[Python-checkins] peps: Further PEP 432 updates

Terry Reedy tjreedy at udel.edu
Sun Dec 30 21:06:33 CET 2012

On 12/30/2012 8:39 AM, nick.coghlan wrote:
> +In the new design, the interpreter will move through the following
> +well-defined phases during the startup sequence:
> +
> +* Pre-Initialization - no interpreter available
> +* Initialization - limited interpreter available
> +* Pre-Main - full interpreter available, __main__ related metadata incomplete
> +* Main Execution - normal interpreter operation

It seems that you are saying to do the following four tasks:

* Setup limited interpreter, using 'raw' C, that has a limited C-API.
* Complete the full interpreter, using C and the limited API.
* Setup __main__ module, using full API.
* Execute Python code in __main__.

Since I think of a 'phase' as activity rather than a 'thing', I prefer 
the verb form of phase description as describing what the interpreter is 
doing during the phase.

I am assuming that the full interpreter is the limited interpreter 
'fleshed out', rather than a new object built built from scratch. (The 
way that the PEP is written, it might be interpreted to mean the latter.)

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