[Python-checkins] hooks: Lots of cosmetic changes

local-hg python-checkins at python.org
Tue Mar 8 20:59:34 CET 2011

changeset:   57:931248abb746
user:        Antoine Pitrou <solipsis at pitrou.net>
date:        Tue Mar 08 20:59:34 2011 +0100
  Lots of cosmetic changes


diff --git a/hgroundup.py b/hgroundup.py
--- a/hgroundup.py
+++ b/hgroundup.py
@@ -30,57 +30,83 @@
 import re
 import smtplib
 import posixpath
+import traceback
 from string import Template
 from email.mime.text import MIMEText
-VERBS = r'(?:\b(?P<verb>close[sd]?|closing|fixe[sd]|fixing|fix)\s+)?'
+from mercurial.templatefilters import person
+VERBS = r'(?:\b(?P<verb>close[sd]?|closing|)\s+)?'
 ISSUE_PATTERN = re.compile(r'%s(?:#|\bissue|\bbug)\s*(?P<issue_id>[0-9]{4,})'
                            % VERBS, re.I)
-COMMENT_TEMPLATE = "${commit_msg}\n${changeset_url}"
+New changeset ${changeset_id} by $author in branch '${branch}':
-def update_issue(ui, repo, node, **kwargs):
+def update_issue(*args, **kwargs):
+    try:
+        _update_issue(*args, **kwargs)
+    except:
+        traceback.print_exc()
+        raise
+def _update_issue(ui, repo, node, **kwargs):
     """Update a Roundup issue for corresponding changesets.
     Return True if updating the Roundup issue fails, else False.
-    repo_url = ui.config('hgroundup', 'repo')
+    repourl = ui.config('hgroundup', 'repourl')
+    if not repourl:
+        repourl = posixpath.join(ui.config('web', 'baseurl'), 'rev/')
+    fromaddr = ui.config('hgroundup', 'fromaddr')
     toaddr = ui.config('hgroundup', 'toaddr')
     mailrelay = ui.config('hgroundup', 'mailrelay', default='')
+    for var in ('repourl', 'fromaddr', 'toaddr'):
+        if not locals()[var]:
+            raise RuntimeError(
+                'roundup hook not configured properly,\nplease '
+                'set the "%s" property in the [hgroundup] section'
+                % var)
     start = repo[node].rev()
     issues = {}
     for rev in xrange(start, len(repo)):
         ctx = repo[rev]
-        description = ctx.description()
+        description = ctx.description().strip()
         match = ISSUE_PATTERN.search(description)
-        ui.warn('match in commit msg: %s\n' % (match and match.groupdict() or 'no'))
+        ui.debug('match in commit msg: %s\n' % (match and match.groupdict() or 'no'))
         if not match:
         data = match.groupdict()
         comment = Template(COMMENT_TEMPLATE).substitute({
-            'changeset_url': posixpath.join(repo_url, str(ctx)),
-            'commit_msg': description,
+            'author': person(ctx.user()),
+            'branch': ctx.branch(),
+            'changeset_id': str(ctx),
+            'changeset_url': posixpath.join(repourl, str(ctx)),
+            'commit_msg': description.splitlines()[0],
         add_comment(issues, ctx.user(), data, comment)
     if issues:
-            send_comments(mailrelay, toaddr, issues)
-            ui.status("Sent email to roundup at " + toaddr + '\n')
+            send_comments(mailrelay, fromaddr, toaddr, issues)
+            ui.status("sent email to roundup at " + toaddr + '\n')
         except Exception, err:
             # make sure an issue updating roundup does not prevent an
             # otherwise successful push.
-            ui.warn("Sending email to roundup at %s failed: %s\n" %
+            ui.warn("sending email to roundup at %s failed: %s\n" %
                     (toaddr, err))
-        ui.debug("No issues to send to roundup\n")
+        ui.debug("no issues to send to roundup\n")
     return False
 def add_comment(issues, user, data, comment):
     """Process a comment made in a commit message."""
-    key = (data['issue_id'], user)
+    key = data['issue_id']
     if key in issues:
@@ -91,19 +117,19 @@
             'resolution': 'fixed'
-def send_comments(mailrelay, toaddr, issues):
+def send_comments(mailrelay, fromaddr, toaddr, issues):
     """Update the Roundup issue with a comment and changeset link."""
-    for (issue_id, user), data in issues.iteritems():
-        props = ''
-        if data['properties']:
-            props = ' [%s]' % ';'.join('%s=%s' % x
-                                       for x in data['properties'].iteritems())
-        msg = MIMEText('\n\n'.join(data['comments']))
-        msg['From'] = user
-        msg['To'] = toaddr
-        msg['Subject'] = "[issue%s]%s" % (issue_id, props)
-        import sys
-        print >>sys.stderr, msg['Subject']
-        s = smtplib.SMTP(mailrelay)
-        s.sendmail(user, toaddr, msg.as_string())
+    s = smtplib.SMTP(mailrelay)
+    try:
+        for issue_id, data in issues.iteritems():
+            props = ''
+            if data['properties']:
+                props = ' [%s]' % ';'.join('%s=%s' % x
+                                           for x in data['properties'].iteritems())
+            msg = MIMEText('\n\n'.join(data['comments']))
+            msg['From'] = fromaddr
+            msg['To'] = toaddr
+            msg['Subject'] = "[issue%s]%s" % (issue_id, props)
+            s.sendmail(fromaddr, toaddr, msg.as_string())
+    finally:

Repository URL: http://hg.python.org/hooks

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