[Python-checkins] cpython (3.2): Fix Issue17069: Document getcode method in urllib.request.rst

Terry Reedy tjreedy at udel.edu
Thu Feb 7 19:35:32 CET 2013

3 suggested changes:

1. On 2/7/2013 3:49 AM, senthil.kumaran wrote:
> +   For ftp, file, data urls and requests are explicity handled by legacy
> +   :class:`URLopener` and :class:`FancyURLopener` class, this function returns

The first part up to "class," is not a proper English clause. Perhaps 
you meant ('that' added):
"For ftp, file, data urls and requests that are explicity handled ..."

or (to make clear that 'that explicitly' does not apply to ftp,file,data 
('and' added):
"For ftp, file, and data urls and requests that are explicity handled "

or perhaps clearest ('are' deleted, 'that' not added)
"For ftp, file, and data urls and requests explicity handled ..."

2. it seems that 'class' should be 'classes'.

+ ... this function returns
+   an :class:`urllib.response.addinfourl` object

Since 'url' is generally pronounced 'you-are-el' rather than like 'earl' 
(I checked Merriam-Webster online), that should be 'a' rather than 'an' 
url... .

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