[Python-checkins] [Python-Dev] r66863 - python/trunk/Modules/posixmodule.c

"Martin v. Löwis" martin at v.loewis.de
Fri Oct 10 01:12:47 CEST 2008

> It seems to me that Skip was asking whether the "memory leak" impacted
> the 2.6 branch, and the answer should have been "No": the change that
> introduced the memory leak had just been committed 10 minutes before.

You are probably right (although it's not quite clear from Skip's question).

> - Because of this misunderstanding, the changes to this
> GetCurrentDirectoryW were backported to the release2.6 branch, despite
> the fact that it's not a regression from a previous version, the NEWS
> entry explicitly expresses doubts about the correction (which I happen
> to share), there is no unit test and no item in the issue tracker.

I think it is fine that this fix was backported (assuming, without
review, that the fix is actually correct).

It is a bugfix, and it shouldn't realistically break existing applications.

IOW, PEP 6 was followed (except that there is no Patch Czar).

> - The backport to release26-maint http://svn.python.org/view?rev=66865&view=rev
> also merged other changes (new unrelated unit tests). IMO unrelated
> changes should be committed separately: different commit messages help
> to understand the motivation of each backport.

Yes, that is unfortunate.

I'm skeptical that new tests actually need backporting at all. Python
doesn't really get better by new tests being added to an old branch.
Near-term, it might get worse because the new tests might cause false
positives, making users worried for no reason.


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