[Python-checkins] Would someone please help me merge these changes to other branches?

skip at pobox.com skip at pobox.com
Sun Mar 20 16:07:36 CET 2011

I pushed two changes to cpython yesterday and today.  I don't know how to
merge them to the 2.7 and 3.2 branches, and don't want to even try for fear
of screwing something up.  If what I read in python-dev yesterday is
correct, I did things incorrectly by starting with cpython instead of 2.7 or

Here are the changesets:


There are other changesets, but they are all merge or conflict resolution
stuff and don't appear to be related to what I planned on being a simple
toe-in-the-water exercise in using Mercurial.  I don't know why they turned
up in the push.



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