[Python-checkins] distutils2: updated docs for the test command

tarek.ziade python-checkins at python.org
Sun Sep 19 10:20:20 CEST 2010

tarek.ziade pushed 05b3f45d94f6 to distutils2:

changeset:   596:05b3f45d94f6
user:        Konrad Delong <konryd at gmail.com>
date:        Tue Jul 27 14:33:40 2010 +0200
summary:     updated docs for the test command
files:       docs/source/new_commands.rst

diff --git a/docs/source/new_commands.rst b/docs/source/new_commands.rst
--- a/docs/source/new_commands.rst
+++ b/docs/source/new_commands.rst
@@ -6,6 +6,56 @@
 You might recognize some of them from other projects, like Distribute or
+``test`` - Build package and run a unittest suite
+When doing test-driven development, or running automated builds that need
+testing before they are deployed for downloading or use, it's often useful
+to be able to run a project's unit tests without actually deploying the project
+anywhere, even using the ``develop`` command.  The ``test`` command runs a
+project's unit tests without actually deploying it, by temporarily putting the
+project's source on ``sys.path``, after first running ``build_ext -i`` and
+``egg_info`` to ensure that any C extensions and project metadata are
+To use this command, your project's tests must be wrapped in a ``unittest``
+test suite by either a function, a ``TestCase`` class or method, or a module
+or package containing ``TestCase`` classes.  If the named suite is a module,
+and the module has an ``additional_tests()`` function, it is called and the
+result (which must be a ``unittest.TestSuite``) is added to the tests to be
+run.  If the named suite is a package, any submodules and subpackages are
+recursively added to the overall test suite.  (Note: if your project specifies
+a ``test_loader``, the rules for processing the chosen ``test_suite`` may
+differ; see the `test_loader`_ documentation for more details.)
+Note that many test systems including ``doctest`` support wrapping their
+non-``unittest`` tests in ``TestSuite`` objects.  So, if you are using a test
+package that does not support this, we suggest you encourage its developers to
+implement test suite support, as this is a convenient and standard way to
+aggregate a collection of tests to be run under a common test harness.
+By default, tests will be run in the "verbose" mode of the ``unittest``
+package's text test runner, but you can get the "quiet" mode (just dots) if
+you supply the ``-q`` or ``--quiet`` option, either as a global option to
+the setup script (e.g. ``setup.py -q test``) or as an option for the ``test``
+command itself (e.g. ``setup.py test -q``).  There is one other option
+``--test-suite=NAME, -s NAME``
+    Specify the test suite (or module, class, or method) to be run
+    (e.g. ``some_module.test_suite``).  The default for this option can be
+    set by giving a ``test_suite`` argument to the ``setup()`` function, e.g.::
+        setup(
+            # ...
+            test_suite = "my_package.tests.test_all"
+        )
+    If you did not set a ``test_suite`` in your ``setup()`` call, and do not
+    provide a ``--test-suite`` option, an error will occur.
 ``upload_docs`` - Upload package documentation to PyPI

Repository URL: http://hg.python.org/distutils2

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