[Python-checkins] bpo-36597: Disable Travis CI doctest job (GH-12775)

Victor Stinner webhook-mailer at python.org
Thu Apr 11 03:46:58 EDT 2019

commit: adff01e81d291c698581eadd693caa43ae5c78ac
branch: master
author: Victor Stinner <vstinner at redhat.com>
committer: GitHub <noreply at github.com>
date: 2019-04-11T09:46:46+02:00

bpo-36597: Disable Travis CI doctest job (GH-12775)

Disable the job to unblock the CI until the issue is properly

M .travis.yml

diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index 6d57ebb1d2fb..23f79d0c3766 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -56,20 +56,22 @@ matrix:
         - python -m pip install sphinx==1.8.2 blurb python-docs-theme
         - make check suspicious html SPHINXOPTS="-q -W -j4"
-    - os: linux
-      language: c
-      compiler: clang
-      env: TESTING=doctest
-      addons:
-        apt:
-          packages:
-            - xvfb
-      before_script:
-        - ./configure
-        - make -j4
-        - make -C Doc/ PYTHON=../python venv
-      script:
-        xvfb-run make -C Doc/ PYTHON=../python SPHINXOPTS="-q -W -j4" doctest
+    # FIXME: bpo-36597: the doctest job fails because it fails
+    # FIXME: for an unknown reason
+    #- os: linux
+    #  language: c
+    #  compiler: clang
+    #  env: TESTING=doctest
+    #  addons:
+    #    apt:
+    #      packages:
+    #        - xvfb
+    #  before_script:
+    #    - ./configure
+    #    - make -j4
+    #    - make -C Doc/ PYTHON=../python venv
+    #  script:
+    #    xvfb-run make -C Doc/ PYTHON=../python SPHINXOPTS="-q -W -j4" doctest
     - os: osx
       language: c
       compiler: clang

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