[Python-checkins] r81092 - in python/branches/py3k-jit: Doc/library/winreg.rst Modules/_cursesmodule.c

collin.winter python-checkins at python.org
Wed May 12 00:05:24 CEST 2010

Author: collin.winter
Date: Wed May 12 00:05:24 2010
New Revision: 81092

Merged revisions 81085,81090 via svnmerge from 

  r81085 | mark.dickinson | 2010-05-11 10:57:09 -0700 (Tue, 11 May 2010) | 1 line
  Issue #8677:  Make curses module PY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN.
  r81090 | brian.curtin | 2010-05-11 13:35:47 -0700 (Tue, 11 May 2010) | 13 lines
  #8575 - Update and reorganize some _winreg contents.
  I've removed the hopeful note about a future higher-level module since
  it's been in there for quite a long time and nothing of the sort has
  come up. There are a few places where markup was added to cross-reference
  other sections, and many of the external links have been removed and now
  point to newly created sections containing previously undocumented
  The Value Types section was created and it's contents were taken from
  a function-specific area, since it applies to more than just that
  function. It fits in better with the other newly documented constants.

   python/branches/py3k-jit/   (props changed)

Modified: python/branches/py3k-jit/Doc/library/winreg.rst
--- python/branches/py3k-jit/Doc/library/winreg.rst	(original)
+++ python/branches/py3k-jit/Doc/library/winreg.rst	Wed May 12 00:05:24 2010
@@ -12,10 +12,6 @@
 handles are closed correctly, even if the programmer neglects to explicitly
 close them.
-This module exposes a very low-level interface to the Windows registry; it is
-expected that in the future a new ``winreg`` module will be created offering a
-higher-level interface to the registry API.
 This module offers the following functions:
@@ -24,9 +20,9 @@
    Closes a previously opened registry key. The hkey argument specifies a
    previously opened key.
-   Note that if *hkey* is not closed using this method (or via
-   :meth:`handle.Close`), it is closed when the *hkey* object is destroyed by
-   Python.
+   .. note::
+      If *hkey* is not closed using this method (or via :meth:`hkey.Close() <PyHKEY.Close>`),
+      it is closed when the *hkey* object is destroyed by Python.
 .. function:: ConnectRegistry(computer_name, key)
@@ -48,8 +44,8 @@
    Creates or opens the specified key, returning a
    :ref:`handle object <handle-object>`.
-   *key* is an already open key, or one of the predefined :const:`HKEY_\*`
-   constants.
+   *key* is an already open key, or one of the predefined
+   :ref:`HKEY_* constants <hkey-constants>`.
    *sub_key* is a string that names the key this method opens or creates.
@@ -67,15 +63,16 @@
    Creates or opens the specified key, returning a
    :ref:`handle object <handle-object>`.
-   *key* is an already open key, or one of the predefined :const:`HKEY_\*`
-   constants.
+   *key* is an already open key, or one of the predefined
+   :ref:`HKEY_* constants <hkey-constants>`.
    *sub_key* is a string that names the key this method opens or creates.
    *res* is a reserved integer, and must be zero. The default is zero.
    *sam* is an integer that specifies an access mask that describes the desired
-   security access for the key. Default is :const:`KEY_ALL_ACCESS`
+   security access for the key.  Default is :const:`KEY_ALL_ACCESS`.  See
+   :ref:`Access Rights <access-rights>` for other allowed values.
    If *key* is one of the predefined keys, *sub_key* may be ``None``. In that
    case, the handle returned is the same key handle passed in to the function.
@@ -92,8 +89,8 @@
    Deletes the specified key.
-   *key* is an already open key, or any one of the predefined :const:`HKEY_\*`
-   constants.
+   *key* is an already open key, or one of the predefined
+   :ref:`HKEY_* constants <hkey-constants>`.
    *sub_key* is a string that must be a subkey of the key identified by the *key*
    parameter.  This value must not be ``None``, and the key may not have subkeys.
@@ -111,10 +108,11 @@
    .. note::
       The :func:`DeleteKeyEx` function is implemented with the RegDeleteKeyEx
       Windows API function, which is specific to 64-bit versions of Windows.
-      See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms724847%28VS.85%29.aspx
+      See the `RegDeleteKeyEx documentation
+     <http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms724847%28VS.85%29.aspx>`__.
-   *key* is an already open key, or any one of the predefined :const:`HKEY_\*`
-   constants.
+   *key* is an already open key, or one of the predefined
+   :ref:`HKEY_* constants <hkey-constants>`.
    *sub_key* is a string that must be a subkey of the key identified by the
    *key* parameter. This value must not be ``None``, and the key may not have
@@ -123,7 +121,8 @@
    *res* is a reserved integer, and must be zero. The default is zero.
    *sam* is an integer that specifies an access mask that describes the
-   desired security access for the key. Default is :const:`KEY_WOW64_64KEY`
+   security access for the key.  Default is :const:`KEY_ALL_ACCESS`.  See
+   :ref:`Access Rights <access-rights>` for other allowed values.
    *This method can not delete keys with subkeys.*
@@ -139,8 +138,8 @@
    Removes a named value from a registry key.
-   *key* is an already open key, or one of the predefined :const:`HKEY_\*`
-   constants.
+   *key* is an already open key, or one of the predefined
+   :ref:`HKEY_* constants <hkey-constants>`.
    *value* is a string that identifies the value to remove.
@@ -149,8 +148,8 @@
    Enumerates subkeys of an open registry key, returning a string.
-   *key* is an already open key, or any one of the predefined :const:`HKEY_\*`
-   constants.
+   *key* is an already open key, or one of the predefined
+   :ref:`HKEY_* constants <hkey-constants>`.
    *index* is an integer that identifies the index of the key to retrieve.
@@ -163,8 +162,8 @@
    Enumerates values of an open registry key, returning a tuple.
-   *key* is an already open key, or any one of the predefined :const:`HKEY_\*`
-   constants.
+   *key* is an already open key, or one of the predefined
+   :ref:`HKEY_* constants <hkey-constants>`.
    *index* is an integer that identifies the index of the value to retrieve.
@@ -200,8 +199,8 @@
    Writes all the attributes of a key to the registry.
-   *key* is an already open key, or one of the predefined :const:`HKEY_\*`
-   constants.
+   *key* is an already open key, or one of the predefined
+   :ref:`HKEY_* constants <hkey-constants>`.
    It is not necessary to call :func:`FlushKey` to change a key. Registry changes are
    flushed to disk by the registry using its lazy flusher.  Registry changes are
@@ -221,8 +220,8 @@
    Creates a subkey under the specified key and stores registration information
    from a specified file into that subkey.
-   *key* is an already open key, or any of the predefined :const:`HKEY_\*`
-   constants.
+   *key* is a handle returned by :func:`ConnectRegistry` or one of the constants
+   :const:`HKEY_USERS` or :const:`HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE`.
    *sub_key* is a string that identifies the sub_key to load.
@@ -232,7 +231,9 @@
    A call to LoadKey() fails if the calling process does not have the
    :const:`SE_RESTORE_PRIVILEGE` privilege. Note that privileges are different than
-   permissions -- see the Win32 documentation for more details.
+   from permissions -- see the `RegLoadKey documentation
+   <http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms724889%28v=VS.85%29.aspx>`__ for
+   more details.
    If *key* is a handle returned by :func:`ConnectRegistry`, then the path
    specified in *fileName* is relative to the remote computer.
@@ -245,15 +246,16 @@
    Opens the specified key, returning a :ref:`handle object <handle-object>`.
-   *key* is an already open key, or any one of the predefined :const:`HKEY_\*`
-   constants.
+   *key* is an already open key, or one of the predefined
+   :ref:`HKEY_* constants <hkey-constants>`.
    *sub_key* is a string that identifies the sub_key to open.
    *res* is a reserved integer, and must be zero.  The default is zero.
    *sam* is an integer that specifies an access mask that describes the desired
-   security access for the key.  Default is :const:`KEY_READ`.
+   security access for the key.  Default is :const:`KEY_READ`.  See
+   :ref:`Access Rights <access-rights>` for other allowed values.
    The result is a new handle to the specified key.
@@ -270,8 +272,8 @@
    Returns information about a key, as a tuple.
-   *key* is an already open key, or one of the predefined :const:`HKEY_\*`
-   constants.
+   *key* is an already open key, or one of the predefined
+   :ref:`HKEY_* constants <hkey-constants>`.
    The result is a tuple of 3 items:
@@ -294,8 +296,8 @@
    Retrieves the unnamed value for a key, as a string.
-   *key* is an already open key, or one of the predefined :const:`HKEY_\*`
-   constants.
+   *key* is an already open key, or one of the predefined
+   :ref:`HKEY_* constants <hkey-constants>`.
    *sub_key* is a string that holds the name of the subkey with which the value is
    associated.  If this parameter is ``None`` or empty, the function retrieves the
@@ -312,8 +314,8 @@
    Retrieves the type and data for a specified value name associated with
    an open registry key.
-   *key* is an already open key, or one of the predefined :const:`HKEY_\*`
-   constants.
+   *key* is an already open key, or one of the predefined
+   :ref:`HKEY_* constants <hkey-constants>`.
    *value_name* is a string indicating the value to query.
@@ -333,8 +335,8 @@
    Saves the specified key, and all its subkeys to the specified file.
-   *key* is an already open key, or one of the predefined :const:`HKEY_\*`
-   constants.
+   *key* is an already open key, or one of the predefined
+   :ref:`HKEY_* constants <hkey-constants>`.
    *file_name* is the name of the file to save registry data to. This file cannot
    already exist. If this filename includes an extension, it cannot be used on file
@@ -344,8 +346,10 @@
    If *key* represents a key on a remote computer, the path described by
    *file_name* is relative to the remote computer. The caller of this method must
    possess the :const:`SeBackupPrivilege` security privilege.  Note that
-   privileges are different than permissions -- see the Win32 documentation for
-   more details.
+   privileges are different than permissions -- see the
+   `Conflicts Between User Rights and Permissions documentation
+   <http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms724878%28v=VS.85%29.aspx>`__
+   for more details.
    This function passes NULL for *security_attributes* to the API.
@@ -354,8 +358,8 @@
    Associates a value with a specified key.
-   *key* is an already open key, or one of the predefined :const:`HKEY_\*`
-   constants.
+   *key* is an already open key, or one of the predefined
+   :ref:`HKEY_* constants <hkey-constants>`.
    *sub_key* is a string that names the subkey with which the value is associated.
@@ -380,42 +384,14 @@
    Stores data in the value field of an open registry key.
-   *key* is an already open key, or one of the predefined :const:`HKEY_\*`
-   constants.
+   *key* is an already open key, or one of the predefined
+   :ref:`HKEY_* constants <hkey-constants>`.
    *value_name* is a string that names the subkey with which the value is
-   *type* is an integer that specifies the type of the data.  This should be one
-   of the following constants defined in this module:
-   +----------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+
-   | Constant                         | Meaning                                     |
-   +==================================+=============================================+
-   | :const:`REG_BINARY`              | Binary data in any form.                    |
-   +----------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+
-   | :const:`REG_DWORD`               | A 32-bit number.                            |
-   +----------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+
-   | :const:`REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN` | A 32-bit number in little-endian format.    |
-   +----------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+
-   | :const:`REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN`    | A 32-bit number in big-endian format.       |
-   +----------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+
-   | :const:`REG_EXPAND_SZ`           | Null-terminated string containing           |
-   |                                  | references to environment variables         |
-   |                                  | (``%PATH%``).                               |
-   +----------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+
-   | :const:`REG_LINK`                | A Unicode symbolic link.                    |
-   +----------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+
-   | :const:`REG_MULTI_SZ`            | A sequence of null-terminated strings,      |
-   |                                  | terminated by two null characters.  (Python |
-   |                                  | handles this termination automatically.)    |
-   +----------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+
-   | :const:`REG_NONE`                | No defined value type.                      |
-   +----------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+
-   | :const:`REG_RESOURCE_LIST`       | A device-driver resource list.              |
-   +----------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+
-   | :const:`REG_SZ`                  | A null-terminated string.                   |
-   +----------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+
+   *type* is an integer that specifies the type of the data. See
+   :ref:`Value Types <value-types>` for the available types.
    *reserved* can be anything -- zero is always passed to the API.
@@ -437,8 +413,8 @@
    Disables registry reflection for 32-bit processes running on a 64-bit
    Operating System.
-   *key* is an already open key, or one of the predefined :const:`HKEY_\*`
-   constants.
+   *key* is an already open key, or one of the predefined
+   :ref:`HKEY_* constants <hkey-constants>`.
    Will generally raise :exc:`NotImplemented` if executed on a 32-bit
    Operating System.
@@ -452,8 +428,8 @@
    Restores registry reflection for the specified disabled key.
-   *key* is an already open key, or one of the predefined :const:`HKEY_\*`
-   constants.
+   *key* is an already open key, or one of the predefined
+   :ref:`HKEY_* constants <hkey-constants>`.
    Will generally raise :exc:`NotImplemented` if executed on a 32-bit
    Operating System.
@@ -465,8 +441,8 @@
    Determines the reflection state for the specified key.
-   *key* is an already open key, or one of the predefined :const:`HKEY_\*`
-   constants.
+   *key* is an already open key, or one of the predefined
+   :ref:`HKEY_* constants <hkey-constants>`.
    Returns ``True`` if reflection is disabled.
@@ -474,6 +450,195 @@
    Operating System.
+.. _constants:
+The following constants are defined for use in many :mod:`_winreg` functions.
+.. _hkey-constants:
+HKEY_* Constants
+   Registry entries subordinate to this key define types (or classes) of
+   documents and the properties associated with those types. Shell and
+   COM applications use the information stored under this key.
+   Registry entries subordinate to this key define the preferences of
+   the current user. These preferences include the settings of
+   environment variables, data about program groups, colors, printers,
+   network connections, and application preferences.
+   Registry entries subordinate to this key define the physical state
+   of the computer, including data about the bus type, system memory,
+   and installed hardware and software.
+.. data:: HKEY_USERS
+   Registry entries subordinate to this key define the default user
+   configuration for new users on the local computer and the user
+   configuration for the current user.
+   Registry entries subordinate to this key allow you to access
+   performance data. The data is not actually stored in the registry;
+   the registry functions cause the system to collect the data from
+   its source.
+   Contains information about the current hardware profile of the
+   local computer system.
+.. data:: HKEY_DYN_DATA
+   This key is not used in versions of Windows after 98.
+.. _access-rights:
+Access Rights
+For more information, see `Registry Key Security and Access
+.. data:: KEY_ALL_ACCESS
+   :const:`KEY_SET_VALUE`, :const:`KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY`,
+   :const:`KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS`, :const:`KEY_NOTIFY`,
+   and :const:`KEY_CREATE_LINK` access rights.
+.. data:: KEY_WRITE
+   Combines the STANDARD_RIGHTS_WRITE, :const:`KEY_SET_VALUE`, and
+   :const:`KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY` access rights.
+.. data:: KEY_READ
+   Combines the STANDARD_RIGHTS_READ, :const:`KEY_QUERY_VALUE`,
+   :const:`KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS`, and :const:`KEY_NOTIFY` values.
+.. data:: KEY_EXECUTE
+   Equivalent to :const:`KEY_READ`.
+.. data:: KEY_QUERY_VALUE
+   Required to query the values of a registry key.
+.. data:: KEY_SET_VALUE
+   Required to create, delete, or set a registry value.
+   Required to create a subkey of a registry key.
+   Required to enumerate the subkeys of a registry key.
+.. data:: KEY_NOTIFY
+   Required to request change notifications for a registry key or for
+   subkeys of a registry key.
+.. data:: KEY_CREATE_LINK
+   Reserved for system use.
+.. _64-bit-access-rights:
+64-bit Specific
+For more information, see `Accesing an Alternate Registry View
+.. data:: KEY_WOW64_64KEY
+   Indicates that an application on 64-bit Windows should operate on
+   the 64-bit registry view.
+.. data:: KEY_WOW64_32KEY
+   Indicates that an application on 64-bit Windows should operate on
+   the 32-bit registry view.
+.. _value-types:
+Value Types
+For more information, see `Registry Value Types
+.. data:: REG_BINARY
+   Binary data in any form.
+.. data:: REG_DWORD
+   32-bit number.
+   A 32-bit number in little-endian format.
+   A 32-bit number in big-endian format.
+.. data:: REG_EXPAND_SZ
+   Null-terminated string containing references to environment
+   variables (``%PATH%``).
+.. data:: REG_LINK
+   A Unicode symbolic link.
+.. data:: REG_MULTI_SZ
+   A sequence of null-terminated strings, terminated by two null characters.
+   (Python handles this termination automatically.)
+.. data:: REG_NONE
+   No defined value type.
+   A device-driver resource list.
+   A hardware setting.
+   A hardware resource list.
+.. data:: REG_SZ
+   A null-terminated string.
 .. _handle-object:
 Registry Handle Objects

Modified: python/branches/py3k-jit/Modules/_cursesmodule.c
--- python/branches/py3k-jit/Modules/_cursesmodule.c	(original)
+++ python/branches/py3k-jit/Modules/_cursesmodule.c	Wed May 12 00:05:24 2010
@@ -100,6 +100,8 @@
 /* Includes */
 #include "Python.h"
@@ -1382,7 +1384,7 @@
   fseek(fp, 0, 0);
   while (1) {
     char buf[BUFSIZ];
-    int n = fread(buf, 1, BUFSIZ, fp);
+    Py_ssize_t n = fread(buf, 1, BUFSIZ, fp);
     if (n <= 0)

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