[Python-checkins] r83195 - in python/branches/py3k: Lib/ctypes/__init__.py Lib/ctypes/test/test_buffers.py Lib/ctypes/test/test_bytes.py Lib/ctypes/test/test_parameters.py Lib/ctypes/test/test_unicode.py Misc/NEWS Modules/_ctypes/_ctypes.c Modules/_ctypes/callproc.c Modules/_ctypes/cfield.c

victor.stinner python-checkins at python.org
Wed Jul 28 02:15:04 CEST 2010

Author: victor.stinner
Date: Wed Jul 28 02:15:03 2010
New Revision: 83195

Issue #8966: ctypes: Remove implicit bytes-unicode conversion


Modified: python/branches/py3k/Lib/ctypes/__init__.py
--- python/branches/py3k/Lib/ctypes/__init__.py	(original)
+++ python/branches/py3k/Lib/ctypes/__init__.py	Wed Jul 28 02:15:03 2010
@@ -259,41 +259,31 @@
 from _ctypes import POINTER, pointer, _pointer_type_cache
-    from _ctypes import set_conversion_mode
-except ImportError:
-    pass
-    if _os.name in ("nt", "ce"):
-        set_conversion_mode("mbcs", "strict")
-    else:
-        set_conversion_mode("ascii", "strict")
-    class c_wchar_p(_SimpleCData):
-        _type_ = "Z"
+class c_wchar_p(_SimpleCData):
+    _type_ = "Z"
-    class c_wchar(_SimpleCData):
-        _type_ = "u"
+class c_wchar(_SimpleCData):
+    _type_ = "u"
-    POINTER(c_wchar).from_param = c_wchar_p.from_param #_SimpleCData.c_wchar_p_from_param
+POINTER(c_wchar).from_param = c_wchar_p.from_param #_SimpleCData.c_wchar_p_from_param
-    def create_unicode_buffer(init, size=None):
-        """create_unicode_buffer(aString) -> character array
-        create_unicode_buffer(anInteger) -> character array
-        create_unicode_buffer(aString, anInteger) -> character array
-        """
-        if isinstance(init, (str, bytes)):
-            if size is None:
-                size = len(init)+1
-            buftype = c_wchar * size
-            buf = buftype()
-            buf.value = init
-            return buf
-        elif isinstance(init, int):
-            buftype = c_wchar * init
-            buf = buftype()
-            return buf
-        raise TypeError(init)
+def create_unicode_buffer(init, size=None):
+    """create_unicode_buffer(aString) -> character array
+    create_unicode_buffer(anInteger) -> character array
+    create_unicode_buffer(aString, anInteger) -> character array
+    """
+    if isinstance(init, (str, bytes)):
+        if size is None:
+            size = len(init)+1
+        buftype = c_wchar * size
+        buf = buftype()
+        buf.value = init
+        return buf
+    elif isinstance(init, int):
+        buftype = c_wchar * init
+        buf = buftype()
+        return buf
+    raise TypeError(init)
 POINTER(c_char).from_param = c_char_p.from_param #_SimpleCData.c_char_p_from_param

Modified: python/branches/py3k/Lib/ctypes/test/test_buffers.py
--- python/branches/py3k/Lib/ctypes/test/test_buffers.py	(original)
+++ python/branches/py3k/Lib/ctypes/test/test_buffers.py	Wed Jul 28 02:15:03 2010
@@ -20,18 +20,6 @@
         self.assertEqual(b[::2], b"ac")
         self.assertEqual(b[::5], b"a")
-    def test_string_conversion(self):
-        b = create_string_buffer("abc")
-        self.assertEqual(len(b), 4) # trailing nul char
-        self.assertEqual(sizeof(b), 4 * sizeof(c_char))
-        self.assertTrue(type(b[0]) is bytes)
-        self.assertEqual(b[0], b"a")
-        self.assertEqual(b[:], b"abc\0")
-        self.assertEqual(b[::], b"abc\0")
-        self.assertEqual(b[::-1], b"\0cba")
-        self.assertEqual(b[::2], b"ac")
-        self.assertEqual(b[::5], b"a")
     except NameError:

Modified: python/branches/py3k/Lib/ctypes/test/test_bytes.py
--- python/branches/py3k/Lib/ctypes/test/test_bytes.py	(original)
+++ python/branches/py3k/Lib/ctypes/test/test_bytes.py	Wed Jul 28 02:15:03 2010
@@ -17,18 +17,15 @@
         (c_wchar * 3)("a", "b", "c")
     def test_c_char_p(self):
-        c_char_p("foo bar")
         c_char_p(b"foo bar")
     def test_c_wchar_p(self):
         c_wchar_p("foo bar")
-        c_wchar_p(b"foo bar")
     def test_struct(self):
         class X(Structure):
             _fields_ = [("a", c_char * 3)]
-        X("abc")
         x = X(b"abc")
         self.assertEqual(x.a, b"abc")
         self.assertEqual(type(x.a), bytes)
@@ -37,7 +34,6 @@
         class X(Structure):
             _fields_ = [("a", c_wchar * 3)]
-        X(b"abc")
         x = X("abc")
         self.assertEqual(x.a, "abc")
         self.assertEqual(type(x.a), str)

Modified: python/branches/py3k/Lib/ctypes/test/test_parameters.py
--- python/branches/py3k/Lib/ctypes/test/test_parameters.py	(original)
+++ python/branches/py3k/Lib/ctypes/test/test_parameters.py	Wed Jul 28 02:15:03 2010
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@
         self.assertTrue(c_char_p.from_param(s)._obj is s)
         # new in 0.9.1: convert (encode) unicode to ascii
-        self.assertEqual(c_char_p.from_param("123")._obj, b"123")
-        self.assertRaises(UnicodeEncodeError, c_char_p.from_param, "123\377")
+        self.assertEqual(c_char_p.from_param(b"123")._obj, b"123")
+        self.assertRaises(TypeError, c_char_p.from_param, "123\377")
         self.assertRaises(TypeError, c_char_p.from_param, 42)
         # calling c_char_p.from_param with a c_char_p instance
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
             # new in 0.9.1: convert (decode) ascii to unicode
             self.assertEqual(c_wchar_p.from_param("123")._obj, "123")
-        self.assertRaises(UnicodeDecodeError, c_wchar_p.from_param, b"123\377")
+        self.assertRaises(TypeError, c_wchar_p.from_param, b"123\377")
         pa = c_wchar_p.from_param(c_wchar_p("123"))
         self.assertEqual(type(pa), c_wchar_p)

Modified: python/branches/py3k/Lib/ctypes/test/test_unicode.py
--- python/branches/py3k/Lib/ctypes/test/test_unicode.py	(original)
+++ python/branches/py3k/Lib/ctypes/test/test_unicode.py	Wed Jul 28 02:15:03 2010
@@ -7,122 +7,53 @@
     import _ctypes_test
-    dll = ctypes.CDLL(_ctypes_test.__file__)
-    wcslen = dll.my_wcslen
-    wcslen.argtypes = [ctypes.c_wchar_p]
     class UnicodeTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-        def setUp(self):
-            self.prev_conv_mode = ctypes.set_conversion_mode("ascii", "strict")
+        def test_wcslen(self):
+            dll = ctypes.CDLL(_ctypes_test.__file__)
+            wcslen = dll.my_wcslen
+            wcslen.argtypes = [ctypes.c_wchar_p]
-        def tearDown(self):
-            ctypes.set_conversion_mode(*self.prev_conv_mode)
-        def test_ascii_strict(self):
-            ctypes.set_conversion_mode("ascii", "strict")
-            # no conversions take place with unicode arguments
             self.assertEqual(wcslen("abc"), 3)
             self.assertEqual(wcslen("ab\u2070"), 3)
-            # string args are converted
-            self.assertEqual(wcslen("abc"), 3)
             self.assertRaises(ctypes.ArgumentError, wcslen, b"ab\xe4")
-        def test_ascii_replace(self):
-            ctypes.set_conversion_mode("ascii", "replace")
-            self.assertEqual(wcslen("abc"), 3)
-            self.assertEqual(wcslen("ab\u2070"), 3)
-            self.assertEqual(wcslen("abc"), 3)
-            self.assertEqual(wcslen("ab\xe4"), 3)
-        def test_ascii_ignore(self):
-            ctypes.set_conversion_mode("ascii", "ignore")
-            self.assertEqual(wcslen("abc"), 3)
-            self.assertEqual(wcslen("ab\u2070"), 3)
-            # ignore error mode skips non-ascii characters
-            self.assertEqual(wcslen("abc"), 3)
-            self.assertEqual(wcslen(b"\xe4\xf6\xfc\xdf"), 0)
-        def test_latin1_strict(self):
-            ctypes.set_conversion_mode("latin-1", "strict")
-            self.assertEqual(wcslen("abc"), 3)
-            self.assertEqual(wcslen("ab\u2070"), 3)
-            self.assertEqual(wcslen("abc"), 3)
-            self.assertEqual(wcslen("\xe4\xf6\xfc\xdf"), 4)
         def test_buffers(self):
-            ctypes.set_conversion_mode("ascii", "strict")
             buf = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer("abc")
             self.assertEqual(len(buf), 3+1)
-            ctypes.set_conversion_mode("ascii", "replace")
-            buf = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(b"ab\xe4\xf6\xfc")
-            self.assertEqual(buf[:], "ab\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\0")
-            self.assertEqual(buf[::], "ab\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\0")
-            self.assertEqual(buf[::-1], "\0\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFDba")
-            self.assertEqual(buf[::2], "a\uFFFD\uFFFD")
+            buf = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer("ab\xe4\xf6\xfc")
+            self.assertEqual(buf[:], "ab\xe4\xf6\xfc\0")
+            self.assertEqual(buf[::], "ab\xe4\xf6\xfc\0")
+            self.assertEqual(buf[::-1], '\x00\xfc\xf6\xe4ba')
+            self.assertEqual(buf[::2], 'a\xe4\xfc')
             self.assertEqual(buf[6:5:-1], "")
-            ctypes.set_conversion_mode("ascii", "ignore")
-            buf = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(b"ab\xe4\xf6\xfc")
-            # is that correct? not sure.  But with 'ignore', you get what you pay for..
-            self.assertEqual(buf[:], "ab\0\0\0\0")
-            self.assertEqual(buf[::], "ab\0\0\0\0")
-            self.assertEqual(buf[::-1], "\0\0\0\0ba")
-            self.assertEqual(buf[::2], "a\0\0")
-            self.assertEqual(buf[6:5:-1], "")
-    import _ctypes_test
     func = ctypes.CDLL(_ctypes_test.__file__)._testfunc_p_p
     class StringTestCase(UnicodeTestCase):
         def setUp(self):
-            self.prev_conv_mode = ctypes.set_conversion_mode("ascii", "strict")
             func.argtypes = [ctypes.c_char_p]
             func.restype = ctypes.c_char_p
         def tearDown(self):
-            ctypes.set_conversion_mode(*self.prev_conv_mode)
             func.argtypes = None
             func.restype = ctypes.c_int
-        def test_ascii_replace(self):
-            ctypes.set_conversion_mode("ascii", "strict")
-            self.assertEqual(func("abc"), "abc")
-            self.assertEqual(func("abc"), "abc")
-            self.assertRaises(ctypes.ArgumentError, func, "ab\xe4")
-        def test_ascii_ignore(self):
-            ctypes.set_conversion_mode("ascii", "ignore")
-            self.assertEqual(func("abc"), b"abc")
-            self.assertEqual(func("abc"), b"abc")
-            self.assertEqual(func("\xe4\xf6\xfc\xdf"), b"")
-        def test_ascii_replace(self):
-            ctypes.set_conversion_mode("ascii", "replace")
-            self.assertEqual(func("abc"), b"abc")
-            self.assertEqual(func("abc"), b"abc")
-            self.assertEqual(func("\xe4\xf6\xfc\xdf"), b"????")
+        def test_func(self):
+            self.assertEqual(func(b"abc\xe4"), b"abc\xe4")
         def test_buffers(self):
-            ctypes.set_conversion_mode("ascii", "strict")
-            buf = ctypes.create_string_buffer("abc")
+            buf = ctypes.create_string_buffer(b"abc")
             self.assertEqual(len(buf), 3+1)
-            ctypes.set_conversion_mode("ascii", "replace")
-            buf = ctypes.create_string_buffer("ab\xe4\xf6\xfc")
-            self.assertEqual(buf[:], b"ab???\0")
-            self.assertEqual(buf[::], b"ab???\0")
-            self.assertEqual(buf[::-1], b"\0???ba")
-            self.assertEqual(buf[::2], b"a??")
+            buf = ctypes.create_string_buffer(b"ab\xe4\xf6\xfc")
+            self.assertEqual(buf[:], b"ab\xe4\xf6\xfc\0")
+            self.assertEqual(buf[::], b"ab\xe4\xf6\xfc\0")
+            self.assertEqual(buf[::-1], b'\x00\xfc\xf6\xe4ba')
+            self.assertEqual(buf[::2], b'a\xe4\xfc')
             self.assertEqual(buf[6:5:-1], b"")
-            ctypes.set_conversion_mode("ascii", "ignore")
-            buf = ctypes.create_string_buffer("ab\xe4\xf6\xfc")
-            # is that correct? not sure.  But with 'ignore', you get what you pay for..
-            self.assertEqual(buf[:], b"ab\0\0\0\0")
-            self.assertEqual(buf[::], b"ab\0\0\0\0")
-            self.assertEqual(buf[::-1], b"\0\0\0\0ba")
 if __name__ == '__main__':

Modified: python/branches/py3k/Misc/NEWS
--- python/branches/py3k/Misc/NEWS	(original)
+++ python/branches/py3k/Misc/NEWS	Wed Jul 28 02:15:03 2010
@@ -473,6 +473,8 @@
+- Issue #8966: ctypes: Remove implicit bytes-unicode conversion.
 - Issue #9378: python -m pickle <pickle file> will now load and
   display the first object in the pickle file.

Modified: python/branches/py3k/Modules/_ctypes/_ctypes.c
--- python/branches/py3k/Modules/_ctypes/_ctypes.c	(original)
+++ python/branches/py3k/Modules/_ctypes/_ctypes.c	Wed Jul 28 02:15:03 2010
@@ -132,8 +132,6 @@
 /* a callable object used for unpickling */
 static PyObject *_unpickle;
-char *_ctypes_conversion_encoding = NULL;
-char *_ctypes_conversion_errors = NULL;
@@ -1090,13 +1088,7 @@
         return -1;
-    if (PyUnicode_Check(value)) {
-        value = PyUnicode_AsEncodedString(value,
-                                          _ctypes_conversion_encoding,
-                                          _ctypes_conversion_errors);
-        if (!value)
-            return -1;
-    } else if (!PyBytes_Check(value)) {
+    if (!PyBytes_Check(value)) {
                      "str/bytes expected instead of %s instance",
@@ -1150,13 +1142,7 @@
                         "can't delete attribute");
         return -1;
-    if (PyBytes_Check(value)) {
-        value = PyUnicode_FromEncodedObject(value,
-                                            _ctypes_conversion_encoding,
-                                            _ctypes_conversion_errors);
-        if (!value)
-            return -1;
-    } else if (!PyUnicode_Check(value)) {
+    if (!PyUnicode_Check(value)) {
                         "unicode string expected instead of %s instance",
@@ -1510,7 +1496,7 @@
         return Py_None;
-    if (PyBytes_Check(value) || PyUnicode_Check(value)) {
+    if (PyBytes_Check(value)) {
         PyCArgObject *parg;
         struct fielddesc *fd = _ctypes_get_fielddesc("z");

Modified: python/branches/py3k/Modules/_ctypes/callproc.c
--- python/branches/py3k/Modules/_ctypes/callproc.c	(original)
+++ python/branches/py3k/Modules/_ctypes/callproc.c	Wed Jul 28 02:15:03 2010
@@ -1641,37 +1641,6 @@
     return arg;
-static char set_conversion_mode_doc[] =
-"set_conversion_mode(encoding, errors) -> (previous-encoding, previous-errors)\n\
-Set the encoding and error handling ctypes uses when converting\n\
-between unicode and strings.  Returns the previous values.\n";
-static PyObject *
-set_conversion_mode(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
-    char *coding, *mode;
-    PyObject *result;
-    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "zs:set_conversion_mode", &coding, &mode))
-        return NULL;
-    result = Py_BuildValue("(zz)", _ctypes_conversion_encoding, _ctypes_conversion_errors);
-    if (coding) {
-        PyMem_Free(_ctypes_conversion_encoding);
-        _ctypes_conversion_encoding = PyMem_Malloc(strlen(coding) + 1);
-        strcpy(_ctypes_conversion_encoding, coding);
-    } else {
-        _ctypes_conversion_encoding = NULL;
-    }
-    PyMem_Free(_ctypes_conversion_errors);
-    _ctypes_conversion_errors = PyMem_Malloc(strlen(mode) + 1);
-    strcpy(_ctypes_conversion_errors, mode);
-    return result;
 static PyObject *
 resize(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
@@ -1852,9 +1821,6 @@
     {"_unpickle", unpickle, METH_VARARGS },
     {"buffer_info", buffer_info, METH_O, "Return buffer interface information"},
     {"resize", resize, METH_VARARGS, "Resize the memory buffer of a ctypes instance"},
-    {"set_conversion_mode", set_conversion_mode, METH_VARARGS, set_conversion_mode_doc},
 #ifdef MS_WIN32
     {"get_last_error", get_last_error, METH_NOARGS},
     {"set_last_error", set_last_error, METH_VARARGS},

Modified: python/branches/py3k/Modules/_ctypes/cfield.c
--- python/branches/py3k/Modules/_ctypes/cfield.c	(original)
+++ python/branches/py3k/Modules/_ctypes/cfield.c	Wed Jul 28 02:15:03 2010
@@ -1168,20 +1168,6 @@
 static PyObject *
 c_set(void *ptr, PyObject *value, Py_ssize_t size)
-    if (PyUnicode_Check(value)) {
-        value = PyUnicode_AsEncodedString(value,
-                                          _ctypes_conversion_encoding,
-                                          _ctypes_conversion_errors);
-        if (value == NULL)
-            return NULL;
-        if (PyBytes_GET_SIZE(value) != 1) {
-            Py_DECREF(value);
-            goto error;
-        }
-        *(char *)ptr = PyBytes_AS_STRING(value)[0];
-        Py_DECREF(value);
-        _RET(value);
-    }
     if (PyBytes_Check(value) && PyBytes_GET_SIZE(value) == 1) {
         *(char *)ptr = PyBytes_AS_STRING(value)[0];
@@ -1217,13 +1203,7 @@
 u_set(void *ptr, PyObject *value, Py_ssize_t size)
     Py_ssize_t len;
-    if (PyBytes_Check(value)) {
-        value = PyUnicode_FromEncodedObject(value,
-                                            _ctypes_conversion_encoding,
-                                            _ctypes_conversion_errors);
-        if (!value)
-            return NULL;
-    } else if (!PyUnicode_Check(value)) {
+    if (!PyUnicode_Check(value)) {
                         "unicode string expected instead of %s instance",
@@ -1292,13 +1272,7 @@
     /* It's easier to calculate in characters than in bytes */
     length /= sizeof(wchar_t);
-    if (PyBytes_Check(value)) {
-        value = PyUnicode_FromEncodedObject(value,
-                                            _ctypes_conversion_encoding,
-                                            _ctypes_conversion_errors);
-        if (!value)
-            return NULL;
-    } else if (!PyUnicode_Check(value)) {
+    if (!PyUnicode_Check(value)) {
                         "unicode string expected instead of %s instance",
@@ -1342,14 +1316,7 @@
     char *data;
     Py_ssize_t size;
-    if (PyUnicode_Check(value)) {
-        value = PyUnicode_AsEncodedString(value,
-                                                                          _ctypes_conversion_encoding,
-                                                                          _ctypes_conversion_errors);
-        if (value == NULL)
-            return NULL;
-        assert(PyBytes_Check(value));
-    } else if(PyBytes_Check(value)) {
+    if(PyBytes_Check(value)) {
     } else {
@@ -1393,14 +1360,6 @@
         *(char **)ptr = PyBytes_AsString(value);
         return value;
-    } else if (PyUnicode_Check(value)) {
-        PyObject *str = PyUnicode_AsEncodedString(value,
-                                                  _ctypes_conversion_encoding,
-                                                  _ctypes_conversion_errors);
-        if (str == NULL)
-            return NULL;
-        *(char **)ptr = PyBytes_AS_STRING(str);
-        return str;
     } else if (PyLong_Check(value)) {
         *(char **)ptr = (char *)PyLong_AsUnsignedLongLongMask(value);
@@ -1454,13 +1413,7 @@
         return Py_None;
-    if (PyBytes_Check(value)) {
-        value = PyUnicode_FromEncodedObject(value,
-                                            _ctypes_conversion_encoding,
-                                            _ctypes_conversion_errors);
-        if (!value)
-            return NULL;
-    } else if (!PyUnicode_Check(value)) {
+    if (!PyUnicode_Check(value)) {
                      "unicode string or integer address expected instead of %s instance",
@@ -1540,12 +1493,6 @@
     /* convert value into a PyUnicodeObject or NULL */
     if (Py_None == value) {
         value = NULL;
-    } else if (PyBytes_Check(value)) {
-        value = PyUnicode_FromEncodedObject(value,
-                                            _ctypes_conversion_encoding,
-                                            _ctypes_conversion_errors);
-        if (!value)
-            return NULL;
     } else if (PyUnicode_Check(value)) {
         Py_INCREF(value); /* for the descref below */
     } else {

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