[Python-checkins] r74279 - in python/branches/py3k: Doc/library/decimal.rst Lib/decimal.py Lib/test/test_decimal.py Misc/NEWS

mark.dickinson python-checkins at python.org
Sun Aug 2 12:14:23 CEST 2009

Author: mark.dickinson
Date: Sun Aug  2 12:14:23 2009
New Revision: 74279

Issue #6595: Allow Decimal constructor to accept non-European decimal digits, as recommended by the specification.


Modified: python/branches/py3k/Doc/library/decimal.rst
--- python/branches/py3k/Doc/library/decimal.rst	(original)
+++ python/branches/py3k/Doc/library/decimal.rst	Sun Aug  2 12:14:23 2009
@@ -324,6 +324,11 @@
       numeric-value  ::=  decimal-part [exponent-part] | infinity
       numeric-string ::=  [sign] numeric-value | [sign] nan
+   Other Unicode decimal digits are also permitted where ``digit``
+   appears above.  These include decimal digits from various other
+   alphabets (for example, Arabic-Indic and Devanāgarī digits) along
+   with the fullwidth digits ``'\uff10'`` through ``'\uff19'``.
    If *value* is a :class:`tuple`, it should have three components, a sign
    (:const:`0` for positive or :const:`1` for negative), a :class:`tuple` of
    digits, and an integer exponent. For example, ``Decimal((0, (1, 4, 1, 4), -3))``

Modified: python/branches/py3k/Lib/decimal.py
--- python/branches/py3k/Lib/decimal.py	(original)
+++ python/branches/py3k/Lib/decimal.py	Sun Aug  2 12:14:23 2009
@@ -554,20 +554,16 @@
             intpart = m.group('int')
             if intpart is not None:
                 # finite number
-                fracpart = m.group('frac')
+                fracpart = m.group('frac') or ''
                 exp = int(m.group('exp') or '0')
-                if fracpart is not None:
-                    self._int = (intpart+fracpart).lstrip('0') or '0'
-                    self._exp = exp - len(fracpart)
-                else:
-                    self._int = intpart.lstrip('0') or '0'
-                    self._exp = exp
+                self._int = str(int(intpart+fracpart))
+                self._exp = exp - len(fracpart)
                 self._is_special = False
                 diag = m.group('diag')
                 if diag is not None:
                     # NaN
-                    self._int = diag.lstrip('0')
+                    self._int = str(int(diag or '0')).lstrip('0')
                     if m.group('signal'):
                         self._exp = 'N'
@@ -5482,26 +5478,23 @@
 # 2. For finite numbers (not infinities and NaNs) the body of the
 # number between the optional sign and the optional exponent must have
 # at least one decimal digit, possibly after the decimal point.  The
-# lookahead expression '(?=[0-9]|\.[0-9])' checks this.
-# As the flag UNICODE is not enabled here, we're explicitly avoiding any
-# other meaning for \d than the numbers [0-9].
+# lookahead expression '(?=\d|\.\d)' checks this.
 import re
 _parser = re.compile(r"""        # A numeric string consists of:
 #    \s*
     (?P<sign>[-+])?              # an optional sign, followed by either...
-        (?=[0-9]|\.[0-9])        # ...a number (with at least one digit)
-        (?P<int>[0-9]*)          # having a (possibly empty) integer part
-        (\.(?P<frac>[0-9]*))?    # followed by an optional fractional part
-        (E(?P<exp>[-+]?[0-9]+))? # followed by an optional exponent, or...
+        (?=\d|\.\d)              # ...a number (with at least one digit)
+        (?P<int>\d*)             # having a (possibly empty) integer part
+        (\.(?P<frac>\d*))?       # followed by an optional fractional part
+        (E(?P<exp>[-+]?\d+))?    # followed by an optional exponent, or...
         Inf(inity)?              # ...an infinity, or...
         (?P<signal>s)?           # ...an (optionally signaling)
         NaN                      # NaN
-        (?P<diag>[0-9]*)         # with (possibly empty) diagnostic info.
+        (?P<diag>\d*)            # with (possibly empty) diagnostic info.
 #    \s*

Modified: python/branches/py3k/Lib/test/test_decimal.py
--- python/branches/py3k/Lib/test/test_decimal.py	(original)
+++ python/branches/py3k/Lib/test/test_decimal.py	Sun Aug  2 12:14:23 2009
@@ -425,9 +425,6 @@
         self.assertEqual(str(Decimal('1.3E4 \n')), '1.3E+4')
         self.assertEqual(str(Decimal('  -7.89')), '-7.89')
-        #but alternate unicode digits should not
-        self.assertEqual(str(Decimal('\uff11')), 'NaN')
     def test_explicit_from_tuples(self):
@@ -534,6 +531,15 @@
         d = nc.create_decimal(prevdec)
         self.assertEqual(str(d), '5.00E+8')
+    def test_unicode_digits(self):
+        test_values = {
+            '\uff11': '1',
+            '\u0660.\u0660\u0663\u0667\u0662e-\u0663' : '0.0000372',
+            '-nan\u0c68\u0c6a\u0c66\u0c66' : '-NaN2400',
+            }
+        for input, expected in test_values.items():
+            self.assertEqual(str(Decimal(input)), expected)
 class DecimalImplicitConstructionTest(unittest.TestCase):
     '''Unit tests for Implicit Construction cases of Decimal.'''

Modified: python/branches/py3k/Misc/NEWS
--- python/branches/py3k/Misc/NEWS	(original)
+++ python/branches/py3k/Misc/NEWS	Sun Aug  2 12:14:23 2009
@@ -63,6 +63,10 @@
+- Issue #6595: The Decimal constructor now allows arbitrary Unicode
+  decimal digits in input, as recommended by the standard.  Previously
+  it was restricted to accepting [0-9].
 - Issue #6106: telnetlib.Telnet.process_rawq doesn't handle default WILL/WONT
   DO/DONT correctly.

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