "f'{lambda x: 42}'"),
+    ("f-string_singe_brace", "f'{'"),
+    ("f-string_single_closing_brace", "f'}'"),
+    ("from_import_invalid", "from import import a"),
+    ("from_import_trailing_comma", "from a import b,"),
+    # This test case checks error paths involving tokens with uninitialized
+    # values of col_offset and end_col_offset.
+    ("invalid indentation",
+     """
+     def f():
+         a
+             a
+     """),
+    ("not_terminated_string", "a = 'example"),
+    ("f(x, y, z=1, **b, *a", "iterable argument unpacking follows keyword argument unpacking"),
+    ("f(x, y=1, *z, **a, b", "positional argument follows keyword argument unpacking"),
+    ("f(x, y, z=1, a=2, b", "positional argument follows keyword argument"),
+    ("True = 1", "cannot assign to True"),
+    ("a() = 1", "cannot assign to function call"),
+    ("(a, b): int", "only single target (not tuple) can be annotated"),
+    ("[a, b]: int", "only single target (not list) can be annotated"),
+    ("a(): int", "illegal target for annotation"),
+    ("1 += 1", "cannot assign to literal"),
+    ("pass\n    pass", "unexpected indent"),
+    ("def f():\npass", "expected an indented block"),
+    ('string_concatenation_format', 'f"{hello} world" f"again {and_again}"'),
+    ('string_concatenation_multiple',
+     '''
+        f"hello" f"{world} again" f"and_again"
+     '''),
+    ('f-string_multiline_comp',
+     """
+        f'''
+        {(i for i in a
+            if b)}
+        '''
+     """),
+    'multiline_fstrings_same_line_with_brace': (
+        """
+            f'''
+            {a$b}
+            '''
+        """,
+        '(a$b)',
+    ),
+    'multiline_fstring_brace_on_next_line': (
+        """
+            f'''
+            {a$b
+            }'''
+        """,
+        '(a$b',
+    ),
+    'multiline_fstring_brace_on_previous_line': (
+        """
+            f'''
+            {
+            a$b}'''
+        """,
+        'a$b)',
+    ),
+    ("expression_add", "1+1"),
+    ("expression_add_2", "a+b"),
+    ("expression_call", "f(a, b=2, **kw)"),
+    ("expression_tuple", "1, 2, 3"),
+    ("expression_tuple_one_value", "1,")
+def cleanup_source(source: Any) -> str:
+    if isinstance(source, str):
+        result = dedent(source)
+    elif not isinstance(source, (list, tuple)):
+        result = "\n".join(source)
+    else:
+        raise TypeError(f"Invalid type for test source: {source}")
+    return result
+def prepare_test_cases(
+    test_cases: Iterable[Tuple[str, Union[str, Iterable[str]]]]
+) -> Tuple[Iterable[str], Iterable[str]]:
+    test_ids, _test_sources = zip(*test_cases)
+    test_sources = list(_test_sources)
+    for index, source in enumerate(test_sources):
+        result = cleanup_source(source)
+        test_sources[index] = result
+    return test_ids, test_sources
+TEST_IDS, TEST_SOURCES = prepare_test_cases(TEST_CASES)
+class ASTGenerationTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    def test_correct_ast_generation_on_source_files(self) -> None:
+        self.maxDiff = None
+        for source in TEST_SOURCES:
+            actual_ast = peg_parser.parse_string(source)
+            expected_ast = ast.parse(source)
+            self.assertEqual(
+                ast.dump(actual_ast, include_attributes=True),
+                ast.dump(expected_ast, include_attributes=True),
+                f"Wrong AST generation for source: {source}",
+            )
+    def test_incorrect_ast_generation_on_source_files(self) -> None:
+        for source in FAIL_SOURCES:
+            with self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, msg=f"Parsing {source} did not raise an exception"):
+                peg_parser.parse_string(source)
+    def test_incorrect_ast_generation_with_specialized_errors(self) -> None:
+        for source, error_text in FAIL_SPECIALIZED_MESSAGE_CASES:
+            exc = IndentationError if "indent" in error_text else SyntaxError
+            with self.assertRaises(exc) as se:
+                peg_parser.parse_string(source)
+            self.assertTrue(
+                error_text in se.exception.msg,
+                f"Actual error message does not match expexted for {source}"
+            )
+    @unittest.skipIf(sys.flags.use_peg, "This tests nothing for now, since compile uses pegen as well")
+    @unittest.expectedFailure
+    def test_correct_but_known_to_fail_ast_generation_on_source_files(self) -> None:
+        for source in GOOD_BUT_FAIL_SOURCES:
+            actual_ast = peg_parser.parse_string(source)
+            expected_ast = ast.parse(source)
+            self.assertEqual(
+                ast.dump(actual_ast, include_attributes=True),
+                ast.dump(expected_ast, include_attributes=True),
+                f"Wrong AST generation for source: {source}",
+            )
+    def test_correct_ast_generation_without_pos_info(self) -> None:
+        for source in GOOD_BUT_FAIL_SOURCES:
+            actual_ast = peg_parser.parse_string(source)
+            expected_ast = ast.parse(source)
+            self.assertEqual(
+                ast.dump(actual_ast),
+                ast.dump(expected_ast),
+                f"Wrong AST generation for source: {source}",
+            )
+    def test_fstring_parse_error_tracebacks(self) -> None:
+        for source, error_text in FSTRINGS_TRACEBACKS.values():
+            with self.assertRaises(SyntaxError) as se:
+                peg_parser.parse_string(dedent(source))
+            self.assertEqual(error_text, se.exception.text)
+    def test_correct_ast_generatrion_eval(self) -> None:
+        for source in EXPRESSIONS_TEST_SOURCES:
+            actual_ast = peg_parser.parse_string(source, mode='eval')
+            expected_ast = ast.parse(source, mode='eval')
+            self.assertEqual(
+                ast.dump(actual_ast, include_attributes=True),
+                ast.dump(expected_ast, include_attributes=True),
+                f"Wrong AST generation for source: {source}",
+            )
+    def test_tokenizer_errors_are_propagated(self) -> None:
+        n=201
+        with self.assertRaisesRegex(SyntaxError, "too many nested parentheses"):
+            peg_parser.parse_string(n*'(' + ')'*n)
diff --git a/Lib/test/test_positional_only_arg.py b/Lib/test/test_positional_only_arg.py
index 0a9503e2025d6..332690051ed4d 100644
--- a/Lib/test/test_positional_only_arg.py
+++ b/Lib/test/test_positional_only_arg.py
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 import dis
 import pickle
 import unittest
+import sys
 from test.support import check_syntax_error
@@ -23,10 +24,12 @@ def assertRaisesSyntaxError(self, codestr, regex="invalid syntax"):
             compile(codestr + "\n", "<test>", "single")
     def test_invalid_syntax_errors(self):
-        check_syntax_error(self, "def f(a, b = 5, /, c): pass", "non-default argument follows default argument")
-        check_syntax_error(self, "def f(a = 5, b, /, c): pass", "non-default argument follows default argument")
-        check_syntax_error(self, "def f(a = 5, b=1, /, c, *, d=2): pass", "non-default argument follows default argument")
-        check_syntax_error(self, "def f(a = 5, b, /): pass", "non-default argument follows default argument")
+        if not sys.flags.use_peg:
+            check_syntax_error(self, "def f(a, b = 5, /, c): pass", "non-default argument follows default argument")
+            check_syntax_error(self, "def f(a = 5, b, /, c): pass", "non-default argument follows default argument")
+            check_syntax_error(self, "def f(a = 5, b=1, /, c, *, d=2): pass", "non-default argument follows default argument")
+            check_syntax_error(self, "def f(a = 5, b, /): pass", "non-default argument follows default argument")
         check_syntax_error(self, "def f(*args, /): pass")
         check_syntax_error(self, "def f(*args, a, /): pass")
         check_syntax_error(self, "def f(**kwargs, /): pass")
@@ -44,10 +47,12 @@ def test_invalid_syntax_errors(self):
         check_syntax_error(self, "def f(a, *, c, /, d, e): pass")
     def test_invalid_syntax_errors_async(self):
-        check_syntax_error(self, "async def f(a, b = 5, /, c): pass", "non-default argument follows default argument")
-        check_syntax_error(self, "async def f(a = 5, b, /, c): pass", "non-default argument follows default argument")
-        check_syntax_error(self, "async def f(a = 5, b=1, /, c, d=2): pass", "non-default argument follows default argument")
-        check_syntax_error(self, "async def f(a = 5, b, /): pass", "non-default argument follows default argument")
+        if not sys.flags.use_peg:
+            check_syntax_error(self, "async def f(a, b = 5, /, c): pass", "non-default argument follows default argument")
+            check_syntax_error(self, "async def f(a = 5, b, /, c): pass", "non-default argument follows default argument")
+            check_syntax_error(self, "async def f(a = 5, b=1, /, c, d=2): pass", "non-default argument follows default argument")
+            check_syntax_error(self, "async def f(a = 5, b, /): pass", "non-default argument follows default argument")
         check_syntax_error(self, "async def f(*args, /): pass")
         check_syntax_error(self, "async def f(*args, a, /): pass")
         check_syntax_error(self, "async def f(**kwargs, /): pass")
@@ -231,9 +236,11 @@ def test_lambdas(self):
         self.assertEqual(x(1, 2), 3)
     def test_invalid_syntax_lambda(self):
-        check_syntax_error(self, "lambda a, b = 5, /, c: None", "non-default argument follows default argument")
-        check_syntax_error(self, "lambda a = 5, b, /, c: None", "non-default argument follows default argument")
-        check_syntax_error(self, "lambda a = 5, b, /: None", "non-default argument follows default argument")
+        if not sys.flags.use_peg:
+            check_syntax_error(self, "lambda a, b = 5, /, c: None", "non-default argument follows default argument")
+            check_syntax_error(self, "lambda a = 5, b, /, c: None", "non-default argument follows default argument")
+            check_syntax_error(self, "lambda a = 5, b, /: None", "non-default argument follows default argument")
         check_syntax_error(self, "lambda *args, /: None")
         check_syntax_error(self, "lambda *args, a, /: None")
         check_syntax_error(self, "lambda **kwargs, /: None")
diff --git a/Lib/test/test_string_literals.py b/Lib/test/test_string_literals.py
index 0cea2edc32afa..382c532df5e1e 100644
--- a/Lib/test/test_string_literals.py
+++ b/Lib/test/test_string_literals.py
@@ -119,7 +119,8 @@ def test_eval_str_invalid_escape(self):
         self.assertEqual(len(w), 1)
         self.assertEqual(w[0].filename, '<string>')
-        self.assertEqual(w[0].lineno, 1)
+        if not sys.flags.use_peg:
+            self.assertEqual(w[0].lineno, 1)
         with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
             warnings.simplefilter('error', category=DeprecationWarning)
@@ -128,7 +129,8 @@ def test_eval_str_invalid_escape(self):
             exc = cm.exception
         self.assertEqual(w, [])
         self.assertEqual(exc.filename, '<string>')
-        self.assertEqual(exc.lineno, 1)
+        if not sys.flags.use_peg:
+            self.assertEqual(exc.lineno, 1)
     def test_eval_str_raw(self):
         self.assertEqual(eval(""" r'x' """), 'x')
@@ -168,7 +170,8 @@ def test_eval_bytes_invalid_escape(self):
         self.assertEqual(len(w), 1)
         self.assertEqual(w[0].filename, '<string>')
-        self.assertEqual(w[0].lineno, 1)
+        if not sys.flags.use_peg:
+            self.assertEqual(w[0].lineno, 1)
         with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
             warnings.simplefilter('error', category=DeprecationWarning)
@@ -177,7 +180,8 @@ def test_eval_bytes_invalid_escape(self):
             exc = cm.exception
         self.assertEqual(w, [])
         self.assertEqual(exc.filename, '<string>')
-        self.assertEqual(exc.lineno, 1)
+        if not sys.flags.use_peg:
+            self.assertEqual(exc.lineno, 1)
     def test_eval_bytes_raw(self):
         self.assertEqual(eval(""" br'x' """), b'x')
diff --git a/Lib/test/test_syntax.py b/Lib/test/test_syntax.py
index a7e7e2c9e6f02..4798f22b2bb82 100644
--- a/Lib/test/test_syntax.py
+++ b/Lib/test/test_syntax.py
@@ -63,9 +63,10 @@
 Traceback (most recent call last):
 SyntaxError: cannot assign to function call
->>> del f()
-Traceback (most recent call last):
-SyntaxError: cannot delete function call
+# Pegen does not support this yet
+# >>> del f()
+# Traceback (most recent call last):
+# SyntaxError: cannot delete function call
 >>> a + 1 = 2
 Traceback (most recent call last):
@@ -100,29 +101,30 @@
 This test just checks a couple of cases rather than enumerating all of
->>> (a, "b", c) = (1, 2, 3)
-Traceback (most recent call last):
-SyntaxError: cannot assign to literal
+# All of the following also produce different error messages with pegen
+# >>> (a, "b", c) = (1, 2, 3)
+# Traceback (most recent call last):
+# SyntaxError: cannot assign to literal
->>> (a, True, c) = (1, 2, 3)
-Traceback (most recent call last):
-SyntaxError: cannot assign to True
+# >>> (a, True, c) = (1, 2, 3)
+# Traceback (most recent call last):
+# SyntaxError: cannot assign to True
 >>> (a, __debug__, c) = (1, 2, 3)
 Traceback (most recent call last):
 SyntaxError: cannot assign to __debug__
->>> (a, *True, c) = (1, 2, 3)
-Traceback (most recent call last):
-SyntaxError: cannot assign to True
+# >>> (a, *True, c) = (1, 2, 3)
+# Traceback (most recent call last):
+# SyntaxError: cannot assign to True
 >>> (a, *__debug__, c) = (1, 2, 3)
 Traceback (most recent call last):
 SyntaxError: cannot assign to __debug__
->>> [a, b, c + 1] = [1, 2, 3]
-Traceback (most recent call last):
-SyntaxError: cannot assign to operator
+# >>> [a, b, c + 1] = [1, 2, 3]
+# Traceback (most recent call last):
+# SyntaxError: cannot assign to operator
 >>> a if 1 else b = 1
 Traceback (most recent call last):
@@ -186,9 +188,11 @@
 >>> f(x for x in L, **{})
 Traceback (most recent call last):
 SyntaxError: Generator expression must be parenthesized
->>> f(L, x for x in L)
-Traceback (most recent call last):
-SyntaxError: Generator expression must be parenthesized
+# >>> f(L, x for x in L)
+# Traceback (most recent call last):
+# SyntaxError: Generator expression must be parenthesized
 >>> f(x for x in L, y for y in L)
 Traceback (most recent call last):
 SyntaxError: Generator expression must be parenthesized
@@ -297,31 +301,34 @@
 ...   290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298, 299)  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
 (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, ..., 297, 298, 299)
->>> f(lambda x: x[0] = 3)
-Traceback (most recent call last):
-SyntaxError: expression cannot contain assignment, perhaps you meant "=="?
+# >>> f(lambda x: x[0] = 3)
+# Traceback (most recent call last):
+# SyntaxError: expression cannot contain assignment, perhaps you meant "=="?
 The grammar accepts any test (basically, any expression) in the
 keyword slot of a call site.  Test a few different options.
->>> f(x()=2)
-Traceback (most recent call last):
-SyntaxError: expression cannot contain assignment, perhaps you meant "=="?
->>> f(a or b=1)
-Traceback (most recent call last):
-SyntaxError: expression cannot contain assignment, perhaps you meant "=="?
->>> f(x.y=1)
-Traceback (most recent call last):
-SyntaxError: expression cannot contain assignment, perhaps you meant "=="?
->>> f((x)=2)
-Traceback (most recent call last):
-SyntaxError: expression cannot contain assignment, perhaps you meant "=="?
->>> f(True=2)
-Traceback (most recent call last):
-SyntaxError: cannot assign to True
+# >>> f(x()=2)
+# Traceback (most recent call last):
+# SyntaxError: expression cannot contain assignment, perhaps you meant "=="?
+# >>> f(a or b=1)
+# Traceback (most recent call last):
+# SyntaxError: expression cannot contain assignment, perhaps you meant "=="?
+# >>> f(x.y=1)
+# Traceback (most recent call last):
+# SyntaxError: expression cannot contain assignment, perhaps you meant "=="?
+# >>> f((x)=2)
+# Traceback (most recent call last):
+# SyntaxError: expression cannot contain assignment, perhaps you meant "=="?
+# >>> f(True=2)
+# Traceback (most recent call last):
+# SyntaxError: cannot assign to True
 >>> f(__debug__=1)
 Traceback (most recent call last):
 SyntaxError: cannot assign to __debug__
+>>> __debug__: int
+Traceback (most recent call last):
+SyntaxError: cannot assign to __debug__
 More set_context():
@@ -620,9 +627,9 @@
     Traceback (most recent call last):
     SyntaxError: cannot assign to __debug__
-    >>> with (lambda *:0): pass
-    Traceback (most recent call last):
-    SyntaxError: named arguments must follow bare *
+    # >>> with (lambda *:0): pass
+    # Traceback (most recent call last):
+    # SyntaxError: named arguments must follow bare *
 Corner-cases that used to crash:
@@ -637,6 +644,7 @@
 import re
+import sys
 import unittest
 from test import support
@@ -670,6 +678,8 @@ def _check_error(self, code, errtext,
     def test_assign_call(self):
         self._check_error("f() = 1", "assign")
+    @unittest.skipIf(sys.flags.use_peg, "Pegen does not produce a specialized error "
+                                        "message yet")
     def test_assign_del(self):
         self._check_error("del f()", "delete")
diff --git a/Lib/test/test_sys.py b/Lib/test/test_sys.py
index 329f7ddeb2c57..bd4ea4794426c 100644
--- a/Lib/test/test_sys.py
+++ b/Lib/test/test_sys.py
@@ -545,10 +545,10 @@ def __hash__(self):
     def test_sys_flags(self):
         attrs = ("debug",
-                 "inspect", "interactive", "optimize", "dont_write_bytecode",
-                 "no_user_site", "no_site", "ignore_environment", "verbose",
-                 "bytes_warning", "quiet", "hash_randomization", "isolated",
-                 "dev_mode", "utf8_mode")
+                 "inspect", "interactive", "optimize", "use_peg",
+                 "dont_write_bytecode", "no_user_site", "no_site",
+                 "ignore_environment", "verbose", "bytes_warning", "quiet",
+                 "hash_randomization", "isolated", "dev_mode", "utf8_mode")
         for attr in attrs:
             self.assertTrue(hasattr(sys.flags, attr), attr)
             attr_type = bool if attr == "dev_mode" else int
diff --git a/Lib/test/test_traceback.py b/Lib/test/test_traceback.py
index 60e0b582756b5..45f55e1f8ab6c 100644
--- a/Lib/test/test_traceback.py
+++ b/Lib/test/test_traceback.py
@@ -656,6 +656,8 @@ def outer_raise():
         self.assertIn('inner_raise() # Marker', blocks[2])
+    @unittest.skipIf(sys.flags.use_peg,
+                     "Pegen is arguably better here, so no need to fix this")
     def test_syntax_error_offset_at_eol(self):
         # See #10186.
         def e():
diff --git a/Lib/test/test_type_comments.py b/Lib/test/test_type_comments.py
index 017073a9f1d50..80506e4b12d03 100644
--- a/Lib/test/test_type_comments.py
+++ b/Lib/test/test_type_comments.py
@@ -218,6 +218,7 @@ def favk(
+ at unittest.skipIf(sys.flags.use_peg, "Pegen does not support type comments yet")
 class TypeCommentTests(unittest.TestCase):
     lowest = 4  # Lowest minor version supported
diff --git a/Lib/test/test_unpack_ex.py b/Lib/test/test_unpack_ex.py
index e333af78f1d2c..2f53457b232a6 100644
--- a/Lib/test/test_unpack_ex.py
+++ b/Lib/test/test_unpack_ex.py
@@ -158,14 +158,15 @@
     SyntaxError: iterable unpacking cannot be used in comprehension
-Generator expression in function arguments
-    >>> list(*x for x in (range(5) for i in range(3)))
-    Traceback (most recent call last):
-    ...
-        list(*x for x in (range(5) for i in range(3)))
-                  ^
-    SyntaxError: invalid syntax
+# Pegen is better here.
+# Generator expression in function arguments
+#     >>> list(*x for x in (range(5) for i in range(3)))
+#     Traceback (most recent call last):
+#     ...
+#         list(*x for x in (range(5) for i in range(3)))
+#                   ^
+#     SyntaxError: invalid syntax
     >>> dict(**x for x in [{1:2}])
     Traceback (most recent call last):
diff --git a/Lib/test/test_unparse.py b/Lib/test/test_unparse.py
index d4089a3fc1cdf..f5441ed54eebf 100644
--- a/Lib/test/test_unparse.py
+++ b/Lib/test/test_unparse.py
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 import random
 import tokenize
 import ast
+import sys
 def read_pyfile(filename):
@@ -327,6 +328,7 @@ def test_constant_tuples(self):
             ast.Constant(value=(1, 2, 3), kind=None), "(1, 2, 3)"
+    @unittest.skipIf(sys.flags.use_peg, "Pegen does not support type annotation yet")
     def test_function_type(self):
         for function_type in (
             "() -> int",
diff --git a/Makefile.pre.in b/Makefile.pre.in
index 4511e607d89aa..b34fa64ff4bdf 100644
--- a/Makefile.pre.in
+++ b/Makefile.pre.in
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ LIBOBJS=	@LIBOBJS@
 PYTHON=		python$(EXE)
 UPDATE_FILE=@PYTHON_FOR_REGEN@ $(srcdir)/Tools/scripts/update_file.py
 # Parser
+		Parser/pegen/pegen.o \
+		Parser/pegen/parse.o \
+		Parser/pegen/parse_string.o \
+		Parser/pegen/peg_api.o
+		$(srcdir)/Include/pegen_interface.h \
+		$(srcdir)/Parser/pegen/pegen.h \
+		$(srcdir)/Parser/pegen/parse_string.h
 POBJS=		\
 		Parser/acceler.o \
 		Parser/grammar1.o \
@@ -303,9 +316,10 @@ POBJS=		\
 		Parser/parser.o \
 		Parser/token.o \
-PARSER_OBJS=	$(POBJS) Parser/myreadline.o Parser/parsetok.o Parser/tokenizer.o
+PARSER_OBJS=	$(POBJS) $(PEGEN_OBJS) Parser/myreadline.o Parser/parsetok.o Parser/tokenizer.o
 		$(srcdir)/Include/grammar.h \
 		$(srcdir)/Include/parsetok.h \
 		$(srcdir)/Parser/parser.h \
@@ -731,7 +745,7 @@ regen-importlib: Programs/_freeze_importlib
 # Regenerate all generated files
-regen-all: regen-opcode regen-opcode-targets regen-typeslots regen-grammar \
+regen-all: regen-opcode regen-opcode-targets regen-typeslots regen-grammar regen-pegen \
 	regen-token regen-keyword regen-symbol regen-ast regen-importlib clinic
@@ -806,6 +820,12 @@ regen-grammar: regen-token
 	$(UPDATE_FILE) $(srcdir)/Include/graminit.h $(srcdir)/Include/graminit.h.new
 	$(UPDATE_FILE) $(srcdir)/Python/graminit.c $(srcdir)/Python/graminit.c.new
+.PHONY: regen-pegen
+	PYTHONPATH=$(srcdir)/Tools/peg_generator $(PYTHON_FOR_REGEN) -m pegen -c -q $(srcdir)/Grammar/python.gram \
+		-o $(srcdir)/Parser/pegen/parse.new.c
+	$(UPDATE_FILE) $(srcdir)/Parser/pegen/parse.c $(srcdir)/Parser/pegen/parse.new.c
 	# Regenerate Include/Python-ast.h using Parser/asdl_c.py -h
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Core and Builtins/2020-04-20-14-06-19.bpo-40334.CTLGEp.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Core and Builtins/2020-04-20-14-06-19.bpo-40334.CTLGEp.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..b52d310508a8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Core and Builtins/2020-04-20-14-06-19.bpo-40334.CTLGEp.rst	
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+Switch to a new parser, based on PEG.  For more details see PEP 617. To
+temporarily switch back to the old parser, use ``-X oldparser`` or
+``PYTHONOLDPARSER=1``.  In Python 3.10 we will remove the old parser
+completely, including the ``parser`` module (already deprecated) and
+anything that depends on it.
diff --git a/Modules/Setup b/Modules/Setup
index 6f0374a206315..6bf142419de3d 100644
--- a/Modules/Setup
+++ b/Modules/Setup
@@ -134,6 +134,9 @@ faulthandler faulthandler.c
 # can call _PyTraceMalloc_NewReference().
 _tracemalloc _tracemalloc.c hashtable.c
+# PEG-based parser module -- slated to be *the* parser
+_peg_parser _peg_parser.c
 # The rest of the modules listed in this file are all commented out by
 # default.  Usually they can be detected and built as dynamically
 # loaded modules by the new setup.py script added in Python 2.1.  If
diff --git a/Modules/_peg_parser.c b/Modules/_peg_parser.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..0a84edcfc0082
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Modules/_peg_parser.c
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+#include <Python.h>
+#include <pegen_interface.h>
+PyObject *
+_Py_parse_file(PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+    static char *keywords[] = {"file", "mode", NULL};
+    char *filename;
+    char *mode_str = "exec";
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "s|s", keywords, &filename, &mode_str)) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int mode;
+    if (strcmp(mode_str, "exec") == 0) {
+        mode = Py_file_input;
+    }
+    else if (strcmp(mode_str, "single") == 0) {
+        mode = Py_single_input;
+    }
+    else {
+        return PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "mode must be either 'exec' or 'single'");
+    }
+    PyArena *arena = PyArena_New();
+    if (arena == NULL) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    PyObject *result = NULL;
+    mod_ty res = PyPegen_ASTFromFile(filename, mode, arena);
+    if (res == NULL) {
+        goto error;
+    }
+    result = PyAST_mod2obj(res);
+    PyArena_Free(arena);
+    return result;
+PyObject *
+_Py_parse_string(PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+    static char *keywords[] = {"string", "mode", NULL};
+    char *the_string;
+    char *mode_str = "exec";
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "s|s", keywords, &the_string, &mode_str)) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int mode;
+    if (strcmp(mode_str, "exec") == 0) {
+        mode = Py_file_input;
+    }
+    else if (strcmp(mode_str, "eval") == 0) {
+        mode = Py_eval_input;
+    }
+    else if (strcmp(mode_str, "single") == 0) {
+        mode = Py_single_input;
+    }
+    else {
+        return PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "mode must be either 'exec' or 'eval' or 'single'");
+    }
+    PyArena *arena = PyArena_New();
+    if (arena == NULL) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    PyObject *result = NULL;
+    PyCompilerFlags flags = _PyCompilerFlags_INIT;
+    flags.cf_flags = PyCF_IGNORE_COOKIE;
+    mod_ty res = PyPegen_ASTFromString(the_string, mode, &flags, arena);
+    if (res == NULL) {
+        goto error;
+    }
+    result = PyAST_mod2obj(res);
+    PyArena_Free(arena);
+    return result;
+static PyMethodDef ParseMethods[] = {
+    {"parse_file", (PyCFunction)(void (*)(void))_Py_parse_file, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Parse a file."},
+    {"parse_string", (PyCFunction)(void (*)(void))_Py_parse_string, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS,"Parse a string."},
+    {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL} /* Sentinel */
+static struct PyModuleDef parsemodule = {
+    PyModuleDef_HEAD_INIT,
+    .m_name = "peg_parser",
+    .m_doc = "A parser.",
+    .m_methods = ParseMethods,
+    return PyModule_Create(&parsemodule);
diff --git a/PC/config.c b/PC/config.c
index 8eaeb31c9b934..32af2a81aeb41 100644
--- a/PC/config.c
+++ b/PC/config.c
@@ -75,6 +75,8 @@ extern PyObject* PyInit__opcode(void);
 extern PyObject* PyInit__contextvars(void);
+extern PyObject* PyInit__peg_parser(void);
 /* tools/freeze/makeconfig.py marker for additional "extern" */
 /* -- ADDMODULE MARKER 1 -- */
@@ -169,6 +171,7 @@ struct _inittab _PyImport_Inittab[] = {
     {"_opcode", PyInit__opcode},
     {"_contextvars", PyInit__contextvars},
+    {"_peg_parser", PyInit__peg_parser},
     /* Sentinel */
     {0, 0}
diff --git a/PCbuild/pythoncore.vcxproj b/PCbuild/pythoncore.vcxproj
index 862c5a821b1f9..d795c4d5a7d00 100644
--- a/PCbuild/pythoncore.vcxproj
+++ b/PCbuild/pythoncore.vcxproj
@@ -213,6 +213,8 @@
     <ClInclude Include="..\Include\parsetok.h" />
     <ClInclude Include="..\Include\patchlevel.h" />
     <ClInclude Include="..\Include\picklebufobject.h" />
+    <ClInclude Include="..\Include\pegen_interface.h" />
+    <ClInclude Include="..\Include\pyhash.h" />
     <ClInclude Include="..\Include\pyhash.h" />
     <ClInclude Include="..\Include\py_curses.h" />
     <ClInclude Include="..\Include\pyarena.h" />
@@ -276,6 +278,8 @@
     <ClInclude Include="..\Objects\unicodetype_db.h" />
     <ClInclude Include="..\Parser\parser.h" />
     <ClInclude Include="..\Parser\tokenizer.h" />
+    <ClInclude Include="..\Parser\pegen\parse_string.h" />
+    <ClInclude Include="..\Parser\pegen\pegen.h" />
     <ClInclude Include="..\PC\errmap.h" />
     <ClInclude Include="..\PC\pyconfig.h" />
     <ClInclude Include="..\Python\ceval_gil.h" />
@@ -338,6 +342,7 @@
     <ClCompile Include="..\Modules\_opcode.c" />
     <ClCompile Include="..\Modules\_operator.c" />
     <ClCompile Include="..\Modules\parsermodule.c" />
+    <ClCompile Include="..\Modules\_peg_parser.c" />
     <ClCompile Include="..\Modules\posixmodule.c" />
     <ClCompile Include="..\Modules\rotatingtree.c" />
     <ClCompile Include="..\Modules\sha1module.c" />
@@ -419,6 +424,10 @@
     <ClCompile Include="..\Parser\parsetok.c" />
     <ClCompile Include="..\Parser\tokenizer.c" />
     <ClCompile Include="..\Parser\token.c" />
+    <ClCompile Include="..\Parser\pegen\pegen.c" />
+    <ClCompile Include="..\Parser\pegen\parse.c" />
+    <ClCompile Include="..\Parser\pegen\parse_string.c" />
+    <ClCompile Include="..\Parser\pegen\peg_api.c" />
     <ClCompile Include="..\PC\invalid_parameter_handler.c" />
     <ClCompile Include="..\PC\winreg.c" />
     <ClCompile Include="..\PC\config.c" />
diff --git a/PCbuild/pythoncore.vcxproj.filters b/PCbuild/pythoncore.vcxproj.filters
index 9d6d997b5267e..8c02622fd552d 100644
--- a/PCbuild/pythoncore.vcxproj.filters
+++ b/PCbuild/pythoncore.vcxproj.filters
@@ -902,6 +902,18 @@
     <ClCompile Include="..\Parser\grammar1.c">
+    <ClCompile Include="..\Parser\pegen\pegen.c">
+      <Filter>Parser</Filter>
+    </ClCompile>
+    <ClCompile Include="..\Parser\pegen\parse.c">
+      <Filter>Parser</Filter>
+    </ClCompile>
+    <ClCompile Include="..\Parser\pegen\parse_string.c">
+      <Filter>Parser</Filter>
+    </ClCompile>
+    <ClCompile Include="..\Parser\pegen\peg_api.c">
+      <Filter>Parser</Filter>
+    </ClCompile>
     <ClCompile Include="..\Parser\listnode.c">
diff --git a/PCbuild/regen.vcxproj b/PCbuild/regen.vcxproj
index 876b12bae9cdf..9fe8d6d0c3e11 100644
--- a/PCbuild/regen.vcxproj
+++ b/PCbuild/regen.vcxproj
@@ -166,6 +166,14 @@
     <Warning Text="Grammar updated. You will need to rebuild pythoncore to see the changes." Condition="'@(_UpdatedH)' != '' and '@(_UpdatedC)' != ''" />
+  <Target Name="_RegenPegen" BeforeTargets="Build">
+    <!-- Regenerate Parser/pegen/parse.c -->
+    <Exec Command=""$PYTHONPATH=$(srcdir)/Tools/peg_generator" "$(PythonExe)" -m pegen -c -q "$(PySourcePath)Grammar\python.gram" -o "$(IntDir)parse.c"" />
+    <Copy SourceFiles="$(IntDir)parse.c" DestinationFiles="$(PySourcePath)Parser\pegen\parse.c">
+      <Output TaskParameter="CopiedFiles" ItemName="_UpdatedParse" />
+    </Copy>
+    <Warning Text="Pegen updated. You will need to rebuild pythoncore to see the changes." Condition="'@(_UpdatedParse)' != ''" />
+  </Target>
   <Target Name="_RegenAST_H" AfterTargets="_RegenGrammar">
     <!-- Regenerate Include/Python-ast.h using Parser/asdl_c.py -h -->
     <Exec Command=""$(PythonExe)" "$(PySourcePath)Parser\asdl_c.py" -h "$(IntDir)Python-ast.h" "$(PySourcePath)Parser\Python.asdl"" />
@@ -222,4 +230,4 @@
       <Clean Include="$(IntDir)graminit.c.new" />
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Parser/pegen/parse.c b/Parser/pegen/parse.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..25607eaf73cdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Parser/pegen/parse.c
@@ -0,0 +1,15391 @@
+// @generated by pegen.py from ./Grammar/python.gram
+#include "pegen.h"
+static const int n_keyword_lists = 15;
+static KeywordToken *reserved_keywords[] = {
+    NULL,
+    NULL,
+    (KeywordToken[]) {
+        {"if", 510},
+        {"in", 518},
+        {"is", 526},
+        {"as", 531},
+        {"or", 532},
+        {NULL, -1},
+    },
+    (KeywordToken[]) {
+        {"del", 503},
+        {"try", 511},
+        {"for", 517},
+        {"def", 522},
+        {"not", 525},
+        {"and", 533},
+        {NULL, -1},
+    },
+    (KeywordToken[]) {
+        {"pass", 502},
+        {"from", 514},
+        {"elif", 515},
+        {"else", 516},
+        {"with", 519},
+        {"True", 527},
+        {"None", 529},
+        {NULL, -1},
+    },
+    (KeywordToken[]) {
+        {"raise", 501},
+        {"yield", 504},
+        {"break", 506},
+        {"while", 512},
+        {"class", 523},
+        {"False", 528},
+        {NULL, -1},
+    },
+    (KeywordToken[]) {
+        {"return", 500},
+        {"assert", 505},
+        {"global", 508},
+        {"import", 513},
+        {"except", 520},
+        {"lambda", 524},
+        {NULL, -1},
+    },
+    (KeywordToken[]) {
+        {"finally", 521},
+        {NULL, -1},
+    },
+    (KeywordToken[]) {
+        {"continue", 507},
+        {"nonlocal", 509},
+        {NULL, -1},
+    },
+    NULL,
+    NULL,
+    NULL,
+    NULL,
+    NULL,
+    (KeywordToken[]) {
+        {"__new_parser__", 530},
+        {NULL, -1},
+    },
+#define file_type 1000
+#define interactive_type 1001
+#define eval_type 1002
+#define fstring_type 1003
+#define statements_type 1004
+#define statement_type 1005
+#define statement_newline_type 1006
+#define simple_stmt_type 1007
+#define small_stmt_type 1008
+#define compound_stmt_type 1009
+#define assignment_type 1010
+#define augassign_type 1011
+#define global_stmt_type 1012
+#define nonlocal_stmt_type 1013
+#define yield_stmt_type 1014
+#define assert_stmt_type 1015
+#define del_stmt_type 1016
+#define import_stmt_type 1017
+#define import_name_type 1018
+#define import_from_type 1019
+#define import_from_targets_type 1020
+#define import_from_as_names_type 1021
+#define import_from_as_name_type 1022
+#define dotted_as_names_type 1023
+#define dotted_as_name_type 1024
+#define dotted_name_type 1025  // Left-recursive
+#define if_stmt_type 1026
+#define elif_stmt_type 1027
+#define else_block_type 1028
+#define while_stmt_type 1029
+#define for_stmt_type 1030
+#define with_stmt_type 1031
+#define with_item_type 1032
+#define try_stmt_type 1033
+#define except_block_type 1034
+#define finally_block_type 1035
+#define return_stmt_type 1036
+#define raise_stmt_type 1037
+#define function_def_type 1038
+#define function_def_raw_type 1039
+#define params_type 1040
+#define parameters_type 1041
+#define slash_without_default_type 1042
+#define slash_with_default_type 1043
+#define star_etc_type 1044
+#define name_with_optional_default_type 1045
+#define names_with_default_type 1046
+#define name_with_default_type 1047
+#define plain_names_type 1048
+#define plain_name_type 1049
+#define kwds_type 1050
+#define annotation_type 1051
+#define decorators_type 1052
+#define class_def_type 1053
+#define class_def_raw_type 1054
+#define block_type 1055
+#define expressions_list_type 1056
+#define star_expressions_type 1057
+#define star_expression_type 1058
+#define star_named_expressions_type 1059
+#define star_named_expression_type 1060
+#define named_expression_type 1061
+#define annotated_rhs_type 1062
+#define expressions_type 1063
+#define expression_type 1064
+#define lambdef_type 1065
+#define lambda_parameters_type 1066
+#define lambda_slash_without_default_type 1067
+#define lambda_slash_with_default_type 1068
+#define lambda_star_etc_type 1069
+#define lambda_name_with_optional_default_type 1070
+#define lambda_names_with_default_type 1071
+#define lambda_name_with_default_type 1072
+#define lambda_plain_names_type 1073
+#define lambda_plain_name_type 1074
+#define lambda_kwds_type 1075
+#define disjunction_type 1076
+#define conjunction_type 1077
+#define inversion_type 1078
+#define comparison_type 1079
+#define compare_op_bitwise_or_pair_type 1080
+#define eq_bitwise_or_type 1081
+#define noteq_bitwise_or_type 1082
+#define lte_bitwise_or_type 1083
+#define lt_bitwise_or_type 1084
+#define gte_bitwise_or_type 1085
+#define gt_bitwise_or_type 1086
+#define notin_bitwise_or_type 1087
+#define in_bitwise_or_type 1088
+#define isnot_bitwise_or_type 1089
+#define is_bitwise_or_type 1090
+#define bitwise_or_type 1091  // Left-recursive
+#define bitwise_xor_type 1092  // Left-recursive
+#define bitwise_and_type 1093  // Left-recursive
+#define shift_expr_type 1094  // Left-recursive
+#define sum_type 1095  // Left-recursive
+#define term_type 1096  // Left-recursive
+#define factor_type 1097
+#define power_type 1098
+#define await_primary_type 1099
+#define primary_type 1100  // Left-recursive
+#define slices_type 1101
+#define slice_type 1102
+#define atom_type 1103
+#define strings_type 1104
+#define list_type 1105
+#define listcomp_type 1106
+#define tuple_type 1107
+#define group_type 1108
+#define genexp_type 1109
+#define set_type 1110
+#define setcomp_type 1111
+#define dict_type 1112
+#define dictcomp_type 1113
+#define kvpairs_type 1114
+#define kvpair_type 1115
+#define for_if_clauses_type 1116
+#define yield_expr_type 1117
+#define arguments_type 1118
+#define args_type 1119
+#define kwargs_type 1120
+#define starred_expression_type 1121
+#define kwarg_or_starred_type 1122
+#define kwarg_or_double_starred_type 1123
+#define star_targets_type 1124
+#define star_targets_seq_type 1125
+#define star_target_type 1126
+#define star_atom_type 1127
+#define inside_paren_ann_assign_target_type 1128
+#define ann_assign_subscript_attribute_target_type 1129
+#define del_targets_type 1130
+#define del_target_type 1131
+#define del_t_atom_type 1132
+#define targets_type 1133
+#define target_type 1134
+#define t_primary_type 1135  // Left-recursive
+#define t_lookahead_type 1136
+#define t_atom_type 1137
+#define incorrect_arguments_type 1138
+#define invalid_named_expression_type 1139
+#define invalid_assignment_type 1140
+#define invalid_block_type 1141
+#define invalid_comprehension_type 1142
+#define invalid_parameters_type 1143
+#define _loop0_1_type 1144
+#define _loop1_2_type 1145
+#define _loop0_4_type 1146
+#define _gather_3_type 1147
+#define _tmp_5_type 1148
+#define _tmp_6_type 1149
+#define _tmp_7_type 1150
+#define _tmp_8_type 1151
+#define _tmp_9_type 1152
+#define _tmp_10_type 1153
+#define _tmp_11_type 1154
+#define _tmp_12_type 1155
+#define _loop1_13_type 1156
+#define _tmp_14_type 1157
+#define _tmp_15_type 1158
+#define _loop0_17_type 1159
+#define _gather_16_type 1160
+#define _loop0_19_type 1161
+#define _gather_18_type 1162
+#define _tmp_20_type 1163
+#define _loop0_21_type 1164
+#define _loop1_22_type 1165
+#define _loop0_24_type 1166
+#define _gather_23_type 1167
+#define _tmp_25_type 1168
+#define _loop0_27_type 1169
+#define _gather_26_type 1170
+#define _tmp_28_type 1171
+#define _loop0_30_type 1172
+#define _gather_29_type 1173
+#define _loop0_32_type 1174
+#define _gather_31_type 1175
+#define _tmp_33_type 1176
+#define _loop1_34_type 1177
+#define _tmp_35_type 1178
+#define _tmp_36_type 1179
+#define _tmp_37_type 1180
+#define _tmp_38_type 1181
+#define _tmp_39_type 1182
+#define _tmp_40_type 1183
+#define _tmp_41_type 1184
+#define _tmp_42_type 1185
+#define _tmp_43_type 1186
+#define _tmp_44_type 1187
+#define _tmp_45_type 1188
+#define _tmp_46_type 1189
+#define _loop0_47_type 1190
+#define _tmp_48_type 1191
+#define _loop1_49_type 1192
+#define _tmp_50_type 1193
+#define _tmp_51_type 1194
+#define _loop0_53_type 1195
+#define _gather_52_type 1196
+#define _loop0_55_type 1197
+#define _gather_54_type 1198
+#define _tmp_56_type 1199
+#define _loop1_57_type 1200
+#define _tmp_58_type 1201
+#define _loop0_60_type 1202
+#define _gather_59_type 1203
+#define _loop1_61_type 1204
+#define _loop0_63_type 1205
+#define _gather_62_type 1206
+#define _loop1_64_type 1207
+#define _tmp_65_type 1208
+#define _tmp_66_type 1209
+#define _tmp_67_type 1210
+#define _tmp_68_type 1211
+#define _tmp_69_type 1212
+#define _tmp_70_type 1213
+#define _tmp_71_type 1214
+#define _tmp_72_type 1215
+#define _tmp_73_type 1216
+#define _loop0_74_type 1217
+#define _tmp_75_type 1218
+#define _loop1_76_type 1219
+#define _tmp_77_type 1220
+#define _tmp_78_type 1221
+#define _loop0_80_type 1222
+#define _gather_79_type 1223
+#define _loop0_82_type 1224
+#define _gather_81_type 1225
+#define _loop1_83_type 1226
+#define _loop1_84_type 1227
+#define _loop1_85_type 1228
+#define _loop0_87_type 1229
+#define _gather_86_type 1230
+#define _tmp_88_type 1231
+#define _tmp_89_type 1232
+#define _tmp_90_type 1233
+#define _tmp_91_type 1234
+#define _loop1_92_type 1235
+#define _tmp_93_type 1236
+#define _tmp_94_type 1237
+#define _loop0_96_type 1238
+#define _gather_95_type 1239
+#define _loop1_97_type 1240
+#define _tmp_98_type 1241
+#define _tmp_99_type 1242
+#define _loop0_101_type 1243
+#define _gather_100_type 1244
+#define _loop0_103_type 1245
+#define _gather_102_type 1246
+#define _loop0_105_type 1247
+#define _gather_104_type 1248
+#define _loop0_107_type 1249
+#define _gather_106_type 1250
+#define _loop0_108_type 1251
+#define _loop0_110_type 1252
+#define _gather_109_type 1253
+#define _tmp_111_type 1254
+#define _loop0_113_type 1255
+#define _gather_112_type 1256
+#define _loop0_115_type 1257
+#define _gather_114_type 1258
+#define _tmp_116_type 1259
+#define _tmp_117_type 1260
+#define _tmp_118_type 1261
+#define _tmp_119_type 1262
+#define _tmp_120_type 1263
+#define _tmp_121_type 1264
+#define _tmp_122_type 1265
+#define _tmp_123_type 1266
+#define _tmp_124_type 1267
+#define _tmp_125_type 1268
+#define _tmp_126_type 1269
+#define _tmp_127_type 1270
+#define _tmp_128_type 1271
+#define _tmp_129_type 1272
+#define _tmp_130_type 1273
+#define _tmp_131_type 1274
+#define _tmp_132_type 1275
+#define _tmp_133_type 1276
+#define _tmp_134_type 1277
+#define _loop0_135_type 1278
+#define _tmp_136_type 1279
+static mod_ty file_rule(Parser *p);
+static mod_ty interactive_rule(Parser *p);
+static mod_ty eval_rule(Parser *p);
+static expr_ty fstring_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq* statements_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq* statement_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq* statement_newline_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq* simple_stmt_rule(Parser *p);
+static stmt_ty small_stmt_rule(Parser *p);
+static stmt_ty compound_stmt_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *assignment_rule(Parser *p);
+static AugOperator* augassign_rule(Parser *p);
+static stmt_ty global_stmt_rule(Parser *p);
+static stmt_ty nonlocal_stmt_rule(Parser *p);
+static stmt_ty yield_stmt_rule(Parser *p);
+static stmt_ty assert_stmt_rule(Parser *p);
+static stmt_ty del_stmt_rule(Parser *p);
+static stmt_ty import_stmt_rule(Parser *p);
+static stmt_ty import_name_rule(Parser *p);
+static stmt_ty import_from_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq* import_from_targets_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq* import_from_as_names_rule(Parser *p);
+static alias_ty import_from_as_name_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq* dotted_as_names_rule(Parser *p);
+static alias_ty dotted_as_name_rule(Parser *p);
+static expr_ty dotted_name_rule(Parser *p);
+static stmt_ty if_stmt_rule(Parser *p);
+static stmt_ty elif_stmt_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq* else_block_rule(Parser *p);
+static stmt_ty while_stmt_rule(Parser *p);
+static stmt_ty for_stmt_rule(Parser *p);
+static stmt_ty with_stmt_rule(Parser *p);
+static withitem_ty with_item_rule(Parser *p);
+static stmt_ty try_stmt_rule(Parser *p);
+static excepthandler_ty except_block_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq* finally_block_rule(Parser *p);
+static stmt_ty return_stmt_rule(Parser *p);
+static stmt_ty raise_stmt_rule(Parser *p);
+static stmt_ty function_def_rule(Parser *p);
+static stmt_ty function_def_raw_rule(Parser *p);
+static arguments_ty params_rule(Parser *p);
+static arguments_ty parameters_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq* slash_without_default_rule(Parser *p);
+static SlashWithDefault* slash_with_default_rule(Parser *p);
+static StarEtc* star_etc_rule(Parser *p);
+static NameDefaultPair* name_with_optional_default_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq* names_with_default_rule(Parser *p);
+static NameDefaultPair* name_with_default_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq* plain_names_rule(Parser *p);
+static arg_ty plain_name_rule(Parser *p);
+static arg_ty kwds_rule(Parser *p);
+static expr_ty annotation_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq* decorators_rule(Parser *p);
+static stmt_ty class_def_rule(Parser *p);
+static stmt_ty class_def_raw_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq* block_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq* expressions_list_rule(Parser *p);
+static expr_ty star_expressions_rule(Parser *p);
+static expr_ty star_expression_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq* star_named_expressions_rule(Parser *p);
+static expr_ty star_named_expression_rule(Parser *p);
+static expr_ty named_expression_rule(Parser *p);
+static expr_ty annotated_rhs_rule(Parser *p);
+static expr_ty expressions_rule(Parser *p);
+static expr_ty expression_rule(Parser *p);
+static expr_ty lambdef_rule(Parser *p);
+static arguments_ty lambda_parameters_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq* lambda_slash_without_default_rule(Parser *p);
+static SlashWithDefault* lambda_slash_with_default_rule(Parser *p);
+static StarEtc* lambda_star_etc_rule(Parser *p);
+static NameDefaultPair* lambda_name_with_optional_default_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq* lambda_names_with_default_rule(Parser *p);
+static NameDefaultPair* lambda_name_with_default_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq* lambda_plain_names_rule(Parser *p);
+static arg_ty lambda_plain_name_rule(Parser *p);
+static arg_ty lambda_kwds_rule(Parser *p);
+static expr_ty disjunction_rule(Parser *p);
+static expr_ty conjunction_rule(Parser *p);
+static expr_ty inversion_rule(Parser *p);
+static expr_ty comparison_rule(Parser *p);
+static CmpopExprPair* compare_op_bitwise_or_pair_rule(Parser *p);
+static CmpopExprPair* eq_bitwise_or_rule(Parser *p);
+static CmpopExprPair* noteq_bitwise_or_rule(Parser *p);
+static CmpopExprPair* lte_bitwise_or_rule(Parser *p);
+static CmpopExprPair* lt_bitwise_or_rule(Parser *p);
+static CmpopExprPair* gte_bitwise_or_rule(Parser *p);
+static CmpopExprPair* gt_bitwise_or_rule(Parser *p);
+static CmpopExprPair* notin_bitwise_or_rule(Parser *p);
+static CmpopExprPair* in_bitwise_or_rule(Parser *p);
+static CmpopExprPair* isnot_bitwise_or_rule(Parser *p);
+static CmpopExprPair* is_bitwise_or_rule(Parser *p);
+static expr_ty bitwise_or_rule(Parser *p);
+static expr_ty bitwise_xor_rule(Parser *p);
+static expr_ty bitwise_and_rule(Parser *p);
+static expr_ty shift_expr_rule(Parser *p);
+static expr_ty sum_rule(Parser *p);
+static expr_ty term_rule(Parser *p);
+static expr_ty factor_rule(Parser *p);
+static expr_ty power_rule(Parser *p);
+static expr_ty await_primary_rule(Parser *p);
+static expr_ty primary_rule(Parser *p);
+static expr_ty slices_rule(Parser *p);
+static expr_ty slice_rule(Parser *p);
+static expr_ty atom_rule(Parser *p);
+static expr_ty strings_rule(Parser *p);
+static expr_ty list_rule(Parser *p);
+static expr_ty listcomp_rule(Parser *p);
+static expr_ty tuple_rule(Parser *p);
+static expr_ty group_rule(Parser *p);
+static expr_ty genexp_rule(Parser *p);
+static expr_ty set_rule(Parser *p);
+static expr_ty setcomp_rule(Parser *p);
+static expr_ty dict_rule(Parser *p);
+static expr_ty dictcomp_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq* kvpairs_rule(Parser *p);
+static KeyValuePair* kvpair_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq* for_if_clauses_rule(Parser *p);
+static expr_ty yield_expr_rule(Parser *p);
+static expr_ty arguments_rule(Parser *p);
+static expr_ty args_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq* kwargs_rule(Parser *p);
+static expr_ty starred_expression_rule(Parser *p);
+static KeywordOrStarred* kwarg_or_starred_rule(Parser *p);
+static KeywordOrStarred* kwarg_or_double_starred_rule(Parser *p);
+static expr_ty star_targets_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq* star_targets_seq_rule(Parser *p);
+static expr_ty star_target_rule(Parser *p);
+static expr_ty star_atom_rule(Parser *p);
+static expr_ty inside_paren_ann_assign_target_rule(Parser *p);
+static expr_ty ann_assign_subscript_attribute_target_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq* del_targets_rule(Parser *p);
+static expr_ty del_target_rule(Parser *p);
+static expr_ty del_t_atom_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq* targets_rule(Parser *p);
+static expr_ty target_rule(Parser *p);
+static expr_ty t_primary_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *t_lookahead_rule(Parser *p);
+static expr_ty t_atom_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *incorrect_arguments_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *invalid_named_expression_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *invalid_assignment_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *invalid_block_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *invalid_comprehension_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *invalid_parameters_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq *_loop0_1_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq *_loop1_2_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq *_loop0_4_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq *_gather_3_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_5_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_6_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_7_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_8_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_9_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_10_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_11_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_12_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq *_loop1_13_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_14_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_15_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq *_loop0_17_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq *_gather_16_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq *_loop0_19_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq *_gather_18_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_20_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq *_loop0_21_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq *_loop1_22_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq *_loop0_24_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq *_gather_23_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_25_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq *_loop0_27_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq *_gather_26_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_28_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq *_loop0_30_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq *_gather_29_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq *_loop0_32_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq *_gather_31_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_33_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq *_loop1_34_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_35_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_36_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_37_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_38_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_39_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_40_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_41_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_42_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_43_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_44_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_45_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_46_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq *_loop0_47_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_48_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq *_loop1_49_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_50_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_51_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq *_loop0_53_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq *_gather_52_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq *_loop0_55_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq *_gather_54_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_56_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq *_loop1_57_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_58_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq *_loop0_60_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq *_gather_59_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq *_loop1_61_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq *_loop0_63_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq *_gather_62_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq *_loop1_64_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_65_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_66_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_67_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_68_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_69_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_70_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_71_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_72_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_73_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq *_loop0_74_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_75_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq *_loop1_76_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_77_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_78_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq *_loop0_80_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq *_gather_79_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq *_loop0_82_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq *_gather_81_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq *_loop1_83_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq *_loop1_84_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq *_loop1_85_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq *_loop0_87_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq *_gather_86_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_88_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_89_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_90_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_91_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq *_loop1_92_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_93_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_94_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq *_loop0_96_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq *_gather_95_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq *_loop1_97_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_98_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_99_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq *_loop0_101_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq *_gather_100_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq *_loop0_103_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq *_gather_102_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq *_loop0_105_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq *_gather_104_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq *_loop0_107_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq *_gather_106_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq *_loop0_108_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq *_loop0_110_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq *_gather_109_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_111_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq *_loop0_113_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq *_gather_112_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq *_loop0_115_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq *_gather_114_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_116_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_117_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_118_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_119_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_120_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_121_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_122_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_123_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_124_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_125_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_126_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_127_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_128_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_129_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_130_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_131_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_132_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_133_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_134_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq *_loop0_135_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_136_rule(Parser *p);
+// file: statements? $
+static mod_ty
+file_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    mod_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // statements? $
+        void *a;
+        void *endmarker_var;
+        if (
+            (a = statements_rule(p), 1)
+            &&
+            (endmarker_var = _PyPegen_endmarker_token(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = Module ( a , NULL , p -> arena );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// interactive: statement_newline
+static mod_ty
+interactive_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    mod_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // statement_newline
+        asdl_seq* a;
+        if (
+            (a = statement_newline_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = Interactive ( a , p -> arena );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// eval: expressions NEWLINE* $
+static mod_ty
+eval_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    mod_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // expressions NEWLINE* $
+        asdl_seq * _loop0_1_var;
+        expr_ty a;
+        void *endmarker_var;
+        if (
+            (a = expressions_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (_loop0_1_var = _loop0_1_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (endmarker_var = _PyPegen_endmarker_token(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = Expression ( a , p -> arena );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// fstring: star_expressions
+static expr_ty
+fstring_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    expr_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // star_expressions
+        expr_ty star_expressions_var;
+        if (
+            (star_expressions_var = star_expressions_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = star_expressions_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// statements: statement+
+static asdl_seq*
+statements_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    asdl_seq* res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // statement+
+        asdl_seq * a;
+        if (
+            (a = _loop1_2_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_seq_flatten ( p , a );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// statement: compound_stmt | simple_stmt
+static asdl_seq*
+statement_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    asdl_seq* res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // compound_stmt
+        stmt_ty a;
+        if (
+            (a = compound_stmt_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_singleton_seq ( p , a );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // simple_stmt
+        asdl_seq* simple_stmt_var;
+        if (
+            (simple_stmt_var = simple_stmt_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = simple_stmt_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// statement_newline: compound_stmt NEWLINE | simple_stmt | NEWLINE | $
+static asdl_seq*
+statement_newline_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    asdl_seq* res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+        p->error_indicator = 1;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int start_lineno = p->tokens[mark]->lineno;
+    UNUSED(start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    int start_col_offset = p->tokens[mark]->col_offset;
+    UNUSED(start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    { // compound_stmt NEWLINE
+        stmt_ty a;
+        void *newline_var;
+        if (
+            (a = compound_stmt_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (newline_var = _PyPegen_newline_token(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_singleton_seq ( p , a );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // simple_stmt
+        asdl_seq* simple_stmt_var;
+        if (
+            (simple_stmt_var = simple_stmt_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = simple_stmt_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // NEWLINE
+        void *newline_var;
+        if (
+            (newline_var = _PyPegen_newline_token(p))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _PyPegen_singleton_seq ( p , CHECK ( _Py_Pass ( EXTRA ) ) );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // $
+        void *endmarker_var;
+        if (
+            (endmarker_var = _PyPegen_endmarker_token(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_interactive_exit ( p );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// simple_stmt: small_stmt !';' NEWLINE | ';'.small_stmt+ ';'? NEWLINE
+static asdl_seq*
+simple_stmt_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    asdl_seq* res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // small_stmt !';' NEWLINE
+        stmt_ty a;
+        void *newline_var;
+        if (
+            (a = small_stmt_rule(p))
+            &&
+            _PyPegen_lookahead_with_int(0, _PyPegen_expect_token, p, 13)
+            &&
+            (newline_var = _PyPegen_newline_token(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_singleton_seq ( p , a );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // ';'.small_stmt+ ';'? NEWLINE
+        asdl_seq * a;
+        void *newline_var;
+        void *opt_var;
+        UNUSED(opt_var); // Silence compiler warnings
+        if (
+            (a = _gather_3_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (opt_var = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 13), 1)
+            &&
+            (newline_var = _PyPegen_newline_token(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = a;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// small_stmt:
+//     | assignment
+//     | star_expressions
+//     | &'return' return_stmt
+//     | &('import' | 'from') import_stmt
+//     | &'raise' raise_stmt
+//     | 'pass'
+//     | &'del' del_stmt
+//     | &'yield' yield_stmt
+//     | &'assert' assert_stmt
+//     | 'break'
+//     | 'continue'
+//     | &'global' global_stmt
+//     | &'nonlocal' nonlocal_stmt
+static stmt_ty
+small_stmt_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    stmt_ty res = NULL;
+    if (_PyPegen_is_memoized(p, small_stmt_type, &res))
+        return res;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+        p->error_indicator = 1;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int start_lineno = p->tokens[mark]->lineno;
+    UNUSED(start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    int start_col_offset = p->tokens[mark]->col_offset;
+    UNUSED(start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    { // assignment
+        void *assignment_var;
+        if (
+            (assignment_var = assignment_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = assignment_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // star_expressions
+        expr_ty e;
+        if (
+            (e = star_expressions_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_Expr ( e , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // &'return' return_stmt
+        stmt_ty return_stmt_var;
+        if (
+            _PyPegen_lookahead_with_int(1, _PyPegen_expect_token, p, 500)
+            &&
+            (return_stmt_var = return_stmt_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = return_stmt_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // &('import' | 'from') import_stmt
+        stmt_ty import_stmt_var;
+        if (
+            _PyPegen_lookahead(1, _tmp_5_rule, p)
+            &&
+            (import_stmt_var = import_stmt_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = import_stmt_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // &'raise' raise_stmt
+        stmt_ty raise_stmt_var;
+        if (
+            _PyPegen_lookahead_with_int(1, _PyPegen_expect_token, p, 501)
+            &&
+            (raise_stmt_var = raise_stmt_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = raise_stmt_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // 'pass'
+        void *keyword;
+        if (
+            (keyword = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 502))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_Pass ( EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // &'del' del_stmt
+        stmt_ty del_stmt_var;
+        if (
+            _PyPegen_lookahead_with_int(1, _PyPegen_expect_token, p, 503)
+            &&
+            (del_stmt_var = del_stmt_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = del_stmt_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // &'yield' yield_stmt
+        stmt_ty yield_stmt_var;
+        if (
+            _PyPegen_lookahead_with_int(1, _PyPegen_expect_token, p, 504)
+            &&
+            (yield_stmt_var = yield_stmt_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = yield_stmt_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // &'assert' assert_stmt
+        stmt_ty assert_stmt_var;
+        if (
+            _PyPegen_lookahead_with_int(1, _PyPegen_expect_token, p, 505)
+            &&
+            (assert_stmt_var = assert_stmt_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = assert_stmt_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // 'break'
+        void *keyword;
+        if (
+            (keyword = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 506))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_Break ( EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // 'continue'
+        void *keyword;
+        if (
+            (keyword = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 507))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_Continue ( EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // &'global' global_stmt
+        stmt_ty global_stmt_var;
+        if (
+            _PyPegen_lookahead_with_int(1, _PyPegen_expect_token, p, 508)
+            &&
+            (global_stmt_var = global_stmt_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = global_stmt_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // &'nonlocal' nonlocal_stmt
+        stmt_ty nonlocal_stmt_var;
+        if (
+            _PyPegen_lookahead_with_int(1, _PyPegen_expect_token, p, 509)
+            &&
+            (nonlocal_stmt_var = nonlocal_stmt_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = nonlocal_stmt_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    _PyPegen_insert_memo(p, mark, small_stmt_type, res);
+    return res;
+// compound_stmt:
+//     | &('def' | '@' | ASYNC) function_def
+//     | &'if' if_stmt
+//     | &('class' | '@') class_def
+//     | &('with' | ASYNC) with_stmt
+//     | &('for' | ASYNC) for_stmt
+//     | &'try' try_stmt
+//     | &'while' while_stmt
+static stmt_ty
+compound_stmt_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    stmt_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // &('def' | '@' | ASYNC) function_def
+        stmt_ty function_def_var;
+        if (
+            _PyPegen_lookahead(1, _tmp_6_rule, p)
+            &&
+            (function_def_var = function_def_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = function_def_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // &'if' if_stmt
+        stmt_ty if_stmt_var;
+        if (
+            _PyPegen_lookahead_with_int(1, _PyPegen_expect_token, p, 510)
+            &&
+            (if_stmt_var = if_stmt_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = if_stmt_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // &('class' | '@') class_def
+        stmt_ty class_def_var;
+        if (
+            _PyPegen_lookahead(1, _tmp_7_rule, p)
+            &&
+            (class_def_var = class_def_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = class_def_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // &('with' | ASYNC) with_stmt
+        stmt_ty with_stmt_var;
+        if (
+            _PyPegen_lookahead(1, _tmp_8_rule, p)
+            &&
+            (with_stmt_var = with_stmt_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = with_stmt_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // &('for' | ASYNC) for_stmt
+        stmt_ty for_stmt_var;
+        if (
+            _PyPegen_lookahead(1, _tmp_9_rule, p)
+            &&
+            (for_stmt_var = for_stmt_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = for_stmt_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // &'try' try_stmt
+        stmt_ty try_stmt_var;
+        if (
+            _PyPegen_lookahead_with_int(1, _PyPegen_expect_token, p, 511)
+            &&
+            (try_stmt_var = try_stmt_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = try_stmt_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // &'while' while_stmt
+        stmt_ty while_stmt_var;
+        if (
+            _PyPegen_lookahead_with_int(1, _PyPegen_expect_token, p, 512)
+            &&
+            (while_stmt_var = while_stmt_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = while_stmt_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// assignment:
+//     | NAME ':' expression ['=' annotated_rhs]
+//     | ('(' inside_paren_ann_assign_target ')' | ann_assign_subscript_attribute_target) ':' expression ['=' annotated_rhs]
+//     | ((star_targets '='))+ (yield_expr | star_expressions)
+//     | target augassign (yield_expr | star_expressions)
+//     | invalid_assignment
+static void *
+assignment_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+        p->error_indicator = 1;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int start_lineno = p->tokens[mark]->lineno;
+    UNUSED(start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    int start_col_offset = p->tokens[mark]->col_offset;
+    UNUSED(start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    { // NAME ':' expression ['=' annotated_rhs]
+        expr_ty a;
+        expr_ty b;
+        void *c;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (a = _PyPegen_name_token(p))
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 11))
+            &&
+            (b = expression_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (c = _tmp_10_rule(p), 1)
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_AnnAssign ( CHECK ( _PyPegen_set_expr_context ( p , a , Store ) ) , b , c , 1 , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // ('(' inside_paren_ann_assign_target ')' | ann_assign_subscript_attribute_target) ':' expression ['=' annotated_rhs]
+        void *a;
+        expr_ty b;
+        void *c;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (a = _tmp_11_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 11))
+            &&
+            (b = expression_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (c = _tmp_12_rule(p), 1)
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_AnnAssign ( a , b , c , 0 , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // ((star_targets '='))+ (yield_expr | star_expressions)
+        asdl_seq * a;
+        void *b;
+        if (
+            (a = _loop1_13_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (b = _tmp_14_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_Assign ( a , b , NULL , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // target augassign (yield_expr | star_expressions)
+        expr_ty a;
+        AugOperator* b;
+        void *c;
+        if (
+            (a = target_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (b = augassign_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (c = _tmp_15_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_AugAssign ( a , b -> kind , c , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // invalid_assignment
+        void *invalid_assignment_var;
+        if (
+            (invalid_assignment_var = invalid_assignment_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = invalid_assignment_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// augassign:
+//     | '+='
+//     | '-='
+//     | '*='
+//     | '@='
+//     | '/='
+//     | '%='
+//     | '&='
+//     | '|='
+//     | '^='
+//     | '<<='
+//     | '>>='
+//     | '**='
+//     | '//='
+static AugOperator*
+augassign_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    AugOperator* res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // '+='
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 36))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_augoperator ( p , Add );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // '-='
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 37))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_augoperator ( p , Sub );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // '*='
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 38))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_augoperator ( p , Mult );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // '@='
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 50))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_augoperator ( p , MatMult );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // '/='
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 39))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_augoperator ( p , Div );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // '%='
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 40))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_augoperator ( p , Mod );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // '&='
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 41))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_augoperator ( p , BitAnd );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // '|='
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 42))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_augoperator ( p , BitOr );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // '^='
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 43))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_augoperator ( p , BitXor );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // '<<='
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 44))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_augoperator ( p , LShift );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // '>>='
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 45))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_augoperator ( p , RShift );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // '**='
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 46))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_augoperator ( p , Pow );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // '//='
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 48))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_augoperator ( p , FloorDiv );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// global_stmt: 'global' ','.NAME+
+static stmt_ty
+global_stmt_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    stmt_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+        p->error_indicator = 1;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int start_lineno = p->tokens[mark]->lineno;
+    UNUSED(start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    int start_col_offset = p->tokens[mark]->col_offset;
+    UNUSED(start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    { // 'global' ','.NAME+
+        asdl_seq * a;
+        void *keyword;
+        if (
+            (keyword = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 508))
+            &&
+            (a = _gather_16_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_Global ( CHECK ( _PyPegen_map_names_to_ids ( p , a ) ) , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// nonlocal_stmt: 'nonlocal' ','.NAME+
+static stmt_ty
+nonlocal_stmt_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    stmt_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+        p->error_indicator = 1;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int start_lineno = p->tokens[mark]->lineno;
+    UNUSED(start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    int start_col_offset = p->tokens[mark]->col_offset;
+    UNUSED(start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    { // 'nonlocal' ','.NAME+
+        asdl_seq * a;
+        void *keyword;
+        if (
+            (keyword = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 509))
+            &&
+            (a = _gather_18_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_Nonlocal ( CHECK ( _PyPegen_map_names_to_ids ( p , a ) ) , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// yield_stmt: yield_expr
+static stmt_ty
+yield_stmt_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    stmt_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+        p->error_indicator = 1;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int start_lineno = p->tokens[mark]->lineno;
+    UNUSED(start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    int start_col_offset = p->tokens[mark]->col_offset;
+    UNUSED(start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    { // yield_expr
+        expr_ty y;
+        if (
+            (y = yield_expr_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_Expr ( y , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// assert_stmt: 'assert' expression [',' expression]
+static stmt_ty
+assert_stmt_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    stmt_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+        p->error_indicator = 1;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int start_lineno = p->tokens[mark]->lineno;
+    UNUSED(start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    int start_col_offset = p->tokens[mark]->col_offset;
+    UNUSED(start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    { // 'assert' expression [',' expression]
+        expr_ty a;
+        void *b;
+        void *keyword;
+        if (
+            (keyword = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 505))
+            &&
+            (a = expression_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (b = _tmp_20_rule(p), 1)
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_Assert ( a , b , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// del_stmt: 'del' del_targets
+static stmt_ty
+del_stmt_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    stmt_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+        p->error_indicator = 1;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int start_lineno = p->tokens[mark]->lineno;
+    UNUSED(start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    int start_col_offset = p->tokens[mark]->col_offset;
+    UNUSED(start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    { // 'del' del_targets
+        asdl_seq* a;
+        void *keyword;
+        if (
+            (keyword = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 503))
+            &&
+            (a = del_targets_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_Delete ( a , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// import_stmt: import_name | import_from
+static stmt_ty
+import_stmt_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    stmt_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // import_name
+        stmt_ty import_name_var;
+        if (
+            (import_name_var = import_name_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = import_name_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // import_from
+        stmt_ty import_from_var;
+        if (
+            (import_from_var = import_from_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = import_from_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// import_name: 'import' dotted_as_names
+static stmt_ty
+import_name_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    stmt_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+        p->error_indicator = 1;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int start_lineno = p->tokens[mark]->lineno;
+    UNUSED(start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    int start_col_offset = p->tokens[mark]->col_offset;
+    UNUSED(start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    { // 'import' dotted_as_names
+        asdl_seq* a;
+        void *keyword;
+        if (
+            (keyword = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 513))
+            &&
+            (a = dotted_as_names_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_Import ( a , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// import_from:
+//     | 'from' (('.' | '...'))* dotted_name 'import' import_from_targets
+//     | 'from' (('.' | '...'))+ 'import' import_from_targets
+static stmt_ty
+import_from_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    stmt_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+        p->error_indicator = 1;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int start_lineno = p->tokens[mark]->lineno;
+    UNUSED(start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    int start_col_offset = p->tokens[mark]->col_offset;
+    UNUSED(start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    { // 'from' (('.' | '...'))* dotted_name 'import' import_from_targets
+        asdl_seq * a;
+        expr_ty b;
+        asdl_seq* c;
+        void *keyword;
+        void *keyword_1;
+        if (
+            (keyword = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 514))
+            &&
+            (a = _loop0_21_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (b = dotted_name_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (keyword_1 = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 513))
+            &&
+            (c = import_from_targets_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_ImportFrom ( b -> v . Name . id , c , _PyPegen_seq_count_dots ( a ) , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // 'from' (('.' | '...'))+ 'import' import_from_targets
+        asdl_seq * a;
+        asdl_seq* b;
+        void *keyword;
+        void *keyword_1;
+        if (
+            (keyword = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 514))
+            &&
+            (a = _loop1_22_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (keyword_1 = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 513))
+            &&
+            (b = import_from_targets_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_ImportFrom ( NULL , b , _PyPegen_seq_count_dots ( a ) , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// import_from_targets: '(' import_from_as_names ','? ')' | import_from_as_names | '*'
+static asdl_seq*
+import_from_targets_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    asdl_seq* res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // '(' import_from_as_names ','? ')'
+        asdl_seq* a;
+        void *literal;
+        void *literal_1;
+        void *opt_var;
+        UNUSED(opt_var); // Silence compiler warnings
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 7))
+            &&
+            (a = import_from_as_names_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (opt_var = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12), 1)
+            &&
+            (literal_1 = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 8))
+        )
+        {
+            res = a;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // import_from_as_names
+        asdl_seq* import_from_as_names_var;
+        if (
+            (import_from_as_names_var = import_from_as_names_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = import_from_as_names_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // '*'
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 16))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_singleton_seq ( p , CHECK ( _PyPegen_alias_for_star ( p ) ) );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// import_from_as_names: ','.import_from_as_name+
+static asdl_seq*
+import_from_as_names_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    asdl_seq* res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // ','.import_from_as_name+
+        asdl_seq * a;
+        if (
+            (a = _gather_23_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = a;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// import_from_as_name: NAME ['as' NAME]
+static alias_ty
+import_from_as_name_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    alias_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // NAME ['as' NAME]
+        expr_ty a;
+        void *b;
+        if (
+            (a = _PyPegen_name_token(p))
+            &&
+            (b = _tmp_25_rule(p), 1)
+        )
+        {
+            res = _Py_alias ( a -> v . Name . id , ( b ) ? ( ( expr_ty ) b ) -> v . Name . id : NULL , p -> arena );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// dotted_as_names: ','.dotted_as_name+
+static asdl_seq*
+dotted_as_names_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    asdl_seq* res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // ','.dotted_as_name+
+        asdl_seq * a;
+        if (
+            (a = _gather_26_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = a;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// dotted_as_name: dotted_name ['as' NAME]
+static alias_ty
+dotted_as_name_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    alias_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // dotted_name ['as' NAME]
+        expr_ty a;
+        void *b;
+        if (
+            (a = dotted_name_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (b = _tmp_28_rule(p), 1)
+        )
+        {
+            res = _Py_alias ( a -> v . Name . id , ( b ) ? ( ( expr_ty ) b ) -> v . Name . id : NULL , p -> arena );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// Left-recursive
+// dotted_name: dotted_name '.' NAME | NAME
+static expr_ty dotted_name_raw(Parser *);
+static expr_ty
+dotted_name_rule(Parser *p)
+    expr_ty res = NULL;
+    if (_PyPegen_is_memoized(p, dotted_name_type, &res))
+        return res;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    int resmark = p->mark;
+    while (1) {
+        int tmpvar_0 = _PyPegen_update_memo(p, mark, dotted_name_type, res);
+        if (tmpvar_0) {
+            return res;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+        void *raw = dotted_name_raw(p);
+        if (raw == NULL || p->mark <= resmark)
+            break;
+        resmark = p->mark;
+        res = raw;
+    }
+    p->mark = resmark;
+    return res;
+static expr_ty
+dotted_name_raw(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    expr_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // dotted_name '.' NAME
+        expr_ty a;
+        expr_ty b;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (a = dotted_name_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 23))
+            &&
+            (b = _PyPegen_name_token(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_join_names_with_dot ( p , a , b );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // NAME
+        expr_ty name_var;
+        if (
+            (name_var = _PyPegen_name_token(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = name_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// if_stmt:
+//     | 'if' named_expression ':' block elif_stmt
+//     | 'if' named_expression ':' block else_block?
+static stmt_ty
+if_stmt_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    stmt_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+        p->error_indicator = 1;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int start_lineno = p->tokens[mark]->lineno;
+    UNUSED(start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    int start_col_offset = p->tokens[mark]->col_offset;
+    UNUSED(start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    { // 'if' named_expression ':' block elif_stmt
+        expr_ty a;
+        asdl_seq* b;
+        stmt_ty c;
+        void *keyword;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (keyword = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 510))
+            &&
+            (a = named_expression_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 11))
+            &&
+            (b = block_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (c = elif_stmt_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_If ( a , b , CHECK ( _PyPegen_singleton_seq ( p , c ) ) , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // 'if' named_expression ':' block else_block?
+        expr_ty a;
+        asdl_seq* b;
+        void *c;
+        void *keyword;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (keyword = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 510))
+            &&
+            (a = named_expression_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 11))
+            &&
+            (b = block_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (c = else_block_rule(p), 1)
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_If ( a , b , c , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// elif_stmt:
+//     | 'elif' named_expression ':' block elif_stmt
+//     | 'elif' named_expression ':' block else_block?
+static stmt_ty
+elif_stmt_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    stmt_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+        p->error_indicator = 1;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int start_lineno = p->tokens[mark]->lineno;
+    UNUSED(start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    int start_col_offset = p->tokens[mark]->col_offset;
+    UNUSED(start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    { // 'elif' named_expression ':' block elif_stmt
+        expr_ty a;
+        asdl_seq* b;
+        stmt_ty c;
+        void *keyword;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (keyword = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 515))
+            &&
+            (a = named_expression_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 11))
+            &&
+            (b = block_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (c = elif_stmt_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_If ( a , b , CHECK ( _PyPegen_singleton_seq ( p , c ) ) , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // 'elif' named_expression ':' block else_block?
+        expr_ty a;
+        asdl_seq* b;
+        void *c;
+        void *keyword;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (keyword = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 515))
+            &&
+            (a = named_expression_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 11))
+            &&
+            (b = block_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (c = else_block_rule(p), 1)
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_If ( a , b , c , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// else_block: 'else' ':' block
+static asdl_seq*
+else_block_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    asdl_seq* res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // 'else' ':' block
+        asdl_seq* b;
+        void *keyword;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (keyword = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 516))
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 11))
+            &&
+            (b = block_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = b;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// while_stmt: 'while' named_expression ':' block else_block?
+static stmt_ty
+while_stmt_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    stmt_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+        p->error_indicator = 1;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int start_lineno = p->tokens[mark]->lineno;
+    UNUSED(start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    int start_col_offset = p->tokens[mark]->col_offset;
+    UNUSED(start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    { // 'while' named_expression ':' block else_block?
+        expr_ty a;
+        asdl_seq* b;
+        void *c;
+        void *keyword;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (keyword = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 512))
+            &&
+            (a = named_expression_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 11))
+            &&
+            (b = block_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (c = else_block_rule(p), 1)
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_While ( a , b , c , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// for_stmt: ASYNC? 'for' star_targets 'in' star_expressions ':' block else_block?
+static stmt_ty
+for_stmt_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    stmt_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+        p->error_indicator = 1;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int start_lineno = p->tokens[mark]->lineno;
+    UNUSED(start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    int start_col_offset = p->tokens[mark]->col_offset;
+    UNUSED(start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    { // ASYNC? 'for' star_targets 'in' star_expressions ':' block else_block?
+        asdl_seq* b;
+        void *el;
+        expr_ty ex;
+        void *is_async;
+        void *keyword;
+        void *keyword_1;
+        void *literal;
+        expr_ty t;
+        if (
+            (is_async = _PyPegen_async_token(p), 1)
+            &&
+            (keyword = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 517))
+            &&
+            (t = star_targets_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (keyword_1 = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 518))
+            &&
+            (ex = star_expressions_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 11))
+            &&
+            (b = block_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (el = else_block_rule(p), 1)
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = ( is_async ? _Py_AsyncFor : _Py_For ) ( t , ex , b , el , NULL , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// with_stmt:
+//     | ASYNC? 'with' '(' ','.with_item+ ')' ':' block
+//     | ASYNC? 'with' ','.with_item+ ':' block
+static stmt_ty
+with_stmt_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    stmt_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+        p->error_indicator = 1;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int start_lineno = p->tokens[mark]->lineno;
+    UNUSED(start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    int start_col_offset = p->tokens[mark]->col_offset;
+    UNUSED(start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    { // ASYNC? 'with' '(' ','.with_item+ ')' ':' block
+        asdl_seq * a;
+        asdl_seq* b;
+        void *is_async;
+        void *keyword;
+        void *literal;
+        void *literal_1;
+        void *literal_2;
+        if (
+            (is_async = _PyPegen_async_token(p), 1)
+            &&
+            (keyword = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 519))
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 7))
+            &&
+            (a = _gather_29_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal_1 = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 8))
+            &&
+            (literal_2 = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 11))
+            &&
+            (b = block_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = ( is_async ? _Py_AsyncWith : _Py_With ) ( a , b , NULL , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // ASYNC? 'with' ','.with_item+ ':' block
+        asdl_seq * a;
+        asdl_seq* b;
+        void *is_async;
+        void *keyword;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (is_async = _PyPegen_async_token(p), 1)
+            &&
+            (keyword = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 519))
+            &&
+            (a = _gather_31_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 11))
+            &&
+            (b = block_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = ( is_async ? _Py_AsyncWith : _Py_With ) ( a , b , NULL , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// with_item: expression ['as' target]
+static withitem_ty
+with_item_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    withitem_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // expression ['as' target]
+        expr_ty e;
+        void *o;
+        if (
+            (e = expression_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (o = _tmp_33_rule(p), 1)
+        )
+        {
+            res = _Py_withitem ( e , o , p -> arena );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// try_stmt:
+//     | 'try' ':' block finally_block
+//     | 'try' ':' block except_block+ else_block? finally_block?
+static stmt_ty
+try_stmt_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    stmt_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+        p->error_indicator = 1;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int start_lineno = p->tokens[mark]->lineno;
+    UNUSED(start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    int start_col_offset = p->tokens[mark]->col_offset;
+    UNUSED(start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    { // 'try' ':' block finally_block
+        asdl_seq* b;
+        asdl_seq* f;
+        void *keyword;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (keyword = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 511))
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 11))
+            &&
+            (b = block_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (f = finally_block_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_Try ( b , NULL , NULL , f , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // 'try' ':' block except_block+ else_block? finally_block?
+        asdl_seq* b;
+        void *el;
+        asdl_seq * ex;
+        void *f;
+        void *keyword;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (keyword = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 511))
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 11))
+            &&
+            (b = block_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (ex = _loop1_34_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (el = else_block_rule(p), 1)
+            &&
+            (f = finally_block_rule(p), 1)
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_Try ( b , ex , el , f , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// except_block: 'except' expression ['as' target] ':' block | 'except' ':' block
+static excepthandler_ty
+except_block_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    excepthandler_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+        p->error_indicator = 1;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int start_lineno = p->tokens[mark]->lineno;
+    UNUSED(start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    int start_col_offset = p->tokens[mark]->col_offset;
+    UNUSED(start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    { // 'except' expression ['as' target] ':' block
+        asdl_seq* b;
+        expr_ty e;
+        void *keyword;
+        void *literal;
+        void *t;
+        if (
+            (keyword = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 520))
+            &&
+            (e = expression_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (t = _tmp_35_rule(p), 1)
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 11))
+            &&
+            (b = block_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_ExceptHandler ( e , ( t ) ? ( ( expr_ty ) t ) -> v . Name . id : NULL , b , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // 'except' ':' block
+        asdl_seq* b;
+        void *keyword;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (keyword = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 520))
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 11))
+            &&
+            (b = block_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_ExceptHandler ( NULL , NULL , b , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// finally_block: 'finally' ':' block
+static asdl_seq*
+finally_block_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    asdl_seq* res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // 'finally' ':' block
+        asdl_seq* a;
+        void *keyword;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (keyword = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 521))
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 11))
+            &&
+            (a = block_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = a;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// return_stmt: 'return' star_expressions?
+static stmt_ty
+return_stmt_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    stmt_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+        p->error_indicator = 1;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int start_lineno = p->tokens[mark]->lineno;
+    UNUSED(start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    int start_col_offset = p->tokens[mark]->col_offset;
+    UNUSED(start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    { // 'return' star_expressions?
+        void *a;
+        void *keyword;
+        if (
+            (keyword = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 500))
+            &&
+            (a = star_expressions_rule(p), 1)
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_Return ( a , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// raise_stmt: 'raise' expression ['from' expression] | 'raise'
+static stmt_ty
+raise_stmt_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    stmt_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+        p->error_indicator = 1;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int start_lineno = p->tokens[mark]->lineno;
+    UNUSED(start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    int start_col_offset = p->tokens[mark]->col_offset;
+    UNUSED(start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    { // 'raise' expression ['from' expression]
+        expr_ty a;
+        void *b;
+        void *keyword;
+        if (
+            (keyword = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 501))
+            &&
+            (a = expression_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (b = _tmp_36_rule(p), 1)
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_Raise ( a , b , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // 'raise'
+        void *keyword;
+        if (
+            (keyword = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 501))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_Raise ( NULL , NULL , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// function_def: decorators function_def_raw | function_def_raw
+static stmt_ty
+function_def_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    stmt_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // decorators function_def_raw
+        asdl_seq* d;
+        stmt_ty f;
+        if (
+            (d = decorators_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (f = function_def_raw_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_function_def_decorators ( p , d , f );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // function_def_raw
+        stmt_ty function_def_raw_var;
+        if (
+            (function_def_raw_var = function_def_raw_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = function_def_raw_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// function_def_raw: ASYNC? 'def' NAME '(' params? ')' ['->' annotation] ':' block
+static stmt_ty
+function_def_raw_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    stmt_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+        p->error_indicator = 1;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int start_lineno = p->tokens[mark]->lineno;
+    UNUSED(start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    int start_col_offset = p->tokens[mark]->col_offset;
+    UNUSED(start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    { // ASYNC? 'def' NAME '(' params? ')' ['->' annotation] ':' block
+        void *a;
+        asdl_seq* b;
+        void *is_async;
+        void *keyword;
+        void *literal;
+        void *literal_1;
+        void *literal_2;
+        expr_ty n;
+        void *params;
+        if (
+            (is_async = _PyPegen_async_token(p), 1)
+            &&
+            (keyword = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 522))
+            &&
+            (n = _PyPegen_name_token(p))
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 7))
+            &&
+            (params = params_rule(p), 1)
+            &&
+            (literal_1 = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 8))
+            &&
+            (a = _tmp_37_rule(p), 1)
+            &&
+            (literal_2 = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 11))
+            &&
+            (b = block_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = ( is_async ? _Py_AsyncFunctionDef : _Py_FunctionDef ) ( n -> v . Name . id , ( params ) ? params : CHECK ( _PyPegen_empty_arguments ( p ) ) , b , NULL , a , NULL , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// params: invalid_parameters | parameters
+static arguments_ty
+params_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    arguments_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // invalid_parameters
+        void *invalid_parameters_var;
+        if (
+            (invalid_parameters_var = invalid_parameters_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = invalid_parameters_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // parameters
+        arguments_ty parameters_var;
+        if (
+            (parameters_var = parameters_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = parameters_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// parameters:
+//     | slash_without_default [',' plain_names] [',' names_with_default] [',' star_etc?]
+//     | slash_with_default [',' names_with_default] [',' star_etc?]
+//     | plain_names [',' names_with_default] [',' star_etc?]
+//     | names_with_default [',' star_etc?]
+//     | star_etc
+static arguments_ty
+parameters_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    arguments_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // slash_without_default [',' plain_names] [',' names_with_default] [',' star_etc?]
+        asdl_seq* a;
+        void *b;
+        void *c;
+        void *d;
+        if (
+            (a = slash_without_default_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (b = _tmp_38_rule(p), 1)
+            &&
+            (c = _tmp_39_rule(p), 1)
+            &&
+            (d = _tmp_40_rule(p), 1)
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_make_arguments ( p , a , NULL , b , c , d );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // slash_with_default [',' names_with_default] [',' star_etc?]
+        SlashWithDefault* a;
+        void *b;
+        void *c;
+        if (
+            (a = slash_with_default_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (b = _tmp_41_rule(p), 1)
+            &&
+            (c = _tmp_42_rule(p), 1)
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_make_arguments ( p , NULL , a , NULL , b , c );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // plain_names [',' names_with_default] [',' star_etc?]
+        asdl_seq* a;
+        void *b;
+        void *c;
+        if (
+            (a = plain_names_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (b = _tmp_43_rule(p), 1)
+            &&
+            (c = _tmp_44_rule(p), 1)
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_make_arguments ( p , NULL , NULL , a , b , c );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // names_with_default [',' star_etc?]
+        asdl_seq* a;
+        void *b;
+        if (
+            (a = names_with_default_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (b = _tmp_45_rule(p), 1)
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_make_arguments ( p , NULL , NULL , NULL , a , b );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // star_etc
+        StarEtc* a;
+        if (
+            (a = star_etc_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_make_arguments ( p , NULL , NULL , NULL , NULL , a );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// slash_without_default: plain_names ',' '/'
+static asdl_seq*
+slash_without_default_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    asdl_seq* res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // plain_names ',' '/'
+        asdl_seq* a;
+        void *literal;
+        void *literal_1;
+        if (
+            (a = plain_names_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12))
+            &&
+            (literal_1 = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 17))
+        )
+        {
+            res = a;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// slash_with_default: [plain_names ','] names_with_default ',' '/'
+static SlashWithDefault*
+slash_with_default_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    SlashWithDefault* res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // [plain_names ','] names_with_default ',' '/'
+        void *a;
+        asdl_seq* b;
+        void *literal;
+        void *literal_1;
+        if (
+            (a = _tmp_46_rule(p), 1)
+            &&
+            (b = names_with_default_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12))
+            &&
+            (literal_1 = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 17))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_slash_with_default ( p , a , b );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// star_etc:
+//     | '*' plain_name name_with_optional_default* [',' kwds] ','?
+//     | '*' name_with_optional_default+ [',' kwds] ','?
+//     | kwds ','?
+static StarEtc*
+star_etc_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    StarEtc* res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // '*' plain_name name_with_optional_default* [',' kwds] ','?
+        arg_ty a;
+        asdl_seq * b;
+        void *c;
+        void *literal;
+        void *opt_var;
+        UNUSED(opt_var); // Silence compiler warnings
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 16))
+            &&
+            (a = plain_name_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (b = _loop0_47_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (c = _tmp_48_rule(p), 1)
+            &&
+            (opt_var = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12), 1)
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_star_etc ( p , a , b , c );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // '*' name_with_optional_default+ [',' kwds] ','?
+        asdl_seq * b;
+        void *c;
+        void *literal;
+        void *opt_var;
+        UNUSED(opt_var); // Silence compiler warnings
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 16))
+            &&
+            (b = _loop1_49_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (c = _tmp_50_rule(p), 1)
+            &&
+            (opt_var = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12), 1)
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_star_etc ( p , NULL , b , c );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // kwds ','?
+        arg_ty a;
+        void *opt_var;
+        UNUSED(opt_var); // Silence compiler warnings
+        if (
+            (a = kwds_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (opt_var = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12), 1)
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_star_etc ( p , NULL , NULL , a );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// name_with_optional_default: ',' plain_name ['=' expression]
+static NameDefaultPair*
+name_with_optional_default_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    NameDefaultPair* res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // ',' plain_name ['=' expression]
+        arg_ty a;
+        void *b;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12))
+            &&
+            (a = plain_name_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (b = _tmp_51_rule(p), 1)
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_name_default_pair ( p , a , b );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// names_with_default: ','.name_with_default+
+static asdl_seq*
+names_with_default_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    asdl_seq* res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // ','.name_with_default+
+        asdl_seq * a;
+        if (
+            (a = _gather_52_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = a;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// name_with_default: plain_name '=' expression
+static NameDefaultPair*
+name_with_default_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    NameDefaultPair* res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // plain_name '=' expression
+        expr_ty e;
+        void *literal;
+        arg_ty n;
+        if (
+            (n = plain_name_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 22))
+            &&
+            (e = expression_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_name_default_pair ( p , n , e );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// plain_names: ','.(plain_name !'=')+
+static asdl_seq*
+plain_names_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    asdl_seq* res = NULL;
+    if (_PyPegen_is_memoized(p, plain_names_type, &res))
+        return res;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // ','.(plain_name !'=')+
+        asdl_seq * a;
+        if (
+            (a = _gather_54_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = a;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    _PyPegen_insert_memo(p, mark, plain_names_type, res);
+    return res;
+// plain_name: NAME [':' annotation]
+static arg_ty
+plain_name_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    arg_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+        p->error_indicator = 1;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int start_lineno = p->tokens[mark]->lineno;
+    UNUSED(start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    int start_col_offset = p->tokens[mark]->col_offset;
+    UNUSED(start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    { // NAME [':' annotation]
+        expr_ty a;
+        void *b;
+        if (
+            (a = _PyPegen_name_token(p))
+            &&
+            (b = _tmp_56_rule(p), 1)
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_arg ( a -> v . Name . id , b , NULL , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// kwds: '**' plain_name
+static arg_ty
+kwds_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    arg_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // '**' plain_name
+        arg_ty a;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 35))
+            &&
+            (a = plain_name_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = a;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// annotation: expression
+static expr_ty
+annotation_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    expr_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // expression
+        expr_ty expression_var;
+        if (
+            (expression_var = expression_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = expression_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// decorators: (('@' named_expression NEWLINE))+
+static asdl_seq*
+decorators_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    asdl_seq* res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // (('@' named_expression NEWLINE))+
+        asdl_seq * a;
+        if (
+            (a = _loop1_57_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = a;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// class_def: decorators class_def_raw | class_def_raw
+static stmt_ty
+class_def_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    stmt_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // decorators class_def_raw
+        asdl_seq* a;
+        stmt_ty b;
+        if (
+            (a = decorators_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (b = class_def_raw_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_class_def_decorators ( p , a , b );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // class_def_raw
+        stmt_ty class_def_raw_var;
+        if (
+            (class_def_raw_var = class_def_raw_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = class_def_raw_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// class_def_raw: 'class' NAME ['(' arguments? ')'] ':' block
+static stmt_ty
+class_def_raw_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    stmt_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+        p->error_indicator = 1;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int start_lineno = p->tokens[mark]->lineno;
+    UNUSED(start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    int start_col_offset = p->tokens[mark]->col_offset;
+    UNUSED(start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    { // 'class' NAME ['(' arguments? ')'] ':' block
+        expr_ty a;
+        void *b;
+        asdl_seq* c;
+        void *keyword;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (keyword = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 523))
+            &&
+            (a = _PyPegen_name_token(p))
+            &&
+            (b = _tmp_58_rule(p), 1)
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 11))
+            &&
+            (c = block_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_ClassDef ( a -> v . Name . id , ( b ) ? ( ( expr_ty ) b ) -> v . Call . args : NULL , ( b ) ? ( ( expr_ty ) b ) -> v . Call . keywords : NULL , c , NULL , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// block: NEWLINE INDENT statements DEDENT | simple_stmt | invalid_block
+static asdl_seq*
+block_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    asdl_seq* res = NULL;
+    if (_PyPegen_is_memoized(p, block_type, &res))
+        return res;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // NEWLINE INDENT statements DEDENT
+        asdl_seq* a;
+        void *dedent_var;
+        void *indent_var;
+        void *newline_var;
+        if (
+            (newline_var = _PyPegen_newline_token(p))
+            &&
+            (indent_var = _PyPegen_indent_token(p))
+            &&
+            (a = statements_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (dedent_var = _PyPegen_dedent_token(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = a;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // simple_stmt
+        asdl_seq* simple_stmt_var;
+        if (
+            (simple_stmt_var = simple_stmt_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = simple_stmt_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // invalid_block
+        void *invalid_block_var;
+        if (
+            (invalid_block_var = invalid_block_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = invalid_block_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    _PyPegen_insert_memo(p, mark, block_type, res);
+    return res;
+// expressions_list: ','.star_expression+ ','?
+static asdl_seq*
+expressions_list_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    asdl_seq* res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // ','.star_expression+ ','?
+        asdl_seq * a;
+        void *opt_var;
+        UNUSED(opt_var); // Silence compiler warnings
+        if (
+            (a = _gather_59_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (opt_var = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12), 1)
+        )
+        {
+            res = a;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// star_expressions:
+//     | star_expression ((',' star_expression))+ ','?
+//     | star_expression ','
+//     | star_expression
+static expr_ty
+star_expressions_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    expr_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+        p->error_indicator = 1;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int start_lineno = p->tokens[mark]->lineno;
+    UNUSED(start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    int start_col_offset = p->tokens[mark]->col_offset;
+    UNUSED(start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    { // star_expression ((',' star_expression))+ ','?
+        expr_ty a;
+        asdl_seq * b;
+        void *opt_var;
+        UNUSED(opt_var); // Silence compiler warnings
+        if (
+            (a = star_expression_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (b = _loop1_61_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (opt_var = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12), 1)
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_Tuple ( CHECK ( _PyPegen_seq_insert_in_front ( p , a , b ) ) , Load , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // star_expression ','
+        expr_ty a;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (a = star_expression_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_Tuple ( CHECK ( _PyPegen_singleton_seq ( p , a ) ) , Load , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // star_expression
+        expr_ty star_expression_var;
+        if (
+            (star_expression_var = star_expression_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = star_expression_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// star_expression: '*' bitwise_or | expression
+static expr_ty
+star_expression_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    expr_ty res = NULL;
+    if (_PyPegen_is_memoized(p, star_expression_type, &res))
+        return res;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+        p->error_indicator = 1;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int start_lineno = p->tokens[mark]->lineno;
+    UNUSED(start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    int start_col_offset = p->tokens[mark]->col_offset;
+    UNUSED(start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    { // '*' bitwise_or
+        expr_ty a;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 16))
+            &&
+            (a = bitwise_or_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_Starred ( a , Load , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // expression
+        expr_ty expression_var;
+        if (
+            (expression_var = expression_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = expression_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    _PyPegen_insert_memo(p, mark, star_expression_type, res);
+    return res;
+// star_named_expressions: ','.star_named_expression+ ','?
+static asdl_seq*
+star_named_expressions_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    asdl_seq* res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // ','.star_named_expression+ ','?
+        asdl_seq * a;
+        void *opt_var;
+        UNUSED(opt_var); // Silence compiler warnings
+        if (
+            (a = _gather_62_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (opt_var = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12), 1)
+        )
+        {
+            res = a;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// star_named_expression: '*' bitwise_or | named_expression
+static expr_ty
+star_named_expression_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    expr_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+        p->error_indicator = 1;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int start_lineno = p->tokens[mark]->lineno;
+    UNUSED(start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    int start_col_offset = p->tokens[mark]->col_offset;
+    UNUSED(start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    { // '*' bitwise_or
+        expr_ty a;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 16))
+            &&
+            (a = bitwise_or_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_Starred ( a , Load , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // named_expression
+        expr_ty named_expression_var;
+        if (
+            (named_expression_var = named_expression_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = named_expression_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// named_expression: NAME ':=' expression | expression !':=' | invalid_named_expression
+static expr_ty
+named_expression_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    expr_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+        p->error_indicator = 1;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int start_lineno = p->tokens[mark]->lineno;
+    UNUSED(start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    int start_col_offset = p->tokens[mark]->col_offset;
+    UNUSED(start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    { // NAME ':=' expression
+        expr_ty a;
+        expr_ty b;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (a = _PyPegen_name_token(p))
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 53))
+            &&
+            (b = expression_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_NamedExpr ( CHECK ( _PyPegen_set_expr_context ( p , a , Store ) ) , b , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // expression !':='
+        expr_ty expression_var;
+        if (
+            (expression_var = expression_rule(p))
+            &&
+            _PyPegen_lookahead_with_int(0, _PyPegen_expect_token, p, 53)
+        )
+        {
+            res = expression_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // invalid_named_expression
+        void *invalid_named_expression_var;
+        if (
+            (invalid_named_expression_var = invalid_named_expression_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = invalid_named_expression_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// annotated_rhs: yield_expr | star_expressions
+static expr_ty
+annotated_rhs_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    expr_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // yield_expr
+        expr_ty yield_expr_var;
+        if (
+            (yield_expr_var = yield_expr_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = yield_expr_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // star_expressions
+        expr_ty star_expressions_var;
+        if (
+            (star_expressions_var = star_expressions_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = star_expressions_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// expressions: expression ((',' expression))+ ','? | expression ',' | expression
+static expr_ty
+expressions_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    expr_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+        p->error_indicator = 1;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int start_lineno = p->tokens[mark]->lineno;
+    UNUSED(start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    int start_col_offset = p->tokens[mark]->col_offset;
+    UNUSED(start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    { // expression ((',' expression))+ ','?
+        expr_ty a;
+        asdl_seq * b;
+        void *opt_var;
+        UNUSED(opt_var); // Silence compiler warnings
+        if (
+            (a = expression_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (b = _loop1_64_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (opt_var = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12), 1)
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_Tuple ( CHECK ( _PyPegen_seq_insert_in_front ( p , a , b ) ) , Load , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // expression ','
+        expr_ty a;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (a = expression_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_Tuple ( CHECK ( _PyPegen_singleton_seq ( p , a ) ) , Load , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // expression
+        expr_ty expression_var;
+        if (
+            (expression_var = expression_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = expression_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// expression: disjunction 'if' disjunction 'else' expression | disjunction | lambdef
+static expr_ty
+expression_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    expr_ty res = NULL;
+    if (_PyPegen_is_memoized(p, expression_type, &res))
+        return res;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+        p->error_indicator = 1;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int start_lineno = p->tokens[mark]->lineno;
+    UNUSED(start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    int start_col_offset = p->tokens[mark]->col_offset;
+    UNUSED(start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    { // disjunction 'if' disjunction 'else' expression
+        expr_ty a;
+        expr_ty b;
+        expr_ty c;
+        void *keyword;
+        void *keyword_1;
+        if (
+            (a = disjunction_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (keyword = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 510))
+            &&
+            (b = disjunction_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (keyword_1 = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 516))
+            &&
+            (c = expression_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_IfExp ( b , a , c , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // disjunction
+        expr_ty disjunction_var;
+        if (
+            (disjunction_var = disjunction_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = disjunction_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // lambdef
+        expr_ty lambdef_var;
+        if (
+            (lambdef_var = lambdef_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = lambdef_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    _PyPegen_insert_memo(p, mark, expression_type, res);
+    return res;
+// lambdef: 'lambda' lambda_parameters? ':' expression
+static expr_ty
+lambdef_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    expr_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+        p->error_indicator = 1;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int start_lineno = p->tokens[mark]->lineno;
+    UNUSED(start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    int start_col_offset = p->tokens[mark]->col_offset;
+    UNUSED(start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    { // 'lambda' lambda_parameters? ':' expression
+        void *a;
+        expr_ty b;
+        void *keyword;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (keyword = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 524))
+            &&
+            (a = lambda_parameters_rule(p), 1)
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 11))
+            &&
+            (b = expression_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_Lambda ( ( a ) ? a : CHECK ( _PyPegen_empty_arguments ( p ) ) , b , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// lambda_parameters:
+//     | lambda_slash_without_default [',' lambda_plain_names] [',' lambda_names_with_default] [',' lambda_star_etc?]
+//     | lambda_slash_with_default [',' lambda_names_with_default] [',' lambda_star_etc?]
+//     | lambda_plain_names [',' lambda_names_with_default] [',' lambda_star_etc?]
+//     | lambda_names_with_default [',' lambda_star_etc?]
+//     | lambda_star_etc
+static arguments_ty
+lambda_parameters_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    arguments_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // lambda_slash_without_default [',' lambda_plain_names] [',' lambda_names_with_default] [',' lambda_star_etc?]
+        asdl_seq* a;
+        void *b;
+        void *c;
+        void *d;
+        if (
+            (a = lambda_slash_without_default_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (b = _tmp_65_rule(p), 1)
+            &&
+            (c = _tmp_66_rule(p), 1)
+            &&
+            (d = _tmp_67_rule(p), 1)
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_make_arguments ( p , a , NULL , b , c , d );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // lambda_slash_with_default [',' lambda_names_with_default] [',' lambda_star_etc?]
+        SlashWithDefault* a;
+        void *b;
+        void *c;
+        if (
+            (a = lambda_slash_with_default_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (b = _tmp_68_rule(p), 1)
+            &&
+            (c = _tmp_69_rule(p), 1)
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_make_arguments ( p , NULL , a , NULL , b , c );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // lambda_plain_names [',' lambda_names_with_default] [',' lambda_star_etc?]
+        asdl_seq* a;
+        void *b;
+        void *c;
+        if (
+            (a = lambda_plain_names_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (b = _tmp_70_rule(p), 1)
+            &&
+            (c = _tmp_71_rule(p), 1)
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_make_arguments ( p , NULL , NULL , a , b , c );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // lambda_names_with_default [',' lambda_star_etc?]
+        asdl_seq* a;
+        void *b;
+        if (
+            (a = lambda_names_with_default_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (b = _tmp_72_rule(p), 1)
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_make_arguments ( p , NULL , NULL , NULL , a , b );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // lambda_star_etc
+        StarEtc* a;
+        if (
+            (a = lambda_star_etc_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_make_arguments ( p , NULL , NULL , NULL , NULL , a );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// lambda_slash_without_default: lambda_plain_names ',' '/'
+static asdl_seq*
+lambda_slash_without_default_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    asdl_seq* res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // lambda_plain_names ',' '/'
+        asdl_seq* a;
+        void *literal;
+        void *literal_1;
+        if (
+            (a = lambda_plain_names_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12))
+            &&
+            (literal_1 = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 17))
+        )
+        {
+            res = a;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// lambda_slash_with_default: [lambda_plain_names ','] lambda_names_with_default ',' '/'
+static SlashWithDefault*
+lambda_slash_with_default_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    SlashWithDefault* res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // [lambda_plain_names ','] lambda_names_with_default ',' '/'
+        void *a;
+        asdl_seq* b;
+        void *literal;
+        void *literal_1;
+        if (
+            (a = _tmp_73_rule(p), 1)
+            &&
+            (b = lambda_names_with_default_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12))
+            &&
+            (literal_1 = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 17))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_slash_with_default ( p , a , b );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// lambda_star_etc:
+//     | '*' lambda_plain_name lambda_name_with_optional_default* [',' lambda_kwds] ','?
+//     | '*' lambda_name_with_optional_default+ [',' lambda_kwds] ','?
+//     | lambda_kwds ','?
+static StarEtc*
+lambda_star_etc_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    StarEtc* res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // '*' lambda_plain_name lambda_name_with_optional_default* [',' lambda_kwds] ','?
+        arg_ty a;
+        asdl_seq * b;
+        void *c;
+        void *literal;
+        void *opt_var;
+        UNUSED(opt_var); // Silence compiler warnings
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 16))
+            &&
+            (a = lambda_plain_name_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (b = _loop0_74_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (c = _tmp_75_rule(p), 1)
+            &&
+            (opt_var = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12), 1)
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_star_etc ( p , a , b , c );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // '*' lambda_name_with_optional_default+ [',' lambda_kwds] ','?
+        asdl_seq * b;
+        void *c;
+        void *literal;
+        void *opt_var;
+        UNUSED(opt_var); // Silence compiler warnings
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 16))
+            &&
+            (b = _loop1_76_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (c = _tmp_77_rule(p), 1)
+            &&
+            (opt_var = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12), 1)
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_star_etc ( p , NULL , b , c );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // lambda_kwds ','?
+        arg_ty a;
+        void *opt_var;
+        UNUSED(opt_var); // Silence compiler warnings
+        if (
+            (a = lambda_kwds_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (opt_var = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12), 1)
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_star_etc ( p , NULL , NULL , a );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// lambda_name_with_optional_default: ',' lambda_plain_name ['=' expression]
+static NameDefaultPair*
+lambda_name_with_optional_default_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    NameDefaultPair* res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // ',' lambda_plain_name ['=' expression]
+        arg_ty a;
+        void *b;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12))
+            &&
+            (a = lambda_plain_name_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (b = _tmp_78_rule(p), 1)
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_name_default_pair ( p , a , b );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// lambda_names_with_default: ','.lambda_name_with_default+
+static asdl_seq*
+lambda_names_with_default_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    asdl_seq* res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // ','.lambda_name_with_default+
+        asdl_seq * a;
+        if (
+            (a = _gather_79_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = a;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// lambda_name_with_default: lambda_plain_name '=' expression
+static NameDefaultPair*
+lambda_name_with_default_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    NameDefaultPair* res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // lambda_plain_name '=' expression
+        expr_ty e;
+        void *literal;
+        arg_ty n;
+        if (
+            (n = lambda_plain_name_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 22))
+            &&
+            (e = expression_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_name_default_pair ( p , n , e );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// lambda_plain_names: ','.(lambda_plain_name !'=')+
+static asdl_seq*
+lambda_plain_names_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    asdl_seq* res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // ','.(lambda_plain_name !'=')+
+        asdl_seq * a;
+        if (
+            (a = _gather_81_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = a;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// lambda_plain_name: NAME
+static arg_ty
+lambda_plain_name_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    arg_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+        p->error_indicator = 1;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int start_lineno = p->tokens[mark]->lineno;
+    UNUSED(start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    int start_col_offset = p->tokens[mark]->col_offset;
+    UNUSED(start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    { // NAME
+        expr_ty a;
+        if (
+            (a = _PyPegen_name_token(p))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_arg ( a -> v . Name . id , NULL , NULL , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// lambda_kwds: '**' lambda_plain_name
+static arg_ty
+lambda_kwds_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    arg_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // '**' lambda_plain_name
+        arg_ty a;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 35))
+            &&
+            (a = lambda_plain_name_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = a;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// disjunction: conjunction (('or' conjunction))+ | conjunction
+static expr_ty
+disjunction_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    expr_ty res = NULL;
+    if (_PyPegen_is_memoized(p, disjunction_type, &res))
+        return res;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+        p->error_indicator = 1;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int start_lineno = p->tokens[mark]->lineno;
+    UNUSED(start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    int start_col_offset = p->tokens[mark]->col_offset;
+    UNUSED(start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    { // conjunction (('or' conjunction))+
+        expr_ty a;
+        asdl_seq * b;
+        if (
+            (a = conjunction_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (b = _loop1_83_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_BoolOp ( Or , CHECK ( _PyPegen_seq_insert_in_front ( p , a , b ) ) , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // conjunction
+        expr_ty conjunction_var;
+        if (
+            (conjunction_var = conjunction_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = conjunction_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    _PyPegen_insert_memo(p, mark, disjunction_type, res);
+    return res;
+// conjunction: inversion (('and' inversion))+ | inversion
+static expr_ty
+conjunction_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    expr_ty res = NULL;
+    if (_PyPegen_is_memoized(p, conjunction_type, &res))
+        return res;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+        p->error_indicator = 1;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int start_lineno = p->tokens[mark]->lineno;
+    UNUSED(start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    int start_col_offset = p->tokens[mark]->col_offset;
+    UNUSED(start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    { // inversion (('and' inversion))+
+        expr_ty a;
+        asdl_seq * b;
+        if (
+            (a = inversion_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (b = _loop1_84_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_BoolOp ( And , CHECK ( _PyPegen_seq_insert_in_front ( p , a , b ) ) , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // inversion
+        expr_ty inversion_var;
+        if (
+            (inversion_var = inversion_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = inversion_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    _PyPegen_insert_memo(p, mark, conjunction_type, res);
+    return res;
+// inversion: 'not' inversion | comparison
+static expr_ty
+inversion_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    expr_ty res = NULL;
+    if (_PyPegen_is_memoized(p, inversion_type, &res))
+        return res;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+        p->error_indicator = 1;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int start_lineno = p->tokens[mark]->lineno;
+    UNUSED(start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    int start_col_offset = p->tokens[mark]->col_offset;
+    UNUSED(start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    { // 'not' inversion
+        expr_ty a;
+        void *keyword;
+        if (
+            (keyword = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 525))
+            &&
+            (a = inversion_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_UnaryOp ( Not , a , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // comparison
+        expr_ty comparison_var;
+        if (
+            (comparison_var = comparison_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = comparison_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    _PyPegen_insert_memo(p, mark, inversion_type, res);
+    return res;
+// comparison: bitwise_or compare_op_bitwise_or_pair+ | bitwise_or
+static expr_ty
+comparison_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    expr_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+        p->error_indicator = 1;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int start_lineno = p->tokens[mark]->lineno;
+    UNUSED(start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    int start_col_offset = p->tokens[mark]->col_offset;
+    UNUSED(start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    { // bitwise_or compare_op_bitwise_or_pair+
+        expr_ty a;
+        asdl_seq * b;
+        if (
+            (a = bitwise_or_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (b = _loop1_85_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_Compare ( a , CHECK ( _PyPegen_get_cmpops ( p , b ) ) , CHECK ( _PyPegen_get_exprs ( p , b ) ) , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // bitwise_or
+        expr_ty bitwise_or_var;
+        if (
+            (bitwise_or_var = bitwise_or_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = bitwise_or_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// compare_op_bitwise_or_pair:
+//     | eq_bitwise_or
+//     | noteq_bitwise_or
+//     | lte_bitwise_or
+//     | lt_bitwise_or
+//     | gte_bitwise_or
+//     | gt_bitwise_or
+//     | notin_bitwise_or
+//     | in_bitwise_or
+//     | isnot_bitwise_or
+//     | is_bitwise_or
+static CmpopExprPair*
+compare_op_bitwise_or_pair_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    CmpopExprPair* res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // eq_bitwise_or
+        CmpopExprPair* eq_bitwise_or_var;
+        if (
+            (eq_bitwise_or_var = eq_bitwise_or_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = eq_bitwise_or_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // noteq_bitwise_or
+        CmpopExprPair* noteq_bitwise_or_var;
+        if (
+            (noteq_bitwise_or_var = noteq_bitwise_or_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = noteq_bitwise_or_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // lte_bitwise_or
+        CmpopExprPair* lte_bitwise_or_var;
+        if (
+            (lte_bitwise_or_var = lte_bitwise_or_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = lte_bitwise_or_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // lt_bitwise_or
+        CmpopExprPair* lt_bitwise_or_var;
+        if (
+            (lt_bitwise_or_var = lt_bitwise_or_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = lt_bitwise_or_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // gte_bitwise_or
+        CmpopExprPair* gte_bitwise_or_var;
+        if (
+            (gte_bitwise_or_var = gte_bitwise_or_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = gte_bitwise_or_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // gt_bitwise_or
+        CmpopExprPair* gt_bitwise_or_var;
+        if (
+            (gt_bitwise_or_var = gt_bitwise_or_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = gt_bitwise_or_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // notin_bitwise_or
+        CmpopExprPair* notin_bitwise_or_var;
+        if (
+            (notin_bitwise_or_var = notin_bitwise_or_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = notin_bitwise_or_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // in_bitwise_or
+        CmpopExprPair* in_bitwise_or_var;
+        if (
+            (in_bitwise_or_var = in_bitwise_or_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = in_bitwise_or_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // isnot_bitwise_or
+        CmpopExprPair* isnot_bitwise_or_var;
+        if (
+            (isnot_bitwise_or_var = isnot_bitwise_or_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = isnot_bitwise_or_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // is_bitwise_or
+        CmpopExprPair* is_bitwise_or_var;
+        if (
+            (is_bitwise_or_var = is_bitwise_or_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = is_bitwise_or_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// eq_bitwise_or: '==' bitwise_or
+static CmpopExprPair*
+eq_bitwise_or_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    CmpopExprPair* res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // '==' bitwise_or
+        expr_ty a;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 27))
+            &&
+            (a = bitwise_or_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_cmpop_expr_pair ( p , Eq , a );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// noteq_bitwise_or: '!=' bitwise_or
+static CmpopExprPair*
+noteq_bitwise_or_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    CmpopExprPair* res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // '!=' bitwise_or
+        expr_ty a;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 28))
+            &&
+            (a = bitwise_or_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_cmpop_expr_pair ( p , NotEq , a );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// lte_bitwise_or: '<=' bitwise_or
+static CmpopExprPair*
+lte_bitwise_or_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    CmpopExprPair* res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // '<=' bitwise_or
+        expr_ty a;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 29))
+            &&
+            (a = bitwise_or_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_cmpop_expr_pair ( p , LtE , a );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// lt_bitwise_or: '<' bitwise_or
+static CmpopExprPair*
+lt_bitwise_or_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    CmpopExprPair* res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // '<' bitwise_or
+        expr_ty a;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 20))
+            &&
+            (a = bitwise_or_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_cmpop_expr_pair ( p , Lt , a );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// gte_bitwise_or: '>=' bitwise_or
+static CmpopExprPair*
+gte_bitwise_or_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    CmpopExprPair* res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // '>=' bitwise_or
+        expr_ty a;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 30))
+            &&
+            (a = bitwise_or_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_cmpop_expr_pair ( p , GtE , a );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// gt_bitwise_or: '>' bitwise_or
+static CmpopExprPair*
+gt_bitwise_or_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    CmpopExprPair* res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // '>' bitwise_or
+        expr_ty a;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 21))
+            &&
+            (a = bitwise_or_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_cmpop_expr_pair ( p , Gt , a );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// notin_bitwise_or: 'not' 'in' bitwise_or
+static CmpopExprPair*
+notin_bitwise_or_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    CmpopExprPair* res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // 'not' 'in' bitwise_or
+        expr_ty a;
+        void *keyword;
+        void *keyword_1;
+        if (
+            (keyword = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 525))
+            &&
+            (keyword_1 = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 518))
+            &&
+            (a = bitwise_or_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_cmpop_expr_pair ( p , NotIn , a );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// in_bitwise_or: 'in' bitwise_or
+static CmpopExprPair*
+in_bitwise_or_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    CmpopExprPair* res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // 'in' bitwise_or
+        expr_ty a;
+        void *keyword;
+        if (
+            (keyword = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 518))
+            &&
+            (a = bitwise_or_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_cmpop_expr_pair ( p , In , a );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// isnot_bitwise_or: 'is' 'not' bitwise_or
+static CmpopExprPair*
+isnot_bitwise_or_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    CmpopExprPair* res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // 'is' 'not' bitwise_or
+        expr_ty a;
+        void *keyword;
+        void *keyword_1;
+        if (
+            (keyword = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 526))
+            &&
+            (keyword_1 = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 525))
+            &&
+            (a = bitwise_or_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_cmpop_expr_pair ( p , IsNot , a );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// is_bitwise_or: 'is' bitwise_or
+static CmpopExprPair*
+is_bitwise_or_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    CmpopExprPair* res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // 'is' bitwise_or
+        expr_ty a;
+        void *keyword;
+        if (
+            (keyword = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 526))
+            &&
+            (a = bitwise_or_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_cmpop_expr_pair ( p , Is , a );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// Left-recursive
+// bitwise_or: bitwise_or '|' bitwise_xor | bitwise_xor
+static expr_ty bitwise_or_raw(Parser *);
+static expr_ty
+bitwise_or_rule(Parser *p)
+    expr_ty res = NULL;
+    if (_PyPegen_is_memoized(p, bitwise_or_type, &res))
+        return res;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    int resmark = p->mark;
+    while (1) {
+        int tmpvar_1 = _PyPegen_update_memo(p, mark, bitwise_or_type, res);
+        if (tmpvar_1) {
+            return res;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+        void *raw = bitwise_or_raw(p);
+        if (raw == NULL || p->mark <= resmark)
+            break;
+        resmark = p->mark;
+        res = raw;
+    }
+    p->mark = resmark;
+    return res;
+static expr_ty
+bitwise_or_raw(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    expr_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+        p->error_indicator = 1;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int start_lineno = p->tokens[mark]->lineno;
+    UNUSED(start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    int start_col_offset = p->tokens[mark]->col_offset;
+    UNUSED(start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    { // bitwise_or '|' bitwise_xor
+        expr_ty a;
+        expr_ty b;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (a = bitwise_or_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 18))
+            &&
+            (b = bitwise_xor_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_BinOp ( a , BitOr , b , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // bitwise_xor
+        expr_ty bitwise_xor_var;
+        if (
+            (bitwise_xor_var = bitwise_xor_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = bitwise_xor_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// Left-recursive
+// bitwise_xor: bitwise_xor '^' bitwise_and | bitwise_and
+static expr_ty bitwise_xor_raw(Parser *);
+static expr_ty
+bitwise_xor_rule(Parser *p)
+    expr_ty res = NULL;
+    if (_PyPegen_is_memoized(p, bitwise_xor_type, &res))
+        return res;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    int resmark = p->mark;
+    while (1) {
+        int tmpvar_2 = _PyPegen_update_memo(p, mark, bitwise_xor_type, res);
+        if (tmpvar_2) {
+            return res;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+        void *raw = bitwise_xor_raw(p);
+        if (raw == NULL || p->mark <= resmark)
+            break;
+        resmark = p->mark;
+        res = raw;
+    }
+    p->mark = resmark;
+    return res;
+static expr_ty
+bitwise_xor_raw(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    expr_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+        p->error_indicator = 1;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int start_lineno = p->tokens[mark]->lineno;
+    UNUSED(start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    int start_col_offset = p->tokens[mark]->col_offset;
+    UNUSED(start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    { // bitwise_xor '^' bitwise_and
+        expr_ty a;
+        expr_ty b;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (a = bitwise_xor_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 32))
+            &&
+            (b = bitwise_and_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_BinOp ( a , BitXor , b , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // bitwise_and
+        expr_ty bitwise_and_var;
+        if (
+            (bitwise_and_var = bitwise_and_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = bitwise_and_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// Left-recursive
+// bitwise_and: bitwise_and '&' shift_expr | shift_expr
+static expr_ty bitwise_and_raw(Parser *);
+static expr_ty
+bitwise_and_rule(Parser *p)
+    expr_ty res = NULL;
+    if (_PyPegen_is_memoized(p, bitwise_and_type, &res))
+        return res;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    int resmark = p->mark;
+    while (1) {
+        int tmpvar_3 = _PyPegen_update_memo(p, mark, bitwise_and_type, res);
+        if (tmpvar_3) {
+            return res;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+        void *raw = bitwise_and_raw(p);
+        if (raw == NULL || p->mark <= resmark)
+            break;
+        resmark = p->mark;
+        res = raw;
+    }
+    p->mark = resmark;
+    return res;
+static expr_ty
+bitwise_and_raw(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    expr_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+        p->error_indicator = 1;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int start_lineno = p->tokens[mark]->lineno;
+    UNUSED(start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    int start_col_offset = p->tokens[mark]->col_offset;
+    UNUSED(start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    { // bitwise_and '&' shift_expr
+        expr_ty a;
+        expr_ty b;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (a = bitwise_and_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 19))
+            &&
+            (b = shift_expr_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_BinOp ( a , BitAnd , b , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // shift_expr
+        expr_ty shift_expr_var;
+        if (
+            (shift_expr_var = shift_expr_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = shift_expr_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// Left-recursive
+// shift_expr: shift_expr '<<' sum | shift_expr '>>' sum | sum
+static expr_ty shift_expr_raw(Parser *);
+static expr_ty
+shift_expr_rule(Parser *p)
+    expr_ty res = NULL;
+    if (_PyPegen_is_memoized(p, shift_expr_type, &res))
+        return res;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    int resmark = p->mark;
+    while (1) {
+        int tmpvar_4 = _PyPegen_update_memo(p, mark, shift_expr_type, res);
+        if (tmpvar_4) {
+            return res;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+        void *raw = shift_expr_raw(p);
+        if (raw == NULL || p->mark <= resmark)
+            break;
+        resmark = p->mark;
+        res = raw;
+    }
+    p->mark = resmark;
+    return res;
+static expr_ty
+shift_expr_raw(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    expr_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+        p->error_indicator = 1;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int start_lineno = p->tokens[mark]->lineno;
+    UNUSED(start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    int start_col_offset = p->tokens[mark]->col_offset;
+    UNUSED(start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    { // shift_expr '<<' sum
+        expr_ty a;
+        expr_ty b;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (a = shift_expr_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 33))
+            &&
+            (b = sum_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_BinOp ( a , LShift , b , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // shift_expr '>>' sum
+        expr_ty a;
+        expr_ty b;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (a = shift_expr_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 34))
+            &&
+            (b = sum_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_BinOp ( a , RShift , b , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // sum
+        expr_ty sum_var;
+        if (
+            (sum_var = sum_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = sum_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// Left-recursive
+// sum: sum '+' term | sum '-' term | term
+static expr_ty sum_raw(Parser *);
+static expr_ty
+sum_rule(Parser *p)
+    expr_ty res = NULL;
+    if (_PyPegen_is_memoized(p, sum_type, &res))
+        return res;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    int resmark = p->mark;
+    while (1) {
+        int tmpvar_5 = _PyPegen_update_memo(p, mark, sum_type, res);
+        if (tmpvar_5) {
+            return res;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+        void *raw = sum_raw(p);
+        if (raw == NULL || p->mark <= resmark)
+            break;
+        resmark = p->mark;
+        res = raw;
+    }
+    p->mark = resmark;
+    return res;
+static expr_ty
+sum_raw(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    expr_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+        p->error_indicator = 1;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int start_lineno = p->tokens[mark]->lineno;
+    UNUSED(start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    int start_col_offset = p->tokens[mark]->col_offset;
+    UNUSED(start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    { // sum '+' term
+        expr_ty a;
+        expr_ty b;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (a = sum_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 14))
+            &&
+            (b = term_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_BinOp ( a , Add , b , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // sum '-' term
+        expr_ty a;
+        expr_ty b;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (a = sum_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 15))
+            &&
+            (b = term_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_BinOp ( a , Sub , b , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // term
+        expr_ty term_var;
+        if (
+            (term_var = term_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = term_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// Left-recursive
+// term:
+//     | term '*' factor
+//     | term '/' factor
+//     | term '//' factor
+//     | term '%' factor
+//     | term '@' factor
+//     | factor
+static expr_ty term_raw(Parser *);
+static expr_ty
+term_rule(Parser *p)
+    expr_ty res = NULL;
+    if (_PyPegen_is_memoized(p, term_type, &res))
+        return res;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    int resmark = p->mark;
+    while (1) {
+        int tmpvar_6 = _PyPegen_update_memo(p, mark, term_type, res);
+        if (tmpvar_6) {
+            return res;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+        void *raw = term_raw(p);
+        if (raw == NULL || p->mark <= resmark)
+            break;
+        resmark = p->mark;
+        res = raw;
+    }
+    p->mark = resmark;
+    return res;
+static expr_ty
+term_raw(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    expr_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+        p->error_indicator = 1;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int start_lineno = p->tokens[mark]->lineno;
+    UNUSED(start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    int start_col_offset = p->tokens[mark]->col_offset;
+    UNUSED(start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    { // term '*' factor
+        expr_ty a;
+        expr_ty b;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (a = term_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 16))
+            &&
+            (b = factor_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_BinOp ( a , Mult , b , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // term '/' factor
+        expr_ty a;
+        expr_ty b;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (a = term_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 17))
+            &&
+            (b = factor_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_BinOp ( a , Div , b , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // term '//' factor
+        expr_ty a;
+        expr_ty b;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (a = term_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 47))
+            &&
+            (b = factor_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_BinOp ( a , FloorDiv , b , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // term '%' factor
+        expr_ty a;
+        expr_ty b;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (a = term_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 24))
+            &&
+            (b = factor_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_BinOp ( a , Mod , b , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // term '@' factor
+        expr_ty a;
+        expr_ty b;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (a = term_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 49))
+            &&
+            (b = factor_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_BinOp ( a , MatMult , b , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // factor
+        expr_ty factor_var;
+        if (
+            (factor_var = factor_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = factor_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// factor: '+' factor | '-' factor | '~' factor | power
+static expr_ty
+factor_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    expr_ty res = NULL;
+    if (_PyPegen_is_memoized(p, factor_type, &res))
+        return res;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+        p->error_indicator = 1;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int start_lineno = p->tokens[mark]->lineno;
+    UNUSED(start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    int start_col_offset = p->tokens[mark]->col_offset;
+    UNUSED(start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    { // '+' factor
+        expr_ty a;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 14))
+            &&
+            (a = factor_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_UnaryOp ( UAdd , a , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // '-' factor
+        expr_ty a;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 15))
+            &&
+            (a = factor_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_UnaryOp ( USub , a , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // '~' factor
+        expr_ty a;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 31))
+            &&
+            (a = factor_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_UnaryOp ( Invert , a , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // power
+        expr_ty power_var;
+        if (
+            (power_var = power_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = power_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    _PyPegen_insert_memo(p, mark, factor_type, res);
+    return res;
+// power: await_primary '**' factor | await_primary
+static expr_ty
+power_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    expr_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+        p->error_indicator = 1;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int start_lineno = p->tokens[mark]->lineno;
+    UNUSED(start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    int start_col_offset = p->tokens[mark]->col_offset;
+    UNUSED(start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    { // await_primary '**' factor
+        expr_ty a;
+        expr_ty b;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (a = await_primary_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 35))
+            &&
+            (b = factor_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_BinOp ( a , Pow , b , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // await_primary
+        expr_ty await_primary_var;
+        if (
+            (await_primary_var = await_primary_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = await_primary_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// await_primary: AWAIT primary | primary
+static expr_ty
+await_primary_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    expr_ty res = NULL;
+    if (_PyPegen_is_memoized(p, await_primary_type, &res))
+        return res;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+        p->error_indicator = 1;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int start_lineno = p->tokens[mark]->lineno;
+    UNUSED(start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    int start_col_offset = p->tokens[mark]->col_offset;
+    UNUSED(start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    { // AWAIT primary
+        expr_ty a;
+        void *await_var;
+        if (
+            (await_var = _PyPegen_await_token(p))
+            &&
+            (a = primary_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_Await ( a , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // primary
+        expr_ty primary_var;
+        if (
+            (primary_var = primary_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = primary_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    _PyPegen_insert_memo(p, mark, await_primary_type, res);
+    return res;
+// Left-recursive
+// primary:
+//     | primary '.' NAME
+//     | primary genexp
+//     | primary '(' arguments? ')'
+//     | primary '[' slices ']'
+//     | atom
+static expr_ty primary_raw(Parser *);
+static expr_ty
+primary_rule(Parser *p)
+    expr_ty res = NULL;
+    if (_PyPegen_is_memoized(p, primary_type, &res))
+        return res;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    int resmark = p->mark;
+    while (1) {
+        int tmpvar_7 = _PyPegen_update_memo(p, mark, primary_type, res);
+        if (tmpvar_7) {
+            return res;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+        void *raw = primary_raw(p);
+        if (raw == NULL || p->mark <= resmark)
+            break;
+        resmark = p->mark;
+        res = raw;
+    }
+    p->mark = resmark;
+    return res;
+static expr_ty
+primary_raw(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    expr_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+        p->error_indicator = 1;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int start_lineno = p->tokens[mark]->lineno;
+    UNUSED(start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    int start_col_offset = p->tokens[mark]->col_offset;
+    UNUSED(start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    { // primary '.' NAME
+        expr_ty a;
+        expr_ty b;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (a = primary_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 23))
+            &&
+            (b = _PyPegen_name_token(p))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_Attribute ( a , b -> v . Name . id , Load , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // primary genexp
+        expr_ty a;
+        expr_ty b;
+        if (
+            (a = primary_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (b = genexp_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_Call ( a , CHECK ( _PyPegen_singleton_seq ( p , b ) ) , NULL , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // primary '(' arguments? ')'
+        expr_ty a;
+        void *b;
+        void *literal;
+        void *literal_1;
+        if (
+            (a = primary_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 7))
+            &&
+            (b = arguments_rule(p), 1)
+            &&
+            (literal_1 = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 8))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_Call ( a , ( b ) ? ( ( expr_ty ) b ) -> v . Call . args : NULL , ( b ) ? ( ( expr_ty ) b ) -> v . Call . keywords : NULL , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // primary '[' slices ']'
+        expr_ty a;
+        expr_ty b;
+        void *literal;
+        void *literal_1;
+        if (
+            (a = primary_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 9))
+            &&
+            (b = slices_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal_1 = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 10))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_Subscript ( a , b , Load , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // atom
+        expr_ty atom_var;
+        if (
+            (atom_var = atom_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = atom_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// slices: slice !',' | ','.slice+ ','?
+static expr_ty
+slices_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    expr_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+        p->error_indicator = 1;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int start_lineno = p->tokens[mark]->lineno;
+    UNUSED(start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    int start_col_offset = p->tokens[mark]->col_offset;
+    UNUSED(start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    { // slice !','
+        expr_ty a;
+        if (
+            (a = slice_rule(p))
+            &&
+            _PyPegen_lookahead_with_int(0, _PyPegen_expect_token, p, 12)
+        )
+        {
+            res = a;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // ','.slice+ ','?
+        asdl_seq * a;
+        void *opt_var;
+        UNUSED(opt_var); // Silence compiler warnings
+        if (
+            (a = _gather_86_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (opt_var = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12), 1)
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_Tuple ( a , Load , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// slice: expression? ':' expression? [':' expression?] | expression
+static expr_ty
+slice_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    expr_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+        p->error_indicator = 1;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int start_lineno = p->tokens[mark]->lineno;
+    UNUSED(start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    int start_col_offset = p->tokens[mark]->col_offset;
+    UNUSED(start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    { // expression? ':' expression? [':' expression?]
+        void *a;
+        void *b;
+        void *c;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (a = expression_rule(p), 1)
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 11))
+            &&
+            (b = expression_rule(p), 1)
+            &&
+            (c = _tmp_88_rule(p), 1)
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_Slice ( a , b , c , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // expression
+        expr_ty a;
+        if (
+            (a = expression_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = a;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// atom:
+//     | NAME
+//     | 'True'
+//     | 'False'
+//     | 'None'
+//     | '__new_parser__'
+//     | &STRING strings
+//     | NUMBER
+//     | &'(' (tuple | group | genexp)
+//     | &'[' (list | listcomp)
+//     | &'{' (dict | set | dictcomp | setcomp)
+//     | '...'
+static expr_ty
+atom_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    expr_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+        p->error_indicator = 1;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int start_lineno = p->tokens[mark]->lineno;
+    UNUSED(start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    int start_col_offset = p->tokens[mark]->col_offset;
+    UNUSED(start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    { // NAME
+        expr_ty name_var;
+        if (
+            (name_var = _PyPegen_name_token(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = name_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // 'True'
+        void *keyword;
+        if (
+            (keyword = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 527))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_Constant ( Py_True , NULL , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // 'False'
+        void *keyword;
+        if (
+            (keyword = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 528))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_Constant ( Py_False , NULL , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // 'None'
+        void *keyword;
+        if (
+            (keyword = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 529))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_Constant ( Py_None , NULL , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // '__new_parser__'
+        void *keyword;
+        if (
+            (keyword = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 530))
+        )
+        {
+            res = RAISE_SYNTAX_ERROR ( "You found it!" );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // &STRING strings
+        expr_ty strings_var;
+        if (
+            _PyPegen_lookahead(1, _PyPegen_string_token, p)
+            &&
+            (strings_var = strings_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = strings_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // NUMBER
+        expr_ty number_var;
+        if (
+            (number_var = _PyPegen_number_token(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = number_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // &'(' (tuple | group | genexp)
+        void *_tmp_89_var;
+        if (
+            _PyPegen_lookahead_with_int(1, _PyPegen_expect_token, p, 7)
+            &&
+            (_tmp_89_var = _tmp_89_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _tmp_89_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // &'[' (list | listcomp)
+        void *_tmp_90_var;
+        if (
+            _PyPegen_lookahead_with_int(1, _PyPegen_expect_token, p, 9)
+            &&
+            (_tmp_90_var = _tmp_90_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _tmp_90_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // &'{' (dict | set | dictcomp | setcomp)
+        void *_tmp_91_var;
+        if (
+            _PyPegen_lookahead_with_int(1, _PyPegen_expect_token, p, 25)
+            &&
+            (_tmp_91_var = _tmp_91_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _tmp_91_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // '...'
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 52))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_Constant ( Py_Ellipsis , NULL , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// strings: STRING+
+static expr_ty
+strings_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    expr_ty res = NULL;
+    if (_PyPegen_is_memoized(p, strings_type, &res))
+        return res;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // STRING+
+        asdl_seq * a;
+        if (
+            (a = _loop1_92_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_concatenate_strings ( p , a );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    _PyPegen_insert_memo(p, mark, strings_type, res);
+    return res;
+// list: '[' star_named_expressions? ']'
+static expr_ty
+list_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    expr_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+        p->error_indicator = 1;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int start_lineno = p->tokens[mark]->lineno;
+    UNUSED(start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    int start_col_offset = p->tokens[mark]->col_offset;
+    UNUSED(start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    { // '[' star_named_expressions? ']'
+        void *a;
+        void *literal;
+        void *literal_1;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 9))
+            &&
+            (a = star_named_expressions_rule(p), 1)
+            &&
+            (literal_1 = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 10))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_List ( a , Load , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// listcomp: '[' named_expression for_if_clauses ']' | invalid_comprehension
+static expr_ty
+listcomp_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    expr_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+        p->error_indicator = 1;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int start_lineno = p->tokens[mark]->lineno;
+    UNUSED(start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    int start_col_offset = p->tokens[mark]->col_offset;
+    UNUSED(start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    { // '[' named_expression for_if_clauses ']'
+        expr_ty a;
+        asdl_seq* b;
+        void *literal;
+        void *literal_1;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 9))
+            &&
+            (a = named_expression_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (b = for_if_clauses_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal_1 = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 10))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_ListComp ( a , b , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // invalid_comprehension
+        void *invalid_comprehension_var;
+        if (
+            (invalid_comprehension_var = invalid_comprehension_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = invalid_comprehension_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// tuple: '(' [star_named_expression ',' star_named_expressions?] ')'
+static expr_ty
+tuple_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    expr_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+        p->error_indicator = 1;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int start_lineno = p->tokens[mark]->lineno;
+    UNUSED(start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    int start_col_offset = p->tokens[mark]->col_offset;
+    UNUSED(start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    { // '(' [star_named_expression ',' star_named_expressions?] ')'
+        void *a;
+        void *literal;
+        void *literal_1;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 7))
+            &&
+            (a = _tmp_93_rule(p), 1)
+            &&
+            (literal_1 = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 8))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_Tuple ( a , Load , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// group: '(' (yield_expr | named_expression) ')'
+static expr_ty
+group_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    expr_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // '(' (yield_expr | named_expression) ')'
+        void *a;
+        void *literal;
+        void *literal_1;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 7))
+            &&
+            (a = _tmp_94_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal_1 = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 8))
+        )
+        {
+            res = a;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// genexp: '(' expression for_if_clauses ')' | invalid_comprehension
+static expr_ty
+genexp_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    expr_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+        p->error_indicator = 1;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int start_lineno = p->tokens[mark]->lineno;
+    UNUSED(start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    int start_col_offset = p->tokens[mark]->col_offset;
+    UNUSED(start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    { // '(' expression for_if_clauses ')'
+        expr_ty a;
+        asdl_seq* b;
+        void *literal;
+        void *literal_1;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 7))
+            &&
+            (a = expression_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (b = for_if_clauses_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal_1 = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 8))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_GeneratorExp ( a , b , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // invalid_comprehension
+        void *invalid_comprehension_var;
+        if (
+            (invalid_comprehension_var = invalid_comprehension_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = invalid_comprehension_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// set: '{' expressions_list '}'
+static expr_ty
+set_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    expr_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+        p->error_indicator = 1;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int start_lineno = p->tokens[mark]->lineno;
+    UNUSED(start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    int start_col_offset = p->tokens[mark]->col_offset;
+    UNUSED(start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    { // '{' expressions_list '}'
+        asdl_seq* a;
+        void *literal;
+        void *literal_1;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 25))
+            &&
+            (a = expressions_list_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal_1 = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 26))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_Set ( a , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// setcomp: '{' expression for_if_clauses '}' | invalid_comprehension
+static expr_ty
+setcomp_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    expr_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+        p->error_indicator = 1;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int start_lineno = p->tokens[mark]->lineno;
+    UNUSED(start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    int start_col_offset = p->tokens[mark]->col_offset;
+    UNUSED(start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    { // '{' expression for_if_clauses '}'
+        expr_ty a;
+        asdl_seq* b;
+        void *literal;
+        void *literal_1;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 25))
+            &&
+            (a = expression_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (b = for_if_clauses_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal_1 = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 26))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_SetComp ( a , b , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // invalid_comprehension
+        void *invalid_comprehension_var;
+        if (
+            (invalid_comprehension_var = invalid_comprehension_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = invalid_comprehension_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// dict: '{' kvpairs? '}'
+static expr_ty
+dict_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    expr_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+        p->error_indicator = 1;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int start_lineno = p->tokens[mark]->lineno;
+    UNUSED(start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    int start_col_offset = p->tokens[mark]->col_offset;
+    UNUSED(start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    { // '{' kvpairs? '}'
+        void *a;
+        void *literal;
+        void *literal_1;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 25))
+            &&
+            (a = kvpairs_rule(p), 1)
+            &&
+            (literal_1 = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 26))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_Dict ( CHECK ( _PyPegen_get_keys ( p , a ) ) , CHECK ( _PyPegen_get_values ( p , a ) ) , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// dictcomp: '{' kvpair for_if_clauses '}'
+static expr_ty
+dictcomp_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    expr_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+        p->error_indicator = 1;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int start_lineno = p->tokens[mark]->lineno;
+    UNUSED(start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    int start_col_offset = p->tokens[mark]->col_offset;
+    UNUSED(start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    { // '{' kvpair for_if_clauses '}'
+        KeyValuePair* a;
+        asdl_seq* b;
+        void *literal;
+        void *literal_1;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 25))
+            &&
+            (a = kvpair_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (b = for_if_clauses_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal_1 = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 26))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_DictComp ( a -> key , a -> value , b , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// kvpairs: ','.kvpair+ ','?
+static asdl_seq*
+kvpairs_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    asdl_seq* res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // ','.kvpair+ ','?
+        asdl_seq * a;
+        void *opt_var;
+        UNUSED(opt_var); // Silence compiler warnings
+        if (
+            (a = _gather_95_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (opt_var = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12), 1)
+        )
+        {
+            res = a;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// kvpair: '**' bitwise_or | expression ':' expression
+static KeyValuePair*
+kvpair_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    KeyValuePair* res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // '**' bitwise_or
+        expr_ty a;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 35))
+            &&
+            (a = bitwise_or_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_key_value_pair ( p , NULL , a );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // expression ':' expression
+        expr_ty a;
+        expr_ty b;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (a = expression_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 11))
+            &&
+            (b = expression_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_key_value_pair ( p , a , b );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// for_if_clauses: ((ASYNC? 'for' star_targets 'in' disjunction (('if' disjunction))*))+
+static asdl_seq*
+for_if_clauses_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    asdl_seq* res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // ((ASYNC? 'for' star_targets 'in' disjunction (('if' disjunction))*))+
+        asdl_seq * a;
+        if (
+            (a = _loop1_97_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = a;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// yield_expr: 'yield' 'from' expression | 'yield' star_expressions?
+static expr_ty
+yield_expr_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    expr_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+        p->error_indicator = 1;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int start_lineno = p->tokens[mark]->lineno;
+    UNUSED(start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    int start_col_offset = p->tokens[mark]->col_offset;
+    UNUSED(start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    { // 'yield' 'from' expression
+        expr_ty a;
+        void *keyword;
+        void *keyword_1;
+        if (
+            (keyword = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 504))
+            &&
+            (keyword_1 = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 514))
+            &&
+            (a = expression_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_YieldFrom ( a , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // 'yield' star_expressions?
+        void *a;
+        void *keyword;
+        if (
+            (keyword = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 504))
+            &&
+            (a = star_expressions_rule(p), 1)
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_Yield ( a , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// arguments: args ','? &')' | incorrect_arguments
+static expr_ty
+arguments_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    expr_ty res = NULL;
+    if (_PyPegen_is_memoized(p, arguments_type, &res))
+        return res;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // args ','? &')'
+        expr_ty a;
+        void *opt_var;
+        UNUSED(opt_var); // Silence compiler warnings
+        if (
+            (a = args_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (opt_var = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12), 1)
+            &&
+            _PyPegen_lookahead_with_int(1, _PyPegen_expect_token, p, 8)
+        )
+        {
+            res = a;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // incorrect_arguments
+        void *incorrect_arguments_var;
+        if (
+            (incorrect_arguments_var = incorrect_arguments_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = incorrect_arguments_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    _PyPegen_insert_memo(p, mark, arguments_type, res);
+    return res;
+// args: starred_expression [',' args] | kwargs | named_expression [',' args]
+static expr_ty
+args_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    expr_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+        p->error_indicator = 1;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int start_lineno = p->tokens[mark]->lineno;
+    UNUSED(start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    int start_col_offset = p->tokens[mark]->col_offset;
+    UNUSED(start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    { // starred_expression [',' args]
+        expr_ty a;
+        void *b;
+        if (
+            (a = starred_expression_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (b = _tmp_98_rule(p), 1)
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_Call ( _PyPegen_dummy_name ( p ) , ( b ) ? CHECK ( _PyPegen_seq_insert_in_front ( p , a , ( ( expr_ty ) b ) -> v . Call . args ) ) : CHECK ( _PyPegen_singleton_seq ( p , a ) ) , ( b ) ? ( ( expr_ty ) b ) -> v . Call . keywords : NULL , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // kwargs
+        asdl_seq* a;
+        if (
+            (a = kwargs_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_Call ( _PyPegen_dummy_name ( p ) , CHECK_NULL_ALLOWED ( _PyPegen_seq_extract_starred_exprs ( p , a ) ) , CHECK_NULL_ALLOWED ( _PyPegen_seq_delete_starred_exprs ( p , a ) ) , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // named_expression [',' args]
+        expr_ty a;
+        void *b;
+        if (
+            (a = named_expression_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (b = _tmp_99_rule(p), 1)
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_Call ( _PyPegen_dummy_name ( p ) , ( b ) ? CHECK ( _PyPegen_seq_insert_in_front ( p , a , ( ( expr_ty ) b ) -> v . Call . args ) ) : CHECK ( _PyPegen_singleton_seq ( p , a ) ) , ( b ) ? ( ( expr_ty ) b ) -> v . Call . keywords : NULL , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// kwargs:
+//     | ','.kwarg_or_starred+ ',' ','.kwarg_or_double_starred+
+//     | ','.kwarg_or_starred+
+//     | ','.kwarg_or_double_starred+
+static asdl_seq*
+kwargs_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    asdl_seq* res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // ','.kwarg_or_starred+ ',' ','.kwarg_or_double_starred+
+        asdl_seq * a;
+        asdl_seq * b;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (a = _gather_100_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12))
+            &&
+            (b = _gather_102_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_join_sequences ( p , a , b );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // ','.kwarg_or_starred+
+        asdl_seq * _gather_104_var;
+        if (
+            (_gather_104_var = _gather_104_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _gather_104_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // ','.kwarg_or_double_starred+
+        asdl_seq * _gather_106_var;
+        if (
+            (_gather_106_var = _gather_106_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _gather_106_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// starred_expression: '*' expression
+static expr_ty
+starred_expression_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    expr_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+        p->error_indicator = 1;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int start_lineno = p->tokens[mark]->lineno;
+    UNUSED(start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    int start_col_offset = p->tokens[mark]->col_offset;
+    UNUSED(start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    { // '*' expression
+        expr_ty a;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 16))
+            &&
+            (a = expression_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_Starred ( a , Load , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// kwarg_or_starred: NAME '=' expression | starred_expression
+static KeywordOrStarred*
+kwarg_or_starred_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    KeywordOrStarred* res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+        p->error_indicator = 1;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int start_lineno = p->tokens[mark]->lineno;
+    UNUSED(start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    int start_col_offset = p->tokens[mark]->col_offset;
+    UNUSED(start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    { // NAME '=' expression
+        expr_ty a;
+        expr_ty b;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (a = _PyPegen_name_token(p))
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 22))
+            &&
+            (b = expression_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _PyPegen_keyword_or_starred ( p , CHECK ( _Py_keyword ( a -> v . Name . id , b , EXTRA ) ) , 1 );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // starred_expression
+        expr_ty a;
+        if (
+            (a = starred_expression_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_keyword_or_starred ( p , a , 0 );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// kwarg_or_double_starred: NAME '=' expression | '**' expression
+static KeywordOrStarred*
+kwarg_or_double_starred_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    KeywordOrStarred* res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+        p->error_indicator = 1;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int start_lineno = p->tokens[mark]->lineno;
+    UNUSED(start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    int start_col_offset = p->tokens[mark]->col_offset;
+    UNUSED(start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    { // NAME '=' expression
+        expr_ty a;
+        expr_ty b;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (a = _PyPegen_name_token(p))
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 22))
+            &&
+            (b = expression_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _PyPegen_keyword_or_starred ( p , CHECK ( _Py_keyword ( a -> v . Name . id , b , EXTRA ) ) , 1 );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // '**' expression
+        expr_ty a;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 35))
+            &&
+            (a = expression_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _PyPegen_keyword_or_starred ( p , CHECK ( _Py_keyword ( NULL , a , EXTRA ) ) , 1 );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// star_targets: star_target !',' | star_target ((',' star_target))* ','?
+static expr_ty
+star_targets_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    expr_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+        p->error_indicator = 1;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int start_lineno = p->tokens[mark]->lineno;
+    UNUSED(start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    int start_col_offset = p->tokens[mark]->col_offset;
+    UNUSED(start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    { // star_target !','
+        expr_ty a;
+        if (
+            (a = star_target_rule(p))
+            &&
+            _PyPegen_lookahead_with_int(0, _PyPegen_expect_token, p, 12)
+        )
+        {
+            res = a;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // star_target ((',' star_target))* ','?
+        expr_ty a;
+        asdl_seq * b;
+        void *opt_var;
+        UNUSED(opt_var); // Silence compiler warnings
+        if (
+            (a = star_target_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (b = _loop0_108_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (opt_var = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12), 1)
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_Tuple ( CHECK ( _PyPegen_seq_insert_in_front ( p , a , b ) ) , Store , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// star_targets_seq: ','.star_target+ ','?
+static asdl_seq*
+star_targets_seq_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    asdl_seq* res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // ','.star_target+ ','?
+        asdl_seq * a;
+        void *opt_var;
+        UNUSED(opt_var); // Silence compiler warnings
+        if (
+            (a = _gather_109_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (opt_var = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12), 1)
+        )
+        {
+            res = a;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// star_target:
+//     | '*' (!'*' star_target)
+//     | t_primary '.' NAME !t_lookahead
+//     | t_primary '[' slices ']' !t_lookahead
+//     | star_atom
+static expr_ty
+star_target_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    expr_ty res = NULL;
+    if (_PyPegen_is_memoized(p, star_target_type, &res))
+        return res;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+        p->error_indicator = 1;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int start_lineno = p->tokens[mark]->lineno;
+    UNUSED(start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    int start_col_offset = p->tokens[mark]->col_offset;
+    UNUSED(start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    { // '*' (!'*' star_target)
+        void *a;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 16))
+            &&
+            (a = _tmp_111_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_Starred ( CHECK ( _PyPegen_set_expr_context ( p , a , Store ) ) , Store , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // t_primary '.' NAME !t_lookahead
+        expr_ty a;
+        expr_ty b;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (a = t_primary_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 23))
+            &&
+            (b = _PyPegen_name_token(p))
+            &&
+            _PyPegen_lookahead(0, t_lookahead_rule, p)
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_Attribute ( a , b -> v . Name . id , Store , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // t_primary '[' slices ']' !t_lookahead
+        expr_ty a;
+        expr_ty b;
+        void *literal;
+        void *literal_1;
+        if (
+            (a = t_primary_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 9))
+            &&
+            (b = slices_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal_1 = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 10))
+            &&
+            _PyPegen_lookahead(0, t_lookahead_rule, p)
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_Subscript ( a , b , Store , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // star_atom
+        expr_ty star_atom_var;
+        if (
+            (star_atom_var = star_atom_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = star_atom_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    _PyPegen_insert_memo(p, mark, star_target_type, res);
+    return res;
+// star_atom:
+//     | NAME
+//     | '(' star_target ')'
+//     | '(' star_targets_seq? ')'
+//     | '[' star_targets_seq? ']'
+static expr_ty
+star_atom_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    expr_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+        p->error_indicator = 1;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int start_lineno = p->tokens[mark]->lineno;
+    UNUSED(start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    int start_col_offset = p->tokens[mark]->col_offset;
+    UNUSED(start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    { // NAME
+        expr_ty a;
+        if (
+            (a = _PyPegen_name_token(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_set_expr_context ( p , a , Store );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // '(' star_target ')'
+        expr_ty a;
+        void *literal;
+        void *literal_1;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 7))
+            &&
+            (a = star_target_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal_1 = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 8))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_set_expr_context ( p , a , Store );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // '(' star_targets_seq? ')'
+        void *a;
+        void *literal;
+        void *literal_1;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 7))
+            &&
+            (a = star_targets_seq_rule(p), 1)
+            &&
+            (literal_1 = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 8))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_Tuple ( a , Store , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // '[' star_targets_seq? ']'
+        void *a;
+        void *literal;
+        void *literal_1;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 9))
+            &&
+            (a = star_targets_seq_rule(p), 1)
+            &&
+            (literal_1 = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 10))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_List ( a , Store , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// inside_paren_ann_assign_target:
+//     | ann_assign_subscript_attribute_target
+//     | NAME
+//     | '(' inside_paren_ann_assign_target ')'
+static expr_ty
+inside_paren_ann_assign_target_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    expr_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // ann_assign_subscript_attribute_target
+        expr_ty ann_assign_subscript_attribute_target_var;
+        if (
+            (ann_assign_subscript_attribute_target_var = ann_assign_subscript_attribute_target_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = ann_assign_subscript_attribute_target_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // NAME
+        expr_ty a;
+        if (
+            (a = _PyPegen_name_token(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_set_expr_context ( p , a , Store );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // '(' inside_paren_ann_assign_target ')'
+        expr_ty a;
+        void *literal;
+        void *literal_1;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 7))
+            &&
+            (a = inside_paren_ann_assign_target_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal_1 = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 8))
+        )
+        {
+            res = a;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// ann_assign_subscript_attribute_target:
+//     | t_primary '.' NAME !t_lookahead
+//     | t_primary '[' slices ']' !t_lookahead
+static expr_ty
+ann_assign_subscript_attribute_target_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    expr_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+        p->error_indicator = 1;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int start_lineno = p->tokens[mark]->lineno;
+    UNUSED(start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    int start_col_offset = p->tokens[mark]->col_offset;
+    UNUSED(start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    { // t_primary '.' NAME !t_lookahead
+        expr_ty a;
+        expr_ty b;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (a = t_primary_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 23))
+            &&
+            (b = _PyPegen_name_token(p))
+            &&
+            _PyPegen_lookahead(0, t_lookahead_rule, p)
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_Attribute ( a , b -> v . Name . id , Store , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // t_primary '[' slices ']' !t_lookahead
+        expr_ty a;
+        expr_ty b;
+        void *literal;
+        void *literal_1;
+        if (
+            (a = t_primary_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 9))
+            &&
+            (b = slices_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal_1 = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 10))
+            &&
+            _PyPegen_lookahead(0, t_lookahead_rule, p)
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_Subscript ( a , b , Store , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// del_targets: ','.del_target+ ','?
+static asdl_seq*
+del_targets_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    asdl_seq* res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // ','.del_target+ ','?
+        asdl_seq * a;
+        void *opt_var;
+        UNUSED(opt_var); // Silence compiler warnings
+        if (
+            (a = _gather_112_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (opt_var = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12), 1)
+        )
+        {
+            res = a;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// del_target:
+//     | t_primary '.' NAME !t_lookahead
+//     | t_primary '[' slices ']' !t_lookahead
+//     | del_t_atom
+static expr_ty
+del_target_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    expr_ty res = NULL;
+    if (_PyPegen_is_memoized(p, del_target_type, &res))
+        return res;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+        p->error_indicator = 1;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int start_lineno = p->tokens[mark]->lineno;
+    UNUSED(start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    int start_col_offset = p->tokens[mark]->col_offset;
+    UNUSED(start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    { // t_primary '.' NAME !t_lookahead
+        expr_ty a;
+        expr_ty b;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (a = t_primary_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 23))
+            &&
+            (b = _PyPegen_name_token(p))
+            &&
+            _PyPegen_lookahead(0, t_lookahead_rule, p)
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_Attribute ( a , b -> v . Name . id , Del , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // t_primary '[' slices ']' !t_lookahead
+        expr_ty a;
+        expr_ty b;
+        void *literal;
+        void *literal_1;
+        if (
+            (a = t_primary_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 9))
+            &&
+            (b = slices_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal_1 = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 10))
+            &&
+            _PyPegen_lookahead(0, t_lookahead_rule, p)
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_Subscript ( a , b , Del , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // del_t_atom
+        expr_ty del_t_atom_var;
+        if (
+            (del_t_atom_var = del_t_atom_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = del_t_atom_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    _PyPegen_insert_memo(p, mark, del_target_type, res);
+    return res;
+// del_t_atom: NAME | '(' del_target ')' | '(' del_targets? ')' | '[' del_targets? ']'
+static expr_ty
+del_t_atom_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    expr_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+        p->error_indicator = 1;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int start_lineno = p->tokens[mark]->lineno;
+    UNUSED(start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    int start_col_offset = p->tokens[mark]->col_offset;
+    UNUSED(start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    { // NAME
+        expr_ty a;
+        if (
+            (a = _PyPegen_name_token(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_set_expr_context ( p , a , Del );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // '(' del_target ')'
+        expr_ty a;
+        void *literal;
+        void *literal_1;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 7))
+            &&
+            (a = del_target_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal_1 = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 8))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_set_expr_context ( p , a , Del );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // '(' del_targets? ')'
+        void *a;
+        void *literal;
+        void *literal_1;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 7))
+            &&
+            (a = del_targets_rule(p), 1)
+            &&
+            (literal_1 = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 8))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_Tuple ( a , Del , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // '[' del_targets? ']'
+        void *a;
+        void *literal;
+        void *literal_1;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 9))
+            &&
+            (a = del_targets_rule(p), 1)
+            &&
+            (literal_1 = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 10))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_List ( a , Del , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// targets: ','.target+ ','?
+static asdl_seq*
+targets_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    asdl_seq* res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // ','.target+ ','?
+        asdl_seq * a;
+        void *opt_var;
+        UNUSED(opt_var); // Silence compiler warnings
+        if (
+            (a = _gather_114_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (opt_var = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12), 1)
+        )
+        {
+            res = a;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// target:
+//     | t_primary '.' NAME !t_lookahead
+//     | t_primary '[' slices ']' !t_lookahead
+//     | t_atom
+static expr_ty
+target_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    expr_ty res = NULL;
+    if (_PyPegen_is_memoized(p, target_type, &res))
+        return res;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+        p->error_indicator = 1;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int start_lineno = p->tokens[mark]->lineno;
+    UNUSED(start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    int start_col_offset = p->tokens[mark]->col_offset;
+    UNUSED(start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    { // t_primary '.' NAME !t_lookahead
+        expr_ty a;
+        expr_ty b;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (a = t_primary_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 23))
+            &&
+            (b = _PyPegen_name_token(p))
+            &&
+            _PyPegen_lookahead(0, t_lookahead_rule, p)
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_Attribute ( a , b -> v . Name . id , Store , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // t_primary '[' slices ']' !t_lookahead
+        expr_ty a;
+        expr_ty b;
+        void *literal;
+        void *literal_1;
+        if (
+            (a = t_primary_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 9))
+            &&
+            (b = slices_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal_1 = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 10))
+            &&
+            _PyPegen_lookahead(0, t_lookahead_rule, p)
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_Subscript ( a , b , Store , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // t_atom
+        expr_ty t_atom_var;
+        if (
+            (t_atom_var = t_atom_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = t_atom_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    _PyPegen_insert_memo(p, mark, target_type, res);
+    return res;
+// Left-recursive
+// t_primary:
+//     | t_primary '.' NAME &t_lookahead
+//     | t_primary '[' slices ']' &t_lookahead
+//     | t_primary genexp &t_lookahead
+//     | t_primary '(' arguments? ')' &t_lookahead
+//     | atom &t_lookahead
+static expr_ty t_primary_raw(Parser *);
+static expr_ty
+t_primary_rule(Parser *p)
+    expr_ty res = NULL;
+    if (_PyPegen_is_memoized(p, t_primary_type, &res))
+        return res;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    int resmark = p->mark;
+    while (1) {
+        int tmpvar_8 = _PyPegen_update_memo(p, mark, t_primary_type, res);
+        if (tmpvar_8) {
+            return res;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+        void *raw = t_primary_raw(p);
+        if (raw == NULL || p->mark <= resmark)
+            break;
+        resmark = p->mark;
+        res = raw;
+    }
+    p->mark = resmark;
+    return res;
+static expr_ty
+t_primary_raw(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    expr_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+        p->error_indicator = 1;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int start_lineno = p->tokens[mark]->lineno;
+    UNUSED(start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    int start_col_offset = p->tokens[mark]->col_offset;
+    UNUSED(start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    { // t_primary '.' NAME &t_lookahead
+        expr_ty a;
+        expr_ty b;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (a = t_primary_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 23))
+            &&
+            (b = _PyPegen_name_token(p))
+            &&
+            _PyPegen_lookahead(1, t_lookahead_rule, p)
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_Attribute ( a , b -> v . Name . id , Load , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // t_primary '[' slices ']' &t_lookahead
+        expr_ty a;
+        expr_ty b;
+        void *literal;
+        void *literal_1;
+        if (
+            (a = t_primary_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 9))
+            &&
+            (b = slices_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal_1 = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 10))
+            &&
+            _PyPegen_lookahead(1, t_lookahead_rule, p)
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_Subscript ( a , b , Load , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // t_primary genexp &t_lookahead
+        expr_ty a;
+        expr_ty b;
+        if (
+            (a = t_primary_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (b = genexp_rule(p))
+            &&
+            _PyPegen_lookahead(1, t_lookahead_rule, p)
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_Call ( a , CHECK ( _PyPegen_singleton_seq ( p , b ) ) , NULL , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // t_primary '(' arguments? ')' &t_lookahead
+        expr_ty a;
+        void *b;
+        void *literal;
+        void *literal_1;
+        if (
+            (a = t_primary_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 7))
+            &&
+            (b = arguments_rule(p), 1)
+            &&
+            (literal_1 = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 8))
+            &&
+            _PyPegen_lookahead(1, t_lookahead_rule, p)
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_Call ( a , ( b ) ? ( ( expr_ty ) b ) -> v . Call . args : NULL , ( b ) ? ( ( expr_ty ) b ) -> v . Call . keywords : NULL , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // atom &t_lookahead
+        expr_ty a;
+        if (
+            (a = atom_rule(p))
+            &&
+            _PyPegen_lookahead(1, t_lookahead_rule, p)
+        )
+        {
+            res = a;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// t_lookahead: '(' | '[' | '.'
+static void *
+t_lookahead_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // '('
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 7))
+        )
+        {
+            res = literal;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // '['
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 9))
+        )
+        {
+            res = literal;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // '.'
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 23))
+        )
+        {
+            res = literal;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// t_atom: NAME | '(' target ')' | '(' targets? ')' | '[' targets? ']'
+static expr_ty
+t_atom_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    expr_ty res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+        p->error_indicator = 1;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int start_lineno = p->tokens[mark]->lineno;
+    UNUSED(start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    int start_col_offset = p->tokens[mark]->col_offset;
+    UNUSED(start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+    { // NAME
+        expr_ty a;
+        if (
+            (a = _PyPegen_name_token(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_set_expr_context ( p , a , Store );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // '(' target ')'
+        expr_ty a;
+        void *literal;
+        void *literal_1;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 7))
+            &&
+            (a = target_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal_1 = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 8))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_set_expr_context ( p , a , Store );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // '(' targets? ')'
+        void *b;
+        void *literal;
+        void *literal_1;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 7))
+            &&
+            (b = targets_rule(p), 1)
+            &&
+            (literal_1 = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 8))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_Tuple ( b , Store , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // '[' targets? ']'
+        void *b;
+        void *literal;
+        void *literal_1;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 9))
+            &&
+            (b = targets_rule(p), 1)
+            &&
+            (literal_1 = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 10))
+        )
+        {
+            Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+            if (token == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;
+            UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;
+            UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+            res = _Py_List ( b , Store , EXTRA );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// incorrect_arguments:
+//     | args ',' '*'
+//     | expression for_if_clauses ',' [args | expression for_if_clauses]
+//     | args ',' args
+static void *
+incorrect_arguments_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // args ',' '*'
+        expr_ty args_var;
+        void *literal;
+        void *literal_1;
+        if (
+            (args_var = args_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12))
+            &&
+            (literal_1 = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 16))
+        )
+        {
+            res = RAISE_SYNTAX_ERROR ( "iterable argument unpacking follows keyword argument unpacking" );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // expression for_if_clauses ',' [args | expression for_if_clauses]
+        expr_ty expression_var;
+        asdl_seq* for_if_clauses_var;
+        void *literal;
+        void *opt_var;
+        UNUSED(opt_var); // Silence compiler warnings
+        if (
+            (expression_var = expression_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (for_if_clauses_var = for_if_clauses_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12))
+            &&
+            (opt_var = _tmp_116_rule(p), 1)
+        )
+        {
+            res = RAISE_SYNTAX_ERROR ( "Generator expression must be parenthesized" );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // args ',' args
+        expr_ty a;
+        expr_ty args_var;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (a = args_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12))
+            &&
+            (args_var = args_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_arguments_parsing_error ( p , a );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// invalid_named_expression: expression ':=' expression
+static void *
+invalid_named_expression_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // expression ':=' expression
+        expr_ty a;
+        expr_ty expression_var;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (a = expression_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 53))
+            &&
+            (expression_var = expression_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = RAISE_SYNTAX_ERROR ( "cannot use assignment expressions with %s" , _PyPegen_get_expr_name ( a ) );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// invalid_assignment:
+//     | list ':'
+//     | tuple ':'
+//     | expression ':' expression ['=' annotated_rhs]
+//     | expression ('=' | augassign) (yield_expr | star_expressions)
+static void *
+invalid_assignment_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // list ':'
+        expr_ty list_var;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (list_var = list_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 11))
+        )
+        {
+            res = RAISE_SYNTAX_ERROR ( "only single target (not list) can be annotated" );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // tuple ':'
+        void *literal;
+        expr_ty tuple_var;
+        if (
+            (tuple_var = tuple_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 11))
+        )
+        {
+            res = RAISE_SYNTAX_ERROR ( "only single target (not tuple) can be annotated" );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // expression ':' expression ['=' annotated_rhs]
+        expr_ty expression_var;
+        expr_ty expression_var_1;
+        void *literal;
+        void *opt_var;
+        UNUSED(opt_var); // Silence compiler warnings
+        if (
+            (expression_var = expression_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 11))
+            &&
+            (expression_var_1 = expression_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (opt_var = _tmp_117_rule(p), 1)
+        )
+        {
+            res = RAISE_SYNTAX_ERROR ( "illegal target for annotation" );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // expression ('=' | augassign) (yield_expr | star_expressions)
+        void *_tmp_118_var;
+        void *_tmp_119_var;
+        expr_ty a;
+        if (
+            (a = expression_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (_tmp_118_var = _tmp_118_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (_tmp_119_var = _tmp_119_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = RAISE_SYNTAX_ERROR ( "cannot assign to %s" , _PyPegen_get_expr_name ( a ) );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// invalid_block: NEWLINE !INDENT
+static void *
+invalid_block_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+        void *newline_var;
+        if (
+            (newline_var = _PyPegen_newline_token(p))
+            &&
+            _PyPegen_lookahead(0, _PyPegen_indent_token, p)
+        )
+        {
+            res = RAISE_INDENTATION_ERROR ( "expected an indented block" );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// invalid_comprehension: ('[' | '(' | '{') '*' expression for_if_clauses
+static void *
+invalid_comprehension_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // ('[' | '(' | '{') '*' expression for_if_clauses
+        void *_tmp_120_var;
+        expr_ty expression_var;
+        asdl_seq* for_if_clauses_var;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (_tmp_120_var = _tmp_120_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 16))
+            &&
+            (expression_var = expression_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (for_if_clauses_var = for_if_clauses_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = RAISE_SYNTAX_ERROR ( "iterable unpacking cannot be used in comprehension" );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// invalid_parameters:
+//     | [plain_names ','] (slash_with_default | names_with_default) ',' plain_names
+static void *
+invalid_parameters_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // [plain_names ','] (slash_with_default | names_with_default) ',' plain_names
+        void *_tmp_122_var;
+        void *literal;
+        void *opt_var;
+        UNUSED(opt_var); // Silence compiler warnings
+        asdl_seq* plain_names_var;
+        if (
+            (opt_var = _tmp_121_rule(p), 1)
+            &&
+            (_tmp_122_var = _tmp_122_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12))
+            &&
+            (plain_names_var = plain_names_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = RAISE_SYNTAX_ERROR ( "non-default argument follows default argument" );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _loop0_1: NEWLINE
+static asdl_seq *
+_loop0_1_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void *res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    int start_mark = p->mark;
+    void **children = PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(void *));
+    if (!children) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "Parser out of memory");
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    ssize_t children_capacity = 1;
+    ssize_t n = 0;
+    { // NEWLINE
+        void *newline_var;
+        while (
+            (newline_var = _PyPegen_newline_token(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = newline_var;
+            if (n == children_capacity) {
+                children_capacity *= 2;
+                children = PyMem_Realloc(children, children_capacity*sizeof(void *));
+                if (!children) {
+                    PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "realloc None");
+                    return NULL;
+                }
+            }
+            children[n++] = res;
+            mark = p->mark;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    asdl_seq *seq = _Py_asdl_seq_new(n, p->arena);
+    if (!seq) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "asdl_seq_new _loop0_1");
+        PyMem_Free(children);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) asdl_seq_SET(seq, i, children[i]);
+    PyMem_Free(children);
+    _PyPegen_insert_memo(p, start_mark, _loop0_1_type, seq);
+    return seq;
+// _loop1_2: statement
+static asdl_seq *
+_loop1_2_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void *res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    int start_mark = p->mark;
+    void **children = PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(void *));
+    if (!children) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "Parser out of memory");
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    ssize_t children_capacity = 1;
+    ssize_t n = 0;
+    { // statement
+        asdl_seq* statement_var;
+        while (
+            (statement_var = statement_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = statement_var;
+            if (n == children_capacity) {
+                children_capacity *= 2;
+                children = PyMem_Realloc(children, children_capacity*sizeof(void *));
+                if (!children) {
+                    PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "realloc None");
+                    return NULL;
+                }
+            }
+            children[n++] = res;
+            mark = p->mark;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    if (n == 0) {
+        PyMem_Free(children);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    asdl_seq *seq = _Py_asdl_seq_new(n, p->arena);
+    if (!seq) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "asdl_seq_new _loop1_2");
+        PyMem_Free(children);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) asdl_seq_SET(seq, i, children[i]);
+    PyMem_Free(children);
+    _PyPegen_insert_memo(p, start_mark, _loop1_2_type, seq);
+    return seq;
+// _loop0_4: ';' small_stmt
+static asdl_seq *
+_loop0_4_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void *res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    int start_mark = p->mark;
+    void **children = PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(void *));
+    if (!children) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "Parser out of memory");
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    ssize_t children_capacity = 1;
+    ssize_t n = 0;
+    { // ';' small_stmt
+        stmt_ty elem;
+        void *literal;
+        while (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 13))
+            &&
+            (elem = small_stmt_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = elem;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                PyMem_Free(children);
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            if (n == children_capacity) {
+                children_capacity *= 2;
+                children = PyMem_Realloc(children, children_capacity*sizeof(void *));
+                if (!children) {
+                    PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "realloc None");
+                    return NULL;
+                }
+            }
+            children[n++] = res;
+            mark = p->mark;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    asdl_seq *seq = _Py_asdl_seq_new(n, p->arena);
+    if (!seq) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "asdl_seq_new _loop0_4");
+        PyMem_Free(children);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) asdl_seq_SET(seq, i, children[i]);
+    PyMem_Free(children);
+    _PyPegen_insert_memo(p, start_mark, _loop0_4_type, seq);
+    return seq;
+// _gather_3: small_stmt _loop0_4
+static asdl_seq *
+_gather_3_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    asdl_seq * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // small_stmt _loop0_4
+        stmt_ty elem;
+        asdl_seq * seq;
+        if (
+            (elem = small_stmt_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (seq = _loop0_4_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_seq_insert_in_front(p, elem, seq);
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _tmp_5: 'import' | 'from'
+static void *
+_tmp_5_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // 'import'
+        void *keyword;
+        if (
+            (keyword = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 513))
+        )
+        {
+            res = keyword;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // 'from'
+        void *keyword;
+        if (
+            (keyword = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 514))
+        )
+        {
+            res = keyword;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _tmp_6: 'def' | '@' | ASYNC
+static void *
+_tmp_6_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // 'def'
+        void *keyword;
+        if (
+            (keyword = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 522))
+        )
+        {
+            res = keyword;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // '@'
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 49))
+        )
+        {
+            res = literal;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // ASYNC
+        void *async_var;
+        if (
+            (async_var = _PyPegen_async_token(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = async_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _tmp_7: 'class' | '@'
+static void *
+_tmp_7_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // 'class'
+        void *keyword;
+        if (
+            (keyword = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 523))
+        )
+        {
+            res = keyword;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // '@'
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 49))
+        )
+        {
+            res = literal;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _tmp_8: 'with' | ASYNC
+static void *
+_tmp_8_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // 'with'
+        void *keyword;
+        if (
+            (keyword = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 519))
+        )
+        {
+            res = keyword;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // ASYNC
+        void *async_var;
+        if (
+            (async_var = _PyPegen_async_token(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = async_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _tmp_9: 'for' | ASYNC
+static void *
+_tmp_9_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // 'for'
+        void *keyword;
+        if (
+            (keyword = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 517))
+        )
+        {
+            res = keyword;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // ASYNC
+        void *async_var;
+        if (
+            (async_var = _PyPegen_async_token(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = async_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _tmp_10: '=' annotated_rhs
+static void *
+_tmp_10_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // '=' annotated_rhs
+        expr_ty d;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 22))
+            &&
+            (d = annotated_rhs_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = d;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _tmp_11: '(' inside_paren_ann_assign_target ')' | ann_assign_subscript_attribute_target
+static void *
+_tmp_11_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // '(' inside_paren_ann_assign_target ')'
+        expr_ty b;
+        void *literal;
+        void *literal_1;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 7))
+            &&
+            (b = inside_paren_ann_assign_target_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal_1 = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 8))
+        )
+        {
+            res = b;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // ann_assign_subscript_attribute_target
+        expr_ty ann_assign_subscript_attribute_target_var;
+        if (
+            (ann_assign_subscript_attribute_target_var = ann_assign_subscript_attribute_target_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = ann_assign_subscript_attribute_target_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _tmp_12: '=' annotated_rhs
+static void *
+_tmp_12_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // '=' annotated_rhs
+        expr_ty d;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 22))
+            &&
+            (d = annotated_rhs_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = d;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _loop1_13: (star_targets '=')
+static asdl_seq *
+_loop1_13_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void *res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    int start_mark = p->mark;
+    void **children = PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(void *));
+    if (!children) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "Parser out of memory");
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    ssize_t children_capacity = 1;
+    ssize_t n = 0;
+    { // (star_targets '=')
+        void *_tmp_123_var;
+        while (
+            (_tmp_123_var = _tmp_123_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _tmp_123_var;
+            if (n == children_capacity) {
+                children_capacity *= 2;
+                children = PyMem_Realloc(children, children_capacity*sizeof(void *));
+                if (!children) {
+                    PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "realloc None");
+                    return NULL;
+                }
+            }
+            children[n++] = res;
+            mark = p->mark;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    if (n == 0) {
+        PyMem_Free(children);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    asdl_seq *seq = _Py_asdl_seq_new(n, p->arena);
+    if (!seq) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "asdl_seq_new _loop1_13");
+        PyMem_Free(children);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) asdl_seq_SET(seq, i, children[i]);
+    PyMem_Free(children);
+    _PyPegen_insert_memo(p, start_mark, _loop1_13_type, seq);
+    return seq;
+// _tmp_14: yield_expr | star_expressions
+static void *
+_tmp_14_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // yield_expr
+        expr_ty yield_expr_var;
+        if (
+            (yield_expr_var = yield_expr_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = yield_expr_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // star_expressions
+        expr_ty star_expressions_var;
+        if (
+            (star_expressions_var = star_expressions_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = star_expressions_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _tmp_15: yield_expr | star_expressions
+static void *
+_tmp_15_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // yield_expr
+        expr_ty yield_expr_var;
+        if (
+            (yield_expr_var = yield_expr_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = yield_expr_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // star_expressions
+        expr_ty star_expressions_var;
+        if (
+            (star_expressions_var = star_expressions_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = star_expressions_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _loop0_17: ',' NAME
+static asdl_seq *
+_loop0_17_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void *res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    int start_mark = p->mark;
+    void **children = PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(void *));
+    if (!children) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "Parser out of memory");
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    ssize_t children_capacity = 1;
+    ssize_t n = 0;
+    { // ',' NAME
+        expr_ty elem;
+        void *literal;
+        while (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12))
+            &&
+            (elem = _PyPegen_name_token(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = elem;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                PyMem_Free(children);
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            if (n == children_capacity) {
+                children_capacity *= 2;
+                children = PyMem_Realloc(children, children_capacity*sizeof(void *));
+                if (!children) {
+                    PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "realloc None");
+                    return NULL;
+                }
+            }
+            children[n++] = res;
+            mark = p->mark;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    asdl_seq *seq = _Py_asdl_seq_new(n, p->arena);
+    if (!seq) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "asdl_seq_new _loop0_17");
+        PyMem_Free(children);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) asdl_seq_SET(seq, i, children[i]);
+    PyMem_Free(children);
+    _PyPegen_insert_memo(p, start_mark, _loop0_17_type, seq);
+    return seq;
+// _gather_16: NAME _loop0_17
+static asdl_seq *
+_gather_16_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    asdl_seq * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // NAME _loop0_17
+        expr_ty elem;
+        asdl_seq * seq;
+        if (
+            (elem = _PyPegen_name_token(p))
+            &&
+            (seq = _loop0_17_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_seq_insert_in_front(p, elem, seq);
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _loop0_19: ',' NAME
+static asdl_seq *
+_loop0_19_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void *res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    int start_mark = p->mark;
+    void **children = PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(void *));
+    if (!children) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "Parser out of memory");
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    ssize_t children_capacity = 1;
+    ssize_t n = 0;
+    { // ',' NAME
+        expr_ty elem;
+        void *literal;
+        while (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12))
+            &&
+            (elem = _PyPegen_name_token(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = elem;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                PyMem_Free(children);
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            if (n == children_capacity) {
+                children_capacity *= 2;
+                children = PyMem_Realloc(children, children_capacity*sizeof(void *));
+                if (!children) {
+                    PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "realloc None");
+                    return NULL;
+                }
+            }
+            children[n++] = res;
+            mark = p->mark;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    asdl_seq *seq = _Py_asdl_seq_new(n, p->arena);
+    if (!seq) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "asdl_seq_new _loop0_19");
+        PyMem_Free(children);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) asdl_seq_SET(seq, i, children[i]);
+    PyMem_Free(children);
+    _PyPegen_insert_memo(p, start_mark, _loop0_19_type, seq);
+    return seq;
+// _gather_18: NAME _loop0_19
+static asdl_seq *
+_gather_18_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    asdl_seq * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // NAME _loop0_19
+        expr_ty elem;
+        asdl_seq * seq;
+        if (
+            (elem = _PyPegen_name_token(p))
+            &&
+            (seq = _loop0_19_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_seq_insert_in_front(p, elem, seq);
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _tmp_20: ',' expression
+static void *
+_tmp_20_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // ',' expression
+        void *literal;
+        expr_ty z;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12))
+            &&
+            (z = expression_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = z;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _loop0_21: ('.' | '...')
+static asdl_seq *
+_loop0_21_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void *res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    int start_mark = p->mark;
+    void **children = PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(void *));
+    if (!children) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "Parser out of memory");
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    ssize_t children_capacity = 1;
+    ssize_t n = 0;
+    { // ('.' | '...')
+        void *_tmp_124_var;
+        while (
+            (_tmp_124_var = _tmp_124_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _tmp_124_var;
+            if (n == children_capacity) {
+                children_capacity *= 2;
+                children = PyMem_Realloc(children, children_capacity*sizeof(void *));
+                if (!children) {
+                    PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "realloc None");
+                    return NULL;
+                }
+            }
+            children[n++] = res;
+            mark = p->mark;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    asdl_seq *seq = _Py_asdl_seq_new(n, p->arena);
+    if (!seq) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "asdl_seq_new _loop0_21");
+        PyMem_Free(children);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) asdl_seq_SET(seq, i, children[i]);
+    PyMem_Free(children);
+    _PyPegen_insert_memo(p, start_mark, _loop0_21_type, seq);
+    return seq;
+// _loop1_22: ('.' | '...')
+static asdl_seq *
+_loop1_22_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void *res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    int start_mark = p->mark;
+    void **children = PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(void *));
+    if (!children) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "Parser out of memory");
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    ssize_t children_capacity = 1;
+    ssize_t n = 0;
+    { // ('.' | '...')
+        void *_tmp_125_var;
+        while (
+            (_tmp_125_var = _tmp_125_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _tmp_125_var;
+            if (n == children_capacity) {
+                children_capacity *= 2;
+                children = PyMem_Realloc(children, children_capacity*sizeof(void *));
+                if (!children) {
+                    PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "realloc None");
+                    return NULL;
+                }
+            }
+            children[n++] = res;
+            mark = p->mark;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    if (n == 0) {
+        PyMem_Free(children);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    asdl_seq *seq = _Py_asdl_seq_new(n, p->arena);
+    if (!seq) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "asdl_seq_new _loop1_22");
+        PyMem_Free(children);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) asdl_seq_SET(seq, i, children[i]);
+    PyMem_Free(children);
+    _PyPegen_insert_memo(p, start_mark, _loop1_22_type, seq);
+    return seq;
+// _loop0_24: ',' import_from_as_name
+static asdl_seq *
+_loop0_24_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void *res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    int start_mark = p->mark;
+    void **children = PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(void *));
+    if (!children) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "Parser out of memory");
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    ssize_t children_capacity = 1;
+    ssize_t n = 0;
+    { // ',' import_from_as_name
+        alias_ty elem;
+        void *literal;
+        while (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12))
+            &&
+            (elem = import_from_as_name_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = elem;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                PyMem_Free(children);
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            if (n == children_capacity) {
+                children_capacity *= 2;
+                children = PyMem_Realloc(children, children_capacity*sizeof(void *));
+                if (!children) {
+                    PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "realloc None");
+                    return NULL;
+                }
+            }
+            children[n++] = res;
+            mark = p->mark;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    asdl_seq *seq = _Py_asdl_seq_new(n, p->arena);
+    if (!seq) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "asdl_seq_new _loop0_24");
+        PyMem_Free(children);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) asdl_seq_SET(seq, i, children[i]);
+    PyMem_Free(children);
+    _PyPegen_insert_memo(p, start_mark, _loop0_24_type, seq);
+    return seq;
+// _gather_23: import_from_as_name _loop0_24
+static asdl_seq *
+_gather_23_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    asdl_seq * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // import_from_as_name _loop0_24
+        alias_ty elem;
+        asdl_seq * seq;
+        if (
+            (elem = import_from_as_name_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (seq = _loop0_24_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_seq_insert_in_front(p, elem, seq);
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _tmp_25: 'as' NAME
+static void *
+_tmp_25_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // 'as' NAME
+        void *keyword;
+        expr_ty z;
+        if (
+            (keyword = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 531))
+            &&
+            (z = _PyPegen_name_token(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = z;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _loop0_27: ',' dotted_as_name
+static asdl_seq *
+_loop0_27_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void *res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    int start_mark = p->mark;
+    void **children = PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(void *));
+    if (!children) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "Parser out of memory");
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    ssize_t children_capacity = 1;
+    ssize_t n = 0;
+    { // ',' dotted_as_name
+        alias_ty elem;
+        void *literal;
+        while (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12))
+            &&
+            (elem = dotted_as_name_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = elem;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                PyMem_Free(children);
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            if (n == children_capacity) {
+                children_capacity *= 2;
+                children = PyMem_Realloc(children, children_capacity*sizeof(void *));
+                if (!children) {
+                    PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "realloc None");
+                    return NULL;
+                }
+            }
+            children[n++] = res;
+            mark = p->mark;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    asdl_seq *seq = _Py_asdl_seq_new(n, p->arena);
+    if (!seq) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "asdl_seq_new _loop0_27");
+        PyMem_Free(children);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) asdl_seq_SET(seq, i, children[i]);
+    PyMem_Free(children);
+    _PyPegen_insert_memo(p, start_mark, _loop0_27_type, seq);
+    return seq;
+// _gather_26: dotted_as_name _loop0_27
+static asdl_seq *
+_gather_26_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    asdl_seq * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // dotted_as_name _loop0_27
+        alias_ty elem;
+        asdl_seq * seq;
+        if (
+            (elem = dotted_as_name_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (seq = _loop0_27_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_seq_insert_in_front(p, elem, seq);
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _tmp_28: 'as' NAME
+static void *
+_tmp_28_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // 'as' NAME
+        void *keyword;
+        expr_ty z;
+        if (
+            (keyword = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 531))
+            &&
+            (z = _PyPegen_name_token(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = z;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _loop0_30: ',' with_item
+static asdl_seq *
+_loop0_30_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void *res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    int start_mark = p->mark;
+    void **children = PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(void *));
+    if (!children) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "Parser out of memory");
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    ssize_t children_capacity = 1;
+    ssize_t n = 0;
+    { // ',' with_item
+        withitem_ty elem;
+        void *literal;
+        while (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12))
+            &&
+            (elem = with_item_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = elem;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                PyMem_Free(children);
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            if (n == children_capacity) {
+                children_capacity *= 2;
+                children = PyMem_Realloc(children, children_capacity*sizeof(void *));
+                if (!children) {
+                    PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "realloc None");
+                    return NULL;
+                }
+            }
+            children[n++] = res;
+            mark = p->mark;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    asdl_seq *seq = _Py_asdl_seq_new(n, p->arena);
+    if (!seq) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "asdl_seq_new _loop0_30");
+        PyMem_Free(children);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) asdl_seq_SET(seq, i, children[i]);
+    PyMem_Free(children);
+    _PyPegen_insert_memo(p, start_mark, _loop0_30_type, seq);
+    return seq;
+// _gather_29: with_item _loop0_30
+static asdl_seq *
+_gather_29_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    asdl_seq * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // with_item _loop0_30
+        withitem_ty elem;
+        asdl_seq * seq;
+        if (
+            (elem = with_item_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (seq = _loop0_30_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_seq_insert_in_front(p, elem, seq);
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _loop0_32: ',' with_item
+static asdl_seq *
+_loop0_32_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void *res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    int start_mark = p->mark;
+    void **children = PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(void *));
+    if (!children) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "Parser out of memory");
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    ssize_t children_capacity = 1;
+    ssize_t n = 0;
+    { // ',' with_item
+        withitem_ty elem;
+        void *literal;
+        while (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12))
+            &&
+            (elem = with_item_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = elem;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                PyMem_Free(children);
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            if (n == children_capacity) {
+                children_capacity *= 2;
+                children = PyMem_Realloc(children, children_capacity*sizeof(void *));
+                if (!children) {
+                    PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "realloc None");
+                    return NULL;
+                }
+            }
+            children[n++] = res;
+            mark = p->mark;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    asdl_seq *seq = _Py_asdl_seq_new(n, p->arena);
+    if (!seq) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "asdl_seq_new _loop0_32");
+        PyMem_Free(children);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) asdl_seq_SET(seq, i, children[i]);
+    PyMem_Free(children);
+    _PyPegen_insert_memo(p, start_mark, _loop0_32_type, seq);
+    return seq;
+// _gather_31: with_item _loop0_32
+static asdl_seq *
+_gather_31_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    asdl_seq * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // with_item _loop0_32
+        withitem_ty elem;
+        asdl_seq * seq;
+        if (
+            (elem = with_item_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (seq = _loop0_32_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_seq_insert_in_front(p, elem, seq);
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _tmp_33: 'as' target
+static void *
+_tmp_33_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // 'as' target
+        void *keyword;
+        expr_ty t;
+        if (
+            (keyword = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 531))
+            &&
+            (t = target_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = t;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _loop1_34: except_block
+static asdl_seq *
+_loop1_34_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void *res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    int start_mark = p->mark;
+    void **children = PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(void *));
+    if (!children) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "Parser out of memory");
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    ssize_t children_capacity = 1;
+    ssize_t n = 0;
+    { // except_block
+        excepthandler_ty except_block_var;
+        while (
+            (except_block_var = except_block_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = except_block_var;
+            if (n == children_capacity) {
+                children_capacity *= 2;
+                children = PyMem_Realloc(children, children_capacity*sizeof(void *));
+                if (!children) {
+                    PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "realloc None");
+                    return NULL;
+                }
+            }
+            children[n++] = res;
+            mark = p->mark;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    if (n == 0) {
+        PyMem_Free(children);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    asdl_seq *seq = _Py_asdl_seq_new(n, p->arena);
+    if (!seq) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "asdl_seq_new _loop1_34");
+        PyMem_Free(children);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) asdl_seq_SET(seq, i, children[i]);
+    PyMem_Free(children);
+    _PyPegen_insert_memo(p, start_mark, _loop1_34_type, seq);
+    return seq;
+// _tmp_35: 'as' target
+static void *
+_tmp_35_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // 'as' target
+        void *keyword;
+        expr_ty z;
+        if (
+            (keyword = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 531))
+            &&
+            (z = target_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = z;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _tmp_36: 'from' expression
+static void *
+_tmp_36_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // 'from' expression
+        void *keyword;
+        expr_ty z;
+        if (
+            (keyword = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 514))
+            &&
+            (z = expression_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = z;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _tmp_37: '->' annotation
+static void *
+_tmp_37_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // '->' annotation
+        void *literal;
+        expr_ty z;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 51))
+            &&
+            (z = annotation_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = z;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _tmp_38: ',' plain_names
+static void *
+_tmp_38_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // ',' plain_names
+        void *literal;
+        asdl_seq* x;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12))
+            &&
+            (x = plain_names_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = x;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _tmp_39: ',' names_with_default
+static void *
+_tmp_39_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // ',' names_with_default
+        void *literal;
+        asdl_seq* y;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12))
+            &&
+            (y = names_with_default_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = y;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _tmp_40: ',' star_etc?
+static void *
+_tmp_40_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // ',' star_etc?
+        void *literal;
+        void *z;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12))
+            &&
+            (z = star_etc_rule(p), 1)
+        )
+        {
+            res = z;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _tmp_41: ',' names_with_default
+static void *
+_tmp_41_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // ',' names_with_default
+        void *literal;
+        asdl_seq* y;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12))
+            &&
+            (y = names_with_default_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = y;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _tmp_42: ',' star_etc?
+static void *
+_tmp_42_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // ',' star_etc?
+        void *literal;
+        void *z;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12))
+            &&
+            (z = star_etc_rule(p), 1)
+        )
+        {
+            res = z;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _tmp_43: ',' names_with_default
+static void *
+_tmp_43_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // ',' names_with_default
+        void *literal;
+        asdl_seq* y;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12))
+            &&
+            (y = names_with_default_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = y;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _tmp_44: ',' star_etc?
+static void *
+_tmp_44_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // ',' star_etc?
+        void *literal;
+        void *z;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12))
+            &&
+            (z = star_etc_rule(p), 1)
+        )
+        {
+            res = z;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _tmp_45: ',' star_etc?
+static void *
+_tmp_45_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // ',' star_etc?
+        void *literal;
+        void *z;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12))
+            &&
+            (z = star_etc_rule(p), 1)
+        )
+        {
+            res = z;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _tmp_46: plain_names ','
+static void *
+_tmp_46_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // plain_names ','
+        void *literal;
+        asdl_seq* n;
+        if (
+            (n = plain_names_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12))
+        )
+        {
+            res = n;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _loop0_47: name_with_optional_default
+static asdl_seq *
+_loop0_47_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void *res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    int start_mark = p->mark;
+    void **children = PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(void *));
+    if (!children) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "Parser out of memory");
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    ssize_t children_capacity = 1;
+    ssize_t n = 0;
+    { // name_with_optional_default
+        NameDefaultPair* name_with_optional_default_var;
+        while (
+            (name_with_optional_default_var = name_with_optional_default_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = name_with_optional_default_var;
+            if (n == children_capacity) {
+                children_capacity *= 2;
+                children = PyMem_Realloc(children, children_capacity*sizeof(void *));
+                if (!children) {
+                    PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "realloc None");
+                    return NULL;
+                }
+            }
+            children[n++] = res;
+            mark = p->mark;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    asdl_seq *seq = _Py_asdl_seq_new(n, p->arena);
+    if (!seq) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "asdl_seq_new _loop0_47");
+        PyMem_Free(children);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) asdl_seq_SET(seq, i, children[i]);
+    PyMem_Free(children);
+    _PyPegen_insert_memo(p, start_mark, _loop0_47_type, seq);
+    return seq;
+// _tmp_48: ',' kwds
+static void *
+_tmp_48_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // ',' kwds
+        arg_ty d;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12))
+            &&
+            (d = kwds_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = d;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _loop1_49: name_with_optional_default
+static asdl_seq *
+_loop1_49_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void *res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    int start_mark = p->mark;
+    void **children = PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(void *));
+    if (!children) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "Parser out of memory");
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    ssize_t children_capacity = 1;
+    ssize_t n = 0;
+    { // name_with_optional_default
+        NameDefaultPair* name_with_optional_default_var;
+        while (
+            (name_with_optional_default_var = name_with_optional_default_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = name_with_optional_default_var;
+            if (n == children_capacity) {
+                children_capacity *= 2;
+                children = PyMem_Realloc(children, children_capacity*sizeof(void *));
+                if (!children) {
+                    PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "realloc None");
+                    return NULL;
+                }
+            }
+            children[n++] = res;
+            mark = p->mark;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    if (n == 0) {
+        PyMem_Free(children);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    asdl_seq *seq = _Py_asdl_seq_new(n, p->arena);
+    if (!seq) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "asdl_seq_new _loop1_49");
+        PyMem_Free(children);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) asdl_seq_SET(seq, i, children[i]);
+    PyMem_Free(children);
+    _PyPegen_insert_memo(p, start_mark, _loop1_49_type, seq);
+    return seq;
+// _tmp_50: ',' kwds
+static void *
+_tmp_50_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // ',' kwds
+        arg_ty d;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12))
+            &&
+            (d = kwds_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = d;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _tmp_51: '=' expression
+static void *
+_tmp_51_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // '=' expression
+        expr_ty e;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 22))
+            &&
+            (e = expression_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = e;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _loop0_53: ',' name_with_default
+static asdl_seq *
+_loop0_53_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void *res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    int start_mark = p->mark;
+    void **children = PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(void *));
+    if (!children) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "Parser out of memory");
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    ssize_t children_capacity = 1;
+    ssize_t n = 0;
+    { // ',' name_with_default
+        NameDefaultPair* elem;
+        void *literal;
+        while (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12))
+            &&
+            (elem = name_with_default_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = elem;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                PyMem_Free(children);
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            if (n == children_capacity) {
+                children_capacity *= 2;
+                children = PyMem_Realloc(children, children_capacity*sizeof(void *));
+                if (!children) {
+                    PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "realloc None");
+                    return NULL;
+                }
+            }
+            children[n++] = res;
+            mark = p->mark;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    asdl_seq *seq = _Py_asdl_seq_new(n, p->arena);
+    if (!seq) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "asdl_seq_new _loop0_53");
+        PyMem_Free(children);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) asdl_seq_SET(seq, i, children[i]);
+    PyMem_Free(children);
+    _PyPegen_insert_memo(p, start_mark, _loop0_53_type, seq);
+    return seq;
+// _gather_52: name_with_default _loop0_53
+static asdl_seq *
+_gather_52_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    asdl_seq * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // name_with_default _loop0_53
+        NameDefaultPair* elem;
+        asdl_seq * seq;
+        if (
+            (elem = name_with_default_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (seq = _loop0_53_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_seq_insert_in_front(p, elem, seq);
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _loop0_55: ',' (plain_name !'=')
+static asdl_seq *
+_loop0_55_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void *res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    int start_mark = p->mark;
+    void **children = PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(void *));
+    if (!children) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "Parser out of memory");
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    ssize_t children_capacity = 1;
+    ssize_t n = 0;
+    { // ',' (plain_name !'=')
+        void *elem;
+        void *literal;
+        while (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12))
+            &&
+            (elem = _tmp_126_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = elem;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                PyMem_Free(children);
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            if (n == children_capacity) {
+                children_capacity *= 2;
+                children = PyMem_Realloc(children, children_capacity*sizeof(void *));
+                if (!children) {
+                    PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "realloc None");
+                    return NULL;
+                }
+            }
+            children[n++] = res;
+            mark = p->mark;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    asdl_seq *seq = _Py_asdl_seq_new(n, p->arena);
+    if (!seq) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "asdl_seq_new _loop0_55");
+        PyMem_Free(children);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) asdl_seq_SET(seq, i, children[i]);
+    PyMem_Free(children);
+    _PyPegen_insert_memo(p, start_mark, _loop0_55_type, seq);
+    return seq;
+// _gather_54: (plain_name !'=') _loop0_55
+static asdl_seq *
+_gather_54_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    asdl_seq * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // (plain_name !'=') _loop0_55
+        void *elem;
+        asdl_seq * seq;
+        if (
+            (elem = _tmp_126_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (seq = _loop0_55_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_seq_insert_in_front(p, elem, seq);
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _tmp_56: ':' annotation
+static void *
+_tmp_56_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // ':' annotation
+        void *literal;
+        expr_ty z;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 11))
+            &&
+            (z = annotation_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = z;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _loop1_57: ('@' named_expression NEWLINE)
+static asdl_seq *
+_loop1_57_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void *res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    int start_mark = p->mark;
+    void **children = PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(void *));
+    if (!children) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "Parser out of memory");
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    ssize_t children_capacity = 1;
+    ssize_t n = 0;
+    { // ('@' named_expression NEWLINE)
+        void *_tmp_127_var;
+        while (
+            (_tmp_127_var = _tmp_127_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _tmp_127_var;
+            if (n == children_capacity) {
+                children_capacity *= 2;
+                children = PyMem_Realloc(children, children_capacity*sizeof(void *));
+                if (!children) {
+                    PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "realloc None");
+                    return NULL;
+                }
+            }
+            children[n++] = res;
+            mark = p->mark;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    if (n == 0) {
+        PyMem_Free(children);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    asdl_seq *seq = _Py_asdl_seq_new(n, p->arena);
+    if (!seq) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "asdl_seq_new _loop1_57");
+        PyMem_Free(children);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) asdl_seq_SET(seq, i, children[i]);
+    PyMem_Free(children);
+    _PyPegen_insert_memo(p, start_mark, _loop1_57_type, seq);
+    return seq;
+// _tmp_58: '(' arguments? ')'
+static void *
+_tmp_58_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // '(' arguments? ')'
+        void *literal;
+        void *literal_1;
+        void *z;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 7))
+            &&
+            (z = arguments_rule(p), 1)
+            &&
+            (literal_1 = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 8))
+        )
+        {
+            res = z;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _loop0_60: ',' star_expression
+static asdl_seq *
+_loop0_60_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void *res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    int start_mark = p->mark;
+    void **children = PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(void *));
+    if (!children) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "Parser out of memory");
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    ssize_t children_capacity = 1;
+    ssize_t n = 0;
+    { // ',' star_expression
+        expr_ty elem;
+        void *literal;
+        while (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12))
+            &&
+            (elem = star_expression_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = elem;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                PyMem_Free(children);
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            if (n == children_capacity) {
+                children_capacity *= 2;
+                children = PyMem_Realloc(children, children_capacity*sizeof(void *));
+                if (!children) {
+                    PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "realloc None");
+                    return NULL;
+                }
+            }
+            children[n++] = res;
+            mark = p->mark;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    asdl_seq *seq = _Py_asdl_seq_new(n, p->arena);
+    if (!seq) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "asdl_seq_new _loop0_60");
+        PyMem_Free(children);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) asdl_seq_SET(seq, i, children[i]);
+    PyMem_Free(children);
+    _PyPegen_insert_memo(p, start_mark, _loop0_60_type, seq);
+    return seq;
+// _gather_59: star_expression _loop0_60
+static asdl_seq *
+_gather_59_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    asdl_seq * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // star_expression _loop0_60
+        expr_ty elem;
+        asdl_seq * seq;
+        if (
+            (elem = star_expression_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (seq = _loop0_60_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_seq_insert_in_front(p, elem, seq);
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _loop1_61: (',' star_expression)
+static asdl_seq *
+_loop1_61_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void *res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    int start_mark = p->mark;
+    void **children = PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(void *));
+    if (!children) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "Parser out of memory");
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    ssize_t children_capacity = 1;
+    ssize_t n = 0;
+    { // (',' star_expression)
+        void *_tmp_128_var;
+        while (
+            (_tmp_128_var = _tmp_128_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _tmp_128_var;
+            if (n == children_capacity) {
+                children_capacity *= 2;
+                children = PyMem_Realloc(children, children_capacity*sizeof(void *));
+                if (!children) {
+                    PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "realloc None");
+                    return NULL;
+                }
+            }
+            children[n++] = res;
+            mark = p->mark;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    if (n == 0) {
+        PyMem_Free(children);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    asdl_seq *seq = _Py_asdl_seq_new(n, p->arena);
+    if (!seq) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "asdl_seq_new _loop1_61");
+        PyMem_Free(children);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) asdl_seq_SET(seq, i, children[i]);
+    PyMem_Free(children);
+    _PyPegen_insert_memo(p, start_mark, _loop1_61_type, seq);
+    return seq;
+// _loop0_63: ',' star_named_expression
+static asdl_seq *
+_loop0_63_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void *res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    int start_mark = p->mark;
+    void **children = PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(void *));
+    if (!children) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "Parser out of memory");
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    ssize_t children_capacity = 1;
+    ssize_t n = 0;
+    { // ',' star_named_expression
+        expr_ty elem;
+        void *literal;
+        while (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12))
+            &&
+            (elem = star_named_expression_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = elem;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                PyMem_Free(children);
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            if (n == children_capacity) {
+                children_capacity *= 2;
+                children = PyMem_Realloc(children, children_capacity*sizeof(void *));
+                if (!children) {
+                    PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "realloc None");
+                    return NULL;
+                }
+            }
+            children[n++] = res;
+            mark = p->mark;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    asdl_seq *seq = _Py_asdl_seq_new(n, p->arena);
+    if (!seq) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "asdl_seq_new _loop0_63");
+        PyMem_Free(children);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) asdl_seq_SET(seq, i, children[i]);
+    PyMem_Free(children);
+    _PyPegen_insert_memo(p, start_mark, _loop0_63_type, seq);
+    return seq;
+// _gather_62: star_named_expression _loop0_63
+static asdl_seq *
+_gather_62_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    asdl_seq * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // star_named_expression _loop0_63
+        expr_ty elem;
+        asdl_seq * seq;
+        if (
+            (elem = star_named_expression_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (seq = _loop0_63_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_seq_insert_in_front(p, elem, seq);
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _loop1_64: (',' expression)
+static asdl_seq *
+_loop1_64_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void *res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    int start_mark = p->mark;
+    void **children = PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(void *));
+    if (!children) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "Parser out of memory");
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    ssize_t children_capacity = 1;
+    ssize_t n = 0;
+    { // (',' expression)
+        void *_tmp_129_var;
+        while (
+            (_tmp_129_var = _tmp_129_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _tmp_129_var;
+            if (n == children_capacity) {
+                children_capacity *= 2;
+                children = PyMem_Realloc(children, children_capacity*sizeof(void *));
+                if (!children) {
+                    PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "realloc None");
+                    return NULL;
+                }
+            }
+            children[n++] = res;
+            mark = p->mark;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    if (n == 0) {
+        PyMem_Free(children);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    asdl_seq *seq = _Py_asdl_seq_new(n, p->arena);
+    if (!seq) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "asdl_seq_new _loop1_64");
+        PyMem_Free(children);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) asdl_seq_SET(seq, i, children[i]);
+    PyMem_Free(children);
+    _PyPegen_insert_memo(p, start_mark, _loop1_64_type, seq);
+    return seq;
+// _tmp_65: ',' lambda_plain_names
+static void *
+_tmp_65_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // ',' lambda_plain_names
+        void *literal;
+        asdl_seq* x;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12))
+            &&
+            (x = lambda_plain_names_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = x;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _tmp_66: ',' lambda_names_with_default
+static void *
+_tmp_66_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // ',' lambda_names_with_default
+        void *literal;
+        asdl_seq* y;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12))
+            &&
+            (y = lambda_names_with_default_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = y;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _tmp_67: ',' lambda_star_etc?
+static void *
+_tmp_67_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // ',' lambda_star_etc?
+        void *literal;
+        void *z;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12))
+            &&
+            (z = lambda_star_etc_rule(p), 1)
+        )
+        {
+            res = z;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _tmp_68: ',' lambda_names_with_default
+static void *
+_tmp_68_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // ',' lambda_names_with_default
+        void *literal;
+        asdl_seq* y;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12))
+            &&
+            (y = lambda_names_with_default_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = y;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _tmp_69: ',' lambda_star_etc?
+static void *
+_tmp_69_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // ',' lambda_star_etc?
+        void *literal;
+        void *z;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12))
+            &&
+            (z = lambda_star_etc_rule(p), 1)
+        )
+        {
+            res = z;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _tmp_70: ',' lambda_names_with_default
+static void *
+_tmp_70_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // ',' lambda_names_with_default
+        void *literal;
+        asdl_seq* y;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12))
+            &&
+            (y = lambda_names_with_default_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = y;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _tmp_71: ',' lambda_star_etc?
+static void *
+_tmp_71_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // ',' lambda_star_etc?
+        void *literal;
+        void *z;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12))
+            &&
+            (z = lambda_star_etc_rule(p), 1)
+        )
+        {
+            res = z;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _tmp_72: ',' lambda_star_etc?
+static void *
+_tmp_72_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // ',' lambda_star_etc?
+        void *literal;
+        void *z;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12))
+            &&
+            (z = lambda_star_etc_rule(p), 1)
+        )
+        {
+            res = z;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _tmp_73: lambda_plain_names ','
+static void *
+_tmp_73_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // lambda_plain_names ','
+        void *literal;
+        asdl_seq* n;
+        if (
+            (n = lambda_plain_names_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12))
+        )
+        {
+            res = n;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _loop0_74: lambda_name_with_optional_default
+static asdl_seq *
+_loop0_74_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void *res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    int start_mark = p->mark;
+    void **children = PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(void *));
+    if (!children) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "Parser out of memory");
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    ssize_t children_capacity = 1;
+    ssize_t n = 0;
+    { // lambda_name_with_optional_default
+        NameDefaultPair* lambda_name_with_optional_default_var;
+        while (
+            (lambda_name_with_optional_default_var = lambda_name_with_optional_default_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = lambda_name_with_optional_default_var;
+            if (n == children_capacity) {
+                children_capacity *= 2;
+                children = PyMem_Realloc(children, children_capacity*sizeof(void *));
+                if (!children) {
+                    PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "realloc None");
+                    return NULL;
+                }
+            }
+            children[n++] = res;
+            mark = p->mark;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    asdl_seq *seq = _Py_asdl_seq_new(n, p->arena);
+    if (!seq) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "asdl_seq_new _loop0_74");
+        PyMem_Free(children);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) asdl_seq_SET(seq, i, children[i]);
+    PyMem_Free(children);
+    _PyPegen_insert_memo(p, start_mark, _loop0_74_type, seq);
+    return seq;
+// _tmp_75: ',' lambda_kwds
+static void *
+_tmp_75_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // ',' lambda_kwds
+        arg_ty d;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12))
+            &&
+            (d = lambda_kwds_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = d;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _loop1_76: lambda_name_with_optional_default
+static asdl_seq *
+_loop1_76_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void *res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    int start_mark = p->mark;
+    void **children = PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(void *));
+    if (!children) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "Parser out of memory");
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    ssize_t children_capacity = 1;
+    ssize_t n = 0;
+    { // lambda_name_with_optional_default
+        NameDefaultPair* lambda_name_with_optional_default_var;
+        while (
+            (lambda_name_with_optional_default_var = lambda_name_with_optional_default_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = lambda_name_with_optional_default_var;
+            if (n == children_capacity) {
+                children_capacity *= 2;
+                children = PyMem_Realloc(children, children_capacity*sizeof(void *));
+                if (!children) {
+                    PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "realloc None");
+                    return NULL;
+                }
+            }
+            children[n++] = res;
+            mark = p->mark;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    if (n == 0) {
+        PyMem_Free(children);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    asdl_seq *seq = _Py_asdl_seq_new(n, p->arena);
+    if (!seq) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "asdl_seq_new _loop1_76");
+        PyMem_Free(children);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) asdl_seq_SET(seq, i, children[i]);
+    PyMem_Free(children);
+    _PyPegen_insert_memo(p, start_mark, _loop1_76_type, seq);
+    return seq;
+// _tmp_77: ',' lambda_kwds
+static void *
+_tmp_77_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // ',' lambda_kwds
+        arg_ty d;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12))
+            &&
+            (d = lambda_kwds_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = d;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _tmp_78: '=' expression
+static void *
+_tmp_78_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // '=' expression
+        expr_ty e;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 22))
+            &&
+            (e = expression_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = e;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _loop0_80: ',' lambda_name_with_default
+static asdl_seq *
+_loop0_80_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void *res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    int start_mark = p->mark;
+    void **children = PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(void *));
+    if (!children) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "Parser out of memory");
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    ssize_t children_capacity = 1;
+    ssize_t n = 0;
+    { // ',' lambda_name_with_default
+        NameDefaultPair* elem;
+        void *literal;
+        while (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12))
+            &&
+            (elem = lambda_name_with_default_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = elem;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                PyMem_Free(children);
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            if (n == children_capacity) {
+                children_capacity *= 2;
+                children = PyMem_Realloc(children, children_capacity*sizeof(void *));
+                if (!children) {
+                    PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "realloc None");
+                    return NULL;
+                }
+            }
+            children[n++] = res;
+            mark = p->mark;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    asdl_seq *seq = _Py_asdl_seq_new(n, p->arena);
+    if (!seq) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "asdl_seq_new _loop0_80");
+        PyMem_Free(children);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) asdl_seq_SET(seq, i, children[i]);
+    PyMem_Free(children);
+    _PyPegen_insert_memo(p, start_mark, _loop0_80_type, seq);
+    return seq;
+// _gather_79: lambda_name_with_default _loop0_80
+static asdl_seq *
+_gather_79_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    asdl_seq * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // lambda_name_with_default _loop0_80
+        NameDefaultPair* elem;
+        asdl_seq * seq;
+        if (
+            (elem = lambda_name_with_default_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (seq = _loop0_80_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_seq_insert_in_front(p, elem, seq);
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _loop0_82: ',' (lambda_plain_name !'=')
+static asdl_seq *
+_loop0_82_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void *res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    int start_mark = p->mark;
+    void **children = PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(void *));
+    if (!children) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "Parser out of memory");
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    ssize_t children_capacity = 1;
+    ssize_t n = 0;
+    { // ',' (lambda_plain_name !'=')
+        void *elem;
+        void *literal;
+        while (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12))
+            &&
+            (elem = _tmp_130_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = elem;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                PyMem_Free(children);
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            if (n == children_capacity) {
+                children_capacity *= 2;
+                children = PyMem_Realloc(children, children_capacity*sizeof(void *));
+                if (!children) {
+                    PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "realloc None");
+                    return NULL;
+                }
+            }
+            children[n++] = res;
+            mark = p->mark;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    asdl_seq *seq = _Py_asdl_seq_new(n, p->arena);
+    if (!seq) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "asdl_seq_new _loop0_82");
+        PyMem_Free(children);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) asdl_seq_SET(seq, i, children[i]);
+    PyMem_Free(children);
+    _PyPegen_insert_memo(p, start_mark, _loop0_82_type, seq);
+    return seq;
+// _gather_81: (lambda_plain_name !'=') _loop0_82
+static asdl_seq *
+_gather_81_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    asdl_seq * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // (lambda_plain_name !'=') _loop0_82
+        void *elem;
+        asdl_seq * seq;
+        if (
+            (elem = _tmp_130_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (seq = _loop0_82_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_seq_insert_in_front(p, elem, seq);
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _loop1_83: ('or' conjunction)
+static asdl_seq *
+_loop1_83_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void *res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    int start_mark = p->mark;
+    void **children = PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(void *));
+    if (!children) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "Parser out of memory");
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    ssize_t children_capacity = 1;
+    ssize_t n = 0;
+    { // ('or' conjunction)
+        void *_tmp_131_var;
+        while (
+            (_tmp_131_var = _tmp_131_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _tmp_131_var;
+            if (n == children_capacity) {
+                children_capacity *= 2;
+                children = PyMem_Realloc(children, children_capacity*sizeof(void *));
+                if (!children) {
+                    PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "realloc None");
+                    return NULL;
+                }
+            }
+            children[n++] = res;
+            mark = p->mark;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    if (n == 0) {
+        PyMem_Free(children);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    asdl_seq *seq = _Py_asdl_seq_new(n, p->arena);
+    if (!seq) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "asdl_seq_new _loop1_83");
+        PyMem_Free(children);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) asdl_seq_SET(seq, i, children[i]);
+    PyMem_Free(children);
+    _PyPegen_insert_memo(p, start_mark, _loop1_83_type, seq);
+    return seq;
+// _loop1_84: ('and' inversion)
+static asdl_seq *
+_loop1_84_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void *res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    int start_mark = p->mark;
+    void **children = PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(void *));
+    if (!children) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "Parser out of memory");
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    ssize_t children_capacity = 1;
+    ssize_t n = 0;
+    { // ('and' inversion)
+        void *_tmp_132_var;
+        while (
+            (_tmp_132_var = _tmp_132_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _tmp_132_var;
+            if (n == children_capacity) {
+                children_capacity *= 2;
+                children = PyMem_Realloc(children, children_capacity*sizeof(void *));
+                if (!children) {
+                    PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "realloc None");
+                    return NULL;
+                }
+            }
+            children[n++] = res;
+            mark = p->mark;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    if (n == 0) {
+        PyMem_Free(children);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    asdl_seq *seq = _Py_asdl_seq_new(n, p->arena);
+    if (!seq) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "asdl_seq_new _loop1_84");
+        PyMem_Free(children);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) asdl_seq_SET(seq, i, children[i]);
+    PyMem_Free(children);
+    _PyPegen_insert_memo(p, start_mark, _loop1_84_type, seq);
+    return seq;
+// _loop1_85: compare_op_bitwise_or_pair
+static asdl_seq *
+_loop1_85_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void *res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    int start_mark = p->mark;
+    void **children = PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(void *));
+    if (!children) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "Parser out of memory");
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    ssize_t children_capacity = 1;
+    ssize_t n = 0;
+    { // compare_op_bitwise_or_pair
+        CmpopExprPair* compare_op_bitwise_or_pair_var;
+        while (
+            (compare_op_bitwise_or_pair_var = compare_op_bitwise_or_pair_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = compare_op_bitwise_or_pair_var;
+            if (n == children_capacity) {
+                children_capacity *= 2;
+                children = PyMem_Realloc(children, children_capacity*sizeof(void *));
+                if (!children) {
+                    PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "realloc None");
+                    return NULL;
+                }
+            }
+            children[n++] = res;
+            mark = p->mark;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    if (n == 0) {
+        PyMem_Free(children);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    asdl_seq *seq = _Py_asdl_seq_new(n, p->arena);
+    if (!seq) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "asdl_seq_new _loop1_85");
+        PyMem_Free(children);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) asdl_seq_SET(seq, i, children[i]);
+    PyMem_Free(children);
+    _PyPegen_insert_memo(p, start_mark, _loop1_85_type, seq);
+    return seq;
+// _loop0_87: ',' slice
+static asdl_seq *
+_loop0_87_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void *res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    int start_mark = p->mark;
+    void **children = PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(void *));
+    if (!children) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "Parser out of memory");
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    ssize_t children_capacity = 1;
+    ssize_t n = 0;
+    { // ',' slice
+        expr_ty elem;
+        void *literal;
+        while (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12))
+            &&
+            (elem = slice_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = elem;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                PyMem_Free(children);
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            if (n == children_capacity) {
+                children_capacity *= 2;
+                children = PyMem_Realloc(children, children_capacity*sizeof(void *));
+                if (!children) {
+                    PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "realloc None");
+                    return NULL;
+                }
+            }
+            children[n++] = res;
+            mark = p->mark;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    asdl_seq *seq = _Py_asdl_seq_new(n, p->arena);
+    if (!seq) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "asdl_seq_new _loop0_87");
+        PyMem_Free(children);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) asdl_seq_SET(seq, i, children[i]);
+    PyMem_Free(children);
+    _PyPegen_insert_memo(p, start_mark, _loop0_87_type, seq);
+    return seq;
+// _gather_86: slice _loop0_87
+static asdl_seq *
+_gather_86_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    asdl_seq * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // slice _loop0_87
+        expr_ty elem;
+        asdl_seq * seq;
+        if (
+            (elem = slice_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (seq = _loop0_87_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_seq_insert_in_front(p, elem, seq);
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _tmp_88: ':' expression?
+static void *
+_tmp_88_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // ':' expression?
+        void *d;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 11))
+            &&
+            (d = expression_rule(p), 1)
+        )
+        {
+            res = d;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _tmp_89: tuple | group | genexp
+static void *
+_tmp_89_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // tuple
+        expr_ty tuple_var;
+        if (
+            (tuple_var = tuple_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = tuple_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // group
+        expr_ty group_var;
+        if (
+            (group_var = group_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = group_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // genexp
+        expr_ty genexp_var;
+        if (
+            (genexp_var = genexp_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = genexp_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _tmp_90: list | listcomp
+static void *
+_tmp_90_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // list
+        expr_ty list_var;
+        if (
+            (list_var = list_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = list_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // listcomp
+        expr_ty listcomp_var;
+        if (
+            (listcomp_var = listcomp_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = listcomp_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _tmp_91: dict | set | dictcomp | setcomp
+static void *
+_tmp_91_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // dict
+        expr_ty dict_var;
+        if (
+            (dict_var = dict_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = dict_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // set
+        expr_ty set_var;
+        if (
+            (set_var = set_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = set_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // dictcomp
+        expr_ty dictcomp_var;
+        if (
+            (dictcomp_var = dictcomp_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = dictcomp_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // setcomp
+        expr_ty setcomp_var;
+        if (
+            (setcomp_var = setcomp_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = setcomp_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _loop1_92: STRING
+static asdl_seq *
+_loop1_92_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void *res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    int start_mark = p->mark;
+    void **children = PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(void *));
+    if (!children) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "Parser out of memory");
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    ssize_t children_capacity = 1;
+    ssize_t n = 0;
+    { // STRING
+        expr_ty string_var;
+        while (
+            (string_var = _PyPegen_string_token(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = string_var;
+            if (n == children_capacity) {
+                children_capacity *= 2;
+                children = PyMem_Realloc(children, children_capacity*sizeof(void *));
+                if (!children) {
+                    PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "realloc None");
+                    return NULL;
+                }
+            }
+            children[n++] = res;
+            mark = p->mark;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    if (n == 0) {
+        PyMem_Free(children);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    asdl_seq *seq = _Py_asdl_seq_new(n, p->arena);
+    if (!seq) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "asdl_seq_new _loop1_92");
+        PyMem_Free(children);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) asdl_seq_SET(seq, i, children[i]);
+    PyMem_Free(children);
+    _PyPegen_insert_memo(p, start_mark, _loop1_92_type, seq);
+    return seq;
+// _tmp_93: star_named_expression ',' star_named_expressions?
+static void *
+_tmp_93_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // star_named_expression ',' star_named_expressions?
+        void *literal;
+        expr_ty y;
+        void *z;
+        if (
+            (y = star_named_expression_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12))
+            &&
+            (z = star_named_expressions_rule(p), 1)
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_seq_insert_in_front ( p , y , z );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _tmp_94: yield_expr | named_expression
+static void *
+_tmp_94_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // yield_expr
+        expr_ty yield_expr_var;
+        if (
+            (yield_expr_var = yield_expr_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = yield_expr_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // named_expression
+        expr_ty named_expression_var;
+        if (
+            (named_expression_var = named_expression_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = named_expression_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _loop0_96: ',' kvpair
+static asdl_seq *
+_loop0_96_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void *res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    int start_mark = p->mark;
+    void **children = PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(void *));
+    if (!children) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "Parser out of memory");
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    ssize_t children_capacity = 1;
+    ssize_t n = 0;
+    { // ',' kvpair
+        KeyValuePair* elem;
+        void *literal;
+        while (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12))
+            &&
+            (elem = kvpair_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = elem;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                PyMem_Free(children);
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            if (n == children_capacity) {
+                children_capacity *= 2;
+                children = PyMem_Realloc(children, children_capacity*sizeof(void *));
+                if (!children) {
+                    PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "realloc None");
+                    return NULL;
+                }
+            }
+            children[n++] = res;
+            mark = p->mark;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    asdl_seq *seq = _Py_asdl_seq_new(n, p->arena);
+    if (!seq) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "asdl_seq_new _loop0_96");
+        PyMem_Free(children);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) asdl_seq_SET(seq, i, children[i]);
+    PyMem_Free(children);
+    _PyPegen_insert_memo(p, start_mark, _loop0_96_type, seq);
+    return seq;
+// _gather_95: kvpair _loop0_96
+static asdl_seq *
+_gather_95_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    asdl_seq * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // kvpair _loop0_96
+        KeyValuePair* elem;
+        asdl_seq * seq;
+        if (
+            (elem = kvpair_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (seq = _loop0_96_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_seq_insert_in_front(p, elem, seq);
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _loop1_97: (ASYNC? 'for' star_targets 'in' disjunction (('if' disjunction))*)
+static asdl_seq *
+_loop1_97_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void *res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    int start_mark = p->mark;
+    void **children = PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(void *));
+    if (!children) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "Parser out of memory");
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    ssize_t children_capacity = 1;
+    ssize_t n = 0;
+    { // (ASYNC? 'for' star_targets 'in' disjunction (('if' disjunction))*)
+        void *_tmp_133_var;
+        while (
+            (_tmp_133_var = _tmp_133_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _tmp_133_var;
+            if (n == children_capacity) {
+                children_capacity *= 2;
+                children = PyMem_Realloc(children, children_capacity*sizeof(void *));
+                if (!children) {
+                    PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "realloc None");
+                    return NULL;
+                }
+            }
+            children[n++] = res;
+            mark = p->mark;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    if (n == 0) {
+        PyMem_Free(children);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    asdl_seq *seq = _Py_asdl_seq_new(n, p->arena);
+    if (!seq) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "asdl_seq_new _loop1_97");
+        PyMem_Free(children);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) asdl_seq_SET(seq, i, children[i]);
+    PyMem_Free(children);
+    _PyPegen_insert_memo(p, start_mark, _loop1_97_type, seq);
+    return seq;
+// _tmp_98: ',' args
+static void *
+_tmp_98_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // ',' args
+        expr_ty c;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12))
+            &&
+            (c = args_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = c;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _tmp_99: ',' args
+static void *
+_tmp_99_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // ',' args
+        expr_ty c;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12))
+            &&
+            (c = args_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = c;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _loop0_101: ',' kwarg_or_starred
+static asdl_seq *
+_loop0_101_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void *res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    int start_mark = p->mark;
+    void **children = PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(void *));
+    if (!children) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "Parser out of memory");
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    ssize_t children_capacity = 1;
+    ssize_t n = 0;
+    { // ',' kwarg_or_starred
+        KeywordOrStarred* elem;
+        void *literal;
+        while (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12))
+            &&
+            (elem = kwarg_or_starred_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = elem;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                PyMem_Free(children);
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            if (n == children_capacity) {
+                children_capacity *= 2;
+                children = PyMem_Realloc(children, children_capacity*sizeof(void *));
+                if (!children) {
+                    PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "realloc None");
+                    return NULL;
+                }
+            }
+            children[n++] = res;
+            mark = p->mark;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    asdl_seq *seq = _Py_asdl_seq_new(n, p->arena);
+    if (!seq) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "asdl_seq_new _loop0_101");
+        PyMem_Free(children);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) asdl_seq_SET(seq, i, children[i]);
+    PyMem_Free(children);
+    _PyPegen_insert_memo(p, start_mark, _loop0_101_type, seq);
+    return seq;
+// _gather_100: kwarg_or_starred _loop0_101
+static asdl_seq *
+_gather_100_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    asdl_seq * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // kwarg_or_starred _loop0_101
+        KeywordOrStarred* elem;
+        asdl_seq * seq;
+        if (
+            (elem = kwarg_or_starred_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (seq = _loop0_101_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_seq_insert_in_front(p, elem, seq);
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _loop0_103: ',' kwarg_or_double_starred
+static asdl_seq *
+_loop0_103_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void *res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    int start_mark = p->mark;
+    void **children = PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(void *));
+    if (!children) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "Parser out of memory");
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    ssize_t children_capacity = 1;
+    ssize_t n = 0;
+    { // ',' kwarg_or_double_starred
+        KeywordOrStarred* elem;
+        void *literal;
+        while (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12))
+            &&
+            (elem = kwarg_or_double_starred_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = elem;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                PyMem_Free(children);
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            if (n == children_capacity) {
+                children_capacity *= 2;
+                children = PyMem_Realloc(children, children_capacity*sizeof(void *));
+                if (!children) {
+                    PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "realloc None");
+                    return NULL;
+                }
+            }
+            children[n++] = res;
+            mark = p->mark;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    asdl_seq *seq = _Py_asdl_seq_new(n, p->arena);
+    if (!seq) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "asdl_seq_new _loop0_103");
+        PyMem_Free(children);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) asdl_seq_SET(seq, i, children[i]);
+    PyMem_Free(children);
+    _PyPegen_insert_memo(p, start_mark, _loop0_103_type, seq);
+    return seq;
+// _gather_102: kwarg_or_double_starred _loop0_103
+static asdl_seq *
+_gather_102_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    asdl_seq * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // kwarg_or_double_starred _loop0_103
+        KeywordOrStarred* elem;
+        asdl_seq * seq;
+        if (
+            (elem = kwarg_or_double_starred_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (seq = _loop0_103_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_seq_insert_in_front(p, elem, seq);
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _loop0_105: ',' kwarg_or_starred
+static asdl_seq *
+_loop0_105_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void *res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    int start_mark = p->mark;
+    void **children = PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(void *));
+    if (!children) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "Parser out of memory");
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    ssize_t children_capacity = 1;
+    ssize_t n = 0;
+    { // ',' kwarg_or_starred
+        KeywordOrStarred* elem;
+        void *literal;
+        while (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12))
+            &&
+            (elem = kwarg_or_starred_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = elem;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                PyMem_Free(children);
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            if (n == children_capacity) {
+                children_capacity *= 2;
+                children = PyMem_Realloc(children, children_capacity*sizeof(void *));
+                if (!children) {
+                    PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "realloc None");
+                    return NULL;
+                }
+            }
+            children[n++] = res;
+            mark = p->mark;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    asdl_seq *seq = _Py_asdl_seq_new(n, p->arena);
+    if (!seq) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "asdl_seq_new _loop0_105");
+        PyMem_Free(children);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) asdl_seq_SET(seq, i, children[i]);
+    PyMem_Free(children);
+    _PyPegen_insert_memo(p, start_mark, _loop0_105_type, seq);
+    return seq;
+// _gather_104: kwarg_or_starred _loop0_105
+static asdl_seq *
+_gather_104_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    asdl_seq * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // kwarg_or_starred _loop0_105
+        KeywordOrStarred* elem;
+        asdl_seq * seq;
+        if (
+            (elem = kwarg_or_starred_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (seq = _loop0_105_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_seq_insert_in_front(p, elem, seq);
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _loop0_107: ',' kwarg_or_double_starred
+static asdl_seq *
+_loop0_107_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void *res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    int start_mark = p->mark;
+    void **children = PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(void *));
+    if (!children) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "Parser out of memory");
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    ssize_t children_capacity = 1;
+    ssize_t n = 0;
+    { // ',' kwarg_or_double_starred
+        KeywordOrStarred* elem;
+        void *literal;
+        while (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12))
+            &&
+            (elem = kwarg_or_double_starred_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = elem;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                PyMem_Free(children);
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            if (n == children_capacity) {
+                children_capacity *= 2;
+                children = PyMem_Realloc(children, children_capacity*sizeof(void *));
+                if (!children) {
+                    PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "realloc None");
+                    return NULL;
+                }
+            }
+            children[n++] = res;
+            mark = p->mark;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    asdl_seq *seq = _Py_asdl_seq_new(n, p->arena);
+    if (!seq) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "asdl_seq_new _loop0_107");
+        PyMem_Free(children);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) asdl_seq_SET(seq, i, children[i]);
+    PyMem_Free(children);
+    _PyPegen_insert_memo(p, start_mark, _loop0_107_type, seq);
+    return seq;
+// _gather_106: kwarg_or_double_starred _loop0_107
+static asdl_seq *
+_gather_106_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    asdl_seq * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // kwarg_or_double_starred _loop0_107
+        KeywordOrStarred* elem;
+        asdl_seq * seq;
+        if (
+            (elem = kwarg_or_double_starred_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (seq = _loop0_107_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_seq_insert_in_front(p, elem, seq);
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _loop0_108: (',' star_target)
+static asdl_seq *
+_loop0_108_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void *res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    int start_mark = p->mark;
+    void **children = PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(void *));
+    if (!children) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "Parser out of memory");
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    ssize_t children_capacity = 1;
+    ssize_t n = 0;
+    { // (',' star_target)
+        void *_tmp_134_var;
+        while (
+            (_tmp_134_var = _tmp_134_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _tmp_134_var;
+            if (n == children_capacity) {
+                children_capacity *= 2;
+                children = PyMem_Realloc(children, children_capacity*sizeof(void *));
+                if (!children) {
+                    PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "realloc None");
+                    return NULL;
+                }
+            }
+            children[n++] = res;
+            mark = p->mark;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    asdl_seq *seq = _Py_asdl_seq_new(n, p->arena);
+    if (!seq) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "asdl_seq_new _loop0_108");
+        PyMem_Free(children);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) asdl_seq_SET(seq, i, children[i]);
+    PyMem_Free(children);
+    _PyPegen_insert_memo(p, start_mark, _loop0_108_type, seq);
+    return seq;
+// _loop0_110: ',' star_target
+static asdl_seq *
+_loop0_110_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void *res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    int start_mark = p->mark;
+    void **children = PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(void *));
+    if (!children) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "Parser out of memory");
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    ssize_t children_capacity = 1;
+    ssize_t n = 0;
+    { // ',' star_target
+        expr_ty elem;
+        void *literal;
+        while (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12))
+            &&
+            (elem = star_target_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = elem;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                PyMem_Free(children);
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            if (n == children_capacity) {
+                children_capacity *= 2;
+                children = PyMem_Realloc(children, children_capacity*sizeof(void *));
+                if (!children) {
+                    PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "realloc None");
+                    return NULL;
+                }
+            }
+            children[n++] = res;
+            mark = p->mark;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    asdl_seq *seq = _Py_asdl_seq_new(n, p->arena);
+    if (!seq) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "asdl_seq_new _loop0_110");
+        PyMem_Free(children);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) asdl_seq_SET(seq, i, children[i]);
+    PyMem_Free(children);
+    _PyPegen_insert_memo(p, start_mark, _loop0_110_type, seq);
+    return seq;
+// _gather_109: star_target _loop0_110
+static asdl_seq *
+_gather_109_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    asdl_seq * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // star_target _loop0_110
+        expr_ty elem;
+        asdl_seq * seq;
+        if (
+            (elem = star_target_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (seq = _loop0_110_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_seq_insert_in_front(p, elem, seq);
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _tmp_111: !'*' star_target
+static void *
+_tmp_111_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // !'*' star_target
+        expr_ty star_target_var;
+        if (
+            _PyPegen_lookahead_with_int(0, _PyPegen_expect_token, p, 16)
+            &&
+            (star_target_var = star_target_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = star_target_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _loop0_113: ',' del_target
+static asdl_seq *
+_loop0_113_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void *res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    int start_mark = p->mark;
+    void **children = PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(void *));
+    if (!children) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "Parser out of memory");
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    ssize_t children_capacity = 1;
+    ssize_t n = 0;
+    { // ',' del_target
+        expr_ty elem;
+        void *literal;
+        while (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12))
+            &&
+            (elem = del_target_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = elem;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                PyMem_Free(children);
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            if (n == children_capacity) {
+                children_capacity *= 2;
+                children = PyMem_Realloc(children, children_capacity*sizeof(void *));
+                if (!children) {
+                    PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "realloc None");
+                    return NULL;
+                }
+            }
+            children[n++] = res;
+            mark = p->mark;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    asdl_seq *seq = _Py_asdl_seq_new(n, p->arena);
+    if (!seq) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "asdl_seq_new _loop0_113");
+        PyMem_Free(children);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) asdl_seq_SET(seq, i, children[i]);
+    PyMem_Free(children);
+    _PyPegen_insert_memo(p, start_mark, _loop0_113_type, seq);
+    return seq;
+// _gather_112: del_target _loop0_113
+static asdl_seq *
+_gather_112_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    asdl_seq * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // del_target _loop0_113
+        expr_ty elem;
+        asdl_seq * seq;
+        if (
+            (elem = del_target_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (seq = _loop0_113_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_seq_insert_in_front(p, elem, seq);
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _loop0_115: ',' target
+static asdl_seq *
+_loop0_115_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void *res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    int start_mark = p->mark;
+    void **children = PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(void *));
+    if (!children) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "Parser out of memory");
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    ssize_t children_capacity = 1;
+    ssize_t n = 0;
+    { // ',' target
+        expr_ty elem;
+        void *literal;
+        while (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12))
+            &&
+            (elem = target_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = elem;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                PyMem_Free(children);
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            if (n == children_capacity) {
+                children_capacity *= 2;
+                children = PyMem_Realloc(children, children_capacity*sizeof(void *));
+                if (!children) {
+                    PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "realloc None");
+                    return NULL;
+                }
+            }
+            children[n++] = res;
+            mark = p->mark;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    asdl_seq *seq = _Py_asdl_seq_new(n, p->arena);
+    if (!seq) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "asdl_seq_new _loop0_115");
+        PyMem_Free(children);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) asdl_seq_SET(seq, i, children[i]);
+    PyMem_Free(children);
+    _PyPegen_insert_memo(p, start_mark, _loop0_115_type, seq);
+    return seq;
+// _gather_114: target _loop0_115
+static asdl_seq *
+_gather_114_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    asdl_seq * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // target _loop0_115
+        expr_ty elem;
+        asdl_seq * seq;
+        if (
+            (elem = target_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (seq = _loop0_115_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_seq_insert_in_front(p, elem, seq);
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _tmp_116: args | expression for_if_clauses
+static void *
+_tmp_116_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // args
+        expr_ty args_var;
+        if (
+            (args_var = args_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = args_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // expression for_if_clauses
+        expr_ty expression_var;
+        asdl_seq* for_if_clauses_var;
+        if (
+            (expression_var = expression_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (for_if_clauses_var = for_if_clauses_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_dummy_name(p, expression_var, for_if_clauses_var);
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _tmp_117: '=' annotated_rhs
+static void *
+_tmp_117_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // '=' annotated_rhs
+        expr_ty annotated_rhs_var;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 22))
+            &&
+            (annotated_rhs_var = annotated_rhs_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_dummy_name(p, literal, annotated_rhs_var);
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _tmp_118: '=' | augassign
+static void *
+_tmp_118_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // '='
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 22))
+        )
+        {
+            res = literal;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // augassign
+        AugOperator* augassign_var;
+        if (
+            (augassign_var = augassign_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = augassign_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _tmp_119: yield_expr | star_expressions
+static void *
+_tmp_119_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // yield_expr
+        expr_ty yield_expr_var;
+        if (
+            (yield_expr_var = yield_expr_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = yield_expr_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // star_expressions
+        expr_ty star_expressions_var;
+        if (
+            (star_expressions_var = star_expressions_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = star_expressions_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _tmp_120: '[' | '(' | '{'
+static void *
+_tmp_120_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // '['
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 9))
+        )
+        {
+            res = literal;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // '('
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 7))
+        )
+        {
+            res = literal;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // '{'
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 25))
+        )
+        {
+            res = literal;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _tmp_121: plain_names ','
+static void *
+_tmp_121_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // plain_names ','
+        void *literal;
+        asdl_seq* plain_names_var;
+        if (
+            (plain_names_var = plain_names_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _PyPegen_dummy_name(p, plain_names_var, literal);
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _tmp_122: slash_with_default | names_with_default
+static void *
+_tmp_122_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // slash_with_default
+        SlashWithDefault* slash_with_default_var;
+        if (
+            (slash_with_default_var = slash_with_default_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = slash_with_default_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // names_with_default
+        asdl_seq* names_with_default_var;
+        if (
+            (names_with_default_var = names_with_default_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = names_with_default_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _tmp_123: star_targets '='
+static void *
+_tmp_123_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // star_targets '='
+        void *literal;
+        expr_ty z;
+        if (
+            (z = star_targets_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 22))
+        )
+        {
+            res = z;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _tmp_124: '.' | '...'
+static void *
+_tmp_124_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // '.'
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 23))
+        )
+        {
+            res = literal;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // '...'
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 52))
+        )
+        {
+            res = literal;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _tmp_125: '.' | '...'
+static void *
+_tmp_125_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // '.'
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 23))
+        )
+        {
+            res = literal;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    { // '...'
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 52))
+        )
+        {
+            res = literal;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _tmp_126: plain_name !'='
+static void *
+_tmp_126_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // plain_name !'='
+        arg_ty plain_name_var;
+        if (
+            (plain_name_var = plain_name_rule(p))
+            &&
+            _PyPegen_lookahead_with_int(0, _PyPegen_expect_token, p, 22)
+        )
+        {
+            res = plain_name_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _tmp_127: '@' named_expression NEWLINE
+static void *
+_tmp_127_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // '@' named_expression NEWLINE
+        expr_ty f;
+        void *literal;
+        void *newline_var;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 49))
+            &&
+            (f = named_expression_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (newline_var = _PyPegen_newline_token(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = f;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _tmp_128: ',' star_expression
+static void *
+_tmp_128_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // ',' star_expression
+        expr_ty c;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12))
+            &&
+            (c = star_expression_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = c;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _tmp_129: ',' expression
+static void *
+_tmp_129_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // ',' expression
+        expr_ty c;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12))
+            &&
+            (c = expression_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = c;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _tmp_130: lambda_plain_name !'='
+static void *
+_tmp_130_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // lambda_plain_name !'='
+        arg_ty lambda_plain_name_var;
+        if (
+            (lambda_plain_name_var = lambda_plain_name_rule(p))
+            &&
+            _PyPegen_lookahead_with_int(0, _PyPegen_expect_token, p, 22)
+        )
+        {
+            res = lambda_plain_name_var;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _tmp_131: 'or' conjunction
+static void *
+_tmp_131_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // 'or' conjunction
+        expr_ty c;
+        void *keyword;
+        if (
+            (keyword = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 532))
+            &&
+            (c = conjunction_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = c;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _tmp_132: 'and' inversion
+static void *
+_tmp_132_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // 'and' inversion
+        expr_ty c;
+        void *keyword;
+        if (
+            (keyword = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 533))
+            &&
+            (c = inversion_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = c;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _tmp_133: ASYNC? 'for' star_targets 'in' disjunction (('if' disjunction))*
+static void *
+_tmp_133_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // ASYNC? 'for' star_targets 'in' disjunction (('if' disjunction))*
+        expr_ty a;
+        expr_ty b;
+        asdl_seq * c;
+        void *keyword;
+        void *keyword_1;
+        void *y;
+        if (
+            (y = _PyPegen_async_token(p), 1)
+            &&
+            (keyword = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 517))
+            &&
+            (a = star_targets_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (keyword_1 = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 518))
+            &&
+            (b = disjunction_rule(p))
+            &&
+            (c = _loop0_135_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _Py_comprehension ( a , b , c , y != NULL , p -> arena );
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _tmp_134: ',' star_target
+static void *
+_tmp_134_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // ',' star_target
+        expr_ty c;
+        void *literal;
+        if (
+            (literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12))
+            &&
+            (c = star_target_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = c;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+// _loop0_135: ('if' disjunction)
+static asdl_seq *
+_loop0_135_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void *res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    int start_mark = p->mark;
+    void **children = PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(void *));
+    if (!children) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "Parser out of memory");
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    ssize_t children_capacity = 1;
+    ssize_t n = 0;
+    { // ('if' disjunction)
+        void *_tmp_136_var;
+        while (
+            (_tmp_136_var = _tmp_136_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = _tmp_136_var;
+            if (n == children_capacity) {
+                children_capacity *= 2;
+                children = PyMem_Realloc(children, children_capacity*sizeof(void *));
+                if (!children) {
+                    PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "realloc None");
+                    return NULL;
+                }
+            }
+            children[n++] = res;
+            mark = p->mark;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    asdl_seq *seq = _Py_asdl_seq_new(n, p->arena);
+    if (!seq) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "asdl_seq_new _loop0_135");
+        PyMem_Free(children);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) asdl_seq_SET(seq, i, children[i]);
+    PyMem_Free(children);
+    _PyPegen_insert_memo(p, start_mark, _loop0_135_type, seq);
+    return seq;
+// _tmp_136: 'if' disjunction
+static void *
+_tmp_136_rule(Parser *p)
+    if (p->error_indicator) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    void * res = NULL;
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    { // 'if' disjunction
+        void *keyword;
+        expr_ty z;
+        if (
+            (keyword = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 510))
+            &&
+            (z = disjunction_rule(p))
+        )
+        {
+            res = z;
+            if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                p->error_indicator = 1;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            goto done;
+        }
+        p->mark = mark;
+    }
+    res = NULL;
+  done:
+    return res;
+void *
+_PyPegen_parse(Parser *p)
+    // Initialize keywords
+    p->keywords = reserved_keywords;
+    p->n_keyword_lists = n_keyword_lists;
+    // Run parser
+    void *result = NULL;
+    if (p->start_rule == Py_file_input) {
+        result = file_rule(p);
+    } else if (p->start_rule == Py_single_input) {
+        result = interactive_rule(p);
+    } else if (p->start_rule == Py_eval_input) {
+        result = eval_rule(p);
+    } else if (p->start_rule == Py_fstring_input) {
+        result = fstring_rule(p);
+    }
+    return result;
+// The end
diff --git a/Parser/pegen/parse_string.c b/Parser/pegen/parse_string.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..41485a9669d68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Parser/pegen/parse_string.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1387 @@
+#include <Python.h>
+#include "../tokenizer.h"
+#include "pegen.h"
+#include "parse_string.h"
+// These functions are ported directly from Python/ast.c with some modifications
+// to account for the use of "Parser *p", the fact that don't have parser nodes
+// to pass around and the usage of some specialized APIs present only in this
+// file (like "_PyPegen_raise_syntax_error").
+static int
+warn_invalid_escape_sequence(Parser *p, unsigned char first_invalid_escape_char)
+    PyObject *msg =
+        PyUnicode_FromFormat("invalid escape sequence \\%c", first_invalid_escape_char);
+    if (msg == NULL) {
+        return -1;
+    }
+    if (PyErr_WarnExplicitObject(PyExc_DeprecationWarning, msg, p->tok->filename,
+                                 p->tok->lineno, NULL, NULL) < 0) {
+        if (PyErr_ExceptionMatches(PyExc_DeprecationWarning)) {
+            /* Replace the DeprecationWarning exception with a SyntaxError
+               to get a more accurate error report */
+            PyErr_Clear();
+            RAISE_SYNTAX_ERROR("invalid escape sequence \\%c", first_invalid_escape_char);
+        }
+        Py_DECREF(msg);
+        return -1;
+    }
+    Py_DECREF(msg);
+    return 0;
+static PyObject *
+decode_utf8(const char **sPtr, const char *end)
+    const char *s, *t;
+    t = s = *sPtr;
+    while (s < end && (*s & 0x80)) {
+        s++;
+    }
+    *sPtr = s;
+    return PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8(t, s - t, NULL);
+static PyObject *
+decode_unicode_with_escapes(Parser *parser, const char *s, size_t len)
+    PyObject *v, *u;
+    char *buf;
+    char *p;
+    const char *end;
+    /* check for integer overflow */
+    if (len > SIZE_MAX / 6) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    /* "ä" (2 bytes) may become "\U000000E4" (10 bytes), or 1:5
+       "\ä" (3 bytes) may become "\u005c\U000000E4" (16 bytes), or ~1:6 */
+    u = PyBytes_FromStringAndSize((char *)NULL, len * 6);
+    if (u == NULL) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    p = buf = PyBytes_AsString(u);
+    end = s + len;
+    while (s < end) {
+        if (*s == '\\') {
+            *p++ = *s++;
+            if (s >= end || *s & 0x80) {
+                strcpy(p, "u005c");
+                p += 5;
+                if (s >= end) {
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (*s & 0x80) {
+            PyObject *w;
+            int kind;
+            void *data;
+            Py_ssize_t len, i;
+            w = decode_utf8(&s, end);
+            if (w == NULL) {
+                Py_DECREF(u);
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            kind = PyUnicode_KIND(w);
+            data = PyUnicode_DATA(w);
+            len = PyUnicode_GET_LENGTH(w);
+            for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+                Py_UCS4 chr = PyUnicode_READ(kind, data, i);
+                sprintf(p, "\\U%08x", chr);
+                p += 10;
+            }
+            /* Should be impossible to overflow */
+            assert(p - buf <= PyBytes_GET_SIZE(u));
+            Py_DECREF(w);
+        }
+        else {
+            *p++ = *s++;
+        }
+    }
+    len = p - buf;
+    s = buf;
+    const char *first_invalid_escape;
+    v = _PyUnicode_DecodeUnicodeEscape(s, len, NULL, &first_invalid_escape);
+    if (v != NULL && first_invalid_escape != NULL) {
+        if (warn_invalid_escape_sequence(parser, *first_invalid_escape) < 0) {
+            /* We have not decref u before because first_invalid_escape points
+               inside u. */
+            Py_XDECREF(u);
+            Py_DECREF(v);
+            return NULL;
+        }
+    }
+    Py_XDECREF(u);
+    return v;
+static PyObject *
+decode_bytes_with_escapes(Parser *p, const char *s, Py_ssize_t len)
+    const char *first_invalid_escape;
+    PyObject *result = _PyBytes_DecodeEscape(s, len, NULL, &first_invalid_escape);
+    if (result == NULL) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    if (first_invalid_escape != NULL) {
+        if (warn_invalid_escape_sequence(p, *first_invalid_escape) < 0) {
+            Py_DECREF(result);
+            return NULL;
+        }
+    }
+    return result;
+/* s must include the bracketing quote characters, and r, b, u,
+   &/or f prefixes (if any), and embedded escape sequences (if any).
+   _PyPegen_parsestr parses it, and sets *result to decoded Python string object.
+   If the string is an f-string, set *fstr and *fstrlen to the unparsed
+   string object.  Return 0 if no errors occurred.  */
+_PyPegen_parsestr(Parser *p, const char *s, int *bytesmode, int *rawmode, PyObject **result,
+         const char **fstr, Py_ssize_t *fstrlen)
+    size_t len;
+    int quote = Py_CHARMASK(*s);
+    int fmode = 0;
+    *bytesmode = 0;
+    *rawmode = 0;
+    *result = NULL;
+    *fstr = NULL;
+    if (Py_ISALPHA(quote)) {
+        while (!*bytesmode || !*rawmode) {
+            if (quote == 'b' || quote == 'B') {
+                quote = *++s;
+                *bytesmode = 1;
+            }
+            else if (quote == 'u' || quote == 'U') {
+                quote = *++s;
+            }
+            else if (quote == 'r' || quote == 'R') {
+                quote = *++s;
+                *rawmode = 1;
+            }
+            else if (quote == 'f' || quote == 'F') {
+                quote = *++s;
+                fmode = 1;
+            }
+            else {
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if (fmode && *bytesmode) {
+        PyErr_BadInternalCall();
+        return -1;
+    }
+    if (quote != '\'' && quote != '\"') {
+        PyErr_BadInternalCall();
+        return -1;
+    }
+    /* Skip the leading quote char. */
+    s++;
+    len = strlen(s);
+    if (len > INT_MAX) {
+        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_OverflowError, "string to parse is too long");
+        return -1;
+    }
+    if (s[--len] != quote) {
+        /* Last quote char must match the first. */
+        PyErr_BadInternalCall();
+        return -1;
+    }
+    if (len >= 4 && s[0] == quote && s[1] == quote) {
+        /* A triple quoted string. We've already skipped one quote at
+           the start and one at the end of the string. Now skip the
+           two at the start. */
+        s += 2;
+        len -= 2;
+        /* And check that the last two match. */
+        if (s[--len] != quote || s[--len] != quote) {
+            PyErr_BadInternalCall();
+            return -1;
+        }
+    }
+    if (fmode) {
+        /* Just return the bytes. The caller will parse the resulting
+           string. */
+        *fstr = s;
+        *fstrlen = len;
+        return 0;
+    }
+    /* Not an f-string. */
+    /* Avoid invoking escape decoding routines if possible. */
+    *rawmode = *rawmode || strchr(s, '\\') == NULL;
+    if (*bytesmode) {
+        /* Disallow non-ASCII characters. */
+        const char *ch;
+        for (ch = s; *ch; ch++) {
+            if (Py_CHARMASK(*ch) >= 0x80) {
+                RAISE_SYNTAX_ERROR(
+                                   "bytes can only contain ASCII "
+                                   "literal characters.");
+                return -1;
+            }
+        }
+        if (*rawmode) {
+            *result = PyBytes_FromStringAndSize(s, len);
+        }
+        else {
+            *result = decode_bytes_with_escapes(p, s, len);
+        }
+    }
+    else {
+        if (*rawmode) {
+            *result = PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8Stateful(s, len, NULL, NULL);
+        }
+        else {
+            *result = decode_unicode_with_escapes(p, s, len);
+        }
+    }
+    return *result == NULL ? -1 : 0;
+static void fstring_shift_expr_locations(expr_ty n, int lineno, int col_offset);
+static void fstring_shift_argument(expr_ty parent, arg_ty args, int lineno, int col_offset);
+static inline void shift_expr(expr_ty parent, expr_ty n, int line, int col) {
+    if (parent->lineno < n->lineno) {
+        col = 0;
+    }
+    fstring_shift_expr_locations(n, line, col);
+static inline void shift_arg(expr_ty parent, arg_ty n, int line, int col) {
+    if (parent->lineno < n->lineno) {
+        col = 0;
+    }
+    fstring_shift_argument(parent, n, line, col);
+static void fstring_shift_seq_locations(expr_ty parent, asdl_seq *seq, int lineno, int col_offset) {
+    for (Py_ssize_t i = 0, l = asdl_seq_LEN(seq); i < l; i++) {
+        expr_ty expr = asdl_seq_GET(seq, i);
+        if (expr == NULL){
+            continue;
+        }
+        shift_expr(parent, expr, lineno, col_offset);
+    }
+static void fstring_shift_slice_locations(expr_ty parent, expr_ty slice, int lineno, int col_offset) {
+    switch (slice->kind) {
+        case Slice_kind:
+            if (slice->v.Slice.lower) {
+                shift_expr(parent, slice->v.Slice.lower, lineno, col_offset);
+            }
+            if (slice->v.Slice.upper) {
+                shift_expr(parent, slice->v.Slice.upper, lineno, col_offset);
+            }
+            if (slice->v.Slice.step) {
+                shift_expr(parent, slice->v.Slice.step, lineno, col_offset);
+            }
+            break;
+        case Tuple_kind:
+            fstring_shift_seq_locations(parent, slice->v.Tuple.elts, lineno, col_offset);
+            break;
+        default:
+            break;
+    }
+static void fstring_shift_comprehension(expr_ty parent, comprehension_ty comp, int lineno, int col_offset) {
+    shift_expr(parent, comp->target, lineno, col_offset);
+    shift_expr(parent, comp->iter, lineno, col_offset);
+    fstring_shift_seq_locations(parent, comp->ifs, lineno, col_offset);
+static void fstring_shift_argument(expr_ty parent, arg_ty arg, int lineno, int col_offset) {
+    if (arg->annotation != NULL){
+        shift_expr(parent, arg->annotation, lineno, col_offset);
+    }
+    arg->col_offset = arg->col_offset + col_offset;
+    arg->end_col_offset = arg->end_col_offset + col_offset;
+    arg->lineno = arg->lineno + lineno;
+    arg->end_lineno = arg->end_lineno + lineno;
+static void fstring_shift_arguments(expr_ty parent, arguments_ty args, int lineno, int col_offset) {
+    for (Py_ssize_t i = 0, l = asdl_seq_LEN(args->posonlyargs); i < l; i++) {
+       arg_ty arg = asdl_seq_GET(args->posonlyargs, i);
+       shift_arg(parent, arg, lineno, col_offset);
+    }
+    for (Py_ssize_t i = 0, l = asdl_seq_LEN(args->args); i < l; i++) {
+       arg_ty arg = asdl_seq_GET(args->args, i);
+       shift_arg(parent, arg, lineno, col_offset);
+    }
+    if (args->vararg != NULL) {
+        shift_arg(parent, args->vararg, lineno, col_offset);
+    }
+    for (Py_ssize_t i = 0, l = asdl_seq_LEN(args->kwonlyargs); i < l; i++) {
+       arg_ty arg = asdl_seq_GET(args->kwonlyargs, i);
+       shift_arg(parent, arg, lineno, col_offset);
+    }
+    fstring_shift_seq_locations(parent, args->kw_defaults, lineno, col_offset);
+    if (args->kwarg != NULL) {
+        shift_arg(parent, args->kwarg, lineno, col_offset);
+    }
+    fstring_shift_seq_locations(parent, args->defaults, lineno, col_offset);
+static void fstring_shift_children_locations(expr_ty n, int lineno, int col_offset) {
+    switch (n->kind) {
+        case BoolOp_kind:
+            fstring_shift_seq_locations(n, n->v.BoolOp.values, lineno, col_offset);
+            break;
+        case NamedExpr_kind:
+            shift_expr(n, n->v.NamedExpr.target, lineno, col_offset);
+            shift_expr(n, n->v.NamedExpr.value, lineno, col_offset);
+            break;
+        case BinOp_kind:
+            shift_expr(n, n->v.BinOp.left, lineno, col_offset);
+            shift_expr(n, n->v.BinOp.right, lineno, col_offset);
+            break;
+        case UnaryOp_kind:
+            shift_expr(n, n->v.UnaryOp.operand, lineno, col_offset);
+            break;
+        case Lambda_kind:
+            fstring_shift_arguments(n, n->v.Lambda.args, lineno, col_offset);
+            shift_expr(n, n->v.Lambda.body, lineno, col_offset);
+            break;
+        case IfExp_kind:
+            shift_expr(n, n->v.IfExp.test, lineno, col_offset);
+            shift_expr(n, n->v.IfExp.body, lineno, col_offset);
+            shift_expr(n, n->v.IfExp.orelse, lineno, col_offset);
+            break;
+        case Dict_kind:
+            fstring_shift_seq_locations(n, n->v.Dict.keys, lineno, col_offset);
+            fstring_shift_seq_locations(n, n->v.Dict.values, lineno, col_offset);
+            break;
+        case Set_kind:
+            fstring_shift_seq_locations(n, n->v.Set.elts, lineno, col_offset);
+            break;
+        case ListComp_kind:
+            shift_expr(n, n->v.ListComp.elt, lineno, col_offset);
+            for (Py_ssize_t i = 0, l = asdl_seq_LEN(n->v.ListComp.generators); i < l; i++) {
+                comprehension_ty comp = asdl_seq_GET(n->v.ListComp.generators, i);
+                fstring_shift_comprehension(n, comp, lineno, col_offset);
+            }
+            break;
+        case SetComp_kind:
+            shift_expr(n, n->v.SetComp.elt, lineno, col_offset);
+            for (Py_ssize_t i = 0, l = asdl_seq_LEN(n->v.SetComp.generators); i < l; i++) {
+                comprehension_ty comp = asdl_seq_GET(n->v.SetComp.generators, i);
+                fstring_shift_comprehension(n, comp, lineno, col_offset);
+            }
+            break;
+        case DictComp_kind:
+            shift_expr(n, n->v.DictComp.key, lineno, col_offset);
+            shift_expr(n, n->v.DictComp.value, lineno, col_offset);
+            for (Py_ssize_t i = 0, l = asdl_seq_LEN(n->v.DictComp.generators); i < l; i++) {
+                comprehension_ty comp = asdl_seq_GET(n->v.DictComp.generators, i);
+                fstring_shift_comprehension(n, comp, lineno, col_offset);
+            }
+            break;
+        case GeneratorExp_kind:
+            shift_expr(n, n->v.GeneratorExp.elt, lineno, col_offset);
+            for (Py_ssize_t i = 0, l = asdl_seq_LEN(n->v.GeneratorExp.generators); i < l; i++) {
+                comprehension_ty comp = asdl_seq_GET(n->v.GeneratorExp.generators, i);
+                fstring_shift_comprehension(n, comp, lineno, col_offset);
+            }
+            break;
+        case Await_kind:
+            shift_expr(n, n->v.Await.value, lineno, col_offset);
+            break;
+        case Yield_kind:
+            shift_expr(n, n->v.Yield.value, lineno, col_offset);
+            break;
+        case YieldFrom_kind:
+            shift_expr(n, n->v.YieldFrom.value, lineno, col_offset);
+            break;
+        case Compare_kind:
+            shift_expr(n, n->v.Compare.left, lineno, col_offset);
+            fstring_shift_seq_locations(n, n->v.Compare.comparators, lineno, col_offset);
+            break;
+        case Call_kind:
+            shift_expr(n, n->v.Call.func, lineno, col_offset);
+            fstring_shift_seq_locations(n, n->v.Call.args, lineno, col_offset);
+            for (Py_ssize_t i = 0, l = asdl_seq_LEN(n->v.Call.keywords); i < l; i++) {
+                keyword_ty keyword = asdl_seq_GET(n->v.Call.keywords, i);
+                shift_expr(n, keyword->value, lineno, col_offset);
+            }
+            break;
+        case Attribute_kind:
+            shift_expr(n, n->v.Attribute.value, lineno, col_offset);
+            break;
+        case Subscript_kind:
+            shift_expr(n, n->v.Subscript.value, lineno, col_offset);
+            fstring_shift_slice_locations(n, n->v.Subscript.slice, lineno, col_offset);
+            shift_expr(n, n->v.Subscript.slice, lineno, col_offset);
+            break;
+        case Starred_kind:
+            shift_expr(n, n->v.Starred.value, lineno, col_offset);
+            break;
+        case List_kind:
+            fstring_shift_seq_locations(n, n->v.List.elts, lineno, col_offset);
+            break;
+        case Tuple_kind:
+            fstring_shift_seq_locations(n, n->v.Tuple.elts, lineno, col_offset);
+            break;
+        default:
+            return;
+    }
+/* Shift locations for the given node and all its children by adding `lineno`
+   and `col_offset` to existing locations. Note that n is the already parsed
+   expression. */
+static void fstring_shift_expr_locations(expr_ty n, int lineno, int col_offset)
+    n->col_offset = n->col_offset + col_offset;
+    // The following is needed, in order for nodes spanning across multiple lines
+    // to be shifted correctly. An example of such a node is a Call node, the closing
+    // parenthesis of which is not on the same line as its name.
+    if (n->lineno == n->end_lineno) {
+        n->end_col_offset = n->end_col_offset + col_offset;
+    }
+    fstring_shift_children_locations(n, lineno, col_offset);
+    n->lineno = n->lineno + lineno;
+    n->end_lineno = n->end_lineno + lineno;
+/* Fix locations for the given node and its children.
+   `parent` is the enclosing node.
+   `n` is the node which locations are going to be fixed relative to parent.
+   `expr_str` is the child node's string representation, including braces.
+static void
+fstring_fix_expr_location(Token *parent, expr_ty n, char *expr_str)
+    char *substr = NULL;
+    char *start;
+    int lines = 0;
+    int cols = 0;
+    if (parent && parent->bytes) {
+        char *parent_str = PyBytes_AsString(parent->bytes);
+        if (!parent_str) {
+            return;
+        }
+        substr = strstr(parent_str, expr_str);
+        if (substr) {
+            // The following is needed, in order to correctly shift the column
+            // offset, in the case that (disregarding any whitespace) a newline
+            // immediately follows the opening curly brace of the fstring expression.
+            int newline_after_brace = 1;
+            start = substr + 1;
+            while (start && *start != '}' && *start != '\n') {
+                if (*start != ' ' && *start != '\t' && *start != '\f') {
+                    newline_after_brace = 0;
+                    break;
+                }
+                start++;
+            }
+            // Account for the characters from the last newline character to our
+            // left until the beginning of substr.
+            if (!newline_after_brace) {
+                start = substr;
+                while (start > parent_str && *start != '\n') {
+                    start--;
+                }
+                cols += (int)(substr - start);
+            }
+            /* adjust the start based on the number of newlines encountered
+               before the f-string expression */
+            for (char* p = parent_str; p < substr; p++) {
+                if (*p == '\n') {
+                    lines++;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    fstring_shift_expr_locations(n, lines, cols);
+/* Compile this expression in to an expr_ty.  Add parens around the
+   expression, in order to allow leading spaces in the expression. */
+static expr_ty
+fstring_compile_expr(Parser *p, const char *expr_start, const char *expr_end,
+                     Token *t)
+    expr_ty expr = NULL;
+    char *str;
+    Py_ssize_t len;
+    const char *s;
+    expr_ty result = NULL;
+    assert(expr_end >= expr_start);
+    assert(*(expr_start-1) == '{');
+    assert(*expr_end == '}' || *expr_end == '!' || *expr_end == ':' ||
+           *expr_end == '=');
+    /* If the substring is all whitespace, it's an error.  We need to catch this
+       here, and not when we call PyParser_SimpleParseStringFlagsFilename,
+       because turning the expression '' in to '()' would go from being invalid
+       to valid. */
+    for (s = expr_start; s != expr_end; s++) {
+        char c = *s;
+        /* The Python parser ignores only the following whitespace
+           characters (\r already is converted to \n). */
+        if (!(c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n' || c == '\f')) {
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    if (s == expr_end) {
+        RAISE_SYNTAX_ERROR("f-string: empty expression not allowed");
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    len = expr_end - expr_start;
+    /* Allocate 3 extra bytes: open paren, close paren, null byte. */
+    str = PyMem_RawMalloc(len + 3);
+    if (str == NULL) {
+        PyErr_NoMemory();
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    str[0] = '(';
+    memcpy(str+1, expr_start, len);
+    str[len+1] = ')';
+    str[len+2] = 0;
+    struct tok_state* tok = PyTokenizer_FromString(str, 1);
+    if (tok == NULL) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    tok->filename = PyUnicode_FromString("<fstring>");
+    if (!tok->filename) {
+        PyTokenizer_Free(tok);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    Parser *p2 = _PyPegen_Parser_New(tok, Py_fstring_input, NULL, p->arena);
+    p2->starting_lineno = p->starting_lineno + p->tok->first_lineno - 1;
+    p2->starting_col_offset = p->tok->first_lineno == p->tok->lineno
+                              ? p->starting_col_offset + t->col_offset : 0;
+    expr = _PyPegen_run_parser(p2);
+    if (expr == NULL) {
+        goto exit;
+    }
+    /* Reuse str to find the correct column offset. */
+    str[0] = '{';
+    str[len+1] = '}';
+    fstring_fix_expr_location(t, expr, str);
+    result = expr;
+    _PyPegen_Parser_Free(p2);
+    PyTokenizer_Free(tok);
+    return result;
+/* Return -1 on error.
+   Return 0 if we reached the end of the literal.
+   Return 1 if we haven't reached the end of the literal, but we want
+   the caller to process the literal up to this point. Used for
+   doubled braces.
+static int
+fstring_find_literal(Parser *p, const char **str, const char *end, int raw,
+                     PyObject **literal, int recurse_lvl)
+    /* Get any literal string. It ends when we hit an un-doubled left
+       brace (which isn't part of a unicode name escape such as
+       "\N{EULER CONSTANT}"), or the end of the string. */
+    const char *s = *str;
+    const char *literal_start = s;
+    int result = 0;
+    assert(*literal == NULL);
+    while (s < end) {
+        char ch = *s++;
+        if (!raw && ch == '\\' && s < end) {
+            ch = *s++;
+            if (ch == 'N') {
+                if (s < end && *s++ == '{') {
+                    while (s < end && *s++ != '}') {
+                    }
+                    continue;
+                }
+                break;
+            }
+            if (ch == '{' && warn_invalid_escape_sequence(p, ch) < 0) {
+                return -1;
+            }
+        }
+        if (ch == '{' || ch == '}') {
+            /* Check for doubled braces, but only at the top level. If
+               we checked at every level, then f'{0:{3}}' would fail
+               with the two closing braces. */
+            if (recurse_lvl == 0) {
+                if (s < end && *s == ch) {
+                    /* We're going to tell the caller that the literal ends
+                       here, but that they should continue scanning. But also
+                       skip over the second brace when we resume scanning. */
+                    *str = s + 1;
+                    result = 1;
+                    goto done;
+                }
+                /* Where a single '{' is the start of a new expression, a
+                   single '}' is not allowed. */
+                if (ch == '}') {
+                    *str = s - 1;
+                    RAISE_SYNTAX_ERROR("f-string: single '}' is not allowed");
+                    return -1;
+                }
+            }
+            /* We're either at a '{', which means we're starting another
+               expression; or a '}', which means we're at the end of this
+               f-string (for a nested format_spec). */
+            s--;
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    *str = s;
+    assert(s <= end);
+    assert(s == end || *s == '{' || *s == '}');
+    if (literal_start != s) {
+        if (raw)
+            *literal = PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8Stateful(literal_start,
+                                                    s - literal_start,
+                                                    NULL, NULL);
+        else
+            *literal = decode_unicode_with_escapes(p, literal_start,
+                                                   s - literal_start);
+        if (!*literal)
+            return -1;
+    }
+    return result;
+/* Forward declaration because parsing is recursive. */
+static expr_ty
+fstring_parse(Parser *p, const char **str, const char *end, int raw, int recurse_lvl,
+              Token *first_token, Token* t, Token *last_token);
+/* Parse the f-string at *str, ending at end.  We know *str starts an
+   expression (so it must be a '{'). Returns the FormattedValue node, which
+   includes the expression, conversion character, format_spec expression, and
+   optionally the text of the expression (if = is used).
+   Note that I don't do a perfect job here: I don't make sure that a
+   closing brace doesn't match an opening paren, for example. It
+   doesn't need to error on all invalid expressions, just correctly
+   find the end of all valid ones. Any errors inside the expression
+   will be caught when we parse it later.
+   *expression is set to the expression.  For an '=' "debug" expression,
+   *expr_text is set to the debug text (the original text of the expression,
+   including the '=' and any whitespace around it, as a string object).  If
+   not a debug expression, *expr_text set to NULL. */
+static int
+fstring_find_expr(Parser *p, const char **str, const char *end, int raw, int recurse_lvl,
+                  PyObject **expr_text, expr_ty *expression, Token *first_token,
+                  Token *t, Token *last_token)
+    /* Return -1 on error, else 0. */
+    const char *expr_start;
+    const char *expr_end;
+    expr_ty simple_expression;
+    expr_ty format_spec = NULL; /* Optional format specifier. */
+    int conversion = -1; /* The conversion char.  Use default if not
+                            specified, or !r if using = and no format
+                            spec. */
+    /* 0 if we're not in a string, else the quote char we're trying to
+       match (single or double quote). */
+    char quote_char = 0;
+    /* If we're inside a string, 1=normal, 3=triple-quoted. */
+    int string_type = 0;
+    /* Keep track of nesting level for braces/parens/brackets in
+       expressions. */
+    Py_ssize_t nested_depth = 0;
+    char parenstack[MAXLEVEL];
+    *expr_text = NULL;
+    /* Can only nest one level deep. */
+    if (recurse_lvl >= 2) {
+        RAISE_SYNTAX_ERROR("f-string: expressions nested too deeply");
+        goto error;
+    }
+    /* The first char must be a left brace, or we wouldn't have gotten
+       here. Skip over it. */
+    assert(**str == '{');
+    *str += 1;
+    expr_start = *str;
+    for (; *str < end; (*str)++) {
+        char ch;
+        /* Loop invariants. */
+        assert(nested_depth >= 0);
+        assert(*str >= expr_start && *str < end);
+        if (quote_char)
+            assert(string_type == 1 || string_type == 3);
+        else
+            assert(string_type == 0);
+        ch = **str;
+        /* Nowhere inside an expression is a backslash allowed. */
+        if (ch == '\\') {
+            /* Error: can't include a backslash character, inside
+               parens or strings or not. */
+            RAISE_SYNTAX_ERROR(
+                      "f-string expression part "
+                      "cannot include a backslash");
+            goto error;
+        }
+        if (quote_char) {
+            /* We're inside a string. See if we're at the end. */
+            /* This code needs to implement the same non-error logic
+               as tok_get from tokenizer.c, at the letter_quote
+               label. To actually share that code would be a
+               nightmare. But, it's unlikely to change and is small,
+               so duplicate it here. Note we don't need to catch all
+               of the errors, since they'll be caught when parsing the
+               expression. We just need to match the non-error
+               cases. Thus we can ignore \n in single-quoted strings,
+               for example. Or non-terminated strings. */
+            if (ch == quote_char) {
+                /* Does this match the string_type (single or triple
+                   quoted)? */
+                if (string_type == 3) {
+                    if (*str+2 < end && *(*str+1) == ch && *(*str+2) == ch) {
+                        /* We're at the end of a triple quoted string. */
+                        *str += 2;
+                        string_type = 0;
+                        quote_char = 0;
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    /* We're at the end of a normal string. */
+                    quote_char = 0;
+                    string_type = 0;
+                    continue;
+                }
+            }
+        } else if (ch == '\'' || ch == '"') {
+            /* Is this a triple quoted string? */
+            if (*str+2 < end && *(*str+1) == ch && *(*str+2) == ch) {
+                string_type = 3;
+                *str += 2;
+            } else {
+                /* Start of a normal string. */
+                string_type = 1;
+            }
+            /* Start looking for the end of the string. */
+            quote_char = ch;
+        } else if (ch == '[' || ch == '{' || ch == '(') {
+            if (nested_depth >= MAXLEVEL) {
+                RAISE_SYNTAX_ERROR("f-string: too many nested parenthesis");
+                goto error;
+            }
+            parenstack[nested_depth] = ch;
+            nested_depth++;
+        } else if (ch == '#') {
+            /* Error: can't include a comment character, inside parens
+               or not. */
+            RAISE_SYNTAX_ERROR("f-string expression part cannot include '#'");
+            goto error;
+        } else if (nested_depth == 0 &&
+                   (ch == '!' || ch == ':' || ch == '}' ||
+                    ch == '=' || ch == '>' || ch == '<')) {
+            /* See if there's a next character. */
+            if (*str+1 < end) {
+                char next = *(*str+1);
+                /* For "!=". since '=' is not an allowed conversion character,
+                   nothing is lost in this test. */
+                if ((ch == '!' && next == '=') ||   /* != */
+                    (ch == '=' && next == '=') ||   /* == */
+                    (ch == '<' && next == '=') ||   /* <= */
+                    (ch == '>' && next == '=')      /* >= */
+                    ) {
+                    *str += 1;
+                    continue;
+                }
+                /* Don't get out of the loop for these, if they're single
+                   chars (not part of 2-char tokens). If by themselves, they
+                   don't end an expression (unlike say '!'). */
+                if (ch == '>' || ch == '<') {
+                    continue;
+                }
+            }
+            /* Normal way out of this loop. */
+            break;
+        } else if (ch == ']' || ch == '}' || ch == ')') {
+            if (!nested_depth) {
+                RAISE_SYNTAX_ERROR("f-string: unmatched '%c'", ch);
+                goto error;
+            }
+            nested_depth--;
+            int opening = parenstack[nested_depth];
+            if (!((opening == '(' && ch == ')') ||
+                  (opening == '[' && ch == ']') ||
+                  (opening == '{' && ch == '}')))
+            {
+                RAISE_SYNTAX_ERROR(
+                          "f-string: closing parenthesis '%c' "
+                          "does not match opening parenthesis '%c'",
+                          ch, opening);
+                goto error;
+            }
+        } else {
+            /* Just consume this char and loop around. */
+        }
+    }
+    expr_end = *str;
+    /* If we leave this loop in a string or with mismatched parens, we
+       don't care. We'll get a syntax error when compiling the
+       expression. But, we can produce a better error message, so
+       let's just do that.*/
+    if (quote_char) {
+        RAISE_SYNTAX_ERROR("f-string: unterminated string");
+        goto error;
+    }
+    if (nested_depth) {
+        int opening = parenstack[nested_depth - 1];
+        RAISE_SYNTAX_ERROR("f-string: unmatched '%c'", opening);
+        goto error;
+    }
+    if (*str >= end)
+        goto unexpected_end_of_string;
+    /* Compile the expression as soon as possible, so we show errors
+       related to the expression before errors related to the
+       conversion or format_spec. */
+    simple_expression = fstring_compile_expr(p, expr_start, expr_end, t);
+    if (!simple_expression)
+        goto error;
+    /* Check for =, which puts the text value of the expression in
+       expr_text. */
+    if (**str == '=') {
+        *str += 1;
+        /* Skip over ASCII whitespace.  No need to test for end of string
+           here, since we know there's at least a trailing quote somewhere
+           ahead. */
+        while (Py_ISSPACE(**str)) {
+            *str += 1;
+        }
+        /* Set *expr_text to the text of the expression. */
+        *expr_text = PyUnicode_FromStringAndSize(expr_start, *str-expr_start);
+        if (!*expr_text) {
+            goto error;
+        }
+    }
+    /* Check for a conversion char, if present. */
+    if (**str == '!') {
+        *str += 1;
+        if (*str >= end)
+            goto unexpected_end_of_string;
+        conversion = **str;
+        *str += 1;
+        /* Validate the conversion. */
+        if (!(conversion == 's' || conversion == 'r' || conversion == 'a')) {
+            RAISE_SYNTAX_ERROR(
+                      "f-string: invalid conversion character: "
+                      "expected 's', 'r', or 'a'");
+            goto error;
+        }
+    }
+    /* Check for the format spec, if present. */
+    if (*str >= end)
+        goto unexpected_end_of_string;
+    if (**str == ':') {
+        *str += 1;
+        if (*str >= end)
+            goto unexpected_end_of_string;
+        /* Parse the format spec. */
+        format_spec = fstring_parse(p, str, end, raw, recurse_lvl+1,
+                                    first_token, t, last_token);
+        if (!format_spec)
+            goto error;
+    }
+    if (*str >= end || **str != '}')
+        goto unexpected_end_of_string;
+    /* We're at a right brace. Consume it. */
+    assert(*str < end);
+    assert(**str == '}');
+    *str += 1;
+    /* If we're in = mode (detected by non-NULL expr_text), and have no format
+       spec and no explicit conversion, set the conversion to 'r'. */
+    if (*expr_text && format_spec == NULL && conversion == -1) {
+        conversion = 'r';
+    }
+    /* And now create the FormattedValue node that represents this
+       entire expression with the conversion and format spec. */
+    //TODO: Fix this
+    *expression = FormattedValue(simple_expression, conversion,
+                                 format_spec, first_token->lineno,
+                                 first_token->col_offset, last_token->end_lineno,
+                                 last_token->end_col_offset, p->arena);
+    if (!*expression)
+        goto error;
+    return 0;
+    RAISE_SYNTAX_ERROR("f-string: expecting '}'");
+    /* Falls through to error. */
+    Py_XDECREF(*expr_text);
+    return -1;
+/* Return -1 on error.
+   Return 0 if we have a literal (possible zero length) and an
+   expression (zero length if at the end of the string.
+   Return 1 if we have a literal, but no expression, and we want the
+   caller to call us again. This is used to deal with doubled
+   braces.
+   When called multiple times on the string 'a{{b{0}c', this function
+   will return:
+   1. the literal 'a{' with no expression, and a return value
+      of 1. Despite the fact that there's no expression, the return
+      value of 1 means we're not finished yet.
+   2. the literal 'b' and the expression '0', with a return value of
+      0. The fact that there's an expression means we're not finished.
+   3. literal 'c' with no expression and a return value of 0. The
+      combination of the return value of 0 with no expression means
+      we're finished.
+static int
+fstring_find_literal_and_expr(Parser *p, const char **str, const char *end, int raw,
+                              int recurse_lvl, PyObject **literal,
+                              PyObject **expr_text, expr_ty *expression,
+                              Token *first_token, Token *t, Token *last_token)
+    int result;
+    assert(*literal == NULL && *expression == NULL);
+    /* Get any literal string. */
+    result = fstring_find_literal(p, str, end, raw, literal, recurse_lvl);
+    if (result < 0)
+        goto error;
+    assert(result == 0 || result == 1);
+    if (result == 1)
+        /* We have a literal, but don't look at the expression. */
+        return 1;
+    if (*str >= end || **str == '}')
+        /* We're at the end of the string or the end of a nested
+           f-string: no expression. The top-level error case where we
+           expect to be at the end of the string but we're at a '}' is
+           handled later. */
+        return 0;
+    /* We must now be the start of an expression, on a '{'. */
+    assert(**str == '{');
+    if (fstring_find_expr(p, str, end, raw, recurse_lvl, expr_text,
+                          expression, first_token, t, last_token) < 0)
+        goto error;
+    return 0;
+    Py_CLEAR(*literal);
+    return -1;
+#ifdef NDEBUG
+#define ExprList_check_invariants(l)
+static void
+ExprList_check_invariants(ExprList *l)
+    /* Check our invariants. Make sure this object is "live", and
+       hasn't been deallocated. */
+    assert(l->size >= 0);
+    assert(l->p != NULL);
+    if (l->size <= EXPRLIST_N_CACHED)
+        assert(l->data == l->p);
+static void
+ExprList_Init(ExprList *l)
+    l->allocated = EXPRLIST_N_CACHED;
+    l->size = 0;
+    /* Until we start allocating dynamically, p points to data. */
+    l->p = l->data;
+    ExprList_check_invariants(l);
+static int
+ExprList_Append(ExprList *l, expr_ty exp)
+    ExprList_check_invariants(l);
+    if (l->size >= l->allocated) {
+        /* We need to alloc (or realloc) the memory. */
+        Py_ssize_t new_size = l->allocated * 2;
+        /* See if we've ever allocated anything dynamically. */
+        if (l->p == l->data) {
+            Py_ssize_t i;
+            /* We're still using the cached data. Switch to
+               alloc-ing. */
+            l->p = PyMem_RawMalloc(sizeof(expr_ty) * new_size);
+            if (!l->p)
+                return -1;
+            /* Copy the cached data into the new buffer. */
+            for (i = 0; i < l->size; i++)
+                l->p[i] = l->data[i];
+        } else {
+            /* Just realloc. */
+            expr_ty *tmp = PyMem_RawRealloc(l->p, sizeof(expr_ty) * new_size);
+            if (!tmp) {
+                PyMem_RawFree(l->p);
+                l->p = NULL;
+                return -1;
+            }
+            l->p = tmp;
+        }
+        l->allocated = new_size;
+        assert(l->allocated == 2 * l->size);
+    }
+    l->p[l->size++] = exp;
+    ExprList_check_invariants(l);
+    return 0;
+static void
+ExprList_Dealloc(ExprList *l)
+    ExprList_check_invariants(l);
+    /* If there's been an error, or we've never dynamically allocated,
+       do nothing. */
+    if (!l->p || l->p == l->data) {
+        /* Do nothing. */
+    } else {
+        /* We have dynamically allocated. Free the memory. */
+        PyMem_RawFree(l->p);
+    }
+    l->p = NULL;
+    l->size = -1;
+static asdl_seq *
+ExprList_Finish(ExprList *l, PyArena *arena)
+    asdl_seq *seq;
+    ExprList_check_invariants(l);
+    /* Allocate the asdl_seq and copy the expressions in to it. */
+    seq = _Py_asdl_seq_new(l->size, arena);
+    if (seq) {
+        Py_ssize_t i;
+        for (i = 0; i < l->size; i++)
+            asdl_seq_SET(seq, i, l->p[i]);
+    }
+    ExprList_Dealloc(l);
+    return seq;
+#ifdef NDEBUG
+#define FstringParser_check_invariants(state)
+static void
+FstringParser_check_invariants(FstringParser *state)
+    if (state->last_str)
+        assert(PyUnicode_CheckExact(state->last_str));
+    ExprList_check_invariants(&state->expr_list);
+_PyPegen_FstringParser_Init(FstringParser *state)
+    state->last_str = NULL;
+    state->fmode = 0;
+    ExprList_Init(&state->expr_list);
+    FstringParser_check_invariants(state);
+_PyPegen_FstringParser_Dealloc(FstringParser *state)
+    FstringParser_check_invariants(state);
+    Py_XDECREF(state->last_str);
+    ExprList_Dealloc(&state->expr_list);
+/* Make a Constant node, but decref the PyUnicode object being added. */
+static expr_ty
+make_str_node_and_del(Parser *p, PyObject **str, Token* first_token, Token *last_token)
+    PyObject *s = *str;
+    PyObject *kind = NULL;
+    *str = NULL;
+    assert(PyUnicode_CheckExact(s));
+    if (PyArena_AddPyObject(p->arena, s) < 0) {
+        Py_DECREF(s);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    const char* the_str = PyBytes_AsString(first_token->bytes);
+    if (the_str && the_str[0] == 'u') {
+        kind = _PyPegen_new_identifier(p, "u");
+    }
+    if (kind == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    return Constant(s, kind, first_token->lineno, first_token->col_offset,
+                    last_token->end_lineno, last_token->end_col_offset, p->arena);
+/* Add a non-f-string (that is, a regular literal string). str is
+   decref'd. */
+_PyPegen_FstringParser_ConcatAndDel(FstringParser *state, PyObject *str)
+    FstringParser_check_invariants(state);
+    assert(PyUnicode_CheckExact(str));
+    if (PyUnicode_GET_LENGTH(str) == 0) {
+        Py_DECREF(str);
+        return 0;
+    }
+    if (!state->last_str) {
+        /* We didn't have a string before, so just remember this one. */
+        state->last_str = str;
+    } else {
+        /* Concatenate this with the previous string. */
+        PyUnicode_AppendAndDel(&state->last_str, str);
+        if (!state->last_str)
+            return -1;
+    }
+    FstringParser_check_invariants(state);
+    return 0;
+/* Parse an f-string. The f-string is in *str to end, with no
+   'f' or quotes. */
+_PyPegen_FstringParser_ConcatFstring(Parser *p, FstringParser *state, const char **str,
+                            const char *end, int raw, int recurse_lvl,
+                            Token *first_token, Token* t, Token *last_token)
+    FstringParser_check_invariants(state);
+    state->fmode = 1;
+    /* Parse the f-string. */
+    while (1) {
+        PyObject *literal = NULL;
+        PyObject *expr_text = NULL;
+        expr_ty expression = NULL;
+        /* If there's a zero length literal in front of the
+           expression, literal will be NULL. If we're at the end of
+           the f-string, expression will be NULL (unless result == 1,
+           see below). */
+        int result = fstring_find_literal_and_expr(p, str, end, raw, recurse_lvl,
+                                                   &literal, &expr_text,
+                                                   &expression, first_token, t, last_token);
+        if (result < 0)
+            return -1;
+        /* Add the literal, if any. */
+        if (literal && _PyPegen_FstringParser_ConcatAndDel(state, literal) < 0) {
+            Py_XDECREF(expr_text);
+            return -1;
+        }
+        /* Add the expr_text, if any. */
+        if (expr_text && _PyPegen_FstringParser_ConcatAndDel(state, expr_text) < 0) {
+            return -1;
+        }
+        /* We've dealt with the literal and expr_text, their ownership has
+           been transferred to the state object.  Don't look at them again. */
+        /* See if we should just loop around to get the next literal
+           and expression, while ignoring the expression this
+           time. This is used for un-doubling braces, as an
+           optimization. */
+        if (result == 1)
+            continue;
+        if (!expression)
+            /* We're done with this f-string. */
+            break;
+        /* We know we have an expression. Convert any existing string
+           to a Constant node. */
+        if (!state->last_str) {
+            /* Do nothing. No previous literal. */
+        } else {
+            /* Convert the existing last_str literal to a Constant node. */
+            expr_ty str = make_str_node_and_del(p, &state->last_str, first_token, last_token);
+            if (!str || ExprList_Append(&state->expr_list, str) < 0)
+                return -1;
+        }
+        if (ExprList_Append(&state->expr_list, expression) < 0)
+            return -1;
+    }
+    /* If recurse_lvl is zero, then we must be at the end of the
+       string. Otherwise, we must be at a right brace. */
+    if (recurse_lvl == 0 && *str < end-1) {
+        RAISE_SYNTAX_ERROR("f-string: unexpected end of string");
+        return -1;
+    }
+    if (recurse_lvl != 0 && **str != '}') {
+        RAISE_SYNTAX_ERROR("f-string: expecting '}'");
+        return -1;
+    }
+    FstringParser_check_invariants(state);
+    return 0;
+/* Convert the partial state reflected in last_str and expr_list to an
+   expr_ty. The expr_ty can be a Constant, or a JoinedStr. */
+_PyPegen_FstringParser_Finish(Parser *p, FstringParser *state, Token* first_token,
+                     Token *last_token)
+    asdl_seq *seq;
+    FstringParser_check_invariants(state);
+    /* If we're just a constant string with no expressions, return
+       that. */
+    if (!state->fmode) {
+        assert(!state->expr_list.size);
+        if (!state->last_str) {
+            /* Create a zero length string. */
+            state->last_str = PyUnicode_FromStringAndSize(NULL, 0);
+            if (!state->last_str)
+                goto error;
+        }
+        return make_str_node_and_del(p, &state->last_str, first_token, last_token);
+    }
+    /* Create a Constant node out of last_str, if needed. It will be the
+       last node in our expression list. */
+    if (state->last_str) {
+        expr_ty str = make_str_node_and_del(p, &state->last_str, first_token, last_token);
+        if (!str || ExprList_Append(&state->expr_list, str) < 0)
+            goto error;
+    }
+    /* This has already been freed. */
+    assert(state->last_str == NULL);
+    seq = ExprList_Finish(&state->expr_list, p->arena);
+    if (!seq)
+        goto error;
+    return _Py_JoinedStr(seq, first_token->lineno, first_token->col_offset,
+                         last_token->end_lineno, last_token->end_col_offset, p->arena);
+    _PyPegen_FstringParser_Dealloc(state);
+    return NULL;
+/* Given an f-string (with no 'f' or quotes) that's in *str and ends
+   at end, parse it into an expr_ty.  Return NULL on error.  Adjust
+   str to point past the parsed portion. */
+static expr_ty
+fstring_parse(Parser *p, const char **str, const char *end, int raw,
+              int recurse_lvl, Token *first_token, Token* t, Token *last_token)
+    FstringParser state;
+    _PyPegen_FstringParser_Init(&state);
+    if (_PyPegen_FstringParser_ConcatFstring(p, &state, str, end, raw, recurse_lvl,
+                                    first_token, t, last_token) < 0) {
+        _PyPegen_FstringParser_Dealloc(&state);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    return _PyPegen_FstringParser_Finish(p, &state, t, t);
diff --git a/Parser/pegen/parse_string.h b/Parser/pegen/parse_string.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..4f2aa94fc19b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Parser/pegen/parse_string.h
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+#ifndef STRINGS_H
+#define STRINGS_H
+#include <Python.h>
+#include <Python-ast.h>
+#include "pegen.h"
+#define EXPRLIST_N_CACHED  64
+typedef struct {
+    /* Incrementally build an array of expr_ty, so be used in an
+       asdl_seq. Cache some small but reasonably sized number of
+       expr_ty's, and then after that start dynamically allocating,
+       doubling the number allocated each time. Note that the f-string
+       f'{0}a{1}' contains 3 expr_ty's: 2 FormattedValue's, and one
+       Constant for the literal 'a'. So you add expr_ty's about twice as
+       fast as you add expressions in an f-string. */
+    Py_ssize_t allocated;  /* Number we've allocated. */
+    Py_ssize_t size;       /* Number we've used. */
+    expr_ty    *p;         /* Pointer to the memory we're actually
+                              using. Will point to 'data' until we
+                              start dynamically allocating. */
+    expr_ty    data[EXPRLIST_N_CACHED];
+} ExprList;
+/* The FstringParser is designed to add a mix of strings and
+   f-strings, and concat them together as needed. Ultimately, it
+   generates an expr_ty. */
+typedef struct {
+    PyObject *last_str;
+    ExprList expr_list;
+    int fmode;
+} FstringParser;
+void _PyPegen_FstringParser_Init(FstringParser *);
+int _PyPegen_parsestr(Parser *, const char *, int *, int *, PyObject **,
+             const char **, Py_ssize_t *);
+int _PyPegen_FstringParser_ConcatFstring(Parser *, FstringParser *, const char **,
+                                const char *, int, int, Token *, Token *,
+                                Token *);
+int _PyPegen_FstringParser_ConcatAndDel(FstringParser *, PyObject *);
+expr_ty _PyPegen_FstringParser_Finish(Parser *, FstringParser *, Token *, Token *);
+void _PyPegen_FstringParser_Dealloc(FstringParser *);
diff --git a/Parser/pegen/peg_api.c b/Parser/pegen/peg_api.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..7c6903cdd9334
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Parser/pegen/peg_api.c
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+#include <pegen_interface.h>
+#include "../tokenizer.h"
+#include "pegen.h"
+PyPegen_ASTFromString(const char *str, int mode, PyCompilerFlags *flags, PyArena *arena)
+    PyObject *filename_ob = PyUnicode_FromString("<string>");
+    if (filename_ob == NULL) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    mod_ty result = PyPegen_ASTFromStringObject(str, filename_ob, mode, flags, arena);
+    Py_XDECREF(filename_ob);
+    return result;
+PyPegen_ASTFromStringObject(const char *str, PyObject* filename, int mode, PyCompilerFlags *flags, PyArena *arena)
+    if (PySys_Audit("compile", "yO", str, filename) < 0) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int iflags = flags != NULL ? flags->cf_flags : PyCF_IGNORE_COOKIE;
+    mod_ty result = _PyPegen_run_parser_from_string(str, mode, filename, iflags, arena);
+    return result;
+PyPegen_ASTFromFile(const char *filename, int mode, PyArena *arena)
+    PyObject *filename_ob = PyUnicode_FromString(filename);
+    if (filename_ob == NULL) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    mod_ty result = _PyPegen_run_parser_from_file(filename, mode, filename_ob, arena);
+    Py_XDECREF(filename_ob);
+    return result;
+PyPegen_ASTFromFileObject(FILE *fp, PyObject *filename_ob, int mode,
+                          const char *enc, const char *ps1, const char* ps2,
+                          int *errcode, PyArena *arena)
+    if (PySys_Audit("compile", "OO", Py_None, filename_ob) < 0) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    return _PyPegen_run_parser_from_file_pointer(fp, mode, filename_ob, enc, ps1, ps2,
+                                        errcode, arena);
+PyCodeObject *
+PyPegen_CodeObjectFromString(const char *str, int mode, PyCompilerFlags *flags)
+    PyArena *arena = PyArena_New();
+    if (arena == NULL) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    PyCodeObject *result = NULL;
+    PyObject *filename_ob = PyUnicode_FromString("<string>");
+    if (filename_ob == NULL) {
+        goto error;
+    }
+    mod_ty res = PyPegen_ASTFromString(str, mode, flags, arena);
+    if (res == NULL) {
+        goto error;
+    }
+    result = PyAST_CompileObject(res, filename_ob, NULL, -1, arena);
+    Py_XDECREF(filename_ob);
+    PyArena_Free(arena);
+    return result;
+PyCodeObject *
+PyPegen_CodeObjectFromFile(const char *filename, int mode)
+    PyArena *arena = PyArena_New();
+    if (arena == NULL) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    PyCodeObject *result = NULL;
+    PyObject *filename_ob = PyUnicode_FromString(filename);
+    if (filename_ob == NULL) {
+        goto error;
+    }
+    mod_ty res = PyPegen_ASTFromFile(filename, mode, arena);
+    if (res == NULL) {
+        goto error;
+    }
+    result = PyAST_CompileObject(res, filename_ob, NULL, -1, arena);
+    Py_XDECREF(filename_ob);
+    PyArena_Free(arena);
+    return result;
+PyCodeObject *
+PyPegen_CodeObjectFromFileObject(FILE *fp, PyObject *filename_ob, int mode,
+                                 const char *ps1, const char *ps2, const char *enc,
+                                 int *errcode)
+    PyArena *arena = PyArena_New();
+    if (arena == NULL) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    PyCodeObject *result = NULL;
+    mod_ty res = PyPegen_ASTFromFileObject(fp, filename_ob, mode, enc, ps1, ps2,
+                                           errcode, arena);
+    if (res == NULL) {
+        goto error;
+    }
+    result = PyAST_CompileObject(res, filename_ob, NULL, -1, arena);
+    PyArena_Free(arena);
+    return result;
diff --git a/Parser/pegen/pegen.c b/Parser/pegen/pegen.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..47b712f262c46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Parser/pegen/pegen.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1865 @@
+#include <Python.h>
+#include <errcode.h>
+#include "../tokenizer.h"
+#include "pegen.h"
+#include "parse_string.h"
+static int
+init_normalization(Parser *p)
+    PyObject *m = PyImport_ImportModuleNoBlock("unicodedata");
+    if (!m)
+    {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    p->normalize = PyObject_GetAttrString(m, "normalize");
+    Py_DECREF(m);
+    if (!p->normalize)
+    {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    return 1;
+PyObject *
+_PyPegen_new_identifier(Parser *p, char *n)
+    PyObject *id = PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8(n, strlen(n), NULL);
+    if (!id) {
+        goto error;
+    }
+    /* PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8 should always return a ready string. */
+    assert(PyUnicode_IS_READY(id));
+    /* Check whether there are non-ASCII characters in the
+       identifier; if so, normalize to NFKC. */
+    if (!PyUnicode_IS_ASCII(id))
+    {
+        PyObject *id2;
+        if (!p->normalize && !init_normalization(p))
+        {
+            Py_DECREF(id);
+            goto error;
+        }
+        PyObject *form = PyUnicode_InternFromString("NFKC");
+        if (form == NULL)
+        {
+            Py_DECREF(id);
+            goto error;
+        }
+        PyObject *args[2] = {form, id};
+        id2 = _PyObject_FastCall(p->normalize, args, 2);
+        Py_DECREF(id);
+        Py_DECREF(form);
+        if (!id2) {
+            goto error;
+        }
+        if (!PyUnicode_Check(id2))
+        {
+            PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError,
+                         "unicodedata.normalize() must return a string, not "
+                         "%.200s",
+                         _PyType_Name(Py_TYPE(id2)));
+            Py_DECREF(id2);
+            goto error;
+        }
+        id = id2;
+    }
+    PyUnicode_InternInPlace(&id);
+    if (PyArena_AddPyObject(p->arena, id) < 0)
+    {
+        Py_DECREF(id);
+        goto error;
+    }
+    return id;
+    p->error_indicator = 1;
+    return NULL;
+static PyObject *
+_create_dummy_identifier(Parser *p)
+    return _PyPegen_new_identifier(p, "");
+static inline Py_ssize_t
+byte_offset_to_character_offset(PyObject *line, int col_offset)
+    const char *str = PyUnicode_AsUTF8(line);
+    PyObject *text = PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8(str, col_offset, NULL);
+    if (!text) {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    Py_ssize_t size = PyUnicode_GET_LENGTH(text);
+    Py_DECREF(text);
+    return size;
+const char *
+_PyPegen_get_expr_name(expr_ty e)
+    switch (e->kind) {
+        case Attribute_kind:
+            return "attribute";
+        case Subscript_kind:
+            return "subscript";
+        case Starred_kind:
+            return "starred";
+        case Name_kind:
+            return "name";
+        case List_kind:
+            return "list";
+        case Tuple_kind:
+            return "tuple";
+        case Lambda_kind:
+            return "lambda";
+        case Call_kind:
+            return "function call";
+        case BoolOp_kind:
+        case BinOp_kind:
+        case UnaryOp_kind:
+            return "operator";
+        case GeneratorExp_kind:
+            return "generator expression";
+        case Yield_kind:
+        case YieldFrom_kind:
+            return "yield expression";
+        case Await_kind:
+            return "await expression";
+        case ListComp_kind:
+            return "list comprehension";
+        case SetComp_kind:
+            return "set comprehension";
+        case DictComp_kind:
+            return "dict comprehension";
+        case Dict_kind:
+            return "dict display";
+        case Set_kind:
+            return "set display";
+        case JoinedStr_kind:
+        case FormattedValue_kind:
+            return "f-string expression";
+        case Constant_kind: {
+            PyObject *value = e->v.Constant.value;
+            if (value == Py_None) {
+                return "None";
+            }
+            if (value == Py_False) {
+                return "False";
+            }
+            if (value == Py_True) {
+                return "True";
+            }
+            if (value == Py_Ellipsis) {
+                return "Ellipsis";
+            }
+            return "literal";
+        }
+        case Compare_kind:
+            return "comparison";
+        case IfExp_kind:
+            return "conditional expression";
+        case NamedExpr_kind:
+            return "named expression";
+        default:
+            PyErr_Format(PyExc_SystemError,
+                         "unexpected expression in assignment %d (line %d)",
+                         e->kind, e->lineno);
+            return NULL;
+    }
+static void
+raise_decode_error(Parser *p)
+    const char *errtype = NULL;
+    if (PyErr_ExceptionMatches(PyExc_UnicodeError)) {
+        errtype = "unicode error";
+    }
+    else if (PyErr_ExceptionMatches(PyExc_ValueError)) {
+        errtype = "value error";
+    }
+    if (errtype) {
+        PyObject *type, *value, *tback, *errstr;
+        PyErr_Fetch(&type, &value, &tback);
+        errstr = PyObject_Str(value);
+        if (errstr) {
+            RAISE_SYNTAX_ERROR("(%s) %U", errtype, errstr);
+            Py_DECREF(errstr);
+        }
+        else {
+            PyErr_Clear();
+            RAISE_SYNTAX_ERROR("(%s) unknown error", errtype);
+        }
+        Py_XDECREF(type);
+        Py_XDECREF(value);
+        Py_XDECREF(tback);
+    }
+static void
+raise_tokenizer_init_error(PyObject *filename)
+    if (!(PyErr_ExceptionMatches(PyExc_LookupError)
+          || PyErr_ExceptionMatches(PyExc_ValueError)
+          || PyErr_ExceptionMatches(PyExc_UnicodeDecodeError))) {
+        return;
+    }
+    PyObject *type, *value, *tback, *errstr;
+    PyErr_Fetch(&type, &value, &tback);
+    errstr = PyObject_Str(value);
+    Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+    PyObject *tmp = Py_BuildValue("(OiiN)", filename, 0, -1, Py_None);
+    if (!tmp) {
+        goto error;
+    }
+    value = PyTuple_Pack(2, errstr, tmp);
+    Py_DECREF(tmp);
+    if (!value) {
+        goto error;
+    }
+    PyErr_SetObject(PyExc_SyntaxError, value);
+    Py_XDECREF(type);
+    Py_XDECREF(value);
+    Py_XDECREF(tback);
+static inline PyObject *
+get_error_line(char *buffer)
+    char *newline = strchr(buffer, '\n');
+    if (newline) {
+        return PyUnicode_FromStringAndSize(buffer, newline - buffer);
+    }
+    else {
+        return PyUnicode_FromString(buffer);
+    }
+static int
+tokenizer_error_with_col_offset(Parser *p, PyObject *errtype, const char *errmsg)
+    PyObject *errstr = NULL;
+    PyObject *value = NULL;
+    int col_number = -1;
+    errstr = PyUnicode_FromString(errmsg);
+    if (!errstr) {
+        return -1;
+    }
+    PyObject *loc = NULL;
+    if (p->start_rule == Py_file_input) {
+        loc = PyErr_ProgramTextObject(p->tok->filename, p->tok->lineno);
+    }
+    if (!loc) {
+        loc = get_error_line(p->tok->buf);
+    }
+    if (loc) {
+        col_number = p->tok->cur - p->tok->buf;
+    }
+    else {
+        Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+        loc = Py_None;
+    }
+    PyObject *tmp = Py_BuildValue("(OiiN)", p->tok->filename, p->tok->lineno,
+                                  col_number, loc);
+    if (!tmp) {
+        goto error;
+    }
+    value = PyTuple_Pack(2, errstr, tmp);
+    Py_DECREF(tmp);
+    if (!value) {
+        goto error;
+    }
+    PyErr_SetObject(errtype, value);
+    Py_XDECREF(value);
+    Py_XDECREF(errstr);
+    return -1;
+    Py_XDECREF(errstr);
+    Py_XDECREF(loc);
+    return -1;
+static int
+tokenizer_error(Parser *p)
+    if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
+        return -1;
+    }
+    const char *msg = NULL;
+    PyObject* errtype = PyExc_SyntaxError;
+    switch (p->tok->done) {
+        case E_TOKEN:
+            msg = "invalid token";
+            break;
+        case E_IDENTIFIER:
+            msg = "invalid character in identifier";
+            break;
+        case E_BADPREFIX:
+            return tokenizer_error_with_col_offset(p,
+                PyExc_SyntaxError, "invalid string prefix");
+        case E_EOFS:
+            return tokenizer_error_with_col_offset(p,
+                PyExc_SyntaxError, "EOF while scanning triple-quoted string literal");
+        case E_EOLS:
+            return tokenizer_error_with_col_offset(p,
+                PyExc_SyntaxError, "EOL while scanning string literal");
+        case E_DEDENT:
+            return tokenizer_error_with_col_offset(p,
+                PyExc_IndentationError, "unindent does not match any outer indentation level");
+        case E_INTR:
+            if (!PyErr_Occurred()) {
+                PyErr_SetNone(PyExc_KeyboardInterrupt);
+            }
+            return -1;
+        case E_NOMEM:
+            PyErr_NoMemory();
+            return -1;
+        case E_TABSPACE:
+            errtype = PyExc_TabError;
+            msg = "inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation";
+            break;
+        case E_TOODEEP:
+            errtype = PyExc_IndentationError;
+            msg = "too many levels of indentation";
+            break;
+        case E_DECODE:
+            raise_decode_error(p);
+            return -1;
+        case E_LINECONT:
+            msg = "unexpected character after line continuation character";
+            break;
+        default:
+            msg = "unknown parsing error";
+    }
+    PyErr_Format(errtype, msg);
+    // There is no reliable column information for this error
+    PyErr_SyntaxLocationObject(p->tok->filename, p->tok->lineno, 0);
+    return -1;
+void *
+_PyPegen_raise_error(Parser *p, PyObject *errtype, const char *errmsg, ...)
+    PyObject *value = NULL;
+    PyObject *errstr = NULL;
+    PyObject *loc = NULL;
+    PyObject *tmp = NULL;
+    Token *t = p->tokens[p->fill - 1];
+    Py_ssize_t col_number = 0;
+    va_list va;
+    va_start(va, errmsg);
+    errstr = PyUnicode_FromFormatV(errmsg, va);
+    va_end(va);
+    if (!errstr) {
+        goto error;
+    }
+    if (p->start_rule == Py_file_input) {
+        loc = PyErr_ProgramTextObject(p->tok->filename, t->lineno);
+    }
+    if (!loc) {
+        loc = get_error_line(p->tok->buf);
+    }
+    if (loc) {
+        int col_offset = t->col_offset == -1 ? 0 : t->col_offset;
+        col_number = byte_offset_to_character_offset(loc, col_offset) + 1;
+    }
+    else {
+        Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+        loc = Py_None;
+    }
+    tmp = Py_BuildValue("(OiiN)", p->tok->filename, t->lineno, col_number, loc);
+    if (!tmp) {
+        goto error;
+    }
+    value = PyTuple_Pack(2, errstr, tmp);
+    Py_DECREF(tmp);
+    if (!value) {
+        goto error;
+    }
+    PyErr_SetObject(errtype, value);
+    Py_DECREF(errstr);
+    Py_DECREF(value);
+    return NULL;
+    Py_XDECREF(errstr);
+    Py_XDECREF(loc);
+    return NULL;
+void *_PyPegen_arguments_parsing_error(Parser *p, expr_ty e) {
+    int kwarg_unpacking = 0;
+    for (Py_ssize_t i = 0, l = asdl_seq_LEN(e->v.Call.keywords); i < l; i++) {
+        keyword_ty keyword = asdl_seq_GET(e->v.Call.keywords, i);
+        if (!keyword->arg) {
+            kwarg_unpacking = 1;
+        }
+    }
+    const char *msg = NULL;
+    if (kwarg_unpacking) {
+        msg = "positional argument follows keyword argument unpacking";
+    } else {
+        msg = "positional argument follows keyword argument";
+    }
+    return RAISE_SYNTAX_ERROR(msg);
+#if 0
+static const char *
+token_name(int type)
+    if (0 <= type && type <= N_TOKENS) {
+        return _PyParser_TokenNames[type];
+    }
+    return "<Huh?>";
+// Here, mark is the start of the node, while p->mark is the end.
+// If node==NULL, they should be the same.
+_PyPegen_insert_memo(Parser *p, int mark, int type, void *node)
+    // Insert in front
+    Memo *m = PyArena_Malloc(p->arena, sizeof(Memo));
+    if (m == NULL) {
+        return -1;
+    }
+    m->type = type;
+    m->node = node;
+    m->mark = p->mark;
+    m->next = p->tokens[mark]->memo;
+    p->tokens[mark]->memo = m;
+    return 0;
+// Like _PyPegen_insert_memo(), but updates an existing node if found.
+_PyPegen_update_memo(Parser *p, int mark, int type, void *node)
+    for (Memo *m = p->tokens[mark]->memo; m != NULL; m = m->next) {
+        if (m->type == type) {
+            // Update existing node.
+            m->node = node;
+            m->mark = p->mark;
+            return 0;
+        }
+    }
+    // Insert new node.
+    return _PyPegen_insert_memo(p, mark, type, node);
+// Return dummy NAME.
+void *
+_PyPegen_dummy_name(Parser *p, ...)
+    static void *cache = NULL;
+    if (cache != NULL) {
+        return cache;
+    }
+    PyObject *id = _create_dummy_identifier(p);
+    if (!id) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    cache = Name(id, Load, 1, 0, 1, 0, p->arena);
+    return cache;
+static int
+_get_keyword_or_name_type(Parser *p, const char *name, int name_len)
+    if (name_len >= p->n_keyword_lists || p->keywords[name_len] == NULL) {
+        return NAME;
+    }
+    for (KeywordToken *k = p->keywords[name_len]; k->type != -1; k++) {
+        if (strncmp(k->str, name, name_len) == 0) {
+            return k->type;
+        }
+    }
+    return NAME;
+_PyPegen_fill_token(Parser *p)
+    const char *start, *end;
+    int type = PyTokenizer_Get(p->tok, &start, &end);
+    if (type == ERRORTOKEN) {
+        return tokenizer_error(p);
+    }
+    if (type == ENDMARKER && p->start_rule == Py_single_input && p->parsing_started) {
+        type = NEWLINE; /* Add an extra newline */
+        p->parsing_started = 0;
+        if (p->tok->indent) {
+            p->tok->pendin = -p->tok->indent;
+            p->tok->indent = 0;
+        }
+    }
+    else {
+        p->parsing_started = 1;
+    }
+    if (p->fill == p->size) {
+        int newsize = p->size * 2;
+        p->tokens = PyMem_Realloc(p->tokens, newsize * sizeof(Token *));
+        if (p->tokens == NULL) {
+            PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "Realloc tokens failed");
+            return -1;
+        }
+        for (int i = p->size; i < newsize; i++) {
+            p->tokens[i] = PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(Token));
+            memset(p->tokens[i], '\0', sizeof(Token));
+        }
+        p->size = newsize;
+    }
+    Token *t = p->tokens[p->fill];
+    t->type = (type == NAME) ? _get_keyword_or_name_type(p, start, (int)(end - start)) : type;
+    t->bytes = PyBytes_FromStringAndSize(start, end - start);
+    if (t->bytes == NULL) {
+        return -1;
+    }
+    PyArena_AddPyObject(p->arena, t->bytes);
+    int lineno = type == STRING ? p->tok->first_lineno : p->tok->lineno;
+    const char *line_start = type == STRING ? p->tok->multi_line_start : p->tok->line_start;
+    int end_lineno = p->tok->lineno;
+    int col_offset = -1, end_col_offset = -1;
+    if (start != NULL && start >= line_start) {
+        col_offset = start - line_start;
+    }
+    if (end != NULL && end >= p->tok->line_start) {
+        end_col_offset = end - p->tok->line_start;
+    }
+    t->lineno = p->starting_lineno + lineno;
+    t->col_offset = p->tok->lineno == 1 ? p->starting_col_offset + col_offset : col_offset;
+    t->end_lineno = p->starting_lineno + end_lineno;
+    t->end_col_offset = p->tok->lineno == 1 ? p->starting_col_offset + end_col_offset : end_col_offset;
+    // if (p->fill % 100 == 0) fprintf(stderr, "Filled at %d: %s \"%s\"\n", p->fill,
+    // token_name(type), PyBytes_AsString(t->bytes));
+    p->fill += 1;
+    return 0;
+// Instrumentation to count the effectiveness of memoization.
+// The array counts the number of tokens skipped by memoization,
+// indexed by type.
+#define NSTATISTICS 2000
+static long memo_statistics[NSTATISTICS];
+    for (int i = 0; i < NSTATISTICS; i++) {
+        memo_statistics[i] = 0;
+    }
+PyObject *
+    PyObject *ret = PyList_New(NSTATISTICS);
+    if (ret == NULL) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < NSTATISTICS; i++) {
+        PyObject *value = PyLong_FromLong(memo_statistics[i]);
+        if (value == NULL) {
+            Py_DECREF(ret);
+            return NULL;
+        }
+        // PyList_SetItem borrows a reference to value.
+        if (PyList_SetItem(ret, i, value) < 0) {
+            Py_DECREF(ret);
+            return NULL;
+        }
+    }
+    return ret;
+int  // bool
+_PyPegen_is_memoized(Parser *p, int type, void *pres)
+    if (p->mark == p->fill) {
+        if (_PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+            return -1;
+        }
+    }
+    Token *t = p->tokens[p->mark];
+    for (Memo *m = t->memo; m != NULL; m = m->next) {
+        if (m->type == type) {
+            if (0 <= type && type < NSTATISTICS) {
+                long count = m->mark - p->mark;
+                // A memoized negative result counts for one.
+                if (count <= 0) {
+                    count = 1;
+                }
+                memo_statistics[type] += count;
+            }
+            p->mark = m->mark;
+            *(void **)(pres) = m->node;
+            // fprintf(stderr, "%d < %d: memoized!\n", p->mark, p->fill);
+            return 1;
+        }
+    }
+    // fprintf(stderr, "%d < %d: not memoized\n", p->mark, p->fill);
+    return 0;
+_PyPegen_lookahead_with_string(int positive, void *(func)(Parser *, const char *), Parser *p,
+                      const char *arg)
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    void *res = func(p, arg);
+    p->mark = mark;
+    return (res != NULL) == positive;
+_PyPegen_lookahead_with_int(int positive, Token *(func)(Parser *, int), Parser *p, int arg)
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    void *res = func(p, arg);
+    p->mark = mark;
+    return (res != NULL) == positive;
+_PyPegen_lookahead(int positive, void *(func)(Parser *), Parser *p)
+    int mark = p->mark;
+    void *res = func(p);
+    p->mark = mark;
+    return (res != NULL) == positive;
+Token *
+_PyPegen_expect_token(Parser *p, int type)
+    if (p->mark == p->fill) {
+        if (_PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+            return NULL;
+        }
+    }
+    Token *t = p->tokens[p->mark];
+    if (t->type != type) {
+        // fprintf(stderr, "No %s at %d\n", token_name(type), p->mark);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    p->mark += 1;
+    // fprintf(stderr, "Got %s at %d: %s\n", token_name(type), p->mark,
+    // PyBytes_AsString(t->bytes));
+    return t;
+Token *
+_PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(Parser *p)
+    assert(p->mark >= 0);
+    Token *token = NULL;
+    for (int m = p->mark - 1; m >= 0; m--) {
+        token = p->tokens[m];
+        if (token->type != ENDMARKER && (token->type < NEWLINE || token->type > DEDENT)) {
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    return token;
+void *
+_PyPegen_async_token(Parser *p)
+    return _PyPegen_expect_token(p, ASYNC);
+void *
+_PyPegen_await_token(Parser *p)
+    return _PyPegen_expect_token(p, AWAIT);
+void *
+_PyPegen_endmarker_token(Parser *p)
+    return _PyPegen_expect_token(p, ENDMARKER);
+_PyPegen_name_token(Parser *p)
+    Token *t = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, NAME);
+    if (t == NULL) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    char* s = PyBytes_AsString(t->bytes);
+    if (!s) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    PyObject *id = _PyPegen_new_identifier(p, s);
+    if (id == NULL) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    return Name(id, Load, t->lineno, t->col_offset, t->end_lineno, t->end_col_offset,
+                p->arena);
+void *
+_PyPegen_string_token(Parser *p)
+    return _PyPegen_expect_token(p, STRING);
+void *
+_PyPegen_newline_token(Parser *p)
+    return _PyPegen_expect_token(p, NEWLINE);
+void *
+_PyPegen_indent_token(Parser *p)
+    return _PyPegen_expect_token(p, INDENT);
+void *
+_PyPegen_dedent_token(Parser *p)
+    return _PyPegen_expect_token(p, DEDENT);
+static PyObject *
+parsenumber_raw(const char *s)
+    const char *end;
+    long x;
+    double dx;
+    Py_complex compl;
+    int imflag;
+    assert(s != NULL);
+    errno = 0;
+    end = s + strlen(s) - 1;
+    imflag = *end == 'j' || *end == 'J';
+    if (s[0] == '0') {
+        x = (long)PyOS_strtoul(s, (char **)&end, 0);
+        if (x < 0 && errno == 0) {
+            return PyLong_FromString(s, (char **)0, 0);
+        }
+    }
+    else
+        x = PyOS_strtol(s, (char **)&end, 0);
+    if (*end == '\0') {
+        if (errno != 0)
+            return PyLong_FromString(s, (char **)0, 0);
+        return PyLong_FromLong(x);
+    }
+    /* XXX Huge floats may silently fail */
+    if (imflag) {
+        compl.real = 0.;
+        compl.imag = PyOS_string_to_double(s, (char **)&end, NULL);
+        if (compl.imag == -1.0 && PyErr_Occurred())
+            return NULL;
+        return PyComplex_FromCComplex(compl);
+    }
+    else {
+        dx = PyOS_string_to_double(s, NULL, NULL);
+        if (dx == -1.0 && PyErr_Occurred())
+            return NULL;
+        return PyFloat_FromDouble(dx);
+    }
+static PyObject *
+parsenumber(const char *s)
+    char *dup, *end;
+    PyObject *res = NULL;
+    assert(s != NULL);
+    if (strchr(s, '_') == NULL) {
+        return parsenumber_raw(s);
+    }
+    /* Create a duplicate without underscores. */
+    dup = PyMem_Malloc(strlen(s) + 1);
+    if (dup == NULL) {
+        return PyErr_NoMemory();
+    }
+    end = dup;
+    for (; *s; s++) {
+        if (*s != '_') {
+            *end++ = *s;
+        }
+    }
+    *end = '\0';
+    res = parsenumber_raw(dup);
+    PyMem_Free(dup);
+    return res;
+_PyPegen_number_token(Parser *p)
+    Token *t = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, NUMBER);
+    if (t == NULL) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    char *num_raw = PyBytes_AsString(t->bytes);
+    if (num_raw == NULL) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    PyObject *c = parsenumber(num_raw);
+    if (c == NULL) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    if (PyArena_AddPyObject(p->arena, c) < 0) {
+        Py_DECREF(c);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    return Constant(c, NULL, t->lineno, t->col_offset, t->end_lineno, t->end_col_offset,
+                    p->arena);
+_PyPegen_Parser_Free(Parser *p)
+    Py_XDECREF(p->normalize);
+    for (int i = 0; i < p->size; i++) {
+        PyMem_Free(p->tokens[i]);
+    }
+    PyMem_Free(p->tokens);
+    PyMem_Free(p);
+Parser *
+_PyPegen_Parser_New(struct tok_state *tok, int start_rule, int *errcode, PyArena *arena)
+    Parser *p = PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(Parser));
+    if (p == NULL) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "Out of memory for Parser");
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    assert(tok != NULL);
+    p->tok = tok;
+    p->keywords = NULL;
+    p->n_keyword_lists = -1;
+    p->tokens = PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(Token *));
+    if (!p->tokens) {
+        PyMem_Free(p);
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "Out of memory for tokens");
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    p->tokens[0] = PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(Token));
+    memset(p->tokens[0], '\0', sizeof(Token));
+    p->mark = 0;
+    p->fill = 0;
+    p->size = 1;
+    p->errcode = errcode;
+    p->arena = arena;
+    p->start_rule = start_rule;
+    p->parsing_started = 0;
+    p->normalize = NULL;
+    p->error_indicator = 0;
+    p->starting_lineno = 0;
+    p->starting_col_offset = 0;
+    return p;
+void *
+_PyPegen_run_parser(Parser *p)
+    void *res = _PyPegen_parse(p);
+    if (res == NULL) {
+        if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
+            return NULL;
+        }
+        if (p->fill == 0) {
+            RAISE_SYNTAX_ERROR("error at start before reading any input");
+        }
+        else if (p->tok->done == E_EOF) {
+            RAISE_SYNTAX_ERROR("unexpected EOF while parsing");
+        }
+        else {
+            if (p->tokens[p->fill-1]->type == INDENT) {
+                RAISE_INDENTATION_ERROR("unexpected indent");
+            }
+            else if (p->tokens[p->fill-1]->type == DEDENT) {
+                RAISE_INDENTATION_ERROR("unexpected unindent");
+            }
+            else {
+                RAISE_SYNTAX_ERROR("invalid syntax");
+            }
+        }
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    return res;
+_PyPegen_run_parser_from_file_pointer(FILE *fp, int start_rule, PyObject *filename_ob,
+                             const char *enc, const char *ps1, const char *ps2,
+                             int *errcode, PyArena *arena)
+    struct tok_state *tok = PyTokenizer_FromFile(fp, enc, ps1, ps2);
+    if (tok == NULL) {
+        if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
+            raise_tokenizer_init_error(filename_ob);
+            return NULL;
+        }
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    // This transfers the ownership to the tokenizer
+    tok->filename = filename_ob;
+    Py_INCREF(filename_ob);
+    // From here on we need to clean up even if there's an error
+    mod_ty result = NULL;
+    Parser *p = _PyPegen_Parser_New(tok, start_rule, errcode, arena);
+    if (p == NULL) {
+        goto error;
+    }
+    result = _PyPegen_run_parser(p);
+    _PyPegen_Parser_Free(p);
+    PyTokenizer_Free(tok);
+    return result;
+_PyPegen_run_parser_from_file(const char *filename, int start_rule,
+                     PyObject *filename_ob, PyArena *arena)
+    FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "rb");
+    if (fp == NULL) {
+        PyErr_SetFromErrnoWithFilename(PyExc_OSError, filename);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    mod_ty result = _PyPegen_run_parser_from_file_pointer(fp, start_rule, filename_ob,
+                                                 NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, arena);
+    fclose(fp);
+    return result;
+_PyPegen_run_parser_from_string(const char *str, int start_rule, PyObject *filename_ob,
+                       int iflags, PyArena *arena)
+    int exec_input = start_rule == Py_file_input;
+    struct tok_state *tok;
+    if (iflags & PyCF_IGNORE_COOKIE) {
+        tok = PyTokenizer_FromUTF8(str, exec_input);
+    } else {
+        tok = PyTokenizer_FromString(str, exec_input);
+    }
+    if (tok == NULL) {
+        if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
+            raise_tokenizer_init_error(filename_ob);
+        }
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    // This transfers the ownership to the tokenizer
+    tok->filename = filename_ob;
+    Py_INCREF(filename_ob);
+    // We need to clear up from here on
+    mod_ty result = NULL;
+    Parser *p = _PyPegen_Parser_New(tok, start_rule, NULL, arena);
+    if (p == NULL) {
+        goto error;
+    }
+    result = _PyPegen_run_parser(p);
+    _PyPegen_Parser_Free(p);
+    PyTokenizer_Free(tok);
+    return result;
+void *
+_PyPegen_interactive_exit(Parser *p)
+    if (p->errcode) {
+        *(p->errcode) = E_EOF;
+    }
+    return NULL;
+/* Creates a single-element asdl_seq* that contains a */
+asdl_seq *
+_PyPegen_singleton_seq(Parser *p, void *a)
+    assert(a != NULL);
+    asdl_seq *seq = _Py_asdl_seq_new(1, p->arena);
+    if (!seq) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    asdl_seq_SET(seq, 0, a);
+    return seq;
+/* Creates a copy of seq and prepends a to it */
+asdl_seq *
+_PyPegen_seq_insert_in_front(Parser *p, void *a, asdl_seq *seq)
+    assert(a != NULL);
+    if (!seq) {
+        return _PyPegen_singleton_seq(p, a);
+    }
+    asdl_seq *new_seq = _Py_asdl_seq_new(asdl_seq_LEN(seq) + 1, p->arena);
+    if (!new_seq) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    asdl_seq_SET(new_seq, 0, a);
+    for (int i = 1, l = asdl_seq_LEN(new_seq); i < l; i++) {
+        asdl_seq_SET(new_seq, i, asdl_seq_GET(seq, i - 1));
+    }
+    return new_seq;
+static int
+_get_flattened_seq_size(asdl_seq *seqs)
+    int size = 0;
+    for (Py_ssize_t i = 0, l = asdl_seq_LEN(seqs); i < l; i++) {
+        asdl_seq *inner_seq = asdl_seq_GET(seqs, i);
+        size += asdl_seq_LEN(inner_seq);
+    }
+    return size;
+/* Flattens an asdl_seq* of asdl_seq*s */
+asdl_seq *
+_PyPegen_seq_flatten(Parser *p, asdl_seq *seqs)
+    int flattened_seq_size = _get_flattened_seq_size(seqs);
+    assert(flattened_seq_size > 0);
+    asdl_seq *flattened_seq = _Py_asdl_seq_new(flattened_seq_size, p->arena);
+    if (!flattened_seq) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int flattened_seq_idx = 0;
+    for (Py_ssize_t i = 0, l = asdl_seq_LEN(seqs); i < l; i++) {
+        asdl_seq *inner_seq = asdl_seq_GET(seqs, i);
+        for (int j = 0, li = asdl_seq_LEN(inner_seq); j < li; j++) {
+            asdl_seq_SET(flattened_seq, flattened_seq_idx++, asdl_seq_GET(inner_seq, j));
+        }
+    }
+    assert(flattened_seq_idx == flattened_seq_size);
+    return flattened_seq;
+/* Creates a new name of the form <first_name>.<second_name> */
+_PyPegen_join_names_with_dot(Parser *p, expr_ty first_name, expr_ty second_name)
+    assert(first_name != NULL && second_name != NULL);
+    PyObject *first_identifier = first_name->v.Name.id;
+    PyObject *second_identifier = second_name->v.Name.id;
+    if (PyUnicode_READY(first_identifier) == -1) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    if (PyUnicode_READY(second_identifier) == -1) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    const char *first_str = PyUnicode_AsUTF8(first_identifier);
+    if (!first_str) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    const char *second_str = PyUnicode_AsUTF8(second_identifier);
+    if (!second_str) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    ssize_t len = strlen(first_str) + strlen(second_str) + 1;  // +1 for the dot
+    PyObject *str = PyBytes_FromStringAndSize(NULL, len);
+    if (!str) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    char *s = PyBytes_AS_STRING(str);
+    if (!s) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    strcpy(s, first_str);
+    s += strlen(first_str);
+    *s++ = '.';
+    strcpy(s, second_str);
+    s += strlen(second_str);
+    *s = '\0';
+    PyObject *uni = PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8(PyBytes_AS_STRING(str), PyBytes_GET_SIZE(str), NULL);
+    Py_DECREF(str);
+    if (!uni) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    PyUnicode_InternInPlace(&uni);
+    if (PyArena_AddPyObject(p->arena, uni) < 0) {
+        Py_DECREF(uni);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    return _Py_Name(uni, Load, EXTRA_EXPR(first_name, second_name));
+/* Counts the total number of dots in seq's tokens */
+_PyPegen_seq_count_dots(asdl_seq *seq)
+    int number_of_dots = 0;
+    for (Py_ssize_t i = 0, l = asdl_seq_LEN(seq); i < l; i++) {
+        Token *current_expr = asdl_seq_GET(seq, i);
+        switch (current_expr->type) {
+            case ELLIPSIS:
+                number_of_dots += 3;
+                break;
+            case DOT:
+                number_of_dots += 1;
+                break;
+            default:
+                assert(current_expr->type == ELLIPSIS || current_expr->type == DOT);
+        }
+    }
+    return number_of_dots;
+/* Creates an alias with '*' as the identifier name */
+_PyPegen_alias_for_star(Parser *p)
+    PyObject *str = PyUnicode_InternFromString("*");
+    if (!str) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    if (PyArena_AddPyObject(p->arena, str) < 0) {
+        Py_DECREF(str);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    return alias(str, NULL, p->arena);
+/* Creates a new asdl_seq* with the identifiers of all the names in seq */
+asdl_seq *
+_PyPegen_map_names_to_ids(Parser *p, asdl_seq *seq)
+    int len = asdl_seq_LEN(seq);
+    assert(len > 0);
+    asdl_seq *new_seq = _Py_asdl_seq_new(len, p->arena);
+    if (!new_seq) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    for (Py_ssize_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+        expr_ty e = asdl_seq_GET(seq, i);
+        asdl_seq_SET(new_seq, i, e->v.Name.id);
+    }
+    return new_seq;
+/* Constructs a CmpopExprPair */
+CmpopExprPair *
+_PyPegen_cmpop_expr_pair(Parser *p, cmpop_ty cmpop, expr_ty expr)
+    assert(expr != NULL);
+    CmpopExprPair *a = PyArena_Malloc(p->arena, sizeof(CmpopExprPair));
+    if (!a) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    a->cmpop = cmpop;
+    a->expr = expr;
+    return a;
+asdl_int_seq *
+_PyPegen_get_cmpops(Parser *p, asdl_seq *seq)
+    int len = asdl_seq_LEN(seq);
+    assert(len > 0);
+    asdl_int_seq *new_seq = _Py_asdl_int_seq_new(len, p->arena);
+    if (!new_seq) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    for (Py_ssize_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+        CmpopExprPair *pair = asdl_seq_GET(seq, i);
+        asdl_seq_SET(new_seq, i, pair->cmpop);
+    }
+    return new_seq;
+asdl_seq *
+_PyPegen_get_exprs(Parser *p, asdl_seq *seq)
+    int len = asdl_seq_LEN(seq);
+    assert(len > 0);
+    asdl_seq *new_seq = _Py_asdl_seq_new(len, p->arena);
+    if (!new_seq) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    for (Py_ssize_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+        CmpopExprPair *pair = asdl_seq_GET(seq, i);
+        asdl_seq_SET(new_seq, i, pair->expr);
+    }
+    return new_seq;
+/* Creates an asdl_seq* where all the elements have been changed to have ctx as context */
+static asdl_seq *
+_set_seq_context(Parser *p, asdl_seq *seq, expr_context_ty ctx)
+    int len = asdl_seq_LEN(seq);
+    if (len == 0) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    asdl_seq *new_seq = _Py_asdl_seq_new(len, p->arena);
+    if (!new_seq) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    for (Py_ssize_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+        expr_ty e = asdl_seq_GET(seq, i);
+        asdl_seq_SET(new_seq, i, _PyPegen_set_expr_context(p, e, ctx));
+    }
+    return new_seq;
+static expr_ty
+_set_name_context(Parser *p, expr_ty e, expr_context_ty ctx)
+    return _Py_Name(e->v.Name.id, ctx, EXTRA_EXPR(e, e));
+static expr_ty
+_set_tuple_context(Parser *p, expr_ty e, expr_context_ty ctx)
+    return _Py_Tuple(_set_seq_context(p, e->v.Tuple.elts, ctx), ctx, EXTRA_EXPR(e, e));
+static expr_ty
+_set_list_context(Parser *p, expr_ty e, expr_context_ty ctx)
+    return _Py_List(_set_seq_context(p, e->v.List.elts, ctx), ctx, EXTRA_EXPR(e, e));
+static expr_ty
+_set_subscript_context(Parser *p, expr_ty e, expr_context_ty ctx)
+    return _Py_Subscript(e->v.Subscript.value, e->v.Subscript.slice, ctx, EXTRA_EXPR(e, e));
+static expr_ty
+_set_attribute_context(Parser *p, expr_ty e, expr_context_ty ctx)
+    return _Py_Attribute(e->v.Attribute.value, e->v.Attribute.attr, ctx, EXTRA_EXPR(e, e));
+static expr_ty
+_set_starred_context(Parser *p, expr_ty e, expr_context_ty ctx)
+    return _Py_Starred(_PyPegen_set_expr_context(p, e->v.Starred.value, ctx), ctx, EXTRA_EXPR(e, e));
+/* Creates an `expr_ty` equivalent to `expr` but with `ctx` as context */
+_PyPegen_set_expr_context(Parser *p, expr_ty expr, expr_context_ty ctx)
+    assert(expr != NULL);
+    expr_ty new = NULL;
+    switch (expr->kind) {
+        case Name_kind:
+            new = _set_name_context(p, expr, ctx);
+            break;
+        case Tuple_kind:
+            new = _set_tuple_context(p, expr, ctx);
+            break;
+        case List_kind:
+            new = _set_list_context(p, expr, ctx);
+            break;
+        case Subscript_kind:
+            new = _set_subscript_context(p, expr, ctx);
+            break;
+        case Attribute_kind:
+            new = _set_attribute_context(p, expr, ctx);
+            break;
+        case Starred_kind:
+            new = _set_starred_context(p, expr, ctx);
+            break;
+        default:
+            new = expr;
+    }
+    return new;
+/* Constructs a KeyValuePair that is used when parsing a dict's key value pairs */
+KeyValuePair *
+_PyPegen_key_value_pair(Parser *p, expr_ty key, expr_ty value)
+    KeyValuePair *a = PyArena_Malloc(p->arena, sizeof(KeyValuePair));
+    if (!a) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    a->key = key;
+    a->value = value;
+    return a;
+/* Extracts all keys from an asdl_seq* of KeyValuePair*'s */
+asdl_seq *
+_PyPegen_get_keys(Parser *p, asdl_seq *seq)
+    int len = asdl_seq_LEN(seq);
+    asdl_seq *new_seq = _Py_asdl_seq_new(len, p->arena);
+    if (!new_seq) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    for (Py_ssize_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+        KeyValuePair *pair = asdl_seq_GET(seq, i);
+        asdl_seq_SET(new_seq, i, pair->key);
+    }
+    return new_seq;
+/* Extracts all values from an asdl_seq* of KeyValuePair*'s */
+asdl_seq *
+_PyPegen_get_values(Parser *p, asdl_seq *seq)
+    int len = asdl_seq_LEN(seq);
+    asdl_seq *new_seq = _Py_asdl_seq_new(len, p->arena);
+    if (!new_seq) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    for (Py_ssize_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+        KeyValuePair *pair = asdl_seq_GET(seq, i);
+        asdl_seq_SET(new_seq, i, pair->value);
+    }
+    return new_seq;
+/* Constructs a NameDefaultPair */
+NameDefaultPair *
+_PyPegen_name_default_pair(Parser *p, arg_ty arg, expr_ty value)
+    NameDefaultPair *a = PyArena_Malloc(p->arena, sizeof(NameDefaultPair));
+    if (!a) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    a->arg = arg;
+    a->value = value;
+    return a;
+/* Constructs a SlashWithDefault */
+SlashWithDefault *
+_PyPegen_slash_with_default(Parser *p, asdl_seq *plain_names, asdl_seq *names_with_defaults)
+    SlashWithDefault *a = PyArena_Malloc(p->arena, sizeof(SlashWithDefault));
+    if (!a) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    a->plain_names = plain_names;
+    a->names_with_defaults = names_with_defaults;
+    return a;
+/* Constructs a StarEtc */
+StarEtc *
+_PyPegen_star_etc(Parser *p, arg_ty vararg, asdl_seq *kwonlyargs, arg_ty kwarg)
+    StarEtc *a = PyArena_Malloc(p->arena, sizeof(StarEtc));
+    if (!a) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    a->vararg = vararg;
+    a->kwonlyargs = kwonlyargs;
+    a->kwarg = kwarg;
+    return a;
+asdl_seq *
+_PyPegen_join_sequences(Parser *p, asdl_seq *a, asdl_seq *b)
+    int first_len = asdl_seq_LEN(a);
+    int second_len = asdl_seq_LEN(b);
+    asdl_seq *new_seq = _Py_asdl_seq_new(first_len + second_len, p->arena);
+    if (!new_seq) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int k = 0;
+    for (Py_ssize_t i = 0; i < first_len; i++) {
+        asdl_seq_SET(new_seq, k++, asdl_seq_GET(a, i));
+    }
+    for (Py_ssize_t i = 0; i < second_len; i++) {
+        asdl_seq_SET(new_seq, k++, asdl_seq_GET(b, i));
+    }
+    return new_seq;
+static asdl_seq *
+_get_names(Parser *p, asdl_seq *names_with_defaults)
+    int len = asdl_seq_LEN(names_with_defaults);
+    asdl_seq *seq = _Py_asdl_seq_new(len, p->arena);
+    if (!seq) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    for (Py_ssize_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+        NameDefaultPair *pair = asdl_seq_GET(names_with_defaults, i);
+        asdl_seq_SET(seq, i, pair->arg);
+    }
+    return seq;
+static asdl_seq *
+_get_defaults(Parser *p, asdl_seq *names_with_defaults)
+    int len = asdl_seq_LEN(names_with_defaults);
+    asdl_seq *seq = _Py_asdl_seq_new(len, p->arena);
+    if (!seq) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    for (Py_ssize_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+        NameDefaultPair *pair = asdl_seq_GET(names_with_defaults, i);
+        asdl_seq_SET(seq, i, pair->value);
+    }
+    return seq;
+/* Constructs an arguments_ty object out of all the parsed constructs in the parameters rule */
+_PyPegen_make_arguments(Parser *p, asdl_seq *slash_without_default,
+                        SlashWithDefault *slash_with_default, asdl_seq *plain_names,
+                        asdl_seq *names_with_default, StarEtc *star_etc)
+    asdl_seq *posonlyargs;
+    if (slash_without_default != NULL) {
+        posonlyargs = slash_without_default;
+    }
+    else if (slash_with_default != NULL) {
+        asdl_seq *slash_with_default_names =
+            _get_names(p, slash_with_default->names_with_defaults);
+        if (!slash_with_default_names) {
+            return NULL;
+        }
+        posonlyargs = _PyPegen_join_sequences(p, slash_with_default->plain_names, slash_with_default_names);
+        if (!posonlyargs) {
+            return NULL;
+        }
+    }
+    else {
+        posonlyargs = _Py_asdl_seq_new(0, p->arena);
+        if (!posonlyargs) {
+            return NULL;
+        }
+    }
+    asdl_seq *posargs;
+    if (plain_names != NULL && names_with_default != NULL) {
+        asdl_seq *names_with_default_names = _get_names(p, names_with_default);
+        if (!names_with_default_names) {
+            return NULL;
+        }
+        posargs = _PyPegen_join_sequences(p, plain_names, names_with_default_names);
+        if (!posargs) {
+            return NULL;
+        }
+    }
+    else if (plain_names == NULL && names_with_default != NULL) {
+        posargs = _get_names(p, names_with_default);
+        if (!posargs) {
+            return NULL;
+        }
+    }
+    else if (plain_names != NULL && names_with_default == NULL) {
+        posargs = plain_names;
+    }
+    else {
+        posargs = _Py_asdl_seq_new(0, p->arena);
+        if (!posargs) {
+            return NULL;
+        }
+    }
+    asdl_seq *posdefaults;
+    if (slash_with_default != NULL && names_with_default != NULL) {
+        asdl_seq *slash_with_default_values =
+            _get_defaults(p, slash_with_default->names_with_defaults);
+        if (!slash_with_default_values) {
+            return NULL;
+        }
+        asdl_seq *names_with_default_values = _get_defaults(p, names_with_default);
+        if (!names_with_default_values) {
+            return NULL;
+        }
+        posdefaults = _PyPegen_join_sequences(p, slash_with_default_values, names_with_default_values);
+        if (!posdefaults) {
+            return NULL;
+        }
+    }
+    else if (slash_with_default == NULL && names_with_default != NULL) {
+        posdefaults = _get_defaults(p, names_with_default);
+        if (!posdefaults) {
+            return NULL;
+        }
+    }
+    else if (slash_with_default != NULL && names_with_default == NULL) {
+        posdefaults = _get_defaults(p, slash_with_default->names_with_defaults);
+        if (!posdefaults) {
+            return NULL;
+        }
+    }
+    else {
+        posdefaults = _Py_asdl_seq_new(0, p->arena);
+        if (!posdefaults) {
+            return NULL;
+        }
+    }
+    arg_ty vararg = NULL;
+    if (star_etc != NULL && star_etc->vararg != NULL) {
+        vararg = star_etc->vararg;
+    }
+    asdl_seq *kwonlyargs;
+    if (star_etc != NULL && star_etc->kwonlyargs != NULL) {
+        kwonlyargs = _get_names(p, star_etc->kwonlyargs);
+        if (!kwonlyargs) {
+            return NULL;
+        }
+    }
+    else {
+        kwonlyargs = _Py_asdl_seq_new(0, p->arena);
+        if (!kwonlyargs) {
+            return NULL;
+        }
+    }
+    asdl_seq *kwdefaults;
+    if (star_etc != NULL && star_etc->kwonlyargs != NULL) {
+        kwdefaults = _get_defaults(p, star_etc->kwonlyargs);
+        if (!kwdefaults) {
+            return NULL;
+        }
+    }
+    else {
+        kwdefaults = _Py_asdl_seq_new(0, p->arena);
+        if (!kwdefaults) {
+            return NULL;
+        }
+    }
+    arg_ty kwarg = NULL;
+    if (star_etc != NULL && star_etc->kwarg != NULL) {
+        kwarg = star_etc->kwarg;
+    }
+    return _Py_arguments(posonlyargs, posargs, vararg, kwonlyargs, kwdefaults, kwarg,
+                         posdefaults, p->arena);
+/* Constructs an empty arguments_ty object, that gets used when a function accepts no
+ * arguments. */
+_PyPegen_empty_arguments(Parser *p)
+    asdl_seq *posonlyargs = _Py_asdl_seq_new(0, p->arena);
+    if (!posonlyargs) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    asdl_seq *posargs = _Py_asdl_seq_new(0, p->arena);
+    if (!posargs) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    asdl_seq *posdefaults = _Py_asdl_seq_new(0, p->arena);
+    if (!posdefaults) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    asdl_seq *kwonlyargs = _Py_asdl_seq_new(0, p->arena);
+    if (!kwonlyargs) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    asdl_seq *kwdefaults = _Py_asdl_seq_new(0, p->arena);
+    if (!kwdefaults) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    return _Py_arguments(posonlyargs, posargs, NULL, kwonlyargs, kwdefaults, NULL, kwdefaults,
+                         p->arena);
+/* Encapsulates the value of an operator_ty into an AugOperator struct */
+AugOperator *
+_PyPegen_augoperator(Parser *p, operator_ty kind)
+    AugOperator *a = PyArena_Malloc(p->arena, sizeof(AugOperator));
+    if (!a) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    a->kind = kind;
+    return a;
+/* Construct a FunctionDef equivalent to function_def, but with decorators */
+_PyPegen_function_def_decorators(Parser *p, asdl_seq *decorators, stmt_ty function_def)
+    assert(function_def != NULL);
+    if (function_def->kind == AsyncFunctionDef_kind) {
+        return _Py_AsyncFunctionDef(
+            function_def->v.FunctionDef.name, function_def->v.FunctionDef.args,
+            function_def->v.FunctionDef.body, decorators, function_def->v.FunctionDef.returns,
+            function_def->v.FunctionDef.type_comment, function_def->lineno,
+            function_def->col_offset, function_def->end_lineno, function_def->end_col_offset,
+            p->arena);
+    }
+    return _Py_FunctionDef(function_def->v.FunctionDef.name, function_def->v.FunctionDef.args,
+                           function_def->v.FunctionDef.body, decorators,
+                           function_def->v.FunctionDef.returns,
+                           function_def->v.FunctionDef.type_comment, function_def->lineno,
+                           function_def->col_offset, function_def->end_lineno,
+                           function_def->end_col_offset, p->arena);
+/* Construct a ClassDef equivalent to class_def, but with decorators */
+_PyPegen_class_def_decorators(Parser *p, asdl_seq *decorators, stmt_ty class_def)
+    assert(class_def != NULL);
+    return _Py_ClassDef(class_def->v.ClassDef.name, class_def->v.ClassDef.bases,
+                        class_def->v.ClassDef.keywords, class_def->v.ClassDef.body, decorators,
+                        class_def->lineno, class_def->col_offset, class_def->end_lineno,
+                        class_def->end_col_offset, p->arena);
+/* Construct a KeywordOrStarred */
+KeywordOrStarred *
+_PyPegen_keyword_or_starred(Parser *p, void *element, int is_keyword)
+    KeywordOrStarred *a = PyArena_Malloc(p->arena, sizeof(KeywordOrStarred));
+    if (!a) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    a->element = element;
+    a->is_keyword = is_keyword;
+    return a;
+/* Get the number of starred expressions in an asdl_seq* of KeywordOrStarred*s */
+static int
+_seq_number_of_starred_exprs(asdl_seq *seq)
+    int n = 0;
+    for (Py_ssize_t i = 0, l = asdl_seq_LEN(seq); i < l; i++) {
+        KeywordOrStarred *k = asdl_seq_GET(seq, i);
+        if (!k->is_keyword) {
+            n++;
+        }
+    }
+    return n;
+/* Extract the starred expressions of an asdl_seq* of KeywordOrStarred*s */
+asdl_seq *
+_PyPegen_seq_extract_starred_exprs(Parser *p, asdl_seq *kwargs)
+    int new_len = _seq_number_of_starred_exprs(kwargs);
+    if (new_len == 0) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    asdl_seq *new_seq = _Py_asdl_seq_new(new_len, p->arena);
+    if (!new_seq) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int idx = 0;
+    for (Py_ssize_t i = 0, len = asdl_seq_LEN(kwargs); i < len; i++) {
+        KeywordOrStarred *k = asdl_seq_GET(kwargs, i);
+        if (!k->is_keyword) {
+            asdl_seq_SET(new_seq, idx++, k->element);
+        }
+    }
+    return new_seq;
+/* Return a new asdl_seq* with only the keywords in kwargs */
+asdl_seq *
+_PyPegen_seq_delete_starred_exprs(Parser *p, asdl_seq *kwargs)
+    int len = asdl_seq_LEN(kwargs);
+    int new_len = len - _seq_number_of_starred_exprs(kwargs);
+    if (new_len == 0) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    asdl_seq *new_seq = _Py_asdl_seq_new(new_len, p->arena);
+    if (!new_seq) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int idx = 0;
+    for (Py_ssize_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+        KeywordOrStarred *k = asdl_seq_GET(kwargs, i);
+        if (k->is_keyword) {
+            asdl_seq_SET(new_seq, idx++, k->element);
+        }
+    }
+    return new_seq;
+_PyPegen_concatenate_strings(Parser *p, asdl_seq *strings)
+    int len = asdl_seq_LEN(strings);
+    assert(len > 0);
+    Token *first = asdl_seq_GET(strings, 0);
+    Token *last = asdl_seq_GET(strings, len - 1);
+    int bytesmode = 0;
+    PyObject *bytes_str = NULL;
+    FstringParser state;
+    _PyPegen_FstringParser_Init(&state);
+    for (Py_ssize_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+        Token *t = asdl_seq_GET(strings, i);
+        int this_bytesmode;
+        int this_rawmode;
+        PyObject *s;
+        const char *fstr;
+        Py_ssize_t fstrlen = -1;
+        char *this_str = PyBytes_AsString(t->bytes);
+        if (!this_str) {
+            goto error;
+        }
+        if (_PyPegen_parsestr(p, this_str, &this_bytesmode, &this_rawmode, &s, &fstr, &fstrlen) != 0) {
+            goto error;
+        }
+        /* Check that we are not mixing bytes with unicode. */
+        if (i != 0 && bytesmode != this_bytesmode) {
+            RAISE_SYNTAX_ERROR("cannot mix bytes and nonbytes literals");
+            Py_XDECREF(s);
+            goto error;
+        }
+        bytesmode = this_bytesmode;
+        if (fstr != NULL) {
+            assert(s == NULL && !bytesmode);
+            int result = _PyPegen_FstringParser_ConcatFstring(p, &state, &fstr, fstr + fstrlen,
+                                                     this_rawmode, 0, first, t, last);
+            if (result < 0) {
+                goto error;
+            }
+        }
+        else {
+            /* String or byte string. */
+            assert(s != NULL && fstr == NULL);
+            assert(bytesmode ? PyBytes_CheckExact(s) : PyUnicode_CheckExact(s));
+            if (bytesmode) {
+                if (i == 0) {
+                    bytes_str = s;
+                }
+                else {
+                    PyBytes_ConcatAndDel(&bytes_str, s);
+                    if (!bytes_str) {
+                        goto error;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            else {
+                /* This is a regular string. Concatenate it. */
+                if (_PyPegen_FstringParser_ConcatAndDel(&state, s) < 0) {
+                    goto error;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if (bytesmode) {
+        if (PyArena_AddPyObject(p->arena, bytes_str) < 0) {
+            goto error;
+        }
+        return Constant(bytes_str, NULL, first->lineno, first->col_offset, last->end_lineno,
+                        last->end_col_offset, p->arena);
+    }
+    return _PyPegen_FstringParser_Finish(p, &state, first, last);
+    Py_XDECREF(bytes_str);
+    _PyPegen_FstringParser_Dealloc(&state);
+    if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
+        raise_decode_error(p);
+    }
+    return NULL;
diff --git a/Parser/pegen/pegen.h b/Parser/pegen/pegen.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..5acd9883f3fd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Parser/pegen/pegen.h
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+#ifndef PEGEN_H
+#define PEGEN_H
+#include <Python.h>
+#include <token.h>
+#include <Python-ast.h>
+#include <pyarena.h>
+typedef struct _memo {
+    int type;
+    void *node;
+    int mark;
+    struct _memo *next;
+} Memo;
+typedef struct {
+    int type;
+    PyObject *bytes;
+    int lineno, col_offset, end_lineno, end_col_offset;
+    Memo *memo;
+} Token;
+typedef struct {
+    char *str;
+    int type;
+} KeywordToken;
+typedef struct {
+    struct tok_state *tok;
+    Token **tokens;
+    int mark;
+    int fill, size;
+    PyArena *arena;
+    KeywordToken **keywords;
+    int n_keyword_lists;
+    int start_rule;
+    int *errcode;
+    int parsing_started;
+    PyObject* normalize;
+    int starting_lineno;
+    int starting_col_offset;
+    int error_indicator;
+} Parser;
+typedef struct {
+    cmpop_ty cmpop;
+    expr_ty expr;
+} CmpopExprPair;
+typedef struct {
+    expr_ty key;
+    expr_ty value;
+} KeyValuePair;
+typedef struct {
+    arg_ty arg;
+    expr_ty value;
+} NameDefaultPair;
+typedef struct {
+    asdl_seq *plain_names;
+    asdl_seq *names_with_defaults; // asdl_seq* of NameDefaultsPair's
+} SlashWithDefault;
+typedef struct {
+    arg_ty vararg;
+    asdl_seq *kwonlyargs; // asdl_seq* of NameDefaultsPair's
+    arg_ty kwarg;
+} StarEtc;
+typedef struct {
+    operator_ty kind;
+} AugOperator;
+typedef struct {
+    void *element;
+    int is_keyword;
+} KeywordOrStarred;
+void _PyPegen_clear_memo_statistics(void);
+PyObject *_PyPegen_get_memo_statistics(void);
+int _PyPegen_insert_memo(Parser *p, int mark, int type, void *node);
+int _PyPegen_update_memo(Parser *p, int mark, int type, void *node);
+int _PyPegen_is_memoized(Parser *p, int type, void *pres);
+int _PyPegen_lookahead_with_string(int, void *(func)(Parser *, const char *), Parser *, const char *);
+int _PyPegen_lookahead_with_int(int, Token *(func)(Parser *, int), Parser *, int);
+int _PyPegen_lookahead(int, void *(func)(Parser *), Parser *);
+Token *_PyPegen_expect_token(Parser *p, int type);
+Token *_PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(Parser *);
+int _PyPegen_fill_token(Parser *p);
+void *_PyPegen_async_token(Parser *p);
+void *_PyPegen_await_token(Parser *p);
+void *_PyPegen_endmarker_token(Parser *p);
+expr_ty _PyPegen_name_token(Parser *p);
+void *_PyPegen_newline_token(Parser *p);
+void *_PyPegen_indent_token(Parser *p);
+void *_PyPegen_dedent_token(Parser *p);
+expr_ty _PyPegen_number_token(Parser *p);
+void *_PyPegen_string_token(Parser *p);
+const char *_PyPegen_get_expr_name(expr_ty);
+void *_PyPegen_raise_error(Parser *p, PyObject *, const char *errmsg, ...);
+void *_PyPegen_dummy_name(Parser *p, ...);
+#define UNUSED(expr) do { (void)(expr); } while (0)
+#define EXTRA_EXPR(head, tail) head->lineno, head->col_offset, tail->end_lineno, tail->end_col_offset, p->arena
+#define EXTRA start_lineno, start_col_offset, end_lineno, end_col_offset, p->arena
+#define RAISE_SYNTAX_ERROR(msg, ...) _PyPegen_raise_error(p, PyExc_SyntaxError, msg, ##__VA_ARGS__)
+#define RAISE_INDENTATION_ERROR(msg, ...) _PyPegen_raise_error(p, PyExc_IndentationError, msg, ##__VA_ARGS__)
+Py_LOCAL_INLINE(void *)
+CHECK_CALL(Parser *p, void *result)
+    if (result == NULL) {
+        assert(PyErr_Occurred());
+        p->error_indicator = 1;
+    }
+    return result;
+/* This is needed for helper functions that are allowed to
+   return NULL without an error. Example: _PyPegen_seq_extract_starred_exprs */
+Py_LOCAL_INLINE(void *)
+CHECK_CALL_NULL_ALLOWED(Parser *p, void *result)
+    if (result == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+        p->error_indicator = 1;
+    }
+    return result;
+#define CHECK(result) CHECK_CALL(p, result)
+PyObject *_PyPegen_new_identifier(Parser *, char *);
+Parser *_PyPegen_Parser_New(struct tok_state *, int, int *, PyArena *);
+void _PyPegen_Parser_Free(Parser *);
+mod_ty _PyPegen_run_parser_from_file_pointer(FILE *, int, PyObject *, const char *,
+                                    const char *, const char *, int *, PyArena *);
+void *_PyPegen_run_parser(Parser *);
+mod_ty _PyPegen_run_parser_from_file(const char *, int, PyObject *, PyArena *);
+mod_ty _PyPegen_run_parser_from_string(const char *, int, PyObject *, int, PyArena *);
+void *_PyPegen_interactive_exit(Parser *);
+asdl_seq *_PyPegen_singleton_seq(Parser *, void *);
+asdl_seq *_PyPegen_seq_insert_in_front(Parser *, void *, asdl_seq *);
+asdl_seq *_PyPegen_seq_flatten(Parser *, asdl_seq *);
+expr_ty _PyPegen_join_names_with_dot(Parser *, expr_ty, expr_ty);
+int _PyPegen_seq_count_dots(asdl_seq *);
+alias_ty _PyPegen_alias_for_star(Parser *);
+asdl_seq *_PyPegen_map_names_to_ids(Parser *, asdl_seq *);
+CmpopExprPair *_PyPegen_cmpop_expr_pair(Parser *, cmpop_ty, expr_ty);
+asdl_int_seq *_PyPegen_get_cmpops(Parser *p, asdl_seq *);
+asdl_seq *_PyPegen_get_exprs(Parser *, asdl_seq *);
+expr_ty _PyPegen_set_expr_context(Parser *, expr_ty, expr_context_ty);
+KeyValuePair *_PyPegen_key_value_pair(Parser *, expr_ty, expr_ty);
+asdl_seq *_PyPegen_get_keys(Parser *, asdl_seq *);
+asdl_seq *_PyPegen_get_values(Parser *, asdl_seq *);
+NameDefaultPair *_PyPegen_name_default_pair(Parser *, arg_ty, expr_ty);
+SlashWithDefault *_PyPegen_slash_with_default(Parser *, asdl_seq *, asdl_seq *);
+StarEtc *_PyPegen_star_etc(Parser *, arg_ty, asdl_seq *, arg_ty);
+arguments_ty _PyPegen_make_arguments(Parser *, asdl_seq *, SlashWithDefault *,
+                            asdl_seq *, asdl_seq *, StarEtc *);
+arguments_ty _PyPegen_empty_arguments(Parser *);
+AugOperator *_PyPegen_augoperator(Parser*, operator_ty type);
+stmt_ty _PyPegen_function_def_decorators(Parser *, asdl_seq *, stmt_ty);
+stmt_ty _PyPegen_class_def_decorators(Parser *, asdl_seq *, stmt_ty);
+KeywordOrStarred *_PyPegen_keyword_or_starred(Parser *, void *, int);
+asdl_seq *_PyPegen_seq_extract_starred_exprs(Parser *, asdl_seq *);
+asdl_seq *_PyPegen_seq_delete_starred_exprs(Parser *, asdl_seq *);
+expr_ty _PyPegen_concatenate_strings(Parser *p, asdl_seq *);
+asdl_seq *_PyPegen_join_sequences(Parser *, asdl_seq *, asdl_seq *);
+void *_PyPegen_arguments_parsing_error(Parser *, expr_ty);
+void *_PyPegen_parse(Parser *);
diff --git a/Programs/_testembed.c b/Programs/_testembed.c
index 249f7e2304f92..8165aa74df1a0 100644
--- a/Programs/_testembed.c
+++ b/Programs/_testembed.c
@@ -485,6 +485,9 @@ static int test_init_from_config(void)
     config.install_signal_handlers = 0;
+    putenv("PYTHONOLDPARSER=");
+    config.use_peg = 0;
     /* FIXME: test use_environment */
diff --git a/Python/ast_opt.c b/Python/ast_opt.c
index 1766321a11a5b..ff786d6f8d63e 100644
--- a/Python/ast_opt.c
+++ b/Python/ast_opt.c
@@ -563,7 +563,8 @@ astfold_expr(expr_ty node_, PyArena *ctx_, _PyASTOptimizeState *state)
         CALL(fold_tuple, expr_ty, node_);
     case Name_kind:
-        if (_PyUnicode_EqualToASCIIString(node_->v.Name.id, "__debug__")) {
+        if (node_->v.Name.ctx == Load &&
+                _PyUnicode_EqualToASCIIString(node_->v.Name.id, "__debug__")) {
             return make_const(node_, PyBool_FromLong(!state->optimize), ctx_);
diff --git a/Python/bltinmodule.c b/Python/bltinmodule.c
index 22ee5969473f5..18883353575f3 100644
--- a/Python/bltinmodule.c
+++ b/Python/bltinmodule.c
@@ -816,7 +816,12 @@ builtin_compile_impl(PyObject *module, PyObject *source, PyObject *filename,
     if (str == NULL)
         goto error;
+    int current_use_peg = PyInterpreterState_Get()->config.use_peg;
+    if (flags & PyCF_TYPE_COMMENTS || feature_version >= 0) {
+        PyInterpreterState_Get()->config.use_peg = 0;
+    }
     result = Py_CompileStringObject(str, filename, start[compile_mode], &cf, optimize);
+    PyInterpreterState_Get()->config.use_peg = current_use_peg;
     goto finally;
diff --git a/Python/compile.c b/Python/compile.c
index 54e6516b3ad01..3c21fbabf663f 100644
--- a/Python/compile.c
+++ b/Python/compile.c
@@ -2152,6 +2152,55 @@ compiler_default_arguments(struct compiler *c, arguments_ty args)
     return funcflags;
+static int
+forbidden_name(struct compiler *c, identifier name, expr_context_ty ctx)
+    if (ctx == Store && _PyUnicode_EqualToASCIIString(name, "__debug__")) {
+        compiler_error(c, "cannot assign to __debug__");
+        return 1;
+    }
+    return 0;
+static int
+compiler_check_debug_one_arg(struct compiler *c, arg_ty arg)
+    if (arg != NULL) {
+        if (forbidden_name(c, arg->arg, Store))
+            return 0;
+    }
+    return 1;
+static int
+compiler_check_debug_args_seq(struct compiler *c, asdl_seq *args)
+    if (args != NULL) {
+        for (int i = 0, n = asdl_seq_LEN(args); i < n; i++) {
+            if (!compiler_check_debug_one_arg(c, asdl_seq_GET(args, i)))
+                return 0;
+        }
+    }
+    return 1;
+static int
+compiler_check_debug_args(struct compiler *c, arguments_ty args)
+    if (!compiler_check_debug_args_seq(c, args->posonlyargs))
+        return 0;
+    if (!compiler_check_debug_args_seq(c, args->args))
+        return 0;
+    if (!compiler_check_debug_one_arg(c, args->vararg))
+        return 0;
+    if (!compiler_check_debug_args_seq(c, args->kwonlyargs))
+        return 0;
+    if (!compiler_check_debug_one_arg(c, args->kwarg))
+        return 0;
+    return 1;
 static int
 compiler_function(struct compiler *c, stmt_ty s, int is_async)
@@ -2189,6 +2238,9 @@ compiler_function(struct compiler *c, stmt_ty s, int is_async)
         scope_type = COMPILER_SCOPE_FUNCTION;
+    if (!compiler_check_debug_args(c, args))
+        return 0;
     if (!compiler_decorators(c, decos))
         return 0;
@@ -2596,6 +2648,9 @@ compiler_lambda(struct compiler *c, expr_ty e)
     arguments_ty args = e->v.Lambda.args;
     assert(e->kind == Lambda_kind);
+    if (!compiler_check_debug_args(c, args))
+        return 0;
     if (!name) {
         name = PyUnicode_InternFromString("<lambda>");
         if (!name)
@@ -3505,6 +3560,9 @@ compiler_nameop(struct compiler *c, identifier name, expr_context_ty ctx)
            !_PyUnicode_EqualToASCIIString(name, "True") &&
            !_PyUnicode_EqualToASCIIString(name, "False"));
+    if (forbidden_name(c, name, ctx))
+        return 0;
     mangled = _Py_Mangle(c->u->u_private, name);
     if (!mangled)
         return 0;
@@ -4056,6 +4114,9 @@ validate_keywords(struct compiler *c, asdl_seq *keywords)
         if (key->arg == NULL) {
+        if (forbidden_name(c, key->arg, Store)) {
+            return -1;
+        }
         for (Py_ssize_t j = i + 1; j < nkeywords; j++) {
             keyword_ty other = ((keyword_ty)asdl_seq_GET(keywords, j));
             if (other->arg && !PyUnicode_Compare(key->arg, other->arg)) {
@@ -5013,6 +5074,8 @@ compiler_visit_expr1(struct compiler *c, expr_ty e)
             ADDOP_NAME(c, LOAD_ATTR, e->v.Attribute.attr, names);
         case Store:
+            if (forbidden_name(c, e->v.Attribute.attr, e->v.Attribute.ctx))
+                return 0;
             ADDOP_NAME(c, STORE_ATTR, e->v.Attribute.attr, names);
         case Del:
@@ -5183,6 +5246,8 @@ compiler_annassign(struct compiler *c, stmt_ty s)
     switch (targ->kind) {
     case Name_kind:
+        if (forbidden_name(c, targ->v.Name.id, Store))
+            return 0;
         /* If we have a simple name in a module or class, store annotation. */
         if (s->v.AnnAssign.simple &&
             (c->u->u_scope_type == COMPILER_SCOPE_MODULE ||
@@ -5200,6 +5265,8 @@ compiler_annassign(struct compiler *c, stmt_ty s)
     case Attribute_kind:
+        if (forbidden_name(c, targ->v.Attribute.attr, Store))
+            return 0;
         if (!s->v.AnnAssign.value &&
             !check_ann_expr(c, targ->v.Attribute.value)) {
             return 0;
diff --git a/Python/importlib.h b/Python/importlib.h
index 4bd8b62d809ee..59e0272b61dab 100644
--- a/Python/importlib.h
+++ b/Python/importlib.h
@@ -1594,50 +1594,51 @@ const unsigned char _Py_M__importlib_bootstrap[] = {
-    4,0,0,115,44,0,0,0,0,10,8,1,10,1,4,1,
-    12,2,4,1,28,2,8,1,14,1,10,1,2,255,8,2,
-    10,1,14,1,2,1,14,1,14,4,10,1,16,255,2,2,
-    12,1,26,1,114,215,0,0,0,99,1,0,0,0,0,0,
-    0,0,0,0,0,0,3,0,0,0,6,0,0,0,67,0,
-    0,0,115,146,0,0,0,124,0,160,0,100,1,161,1,125,
-    1,124,0,160,0,100,2,161,1,125,2,124,1,100,3,117,
-    1,114,82,124,2,100,3,117,1,114,78,124,1,124,2,106,
-    1,107,3,114,78,116,2,106,3,100,4,124,1,155,2,100,
-    5,124,2,106,1,155,2,100,6,157,5,116,4,100,7,100,
-    8,141,3,1,0,124,1,83,0,124,2,100,3,117,1,114,
-    96,124,2,106,1,83,0,116,2,106,3,100,9,116,4,100,
-    7,100,8,141,3,1,0,124,0,100,10,25,0,125,1,100,
-    11,124,0,118,1,114,142,124,1,160,5,100,12,161,1,100,
-    13,25,0,125,1,124,1,83,0,41,14,122,167,67,97,108,
-    99,117,108,97,116,101,32,119,104,97,116,32,95,95,112,97,
-    99,107,97,103,101,95,95,32,115,104,111,117,108,100,32,98,
-    101,46,10,10,32,32,32,32,95,95,112,97,99,107,97,103,
-    101,95,95,32,105,115,32,110,111,116,32,103,117,97,114,97,
-    110,116,101,101,100,32,116,111,32,98,101,32,100,101,102,105,
-    110,101,100,32,111,114,32,99,111,117,108,100,32,98,101,32,
-    115,101,116,32,116,111,32,78,111,110,101,10,32,32,32,32,
-    116,111,32,114,101,112,114,101,115,101,110,116,32,116,104,97,
-    116,32,105,116,115,32,112,114,111,112,101,114,32,118,97,108,
-    117,101,32,105,115,32,117,110,107,110,111,119,110,46,10,10,
-    32,32,32,32,114,146,0,0,0,114,106,0,0,0,78,122,
-    32,95,95,112,97,99,107,97,103,101,95,95,32,33,61,32,
-    95,95,115,112,101,99,95,95,46,112,97,114,101,110,116,32,
-    40,122,4,32,33,61,32,250,1,41,233,3,0,0,0,41,
-    1,90,10,115,116,97,99,107,108,101,118,101,108,122,89,99,
-    97,110,39,116,32,114,101,115,111,108,118,101,32,112,97,99,
-    107,97,103,101,32,102,114,111,109,32,95,95,115,112,101,99,
-    95,95,32,111,114,32,95,95,112,97,99,107,97,103,101,95,
-    95,44,32,102,97,108,108,105,110,103,32,98,97,99,107,32,
-    111,110,32,95,95,110,97,109,101,95,95,32,97,110,100,32,
-    95,95,112,97,116,104,95,95,114,1,0,0,0,114,142,0,
-    0,0,114,129,0,0,0,114,22,0,0,0,41,6,114,35,
-    0,0,0,114,131,0,0,0,114,193,0,0,0,114,194,0,
-    0,0,114,195,0,0,0,114,130,0,0,0,41,3,218,7,
-    103,108,111,98,97,108,115,114,187,0,0,0,114,96,0,0,
-    0,114,10,0,0,0,114,10,0,0,0,114,11,0,0,0,
-    218,17,95,99,97,108,99,95,95,95,112,97,99,107,97,103,
-    101,95,95,46,4,0,0,115,34,0,0,0,0,7,10,1,
-    10,1,8,1,18,1,22,2,4,254,6,3,4,1,8,1,
+    4,0,0,115,52,0,0,0,0,10,8,1,10,1,4,1,
+    12,2,4,1,4,1,2,255,4,1,8,255,10,2,8,1,
+    14,1,10,1,2,255,8,2,10,1,14,1,2,1,14,1,
+    14,4,10,1,16,255,2,2,12,1,26,1,114,215,0,0,
+    0,99,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,3,0,
+    0,0,6,0,0,0,67,0,0,0,115,146,0,0,0,124,
+    0,160,0,100,1,161,1,125,1,124,0,160,0,100,2,161,
+    1,125,2,124,1,100,3,117,1,114,82,124,2,100,3,117,
+    1,114,78,124,1,124,2,106,1,107,3,114,78,116,2,106,
+    3,100,4,124,1,155,2,100,5,124,2,106,1,155,2,100,
+    6,157,5,116,4,100,7,100,8,141,3,1,0,124,1,83,
+    0,124,2,100,3,117,1,114,96,124,2,106,1,83,0,116,
+    2,106,3,100,9,116,4,100,7,100,8,141,3,1,0,124,
+    0,100,10,25,0,125,1,100,11,124,0,118,1,114,142,124,
+    1,160,5,100,12,161,1,100,13,25,0,125,1,124,1,83,
+    0,41,14,122,167,67,97,108,99,117,108,97,116,101,32,119,
+    104,97,116,32,95,95,112,97,99,107,97,103,101,95,95,32,
+    115,104,111,117,108,100,32,98,101,46,10,10,32,32,32,32,
+    95,95,112,97,99,107,97,103,101,95,95,32,105,115,32,110,
+    111,116,32,103,117,97,114,97,110,116,101,101,100,32,116,111,
+    32,98,101,32,100,101,102,105,110,101,100,32,111,114,32,99,
+    111,117,108,100,32,98,101,32,115,101,116,32,116,111,32,78,
+    111,110,101,10,32,32,32,32,116,111,32,114,101,112,114,101,
+    115,101,110,116,32,116,104,97,116,32,105,116,115,32,112,114,
+    111,112,101,114,32,118,97,108,117,101,32,105,115,32,117,110,
+    107,110,111,119,110,46,10,10,32,32,32,32,114,146,0,0,
+    0,114,106,0,0,0,78,122,32,95,95,112,97,99,107,97,
+    103,101,95,95,32,33,61,32,95,95,115,112,101,99,95,95,
+    46,112,97,114,101,110,116,32,40,122,4,32,33,61,32,250,
+    1,41,233,3,0,0,0,41,1,90,10,115,116,97,99,107,
+    108,101,118,101,108,122,89,99,97,110,39,116,32,114,101,115,
+    111,108,118,101,32,112,97,99,107,97,103,101,32,102,114,111,
+    109,32,95,95,115,112,101,99,95,95,32,111,114,32,95,95,
+    112,97,99,107,97,103,101,95,95,44,32,102,97,108,108,105,
+    110,103,32,98,97,99,107,32,111,110,32,95,95,110,97,109,
+    101,95,95,32,97,110,100,32,95,95,112,97,116,104,95,95,
+    114,1,0,0,0,114,142,0,0,0,114,129,0,0,0,114,
+    22,0,0,0,41,6,114,35,0,0,0,114,131,0,0,0,
+    114,193,0,0,0,114,194,0,0,0,114,195,0,0,0,114,
+    130,0,0,0,41,3,218,7,103,108,111,98,97,108,115,114,
+    187,0,0,0,114,96,0,0,0,114,10,0,0,0,114,10,
+    0,0,0,114,11,0,0,0,218,17,95,99,97,108,99,95,
+    95,95,112,97,99,107,97,103,101,95,95,46,4,0,0,115,
+    42,0,0,0,0,7,10,1,10,1,8,1,18,1,6,1,
+    2,255,4,1,4,255,6,2,4,254,6,3,4,1,8,1,
diff --git a/Python/importlib_external.h b/Python/importlib_external.h
index 9618f9f0f6a8f..dd237428867ba 100644
--- a/Python/importlib_external.h
+++ b/Python/importlib_external.h
@@ -481,10 +481,11 @@ const unsigned char _Py_M__importlib_bootstrap_external[] = {
-    95,99,97,99,104,101,116,1,0,0,115,52,0,0,0,0,
+    95,99,97,99,104,101,116,1,0,0,115,68,0,0,0,0,
-    1,16,1,4,1,4,1,12,1,8,1,18,2,10,1,8,
-    1,16,1,10,1,16,1,10,1,14,2,16,1,10,1,16,
+    1,16,1,4,1,4,1,12,1,8,1,2,1,2,255,4,
+    1,2,255,8,2,10,1,8,1,16,1,10,1,16,1,10,
+    1,4,1,2,255,8,2,16,1,10,1,4,1,2,255,10,
diff --git a/Python/initconfig.c b/Python/initconfig.c
index c313d91ac7309..7662d6192686d 100644
--- a/Python/initconfig.c
+++ b/Python/initconfig.c
@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ static const char usage_3[] = "\
 -X opt : set implementation-specific option. The following options are available:\n\
          -X faulthandler: enable faulthandler\n\
+         -X oldparser: enable the traditional LL(1) parser; also PYTHONOLDPARSER\n\
          -X showrefcount: output the total reference count and number of used\n\
              memory blocks when the program finishes or after each statement in the\n\
              interactive interpreter. This only works on debug builds\n\
@@ -634,6 +635,7 @@ _PyConfig_InitCompatConfig(PyConfig *config)
 #ifdef MS_WINDOWS
     config->legacy_windows_stdio = -1;
+    config->use_peg = 1;
@@ -791,6 +793,7 @@ _PyConfig_Copy(PyConfig *config, const PyConfig *config2)
+    COPY_ATTR(use_peg);
@@ -894,6 +897,7 @@ config_as_dict(const PyConfig *config)
+    SET_ITEM_INT(use_peg);
@@ -1428,6 +1432,11 @@ config_read_complex_options(PyConfig *config)
         config->import_time = 1;
+    if (config_get_env(config, "PYTHONOLDPARSER")
+       || config_get_xoption(config, L"oldparser")) {
+        config->use_peg = 0;
+    }
     PyStatus status;
     if (config->tracemalloc < 0) {
         status = config_init_tracemalloc(config);
@@ -2507,6 +2516,7 @@ PyConfig_Read(PyConfig *config)
     assert(config->isolated >= 0);
     assert(config->use_environment >= 0);
     assert(config->dev_mode >= 0);
+    assert(config->use_peg >= 0);
     assert(config->install_signal_handlers >= 0);
     assert(config->use_hash_seed >= 0);
     assert(config->faulthandler >= 0);
diff --git a/Python/pythonrun.c b/Python/pythonrun.c
index 0a25ebc854ff5..6199f0c66104a 100644
--- a/Python/pythonrun.c
+++ b/Python/pythonrun.c
@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@
 #include "ast.h"                  // PyAST_FromNodeObject()
 #include "marshal.h"              // PyMarshal_ReadLongFromFile()
+#include <pegen_interface.h>      // PyPegen_ASTFrom*
 #ifdef MS_WINDOWS
 #  include "malloc.h"             // alloca()
@@ -183,6 +185,7 @@ PyRun_InteractiveOneObjectEx(FILE *fp, PyObject *filename,
     PyArena *arena;
     const char *ps1 = "", *ps2 = "", *enc = NULL;
     int errcode = 0;
+    int use_peg = _PyInterpreterState_GET()->config.use_peg;
@@ -235,9 +238,17 @@ PyRun_InteractiveOneObjectEx(FILE *fp, PyObject *filename,
         return -1;
-    mod = PyParser_ASTFromFileObject(fp, filename, enc,
-                                     Py_single_input, ps1, ps2,
-                                     flags, &errcode, arena);
+    if (use_peg) {
+        mod = PyPegen_ASTFromFileObject(fp, filename, Py_single_input,
+                                        enc, ps1, ps2, &errcode, arena);
+    }
+    else {
+        mod = PyParser_ASTFromFileObject(fp, filename, enc,
+                                         Py_single_input, ps1, ps2,
+                                         flags, &errcode, arena);
+    }
@@ -1019,6 +1030,7 @@ PyRun_StringFlags(const char *str, int start, PyObject *globals,
     mod_ty mod;
     PyArena *arena;
     PyObject *filename;
+    int use_peg = _PyInterpreterState_GET()->config.use_peg;
     filename = _PyUnicode_FromId(&PyId_string); /* borrowed */
     if (filename == NULL)
@@ -1028,7 +1040,13 @@ PyRun_StringFlags(const char *str, int start, PyObject *globals,
     if (arena == NULL)
         return NULL;
-    mod = PyParser_ASTFromStringObject(str, filename, start, flags, arena);
+    if (use_peg) {
+        mod = PyPegen_ASTFromStringObject(str, filename, start, flags, arena);
+    }
+    else {
+        mod = PyParser_ASTFromStringObject(str, filename, start, flags, arena);
+    }
     if (mod != NULL)
         ret = run_mod(mod, filename, globals, locals, flags, arena);
@@ -1043,6 +1061,7 @@ PyRun_FileExFlags(FILE *fp, const char *filename_str, int start, PyObject *globa
     mod_ty mod;
     PyArena *arena = NULL;
     PyObject *filename;
+    int use_peg = _PyInterpreterState_GET()->config.use_peg;
     filename = PyUnicode_DecodeFSDefault(filename_str);
     if (filename == NULL)
@@ -1052,8 +1071,15 @@ PyRun_FileExFlags(FILE *fp, const char *filename_str, int start, PyObject *globa
     if (arena == NULL)
         goto exit;
-    mod = PyParser_ASTFromFileObject(fp, filename, NULL, start, 0, 0,
-                                     flags, NULL, arena);
+    if (use_peg) {
+        mod = PyPegen_ASTFromFileObject(fp, filename, start, NULL, NULL, NULL,
+                                        NULL, arena);
+    }
+    else {
+        mod = PyParser_ASTFromFileObject(fp, filename, NULL, start, 0, 0,
+                                         flags, NULL, arena);
+    }
     if (closeit)
     if (mod == NULL) {
@@ -1196,11 +1222,17 @@ Py_CompileStringObject(const char *str, PyObject *filename, int start,
     PyCodeObject *co;
     mod_ty mod;
+    int use_peg = _PyInterpreterState_GET()->config.use_peg;
     PyArena *arena = PyArena_New();
     if (arena == NULL)
         return NULL;
-    mod = PyParser_ASTFromStringObject(str, filename, start, flags, arena);
+    if (use_peg) {
+        mod = PyPegen_ASTFromStringObject(str, filename, start, flags, arena);
+    }
+    else {
+        mod = PyParser_ASTFromStringObject(str, filename, start, flags, arena);
+    }
     if (mod == NULL) {
         return NULL;
@@ -1297,13 +1329,19 @@ _Py_SymtableStringObjectFlags(const char *str, PyObject *filename, int start, Py
     struct symtable *st;
     mod_ty mod;
+    int use_peg = _PyInterpreterState_GET()->config.use_peg;
     PyArena *arena;
     arena = PyArena_New();
     if (arena == NULL)
         return NULL;
-    mod = PyParser_ASTFromStringObject(str, filename, start, flags, arena);
+    if (use_peg) {
+        mod = PyPegen_ASTFromStringObject(str, filename, start, flags, arena);
+    }
+    else {
+        mod = PyParser_ASTFromStringObject(str, filename, start, flags, arena);
+    }
     if (mod == NULL) {
         return NULL;
diff --git a/Python/sysmodule.c b/Python/sysmodule.c
index 92ea5e7d637b9..cf3ddff44d19e 100644
--- a/Python/sysmodule.c
+++ b/Python/sysmodule.c
@@ -2427,6 +2427,7 @@ static PyStructSequence_Field flags_fields[] = {
     {"inspect",                 "-i"},
     {"interactive",             "-i"},
     {"optimize",                "-O or -OO"},
+    {"use_peg",                 "-p old or -p new"},
     {"dont_write_bytecode",     "-B"},
     {"no_user_site",            "-s"},
     {"no_site",                 "-S"},
@@ -2447,7 +2448,7 @@ static PyStructSequence_Desc flags_desc = {
     "sys.flags",        /* name */
     flags__doc__,       /* doc */
     flags_fields,       /* fields */
-    15
+    16
 static PyObject*
@@ -2470,6 +2471,7 @@ make_flags(PyThreadState *tstate)
+    SetFlag(config->use_peg);
diff --git a/Tools/README b/Tools/README
index 6c5fb20818120..b6d0b18e5a5c2 100644
--- a/Tools/README
+++ b/Tools/README
@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ msi             Support for packaging Python as an MSI package on Windows.
 parser          Un-parsing tool to generate code from an AST.
+peg_generator   PEG-based parser generator (pegen) used for new parser.
 pynche          A Tkinter-based color editor.
 scripts         A number of useful single-file programs, e.g. tabnanny.py
diff --git a/Tools/peg_generator/.clang-format b/Tools/peg_generator/.clang-format
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..b2bb93dbd059b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/peg_generator/.clang-format
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# A clang-format style that approximates Python's PEP 7
+BasedOnStyle: Google
+AlwaysBreakAfterReturnType: All
+AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false
+AlignAfterOpenBracket: Align
+BreakBeforeBraces: Stroustrup
+ColumnLimit: 95
+DerivePointerAlignment: false
+IndentWidth: 4
+Language: Cpp
+PointerAlignment: Right
+ReflowComments: true
+SpaceBeforeParens: ControlStatements
+SpacesInParentheses: false
+TabWidth: 4
+UseTab: Never
+SortIncludes: false
diff --git a/Tools/peg_generator/.gitignore b/Tools/peg_generator/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..91c41f89e8cb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/peg_generator/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ at data
diff --git a/Tools/peg_generator/Makefile b/Tools/peg_generator/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..fb67a21b67b6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/peg_generator/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+UNAME_S := $(shell uname -s)
+ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Linux)
+	PYTHON ?= ../../python
+ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Darwin)
+	PYTHON ?= ../../python.exe
+CPYTHON ?= ../../Lib
+MYPY ?= mypy
+GRAMMAR = ../../Grammar/python.gram
+TESTFILE = data/cprog.py
+TIMEFILE = data/xxl.py
+TESTFLAGS = --short
+	$(PYTHON) -m zipfile -e data/xxl.zip data
+build: peg_extension/parse.c
+peg_extension/parse.c: $(GRAMMAR) pegen/*.py peg_extension/peg_extension.c ../../Parser/pegen/pegen.c ../../Parser/pegen/parse_string.c ../../Parser/pegen/*.h pegen/grammar_parser.py
+	$(PYTHON) -m pegen -q -c $(GRAMMAR) -o peg_extension/parse.c --compile-extension
+	-rm -f peg_extension/*.o peg_extension/*.so peg_extension/parse.c
+	-rm -f data/xxl.py
+dump: peg_extension/parse.c
+	cat -n $(TESTFILE)
+	$(PYTHON) -c "from peg_extension import parse; import ast; t = parse.parse_file('$(TESTFILE)', mode=1); print(ast.dump(t))"
+regen-metaparser: pegen/metagrammar.gram pegen/*.py
+	$(PYTHON) -m pegen -q -c pegen/metagrammar.gram -o pegen/grammar_parser.py
+# Note: These targets really depend on the generated shared object in peg_extension/parse.*.so but
+# this has different names in different systems so we are abusing the implicit dependency on
+# parse.c by the use of --compile-extension.
+.PHONY: test
+test: run
+run: peg_extension/parse.c
+	$(PYTHON) -c "from peg_extension import parse; t = parse.parse_file('$(TESTFILE)'); exec(t)"
+compile: peg_extension/parse.c
+	$(PYTHON) -c "from peg_extension import parse; t = parse.parse_file('$(TESTFILE)', mode=2)"
+parse: peg_extension/parse.c
+	$(PYTHON) -c "from peg_extension import parse; t = parse.parse_file('$(TESTFILE)', mode=1)"
+check: peg_extension/parse.c
+	$(PYTHON) -c "from peg_extension import parse; t = parse.parse_file('$(TESTFILE)', mode=0)"
+stats: peg_extension/parse.c data/xxl.py
+	$(PYTHON) -c "from peg_extension import parse; t = parse.parse_file('$(TIMEFILE)', mode=0); parse.dump_memo_stats()" >@data
+	$(PYTHON) scripts/joinstats.py @data
+time: time_compile
+time_compile: peg_extension/parse.c data/xxl.py
+	$(PYTHON) scripts/benchmark.py --parser=pegen --target=xxl compile
+time_parse: peg_extension/parse.c data/xxl.py
+	$(PYTHON) scripts/benchmark.py --parser=pegen --target=xxl parse
+time_check: peg_extension/parse.c data/xxl.py
+	$(PYTHON) scripts/benchmark.py --parser=pegen --target=xxl check
+time_stdlib: time_stdlib_compile
+time_stdlib_compile: data/xxl.py
+	$(PYTHON) scripts/benchmark.py --parser=cpython --target=xxl compile
+time_stdlib_parse: data/xxl.py
+	$(PYTHON) scripts/benchmark.py --parser=cpython --target=xxl parse
+	$(PYTHON) scripts/test_parse_directory.py \
+		-g $(GRAMMAR) \
+		-d $(TESTDIR) \
+		--exclude "*/failset/*" \
+		--exclude "*/failset/**" \
+		--exclude "*/failset/**/*"
+test_global: $(CPYTHON)
+	$(PYTHON) scripts/test_parse_directory.py \
+		-g $(GRAMMAR) \
+		-d $(CPYTHON) \
+		--exclude "*/test2to3/*" \
+		--exclude "*/test2to3/**/*" \
+		--exclude "*/bad*" \
+		--exclude "*/lib2to3/tests/data/*"
+mypy: regen-metaparser
+	$(MYPY)  # For list of files, see mypy.ini
+	black pegen scripts
+	$(PYTHON) scripts/benchmark.py --parser=pegen --target=stdlib check
+format: format-python
+	$(PYTHON) scripts/find_max_nesting.py
+tags: TAGS
+TAGS: pegen/*.py test/test_pegen.py
+	etags pegen/*.py test/test_pegen.py
diff --git a/Tools/peg_generator/data/cprog.py b/Tools/peg_generator/data/cprog.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..07b96f0753a98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/peg_generator/data/cprog.py
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+if 1:
+    print("Hello " + "world")
+    if 0:
+        print("then")
+        print("clause")
+    elif 1:
+        pass
+    elif 1:
+        pass
+    else: print("else-clause")
diff --git a/Tools/peg_generator/data/xxl.zip b/Tools/peg_generator/data/xxl.zip
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..5421408809b0d
Binary files /dev/null and b/Tools/peg_generator/data/xxl.zip differ
diff --git a/Tools/peg_generator/mypy.ini b/Tools/peg_generator/mypy.ini
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..80d5c057ca1a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/peg_generator/mypy.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+files = pegen, scripts
+follow_imports = error
+no_implicit_optional = True
+strict_optional = True
+#check_untyped_defs = True
+disallow_untyped_calls = True
+disallow_untyped_defs = True
+disallow_any_generics = true
+disallow_any_unimported = True
+disallow_incomplete_defs = True
+disallow_subclassing_any = True
+warn_unused_configs = True
+warn_unused_ignores = true
+warn_redundant_casts = true
+warn_no_return = True
+show_traceback = True
+show_error_codes = True
+strict_optional = False
diff --git a/Tools/peg_generator/peg_extension/peg_extension.c b/Tools/peg_generator/peg_extension/peg_extension.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..d8d36a0a1a5b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/peg_generator/peg_extension/peg_extension.c
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+#include "pegen.h"
+PyObject *
+_build_return_object(mod_ty module, int mode, PyObject *filename_ob, PyArena *arena)
+    PyObject *result = NULL;
+    if (mode == 2) {
+        result = (PyObject *)PyAST_CompileObject(module, filename_ob, NULL, -1, arena);
+    } else if (mode == 1) {
+        result = PyAST_mod2obj(module);
+    } else {
+        result = Py_None;
+        Py_INCREF(result);
+    }
+    return result;
+static PyObject *
+parse_file(PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+    static char *keywords[] = {"file", "mode", NULL};
+    const char *filename;
+    int mode = 2;
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "s|i", keywords, &filename, &mode)) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    if (mode < 0 || mode > 2) {
+        return PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "Bad mode, must be 0 <= mode <= 2");
+    }
+    PyArena *arena = PyArena_New();
+    if (arena == NULL) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    PyObject *result = NULL;
+    PyObject *filename_ob = PyUnicode_FromString(filename);
+    if (filename_ob == NULL) {
+        goto error;
+    }
+    mod_ty res = _PyPegen_run_parser_from_file(filename, Py_file_input, filename_ob, arena);
+    if (res == NULL) {
+        goto error;
+    }
+    result = _build_return_object(res, mode, filename_ob, arena);
+    Py_XDECREF(filename_ob);
+    PyArena_Free(arena);
+    return result;
+static PyObject *
+parse_string(PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+    static char *keywords[] = {"str", "mode", NULL};
+    const char *the_string;
+    int mode = 2;
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "s|i", keywords, &the_string, &mode)) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    if (mode < 0 || mode > 2) {
+        return PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "Bad mode, must be 0 <= mode <= 2");
+    }
+    PyArena *arena = PyArena_New();
+    if (arena == NULL) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    PyObject *result = NULL;
+    PyObject *filename_ob = PyUnicode_FromString("<string>");
+    if (filename_ob == NULL) {
+        goto error;
+    }
+    mod_ty res = _PyPegen_run_parser_from_string(the_string, Py_file_input, filename_ob,
+                                        PyCF_IGNORE_COOKIE, arena);
+    if (res == NULL) {
+        goto error;
+    }
+    result = _build_return_object(res, mode, filename_ob, arena);
+    Py_XDECREF(filename_ob);
+    PyArena_Free(arena);
+    return result;
+static PyObject *
+    _PyPegen_clear_memo_statistics();
+static PyObject *
+    return _PyPegen_get_memo_statistics();
+// TODO: Write to Python's sys.stdout instead of C's stdout.
+static PyObject *
+    PyObject *list = _PyPegen_get_memo_statistics();
+    if (list == NULL) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    Py_ssize_t len = PyList_Size(list);
+    for (Py_ssize_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+        PyObject *value = PyList_GetItem(list, i);  // Borrowed reference.
+        long count = PyLong_AsLong(value);
+        if (count < 0) {
+            break;
+        }
+        if (count > 0) {
+            printf("%4ld %9ld\n", i, count);
+        }
+    }
+    Py_DECREF(list);
+static PyMethodDef ParseMethods[] = {
+    {"parse_file", (PyCFunction)(void(*)(void))parse_file, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Parse a file."},
+    {"parse_string", (PyCFunction)(void(*)(void))parse_string, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Parse a string."},
+    {"clear_memo_stats", clear_memo_stats, METH_NOARGS},
+    {"dump_memo_stats", dump_memo_stats, METH_NOARGS},
+    {"get_memo_stats", get_memo_stats, METH_NOARGS},
+    {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL}        /* Sentinel */
+static struct PyModuleDef parsemodule = {
+    PyModuleDef_HEAD_INIT,
+    .m_name = "parse",
+    .m_doc = "A parser.",
+    .m_methods = ParseMethods,
+    return PyModule_Create(&parsemodule);
diff --git a/Tools/peg_generator/pegen/__init__.py b/Tools/peg_generator/pegen/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d
diff --git a/Tools/peg_generator/pegen/__main__.py b/Tools/peg_generator/pegen/__main__.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000..874b307ab5c18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/peg_generator/pegen/__main__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3.8
+"""pegen -- PEG Generator.
+Search the web for PEG Parsers for reference.
+import argparse
+import sys
+import time
+import token
+import traceback
+from typing import Final
+from pegen.build import build_parser_and_generator
+from pegen.testutil import print_memstats
+argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+    prog="pegen", description="Experimental PEG-like parser generator"
+argparser.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", action="store_true", help="Don't print the parsed grammar")
+    "-v",
+    "--verbose",
+    action="count",
+    default=0,
+    help="Print timing stats; repeat for more debug output",
+    "-c", "--cpython", action="store_true", help="Generate C code for inclusion into CPython"
+    "--compile-extension",
+    action="store_true",
+    help="Compile generated C code into an extension module",
+    "-o",
+    "--output",
+    metavar="OUT",
+    help="Where to write the generated parser (default parse.py or parse.c)",
+argparser.add_argument("filename", help="Grammar description")
+    "--optimized", action="store_true", help="Compile the extension in optimized mode"
+    "--skip-actions", action="store_true", help="Suppress code emission for rule actions",
+def main() -> None:
+    args = argparser.parse_args()
+    verbose = args.verbose
+    verbose_tokenizer = verbose >= 3
+    verbose_parser = verbose == 2 or verbose >= 4
+    t0 = time.time()
+    output_file = args.output
+    if not output_file:
+        if args.cpython:
+            output_file = "parse.c"
+        else:
+            output_file = "parse.py"
+    try:
+        grammar, parser, tokenizer, gen = build_parser_and_generator(
+            args.filename,
+            output_file,
+            args.compile_extension,
+            verbose_tokenizer,
+            verbose_parser,
+            args.verbose,
+            keep_asserts_in_extension=False if args.optimized else True,
+            skip_actions=args.skip_actions,
+        )
+    except Exception as err:
+        if args.verbose:
+            raise  # Show traceback
+        traceback.print_exception(err.__class__, err, None)
+        sys.stderr.write("For full traceback, use -v\n")
+        sys.exit(1)
+    if not args.quiet:
+        if args.verbose:
+            print("Raw Grammar:")
+            for line in repr(grammar).splitlines():
+                print(" ", line)
+        print("Clean Grammar:")
+        for line in str(grammar).splitlines():
+            print(" ", line)
+    if args.verbose:
+        print("First Graph:")
+        for src, dsts in gen.first_graph.items():
+            print(f"  {src} -> {', '.join(dsts)}")
+        print("First SCCS:")
+        for scc in gen.first_sccs:
+            print(" ", scc, end="")
+            if len(scc) > 1:
+                print(
+                    "  # Indirectly left-recursive; leaders:",
+                    {name for name in scc if grammar.rules[name].leader},
+                )
+            else:
+                name = next(iter(scc))
+                if name in gen.first_graph[name]:
+                    print("  # Left-recursive")
+                else:
+                    print()
+    t1 = time.time()
+    if args.verbose:
+        dt = t1 - t0
+        diag = tokenizer.diagnose()
+        nlines = diag.end[0]
+        if diag.type == token.ENDMARKER:
+            nlines -= 1
+        print(f"Total time: {dt:.3f} sec; {nlines} lines", end="")
+        if dt:
+            print(f"; {nlines / dt:.0f} lines/sec")
+        else:
+            print()
+        print("Caches sizes:")
+        print(f"  token array : {len(tokenizer._tokens):10}")
+        print(f"        cache : {len(parser._cache):10}")
+        if not print_memstats():
+            print("(Can't find psutil; install it for memory stats.)")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()
diff --git a/Tools/peg_generator/pegen/build.py b/Tools/peg_generator/pegen/build.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..623b4aeb66069
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/peg_generator/pegen/build.py
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+import pathlib
+import shutil
+import tokenize
+from typing import Optional, Tuple
+import distutils.log
+from distutils.core import Distribution, Extension
+from distutils.command.clean import clean  # type: ignore
+from distutils.command.build_ext import build_ext  # type: ignore
+from pegen.c_generator import CParserGenerator
+from pegen.grammar import Grammar
+from pegen.grammar_parser import GeneratedParser as GrammarParser
+from pegen.parser import Parser
+from pegen.parser_generator import ParserGenerator
+from pegen.python_generator import PythonParserGenerator
+from pegen.tokenizer import Tokenizer
+MOD_DIR = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent
+def compile_c_extension(
+    generated_source_path: str,
+    build_dir: Optional[str] = None,
+    verbose: bool = False,
+    keep_asserts: bool = True,
+) -> str:
+    """Compile the generated source for a parser generator into an extension module.
+    The extension module will be generated in the same directory as the provided path
+    for the generated source, with the same basename (in addition to extension module
+    metadata). For example, for the source mydir/parser.c the generated extension
+    in a darwin system with python 3.8 will be mydir/parser.cpython-38-darwin.so.
+    If *build_dir* is provided, that path will be used as the temporary build directory
+    of distutils (this is useful in case you want to use a temporary directory).
+    """
+    if verbose:
+        distutils.log.set_verbosity(distutils.log.DEBUG)
+    source_file_path = pathlib.Path(generated_source_path)
+    extension_name = source_file_path.stem
+    extra_compile_args = []
+    if keep_asserts:
+        extra_compile_args.append("-UNDEBUG")
+    extension = [
+        Extension(
+            extension_name,
+            sources=[
+                str(MOD_DIR.parent.parent.parent / "Python" / "Python-ast.c"),
+                str(MOD_DIR.parent.parent.parent / "Python" / "asdl.c"),
+                str(MOD_DIR.parent.parent.parent / "Parser" / "tokenizer.c"),
+                str(MOD_DIR.parent.parent.parent / "Parser" / "pegen" / "pegen.c"),
+                str(MOD_DIR.parent.parent.parent / "Parser" / "pegen" / "parse_string.c"),
+                str(MOD_DIR.parent / "peg_extension" / "peg_extension.c"),
+                generated_source_path,
+            ],
+            include_dirs=[
+                str(MOD_DIR.parent.parent.parent / "Include" / "internal"),
+                str(MOD_DIR.parent.parent.parent / "Parser"),
+                str(MOD_DIR.parent.parent.parent / "Parser" / "pegen"),
+            ],
+            extra_compile_args=extra_compile_args,
+        )
+    ]
+    dist = Distribution({"name": extension_name, "ext_modules": extension})
+    cmd = build_ext(dist)
+    cmd.inplace = True
+    if build_dir:
+        cmd.build_temp = build_dir
+    cmd.ensure_finalized()
+    cmd.run()
+    extension_path = source_file_path.parent / cmd.get_ext_filename(extension_name)
+    shutil.move(cmd.get_ext_fullpath(extension_name), extension_path)
+    cmd = clean(dist)
+    cmd.finalize_options()
+    cmd.run()
+    return extension_path
+def build_parser(
+    grammar_file: str, verbose_tokenizer: bool = False, verbose_parser: bool = False
+) -> Tuple[Grammar, Parser, Tokenizer]:
+    with open(grammar_file) as file:
+        tokenizer = Tokenizer(tokenize.generate_tokens(file.readline), verbose=verbose_tokenizer)
+        parser = GrammarParser(tokenizer, verbose=verbose_parser)
+        grammar = parser.start()
+        if not grammar:
+            raise parser.make_syntax_error(grammar_file)
+    return grammar, parser, tokenizer
+def build_generator(
+    tokenizer: Tokenizer,
+    grammar: Grammar,
+    grammar_file: str,
+    output_file: str,
+    compile_extension: bool = False,
+    verbose_c_extension: bool = False,
+    keep_asserts_in_extension: bool = True,
+    skip_actions: bool = False,
+) -> ParserGenerator:
+    # TODO: Allow other extensions; pass the output type as an argument.
+    if not output_file.endswith((".c", ".py")):
+        raise RuntimeError("Your output file must either be a .c or .py file")
+    with open(output_file, "w") as file:
+        gen: ParserGenerator
+        if output_file.endswith(".c"):
+            gen = CParserGenerator(grammar, file, skip_actions=skip_actions)
+        elif output_file.endswith(".py"):
+            gen = PythonParserGenerator(grammar, file)  # TODO: skip_actions
+        else:
+            assert False  # Should have been checked above
+        gen.generate(grammar_file)
+    if compile_extension and output_file.endswith(".c"):
+        compile_c_extension(
+            output_file, verbose=verbose_c_extension, keep_asserts=keep_asserts_in_extension
+        )
+    return gen
+def build_parser_and_generator(
+    grammar_file: str,
+    output_file: str,
+    compile_extension: bool = False,
+    verbose_tokenizer: bool = False,
+    verbose_parser: bool = False,
+    verbose_c_extension: bool = False,
+    keep_asserts_in_extension: bool = True,
+    skip_actions: bool = False,
+) -> Tuple[Grammar, Parser, Tokenizer, ParserGenerator]:
+    """Generate rules, parser, tokenizer, parser generator for a given grammar
+    Args:
+        grammar_file (string): Path for the grammar file
+        output_file (string): Path for the output file
+        compile_extension (bool, optional): Whether to compile the C extension.
+          Defaults to False.
+        verbose_tokenizer (bool, optional): Whether to display additional output
+          when generating the tokenizer. Defaults to False.
+        verbose_parser (bool, optional): Whether to display additional output
+          when generating the parser. Defaults to False.
+        verbose_c_extension (bool, optional): Whether to display additional
+          output when compiling the C extension . Defaults to False.
+        keep_asserts_in_extension (bool, optional): Whether to keep the assert statements
+          when compiling the extension module. Defaults to True.
+        skip_actions (bool, optional): Whether to pretend no rule has any actions.
+    """
+    grammar, parser, tokenizer = build_parser(grammar_file, verbose_tokenizer, verbose_parser)
+    gen = build_generator(
+        tokenizer,
+        grammar,
+        grammar_file,
+        output_file,
+        compile_extension,
+        verbose_c_extension,
+        keep_asserts_in_extension,
+        skip_actions=skip_actions,
+    )
+    return grammar, parser, tokenizer, gen
diff --git a/Tools/peg_generator/pegen/c_generator.py b/Tools/peg_generator/pegen/c_generator.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..ce732a09f096b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/peg_generator/pegen/c_generator.py
@@ -0,0 +1,605 @@
+import ast
+import re
+from typing import Any, cast, Dict, IO, Optional, List, Text, Tuple
+from pegen.grammar import (
+    Cut,
+    GrammarVisitor,
+    Rhs,
+    Alt,
+    NamedItem,
+    NameLeaf,
+    StringLeaf,
+    Lookahead,
+    PositiveLookahead,
+    NegativeLookahead,
+    Opt,
+    Repeat0,
+    Repeat1,
+    Gather,
+    Group,
+    Rule,
+from pegen import grammar
+from pegen.parser_generator import dedupe, ParserGenerator
+from pegen.tokenizer import exact_token_types
+#include "pegen.h"
+void *
+_PyPegen_parse(Parser *p)
+    // Initialize keywords
+    p->keywords = reserved_keywords;
+    p->n_keyword_lists = n_keyword_lists;
+    return start_rule(p);
+class CCallMakerVisitor(GrammarVisitor):
+    def __init__(self, parser_generator: ParserGenerator):
+        self.gen = parser_generator
+        self.cache: Dict[Any, Any] = {}
+        self.keyword_cache: Dict[str, int] = {}
+    def keyword_helper(self, keyword: str) -> Tuple[str, str]:
+        if keyword not in self.keyword_cache:
+            self.keyword_cache[keyword] = self.gen.keyword_type()
+        return "keyword", f"_PyPegen_expect_token(p, {self.keyword_cache[keyword]})"
+    def visit_NameLeaf(self, node: NameLeaf) -> Tuple[str, str]:
+        name = node.value
+        if name in ("NAME", "NUMBER", "STRING"):
+            name = name.lower()
+            return f"{name}_var", f"_PyPegen_{name}_token(p)"
+        if name in ("NEWLINE", "DEDENT", "INDENT", "ENDMARKER", "ASYNC", "AWAIT"):
+            name = name.lower()
+            return f"{name}_var", f"_PyPegen_{name}_token(p)"
+        return f"{name}_var", f"{name}_rule(p)"
+    def visit_StringLeaf(self, node: StringLeaf) -> Tuple[str, str]:
+        val = ast.literal_eval(node.value)
+        if re.match(r"[a-zA-Z_]\w*\Z", val):  # This is a keyword
+            return self.keyword_helper(val)
+        else:
+            assert val in exact_token_types, f"{node.value} is not a known literal"
+            type = exact_token_types[val]
+            return "literal", f"_PyPegen_expect_token(p, {type})"
+    def visit_Rhs(self, node: Rhs) -> Tuple[Optional[str], str]:
+        if node in self.cache:
+            return self.cache[node]
+        if len(node.alts) == 1 and len(node.alts[0].items) == 1:
+            self.cache[node] = self.visit(node.alts[0].items[0])
+        else:
+            name = self.gen.name_node(node)
+            self.cache[node] = f"{name}_var", f"{name}_rule(p)"
+        return self.cache[node]
+    def visit_NamedItem(self, node: NamedItem) -> Tuple[Optional[str], str]:
+        name, call = self.visit(node.item)
+        if node.name:
+            name = node.name
+        return name, call
+    def lookahead_call_helper(self, node: Lookahead, positive: int) -> Tuple[None, str]:
+        name, call = self.visit(node.node)
+        func, args = call.split("(", 1)
+        assert args[-1] == ")"
+        args = args[:-1]
+        if not args.startswith("p,"):
+            return None, f"_PyPegen_lookahead({positive}, {func}, {args})"
+        elif args[2:].strip().isalnum():
+            return None, f"_PyPegen_lookahead_with_int({positive}, {func}, {args})"
+        else:
+            return None, f"_PyPegen_lookahead_with_string({positive}, {func}, {args})"
+    def visit_PositiveLookahead(self, node: PositiveLookahead) -> Tuple[None, str]:
+        return self.lookahead_call_helper(node, 1)
+    def visit_NegativeLookahead(self, node: NegativeLookahead) -> Tuple[None, str]:
+        return self.lookahead_call_helper(node, 0)
+    def visit_Opt(self, node: Opt) -> Tuple[str, str]:
+        name, call = self.visit(node.node)
+        return "opt_var", f"{call}, 1"  # Using comma operator!
+    def visit_Repeat0(self, node: Repeat0) -> Tuple[str, str]:
+        if node in self.cache:
+            return self.cache[node]
+        name = self.gen.name_loop(node.node, False)
+        self.cache[node] = f"{name}_var", f"{name}_rule(p)"
+        return self.cache[node]
+    def visit_Repeat1(self, node: Repeat1) -> Tuple[str, str]:
+        if node in self.cache:
+            return self.cache[node]
+        name = self.gen.name_loop(node.node, True)
+        self.cache[node] = f"{name}_var", f"{name}_rule(p)"
+        return self.cache[node]
+    def visit_Gather(self, node: Gather) -> Tuple[str, str]:
+        if node in self.cache:
+            return self.cache[node]
+        name = self.gen.name_gather(node)
+        self.cache[node] = f"{name}_var", f"{name}_rule(p)"
+        return self.cache[node]
+    def visit_Group(self, node: Group) -> Tuple[Optional[str], str]:
+        return self.visit(node.rhs)
+    def visit_Cut(self, node: Cut) -> Tuple[str, str]:
+        return "cut_var", "1"
+class CParserGenerator(ParserGenerator, GrammarVisitor):
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        grammar: grammar.Grammar,
+        file: Optional[IO[Text]],
+        debug: bool = False,
+        skip_actions: bool = False,
+    ):
+        super().__init__(grammar, file)
+        self.callmakervisitor: CCallMakerVisitor = CCallMakerVisitor(self)
+        self._varname_counter = 0
+        self.debug = debug
+        self.skip_actions = skip_actions
+    def unique_varname(self, name: str = "tmpvar") -> str:
+        new_var = name + "_" + str(self._varname_counter)
+        self._varname_counter += 1
+        return new_var
+    def call_with_errorcheck_return(self, call_text: str, returnval: str) -> None:
+        error_var = self.unique_varname()
+        self.print(f"int {error_var} = {call_text};")
+        self.print(f"if ({error_var}) {{")
+        with self.indent():
+            self.print(f"return {returnval};")
+        self.print(f"}}")
+    def call_with_errorcheck_goto(self, call_text: str, goto_target: str) -> None:
+        error_var = self.unique_varname()
+        self.print(f"int {error_var} = {call_text};")
+        self.print(f"if ({error_var}) {{")
+        with self.indent():
+            self.print(f"goto {goto_target};")
+        self.print(f"}}")
+    def out_of_memory_return(
+        self, expr: str, returnval: str, message: str = "Parser out of memory", cleanup_code=None
+    ) -> None:
+        self.print(f"if ({expr}) {{")
+        with self.indent():
+            self.print(f'PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "{message}");')
+            if cleanup_code is not None:
+                self.print(cleanup_code)
+            self.print(f"return {returnval};")
+        self.print(f"}}")
+    def out_of_memory_goto(
+        self, expr: str, goto_target: str, message: str = "Parser out of memory"
+    ) -> None:
+        self.print(f"if ({expr}) {{")
+        with self.indent():
+            self.print(f'PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "{message}");')
+            self.print(f"goto {goto_target};")
+        self.print(f"}}")
+    def generate(self, filename: str) -> None:
+        self.collect_todo()
+        self.print(f"// @generated by pegen.py from {filename}")
+        header = self.grammar.metas.get("header", EXTENSION_PREFIX)
+        if header:
+            self.print(header.rstrip("\n"))
+        subheader = self.grammar.metas.get("subheader", "")
+        if subheader:
+            self.print(subheader)
+        self._setup_keywords()
+        for i, (rulename, rule) in enumerate(self.todo.items(), 1000):
+            comment = "  // Left-recursive" if rule.left_recursive else ""
+            self.print(f"#define {rulename}_type {i}{comment}")
+        self.print()
+        for rulename, rule in self.todo.items():
+            if rule.is_loop() or rule.is_gather():
+                type = "asdl_seq *"
+            elif rule.type:
+                type = rule.type + " "
+            else:
+                type = "void *"
+            self.print(f"static {type}{rulename}_rule(Parser *p);")
+        self.print()
+        while self.todo:
+            for rulename, rule in list(self.todo.items()):
+                del self.todo[rulename]
+                self.print()
+                if rule.left_recursive:
+                    self.print("// Left-recursive")
+                self.visit(rule)
+        if self.skip_actions:
+            mode = 0
+        else:
+            mode = int(self.rules["start"].type == "mod_ty") if "start" in self.rules else 1
+            if mode == 1 and self.grammar.metas.get("bytecode"):
+                mode += 1
+        modulename = self.grammar.metas.get("modulename", "parse")
+        trailer = self.grammar.metas.get("trailer", EXTENSION_SUFFIX)
+        keyword_cache = self.callmakervisitor.keyword_cache
+        if trailer:
+            self.print(trailer.rstrip("\n") % dict(mode=mode, modulename=modulename))
+    def _group_keywords_by_length(self) -> Dict[int, List[Tuple[str, int]]]:
+        groups: Dict[int, List[Tuple[str, int]]] = {}
+        for keyword_str, keyword_type in self.callmakervisitor.keyword_cache.items():
+            length = len(keyword_str)
+            if length in groups:
+                groups[length].append((keyword_str, keyword_type))
+            else:
+                groups[length] = [(keyword_str, keyword_type)]
+        return groups
+    def _setup_keywords(self) -> None:
+        keyword_cache = self.callmakervisitor.keyword_cache
+        n_keyword_lists = (
+            len(max(keyword_cache.keys(), key=len)) + 1 if len(keyword_cache) > 0 else 0
+        )
+        self.print(f"static const int n_keyword_lists = {n_keyword_lists};")
+        groups = self._group_keywords_by_length()
+        self.print("static KeywordToken *reserved_keywords[] = {")
+        with self.indent():
+            num_groups = max(groups) + 1 if groups else 1
+            for keywords_length in range(num_groups):
+                if keywords_length not in groups.keys():
+                    self.print("NULL,")
+                else:
+                    self.print("(KeywordToken[]) {")
+                    with self.indent():
+                        for keyword_str, keyword_type in groups[keywords_length]:
+                            self.print(f'{{"{keyword_str}", {keyword_type}}},')
+                        self.print("{NULL, -1},")
+                    self.print("},")
+        self.print("};")
+    def _set_up_token_start_metadata_extraction(self) -> None:
+        self.print("if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {")
+        with self.indent():
+            self.print("p->error_indicator = 1;")
+            self.print("return NULL;")
+        self.print("}")
+        self.print("int start_lineno = p->tokens[mark]->lineno;")
+        self.print("UNUSED(start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro")
+        self.print("int start_col_offset = p->tokens[mark]->col_offset;")
+        self.print("UNUSED(start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro")
+    def _set_up_token_end_metadata_extraction(self) -> None:
+        self.print("Token *token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);")
+        self.print("if (token == NULL) {")
+        with self.indent():
+            self.print("return NULL;")
+        self.print("}")
+        self.print(f"int end_lineno = token->end_lineno;")
+        self.print("UNUSED(end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro")
+        self.print(f"int end_col_offset = token->end_col_offset;")
+        self.print("UNUSED(end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro")
+    def _set_up_rule_memoization(self, node: Rule, result_type: str) -> None:
+        self.print("{")
+        with self.indent():
+            self.print(f"{result_type} res = NULL;")
+            self.print(f"if (_PyPegen_is_memoized(p, {node.name}_type, &res))")
+            with self.indent():
+                self.print("return res;")
+            self.print("int mark = p->mark;")
+            self.print("int resmark = p->mark;")
+            self.print("while (1) {")
+            with self.indent():
+                self.call_with_errorcheck_return(
+                    f"_PyPegen_update_memo(p, mark, {node.name}_type, res)", "res"
+                )
+                self.print("p->mark = mark;")
+                self.print(f"void *raw = {node.name}_raw(p);")
+                self.print("if (raw == NULL || p->mark <= resmark)")
+                with self.indent():
+                    self.print("break;")
+                self.print("resmark = p->mark;")
+                self.print("res = raw;")
+            self.print("}")
+            self.print("p->mark = resmark;")
+            self.print("return res;")
+        self.print("}")
+        self.print(f"static {result_type}")
+        self.print(f"{node.name}_raw(Parser *p)")
+    def _should_memoize(self, node: Rule) -> bool:
+        return node.memo and not node.left_recursive
+    def _handle_default_rule_body(self, node: Rule, rhs: Rhs, result_type: str) -> None:
+        memoize = self._should_memoize(node)
+        with self.indent():
+            self.print("if (p->error_indicator) {")
+            with self.indent():
+                self.print("return NULL;")
+            self.print("}")
+            self.print(f"{result_type} res = NULL;")
+            if memoize:
+                self.print(f"if (_PyPegen_is_memoized(p, {node.name}_type, &res))")
+                with self.indent():
+                    self.print("return res;")
+            self.print("int mark = p->mark;")
+            if any(alt.action and "EXTRA" in alt.action for alt in rhs.alts):
+                self._set_up_token_start_metadata_extraction()
+            self.visit(
+                rhs,
+                is_loop=False,
+                is_gather=node.is_gather(),
+                rulename=node.name if memoize else None,
+            )
+            if self.debug:
+                self.print(f'fprintf(stderr, "Fail at %d: {node.name}\\n", p->mark);')
+            self.print("res = NULL;")
+        self.print("  done:")
+        with self.indent():
+            if memoize:
+                self.print(f"_PyPegen_insert_memo(p, mark, {node.name}_type, res);")
+            self.print("return res;")
+    def _handle_loop_rule_body(self, node: Rule, rhs: Rhs) -> None:
+        memoize = self._should_memoize(node)
+        is_repeat1 = node.name.startswith("_loop1")
+        with self.indent():
+            self.print("if (p->error_indicator) {")
+            with self.indent():
+                self.print("return NULL;")
+            self.print("}")
+            self.print(f"void *res = NULL;")
+            if memoize:
+                self.print(f"if (_PyPegen_is_memoized(p, {node.name}_type, &res))")
+                with self.indent():
+                    self.print("return res;")
+            self.print("int mark = p->mark;")
+            self.print("int start_mark = p->mark;")
+            self.print("void **children = PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(void *));")
+            self.out_of_memory_return(f"!children", "NULL")
+            self.print("ssize_t children_capacity = 1;")
+            self.print("ssize_t n = 0;")
+            if any(alt.action and "EXTRA" in alt.action for alt in rhs.alts):
+                self._set_up_token_start_metadata_extraction()
+            self.visit(
+                rhs,
+                is_loop=True,
+                is_gather=node.is_gather(),
+                rulename=node.name if memoize else None,
+            )
+            if is_repeat1:
+                self.print("if (n == 0) {")
+                with self.indent():
+                    self.print("PyMem_Free(children);")
+                    self.print("return NULL;")
+                self.print("}")
+            self.print("asdl_seq *seq = _Py_asdl_seq_new(n, p->arena);")
+            self.out_of_memory_return(
+                f"!seq",
+                "NULL",
+                message=f"asdl_seq_new {node.name}",
+                cleanup_code="PyMem_Free(children);",
+            )
+            self.print("for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) asdl_seq_SET(seq, i, children[i]);")
+            self.print("PyMem_Free(children);")
+            if node.name:
+                self.print(f"_PyPegen_insert_memo(p, start_mark, {node.name}_type, seq);")
+            self.print("return seq;")
+    def visit_Rule(self, node: Rule) -> None:
+        is_loop = node.is_loop()
+        is_gather = node.is_gather()
+        rhs = node.flatten()
+        if is_loop or is_gather:
+            result_type = "asdl_seq *"
+        elif node.type:
+            result_type = node.type
+        else:
+            result_type = "void *"
+        for line in str(node).splitlines():
+            self.print(f"// {line}")
+        if node.left_recursive and node.leader:
+            self.print(f"static {result_type} {node.name}_raw(Parser *);")
+        self.print(f"static {result_type}")
+        self.print(f"{node.name}_rule(Parser *p)")
+        if node.left_recursive and node.leader:
+            self._set_up_rule_memoization(node, result_type)
+        self.print("{")
+        if is_loop:
+            self._handle_loop_rule_body(node, rhs)
+        else:
+            self._handle_default_rule_body(node, rhs, result_type)
+        self.print("}")
+    def visit_NamedItem(self, node: NamedItem, names: List[str]) -> None:
+        name, call = self.callmakervisitor.visit(node)
+        if not name:
+            self.print(call)
+        else:
+            name = dedupe(name, names)
+            self.print(f"({name} = {call})")
+    def visit_Rhs(
+        self, node: Rhs, is_loop: bool, is_gather: bool, rulename: Optional[str]
+    ) -> None:
+        if is_loop:
+            assert len(node.alts) == 1
+        for alt in node.alts:
+            self.visit(alt, is_loop=is_loop, is_gather=is_gather, rulename=rulename)
+    def join_conditions(self, keyword: str, node: Any, names: List[str]) -> None:
+        self.print(f"{keyword} (")
+        with self.indent():
+            first = True
+            for item in node.items:
+                if first:
+                    first = False
+                else:
+                    self.print("&&")
+                self.visit(item, names=names)
+        self.print(")")
+    def emit_action(self, node: Alt, cleanup_code=None) -> None:
+        self.print(f"res = {node.action};")
+        self.print("if (res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {")
+        with self.indent():
+            self.print("p->error_indicator = 1;")
+            if cleanup_code:
+                self.print(cleanup_code)
+            self.print("return NULL;")
+        self.print("}")
+        if self.debug:
+            self.print(
+                f'fprintf(stderr, "Hit with action [%d-%d]: %s\\n", mark, p->mark, "{node}");'
+            )
+    def emit_default_action(self, is_gather: bool, names: List[str], node: Alt) -> None:
+        if len(names) > 1:
+            if is_gather:
+                assert len(names) == 2
+                self.print(f"res = _PyPegen_seq_insert_in_front(p, {names[0]}, {names[1]});")
+            else:
+                if self.debug:
+                    self.print(
+                        f'fprintf(stderr, "Hit without action [%d:%d]: %s\\n", mark, p->mark, "{node}");'
+                    )
+                self.print(f"res = _PyPegen_dummy_name(p, {', '.join(names)});")
+        else:
+            if self.debug:
+                self.print(
+                    f'fprintf(stderr, "Hit with default action [%d:%d]: %s\\n", mark, p->mark, "{node}");'
+                )
+            self.print(f"res = {names[0]};")
+    def emit_dummy_action(self) -> None:
+        self.print(f"res = _PyPegen_dummy_name(p);")
+    def handle_alt_normal(self, node: Alt, is_gather: bool, names: List[str]) -> None:
+        self.join_conditions(keyword="if", node=node, names=names)
+        self.print("{")
+        # We have parsed successfully all the conditions for the option.
+        with self.indent():
+            # Prepare to emmit the rule action and do so
+            if node.action and "EXTRA" in node.action:
+                self._set_up_token_end_metadata_extraction()
+            if self.skip_actions:
+                self.emit_dummy_action()
+            elif node.action:
+                self.emit_action(node)
+            else:
+                self.emit_default_action(is_gather, names, node)
+            # As the current option has parsed correctly, do not continue with the rest.
+            self.print(f"goto done;")
+        self.print("}")
+    def handle_alt_loop(
+        self, node: Alt, is_gather: bool, rulename: Optional[str], names: List[str]
+    ) -> None:
+        # Condition of the main body of the alternative
+        self.join_conditions(keyword="while", node=node, names=names)
+        self.print("{")
+        # We have parsed successfully one item!
+        with self.indent():
+            # Prepare to emit the rule action and do so
+            if node.action and "EXTRA" in node.action:
+                self._set_up_token_end_metadata_extraction()
+            if self.skip_actions:
+                self.emit_dummy_action()
+            elif node.action:
+                self.emit_action(node, cleanup_code="PyMem_Free(children);")
+            else:
+                self.emit_default_action(is_gather, names, node)
+            # Add the result of rule to the temporary buffer of children. This buffer
+            # will populate later an asdl_seq with all elements to return.
+            self.print("if (n == children_capacity) {")
+            with self.indent():
+                self.print("children_capacity *= 2;")
+                self.print("children = PyMem_Realloc(children, children_capacity*sizeof(void *));")
+                self.out_of_memory_return(f"!children", "NULL", message=f"realloc {rulename}")
+            self.print("}")
+            self.print(f"children[n++] = res;")
+            self.print("mark = p->mark;")
+        self.print("}")
+    def visit_Alt(
+        self, node: Alt, is_loop: bool, is_gather: bool, rulename: Optional[str]
+    ) -> None:
+        self.print(f"{{ // {node}")
+        with self.indent():
+            # Prepare variable declarations for the alternative
+            vars = self.collect_vars(node)
+            for v, var_type in sorted(item for item in vars.items() if item[0] is not None):
+                if not var_type:
+                    var_type = "void *"
+                else:
+                    var_type += " "
+                if v == "cut_var":
+                    v += " = 0"  # cut_var must be initialized
+                self.print(f"{var_type}{v};")
+                if v == "opt_var":
+                    self.print("UNUSED(opt_var); // Silence compiler warnings")
+            names: List[str] = []
+            if is_loop:
+                self.handle_alt_loop(node, is_gather, rulename, names)
+            else:
+                self.handle_alt_normal(node, is_gather, names)
+            self.print("p->mark = mark;")
+            if "cut_var" in names:
+                self.print("if (cut_var) return NULL;")
+        self.print("}")
+    def collect_vars(self, node: Alt) -> Dict[str, Optional[str]]:
+        names: List[str] = []
+        types = {}
+        for item in node.items:
+            name, type = self.add_var(item, names)
+            types[name] = type
+        return types
+    def add_var(self, node: NamedItem, names: List[str]) -> Tuple[str, Optional[str]]:
+        name: str
+        call: str
+        name, call = self.callmakervisitor.visit(node.item)
+        type = None
+        if not name:
+            return name, type
+        if name.startswith("cut"):
+            return name, "int"
+        if name.endswith("_var"):
+            rulename = name[:-4]
+            rule = self.rules.get(rulename)
+            if rule is not None:
+                if rule.is_loop() or rule.is_gather():
+                    type = "asdl_seq *"
+                else:
+                    type = rule.type
+            elif name.startswith("_loop") or name.startswith("_gather"):
+                type = "asdl_seq *"
+            elif name in ("name_var", "string_var", "number_var"):
+                type = "expr_ty"
+        if node.name:
+            name = node.name
+        name = dedupe(name, names)
+        return name, type
diff --git a/Tools/peg_generator/pegen/first_sets.py b/Tools/peg_generator/pegen/first_sets.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000..da30eba99ce5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/peg_generator/pegen/first_sets.py
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3.8
+import argparse
+import collections
+import pprint
+import sys
+from typing import Optional, Set, Dict
+from pegen.build import build_parser
+from pegen.grammar import (
+    Alt,
+    Cut,
+    Gather,
+    Grammar,
+    GrammarVisitor,
+    Group,
+    Leaf,
+    Lookahead,
+    NamedItem,
+    NameLeaf,
+    NegativeLookahead,
+    Opt,
+    Repeat,
+    Repeat0,
+    Repeat1,
+    Rhs,
+    Rule,
+    StringLeaf,
+    PositiveLookahead,
+argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+    prog="calculate_first_sets", description="Calculate the first sets of a grammar",
+argparser.add_argument("grammar_file", help="The grammar file")
+class FirstSetCalculator(GrammarVisitor):
+    def __init__(self, rules: Dict[str, Rule]) -> None:
+        self.rules = rules
+        for rule in rules.values():
+            rule.nullable_visit(rules)
+        self.first_sets: Dict[str, Set[str]] = dict()
+        self.in_process: Set[str] = set()
+    def calculate(self) -> Dict[str, Set[str]]:
+        for name, rule in self.rules.items():
+            self.visit(rule)
+        return self.first_sets
+    def visit_Alt(self, item: Alt) -> Set[str]:
+        result: Set[str] = set()
+        to_remove: Set[str] = set()
+        for other in item.items:
+            new_terminals = self.visit(other)
+            if isinstance(other.item, NegativeLookahead):
+                to_remove |= new_terminals
+            result |= new_terminals
+            if to_remove:
+                result -= to_remove
+            # If the set of new terminals can start with the empty string,
+            # it means that the item is completelly nullable and we should
+            # also considering at least the next item in case the current
+            # one fails to parse.
+            if "" in new_terminals:
+                continue
+            if not isinstance(other.item, (Opt, NegativeLookahead, Repeat0)):
+                break
+        # Do not allow the empty string to propagate.
+        result.discard("")
+        return result
+    def visit_Cut(self, item: Cut) -> Set[str]:
+        return set()
+    def visit_Group(self, item: Group) -> Set[str]:
+        return self.visit(item.rhs)
+    def visit_PositiveLookahead(self, item: Lookahead) -> Set[str]:
+        return self.visit(item.node)
+    def visit_NegativeLookahead(self, item: NegativeLookahead) -> Set[str]:
+        return self.visit(item.node)
+    def visit_NamedItem(self, item: NamedItem) -> Set[str]:
+        return self.visit(item.item)
+    def visit_Opt(self, item: Opt) -> Set[str]:
+        return self.visit(item.node)
+    def visit_Gather(self, item: Gather) -> Set[str]:
+        return self.visit(item.node)
+    def visit_Repeat0(self, item: Repeat0) -> Set[str]:
+        return self.visit(item.node)
+    def visit_Repeat1(self, item: Repeat1) -> Set[str]:
+        return self.visit(item.node)
+    def visit_NameLeaf(self, item: NameLeaf) -> Set[str]:
+        if item.value not in self.rules:
+            return {item.value}
+        if item.value not in self.first_sets:
+            self.first_sets[item.value] = self.visit(self.rules[item.value])
+            return self.first_sets[item.value]
+        elif item.value in self.in_process:
+            return set()
+        return self.first_sets[item.value]
+    def visit_StringLeaf(self, item: StringLeaf) -> Set[str]:
+        return {item.value}
+    def visit_Rhs(self, item: Rhs) -> Set[str]:
+        result: Set[str] = set()
+        for alt in item.alts:
+            result |= self.visit(alt)
+        return result
+    def visit_Rule(self, item: Rule) -> Set[str]:
+        if item.name in self.in_process:
+            return set()
+        elif item.name not in self.first_sets:
+            self.in_process.add(item.name)
+            terminals = self.visit(item.rhs)
+            if item.nullable:
+                terminals.add("")
+            self.first_sets[item.name] = terminals
+            self.in_process.remove(item.name)
+        return self.first_sets[item.name]
+def main() -> None:
+    args = argparser.parse_args()
+    try:
+        grammar, parser, tokenizer = build_parser(args.grammar_file)
+    except Exception as err:
+        print("ERROR: Failed to parse grammar file", file=sys.stderr)
+        sys.exit(1)
+    firs_sets = FirstSetCalculator(grammar.rules).calculate()
+    pprint.pprint(firs_sets)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()
diff --git a/Tools/peg_generator/pegen/grammar.py b/Tools/peg_generator/pegen/grammar.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..67039d5a032ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/peg_generator/pegen/grammar.py
@@ -0,0 +1,470 @@
+from __future__ import annotations
+from abc import abstractmethod
+from typing import (
+    AbstractSet,
+    Any,
+    Callable,
+    Dict,
+    Iterable,
+    Iterator,
+    List,
+    Optional,
+    Set,
+    Tuple,
+    TypeVar,
+    Union,
+from pegen.parser import memoize, Parser
+    from pegen.parser_generator import ParserGenerator
+class GrammarError(Exception):
+    pass
+class GrammarVisitor:
+    def visit(self, node: Any, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any:
+        """Visit a node."""
+        method = "visit_" + node.__class__.__name__
+        visitor = getattr(self, method, self.generic_visit)
+        return visitor(node, *args, **kwargs)
+    def generic_visit(self, node: Iterable[Any], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
+        """Called if no explicit visitor function exists for a node."""
+        for value in node:
+            if isinstance(value, list):
+                for item in value:
+                    self.visit(item, *args, **kwargs)
+            else:
+                self.visit(value, *args, **kwargs)
+class Grammar:
+    def __init__(self, rules: Iterable[Rule], metas: Iterable[Tuple[str, Optional[str]]]):
+        self.rules = {rule.name: rule for rule in rules}
+        self.metas = dict(metas)
+    def __str__(self) -> str:
+        return "\n".join(str(rule) for name, rule in self.rules.items())
+    def __repr__(self) -> str:
+        lines = ["Grammar("]
+        lines.append("  [")
+        for rule in self.rules.values():
+            lines.append(f"    {repr(rule)},")
+        lines.append("  ],")
+        lines.append("  {repr(list(self.metas.items()))}")
+        lines.append(")")
+        return "\n".join(lines)
+    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Rule]:
+        yield from self.rules.values()
+# Global flag whether we want actions in __str__() -- default off.
+class Rule:
+    def __init__(self, name: str, type: Optional[str], rhs: Rhs, memo: Optional[object] = None):
+        self.name = name
+        self.type = type
+        self.rhs = rhs
+        self.memo = bool(memo)
+        self.visited = False
+        self.nullable = False
+        self.left_recursive = False
+        self.leader = False
+    def is_loop(self) -> bool:
+        return self.name.startswith("_loop")
+    def is_gather(self) -> bool:
+        return self.name.startswith("_gather")
+    def __str__(self) -> str:
+        if SIMPLE_STR or self.type is None:
+            res = f"{self.name}: {self.rhs}"
+        else:
+            res = f"{self.name}[{self.type}]: {self.rhs}"
+        if len(res) < 88:
+            return res
+        lines = [res.split(":")[0] + ":"]
+        lines += [f"    | {alt}" for alt in self.rhs.alts]
+        return "\n".join(lines)
+    def __repr__(self) -> str:
+        return f"Rule({self.name!r}, {self.type!r}, {self.rhs!r})"
+    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Rhs]:
+        yield self.rhs
+    def nullable_visit(self, rules: Dict[str, Rule]) -> bool:
+        if self.visited:
+            # A left-recursive rule is considered non-nullable.
+            return False
+        self.visited = True
+        self.nullable = self.rhs.nullable_visit(rules)
+        return self.nullable
+    def initial_names(self) -> AbstractSet[str]:
+        return self.rhs.initial_names()
+    def flatten(self) -> Rhs:
+        # If it's a single parenthesized group, flatten it.
+        rhs = self.rhs
+        if (
+            not self.is_loop()
+            and len(rhs.alts) == 1
+            and len(rhs.alts[0].items) == 1
+            and isinstance(rhs.alts[0].items[0].item, Group)
+        ):
+            rhs = rhs.alts[0].items[0].item.rhs
+        return rhs
+    def collect_todo(self, gen: ParserGenerator) -> None:
+        rhs = self.flatten()
+        rhs.collect_todo(gen)
+class Leaf:
+    def __init__(self, value: str):
+        self.value = value
+    def __str__(self) -> str:
+        return self.value
+    def __iter__(self) -> Iterable[str]:
+        if False:
+            yield
+    @abstractmethod
+    def nullable_visit(self, rules: Dict[str, Rule]) -> bool:
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    @abstractmethod
+    def initial_names(self) -> AbstractSet[str]:
+        raise NotImplementedError
+class NameLeaf(Leaf):
+    """The value is the name."""
+    def __str__(self) -> str:
+        if self.value == "ENDMARKER":
+            return "$"
+        return super().__str__()
+    def __repr__(self) -> str:
+        return f"NameLeaf({self.value!r})"
+    def nullable_visit(self, rules: Dict[str, Rule]) -> bool:
+        if self.value in rules:
+            return rules[self.value].nullable_visit(rules)
+        # Token or unknown; never empty.
+        return False
+    def initial_names(self) -> AbstractSet[str]:
+        return {self.value}
+class StringLeaf(Leaf):
+    """The value is a string literal, including quotes."""
+    def __repr__(self) -> str:
+        return f"StringLeaf({self.value!r})"
+    def nullable_visit(self, rules: Dict[str, Rule]) -> bool:
+        # The string token '' is considered empty.
+        return not self.value
+    def initial_names(self) -> AbstractSet[str]:
+        return set()
+class Rhs:
+    def __init__(self, alts: List[Alt]):
+        self.alts = alts
+        self.memo: Optional[Tuple[Optional[str], str]] = None
+    def __str__(self) -> str:
+        return " | ".join(str(alt) for alt in self.alts)
+    def __repr__(self) -> str:
+        return f"Rhs({self.alts!r})"
+    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[List[Alt]]:
+        yield self.alts
+    def nullable_visit(self, rules: Dict[str, Rule]) -> bool:
+        for alt in self.alts:
+            if alt.nullable_visit(rules):
+                return True
+        return False
+    def initial_names(self) -> AbstractSet[str]:
+        names: Set[str] = set()
+        for alt in self.alts:
+            names |= alt.initial_names()
+        return names
+    def collect_todo(self, gen: ParserGenerator) -> None:
+        for alt in self.alts:
+            alt.collect_todo(gen)
+class Alt:
+    def __init__(self, items: List[NamedItem], *, icut: int = -1, action: Optional[str] = None):
+        self.items = items
+        self.icut = icut
+        self.action = action
+    def __str__(self) -> str:
+        core = " ".join(str(item) for item in self.items)
+        if not SIMPLE_STR and self.action:
+            return f"{core} {{ {self.action} }}"
+        else:
+            return core
+    def __repr__(self) -> str:
+        args = [repr(self.items)]
+        if self.icut >= 0:
+            args.append(f"icut={self.icut}")
+        if self.action:
+            args.append(f"action={self.action!r}")
+        return f"Alt({', '.join(args)})"
+    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[List[NamedItem]]:
+        yield self.items
+    def nullable_visit(self, rules: Dict[str, Rule]) -> bool:
+        for item in self.items:
+            if not item.nullable_visit(rules):
+                return False
+        return True
+    def initial_names(self) -> AbstractSet[str]:
+        names: Set[str] = set()
+        for item in self.items:
+            names |= item.initial_names()
+            if not item.nullable:
+                break
+        return names
+    def collect_todo(self, gen: ParserGenerator) -> None:
+        for item in self.items:
+            item.collect_todo(gen)
+class NamedItem:
+    def __init__(self, name: Optional[str], item: Item):
+        self.name = name
+        self.item = item
+        self.nullable = False
+    def __str__(self) -> str:
+        if not SIMPLE_STR and self.name:
+            return f"{self.name}={self.item}"
+        else:
+            return str(self.item)
+    def __repr__(self) -> str:
+        return f"NamedItem({self.name!r}, {self.item!r})"
+    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Item]:
+        yield self.item
+    def nullable_visit(self, rules: Dict[str, Rule]) -> bool:
+        self.nullable = self.item.nullable_visit(rules)
+        return self.nullable
+    def initial_names(self) -> AbstractSet[str]:
+        return self.item.initial_names()
+    def collect_todo(self, gen: ParserGenerator) -> None:
+        gen.callmakervisitor.visit(self.item)
+class Lookahead:
+    def __init__(self, node: Plain, sign: str):
+        self.node = node
+        self.sign = sign
+    def __str__(self) -> str:
+        return f"{self.sign}{self.node}"
+    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Plain]:
+        yield self.node
+    def nullable_visit(self, rules: Dict[str, Rule]) -> bool:
+        return True
+    def initial_names(self) -> AbstractSet[str]:
+        return set()
+class PositiveLookahead(Lookahead):
+    def __init__(self, node: Plain):
+        super().__init__(node, "&")
+    def __repr__(self) -> str:
+        return f"PositiveLookahead({self.node!r})"
+class NegativeLookahead(Lookahead):
+    def __init__(self, node: Plain):
+        super().__init__(node, "!")
+    def __repr__(self) -> str:
+        return f"NegativeLookahead({self.node!r})"
+class Opt:
+    def __init__(self, node: Item):
+        self.node = node
+    def __str__(self) -> str:
+        s = str(self.node)
+        # TODO: Decide whether to use [X] or X? based on type of X
+        if " " in s:
+            return f"[{s}]"
+        else:
+            return f"{s}?"
+    def __repr__(self) -> str:
+        return f"Opt({self.node!r})"
+    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Item]:
+        yield self.node
+    def nullable_visit(self, rules: Dict[str, Rule]) -> bool:
+        return True
+    def initial_names(self) -> AbstractSet[str]:
+        return self.node.initial_names()
+class Repeat:
+    """Shared base class for x* and x+."""
+    def __init__(self, node: Plain):
+        self.node = node
+        self.memo: Optional[Tuple[Optional[str], str]] = None
+    @abstractmethod
+    def nullable_visit(self, rules: Dict[str, Rule]) -> bool:
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Plain]:
+        yield self.node
+    def initial_names(self) -> AbstractSet[str]:
+        return self.node.initial_names()
+class Repeat0(Repeat):
+    def __str__(self) -> str:
+        s = str(self.node)
+        # TODO: Decide whether to use (X)* or X* based on type of X
+        if " " in s:
+            return f"({s})*"
+        else:
+            return f"{s}*"
+    def __repr__(self) -> str:
+        return f"Repeat0({self.node!r})"
+    def nullable_visit(self, rules: Dict[str, Rule]) -> bool:
+        return True
+class Repeat1(Repeat):
+    def __str__(self) -> str:
+        s = str(self.node)
+        # TODO: Decide whether to use (X)+ or X+ based on type of X
+        if " " in s:
+            return f"({s})+"
+        else:
+            return f"{s}+"
+    def __repr__(self) -> str:
+        return f"Repeat1({self.node!r})"
+    def nullable_visit(self, rules: Dict[str, Rule]) -> bool:
+        return False
+class Gather(Repeat):
+    def __init__(self, separator: Plain, node: Plain):
+        self.separator = separator
+        self.node = node
+    def __str__(self) -> str:
+        return f"{self.separator!s}.{self.node!s}+"
+    def __repr__(self) -> str:
+        return f"Gather({self.separator!r}, {self.node!r})"
+    def nullable_visit(self, rules: Dict[str, Rule]) -> bool:
+        return False
+class Group:
+    def __init__(self, rhs: Rhs):
+        self.rhs = rhs
+    def __str__(self) -> str:
+        return f"({self.rhs})"
+    def __repr__(self) -> str:
+        return f"Group({self.rhs!r})"
+    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Rhs]:
+        yield self.rhs
+    def nullable_visit(self, rules: Dict[str, Rule]) -> bool:
+        return self.rhs.nullable_visit(rules)
+    def initial_names(self) -> AbstractSet[str]:
+        return self.rhs.initial_names()
+class Cut:
+    def __init__(self) -> None:
+        pass
+    def __repr__(self) -> str:
+        return f"Cut()"
+    def __str__(self) -> str:
+        return f"~"
+    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, str]]:
+        if False:
+            yield
+    def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
+        if not isinstance(other, Cut):
+            return NotImplemented
+        return True
+    def nullable_visit(self, rules: Dict[str, Rule]) -> bool:
+        return True
+    def initial_names(self) -> AbstractSet[str]:
+        return set()
+Plain = Union[Leaf, Group]
+Item = Union[Plain, Opt, Repeat, Lookahead, Rhs, Cut]
+RuleName = Tuple[str, str]
+MetaTuple = Tuple[str, Optional[str]]
+MetaList = List[MetaTuple]
+RuleList = List[Rule]
+NamedItemList = List[NamedItem]
+LookaheadOrCut = Union[Lookahead, Cut]
diff --git a/Tools/peg_generator/pegen/grammar_parser.py b/Tools/peg_generator/pegen/grammar_parser.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..0e206ee9cd5e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/peg_generator/pegen/grammar_parser.py
@@ -0,0 +1,677 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3.8
+# @generated by pegen from pegen/metagrammar.gram
+import ast
+import sys
+import tokenize
+from typing import Any, Optional
+from pegen.parser import memoize, memoize_left_rec, logger, Parser
+from ast import literal_eval
+from pegen.grammar import (
+    Alt,
+    Cut,
+    Gather,
+    Group,
+    Item,
+    Lookahead,
+    LookaheadOrCut,
+    MetaTuple,
+    MetaList,
+    NameLeaf,
+    NamedItem,
+    NamedItemList,
+    NegativeLookahead,
+    Opt,
+    Plain,
+    PositiveLookahead,
+    Repeat0,
+    Repeat1,
+    Rhs,
+    Rule,
+    RuleList,
+    RuleName,
+    Grammar,
+    StringLeaf,
+class GeneratedParser(Parser):
+    @memoize
+    def start(self) -> Optional[Grammar]:
+        # start: grammar $
+        mark = self.mark()
+        cut = False
+        if (
+            (grammar := self.grammar())
+            and
+            (endmarker := self.expect('ENDMARKER'))
+        ):
+            return grammar
+        self.reset(mark)
+        if cut: return None
+        return None
+    @memoize
+    def grammar(self) -> Optional[Grammar]:
+        # grammar: metas rules | rules
+        mark = self.mark()
+        cut = False
+        if (
+            (metas := self.metas())
+            and
+            (rules := self.rules())
+        ):
+            return Grammar ( rules , metas )
+        self.reset(mark)
+        if cut: return None
+        cut = False
+        if (
+            (rules := self.rules())
+        ):
+            return Grammar ( rules , [ ] )
+        self.reset(mark)
+        if cut: return None
+        return None
+    @memoize
+    def metas(self) -> Optional[MetaList]:
+        # metas: meta metas | meta
+        mark = self.mark()
+        cut = False
+        if (
+            (meta := self.meta())
+            and
+            (metas := self.metas())
+        ):
+            return [ meta ] + metas
+        self.reset(mark)
+        if cut: return None
+        cut = False
+        if (
+            (meta := self.meta())
+        ):
+            return [ meta ]
+        self.reset(mark)
+        if cut: return None
+        return None
+    @memoize
+    def meta(self) -> Optional[MetaTuple]:
+        mark = self.mark()
+        cut = False
+        if (
+            (literal := self.expect("@"))
+            and
+            (name := self.name())
+            and
+            (newline := self.expect('NEWLINE'))
+        ):
+            return ( name . string , None )
+        self.reset(mark)
+        if cut: return None
+        cut = False
+        if (
+            (literal := self.expect("@"))
+            and
+            (a := self.name())
+            and
+            (b := self.name())
+            and
+            (newline := self.expect('NEWLINE'))
+        ):
+            return ( a . string , b . string )
+        self.reset(mark)
+        if cut: return None
+        cut = False
+        if (
+            (literal := self.expect("@"))
+            and
+            (name := self.name())
+            and
+            (string := self.string())
+            and
+            (newline := self.expect('NEWLINE'))
+        ):
+            return ( name . string , literal_eval ( string . string ) )
+        self.reset(mark)
+        if cut: return None
+        return None
+    @memoize
+    def rules(self) -> Optional[RuleList]:
+        # rules: rule rules | rule
+        mark = self.mark()
+        cut = False
+        if (
+            (rule := self.rule())
+            and
+            (rules := self.rules())
+        ):
+            return [ rule ] + rules
+        self.reset(mark)
+        if cut: return None
+        cut = False
+        if (
+            (rule := self.rule())
+        ):
+            return [ rule ]
+        self.reset(mark)
+        if cut: return None
+        return None
+    @memoize
+    def rule(self) -> Optional[Rule]:
+        # rule: rulename memoflag? ":" alts NEWLINE INDENT more_alts DEDENT | rulename memoflag? ":" NEWLINE INDENT more_alts DEDENT | rulename memoflag? ":" alts NEWLINE
+        mark = self.mark()
+        cut = False
+        if (
+            (rulename := self.rulename())
+            and
+            (opt := self.memoflag(),)
+            and
+            (literal := self.expect(":"))
+            and
+            (alts := self.alts())
+            and
+            (newline := self.expect('NEWLINE'))
+            and
+            (indent := self.expect('INDENT'))
+            and
+            (more_alts := self.more_alts())
+            and
+            (dedent := self.expect('DEDENT'))
+        ):
+            return Rule ( rulename [ 0 ] , rulename [ 1 ] , Rhs ( alts . alts + more_alts . alts ) , memo = opt )
+        self.reset(mark)
+        if cut: return None
+        cut = False
+        if (
+            (rulename := self.rulename())
+            and
+            (opt := self.memoflag(),)
+            and
+            (literal := self.expect(":"))
+            and
+            (newline := self.expect('NEWLINE'))
+            and
+            (indent := self.expect('INDENT'))
+            and
+            (more_alts := self.more_alts())
+            and
+            (dedent := self.expect('DEDENT'))
+        ):
+            return Rule ( rulename [ 0 ] , rulename [ 1 ] , more_alts , memo = opt )
+        self.reset(mark)
+        if cut: return None
+        cut = False
+        if (
+            (rulename := self.rulename())
+            and
+            (opt := self.memoflag(),)
+            and
+            (literal := self.expect(":"))
+            and
+            (alts := self.alts())
+            and
+            (newline := self.expect('NEWLINE'))
+        ):
+            return Rule ( rulename [ 0 ] , rulename [ 1 ] , alts , memo = opt )
+        self.reset(mark)
+        if cut: return None
+        return None
+    @memoize
+    def rulename(self) -> Optional[RuleName]:
+        # rulename: NAME '[' NAME '*' ']' | NAME '[' NAME ']' | NAME
+        mark = self.mark()
+        cut = False
+        if (
+            (name := self.name())
+            and
+            (literal := self.expect('['))
+            and
+            (type := self.name())
+            and
+            (literal_1 := self.expect('*'))
+            and
+            (literal_2 := self.expect(']'))
+        ):
+            return ( name . string , type . string + "*" )
+        self.reset(mark)
+        if cut: return None
+        cut = False
+        if (
+            (name := self.name())
+            and
+            (literal := self.expect('['))
+            and
+            (type := self.name())
+            and
+            (literal_1 := self.expect(']'))
+        ):
+            return ( name . string , type . string )
+        self.reset(mark)
+        if cut: return None
+        cut = False
+        if (
+            (name := self.name())
+        ):
+            return ( name . string , None )
+        self.reset(mark)
+        if cut: return None
+        return None
+    @memoize
+    def memoflag(self) -> Optional[str]:
+        # memoflag: '(' 'memo' ')'
+        mark = self.mark()
+        cut = False
+        if (
+            (literal := self.expect('('))
+            and
+            (literal_1 := self.expect('memo'))
+            and
+            (literal_2 := self.expect(')'))
+        ):
+            return "memo"
+        self.reset(mark)
+        if cut: return None
+        return None
+    @memoize
+    def alts(self) -> Optional[Rhs]:
+        # alts: alt "|" alts | alt
+        mark = self.mark()
+        cut = False
+        if (
+            (alt := self.alt())
+            and
+            (literal := self.expect("|"))
+            and
+            (alts := self.alts())
+        ):
+            return Rhs ( [ alt ] + alts . alts )
+        self.reset(mark)
+        if cut: return None
+        cut = False
+        if (
+            (alt := self.alt())
+        ):
+            return Rhs ( [ alt ] )
+        self.reset(mark)
+        if cut: return None
+        return None
+    @memoize
+    def more_alts(self) -> Optional[Rhs]:
+        # more_alts: "|" alts NEWLINE more_alts | "|" alts NEWLINE
+        mark = self.mark()
+        cut = False
+        if (
+            (literal := self.expect("|"))
+            and
+            (alts := self.alts())
+            and
+            (newline := self.expect('NEWLINE'))
+            and
+            (more_alts := self.more_alts())
+        ):
+            return Rhs ( alts . alts + more_alts . alts )
+        self.reset(mark)
+        if cut: return None
+        cut = False
+        if (
+            (literal := self.expect("|"))
+            and
+            (alts := self.alts())
+            and
+            (newline := self.expect('NEWLINE'))
+        ):
+            return Rhs ( alts . alts )
+        self.reset(mark)
+        if cut: return None
+        return None
+    @memoize
+    def alt(self) -> Optional[Alt]:
+        # alt: items '$' action | items '$' | items action | items
+        mark = self.mark()
+        cut = False
+        if (
+            (items := self.items())
+            and
+            (literal := self.expect('$'))
+            and
+            (action := self.action())
+        ):
+            return Alt ( items + [ NamedItem ( None , NameLeaf ( 'ENDMARKER' ) ) ] , action = action )
+        self.reset(mark)
+        if cut: return None
+        cut = False
+        if (
+            (items := self.items())
+            and
+            (literal := self.expect('$'))
+        ):
+            return Alt ( items + [ NamedItem ( None , NameLeaf ( 'ENDMARKER' ) ) ] , action = None )
+        self.reset(mark)
+        if cut: return None
+        cut = False
+        if (
+            (items := self.items())
+            and
+            (action := self.action())
+        ):
+            return Alt ( items , action = action )
+        self.reset(mark)
+        if cut: return None
+        cut = False
+        if (
+            (items := self.items())
+        ):
+            return Alt ( items , action = None )
+        self.reset(mark)
+        if cut: return None
+        return None
+    @memoize
+    def items(self) -> Optional[NamedItemList]:
+        # items: named_item items | named_item
+        mark = self.mark()
+        cut = False
+        if (
+            (named_item := self.named_item())
+            and
+            (items := self.items())
+        ):
+            return [ named_item ] + items
+        self.reset(mark)
+        if cut: return None
+        cut = False
+        if (
+            (named_item := self.named_item())
+        ):
+            return [ named_item ]
+        self.reset(mark)
+        if cut: return None
+        return None
+    @memoize
+    def named_item(self) -> Optional[NamedItem]:
+        # named_item: NAME '=' ~ item | item | lookahead
+        mark = self.mark()
+        cut = False
+        if (
+            (name := self.name())
+            and
+            (literal := self.expect('='))
+            and
+            (cut := True)
+            and
+            (item := self.item())
+        ):
+            return NamedItem ( name . string , item )
+        self.reset(mark)
+        if cut: return None
+        cut = False
+        if (
+            (item := self.item())
+        ):
+            return NamedItem ( None , item )
+        self.reset(mark)
+        if cut: return None
+        cut = False
+        if (
+            (it := self.lookahead())
+        ):
+            return NamedItem ( None , it )
+        self.reset(mark)
+        if cut: return None
+        return None
+    @memoize
+    def lookahead(self) -> Optional[LookaheadOrCut]:
+        # lookahead: '&' ~ atom | '!' ~ atom | '~'
+        mark = self.mark()
+        cut = False
+        if (
+            (literal := self.expect('&'))
+            and
+            (cut := True)
+            and
+            (atom := self.atom())
+        ):
+            return PositiveLookahead ( atom )
+        self.reset(mark)
+        if cut: return None
+        cut = False
+        if (
+            (literal := self.expect('!'))
+            and
+            (cut := True)
+            and
+            (atom := self.atom())
+        ):
+            return NegativeLookahead ( atom )
+        self.reset(mark)
+        if cut: return None
+        cut = False
+        if (
+            (literal := self.expect('~'))
+        ):
+            return Cut ( )
+        self.reset(mark)
+        if cut: return None
+        return None
+    @memoize
+    def item(self) -> Optional[Item]:
+        # item: '[' ~ alts ']' | atom '?' | atom '*' | atom '+' | atom '.' atom '+' | atom
+        mark = self.mark()
+        cut = False
+        if (
+            (literal := self.expect('['))
+            and
+            (cut := True)
+            and
+            (alts := self.alts())
+            and
+            (literal_1 := self.expect(']'))
+        ):
+            return Opt ( alts )
+        self.reset(mark)
+        if cut: return None
+        cut = False
+        if (
+            (atom := self.atom())
+            and
+            (literal := self.expect('?'))
+        ):
+            return Opt ( atom )
+        self.reset(mark)
+        if cut: return None
+        cut = False
+        if (
+            (atom := self.atom())
+            and
+            (literal := self.expect('*'))
+        ):
+            return Repeat0 ( atom )
+        self.reset(mark)
+        if cut: return None
+        cut = False
+        if (
+            (atom := self.atom())
+            and
+            (literal := self.expect('+'))
+        ):
+            return Repeat1 ( atom )
+        self.reset(mark)
+        if cut: return None
+        cut = False
+        if (
+            (sep := self.atom())
+            and
+            (literal := self.expect('.'))
+            and
+            (node := self.atom())
+            and
+            (literal_1 := self.expect('+'))
+        ):
+            return Gather ( sep , node )
+        self.reset(mark)
+        if cut: return None
+        cut = False
+        if (
+            (atom := self.atom())
+        ):
+            return atom
+        self.reset(mark)
+        if cut: return None
+        return None
+    @memoize
+    def atom(self) -> Optional[Plain]:
+        # atom: '(' ~ alts ')' | NAME | STRING
+        mark = self.mark()
+        cut = False
+        if (
+            (literal := self.expect('('))
+            and
+            (cut := True)
+            and
+            (alts := self.alts())
+            and
+            (literal_1 := self.expect(')'))
+        ):
+            return Group ( alts )
+        self.reset(mark)
+        if cut: return None
+        cut = False
+        if (
+            (name := self.name())
+        ):
+            return NameLeaf ( name . string )
+        self.reset(mark)
+        if cut: return None
+        cut = False
+        if (
+            (string := self.string())
+        ):
+            return StringLeaf ( string . string )
+        self.reset(mark)
+        if cut: return None
+        return None
+    @memoize
+    def action(self) -> Optional[str]:
+        # action: "{" ~ target_atoms "}"
+        mark = self.mark()
+        cut = False
+        if (
+            (literal := self.expect("{"))
+            and
+            (cut := True)
+            and
+            (target_atoms := self.target_atoms())
+            and
+            (literal_1 := self.expect("}"))
+        ):
+            return target_atoms
+        self.reset(mark)
+        if cut: return None
+        return None
+    @memoize
+    def target_atoms(self) -> Optional[str]:
+        # target_atoms: target_atom target_atoms | target_atom
+        mark = self.mark()
+        cut = False
+        if (
+            (target_atom := self.target_atom())
+            and
+            (target_atoms := self.target_atoms())
+        ):
+            return target_atom + " " + target_atoms
+        self.reset(mark)
+        if cut: return None
+        cut = False
+        if (
+            (target_atom := self.target_atom())
+        ):
+            return target_atom
+        self.reset(mark)
+        if cut: return None
+        return None
+    @memoize
+    def target_atom(self) -> Optional[str]:
+        # target_atom: "{" ~ target_atoms "}" | NAME | NUMBER | STRING | "?" | ":" | !"}" OP
+        mark = self.mark()
+        cut = False
+        if (
+            (literal := self.expect("{"))
+            and
+            (cut := True)
+            and
+            (target_atoms := self.target_atoms())
+            and
+            (literal_1 := self.expect("}"))
+        ):
+            return "{" + target_atoms + "}"
+        self.reset(mark)
+        if cut: return None
+        cut = False
+        if (
+            (name := self.name())
+        ):
+            return name . string
+        self.reset(mark)
+        if cut: return None
+        cut = False
+        if (
+            (number := self.number())
+        ):
+            return number . string
+        self.reset(mark)
+        if cut: return None
+        cut = False
+        if (
+            (string := self.string())
+        ):
+            return string . string
+        self.reset(mark)
+        if cut: return None
+        cut = False
+        if (
+            (literal := self.expect("?"))
+        ):
+            return "?"
+        self.reset(mark)
+        if cut: return None
+        cut = False
+        if (
+            (literal := self.expect(":"))
+        ):
+            return ":"
+        self.reset(mark)
+        if cut: return None
+        cut = False
+        if (
+            self.negative_lookahead(self.expect, "}")
+            and
+            (op := self.op())
+        ):
+            return op . string
+        self.reset(mark)
+        if cut: return None
+        return None
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    from pegen.parser import simple_parser_main
+    simple_parser_main(GeneratedParser)
diff --git a/Tools/peg_generator/pegen/grammar_visualizer.py b/Tools/peg_generator/pegen/grammar_visualizer.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..b1d51d2cdb250
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/peg_generator/pegen/grammar_visualizer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+import argparse
+import sys
+from typing import Any, Iterator, Iterable, Callable
+from pegen.build import build_parser
+from pegen.grammar import Grammar, Rule
+argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+    prog="pegen", description="Pretty print the AST for a given PEG grammar"
+argparser.add_argument("filename", help="Grammar description")
+class ASTGrammarPrinter:
+    def children(self, node: Rule) -> Iterator[Any]:
+        for value in node:
+            if isinstance(value, list):
+                yield from value
+            else:
+                yield value
+    def name(self, node: Rule) -> str:
+        if not list(self.children(node)):
+            return repr(node)
+        return node.__class__.__name__
+    def print_grammar_ast(self, grammar: Grammar, printer: Callable[..., None] = print) -> None:
+        for rule in grammar.rules.values():
+            printer(self.print_nodes_recursively(rule))
+    def print_nodes_recursively(self, node: Rule, prefix: str = "", istail: bool = True) -> str:
+        children = list(self.children(node))
+        value = self.name(node)
+        line = prefix + ("└──" if istail else "├──") + value + "\n"
+        sufix = "   " if istail else "│  "
+        if not children:
+            return line
+        *children, last = children
+        for child in children:
+            line += self.print_nodes_recursively(child, prefix + sufix, False)
+        line += self.print_nodes_recursively(last, prefix + sufix, True)
+        return line
+def main() -> None:
+    args = argparser.parse_args()
+    try:
+        grammar, parser, tokenizer = build_parser(args.filename)
+    except Exception as err:
+        print("ERROR: Failed to parse grammar file", file=sys.stderr)
+        sys.exit(1)
+    visitor = ASTGrammarPrinter()
+    visitor.print_grammar_ast(grammar)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()
diff --git a/Tools/peg_generator/pegen/metagrammar.gram b/Tools/peg_generator/pegen/metagrammar.gram
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..f0c5ac3ab390f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/peg_generator/pegen/metagrammar.gram
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+ at subheader """\
+from ast import literal_eval
+from pegen.grammar import (
+    Alt,
+    Cut,
+    Gather,
+    Group,
+    Item,
+    Lookahead,
+    LookaheadOrCut,
+    MetaTuple,
+    MetaList,
+    NameLeaf,
+    NamedItem,
+    NamedItemList,
+    NegativeLookahead,
+    Opt,
+    Plain,
+    PositiveLookahead,
+    Repeat0,
+    Repeat1,
+    Rhs,
+    Rule,
+    RuleList,
+    RuleName,
+    Grammar,
+    StringLeaf,
+start[Grammar]: grammar ENDMARKER { grammar }
+    | metas rules { Grammar(rules, metas) }
+    | rules { Grammar(rules, []) }
+    | meta metas { [meta] + metas }
+    | meta { [meta] }
+    | "@" NAME NEWLINE { (name.string, None) }
+    | "@" a=NAME b=NAME NEWLINE { (a.string, b.string) }
+    | "@" NAME STRING NEWLINE { (name.string, literal_eval(string.string)) }
+    | rule rules { [rule] + rules }
+    | rule { [rule] }
+    | rulename memoflag? ":" alts NEWLINE INDENT more_alts DEDENT {
+          Rule(rulename[0], rulename[1], Rhs(alts.alts + more_alts.alts), memo=opt) }
+    | rulename memoflag? ":" NEWLINE INDENT more_alts DEDENT {
+          Rule(rulename[0], rulename[1], more_alts, memo=opt) }
+    | rulename memoflag? ":" alts NEWLINE { Rule(rulename[0], rulename[1], alts, memo=opt) }
+    | NAME '[' type=NAME '*' ']' { (name.string, type.string+"*") }
+    | NAME '[' type=NAME ']' { (name.string, type.string) }
+    | NAME { (name.string, None) }
+# In the future this may return something more complicated
+    | '(' 'memo' ')' { "memo" }
+    | alt "|" alts { Rhs([alt] + alts.alts)}
+    | alt { Rhs([alt]) }
+    | "|" alts NEWLINE more_alts { Rhs(alts.alts + more_alts.alts) }
+    | "|" alts NEWLINE { Rhs(alts.alts) }
+    | items '$' action { Alt(items + [NamedItem(None, NameLeaf('ENDMARKER'))], action=action) }
+    | items '$' { Alt(items + [NamedItem(None, NameLeaf('ENDMARKER'))], action=None) }
+    | items action { Alt(items, action=action) }
+    | items { Alt(items, action=None) }
+    | named_item items { [named_item] + items }
+    | named_item { [named_item] }
+    | NAME '=' ~ item {NamedItem(name.string, item)}
+    | item {NamedItem(None, item)}
+    | it=lookahead {NamedItem(None, it)}
+    | '&' ~ atom {PositiveLookahead(atom)}
+    | '!' ~ atom {NegativeLookahead(atom)}
+    | '~' {Cut()}
+    | '[' ~ alts ']' {Opt(alts)}
+    |  atom '?' {Opt(atom)}
+    |  atom '*' {Repeat0(atom)}
+    |  atom '+' {Repeat1(atom)}
+    |  sep=atom '.' node=atom '+' {Gather(sep, node)}
+    |  atom {atom}
+    | '(' ~ alts ')' {Group(alts)}
+    | NAME {NameLeaf(name.string) }
+    | STRING {StringLeaf(string.string)}
+# Mini-grammar for the actions
+action[str]: "{" ~ target_atoms "}" { target_atoms }
+    | target_atom target_atoms { target_atom + " " + target_atoms }
+    | target_atom { target_atom }
+    | "{" ~ target_atoms "}" { "{" + target_atoms + "}" }
+    | NAME { name.string }
+    | NUMBER { number.string }
+    | STRING { string.string }
+    | "?" { "?" }
+    | ":" { ":" }
+    | !"}" OP { op.string }
diff --git a/Tools/peg_generator/pegen/parser.py b/Tools/peg_generator/pegen/parser.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..16d954dce89f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/peg_generator/pegen/parser.py
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+import argparse
+import sys
+import time
+import token
+import tokenize
+import traceback
+from abc import abstractmethod
+from typing import Any, Callable, cast, Dict, Optional, Tuple, Type, TypeVar
+from pegen.tokenizer import exact_token_types
+from pegen.tokenizer import Mark
+from pegen.tokenizer import Tokenizer
+T = TypeVar("T")
+P = TypeVar("P", bound="Parser")
+F = TypeVar("F", bound=Callable[..., Any])
+def logger(method: F) -> F:
+    """For non-memoized functions that we want to be logged.
+    (In practice this is only non-leader left-recursive functions.)
+    """
+    method_name = method.__name__
+    def logger_wrapper(self: P, *args: object) -> T:
+        if not self._verbose:
+            return method(self, *args)
+        argsr = ",".join(repr(arg) for arg in args)
+        fill = "  " * self._level
+        print(f"{fill}{method_name}({argsr}) .... (looking at {self.showpeek()})")
+        self._level += 1
+        tree = method(self, *args)
+        self._level -= 1
+        print(f"{fill}... {method_name}({argsr}) --> {tree!s:.200}")
+        return tree
+    logger_wrapper.__wrapped__ = method  # type: ignore
+    return cast(F, logger_wrapper)
+def memoize(method: F) -> F:
+    """Memoize a symbol method."""
+    method_name = method.__name__
+    def memoize_wrapper(self: P, *args: object) -> T:
+        mark = self.mark()
+        key = mark, method_name, args
+        # Fast path: cache hit, and not verbose.
+        if key in self._cache and not self._verbose:
+            tree, endmark = self._cache[key]
+            self.reset(endmark)
+            return tree
+        # Slow path: no cache hit, or verbose.
+        verbose = self._verbose
+        argsr = ",".join(repr(arg) for arg in args)
+        fill = "  " * self._level
+        if key not in self._cache:
+            if verbose:
+                print(f"{fill}{method_name}({argsr}) ... (looking at {self.showpeek()})")
+            self._level += 1
+            tree = method(self, *args)
+            self._level -= 1
+            if verbose:
+                print(f"{fill}... {method_name}({argsr}) -> {tree!s:.200}")
+            endmark = self.mark()
+            self._cache[key] = tree, endmark
+        else:
+            tree, endmark = self._cache[key]
+            if verbose:
+                print(f"{fill}{method_name}({argsr}) -> {tree!s:.200}")
+            self.reset(endmark)
+        return tree
+    memoize_wrapper.__wrapped__ = method  # type: ignore
+    return cast(F, memoize_wrapper)
+def memoize_left_rec(method: Callable[[P], Optional[T]]) -> Callable[[P], Optional[T]]:
+    """Memoize a left-recursive symbol method."""
+    method_name = method.__name__
+    def memoize_left_rec_wrapper(self: P) -> Optional[T]:
+        mark = self.mark()
+        key = mark, method_name, ()
+        # Fast path: cache hit, and not verbose.
+        if key in self._cache and not self._verbose:
+            tree, endmark = self._cache[key]
+            self.reset(endmark)
+            return tree
+        # Slow path: no cache hit, or verbose.
+        verbose = self._verbose
+        fill = "  " * self._level
+        if key not in self._cache:
+            if verbose:
+                print(f"{fill}{method_name} ... (looking at {self.showpeek()})")
+            self._level += 1
+            # For left-recursive rules we manipulate the cache and
+            # loop until the rule shows no progress, then pick the
+            # previous result.  For an explanation why this works, see
+            # https://github.com/PhilippeSigaud/Pegged/wiki/Left-Recursion
+            # (But we use the memoization cache instead of a static
+            # variable; perhaps this is similar to a paper by Warth et al.
+            # (http://web.cs.ucla.edu/~todd/research/pub.php?id=pepm08).
+            # Prime the cache with a failure.
+            self._cache[key] = None, mark
+            lastresult, lastmark = None, mark
+            depth = 0
+            if verbose:
+                print(f"{fill}Recursive {method_name} at {mark} depth {depth}")
+            while True:
+                self.reset(mark)
+                result = method(self)
+                endmark = self.mark()
+                depth += 1
+                if verbose:
+                    print(
+                        f"{fill}Recursive {method_name} at {mark} depth {depth}: {result!s:.200} to {endmark}"
+                    )
+                if not result:
+                    if verbose:
+                        print(f"{fill}Fail with {lastresult!s:.200} to {lastmark}")
+                    break
+                if endmark <= lastmark:
+                    if verbose:
+                        print(f"{fill}Bailing with {lastresult!s:.200} to {lastmark}")
+                    break
+                self._cache[key] = lastresult, lastmark = result, endmark
+            self.reset(lastmark)
+            tree = lastresult
+            self._level -= 1
+            if verbose:
+                print(f"{fill}{method_name}() -> {tree!s:.200} [cached]")
+            if tree:
+                endmark = self.mark()
+            else:
+                endmark = mark
+                self.reset(endmark)
+            self._cache[key] = tree, endmark
+        else:
+            tree, endmark = self._cache[key]
+            if verbose:
+                print(f"{fill}{method_name}() -> {tree!s:.200} [fresh]")
+            if tree:
+                self.reset(endmark)
+        return tree
+    memoize_left_rec_wrapper.__wrapped__ = method  # type: ignore
+    return memoize_left_rec_wrapper
+class Parser:
+    """Parsing base class."""
+    def __init__(self, tokenizer: Tokenizer, *, verbose: bool = False):
+        self._tokenizer = tokenizer
+        self._verbose = verbose
+        self._level = 0
+        self._cache: Dict[Tuple[Mark, str, Tuple[Any, ...]], Tuple[Any, Mark]] = {}
+        # Pass through common tokenizer methods.
+        # TODO: Rename to _mark and _reset.
+        self.mark = self._tokenizer.mark
+        self.reset = self._tokenizer.reset
+    @abstractmethod
+    def start(self) -> Any:
+        pass
+    def showpeek(self) -> str:
+        tok = self._tokenizer.peek()
+        return f"{tok.start[0]}.{tok.start[1]}: {token.tok_name[tok.type]}:{tok.string!r}"
+    @memoize
+    def name(self) -> Optional[tokenize.TokenInfo]:
+        tok = self._tokenizer.peek()
+        if tok.type == token.NAME:
+            return self._tokenizer.getnext()
+        return None
+    @memoize
+    def number(self) -> Optional[tokenize.TokenInfo]:
+        tok = self._tokenizer.peek()
+        if tok.type == token.NUMBER:
+            return self._tokenizer.getnext()
+        return None
+    @memoize
+    def string(self) -> Optional[tokenize.TokenInfo]:
+        tok = self._tokenizer.peek()
+        if tok.type == token.STRING:
+            return self._tokenizer.getnext()
+        return None
+    @memoize
+    def op(self) -> Optional[tokenize.TokenInfo]:
+        tok = self._tokenizer.peek()
+        if tok.type == token.OP:
+            return self._tokenizer.getnext()
+        return None
+    @memoize
+    def expect(self, type: str) -> Optional[tokenize.TokenInfo]:
+        tok = self._tokenizer.peek()
+        if tok.string == type:
+            return self._tokenizer.getnext()
+        if type in exact_token_types:
+            if tok.type == exact_token_types[type]:
+                return self._tokenizer.getnext()
+        if type in token.__dict__:
+            if tok.type == token.__dict__[type]:
+                return self._tokenizer.getnext()
+        if tok.type == token.OP and tok.string == type:
+            return self._tokenizer.getnext()
+        return None
+    def positive_lookahead(self, func: Callable[..., T], *args: object) -> T:
+        mark = self.mark()
+        ok = func(*args)
+        self.reset(mark)
+        return ok
+    def negative_lookahead(self, func: Callable[..., object], *args: object) -> bool:
+        mark = self.mark()
+        ok = func(*args)
+        self.reset(mark)
+        return not ok
+    def make_syntax_error(self, filename: str = "<unknown>") -> SyntaxError:
+        tok = self._tokenizer.diagnose()
+        return SyntaxError(
+            "pegen parse failure", (filename, tok.start[0], 1 + tok.start[1], tok.line)
+        )
+def simple_parser_main(parser_class: Type[Parser]) -> None:
+    argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    argparser.add_argument(
+        "-v",
+        "--verbose",
+        action="count",
+        default=0,
+        help="Print timing stats; repeat for more debug output",
+    )
+    argparser.add_argument(
+        "-q", "--quiet", action="store_true", help="Don't print the parsed program"
+    )
+    argparser.add_argument("filename", help="Input file ('-' to use stdin)")
+    args = argparser.parse_args()
+    verbose = args.verbose
+    verbose_tokenizer = verbose >= 3
+    verbose_parser = verbose == 2 or verbose >= 4
+    t0 = time.time()
+    filename = args.filename
+    if filename == "" or filename == "-":
+        filename = "<stdin>"
+        file = sys.stdin
+    else:
+        file = open(args.filename)
+    try:
+        tokengen = tokenize.generate_tokens(file.readline)
+        tokenizer = Tokenizer(tokengen, verbose=verbose_tokenizer)
+        parser = parser_class(tokenizer, verbose=verbose_parser)
+        tree = parser.start()
+        try:
+            if file.isatty():
+                endpos = 0
+            else:
+                endpos = file.tell()
+        except IOError:
+            endpos = 0
+    finally:
+        if file is not sys.stdin:
+            file.close()
+    t1 = time.time()
+    if not tree:
+        err = parser.make_syntax_error(filename)
+        traceback.print_exception(err.__class__, err, None)
+        sys.exit(1)
+    if not args.quiet:
+        print(tree)
+    if verbose:
+        dt = t1 - t0
+        diag = tokenizer.diagnose()
+        nlines = diag.end[0]
+        if diag.type == token.ENDMARKER:
+            nlines -= 1
+        print(f"Total time: {dt:.3f} sec; {nlines} lines", end="")
+        if endpos:
+            print(f" ({endpos} bytes)", end="")
+        if dt:
+            print(f"; {nlines / dt:.0f} lines/sec")
+        else:
+            print()
+        print("Caches sizes:")
+        print(f"  token array : {len(tokenizer._tokens):10}")
+        print(f"        cache : {len(parser._cache):10}")
+        ## print_memstats()
diff --git a/Tools/peg_generator/pegen/parser_generator.py b/Tools/peg_generator/pegen/parser_generator.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..7851a7c90f4d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/peg_generator/pegen/parser_generator.py
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+import contextlib
+import token
+from abc import abstractmethod
+from typing import AbstractSet, Dict, IO, Iterator, List, Optional, Set, Text, Tuple
+from pegen import sccutils
+from pegen.grammar import (
+    Grammar,
+    Rule,
+    Rhs,
+    Alt,
+    NamedItem,
+    Plain,
+    NameLeaf,
+    StringLeaf,
+    Gather,
+from pegen.grammar import GrammarError, GrammarVisitor
+class RuleCheckingVisitor(GrammarVisitor):
+    def __init__(self, rules: Dict[str, Rule]):
+        self.rules = rules
+    def visit_NameLeaf(self, node: NameLeaf) -> None:
+        if node.value not in self.rules and node.value not in token.tok_name.values():
+            # TODO: Add line/col info to (leaf) nodes
+            raise GrammarError(f"Dangling reference to rule {node.value!r}")
+class ParserGenerator:
+    callmakervisitor: GrammarVisitor
+    def __init__(self, grammar: Grammar, file: Optional[IO[Text]]):
+        self.grammar = grammar
+        self.rules = grammar.rules
+        if "trailer" not in grammar.metas and "start" not in self.rules:
+            raise GrammarError("Grammar without a trailer must have a 'start' rule")
+        checker = RuleCheckingVisitor(self.rules)
+        for rule in self.rules.values():
+            checker.visit(rule)
+        self.file = file
+        self.level = 0
+        compute_nullables(self.rules)
+        self.first_graph, self.first_sccs = compute_left_recursives(self.rules)
+        self.todo = self.rules.copy()  # Rules to generate
+        self.counter = 0  # For name_rule()/name_loop()
+        self.keyword_counter = 499  # For keyword_type()
+    @abstractmethod
+    def generate(self, filename: str) -> None:
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    @contextlib.contextmanager
+    def indent(self) -> Iterator[None]:
+        self.level += 1
+        try:
+            yield
+        finally:
+            self.level -= 1
+    def print(self, *args: object) -> None:
+        if not args:
+            print(file=self.file)
+        else:
+            print("    " * self.level, end="", file=self.file)
+            print(*args, file=self.file)
+    def printblock(self, lines: str) -> None:
+        for line in lines.splitlines():
+            self.print(line)
+    def collect_todo(self) -> None:
+        done: Set[str] = set()
+        while True:
+            alltodo = list(self.todo)
+            todo = [i for i in alltodo if i not in done]
+            if not todo:
+                break
+            for rulename in todo:
+                self.todo[rulename].collect_todo(self)
+            done = set(alltodo)
+    def keyword_type(self) -> int:
+        self.keyword_counter += 1
+        return self.keyword_counter
+    def name_node(self, rhs: Rhs) -> str:
+        self.counter += 1
+        name = f"_tmp_{self.counter}"  # TODO: Pick a nicer name.
+        self.todo[name] = Rule(name, None, rhs)
+        return name
+    def name_loop(self, node: Plain, is_repeat1: bool) -> str:
+        self.counter += 1
+        if is_repeat1:
+            prefix = "_loop1_"
+        else:
+            prefix = "_loop0_"
+        name = f"{prefix}{self.counter}"  # TODO: It's ugly to signal via the name.
+        self.todo[name] = Rule(name, None, Rhs([Alt([NamedItem(None, node)])]))
+        return name
+    def name_gather(self, node: Gather) -> str:
+        self.counter += 1
+        name = f"_gather_{self.counter}"
+        self.counter += 1
+        extra_function_name = f"_loop0_{self.counter}"
+        extra_function_alt = Alt(
+            [NamedItem(None, node.separator), NamedItem("elem", node.node),], action="elem",
+        )
+        self.todo[extra_function_name] = Rule(
+            extra_function_name, None, Rhs([extra_function_alt]),
+        )
+        alt = Alt(
+            [NamedItem("elem", node.node), NamedItem("seq", NameLeaf(extra_function_name)),],
+        )
+        self.todo[name] = Rule(name, None, Rhs([alt]),)
+        return name
+def dedupe(name: str, names: List[str]) -> str:
+    origname = name
+    counter = 0
+    while name in names:
+        counter += 1
+        name = f"{origname}_{counter}"
+    names.append(name)
+    return name
+def compute_nullables(rules: Dict[str, Rule]) -> None:
+    """Compute which rules in a grammar are nullable.
+    Thanks to TatSu (tatsu/leftrec.py) for inspiration.
+    """
+    for rule in rules.values():
+        rule.nullable_visit(rules)
+def compute_left_recursives(
+    rules: Dict[str, Rule]
+) -> Tuple[Dict[str, AbstractSet[str]], List[AbstractSet[str]]]:
+    graph = make_first_graph(rules)
+    sccs = list(sccutils.strongly_connected_components(graph.keys(), graph))
+    for scc in sccs:
+        if len(scc) > 1:
+            for name in scc:
+                rules[name].left_recursive = True
+            # Try to find a leader such that all cycles go through it.
+            leaders = set(scc)
+            for start in scc:
+                for cycle in sccutils.find_cycles_in_scc(graph, scc, start):
+                    ## print("Cycle:", " -> ".join(cycle))
+                    leaders -= scc - set(cycle)
+                    if not leaders:
+                        raise ValueError(
+                            f"SCC {scc} has no leadership candidate (no element is included in all cycles)"
+                        )
+            ## print("Leaders:", leaders)
+            leader = min(leaders)  # Pick an arbitrary leader from the candidates.
+            rules[leader].leader = True
+        else:
+            name = min(scc)  # The only element.
+            if name in graph[name]:
+                rules[name].left_recursive = True
+                rules[name].leader = True
+    return graph, sccs
+def make_first_graph(rules: Dict[str, Rule]) -> Dict[str, AbstractSet[str]]:
+    """Compute the graph of left-invocations.
+    There's an edge from A to B if A may invoke B at its initial
+    position.
+    Note that this requires the nullable flags to have been computed.
+    """
+    graph = {}
+    vertices: Set[str] = set()
+    for rulename, rhs in rules.items():
+        graph[rulename] = names = rhs.initial_names()
+        vertices |= names
+    for vertex in vertices:
+        graph.setdefault(vertex, set())
+    return graph
diff --git a/Tools/peg_generator/pegen/python_generator.py b/Tools/peg_generator/pegen/python_generator.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..b2891885f957e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/peg_generator/pegen/python_generator.py
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, IO, Text, Tuple
+from pegen.grammar import (
+    Cut,
+    GrammarVisitor,
+    NameLeaf,
+    StringLeaf,
+    Rhs,
+    NamedItem,
+    Lookahead,
+    PositiveLookahead,
+    NegativeLookahead,
+    Opt,
+    Repeat0,
+    Repeat1,
+    Gather,
+    Group,
+    Rule,
+    Alt,
+from pegen import grammar
+from pegen.parser_generator import dedupe, ParserGenerator
+#!/usr/bin/env python3.8
+# @generated by pegen from {filename}
+import ast
+import sys
+import tokenize
+from typing import Any, Optional
+from pegen.parser import memoize, memoize_left_rec, logger, Parser
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    from pegen.parser import simple_parser_main
+    simple_parser_main(GeneratedParser)
+class PythonCallMakerVisitor(GrammarVisitor):
+    def __init__(self, parser_generator: ParserGenerator):
+        self.gen = parser_generator
+        self.cache: Dict[Any, Any] = {}
+    def visit_NameLeaf(self, node: NameLeaf) -> Tuple[Optional[str], str]:
+        name = node.value
+        if name in ("NAME", "NUMBER", "STRING", "OP"):
+            name = name.lower()
+            return name, f"self.{name}()"
+        if name in ("NEWLINE", "DEDENT", "INDENT", "ENDMARKER", "ASYNC", "AWAIT"):
+            return name.lower(), f"self.expect({name!r})"
+        return name, f"self.{name}()"
+    def visit_StringLeaf(self, node: StringLeaf) -> Tuple[str, str]:
+        return "literal", f"self.expect({node.value})"
+    def visit_Rhs(self, node: Rhs) -> Tuple[Optional[str], str]:
+        if node in self.cache:
+            return self.cache[node]
+        if len(node.alts) == 1 and len(node.alts[0].items) == 1:
+            self.cache[node] = self.visit(node.alts[0].items[0])
+        else:
+            name = self.gen.name_node(node)
+            self.cache[node] = name, f"self.{name}()"
+        return self.cache[node]
+    def visit_NamedItem(self, node: NamedItem) -> Tuple[Optional[str], str]:
+        name, call = self.visit(node.item)
+        if node.name:
+            name = node.name
+        return name, call
+    def lookahead_call_helper(self, node: Lookahead) -> Tuple[str, str]:
+        name, call = self.visit(node.node)
+        head, tail = call.split("(", 1)
+        assert tail[-1] == ")"
+        tail = tail[:-1]
+        return head, tail
+    def visit_PositiveLookahead(self, node: PositiveLookahead) -> Tuple[None, str]:
+        head, tail = self.lookahead_call_helper(node)
+        return None, f"self.positive_lookahead({head}, {tail})"
+    def visit_NegativeLookahead(self, node: NegativeLookahead) -> Tuple[None, str]:
+        head, tail = self.lookahead_call_helper(node)
+        return None, f"self.negative_lookahead({head}, {tail})"
+    def visit_Opt(self, node: Opt) -> Tuple[str, str]:
+        name, call = self.visit(node.node)
+        return "opt", f"{call},"  # Note trailing comma!
+    def visit_Repeat0(self, node: Repeat0) -> Tuple[str, str]:
+        if node in self.cache:
+            return self.cache[node]
+        name = self.gen.name_loop(node.node, False)
+        self.cache[node] = name, f"self.{name}(),"  # Also a trailing comma!
+        return self.cache[node]
+    def visit_Repeat1(self, node: Repeat1) -> Tuple[str, str]:
+        if node in self.cache:
+            return self.cache[node]
+        name = self.gen.name_loop(node.node, True)
+        self.cache[node] = name, f"self.{name}()"  # But no trailing comma here!
+        return self.cache[node]
+    def visit_Gather(self, node: Gather) -> Tuple[str, str]:
+        if node in self.cache:
+            return self.cache[node]
+        name = self.gen.name_gather(node)
+        self.cache[node] = name, f"self.{name}()"  # No trailing comma here either!
+        return self.cache[node]
+    def visit_Group(self, node: Group) -> Tuple[Optional[str], str]:
+        return self.visit(node.rhs)
+    def visit_Cut(self, node: Cut) -> Tuple[str, str]:
+        return "cut", "True"
+class PythonParserGenerator(ParserGenerator, GrammarVisitor):
+    def __init__(self, grammar: grammar.Grammar, file: Optional[IO[Text]]):
+        super().__init__(grammar, file)
+        self.callmakervisitor = PythonCallMakerVisitor(self)
+    def generate(self, filename: str) -> None:
+        header = self.grammar.metas.get("header", MODULE_PREFIX)
+        if header is not None:
+            self.print(header.rstrip("\n").format(filename=filename))
+        subheader = self.grammar.metas.get("subheader", "")
+        if subheader:
+            self.print(subheader.format(filename=filename))
+        self.print("class GeneratedParser(Parser):")
+        while self.todo:
+            for rulename, rule in list(self.todo.items()):
+                del self.todo[rulename]
+                self.print()
+                with self.indent():
+                    self.visit(rule)
+        trailer = self.grammar.metas.get("trailer", MODULE_SUFFIX)
+        if trailer is not None:
+            self.print(trailer.rstrip("\n"))
+    def visit_Rule(self, node: Rule) -> None:
+        is_loop = node.is_loop()
+        is_gather = node.is_gather()
+        rhs = node.flatten()
+        if node.left_recursive:
+            if node.leader:
+                self.print("@memoize_left_rec")
+            else:
+                # Non-leader rules in a cycle are not memoized,
+                # but they must still be logged.
+                self.print("@logger")
+        else:
+            self.print("@memoize")
+        node_type = node.type or "Any"
+        self.print(f"def {node.name}(self) -> Optional[{node_type}]:")
+        with self.indent():
+            self.print(f"# {node.name}: {rhs}")
+            if node.nullable:
+                self.print(f"# nullable={node.nullable}")
+            self.print("mark = self.mark()")
+            if is_loop:
+                self.print("children = []")
+            self.visit(rhs, is_loop=is_loop, is_gather=is_gather)
+            if is_loop:
+                self.print("return children")
+            else:
+                self.print("return None")
+    def visit_NamedItem(self, node: NamedItem, names: List[str]) -> None:
+        name, call = self.callmakervisitor.visit(node.item)
+        if node.name:
+            name = node.name
+        if not name:
+            self.print(call)
+        else:
+            if name != "cut":
+                name = dedupe(name, names)
+            self.print(f"({name} := {call})")
+    def visit_Rhs(self, node: Rhs, is_loop: bool = False, is_gather: bool = False) -> None:
+        if is_loop:
+            assert len(node.alts) == 1
+        for alt in node.alts:
+            self.visit(alt, is_loop=is_loop, is_gather=is_gather)
+    def visit_Alt(self, node: Alt, is_loop: bool, is_gather: bool) -> None:
+        names: List[str] = []
+        self.print("cut = False")  # TODO: Only if needed.
+        if is_loop:
+            self.print("while (")
+        else:
+            self.print("if (")
+        with self.indent():
+            first = True
+            for item in node.items:
+                if first:
+                    first = False
+                else:
+                    self.print("and")
+                self.visit(item, names=names)
+        self.print("):")
+        with self.indent():
+            action = node.action
+            if not action:
+                if is_gather:
+                    assert len(names) == 2
+                    action = f"[{names[0]}] + {names[1]}"
+                else:
+                    action = f"[{', '.join(names)}]"
+            if is_loop:
+                self.print(f"children.append({action})")
+                self.print(f"mark = self.mark()")
+            else:
+                self.print(f"return {action}")
+        self.print("self.reset(mark)")
+        # Skip remaining alternatives if a cut was reached.
+        self.print("if cut: return None")  # TODO: Only if needed.
diff --git a/Tools/peg_generator/pegen/sccutils.py b/Tools/peg_generator/pegen/sccutils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..1f0586bb2f7d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/peg_generator/pegen/sccutils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+# Adapted from mypy (mypy/build.py) under the MIT license.
+from typing import *
+def strongly_connected_components(
+    vertices: AbstractSet[str], edges: Dict[str, AbstractSet[str]]
+) -> Iterator[AbstractSet[str]]:
+    """Compute Strongly Connected Components of a directed graph.
+    Args:
+      vertices: the labels for the vertices
+      edges: for each vertex, gives the target vertices of its outgoing edges
+    Returns:
+      An iterator yielding strongly connected components, each
+      represented as a set of vertices.  Each input vertex will occur
+      exactly once; vertices not part of a SCC are returned as
+      singleton sets.
+    From http://code.activestate.com/recipes/578507/.
+    """
+    identified: Set[str] = set()
+    stack: List[str] = []
+    index: Dict[str, int] = {}
+    boundaries: List[int] = []
+    def dfs(v: str) -> Iterator[Set[str]]:
+        index[v] = len(stack)
+        stack.append(v)
+        boundaries.append(index[v])
+        for w in edges[v]:
+            if w not in index:
+                yield from dfs(w)
+            elif w not in identified:
+                while index[w] < boundaries[-1]:
+                    boundaries.pop()
+        if boundaries[-1] == index[v]:
+            boundaries.pop()
+            scc = set(stack[index[v] :])
+            del stack[index[v] :]
+            identified.update(scc)
+            yield scc
+    for v in vertices:
+        if v not in index:
+            yield from dfs(v)
+def topsort(
+    data: Dict[AbstractSet[str], Set[AbstractSet[str]]]
+) -> Iterable[AbstractSet[AbstractSet[str]]]:
+    """Topological sort.
+    Args:
+      data: A map from SCCs (represented as frozen sets of strings) to
+            sets of SCCs, its dependencies.  NOTE: This data structure
+            is modified in place -- for normalization purposes,
+            self-dependencies are removed and entries representing
+            orphans are added.
+    Returns:
+      An iterator yielding sets of SCCs that have an equivalent
+      ordering.  NOTE: The algorithm doesn't care about the internal
+      structure of SCCs.
+    Example:
+      Suppose the input has the following structure:
+        {A: {B, C}, B: {D}, C: {D}}
+      This is normalized to:
+        {A: {B, C}, B: {D}, C: {D}, D: {}}
+      The algorithm will yield the following values:
+        {D}
+        {B, C}
+        {A}
+    From http://code.activestate.com/recipes/577413/.
+    """
+    # TODO: Use a faster algorithm?
+    for k, v in data.items():
+        v.discard(k)  # Ignore self dependencies.
+    for item in set.union(*data.values()) - set(data.keys()):
+        data[item] = set()
+    while True:
+        ready = {item for item, dep in data.items() if not dep}
+        if not ready:
+            break
+        yield ready
+        data = {item: (dep - ready) for item, dep in data.items() if item not in ready}
+    assert not data, "A cyclic dependency exists amongst %r" % data
+def find_cycles_in_scc(
+    graph: Dict[str, AbstractSet[str]], scc: AbstractSet[str], start: str
+) -> Iterable[List[str]]:
+    """Find cycles in SCC emanating from start.
+    Yields lists of the form ['A', 'B', 'C', 'A'], which means there's
+    a path from A -> B -> C -> A.  The first item is always the start
+    argument, but the last item may be another element, e.g.  ['A',
+    'B', 'C', 'B'] means there's a path from A to B and there's a
+    cycle from B to C and back.
+    """
+    # Basic input checks.
+    assert start in scc, (start, scc)
+    assert scc <= graph.keys(), scc - graph.keys()
+    # Reduce the graph to nodes in the SCC.
+    graph = {src: {dst for dst in dsts if dst in scc} for src, dsts in graph.items() if src in scc}
+    assert start in graph
+    # Recursive helper that yields cycles.
+    def dfs(node: str, path: List[str]) -> Iterator[List[str]]:
+        if node in path:
+            yield path + [node]
+            return
+        path = path + [node]  # TODO: Make this not quadratic.
+        for child in graph[node]:
+            yield from dfs(child, path)
+    yield from dfs(start, [])
diff --git a/Tools/peg_generator/pegen/testutil.py b/Tools/peg_generator/pegen/testutil.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..3616effe6b4f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/peg_generator/pegen/testutil.py
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+import importlib.util
+import io
+import os
+import pathlib
+import sys
+import textwrap
+import tokenize
+from typing import Any, cast, Dict, IO, Type, Final
+from pegen.build import compile_c_extension
+from pegen.c_generator import CParserGenerator
+from pegen.grammar import Grammar
+from pegen.grammar_parser import GeneratedParser as GrammarParser
+from pegen.parser import Parser
+from pegen.python_generator import PythonParserGenerator
+from pegen.tokenizer import Tokenizer
+def generate_parser(grammar: Grammar) -> Type[Parser]:
+    # Generate a parser.
+    out = io.StringIO()
+    genr = PythonParserGenerator(grammar, out)
+    genr.generate("<string>")
+    # Load the generated parser class.
+    ns: Dict[str, Any] = {}
+    exec(out.getvalue(), ns)
+    return ns["GeneratedParser"]
+def run_parser(file: IO[bytes], parser_class: Type[Parser], *, verbose: bool = False) -> Any:
+    # Run a parser on a file (stream).
+    tokenizer = Tokenizer(tokenize.generate_tokens(file.readline))  # type: ignore # typeshed issue #3515
+    parser = parser_class(tokenizer, verbose=verbose)
+    result = parser.start()
+    if result is None:
+        raise parser.make_syntax_error()
+    return result
+def parse_string(
+    source: str, parser_class: Type[Parser], *, dedent: bool = True, verbose: bool = False
+) -> Any:
+    # Run the parser on a string.
+    if dedent:
+        source = textwrap.dedent(source)
+    file = io.StringIO(source)
+    return run_parser(file, parser_class, verbose=verbose)  # type: ignore # typeshed issue #3515
+def make_parser(source: str) -> Type[Parser]:
+    # Combine parse_string() and generate_parser().
+    grammar = parse_string(source, GrammarParser)
+    return generate_parser(grammar)
+def import_file(full_name: str, path: str) -> Any:
+    """Import a python module from a path"""
+    spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(full_name, path)
+    mod = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
+    # We assume this is not None and has an exec_module() method.
+    # See https://docs.python.org/3/reference/import.html?highlight=exec_module#loading
+    loader = cast(Any, spec.loader)
+    loader.exec_module(mod)
+    return mod
+def generate_c_parser_source(grammar: Grammar) -> str:
+    out = io.StringIO()
+    genr = CParserGenerator(grammar, out)
+    genr.generate("<string>")
+    return out.getvalue()
+def generate_parser_c_extension(
+    grammar: Grammar, path: pathlib.PurePath, debug: bool = False
+) -> Any:
+    """Generate a parser c extension for the given grammar in the given path
+    Returns a module object with a parse_string() method.
+    TODO: express that using a Protocol.
+    """
+    # Make sure that the working directory is empty: reusing non-empty temporary
+    # directories when generating extensions can lead to segmentation faults.
+    # Check issue #95 (https://github.com/gvanrossum/pegen/issues/95) for more
+    # context.
+    assert not os.listdir(path)
+    source = path / "parse.c"
+    with open(source, "w") as file:
+        genr = CParserGenerator(grammar, file, debug=debug)
+        genr.generate("parse.c")
+    extension_path = compile_c_extension(str(source), build_dir=str(path / "build"))
+    extension = import_file("parse", extension_path)
+    return extension
+def print_memstats() -> bool:
+    MiB: Final = 2 ** 20
+    try:
+        import psutil  # type: ignore
+    except ImportError:
+        return False
+    print("Memory stats:")
+    process = psutil.Process()
+    meminfo = process.memory_info()
+    res = {}
+    res["rss"] = meminfo.rss / MiB
+    res["vms"] = meminfo.vms / MiB
+    if sys.platform == "win32":
+        res["maxrss"] = meminfo.peak_wset / MiB
+    else:
+        # See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/938733/total-memory-used-by-python-process
+        import resource  # Since it doesn't exist on Windows.
+        rusage = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF)
+        if sys.platform == "darwin":
+            factor = 1
+        else:
+            factor = 1024  # Linux
+        res["maxrss"] = rusage.ru_maxrss * factor / MiB
+    for key, value in res.items():
+        print(f"  {key:12.12s}: {value:10.0f} MiB")
+    return True
diff --git a/Tools/peg_generator/pegen/tokenizer.py b/Tools/peg_generator/pegen/tokenizer.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..61a28efc84b62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/peg_generator/pegen/tokenizer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+import token
+import tokenize
+from typing import List, Iterator
+Mark = int  # NewType('Mark', int)
+exact_token_types = token.EXACT_TOKEN_TYPES  # type: ignore
+def shorttok(tok: tokenize.TokenInfo) -> str:
+    return "%-25.25s" % f"{tok.start[0]}.{tok.start[1]}: {token.tok_name[tok.type]}:{tok.string!r}"
+class Tokenizer:
+    """Caching wrapper for the tokenize module.
+    This is pretty tied to Python's syntax.
+    """
+    _tokens: List[tokenize.TokenInfo]
+    def __init__(self, tokengen: Iterator[tokenize.TokenInfo], *, verbose: bool = False):
+        self._tokengen = tokengen
+        self._tokens = []
+        self._index = 0
+        self._verbose = verbose
+        if verbose:
+            self.report(False, False)
+    def getnext(self) -> tokenize.TokenInfo:
+        """Return the next token and updates the index."""
+        cached = True
+        while self._index == len(self._tokens):
+            tok = next(self._tokengen)
+            if tok.type in (tokenize.NL, tokenize.COMMENT):
+                continue
+            if tok.type == token.ERRORTOKEN and tok.string.isspace():
+                continue
+            self._tokens.append(tok)
+            cached = False
+        tok = self._tokens[self._index]
+        self._index += 1
+        if self._verbose:
+            self.report(cached, False)
+        return tok
+    def peek(self) -> tokenize.TokenInfo:
+        """Return the next token *without* updating the index."""
+        while self._index == len(self._tokens):
+            tok = next(self._tokengen)
+            if tok.type in (tokenize.NL, tokenize.COMMENT):
+                continue
+            if tok.type == token.ERRORTOKEN and tok.string.isspace():
+                continue
+            self._tokens.append(tok)
+        return self._tokens[self._index]
+    def diagnose(self) -> tokenize.TokenInfo:
+        if not self._tokens:
+            self.getnext()
+        return self._tokens[-1]
+    def mark(self) -> Mark:
+        return self._index
+    def reset(self, index: Mark) -> None:
+        if index == self._index:
+            return
+        assert 0 <= index <= len(self._tokens), (index, len(self._tokens))
+        old_index = self._index
+        self._index = index
+        if self._verbose:
+            self.report(True, index < old_index)
+    def report(self, cached: bool, back: bool) -> None:
+        if back:
+            fill = "-" * self._index + "-"
+        elif cached:
+            fill = "-" * self._index + ">"
+        else:
+            fill = "-" * self._index + "*"
+        if self._index == 0:
+            print(f"{fill} (Bof)")
+        else:
+            tok = self._tokens[self._index - 1]
+            print(f"{fill} {shorttok(tok)}")
diff --git a/Tools/peg_generator/pyproject.toml b/Tools/peg_generator/pyproject.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..f69c5b5e82faf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/peg_generator/pyproject.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+line-length = 99
+target_version = ['py38']
+exclude = '''
+          /pegen/grammar_parser.py   # generated file
+        | /test/test_data/           # test files
diff --git a/Tools/peg_generator/requirements.pip b/Tools/peg_generator/requirements.pip
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..190b3488f7bc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/peg_generator/requirements.pip
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/Tools/peg_generator/scripts/__init__.py b/Tools/peg_generator/scripts/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..1e423f483844b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/peg_generator/scripts/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# This exists to let mypy find modules here
diff --git a/Tools/peg_generator/scripts/ast_timings.py b/Tools/peg_generator/scripts/ast_timings.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..7ebd46fdac685
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/peg_generator/scripts/ast_timings.py
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+import ast
+import sys
+import time
+import token
+import tokenize
+from pegen.testutil import print_memstats
+def main() -> None:
+    t0 = time.time()
+    for filename in sys.argv[1:]:
+        print(filename, end="\r")
+        try:
+            with open(filename) as file:
+                source = file.read()
+            tree = ast.parse(source, filename)
+        except Exception as err:
+            print(f"{filename}: {err.__class__.__name__}: {err}", file=sys.stderr)
+    tok = None
+    t1 = time.time()
+    dt = t1 - t0
+    print(f"Parsed in {dt:.3f} secs", file=sys.stderr)
+    print_memstats()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()
diff --git a/Tools/peg_generator/scripts/benchmark.py b/Tools/peg_generator/scripts/benchmark.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..bc751156e8972
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/peg_generator/scripts/benchmark.py
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3.9
+import argparse
+import ast
+import sys
+import os
+import resource
+from time import time
+import memory_profiler
+sys.path.insert(0, os.getcwd())
+from peg_extension import parse
+from pegen.build import build_parser_and_generator
+from scripts.test_parse_directory import parse_directory
+argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+    prog="benchmark", description="Reproduce the various pegen benchmarks"
+    "--parser",
+    action="store",
+    choices=["pegen", "cpython"],
+    default="pegen",
+    help="Which parser to benchmark (default is pegen)",
+    "--target",
+    action="store",
+    choices=["xxl", "stdlib"],
+    default="xxl",
+    help="Which target to use for the benchmark (default is xxl.py)",
+subcommands = argparser.add_subparsers(title="Benchmarks", dest="subcommand")
+command_compile = subcommands.add_parser(
+    "compile", help="Benchmark parsing and compiling to bytecode"
+command_parse = subcommands.add_parser("parse", help="Benchmark parsing and generating an ast.AST")
+command_check = subcommands.add_parser(
+    "check", help="Benchmark parsing and throwing the tree away"
+def benchmark(func):
+    def wrapper(*args):
+        times = list()
+        for _ in range(3):
+            start = time()
+            result = func(*args)
+            end = time()
+            times.append(end - start)
+        memory = memory_profiler.memory_usage((func, args))
+        print(f"{func.__name__}")
+        print(f"\tTime: {sum(times)/3:.3f} seconds on an average of 3 runs")
+        print(f"\tMemory: {max(memory)} MiB on an average of 3 runs")
+        return result
+    return wrapper
+ at benchmark
+def time_compile(source, parser):
+    if parser == "cpython":
+        return compile(source, os.path.join("data", "xxl.py"), "exec")
+    else:
+        return parse.parse_string(source, mode=2)
+ at benchmark
+def time_parse(source, parser):
+    if parser == "cpython":
+        return ast.parse(source, os.path.join("data", "xxl.py"), "exec")
+    else:
+        return parse.parse_string(source, mode=1)
+ at benchmark
+def time_check(source):
+    return parse.parse_string(source, mode=0)
+def run_benchmark_xxl(subcommand, parser, source):
+    if subcommand == "compile":
+        time_compile(source, parser)
+    elif subcommand == "parse":
+        time_parse(source, parser)
+    elif subcommand == "check":
+        time_check(source)
+def run_benchmark_stdlib(subcommand, parser):
+    modes = {"compile": 2, "parse": 1, "check": 0}
+    extension = None
+    if parser == "pegen":
+        extension = build_parser_and_generator(
+            "../../Grammar/python.gram",
+            "peg_extension/parse.c",
+            compile_extension=True,
+            skip_actions=False,
+        )
+    for _ in range(3):
+        parse_directory(
+            "../../Lib",
+            "../../Grammar/python.gram",
+            verbose=False,
+            excluded_files=[
+                "*/bad*",
+                "*/lib2to3/tests/data/*",
+            ],
+            skip_actions=False,
+            tree_arg=0,
+            short=True,
+            extension=extension,
+            mode=modes[subcommand],
+            parser=parser,
+        )
+def main():
+    args = argparser.parse_args()
+    subcommand = args.subcommand
+    parser = args.parser
+    target = args.target
+    if subcommand is None:
+        argparser.error("A benchmark to run is required")
+    if subcommand == "check" and parser == "cpython":
+        argparser.error("Cannot use check target with the CPython parser")
+    if target == "xxl":
+        with open(os.path.join("data", "xxl.py"), "r") as f:
+            source = f.read()
+            run_benchmark_xxl(subcommand, parser, source)
+    elif target == "stdlib":
+        run_benchmark_stdlib(subcommand, parser)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()
diff --git a/Tools/peg_generator/scripts/download_pypi_packages.py b/Tools/peg_generator/scripts/download_pypi_packages.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000..9874202d379ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/peg_generator/scripts/download_pypi_packages.py
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3.8
+import argparse
+import os
+import json
+from typing import Dict, Any
+from urllib.request import urlretrieve
+argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+    prog="download_pypi_packages", description="Helper program to download PyPI packages",
+    "-n", "--number", type=int, default=100, help="Number of packages to download"
+    "-a", "--all", action="store_true", help="Download all packages listed in the json file"
+def load_json(filename: str) -> Dict[Any, Any]:
+    with open(os.path.join("data", f"{filename}.json"), "r") as f:
+        j = json.loads(f.read())
+    return j
+def remove_json(filename: str) -> None:
+    path = os.path.join("data", f"{filename}.json")
+    os.remove(path)
+def download_package_json(package_name: str) -> None:
+    url = f"https://pypi.org/pypi/{package_name}/json"
+    urlretrieve(url, os.path.join("data", f"{package_name}.json"))
+def download_package_code(name: str, package_json: Dict[Any, Any]) -> None:
+    source_index = -1
+    for idx, url_info in enumerate(package_json["urls"]):
+        if url_info["python_version"] == "source":
+            source_index = idx
+            break
+    filename = package_json["urls"][source_index]["filename"]
+    url = package_json["urls"][source_index]["url"]
+    urlretrieve(url, os.path.join("data", "pypi", filename))
+def main() -> None:
+    args = argparser.parse_args()
+    number_packages = args.number
+    all_packages = args.all
+    top_pypi_packages = load_json("top-pypi-packages-365-days")
+    if all_packages:
+        top_pypi_packages = top_pypi_packages["rows"]
+    elif number_packages >= 0 and number_packages <= 4000:
+        top_pypi_packages = top_pypi_packages["rows"][:number_packages]
+    else:
+        raise AssertionError("Unknown value for NUMBER_OF_PACKAGES")
+    try:
+        os.mkdir(os.path.join("data", "pypi"))
+    except FileExistsError:
+        pass
+    for package in top_pypi_packages:
+        package_name = package["project"]
+        print(f"Downloading JSON Data for {package_name}... ", end="")
+        download_package_json(package_name)
+        print("Done")
+        package_json = load_json(package_name)
+        try:
+            print(f"Dowloading and compressing package {package_name} ... ", end="")
+            download_package_code(package_name, package_json)
+            print("Done")
+        except (IndexError, KeyError):
+            print(f"Could not locate source for {package_name}")
+            continue
+        finally:
+            remove_json(package_name)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()
diff --git a/Tools/peg_generator/scripts/find_max_nesting.py b/Tools/peg_generator/scripts/find_max_nesting.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000..a2c41a821342a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/peg_generator/scripts/find_max_nesting.py
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3.8
+"""Find the maximum amount of nesting for an expression that can be parsed
+without causing a parse error.
+Starting at the INITIAL_NESTING_DEPTH, an expression containing n parenthesis
+around a 0 is generated then tested with both the C and Python parsers. We
+continue incrementing the number of parenthesis by 10 until both parsers have
+failed. As soon as a single parser fails, we stop testing that parser.
+The grammar file, initial nesting size, and amount by which the nested size is
+incremented on each success can be controlled by changing the GRAMMAR_FILE,
+Usage: python -m scripts.find_max_nesting
+import os
+import sys
+from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import Any
+from _peg_parser import parse_string
+GRAMMAR_FILE = "data/python.gram"
+FAIL = "\033[91m"
+ENDC = "\033[0m"
+def check_nested_expr(nesting_depth: int) -> bool:
+    expr = f"{'(' * nesting_depth}0{')' * nesting_depth}"
+    try:
+        parse_string(expr)
+        print(f"Nesting depth of {nesting_depth} is successful")
+        return True
+    except Exception as err:
+        print(f"{FAIL}(Failed with nesting depth of {nesting_depth}{ENDC}")
+        print(f"{FAIL}\t{err}{ENDC}")
+        return False
+def main() -> None:
+    print(f"Testing {GRAMMAR_FILE} starting at nesting depth of {INITIAL_NESTING_DEPTH}...")
+    nesting_depth = INITIAL_NESTING_DEPTH
+    succeeded = True
+    while succeeded:
+        expr = f"{'(' * nesting_depth}0{')' * nesting_depth}"
+        if succeeded:
+            succeeded = check_nested_expr(nesting_depth)
+        nesting_depth += NESTED_INCR_AMT
+    sys.exit(1)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()
diff --git a/Tools/peg_generator/scripts/grammar_grapher.py b/Tools/peg_generator/scripts/grammar_grapher.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000..3aa25466c70d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/peg_generator/scripts/grammar_grapher.py
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3.8
+""" Convert a grammar into a dot-file suitable for use with GraphViz
+    For example:
+        Generate the GraphViz file:
+        # scripts/grammar_grapher.py data/python.gram > python.gv
+        Then generate the graph...
+        # twopi python.gv -Tpng > python_twopi.png
+        or
+        # dot python.gv -Tpng > python_dot.png
+        NOTE: The _dot_ and _twopi_ tools seem to produce the most useful results.
+              The _circo_ tool is the worst of the bunch. Don't even bother.
+import argparse
+import sys
+from typing import Any, List
+sys.path.insert(0, ".")
+from pegen.build import build_parser
+from pegen.grammar import (
+    Alt,
+    Cut,
+    Grammar,
+    Group,
+    Leaf,
+    Lookahead,
+    Rule,
+    NameLeaf,
+    NamedItem,
+    Opt,
+    Repeat,
+    Rhs,
+argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="graph_grammar", description="Graph a grammar tree",)
+argparser.add_argument("grammar_file", help="The grammar file to graph")
+def references_for_item(item: Any) -> List[Any]:
+    if isinstance(item, Alt):
+        return [_ref for _item in item.items for _ref in references_for_item(_item)]
+    elif isinstance(item, Cut):
+        return []
+    elif isinstance(item, Group):
+        return references_for_item(item.rhs)
+    elif isinstance(item, Lookahead):
+        return references_for_item(item.node)
+    elif isinstance(item, NamedItem):
+        return references_for_item(item.item)
+    # NOTE NameLeaf must be before Leaf
+    elif isinstance(item, NameLeaf):
+        if item.value == "ENDMARKER":
+            return []
+        return [item.value]
+    elif isinstance(item, Leaf):
+        return []
+    elif isinstance(item, Opt):
+        return references_for_item(item.node)
+    elif isinstance(item, Repeat):
+        return references_for_item(item.node)
+    elif isinstance(item, Rhs):
+        return [_ref for alt in item.alts for _ref in references_for_item(alt)]
+    elif isinstance(item, Rule):
+        return references_for_item(item.rhs)
+    else:
+        raise RuntimeError(f"Unknown item: {type(item)}")
+def main() -> None:
+    args = argparser.parse_args()
+    try:
+        grammar, parser, tokenizer = build_parser(args.grammar_file)
+    except Exception as err:
+        print("ERROR: Failed to parse grammar file", file=sys.stderr)
+        sys.exit(1)
+    references = {}
+    for name, rule in grammar.rules.items():
+        references[name] = set(references_for_item(rule))
+    # Flatten the start node if has only a single reference
+    root_node = "start"
+    if start := references["start"]:
+        if len(start) == 1:
+            root_node = list(start)[0]
+            del references["start"]
+    print("digraph g1 {")
+    print('\toverlap="scale";')  # Force twopi to scale the graph to avoid overlaps
+    print(f'\troot="{root_node}";')
+    print(f"\t{root_node} [color=green, shape=circle]")
+    for name, refs in references.items():
+        if refs:  # Ignore empty sets
+            print(f"\t{name} -> {','.join(refs)};")
+    print("}")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()
diff --git a/Tools/peg_generator/scripts/joinstats.py b/Tools/peg_generator/scripts/joinstats.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..b2d762b3d4286
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/peg_generator/scripts/joinstats.py
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3.8
+"""Produce a report about the most-memoable types.
+Reads a list of statistics from stdin.  Each line must be two numbers,
+being a type and a count.  We then read some other files and produce a
+list sorted by most frequent type.
+There should also be something to recognize left-recursive rules.
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+from typing import Dict
+reporoot = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))
+parse_c = os.path.join(reporoot, "peg_extension", "parse.c")
+class TypeMapper:
+    """State used to map types to names."""
+    def __init__(self, filename: str) -> None:
+        self.table: Dict[int, str] = {}
+        with open(filename) as f:
+            for line in f:
+                match = re.match(r"#define (\w+)_type (\d+)", line)
+                if match:
+                    name, type = match.groups()
+                    if "left" in line.lower():
+                        name += " // Left-recursive"
+                    self.table[int(type)] = name
+    def lookup(self, type: int) -> str:
+        return self.table.get(type, str(type))
+def main() -> None:
+    mapper = TypeMapper(parse_c)
+    table = []
+    filename = sys.argv[1]
+    with open(filename) as f:
+        for lineno, line in enumerate(f, 1):
+            line = line.strip()
+            if not line or line.startswith("#"):
+                continue
+            parts = line.split()
+            # Extra fields ignored
+            if len(parts) < 2:
+                print(f"{lineno}: bad input ({line!r})")
+                continue
+            try:
+                type, count = map(int, parts[:2])
+            except ValueError as err:
+                print(f"{lineno}: non-integer input ({line!r})")
+                continue
+            table.append((type, count))
+    table.sort(key=lambda values: -values[1])
+    for type, count in table:
+        print(f"{type:4d} {count:9d} {mapper.lookup(type)}")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()
diff --git a/Tools/peg_generator/scripts/show_parse.py b/Tools/peg_generator/scripts/show_parse.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000..f5f92fdaf755d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/peg_generator/scripts/show_parse.py
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3.8
+"""Show the parse tree for a given program, nicely formatted.
+$ scripts/show_parse.py a+b
+    body=[
+        Expr(
+            value=BinOp(
+                left=Name(id="a", ctx=Load()), op=Add(), right=Name(id="b", ctx=Load())
+            )
+        )
+    ],
+    type_ignores=[],
+Use -v to show line numbers and column offsets.
+The formatting is done using black.  You can also import this module
+and call one of its functions.
+import argparse
+import ast
+import difflib
+import os
+import sys
+import tempfile
+from typing import List
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    "-d", "--diff", action="store_true", help="show diff between grammar and ast (requires -g)"
+parser.add_argument("-g", "--grammar-file", help="grammar to use (default: use the ast module)")
+    "-m",
+    "--multiline",
+    action="store_true",
+    help="concatenate program arguments using newline instead of space",
+parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", help="show line/column numbers")
+parser.add_argument("program", nargs="+", help="program to parse (will be concatenated)")
+def format_tree(tree: ast.AST, verbose: bool = False) -> str:
+    with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile("w+") as tf:
+        tf.write(ast.dump(tree, include_attributes=verbose))
+        tf.write("\n")
+        tf.flush()
+        cmd = f"black -q {tf.name}"
+        sts = os.system(cmd)
+        if sts:
+            raise RuntimeError(f"Command {cmd!r} failed with status 0x{sts:x}")
+        tf.seek(0)
+        return tf.read()
+def diff_trees(a: ast.AST, b: ast.AST, verbose: bool = False) -> List[str]:
+    sa = format_tree(a, verbose)
+    sb = format_tree(b, verbose)
+    la = sa.splitlines()
+    lb = sb.splitlines()
+    return list(difflib.unified_diff(la, lb, "a", "b", lineterm=""))
+def show_parse(source: str, verbose: bool = False) -> str:
+    tree = ast.parse(source)
+    return format_tree(tree, verbose).rstrip("\n")
+def print_parse(source: str, verbose: bool = False) -> None:
+    print(show_parse(source, verbose))
+def main() -> None:
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    if args.diff and not args.grammar_file:
+        parser.error("-d/--diff requires -g/--grammar-file")
+    if args.multiline:
+        sep = "\n"
+    else:
+        sep = " "
+    program = sep.join(args.program)
+    if args.grammar_file:
+        sys.path.insert(0, os.curdir)
+        from pegen.build import build_parser_and_generator
+        build_parser_and_generator(args.grammar_file, "peg_parser/parse.c", compile_extension=True)
+        from pegen.parse import parse_string  # type: ignore[import]
+        tree = parse_string(program, mode=1)
+        if args.diff:
+            a = tree
+            b = ast.parse(program)
+            diff = diff_trees(a, b, args.verbose)
+            if diff:
+                for line in diff:
+                    print(line)
+            else:
+                print("# Trees are the same")
+        else:
+            print(f"# Parsed using {args.grammar_file}")
+            print(format_tree(tree, args.verbose))
+    else:
+        tree = ast.parse(program)
+        print("# Parse using ast.parse()")
+        print(format_tree(tree, args.verbose))
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()
diff --git a/Tools/peg_generator/scripts/test_parse_directory.py b/Tools/peg_generator/scripts/test_parse_directory.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000..06a38fca67a86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/peg_generator/scripts/test_parse_directory.py
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3.8
+import argparse
+import ast
+import os
+import sys
+import tempfile
+import time
+import traceback
+from glob import glob
+from pathlib import PurePath
+from typing import List, Optional, Any
+sys.path.insert(0, os.getcwd())
+from pegen.build import build_parser_and_generator
+from pegen.testutil import print_memstats
+from scripts import show_parse
+SUCCESS = "\033[92m"
+FAIL = "\033[91m"
+ENDC = "\033[0m"
+argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+    prog="test_parse_directory",
+    description="Helper program to test directories or files for pegen",
+argparser.add_argument("-d", "--directory", help="Directory path containing files to test")
+argparser.add_argument("-g", "--grammar-file", help="Grammar file path")
+    "-e", "--exclude", action="append", default=[], help="Glob(s) for matching files to exclude"
+    "-s", "--short", action="store_true", help="Only show errors, in a more Emacs-friendly format"
+    "-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", help="Display detailed errors for failures"
+    "--skip-actions", action="store_true", help="Suppress code emission for rule actions",
+    "-t", "--tree", action="count", help="Compare parse tree to official AST", default=0
+def report_status(
+    succeeded: bool,
+    file: str,
+    verbose: bool,
+    error: Optional[Exception] = None,
+    short: bool = False,
+) -> None:
+    if short and succeeded:
+        return
+    if succeeded is True:
+        status = "OK"
+        COLOR = SUCCESS
+    else:
+        status = "Fail"
+        COLOR = FAIL
+    if short:
+        lineno = 0
+        offset = 0
+        if isinstance(error, SyntaxError):
+            lineno = error.lineno or 1
+            offset = error.offset or 1
+            message = error.args[0]
+        else:
+            message = f"{error.__class__.__name__}: {error}"
+        print(f"{file}:{lineno}:{offset}: {message}")
+    else:
+        print(f"{COLOR}{file:60} {status}{ENDC}")
+        if error and verbose:
+            print(f"  {str(error.__class__.__name__)}: {error}")
+def compare_trees(
+    actual_tree: ast.AST, file: str, verbose: bool, include_attributes: bool = False,
+) -> int:
+    with open(file) as f:
+        expected_tree = ast.parse(f.read())
+    expected_text = ast.dump(expected_tree, include_attributes=include_attributes)
+    actual_text = ast.dump(actual_tree, include_attributes=include_attributes)
+    if actual_text == expected_text:
+        if verbose:
+            print("Tree for {file}:")
+            print(show_parse.format_tree(actual_tree, include_attributes))
+        return 0
+    print(f"Diffing ASTs for {file} ...")
+    expected = show_parse.format_tree(expected_tree, include_attributes)
+    actual = show_parse.format_tree(actual_tree, include_attributes)
+    if verbose:
+        print("Expected for {file}:")
+        print(expected)
+        print("Actual for {file}:")
+        print(actual)
+        print(f"Diff for {file}:")
+    diff = show_parse.diff_trees(expected_tree, actual_tree, include_attributes)
+    for line in diff:
+        print(line)
+    return 1
+def parse_directory(
+    directory: str,
+    grammar_file: str,
+    verbose: bool,
+    excluded_files: List[str],
+    skip_actions: bool,
+    tree_arg: int,
+    short: bool,
+    extension: Any,
+    mode: int,
+    parser: str,
+) -> int:
+    if parser == "cpython" and (tree_arg or mode == 0):
+        print("Cannot specify tree argument or mode=0 with the cpython parser.", file=sys.stderr)
+        return 1
+    if not directory:
+        print("You must specify a directory of files to test.", file=sys.stderr)
+        return 1
+    if grammar_file:
+        if not os.path.exists(grammar_file):
+            print(f"The specified grammar file, {grammar_file}, does not exist.", file=sys.stderr)
+            return 1
+        try:
+            if not extension and parser == "pegen":
+                build_parser_and_generator(
+                    grammar_file,
+                    "peg_extension/parse.c",
+                    compile_extension=True,
+                    skip_actions=skip_actions,
+                )
+        except Exception as err:
+            print(
+                f"{FAIL}The following error occurred when generating the parser. Please check your grammar file.\n{ENDC}",
+                file=sys.stderr,
+            )
+            traceback.print_exception(err.__class__, err, None)
+            return 1
+    else:
+        print("A grammar file was not provided - attempting to use existing file...\n")
+    if parser == "pegen":
+        try:
+            from peg_extension import parse  # type: ignore
+        except:
+            print(
+                "An existing parser was not found. Please run `make` or specify a grammar file with the `-g` flag.",
+                file=sys.stderr,
+            )
+            return 1
+    # For a given directory, traverse files and attempt to parse each one
+    # - Output success/failure for each file
+    errors = 0
+    files = []
+    trees = {}  # Trees to compare (after everything else is done)
+    t0 = time.time()
+    for file in sorted(glob(f"{directory}/**/*.py", recursive=True)):
+        # Only attempt to parse Python files and files that are not excluded
+        should_exclude_file = False
+        for pattern in excluded_files:
+            if PurePath(file).match(pattern):
+                should_exclude_file = True
+                break
+        if not should_exclude_file:
+            try:
+                if tree_arg:
+                    mode = 1
+                if parser == "cpython":
+                    with open(file, "r") as f:
+                        source = f.read()
+                        if mode == 2:
+                            compile(source, file, "exec")
+                        elif mode == 1:
+                            ast.parse(source, file, "exec")
+                else:
+                    tree = parse.parse_file(file, mode=mode)
+                if tree_arg:
+                    trees[file] = tree
+                if not short:
+                    report_status(succeeded=True, file=file, verbose=verbose)
+            except Exception as error:
+                try:
+                    ast.parse(file)
+                except Exception:
+                    if not short:
+                        print(f"File {file} cannot be parsed by either pegen or the ast module.")
+                else:
+                    report_status(
+                        succeeded=False, file=file, verbose=verbose, error=error, short=short
+                    )
+                    errors += 1
+            files.append(file)
+    t1 = time.time()
+    total_seconds = t1 - t0
+    total_files = len(files)
+    total_bytes = 0
+    total_lines = 0
+    for file in files:
+        # Count lines and bytes separately
+        with open(file, "rb") as f:
+            total_lines += sum(1 for _ in f)
+            total_bytes += f.tell()
+    print(
+        f"Checked {total_files:,} files, {total_lines:,} lines,",
+        f"{total_bytes:,} bytes in {total_seconds:,.3f} seconds.",
+    )
+    if total_seconds > 0:
+        print(
+            f"That's {total_lines / total_seconds :,.0f} lines/sec,",
+            f"or {total_bytes / total_seconds :,.0f} bytes/sec.",
+        )
+    if parser == "pegen":
+        # Dump memo stats to @data.
+        with open("@data", "w") as datafile:
+            for i, count in enumerate(parse.get_memo_stats()):
+                if count:
+                    datafile.write(f"{i:4d} {count:9d}\n")
+    if short:
+        print_memstats()
+    if errors:
+        print(f"Encountered {errors} failures.", file=sys.stderr)
+    # Compare trees (the dict is empty unless -t is given)
+    compare_trees_errors = 0
+    for file, tree in trees.items():
+        if not short:
+            print("Comparing ASTs for", file)
+        if compare_trees(tree, file, verbose, tree_arg >= 2) == 1:
+            compare_trees_errors += 1
+    if errors or compare_trees_errors:
+        return 1
+    return 0
+def main() -> None:
+    args = argparser.parse_args()
+    directory = args.directory
+    grammar_file = args.grammar_file
+    verbose = args.verbose
+    excluded_files = args.exclude
+    skip_actions = args.skip_actions
+    tree = args.tree
+    short = args.short
+    sys.exit(
+        parse_directory(
+            directory,
+            grammar_file,
+            verbose,
+            excluded_files,
+            skip_actions,
+            tree,
+            short,
+            None,
+            0,
+            "pegen",
+        )
+    )
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()
diff --git a/Tools/peg_generator/scripts/test_pypi_packages.py b/Tools/peg_generator/scripts/test_pypi_packages.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000..90490330fef1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/peg_generator/scripts/test_pypi_packages.py
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3.8
+import argparse
+import os
+import glob
+import tarfile
+import zipfile
+import shutil
+import sys
+from typing import Generator, Any
+sys.path.insert(0, ".")
+from pegen import build
+from scripts import test_parse_directory
+argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+    prog="test_pypi_packages", description="Helper program to test parsing PyPI packages",
+    "-t", "--tree", action="count", help="Compare parse tree to official AST", default=0
+def get_packages() -> Generator[str, None, None]:
+    all_packages = (
+        glob.glob("./data/pypi/*.tar.gz")
+        + glob.glob("./data/pypi/*.zip")
+        + glob.glob("./data/pypi/*.tgz")
+    )
+    for package in all_packages:
+        yield package
+def extract_files(filename: str) -> None:
+    savedir = os.path.join("data", "pypi")
+    if tarfile.is_tarfile(filename):
+        tarfile.open(filename).extractall(savedir)
+    elif zipfile.is_zipfile(filename):
+        zipfile.ZipFile(filename).extractall(savedir)
+    else:
+        raise ValueError(f"Could not identify type of compressed file {filename}")
+def find_dirname(package_name: str) -> str:
+    for name in os.listdir(os.path.join("data", "pypi")):
+        full_path = os.path.join("data", "pypi", name)
+        if os.path.isdir(full_path) and name in package_name:
+            return full_path
+    assert False  # This is to fix mypy, should never be reached
+def run_tests(dirname: str, tree: int, extension: Any) -> int:
+    return test_parse_directory.parse_directory(
+        dirname,
+        "data/python.gram",
+        verbose=False,
+        excluded_files=[
+            "*/failset/*",
+            "*/failset/**",
+            "*/failset/**/*",
+            "*/test2to3/*",
+            "*/test2to3/**/*",
+            "*/bad*",
+            "*/lib2to3/tests/data/*",
+        ],
+        skip_actions=False,
+        tree_arg=tree,
+        short=True,
+        extension=extension,
+    )
+def main() -> None:
+    args = argparser.parse_args()
+    tree = args.tree
+    extension = build.build_parser_and_generator(
+        "data/python.gram", "peg_parser/parse.c", compile_extension=True
+    )
+    for package in get_packages():
+        print(f"Extracting files from {package}... ", end="")
+        try:
+            extract_files(package)
+            print("Done")
+        except ValueError as e:
+            print(e)
+            continue
+        print(f"Trying to parse all python files ... ")
+        dirname = find_dirname(package)
+        status = run_tests(dirname, tree, extension)
+        if status == 0:
+            print("Done")
+            shutil.rmtree(dirname)
+        else:
+            print(f"Failed to parse {dirname}")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()
diff --git a/Tools/scripts/run_tests.py b/Tools/scripts/run_tests.py
index 3c1c3bd060bff..bcfa5e943b347 100644
--- a/Tools/scripts/run_tests.py
+++ b/Tools/scripts/run_tests.py
@@ -25,8 +25,10 @@ def main(regrtest_args):
             '-u',                 # Unbuffered stdout and stderr
             '-W', 'default',      # Warnings set to 'default'
             '-bb',                # Warnings about bytes/bytearray
-            '-E',                 # Ignore environment variables
+    if 'PYTHONOLDPARSER' not in os.environ:
+        args.append('-E')         # Ignore environment variables
     # Allow user-specified interpreter options to override our defaults.

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