[Python-checkins] buildbot failure in amd64 gentoo 3.0

buildbot at python.org buildbot at python.org
Fri Aug 1 18:45:04 CEST 2008

The Buildbot has detected a new failure of amd64 gentoo 3.0.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL: http://www.python.org/dev/buildbot/all/

Buildslave for this Build: norwitz-amd64

Build Reason: 
Build Source Stamp: [branch branches/py3k] HEAD
Blamelist: benjamin.peterson

BUILD FAILED: failed test

Excerpt from the test logfile:
1 test failed:

FAIL: testSend (test.test_smtplib.DebuggingServerTests)

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/py-build/3.0.norwitz-amd64/build/Lib/test/test_smtplib.py", line 229, in testSend
    self.assertEqual(self.output.getvalue(), mexpect)
AssertionError: "---------- MESSAGE FOLLOWS ----------\nA test message\n------------ END MESSAGE ------------\nerror: uncaptured python exception, closing channel <smtpd.SMTPChannel at 0x2b5b9c9768b0> (<class 'socket.error'>:[Errno 9] Bad file descriptor [/home/buildbot/slave/py-build/3.0.norwitz-amd64/build/Lib/asyncore.py|readwrite|100] [/home/buildbot/slave/py-build/3.0.norwitz-amd64/build/Lib/asyncore.py|handle_write_event|426])\n" != '---------- MESSAGE FOLLOWS ----------\nA test message\n------------ END MESSAGE ------------\n'

make: *** [buildbottest] Error 1

 -The Buildbot

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