[Python-checkins] cpython (3.2): Avoid using the default reST role. Makes Doc/tools/rstlint.py happy.

eric.araujo python-checkins at python.org
Fri Sep 2 17:45:00 CEST 2011

changeset:   72175:d09a44fed132
branch:      3.2
parent:      72151:1e01543c3d0a
user:        Éric Araujo <merwok at netwok.org>
date:        Thu Sep 01 02:47:34 2011 +0200
  Avoid using the default reST role.  Makes Doc/tools/rstlint.py happy.

  Doc/library/base64.rst       |   4 +-
  Doc/library/configparser.rst |   6 ++--
  Doc/library/email.header.rst |   4 +-
  Doc/library/inspect.rst      |   8 +++---
  Doc/library/unittest.rst     |  28 ++++++++++++------------
  5 files changed, 25 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Doc/library/base64.rst b/Doc/library/base64.rst
--- a/Doc/library/base64.rst
+++ b/Doc/library/base64.rst
@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@
    at least length 2 (additional characters are ignored) which specifies the
    alternative alphabet used instead of the ``+`` and ``/`` characters.
-   The decoded string is returned.  A `binascii.Error` is raised if *s* is
-   incorrectly padded.
+   The decoded string is returned.  A :exc:`binascii.Error` exception is raised
+   if *s* is incorrectly padded.
    If *validate* is ``False`` (the default), non-base64-alphabet characters are
    discarded prior to the padding check.  If *validate* is ``True``,
diff --git a/Doc/library/configparser.rst b/Doc/library/configparser.rst
--- a/Doc/library/configparser.rst
+++ b/Doc/library/configparser.rst
@@ -806,17 +806,17 @@
    cfg = configparser.ConfigParser()
-   # Set the optional `raw` argument of get() to True if you wish to disable
+   # Set the optional *raw* argument of get() to True if you wish to disable
    # interpolation in a single get operation.
    print(cfg.get('Section1', 'foo', raw=False)) # -> "Python is fun!"
    print(cfg.get('Section1', 'foo', raw=True))  # -> "%(bar)s is %(baz)s!"
-   # The optional `vars` argument is a dict with members that will take
+   # The optional *vars* argument is a dict with members that will take
    # precedence in interpolation.
    print(cfg.get('Section1', 'foo', vars={'bar': 'Documentation',
                                              'baz': 'evil'}))
-   # The optional `fallback` argument can be used to provide a fallback value
+   # The optional *fallback* argument can be used to provide a fallback value
    print(cfg.get('Section1', 'foo'))
          # -> "Python is fun!"
diff --git a/Doc/library/email.header.rst b/Doc/library/email.header.rst
--- a/Doc/library/email.header.rst
+++ b/Doc/library/email.header.rst
@@ -141,11 +141,11 @@
       Returns an approximation of the :class:`Header` as a string, using an
       unlimited line length.  All pieces are converted to unicode using the
       specified encoding and joined together appropriately.  Any pieces with a
-      charset of `unknown-8bit` are decoded as `ASCII` using the `replace`
+      charset of ``'unknown-8bit'`` are decoded as ASCII using the ``'replace'``
       error handler.
       .. versionchanged:: 3.2
-         Added handling for the `unknown-8bit` charset.
+         Added handling for the ``'unknown-8bit'`` charset.
    .. method:: __eq__(other)
diff --git a/Doc/library/inspect.rst b/Doc/library/inspect.rst
--- a/Doc/library/inspect.rst
+++ b/Doc/library/inspect.rst
@@ -575,13 +575,13 @@
 may be called.
 For cases where you want passive introspection, like documentation tools, this
-can be inconvenient. `getattr_static` has the same signature as :func:`getattr`
+can be inconvenient. :func:`getattr_static` has the same signature as :func:`getattr`
 but avoids executing code when it fetches attributes.
 .. function:: getattr_static(obj, attr, default=None)
    Retrieve attributes without triggering dynamic lookup via the
-   descriptor protocol, `__getattr__` or `__getattribute__`.
+   descriptor protocol, :meth:`__getattr__` or :meth:`__getattribute__`.
    Note: this function may not be able to retrieve all attributes
    that getattr can fetch (like dynamically created attributes)
@@ -589,12 +589,12 @@
    that raise AttributeError). It can also return descriptors objects
    instead of instance members.
-   If the instance `__dict__` is shadowed by another member (for example a
+   If the instance :attr:`__dict__` is shadowed by another member (for example a
    property) then this function will be unable to find instance members.
    .. versionadded:: 3.2
-`getattr_static` does not resolve descriptors, for example slot descriptors or
+:func:`getattr_static` does not resolve descriptors, for example slot descriptors or
 getset descriptors on objects implemented in C. The descriptor object
 is returned instead of the underlying attribute.
diff --git a/Doc/library/unittest.rst b/Doc/library/unittest.rst
--- a/Doc/library/unittest.rst
+++ b/Doc/library/unittest.rst
@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
    As a shortcut, ``python -m unittest`` is the equivalent of
    ``python -m unittest discover``. If you want to pass arguments to test
-   discovery the `discover` sub-command must be used explicitly.
+   discovery the ``discover`` sub-command must be used explicitly.
 The ``discover`` sub-command has the following options:
@@ -305,11 +305,11 @@
 .. cmdoption:: -s directory
-   Directory to start discovery ('.' default)
+   Directory to start discovery (``.`` default)
 .. cmdoption:: -p pattern
-   Pattern to match test files ('test*.py' default)
+   Pattern to match test files (``test*.py`` default)
 .. cmdoption:: -t directory
@@ -724,8 +724,8 @@
    single test.
    .. versionchanged::
-      `TestCase` can be instantiated successfully without providing a method
-      name. This makes it easier to experiment with `TestCase` from the
+      :class:`TestCase` can be instantiated successfully without providing a method
+      name. This makes it easier to experiment with :class:`TestCase` from the
       interactive interpreter.
    *methodName* defaults to :meth:`runTest`.
@@ -940,17 +940,17 @@
    | Method                                                  | Checks that                          | New in     |
-   | :meth:`assertRaises(exc, fun, *args, **kwds)            | ``fun(*args, **kwds)`` raises `exc`  |            |
+   | :meth:`assertRaises(exc, fun, *args, **kwds)            | ``fun(*args, **kwds)`` raises *exc*  |            |
    | <TestCase.assertRaises>`                                |                                      |            |
-   | :meth:`assertRaisesRegex(exc, re, fun, *args, **kwds)   | ``fun(*args, **kwds)`` raises `exc`  | 3.1        |
-   | <TestCase.assertRaisesRegex>`                           | and the message matches `re`         |            |
+   | :meth:`assertRaisesRegex(exc, re, fun, *args, **kwds)   | ``fun(*args, **kwds)`` raises *exc*  | 3.1        |
+   | <TestCase.assertRaisesRegex>`                           | and the message matches *re*         |            |
-   | :meth:`assertWarns(warn, fun, *args, **kwds)            | ``fun(*args, **kwds)`` raises `warn` | 3.2        |
+   | :meth:`assertWarns(warn, fun, *args, **kwds)            | ``fun(*args, **kwds)`` raises *warn* | 3.2        |
    | <TestCase.assertWarns>`                                 |                                      |            |
-   | :meth:`assertWarnsRegex(warn, re, fun, *args, **kwds)   | ``fun(*args, **kwds)`` raises `warn` | 3.2        |
-   | <TestCase.assertWarnsRegex>`                            | and the message matches `re`         |            |
+   | :meth:`assertWarnsRegex(warn, re, fun, *args, **kwds)   | ``fun(*args, **kwds)`` raises *warn* | 3.2        |
+   | <TestCase.assertWarnsRegex>`                            | and the message matches *re*         |            |
    .. method:: assertRaises(exception, callable, *args, **kwds)
@@ -1092,7 +1092,7 @@
    | :meth:`assertNotRegex(s, re)          | ``not regex.search(s)``        | 3.2          |
    | <TestCase.assertNotRegex>`            |                                |              |
-   | :meth:`assertCountEqual(a, b)         | `a` and `b` have the same      | 3.2          |
+   | :meth:`assertCountEqual(a, b)         | *a* and *b* have the same      | 3.2          |
    | <TestCase.assertCountEqual>`          | elements in the same number,   |              |
    |                                       | regardless of their order      |              |
@@ -1887,7 +1887,7 @@
 .. class:: TextTestRunner(stream=None, descriptions=True, verbosity=1, runnerclass=None, warnings=None)
    A basic test runner implementation that outputs results to a stream. If *stream*
-   is `None`, the default, `sys.stderr` is used as the output stream. This class
+   is ``None``, the default, :data:`sys.stderr` is used as the output stream. This class
    has a few configurable parameters, but is essentially very simple.  Graphical
    applications which run test suites should provide alternate implementations.
@@ -1904,7 +1904,7 @@
       Added the ``warnings`` argument.
    .. versionchanged:: 3.2
-      The default stream is set to `sys.stderr` at instantiation time rather
+      The default stream is set to :data:`sys.stderr` at instantiation time rather
       than import time.
    .. method:: _makeResult()

Repository URL: http://hg.python.org/cpython

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