[Python-checkins] peps: Further refinements to PEP 413, save state before changing the proposed stdlib

nick.coghlan python-checkins at python.org
Sun Feb 26 03:49:59 CET 2012

changeset:   4084:a2ad67fa36f8
user:        Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at gmail.com>
date:        Sun Feb 26 12:49:49 2012 +1000
  Further refinements to PEP 413, save state before changing the proposed stdlib versioning scheme

  pep-0413.txt |  241 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
  1 files changed, 172 insertions(+), 69 deletions(-)

diff --git a/pep-0413.txt b/pep-0413.txt
--- a/pep-0413.txt
+++ b/pep-0413.txt
@@ -99,37 +99,67 @@
-This PEP proposes the addition of a new ``sys.stdlib_info`` attribute that
-records a date based standard library version above and beyond the underlying
-interpreter version::
+This PEP proposes the introduction of a new kind of CPython release:
+"standard library releases". As with PEP 407, this will give CPython 3 kinds
+of release:
-    sys.stdlib_info(year=2012, month=8, micro=0, releaselevel='final', serial=0)
+* Language release: "x.y.0"
+* Maintenance release: "x.y.z" (where z > 0)
+* Standard library release: "x.y (YY.MM)"
-This information would also be included in the ``sys.version`` string::
+Under this scheme, an unqualified version reference (such as "3.3") would
+always refer to the most recent corresponding language or maintenance
+release. It will never be used without qualification to refer to a standard
+library release (at least by python-dev - obviously, we can only set an
+example, not force the rest of the Python ecosystem to go along with it).
-    Python 3.3.0 (12.08.0, default:c1a07c8092f7+, Feb 17 2012, 23:03:41) 
-    [GCC 4.6.1]
+Language releases will continue as they are now, as new versions of the
+Python language definition, along with a new version of the CPython
+interpreter and the Python standard library. Accordingly, a language
+release may contain any and all of the following changes:
+* new language syntax
+* new standard library changes (see below)
+* new deprecation warnings
+* removal of previously deprecated features
+* changes to the emitted bytecode
+* changes to the AST
+* any other significant changes to the compilation toolchain
+* changes to the core interpreter eval loop
+* changes to the C ABI (although the PEP 384 stable ABI must be preserved)
+* bug fixes
+Maintenance releases will also continue as they do today, being strictly
+limited to bug fixes for the corresponding language release. No new features
+or radical internal changes are permitted.
+The new standard library releases will occur in parallel with each
+maintenance release and will be qualified with a date-based version
+identifier documenting their *actual* release date. Standard library
+releases may include the following changes:
+* new features in pure Python modules
+* new features in C extension modules (subject to PEP 399 compatibility
+  requirements)
+* new features in language builtins (provided the C ABI remains unaffected)
+* bug fixes from the corresponding maintenance release
+Release Cycle
 When maintenance releases are created, *two* new versions of Python would
 actually be published on python.org (using the first 3.3 maintenance release,
 planned for February 2013 as an example)::
-    3.3.1 + 12.08.1  # Maintenance release
-    3.3.1 + 13.02.0  # Standard library release
-A standard library release would just be the corresponding maintenance
-release, with the following additional, backwards compatible changes:
-* new features in pure Python modules
-* new features in C extension modules (subject to PEP 399 compatibility
-  requirements)
-* new features in language builtins (provided the C ABI remains unaffected)
+    3.3.1        # Maintenance release
+    3.3 (13.02)  # Standard library release
 A further 6 months later, the next 3.3 maintenance release would again be
 accompanied by a new standard library release::
-    3.3.2 + 12.08.2  # Maintenance release
-    3.3.2 + 13.08.1  # Standard library release
+    3.3.2        # Maintenance release
+    3.3 (13.08)  # Standard library release
 Again, the standard library release would be binary compatible with the
 previous language release, merely offering additional features at the
@@ -138,30 +168,62 @@
 Finally, 18 months after the release of 3.3, a new language release would
 be made around the same time as the final 3.3 maintenance release::
-    3.3.3 + 12.08.3  # Maintenance release
-    3.4.0 + 14.02.0  # Language release
+    3.3.3   # Maintenance release
+    3.4.0   # Language release
 Language releases would then contain all the features that are not
 permitted in standard library releases:
-* new language syntax
-* new deprecation warnings
-* removal of previously deprecated features
-* changes to the emitted bytecode
-* changes to the AST
-* any other significant changes to the compilation toolchain
-* changes to the core eval loop
-* changes to the C ABI
 The 3.4 release cycle would then follow a similar pattern to that for 3.3::
-    3.4.1 + 14.02.1  # Maintenance release
-    3.4.1 + 14.08.0  # Standard library release
-    3.4.2 + 14.02.2  # Maintenance release
-    3.4.2 + 15.02.0  # Standard library release
-    3.4.3 + 14.02.3  # Maintenance release
-    3.5.0 + 15.08.0  # Language release
+    3.4.1        # Maintenance release
+    3.4 (14.08)  # Standard library release
+    3.4.2        # Maintenance release
+    3.4 (15.02)  # Standard library release
+    3.4.3        # Maintenance release
+    3.5          # Language release
+Programmatic Version Identification
+To expose the new release details programmatically, this PEP proposes the
+addition of a new ``sys.stdlib_info`` attribute that records the date based
+standard library version above and beyond the underlying interpreter
+version. Using the initial Python 3.3 release as an example::
+    sys.stdlib_info(year=2012, month=8, micro=0, releaselevel='final', serial=0)
+This information would also be included in the ``sys.version`` string::
+    Python 3.3.0 (12.08.0, default, Feb 17 2012, 23:03:41) 
+    [GCC 4.6.1]
+Security Fixes and Other "Out of Cycle" Releases
+For maintenance releases the process of handling out-of-cycle releases (for
+example, to fix a security issue or resolve a critical bug in a new release),
+remains the same as it is now: the minor version number is incremented and a
+new release is made incorporating the required bug fixes, as well as any
+other bug fixes that have been committed since the previous release.
+For standard library releases, things are slightly more complicated, as the
+corresponding source control branch may contain new features in addition to
+bug fixes. If such features exist, then, to provide a comprehensible release,
+it would be necessary to:
+1. Change the release version number to the date of the current month.
+2. Update the What's New, NEWS and documentation to refer to the new release
+   number.
+3. Make the new release.
+(Note: due to this problem with out-of-cycle releases, I'm considering an
+alternate standard library version scheme that would use date independent
+numbers like "33.1" and "33.2". See `Why a date-based versioning scheme?`_).
 User Scenarios
@@ -187,12 +249,12 @@
 **Status quo:** must choose between 3.3 and 2.7
-**This PEP:** must choose between 3.3 (13.02), 3.3 (12.08) and 2.7.
+**This PEP:** must choose between 3.3 (13.02), 3.3 and 2.7.
 **PEP 407:** must choose between 3.4, 3.3 (LTS) and 2.7.
 **Verdict:** explaining the meaning of a Long Term Support release is about as
-complicated as explaining the meaning of the proposed standard library
+complicated as explaining the meaning of the proposed standard library release
 version numbers. I call this a tie.
@@ -555,12 +617,16 @@
 associated maintenance and standard library releases).
-Option: Slowing down the language release cycle
+Other benefits of reduced version coupling
+Slowing down the language release cycle
 The current release cycle is a compromise between the desire for stability
 in the core language definition and C extension ABI, and the desire to get
-new feature (most notably standard library updates) into users hands quickly.
+new features (most notably standard library updates) into user's hands more
 With the standard library release cycle decoupled (to some degree) from that
 of the core language definition, it provides an opportunity to actually 
@@ -574,34 +640,35 @@
 as standard library releases become more frequent.
 As simple example, if a full two years was allowed between 3.3 and 3.4,
-the 3.3 release cycle would be up looking like::
+the 3.3 release cycle would end up looking like::
-    3.2.4            # Maintenance release
-    3.3.0 + 12.08.0  # Language release
+    3.2.4        # Maintenance release
+    3.3.0        # Language release
-    3.3.1 + 12.08.1  # Maintenance release
-    3.3.1 + 13.02.0  # Standard library release
+    3.3.1        # Maintenance release
+    3.3 (13.02)  # Standard library release
-    3.3.2 + 12.08.2  # Maintenance release
-    3.3.2 + 13.08.1  # Standard library release
+    3.3.2        # Maintenance release
+    3.3 (13.08)  # Standard library release
-    3.3.3 + 12.08.3  # Maintenance release
-    3.3.3 + 14.02.1  # Standard library release
+    3.3.3        # Maintenance release
+    3.3 (14.02)  # Standard library release
-    3.3.4 + 12.08.4  # Maintenance release
-    3.4.0 + 14.08.0  # Language release
+    3.3.4        # Maintenance release
+    3.4.0        # Language release
 The elegance of the proposed NEWS entry layout is that this decision
 wouldn't need to be made until after the 13.08 standard library release. At
 that point, the ``3.3-compat`` branch could be kept open (thus adding
 another standard library release to the cycle), or else it could be closed,
-committing to the next release being a full language release. The choice
-between another standard library release or a full language release would
-then be available every 6 months after that.
+committing to the next release being a full language release. If the
+compatibility branch was kept open, the choice between another standard
+library release or a full language release would then be available every
+6 months after that.
-Future: Further increasing the pace of standard library development
+Further increasing the pace of standard library development
 A further benefit of the scheme proposed in this PEP is that it almost
 *fully* decouples the language release cycle from the standard library
@@ -610,19 +677,55 @@
 version numbering or the perceived stability of the core language.
 While that pace of development isn't practical as long as the binary
-installer creation for Windows and Mac OS X involves several manual steps and
-for as long as we don't have separate "<branch>-release" trees that only
-receive versions that have been marked as good by the stable buildbots,
-it's a useful criterion to keep in mind: what if we want to make standard
-library releases even *faster* than every 6 months?
+installer creation for Windows and Mac OS X involves several manual steps
+(including manual testing) and for as long as we don't have separate
+"<branch>-release" trees that only receive versions that have been marked as
+good by the stable buildbots, it's a useful criterion to keep in mind when
+considering proposed new versioning schemes: what if we eventually want
+to make standard library releases even *faster* than every 6 months?
 If the practical issues were ever resolved, then the separate date-based
 versioning scheme in this PEP could handle it. The approach proposed in
-PEP 407 could not.
+PEP 407 could not (at least, not without a lot of user confusion).
+Other Questions
+Why a date-based versioning scheme?
+While a date-based scheme does mean additional work in the case of an
+out-of-cycle release, it's an easy way to come up with a numbering system
+that is clearly orthogonal to the existing versioning scheme used for 
+language releases.
+Another possibility would just be ``major.minor`` versioning where:
+* major: xy from the corresponding language release (that is, "33" for 3.3)
+* minor: release sequence number for the standard library releases
+Then the Python 3.3 release series would look like::
+    3.3.0        # Language release
+    3.3.1       # Maintenance release
+    3.3 (33.1)  # Standard library release
+    3.3.2       # Maintenance release
+    3.3 (33.2)  # Standard library release
+    3.3.3   # Maintenance release
+    3.4.0   # Language release
+Such a scheme would have the advantage of tolerating out-of-cycle releases
+without needing to adjust the version numbering for the release, but would
+lose the minor benefit of providing clearer age information within the
+versioning scheme itself.
 Why isn't PEP 384 enough?
 PEP 384 introduced the notion of a "Stable ABI" for CPython, a limited
 subset of the full C ABI that is guaranteed to remain stable. Extensions
@@ -639,14 +742,14 @@
 Why not separate out the standard library entirely?
 Because it's a lot of work for next to no pay-off. CPython without the
 standard library is useless (the build chain won't even run, let alone the
-test suite). You can't create a standalone pure Python standard library,
-because too many "modules" are actually tightly linked in to the internal
-details of their respective interpreters (e.g. ``weakref``, ``gc``, ``sys``,
-``inspect``, ``ast``).
+test suite). You can't create a standalone pure Python standard library
+either, because too many "modules" are actually tightly linked in to the
+internal details of their respective interpreters (e.g. ``weakref``, ``gc``,
+``sys``, ``inspect``, ``ast``).
 Creating a separate development branch that is kept compatible with the
 previous feature release, and making releases from that branch that are

Repository URL: http://hg.python.org/peps

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