[Python-checkins] peps (merge default -> default): merge

alexander.belopolsky python-checkins at python.org
Sat Aug 8 05:01:02 CEST 2015

changeset:   5928:bef97a3bbde9
parent:      5927:271749c8805d
parent:      5926:b658dd445504
user:        Alexander Belopolsky <alexander.belopolsky at gmail.com>
date:        Fri Aug 07 23:00:58 2015 -0400

  pep-0497.txt |    2 +-
  pep-0498.txt |  452 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  2 files changed, 453 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

diff --git a/pep-0497.txt b/pep-0497.txt
--- a/pep-0497.txt
+++ b/pep-0497.txt
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
 Author:	Ed Schofield <ed at pythoncharmers.com>
 Status:	Draft
 Type: Process
+Content-Type: text/x-rst
 Created: 04-Aug-2015
-Content-Type: text/x-rst
diff --git a/pep-0498.txt b/pep-0498.txt
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pep-0498.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,452 @@
+PEP: 498
+Title: Literal String Formatting
+Version: $Revision$
+Last-Modified: $Date$
+Author: Eric V. Smith <eric at trueblade.com>
+Status: Draft
+Type: Standards Track
+Content-Type: text/x-rst
+Created: 01-Aug-2015
+Python-Version: 3.6
+Post-History: 07-Aug-2015
+Python supports multiple ways to format text strings. These include
+%-formatting [#]_, str.format [#]_, and string.Template [#]_. Each of
+these methods have their advantages, but in addition have
+disadvantages that make them cumbersome to use in practice. This PEP
+proposed to add a new string formatting mechanism: Literal String
+Formatting. In this PEP, such strings will be refered to as
+"f-strings", taken from the leading character used to denote such
+f-strings provide a way to combine string literals with Python
+expressions, using a minimal syntax. It should be noted that an
+f-string is really an expression evaluated at run time, not a constant
+value. An f-string is a string, prefixed with 'f', that contains
+expressions inside braces. The expressions are replaced with their
+values. Some examples are::
+  >>> import datetime
+  >>> name = 'Fred'
+  >>> age = 50
+  >>> anniversary = datetime.date(1991, 10, 12)
+  >>> f'My name is {name}, my age next year is {age+1}, my anniversary is {anniversary:%A, %B %d, %Y}.'
+  'My name is Fred, my age next year is 51, my anniversary is Saturday, October 12, 1991.'
+  >>> f'He said his name is {name!r}.'
+  "He said his name is 'Fred'."
+This PEP does not propose to remove or deprecate any of the existing
+string formatting mechanisms.
+A similar feature was proposed in PEP 215 [#]_. PEP 215 proposed to
+support a subset of Python expressions, and did not support the
+type-specific string formatting (the __format__ method) which was
+introduced with PEP 3101 [#]_.
+This PEP is driven by the desire to have a simpler way to format
+strings in Python. The existing ways of formatting are either error
+prone, inflexible, or cumbersome.
+%-formatting is limited as to the types it supports. Only ints, strs,
+and doubles can be formatted. All other types are either not
+supported, or converted to one of these types before formatting. In
+addition, there's a well-known trap where a single value is passed::
+  >>> msg = 'disk failure'
+  >>> 'error: %s' % msg
+  'error: disk failure'
+But if msg were ever to be a tuple, the same code would fail::
+  >>> msg = ('disk failure', 32)
+  >>> 'error: %s' % msg
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
+  TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting
+To be defensive, the following code should be used::
+  >>> 'error: %s' % (msg,)
+  "error: ('disk failure', 32)"
+str.format() was added to address some of these problems with
+%-formatting. In particular, it uses normal function call syntax (and
+therefor supports mutliple parameters) and it is extensible through
+the __format__() method on the object being converted to a string. See
+PEP-3101 for a detailed rationale.
+However, str.format() is not without its issues. Chief among them are
+its verbosity. For example, the text 'value' is repeated here::
+  >>> value = 4 * 20
+  >>> 'The value is {value}.'.format(value=value)
+  'The value is 80.'
+Even in its simplest form, there is a bit of boilerplate, and the
+value that's inserted into the placeholder is sometimes far removed
+from where the placeholder is situated::
+  >>> 'The value is {}.'.format(value)
+  'The value is 80.'
+With an f-string, this becomes::
+  >>> f'The value is {value}.'
+  'The value is 80.'
+f-strings provide a concise, readable way to include expressions
+inside strings.
+string.Template has similar shortcomings to str.format(), but also
+supports fewer formatting options. In particular, it does not support
+No use of globals() or locals()
+In the discussions on python-dev [#]_, a number of solutions where
+presented that used locals() and globals() or their equivalents. All
+of these have various problems. Among these are referencing variables
+that are not otherwise used in a closure. Consider::
+  >>> def outer(x):
+  ...     def inner():
+  ...         return 'x={x}'.format_map(locals())
+  ...     return inner
+  ...
+  >>> outer(42)()
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
+    File "<stdin>", line 3, in inner
+  KeyError: 'x'
+This returns an error because the compiler has not added a reference
+to x inside the closure. You need to manually add a reference to x in
+order for this to work::
+  >>> def outer(x):
+  ...     def inner():
+  ...         x
+  ...         return 'x={x}'.format_map(locals())
+  ...     return inner
+  ...
+  >>> outer(42)()
+  'x=42'
+Guido stated [#]_ that any solution to better string interpolation
+would not use locals() or globals().
+In source code, f-strings are string literals that are prefixed by the
+letter 'f'. 'f' may be combined with 'r', in either order, to produce
+raw f-string literals. 'f' may not be combined with 'b': there are no
+binary f-strings. 'f' may also be combined with 'u', in either order,
+although adding 'u' has no effect.
+f-strings are parsed in to literals and expressions. Expressions
+appear within curly braces '{' and '}. The parts of the string outside
+of braces are literals.  The expressions are evaluated, formatted with
+the existing __format__ protocol, then the results are concatenated
+together with the string literals. While scanning the string for
+expressions, any doubled braces '{{' or '}}' are replaced by the
+corresponding single brace. Doubled opening braces do not signify the
+start of an expression.
+Following the expression, an optionally the type conversion may be
+specified.  The allowed conversions are '!s' or '!r'. These are
+treated the same as in str.format: '!s' calls str() on the expression,
+and '!r' calls repr() on the expression. These conversions are applied
+before the call to __format__. The only reason to use '!s' is if you
+want to specify a format specifier that applies to str, not to the
+type of the expression.
+Similar to str.format, optional format specifiers maybe be included
+inside the f-string, separated from the expression (or the type
+conversion, if specified) by a colon. If a format specifier is not
+provied, an empty string is used.
+So, an f-string looks like::
+  f ' <text> { <expression> <optional !s or !r> <optional : format specifier> } text ... '
+The resulting expression's __format__ method is called with the format
+specifier. The resulting value is used when building the value of the
+Expressions cannot contain ':' or '!' outside of strings or parens,
+brackets, or braces. The exception is that the '!=' operator is
+special cased.
+Code equivalence
+The exact code that is executed when converting expressions to strings
+is unspecified by this PEP. However, it is specified that once the
+expression is evaluated, the result's __format__() method will be
+called with the given format specifier.
+For example, this code::
+  f'abc{expr1:spec1}{expr2!r:spec2}def{expr3:!s}ghi'
+May be evaluated as::
+  ''.join(['abc', expr1.__format__('spec1'), repr(expr2).__format__('spec2'), 'def', str(expr3).__format__(''), 'ghi'])
+Expression evaluation
+The expressions that are extracted from the string are evaluated in
+the context where the f-string appeared. This means the expression has
+full access to local and global variables. Any valid Python expression
+can be used, including function and method calls.
+Because the f-strings are evaluated where the string appears in the
+source code, there is no additional expressiveness available with
+f-strings. There are also no additional security concerns: you could
+have also just written the same expression, not inside of an
+  >>> def foo():
+  ...   return 20
+  ...
+  >>> f'result={foo()}'
+  'result=20'
+Is equivalent to::
+  >>> 'result=' + str(foo())
+  'result=20'
+Format specifiers
+Format specifiers are not interpreted by the f-string parser. Just as
+in str.format(), they are merely passed in to the __format__() method
+of the object being formatted.
+Concatenating strings
+Adjacent f-strings and regular strings are concatenated. Regular
+strings are concatenated at compile time, and f-strings are
+concatenated at run time. For example, the expression::
+  >>> x = 10
+  >>> y = 'hi'
+  >>> 'a' 'b' f'{x}' 'c' f'str<{y:^4}>' 'd' 'e'
+yields the value::
+  'ab10cstr< hi >de'
+While the exact code that is executed when evaluating this f-string is
+not specified, one possible strategy is to evaluate::
+  ''.join(['ab', x.__format__(''), 'c', 'str<', y.__format__('^4'), '>', 'de'])
+Error handling
+Either compile time or run time errors can occur when processing
+f-strings. Compile time errors are limited to those errors that can be
+detected when scanning an f-string. These errors all raise
+Unmatched braces::
+  >>> f'x={x'
+    File "<stdin>", line 1
+  SyntaxError: missing '}' in format string expression
+Invalid expressions::
+  >>> f'x={!x}'
+    File "<fstring>", line 1
+      !x
+      ^
+  SyntaxError: invalid syntax
+Run time errors occur when evaluating the expressions inside an
+f-string. Note that an f-string can be evaluated multiple times, and
+work sometimes and raise an error at other times::
+  >>> d = {0:10, 1:20}
+  >>> for i in range(3):
+  ...     print(f'{i}:{d[i]}')
+  ...
+  0:10
+  1:20
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "<stdin>", line 2, in <module>
+  KeyError: 2
+  >>> for x in (32, 100, 'fifty'):
+  ...   f'x = {x:+3}'
+  ...
+  'x = +32'
+  'x = +100'
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "<stdin>", line 2, in <module>
+  ValueError: Sign not allowed in string format specifier
+Leading whitespace in expressions is skipped
+Because expressions may begin with a left brace ('{'), there is a
+problem when parsing such expressions. For example::
+  >>> f'{{k:v for k, v in [(1, 2), (3, 4)}}'
+  '{k:v for k, v in [(1, 2), (3, 4)}'
+In this case, the doubled left braces and doubled right braces are
+interpreted as single braces, and the string becomes just a normal
+string literal. There is no expression evaluation being performed.
+To account for this, whitespace characters at the beginning of an
+expression are skipped::
+  >>> f'{ {k:v for k, v in [(1, 2), (3, 4)}}'
+  '{k:v for k, v in [(1, 2), (3, 4)}'
+Most of the discussions on python-ideas [#]_ focused on a few issues:
+ - Whether to allow full Python expressions.
+ - How to designate f-strings, and how specify the locaton of
+   expressions in them.
+ - How to concatenate adjacent strings and f-strings.
+XXX: more on the above issues.
+Differences between f-string and str.format expressions
+There is one small difference between the limited expressions allowed
+in str.format() and the full expressions allowed inside f-strings. The
+difference is in how index lookups are performed. In str.format(),
+index values that do not look like numbers are converted to strings::
+  >>> d = {'a': 10, 'b': 20}
+  >>> 'a={d[a]}'.format(d=d)
+  'a=10'
+Notice that the index value is converted to the string "a" when it is
+looked up in the dict.
+However, in f-strings, you would need to use a literal for the value
+of 'a'::
+  >>> f'a={d["a"]}'
+  'a=10'
+This difference is required because otherwise you would not be able to
+use variables as index values::
+  >>> a = 'b'
+  >>> f'a={d[a]}'
+  'a=20'
+See [#]_ for a further discussion. It was this observation that led to
+full Python expressions being supported in f-strings.
+No binary f-strings
+For the same reason that we don't support bytes.format(), you may not
+combine 'f' with 'b' string literals. The primary problem is that an
+object's __format__() method may return Unicode data that is not
+compatible with a bytes string.
+!s and !r are redundant
+The !s and !r are not strictly required. Because arbitrary expressions
+are allowed inside the f-strings, this code::
+  >>> a = 'some string'
+  >>> f'{a!r}'
+  "'some string'"
+Is identical to::
+  >>> f'{repr(a)}'
+  "'some string'"
+Similarly, !s can be replaced by calls to str().
+However, !s and !r are supported by this PEP in order to minimize the
+differences with str.format(). !s and !r are required in str.format()
+because it does not allow the execution of arbitrary expressions.
+Lambdas inside expressions
+Because lambdas use the ':' character, they cannot appear outside of
+parenthesis in an expression. The colon is interpreted as the start of
+the format specifier, which means the start of the lambda expression
+is seen and is syntactically invalid. As there's no practical use for
+a plain lambda in an f-string expression, this is not seen as much of
+a limitation.
+Lambdas may be used inside of parens::
+  >>> f'{(lambda x: x*2)(3)}'
+  '6'
+.. [#] %-formatting
+       (https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#printf-style-string-formatting)
+.. [#] str.format
+       (https://docs.python.org/3/library/string.html#formatstrings)
+.. [#] string.Template documentation
+       (https://docs.python.org/3/library/string.html#template-strings)
+.. [#] PEP 215: String Interpolation
+       (https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0215/)
+.. [#] PEP 3101: Advanced String Formatting
+       (https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3101/)
+.. [#] Formatting using locals() and globals()
+       (https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-ideas/2015-July/034671.html)
+.. [#] Avoid locals() and globals()
+       (https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-ideas/2015-July/034701.html)
+.. [#] Start of python-ideas discussion
+       (https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-ideas/2015-July/034657.html)
+.. [#] Differences in str.format() and f-string expressions
+       (https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-ideas/2015-July/034726.html)
+This document has been placed in the public domain.

+   Local Variables:
+   mode: indented-text
+   indent-tabs-mode: nil
+   sentence-end-double-space: t
+   fill-column: 70
+   coding: utf-8
+   End:

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